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Prediction of Electron Beam Depth

of Penetration

Beam focus current was found to be the most critical factor

in establishing depth of penetration


ABSTRACT. Analytical and experimental lar weld are still common. Since such variables and workpiece thermal proper-
results showing the relationship between testing may be costly and require consid- ties was investigated by evaluating the
electron beam welding machine settings erable time (and may repeat previous appropriate partial derivatives of this
and penetration depth were reviewed. work), a review of relevant analytical and equation.
This led to the development of the fol- experimental research was undertaken.
lowing proposed equation for represent- The objectives were to develop relations
ing the relation between partial penetra- between the fundamental variables Analytical Models and Solutions
tion and the independent variables which could be used to select machine Basically, all models proposed for pre-
involved in electron beam welding: settings or to focus and limit necessary dicting partial penetration during electron
field testing and to assess the relative beam welding utilize either the t w o -
(P/dka0m) = 3.33(vw/a a ) 0 - 625 importance of errors in individual welding dimensional moving-line-source solution
The dimensionless group on the left variables. or the solution for a cylindrical or elliptical
contains the ratio of the beam power P Analytical and empirical approaches cavity moving through an infinite plate. In
to penetration depth d multiplied by the for determining the relationship between addition, dimensional analysis has been
average thermal conductivity ka and the electron beam power and penetration used to correlate experimental data.
melting temperature above ambient 6m. and welding velocity were first reviewed.
The dimensionless group on the right Attention was restricted to partial pene-
( v w / a j includes the effect of welding tration. The procedure was first to con- Line Source Correlations
velocity v and fusion zone width at the sider how the EB welding process was
Hashimoto and Matsuda (Ref. 1)
surface w divided by the average thermal modeled and to compare results pre-
assumed a wedge-shaped molten vol-
diffusivity a a of the workpiece. dicted by the various models. Next, these
ume with base (surface) dimensions equal
Data scatter was of the order of results were compared with available
to the EB width. They approximated the
± 4 0 % for values of ( v w / « J <1.0, experimental measurements. Although
heat loss by conduction from the con-
improving to around ± 2 0 % for (vw/a a ) the data points fell around the analytical
stant thermal property moving-line-
>10. Estimates of the effects of possible curves, they did not agree well with any
source solution at the solid-liquid inter-
deviations of machine settings from particular curve over the range covered.
face at a distance of one-half the beam
reported or optimum values were of the Observation of the data suggested that
diameter from the line source. This
order of magnitude of the data scatter. they could be adequately represented by
should be applicable at the surface, but
Beam focus coil current deviation was a single curve. An equation based on a
would be expected to be less accurate
found to have the greatest influence on least squares fitting program was deter-
with increasing distance below the sur-
predicted penetration. The priority for mined. Corrections were then developed
face since the fusion zone decreases with
precision in machine settings was con- to account for the effects of nonopti-
depth. The acceptable agreement of the
cluded to be the following: 1) optimum mum focus coil current operation and for
theory with low-voltage welding ma-
beam focus coil current, 2) beam voltage the distance between the focus coil and
chine measurements, however, suggests
or current, 3) welding velocity, and 4) workpiece. The relative importance of
that the approximations made were
focus coil to work distance. errors or deviations in individual machine
appropriate. The heat balance analysis
presented by Lupin (Ref. 2) was similar to
Introduction that of Ref. 1 and yielded correct order
of magnitude predictions of high-voltage
Research studies have contributed KEY W O R D S
substantially to an understanding of the Electron Beam Welding
electron beam (EB) welding process and A different approach in applying the
Depth of Penetration moving-line-source solution is described
to providing guidance in selecting appro- Partial Penetration by Swift-Hook and Cick in Ref. 3. They
priate welding conditions for specific Electron Beam Power assumed that the melting temperature
tasks. However, test programs to deter- Welding Velocity isotherm determined the location (and
mine machine settings to make a particu- Beam Focus Current shape) of the liquid-solid interface. For a
Focus Coil Current uniform power input P along a line source
Coil Work Distance of length d (the penetration), the moving-
W. H. GIEDT is a Consultant and L. N TALLER- Power Depth Ratio
ICO is Supervisor, Process Development and line-source solution gives the tempera-
Fusion Zone Width ture distribution in cylindrical coordinates
Fabrication Division, Sandia National Laborato-
ries, Livermore, Calif. r and 4> as





