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Breaking Ground
A Groundbreaking Ceremony Marks the Beginning of the
Public Tribute to Millions of Disabled American Veterans
2011 Mid-Winter Conference
Commanders and Adjutants Association • February 27 — March 2
We’ve made tremendous strides working
with lawmakers to improve the quality and
accessibility of veterans health care and toward
ensuring sufficient, timely and predictable
funding for the VA medical system.
We’ve also developed our own 21st Century
Claims Process to create a more efficient,
faster solution to helping veterans receive
the benefits they’ve earned.
Join National Commander Wallace E.
Tyson as he delivers the DAV’s Legislative
Presentation to Congress. The support and
direct action of Chapter and Department
leaders from across the country is critical to
supporting our agenda on the national level.
The Mid-Winter Conference at the Crystal
Gateway Marriot in Arlington, Virginia,
February 27 – March 2, is the place to be.
Tell our government to make veterans a
national priority, and do so face-to-face! 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Join us for Mid-Winter. Arlington, Virginia 22202
Single/Double Room: $197.00
Cut-off date for reservations is February
4, 2011. Check-out time is 12 noon.
Rooms will not be available for check-in
until after 3 p.m. Reservations requested
beyond the cut-off date are subject to
availability. Rooms may still be available
after the cut-off date, but not necessarily
at the same rate. Please apply 10.25%
sales tax to room rate.

Saturday, 2/26/11
Tuseday, 3/1/11
C&A Registration 12-4pm
National Service Foundation 9am-10am
Charitable Service Trust
Sunday, 2/27/11
Immediately following National Service Foundation Meeting
C&A Registration 8am-noon
National Commander’s Presentation 2:00pm
C&A Business Session 9am-noon
to the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees
Legislative Workshop 1:30pm-4pm
National Commander’s Reception 6:30pm-8:30pm
Monday, 2/28/11
Wednesday, 3/2/11
Service Workshop 9am-10:30pm
DAV Board of Directors Meeting 9am-10am
IG/Adjutants Workshop 10:30am-12pm
DAV National Executive Committee Meeting
Membership Workshop 1pm-2pm
Immediately Following Board of Directors Meeting
Voluntary Services Workshop 2pm-3pm DAV MAGAZINE
Communications Workshop 3pm-4:30pm

Entry deadline June 30, 2010.

Telling the DAV’s Story With Social Media

f r o m t h e N AT I O N A L C O M M A N D E R

We have long sought ways to serve our fellow veterans more effectively, to
strengthen and broaden grassroots initiatives and to tell the DAV story to more
and more veterans, family members, and survivors.

F or those of you interacting with family and

friends online, there are some important
but simple things you can accomplish for the
and it’s been great for camaraderie, doing a good
job of bridging the generational gap. This tool
has allowed members to help each other, ask
organization with just a little extra effort. for help and ultimately create new connections.
Well more than half of American adults now There are a great deal of questions posed about
actively use social networking, and the fastest benefits assistance, membership eligibility and
growing demographic is 50 and older. Facebook current happenings in Washington. But the
is widely considered the most accessible form most common posts are from veterans telling
of social media to the Vietnam era generation their stories, praising the DAV and expressing
— those of us who didn’t grow up with the In- their support for veterans.
ternet. And studies show as much as 95 percent We are working hard to harness social net-
of the generation currently serving in uniform is working to improve our grassroots advocacy.
using at least one social network. Social networking has surpassed email as the
Veterans need each other for support, and number one way to communicate electroni-
now the DAV Facebook page is a place where cally. Gone are the days when sending out mass
you can find that. I’ve heard directly from emails was the best method to spread the word.
people who’ve found other veterans that they If you are on Facebook, I encourage you
served with 30 years ago and now are “Face- to find your elected officials’ Facebook pages.
book friends.” We have a tab labeled “Congress” on the DAV is the largest, fastest growing Facebook page that can help you find your
network in history. For that reason, the DAV Representative and Senators on Facebook. Not
has a concerted effort to reach out to our stake- only will visiting their pages help you stay up
holders on Facebook, offering the latest news to date with their positions and actions, it will
on veterans issues, informational materials and give you an opportunity to publicly state your
legislative alerts. More so, we listen to and ad- stance on the issues. The officials and their staffs
dress concerns raised by veterans, their families will receive the message, but it will also educate
and friends. their other constituents about your concerns.
Many DAV members are using it to talk to Grassroots campaigns should include encour-
each other about their problems and successes, aging supporters to post on the elected officials’

(Continued on page 32)

J anuary/February 2 01 1


National Commander Wallace E.

