Bell Work 1

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Bell Work

Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

____ 1. A good chief executive of a business enterprise should be primarily concerned with the firm’s major and operating policies,
its objectives, strategic and long-range plans, controlling its operations and with problem-solving.

____ 2. The firm’s major policies provide the basis for day-to-day decisions that are consistent with the company’s strategic plan and
its objectives.

____ 3. Business strategy provides the how that will get the firm from where it is now to where the objectives say it should be at
some point in time.

____ 4. “This company, which will be a limited partnership, will be engaged in the production of Philippine handicrafts and will
eventually be one of the leading exporters of the same”, is an example of a major policy that describes the firm’s fundamental nature,
its identity and the direction it is expected to move.

____ 5. Every business enterprise will essentially have a policy on how to maximize profits or minimie losses consistent with its other
major policies or objectives.

____ 6. One of the companies major policies should always describe the degree and type of socil responsibility to which the
company will involve itself.

____ 7. A firm that has “no growth” policy will always be doomed at the next economic recession, no matter what strategies it takes.

____ 8. It is best for top management to keep the major policies in confidence among themselves in order to prevent leakage that
might erupt into organizational conflict.

Bell Work

Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

____ 1. A good chief executive of a business enterprise should be primarily concerned with the firm’s major and operating policies,
its objectives, strategic and long-range plans, controlling its operations and with problem-solving.

____ 2. The firm’s major policies provide the basis for day-to-day decisions that are consistent with the company’s strategic plan and
its objectives.

____ 3. Business strategy provides the how that will get the firm from where it is now to where the objectives say it should be at
some point in time.

____ 4. “This company, which will be a limited partnership, will be engaged in the production of Philippine handicrafts and will
eventually be one of the leading exporters of the same”, is an example of a major policy that describes the firm’s fundamental nature,
its identity and the direction it is expected to move.

____ 5. Every business enterprise will essentially have a policy on how to maximize profits or minimie losses consistent with its other
major policies or objectives.

____ 6. One of the companies major policies should always describe the degree and type of socil responsibility to which the
company will involve itself.

____ 7. A firm that has “no growth” policy will always be doomed at the next economic recession, no matter what strategies it takes.

____ 8. It is best for top management to keep the major policies in confidence among themselves in order to prevent leakage that
might erupt into organizational conflict.

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