CA Fig. 1-Schematic of conically shaped fusion % 2 - Power-to-depth ratio variation with welding velocity based on moving-line-source and
UJ elliptical cavity solutions
z ( T - T 0 ) / ( T m - T 0 ) = (P/d)/ w / 2 = rwsin <j6w= solution is plotted (dashed line) in Fig. 2 in
Ul [2irk(T m -T Q )]exp Tw[1 - K 0 {vr w /2a)/ terms of (P/d)/k a 0 m and (vw/<xa) where
S {-(vr/2a)cos<£}K 0 (vr/2a) (1) K". (vr w /2a)} 2 ] , / 2 (4) the subscript a indicates that thermal
o With T = T m , the relation for the locus of The value of rw for a given w can be
properties would be evaluated at an
average temperature, normally T m / 2 .
> the melting isotherm is then determined from this equation and sub-
UJ stituted in Equation 2 to obtain P/d for
a (P/d)/(27rk<U= Moving Elliptical Cavity Solution
specified material properties k and a and
o exp{(vr/2a)cosc6}/K 0 (vr/2a) (2) welding velocity v. The moving-line-source solution is
< in which Bm = T m — T 0 . At the maximum Explicit relations for the power input based on quasi-steady heat flow by con-
Ul width w of the melting isotherm, the per unit depth of penetration were duction from a line at which the temper-
relation between the radius rw and angle derived in Ref. 3 for low and high welding ature approaches infinity. In the actual
4>w (Fig. 1) defining this location is velocity regions. However, iterative solu- welding process, however, the intense
tion of Equations 2 and 4 to determine beam creates a vapor-filled cavity, as
cos 4>w = K 0 (vr w /2a)/K^, (vr w /2a) (3) values of P/d for specified material prop- illustrated in Fig. 3. Energy from the beam
S The half-width of the fusion zone w / 2 is erties and welding velocity can be easily is deposited in the liquid surrounding this
Q. carried out with a small computer. This
thus: cavity and transferred to the liquid-solid
o interface by convection. During deep
ui penetration EB welding, the cross-section
> Fig. 3 — Schematic of defined by the outer boundary of the
Ul electron beam
a molten metal can be approximated by a
»»» welding cylinder, elliptical in shape. Since this
x -Electron Beam
o surface must be at the melting tempera-
ce ture, an alternate approach has been to
ui calculate the quasi-steady heat transfer
UJ rate from elliptical cylinders moving with
CC constant speed in an infinite plate (Ref. 4).
,EB Cavity Predicted variations of power per unit
S I Molten Meta! depth (P/d)/k a 0 m for ellipse axes ratios of
a. 5 = 1 , 2 and 4 are presented in Fig. 2. In
o .^.^•--.-b.- —
this figure, elliptical cylinder dimensions
and source strength {i.e., P/d) are con-
> stant in the depth direction.
a Note that the curve from the moving-
o line-source solution moves from the
cc 8 = 1.0 curve across the 8 = 2.0 and
Ul eventually above the 8 = 4.0 curves as
Ul the parameter v w / o a increases. This indi-
ac cates that the liquid-solid interface
changes from cylindrical to an elongated
ellipse with increasing welding speed.

300-s I DECEMBER 1988

In both the moving-line-source and
elliptical cylinder solutions, a dimension-
less distance f/2) v r / a occurs. Note that
X = v w / a a is simply the same combina-
tion of variables with the V2 omitted for
simplicity. The dimensionless quantity
Y = P/(dka0m) is also readily developed
from either the line source or cylindrical
cavity solutions. The depth is placed in
the denominator instead of the numera-
tor so that the trend of the curves is
upward to the right.