1 Tyson cites use of social networks Dispatches from
to tell DAV’s story. PAGE 20

National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson

3 lauds VA claims improvement
efforts and urges greater
stakeholder involvement.
Golden Corral
DAV, VA join forces to aid
5 disabled veteran’s family seeking
Our Cover:
long-term care assistance. Groundbreaking
Wallace E. Tyson
ceremony marks
National Commander
Educating new members of milestone for
American Veterans
6 Congress on critical issues key Disabled for Life
Arthur H. Wilson
National Adjutant & Publisher
to protecting veterans’ benefits, Memorial.
Gary Weaver
National Director
Dozens of pilot projects are of Communications
11 underway aimed at deciding
claims right the first time. David E. Autry
Deputy National Director
National Legislative Director of Communications
12 Joseph A. Violante stresses
renewed grassroots efforts to Arvel “Jim” Hall
build support in Congress for Assistant National Director
of Communications
veterans’ issues.

Thomas L. Wilborn
Auxiliary National Commander
Assistant National Director
17 Susan M. Henry discusses MAGAZINE • January/February 2011 of Communications
importance of leadership at all Contact Us: • Toll Free 877.426.2838 •
3725 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, KY 41076 Volume
levels. 53, Issue 1, DAV Magazine (ISSN 0885-6400) Editorial Rob Lewis
Office: DAV Magazine, P.O. Box 14301, Cincinnati, Marketing & Special Events
OH 45250-0301. Telephone (859) 441-7300 or toll free Manager
Disabled veterans attending (877) I AM A VET. Published and circulated bimonthly

24 Arkansas State University benefit bulletin by the Disabled American Veterans, a Con-
gressionally-chartered, nonprofit organization, P.O. Dan Clare
from tailored programs. Box 14301, Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301. DAV Home
Assistant National Director
Page is Available on recording for
the blind and those with physical handicaps that of Communications
Mobile Service Offices expand preclude reading printed material. The magazine is

mailed free to DAV and Auxiliary members who are
Department, Chapter service paid subscribers. Nonmembers may subscribe for Joseph Chenelly
outreach. $15.00 per year. Periodical postage paid at office Assistant National Director
of publication, Newport, KY 41071, and at additional
offices. Printed in U.S.A. Change of Address: When
of Communications
notifying a change of address, send former as well as
new address, including zip code, to: DAV Magazine,
DAV National Headquarters, P.O. Box 145550, Cin-
James A. Chaney
cinnati, OH 45250-5550. POSTMASTER: Send address Production Manager
changes to DAV Magazine, DAV National Head-
quarters, P.O. Box 145550, Cincinnati, OH 45250-5550.
Fast Forward on Claims

f r o m t h e N AT I O N A L A D J U TA N T

It is gratifying to see that the VA is moving ahead with its pilot programs
aimed at resolving disability claims faster and more professionally.