Dimensional Analysis Correlation

The correlation presented by Hablan-
ian (Ref. 5), which was developed by
applying dimensional analysis, uses essen-
tially the same variables as in Fig. 2. The
only significant differences are: 1) a ficti-
tious melting temperature is introduced,
which accounts for the heat of fusion; Fig. 4 — Transverse sections of electron beam welds in 304 stainless steel. A — Beam voltage 32 k V,
and 2) the length dimension in the v w / a a beam current 155 mA, welding velocity 0.5 cm/s, focused at surface (ribbon filament); B-beam
variable is the EB diameter. Although voltage 100 kV, beam current 13 mA, we/ding velocity 1.27 cm/s, focused at surface (ribbon
acceptable correlation of data was filament); C — beam voltage 116 kV, beam current 16 mA, welding velocity 0.631 cm/s, focused
shown in Ref. 5, no information is given below surface
about thermal properties used and how
EB diameter was determined or defined.
Since an EB diameter is difficult to deter- Table 1—Average Thermal Property Values Used<a
mine, and the dimensions of fusion zone
are generally important in specifying weld
Tm = Ta =
parameters, use of the latter quantity was (T £ 4-T s ) To + T m
considered preferable. Melting ka
Range 2 I m '0 2
Ts TP T 0 = 20°C
Material °C °C °C °C W/cm°C cm 2 /s
Comparison of Theoretical Curves
Al 1100 643 657 650 630 325 2.10 0.780
with Experimental Data Al 2024 502 638 570 550 285 1.75 0.670
In comparing theory with experiment, Al 6061 582 649 616 596 308 1.40 0.670
Carbon steel 1530 1530 1510 755 0.20 0.055
it is essential to specify clearly how the
Stainless steel 1400 1455 1428 1408 714 0.25 0.045
individual quantities involved are deter- 304
mined. X and Y include thermal proper- En 58) 1400 1450 1425 1405 712 0.25 0.046
ties that vary substantially over the tem- (-SS316)
perature ranges encountered. Also, the
fusion zone width varies from a maxi- (a) Based on data given by Y. S. Touloukian, R. W. Powell, C Y. Ho and P. C Klemens in Thermophysical Properties ot Matter, Vols.
1 and 10, IFI/Plenum, N.Y., 1970, Ref. 10.
mum (normally at the surface) to zero at
the root or base. Common practice is to
evaluate the thermal conductivity and is that, for sharply focused beams, the moving-line source model and in Ref. 4
thermal diffusivity at some mean temper- fusion zone width may be almost con- for the elliptical cavity model.
ature between ambient and melting, stant over half or more of the depth (e.g., Most of the data points in Fig. 5 in the
commonly T m / 2 . Unfortunately, specify- Fig. 4C). To account for these character- lower range of X (from 0.15 to 2.0) fall
ing the temperature at which to evaluate istics, it is proposed that w be defined as within the range of the moving elliptical
these properties may not be sufficient the width at the base of a triangle, which cavity curves for axis ratios of 1 to 4. At
because reported data may not agree or has approximately the same cross-sec- the high values of X, the data fall near or
data may not be available. For this rea- tional area as the fusion zone. above the 8 = 4 curve. This is consistent
son, it is considered essential to list values Data for aluminum and steel, for which with the expected trend toward an
used in plotting experimental points. For fusion zone profiles are available, have increasingly elongated melt isotherm with
alloys, the recommended value for the been plotted in Fig. 5 using the definitions increasing welding velocity. Factors such
melting temperature is the average given above. Thermal property values as small workpiece size, joint geometry
between the solidus and liquidus temper- used are listed in Table 1. The curves and thermal properties differing from
atures. EB weld fusion zones normal to shown for comparison are for a conically values employed may also contribute to
the welding direction tend to be triangu- shaped fusion zone. They have been the scatter.
lar in shape (illustrative transverse cross- determined from the results in Fig. 2
sections are shown in Fig. 4). The logical (where P/d is constant) by integrating
value for w is the width at the surface. from the base (where w = 0) to the
However, there are t w o characteristics of Empirical Equation for
surface where the width = w. Note that
transverse EB fusion zones that must be this results in lower values of P/(dka0m) Partial Penetration
considered in determining or specifying than in Fig. 2 for the same values of
w. The first is the occurrence of a "nail Noting that the data in Fig. 5 do not
v w / a a . The details of the analytical pro- agree well with any of the theoretical
head" at the top of the weld. The second cedure are given in Appendix B for a curves, it was decided to investigate the


100 zone to broaden with nonoptimum beam
focus, and for penetration to decrease
relatively more than for deeper penetra-
LINE: SOURCE THEORY tion and higher power. He also notes that
ELLIPTICAL CAVITY AT I s <5=4,0 the sensitivity of the depth/width ratio
. (5=2.0
decreases with increasing distance of the
E yy,.6=\.(>. focus coil to the workpiece, W D . These
trends are consistent with results present-
ed by Engquist (Ref. 7) w h o emphasized
that it was best to operate at the shortest
possible focus coil to work distance. The
reason for this is illustrated in Fig. 7,
where it can be seen that curves are very
>- steep for focus coil to beam focal point
locations greater than 4 in. (10 cm).
Hence, in this region, a small error in
focus coil current can cause a significant
change in the effective focal point of the
0.5- beam. This trend is due to the fact that
the focal distance of a beam from the
focus coil, FD, varies as
Fig. 5—Comparison of measured with predicted EBW penetration
FD = CV/(FC) 2 (6)
where V is the beam voltage, FC is the
possibility of correlating the points with a focus coil current, and C is a proportion-
Effects of Deviations or Errors in
power curve of the form Y = aXb. A least ality constant.
Machine Variables
squares fitting program yielded the fol- Study of the results presented in Ref. 6
lowing equation: Beam Focus Coil Current suggested that when considered on a
percentage basis, the effect of nonopti-
The data presented in Fig. 5 or Fig. 6 mum focus coil current was related to
Y = 3.33 X 0 6 2 5 (5) are for the beam focused to produce beam power. To account for this effect,
maximum penetration. This is usually it is proposed to multiply the right hand
This is shown along with the data in Fig. achieved with the beam focused at or side of Equation 5 by the following
6. The coefficient of determination (the slightly below the workpiece surface. term:
fraction of the variation in the dependent Referring to this condition as the opti-
variable which has been accounted for in mum focus current (OFC), the effect of [1 4- K(FCD)] 0625 (7)
the fit) is 0.955. In view of the data operation at nonoptimum conditions was
Here, K denotes a constant which will
scatter, a simple relation such as this investigated by Adams (Ref. 6) who
depend on the voltage, focus coil current
appears to be acceptable. The factors reported that the change in penetration
and the machine being used. FCD denot-
which may account for the variations in depends on the beam voltage and cur-
es the deviation of the focus coil current
Fig. 6 are investigated in the following rent. At lower penetrations and lower
FC from the optimum focus coil current
section. power, there is a tendency for the fusion
OFC; i.e., FCD = |FC - OFq/OFC. For a
fixed power input, the general effect of
100 operation at nonoptimum beam focus
current is a decrease in penetration and
an increase in the width of the fusion
zone. Note that by raising the quantity in
brackets in Equation 7 to the 0.625 pow-
er, the effect when FCD > 0 can be
regarded as an increase in w. That is,

(vw/a a )°- 625 [1 4- K(FCD)f 625 =

(vw[1 4- K(FCD)]/aa)0-625 (8)
Effectively, the variable X is increased; this
increases Y which is due to a decrease in
d for a fixed power level.
Decreases in the d / w ratio reported in
Ref. 6 were from 2-10% for a 1% devia-
tion of FC from OFC. Hence, the factor K
in Equation 7 will have a value of
between 2.0 and 10.0. Values of FCD will
generally be between 0.01 and 0.05.
A more fundamental representation of
the influence of beam focus coil current
than is given by Equation 8 would require
detailed information about the effect of
voltage and work distance for a particular
machine. This is beyond the scope of the
X = vw/ O i ; present study. Here, the objective was to
Fig. 6 — Correlation of EBW partial penetration data point out the importance of the focus coil

302-s I DECEMBER 1988

current a n d the o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e o f
t h e d e v i a t i o n in p e n e t r a t i o n w h i c h can CO
result f r o m n o n o p t i m u m f o c u s coil cur- LU
rent o p e r a t i o n . I
Effect of Focus Coil to Workpiece Distance

W i t h i n practical w o r k i n g distances (up

t o 4 - 6 i n . / 1 0 - 1 5 cm) f o r a l o w - v o l t a g e CJ
w e l d i n g machine a n d 9 - 1 0 in. ( 2 2 . 5 - 2 5 . 0
cm) f o r high-voltage w e l d i n g machines,
limited results indicate that o p t i m u m p e n -
e t r a t i o n decreases slightly w i t h increasing
distance b e t w e e n focus coil and w o r k - Q
piece. Using the a p p r o x i m a t e value of 4 %
per in. given b y A d a m s (Ref. 8) f o r the
rate o f change, t h e m a g n i t u d e of this
e f f e c t w a s included in Equation 5 b y o
dividing t h e right-hand side b y the t e r m Q_
[1 - 0.04(WD - W D m i n ) ] (9) <
w h e r e W D m j n is a m i n i m u m w o r k i n g
distance a n d W D is an actual w o r k i n g
distance, b o t h m e a s u r e d in inches.
T h e final dimensionless e q u a t i o n f o r
0 2 4 6 8 10
the p o w e r per unit of p e n e t r a t i o n is,
Fig. 7-Effect of focus coil current on distance from focus coil to beam focal point (Ref. 7)
(P/d) 3 . 3 3 ( v w / o - a ) a 6 2 5 [ 14-K(FCD)]° 6 2 5
c o m p a r i s o n of the individual c o n t r i b u - indicates this a p p r o a c h t o be acceptable.
kA [1-0.04(WD-WDmin)] (10)
tions s h o w n o n t h e right side of Table 3, it T h e relative i m p o r t a n c e of possible d e v i -
is seen that t h e b e a m focus c u r r e n t is the ations o f the average t h e r m a l p r o p e r t i e s
m o s t critical m a c h i n e p a r a m e t e r and that selected can also b e estimated f r o m
Estimates of the Effects of
w o r k distance is t h e least i m p o r t a n t . T h e Equation 1 1 . Penetration is indicated t o
Independent Variable Deviations v a r y inversely w i t h the first p o w e r o f the
variation in p e n e t r a t i o n is f r o m 2 t o 3
on Penetration average t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y ka a n d
times m o r e sensitive t o deviations (errors)
T h e sensitivity of p e n e t r a t i o n t o errors in t h e b e a m f o c u s location than t o devia- directly w i t h t h e 0.625 p o w e r of t h e
o r deviations in w e l d i n g parameters can tions in v o l t a g e o r current. t h e r m a l diffusivity <xa. H o w e v e r , since
b e e s t i m a t e d b y expressing d as the a = k / p c , a d e p e n d s o n k. T o separate
d e p e n d e n t variable and differentiating these t w o properties it is reasonable t o
Effects of Incorrect Average consider aa = k a /(pc) a , i.e., as a ratio o f
w i t h respect t o each of the i n d e p e n d e n t Thermal Properties
variables. t h e average thermal c o n d u c t i v i t y k a and
W o r k p i e c e t h e r m a l p r o p e r t i e s general- t h e average t h e r m a l capacity (pc) a . T h e
ly v a r y substantially o v e r w e l d i n g t e m p e r - p e n e t r a t i o n is t h e n f o u n d t o b e p r o p o r -
VXl[1-0.04(WD-WDmin)] tional t o the —0.375 p o w e r o f the aver-
ature ranges. Also, p r o p e r t y values m a y
3.33 k a 0 m ( v w / a a ) O 6 2 5 [ H - K ( F C D ) ] 0 6 2 5 (11) be influenced b y alloying-element c o n - age thermal c o n d u c t i v i t y a n d t o t h e
c e n t r a t i o n variations and b y the material's —0.625 p o w e r o f t h e average thermal
processing history. F r o m a practical p o i n t capacity. That is:
w i t h i n d e p e n d e n t machine variables of V ,
of v i e w , such p r o p e r t y variations are
I, v, FCD a n d W D . d cc k l (pc)l (12)
a c c o u n t e d f o r b y the selection o f a p p r o -
Expressions f o r t h e partial derivatives
priate average values. C o m p a r i s o n o f Differentiating this relation w i t h respect
of d w i t h respect t o V , I, v, FCD a n d W D
measured w i t h predicted temperatures t o k a a n d (pc) a a n d expressing deviations
are given in Ref. 9. T h e relative effects o f
an error or d e v i a t i o n in each o f the
w e l d i n g variables w e r e e v a l u a t e d f o r the
Table 2—Representative Welding Conditions
t w o cases specified in Table 2.
L o w and high values of the p a r a m e t e r
V I v WD
X (0.5 and 10.0) w e r e selected f o r inves- Case VW/ffj kV A cm/s in.
tigation of possible errors d u e t o devia-
tions in machine settings. These are desig- I 0.5 100 0.012 0.5 6
n a t e d as Case I a n d Case II in Table 2, 10.0 150 0.040 1.5 6
w h i c h also includes representative values
of V , I, v a n d W D characteristic of
X = 0.5 a n d 10.0. Table 3—Errors in Penetration Due to 5% Deviations in Machine Settings (%)
Estimated variations in p e n e t r a t i o n d u e
t o 5% deviations in machine settings Total Error Percentage Contributions of Individual Parameters
w e r e calculated f o r t h e t w o cases listed in Ad dd Sd , dd dd ,_„ dd ..._
Table 2. T h e results are s u m m a r i z e d in Case d —L dl du d(FCD) S(WD
Table 3. av
I 25 19.8 19.8 12.4 43.1 4.8
N o t e that the t o t a l estimated errors is 22 15.3 15.3 14.3 49.6 5.5
o n t h e o r d e r of 25%. Referring t o t h e


Table 4 --Data from Welds Made in 304 Stainless Steel

Beam Beam Weld Heat Shield Weld Width Depth of Penetration Deviation
Weld Voltage Current Velocity to W o r k at Surface Measured-d m Predicted-dp (dp - d m ) / d m
kV mA cm/s in. cm cm %
Machine A
End 100 12.0 1.27 6 0.152 0.457 0.410 -10.0
Girth 100 5.0 1.27 6 0.114 0.228 0.206 -10.0

Machine B
Tube-to- 100 2.0 0.94 6 0.107 0.091 0.103 13.4
Plug 100 6.0 1.27 6 0.135 0.368 0.222 -40.0
Plunger 132 0.90 1.92 6 0.056 0.056 0.056 5.0

Machine C
Cap- 115 21.0 1.55 6 0.119 0.643 0.853 33.0
Shell- 96 16.0 1.63 6 0.074 0.526 0.707 35.7

as above shows that the effect on d of cluded the welding velocity times the beam welding. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer
errors of Ak a and A(pc)a is A d / weld width at the surface divided by the 25(6):807-814.
d = -0.375(Ak a /k a ) - 0.625A(pc)a/(pc)a. average thermal diffusivity of the materi- 5. Hablanian, M. H. 1963. A correlation of
Hehce errors of 5% in ka and (pc)a would al. Although the experimental trend was welding variables. Proc. 5th Electron and Ion
predicted, the data did not agree well Beam Symposium. Edited by I. R. Morely,
affect d by ±1.9% and ±3.2%, respec-
Alloyed Electronics, Cambridge, Mass., pp.
tively. These effects are noted to be less with any of the analytical curves. In view
than those for similar percentage devia- of this, a simple logarithmic relation that
6. Adams, M. J. 1968. High voltage electron
tions in focus coil current, voltage or represented the data within ± 4 0 % was beam welding. British Welding Journal 57:45\-
current, but similar in magnitude to the determined. The applicability of this result 467.
influence of welding velocity deviations. was verified by comparison with mea- 7. Engquist, R. D. 1968. Parameters affect-
sured penetrations of recent welds made ing electron beam welding. Metals Engineering
in stainless steel. Quarterly 8(1):56-63.
Comparison with Recent 8. Adams, M. J. 1963. Low voltage electron
The effects of possible deviations or
Stainless Steel Welds beam welding: effect of process parameters.
errors in machine settings and average
British Welding Journal 52:134-142.
To test the applicability of the pro- thermal properties were estimated from
9. Giedt, W. H. 1986. Prediction of Electron
posed relation, predicted penetrations the partial derivatives of the empirical Beam Welding Depth of Penetration. Report
for welds made with high-voltage weld- equation determined for the penetration. No. SAND86-8205, Sandia National Laborato-
ing machines were compared with mea- For the cases studied, the beam focus ries, Livermore, Calif.
sured values. Welding conditions and current was found to be the most critical 10. Touloukian, Y. S„ Powell, R. W., Ho,
results are summarized in Table 4. parameter, and the distance between the C. Y., and Klemens, P. G. 1972. Thermophysi-
Referring to Table 4, it is seen that 4 focus coil and workpiece the least impor- cal Properties of Matter, Vols. 1 and 10,
tant. The variation in penetration is from Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y.
out of 7 predicted penetrations are with-
in 15% of the measured values. The 2 to 3 times more sensitive to deviations
predicted penetrations for the t w o welds (errors) in beam focus current setting Appendix A
made with Machine C are 30-35% higher than to errors in beam voltage or current.
Thus, the priority for obtaining accurate Nomenclature
than measured values. Such differences
could be due to deviations from indi- results should be: 1) optimum beam focus c = Specific heat capacity of work-
cated welding parameters, particularly current, 2) beam voltage or current, 3)
the beam focus current reading. The plug welding velocity, and 4) focus coil to
d = Depth of penetration
weld made with Machine B is interesting work distance. The effects of incorrect
I = Beam current
in that the measured penetration is 40% average thermal property values were
k = Thermal conductivity
greater than predicted. Note that the estimated to be of the same magnitude
K0 = Modified Bessel function of second
beam voltage and current settings for the as the effect of a similar percentage
kind and zero order
girth weld made with Machine A were deviation in welding speed.
KQ = First derivative of K0
similar in magnitude, while the penetra- P =Beam power
tion was over 50% less. This difference is References r = Radial distance from line source
similar to the magnitude of the data T = Temperature
scatter in Fig. 6 and illustrates the substan- 1. Hashimoto, T., and Matsuda, F. 1965.
Effect of welding variables and material upon v = Welding velocity
tial variations observed in current opera- V =Beam voltage
bead shape in electron beam welding. Trans.
tion. National Research Institute for Metals 7(3):22- w = Transverse width of fusion zone at
35. surface
2. Lupin, B. T. 1966. A Correlation of Elec- a = Thermal diffusivity
Conclusions tron Beam Welding Parameters. ASME Paper 8 = Ratio of ellipse major and minor
Experimental results for power per unit axes
3. Swift-Hook, D. T., and Gick, A. E. R.
penetration during EB partial penetration 1973. Penetration welding with lasers. Welding 4> = Angle measured from travel direc-
welding were compared with predictions lournal 52(11):492-s to 499-s. tion
based on the moving-line-source and 4. Miyazaki, T., and Giedt, W. H. 1982. p = Density of workpiece
constant-temperature elliptical cavity so- Heat transfer from an elliptical cylinder moving 6 = Temperature measured above am-
lutions. The independent variable in- through an infinite plate applied to electron bient

304-s I DECEMBER 1988

Subscripts layer, a distance z from the bottom of the P = 27rka0m (2d/w) / w 0 2
a = Evaluated at one-half the melting fusion zone, is specified by introducing fexp{WK0(W)/
temperature the maximum width 2f of the melt iso- K 0 (W)}/K 0 (W)] df (A5)
m = Melting temperature therm at that location in the moving-
This result is next nondimensionalized UJ
o = Ambient temperature line-source solution. This is accomplished
w = At maximum transverse width of by changing the parameter (vr w /2a) in
by introducing (2v/a a ): S
fusion zone Equation 1 to (vf/2a)(r w /f). Then for
(T - T 0 )/(T m - T0) = 1.0, Equation 1 for P/(dkA.) = o
a thin layer dz becomes (47r/w)/(2v/a a )f w / 0 « a _i
Appendix B >
[exp{WK 0 (W)/K 0 (W)}/
dP = [2TrkaSm exp[(vf/2a)(r w /f)cos 0 W ] / UJ
Calculation of Penetration from Ko(W)(2v/a a )]df (A6) a
Moving-Line-Source Solution for a Conically K 0 [(vf/2a)(r w /f)]dz (A1) o
Shaped Fusion Zone <
or ui
in which </>w and f are related by if)
To account for the effect of the
decrease in fusion zone width with depth P/(dka0m) =
cos 4>w = K 0 [(vf/2a)
2x/(vw/aa)/vw^ a
during partial penetration EB welding, the (r w /f)]/Ki(vf/2«)(r w /f)] (A2) [exp{WK 0 (W)/Ko(W)}/
liquid-solid interface can be approxi-
The total power required for welding K 0 (W)]d(2vf/a a ) (A7) UJ
mated as a conical surface elongated in 2
to a depth d is obtained by integrating
the welding direction —Fig. 1. For typical a.
welds, the fusion zone is relatively deep
Equation A1 from z = 0 to z = d. Set-
To determine P/(dka0m) as a function O
ting -i
and narrow (values of d / w of 5 or of (vw/a a ), it is first necessary to solve ut
greater are common). Because of this, (vf/2a)(rw/f) = W, (A3) Equation A2 for a series of values of UJ
heat transfer in any plane parallel to the W = (vr w /2a a ) corresponding to the val- a
P = 2.rka0m fg
surface is primarily two-dimensional; i.e., ues of (2vf/a a ). This requires a trial and
exp{WK 0 (W)/Ko((W)}/K 0 (W)]dz (A4) o
the heat transfer in the depth direction is error procedure. With these results Equa- oc
negligible. If it is then assumed that the Since the half width at z is f = (z/d)(w/2), tion A7 can be integrated numerically. <
moving-line-source solution is applicable, df = (w/2d)dz and Equation A4 can be The result is shown as the dashed curve if)
the temperature distribution in any thin expressed as in Fig. 5. cc
WRC Bulletin 326 a.
August 1987 ui
Suggested Arc-Welding Procedures for Steels Meeting Standard Specifications—Revised August 1987 UJ

By C. W. Ott and D. J. Snyder o

This revised WRC Bulletin (formerly No. 191) contains the text covering the third updating of t h e UJ
tables "Suggested Practices for the Shielded Metal-Arc" and "Submerged-Arc Welding of Carbon and Ul
Low-Alloy Steels" t h a t are contained in the WRC book Weldability of Steels—Fourth Edition, by R. D.
Stout. Since the tables are so extensive (constituting 107 pages in the book), they are not reproduced in
this bulletin. z
Bulletin 326 will be sold with the book Weldability of Steels—Fourth Edition for $40.00 per copy, plus
$5.00 for postage and handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council. E
Suite 1 3 0 1 , 345 E. 4 7 t h St., New York, NY 10017. a.
WRC Bulletin 336 cc
September 1988 tn

Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components—Fourth Edition

This f o u r t h edition represents a major revision of WRC Bulletin 303 issued in 1985. It retains the three £
sections on pressure transients, fluid structure interaction and seismic analysis. Significant revisions O
were made to make t h e m current. A new section has been included on Dynamic Stress Criteria which _i
emphasizes the importance of this technology. A new section has also been included on Dynamic >
Restraints that primarily addresses snubbers, but also discusses alternatives to snubbers, such as limit
stop devices and flexible steel plate energy absorbers.
Publication of this report was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure o
Components of the Pressure Vessel Research C o m m i t t e e of the Welding Research Council. The price of tr
WRC Bulletin 336 is $20.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for postage and handling. Orders should be sent with <
payment to the Welding Research Council, Suite 1 3 0 1 , 345 E. 4 7 t h St., New York, NY 10017. (A


WRC Bulletin 331
February 1988
This Bulletin contains t w o reports prepared by the Japan Pressure Vessel Research Council (JPVRC)
Subcommittee on Pressure Vessel Steels. The reports are involved with the variation in toughness data
for weldments in pressure vessel steel structures.

Metallurgical Investigation on the Scatter of Toughness in the Weldment of Pressure Vessel Steels—Part I:
Current Cooperative Research
This report covers the background of current cooperative research f r o m 1973 to the present,
covering 137 references on toughness and toughness testing of weldments.

Metallurgical Investigation on the Scatter of Toughness in the Weldment of Pressure Vessel Steels-
Part II: Cooperative Research
The objective of this report was to investigate the variation in toughness of multipass weldments in a
welded joint.

Publication of these reports was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Thermal and Mechanical Effects
on Materials of the Welding Research Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 3 3 1 is $28.00 per copy, plus
$5.00 for postage and handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council,
345 E. 4 7 t h St., Suite 1 3 0 1 , New York, NY 10017.

WRC Bulletin 332

April 1988
This Bulletin contains t w o reports t h a t characterize the mechanical properties of two different
structural shapes of constructional steels used in the pressure vessel industry.

( 1 ) Characteristics of Heavyweight Wide-Flange Structural Shapes

By J. M. Barsom and B. G. Reisdorf

This report presents information concerning the chemical, microstructural and mechanical (including
fracture toughness) properties for heavyweight wide-flange structural shapes of A36, A572 Grade 50 and
A588 Grade A steels.

( 2 ) Data Survey on Mechanical Property Characterization of A588 Steel Plates and Weldments
By A. W. Pense
This survey r e p o r t summarizes, for the most part, unpublished data on the strength toughness and
weldability of A588 Grade A and Grade B steels as influenced by heat t r e a t m e n t and processing.
Publication of this Bulletin was sponsored by the S u b c o m m i t t e e on Thermal and Mechanical Effects
on Materials of the Pressure Vessel Research C o m m i t t e e of the Welding Research Council. The price of
WRC Bulletin 332 is $20.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for postage and handling. Orders should be sent with
payment to the Welding Research Council, Suite 1 3 0 1 , 345 E. 4 7 t h St., New York, NY 10017.

WRC Bulletin 333

May 1988
Bibliography on Fatigue of Weldments and Literature Review on Fatigue Crack Initiation from Weld
By C. D. Lundin

The bibliography together with a review of the present state of assessment of the factors which affect
fatigue crack initiation make up this d o c u m e n t . The bibliography was compiled t h r o u g h the efforts of
many students at The University of Tennessee utilizing the previously available bibliographies and
c o m p u t e r searches.

Publication of this report was sponsored by the S u b c o m m i t t e e on Failure Modes in Pressure Vessel
Components of the Materials and Fabrication Division of the Pressure Vessel Research C o m m i t t e e of the
Welding Research Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 333 is $20.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for postage and
handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, Suite 1 3 0 1 , 345 E. 4 7 t h
St., New York, NY 10017.

306-s j DECEMBER 1988

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