I t is this type of action that has been urged by

the DAV for years. The crisis created by the
massive backlog of claims and the congressional
other presumptive service-connected disabilities.
The associated Disability Benefits Question-
naires (DBQs) for the Agent Orange related
intervention to improve the process, urged by the disabilities are available at the VA’s Web site and
DAV, is now showing some resolution. are designed for use by both private and VA
Still in their infancy, more than three dozen pilot physicians. Using it, doctors provide specific
programs are underway designed to get veterans’ information needed to evaluate a disability claim.
claims decided right the first time. It is rewarding VA says the DBQs improve timeliness, and have
to see that some seem to be working very well. the potential to improve decision accuracy.
Our Washington Headquarters staff and National Meanwhile, other questionnaires related to
Service Officers are working hand-in-hand with other disabilities are in the final stages of approval
the VA to ensure these pilots are working in a way and should become available to veterans this year.
to improve the system and benefit veterans. Our NSOs are leading the way with their in-
As we have urged for years, the VA is using es- depth knowledge of the new pilot programs. They
tablished business practices to help decide claims. stand ready to assist as veterans go through the new
They hope to eliminate the backlog of hundreds of processes with new forms and quicker decisions.
thousands of claims, and to decide claims within The VA claims process is still a daunting en-
125 days from receipt with a 98-percent accuracy deavor and should not be negotiated without the
rate. It is a big goal, but one that is worthy and professional and skillful help of our National Ser-
within the reach of the VA. vice Officers. They help a veteran through each
In this issue of DAV Magazine, you can read step of the process doing all they can to ensure
about a number of programs that are underway success.
(see page 11). The results are encouraging so far, These pilot programs launched by the VA are
but there is much that remains to be done. realistic and the first of many others that will ul-
Among the most promising programs is the fast timately improve the timeliness and quality in the
track system, which uses advanced electronic au- delivery of earned benefits to deserving veterans.
tomation to decide Agent Orange claims for B-cell Each new step taken will give way to more new
leukemia, Parkinson’s disease or Ischemic Heart ideas in handling claims. Without question, VA is
disease. The VA estimates as many as 200,000 vet- on the verge of remarkable long overdue changes
erans will be assisted by the new automated system in the system. It’s encouraging that the VA is
that cuts processing time and increases accuracy. working diligently to resolve the problem of the
The fast track system is just beginning. If it claims backlog. Veterans will benefit from their
works well, it can be expanded to handle claims for hard work.

Help Veterans Get the at what has been and is going on.
Credit They Deserve What does surprise me is that this
information has not gotten traction
Several veteran groups are implor- with the American public. It should
ing legislatures, governors, boards be headline news. Other than some
of regents, and presidents of uni- veterans, who really knows that
versities and colleges to do right by these horrors still exist and are al-
servicemembers and veterans when lowed to continue? Why haven’t any
it comes to obtaining university and legislators spoken out about these
college credits for having completed atrocities? Joe Demarco, Jay, NY
comparable, equivalent federal mili-
tary school and courses. Universities I have just finished reading the ar-
and colleges should ask prospective ticles on burn pits, and I am shocked
students for evidence of “Military that these men and women have to
Schools and Courses completed.” be turned away for treatment, or
The practice should be part of the given some excuse as to why their
application process. Military service illness is not military related. I am
members and veterans, by virtue of a Vietnam veteran, and I can see
completing an armed forces service money each month. So I thought it that these men and women are get-
school, are often American Council of appropriate to say thanks by mak- ting just as much jacked around as
Education eligible for credit at tech- ing a monthly contribution from this we Vietnam vets have been. I was
nical, associate, baccalaureate and point on to the DAV. I realize this is totally saddened by the fact that
masters levels, reducing the number not that much and it certainly does Tech. Sgt. Tim Wymore is suffering
of courses they need to graduate. not express the amount of gratitude as much as he is. So where and what
Charles Hyder, Lawrenceville, GA my wife and I hold in our hearts for is the VA doing to help this hero and
the help DAV provided us in getting all of the others? DAV Magazine
Years ago, DAV helped me to secure that monthly compensation check. I sure hit home again this time. I am
disability compensation check from said it back then and I will say it again saddened by the way they are being
VA after I left military service. I had now—thank you for the aid your orga- treated. I salute you, Tim Wymore
no idea I was entitled to anything nization furnished me and making it and everyone else. Dave Betti, Oak
as I refused a medical review for possible for me to buy a home for my View, CA
disability retirement when I left the family. Ed Seward, Rochester, NY
Army. They told me that if I did not Concurrent Receipt
stay on duty for two more months I Burn Pit Story Stirs Outrage Still an Issue
was waiving claim to any payment I
might be entitled to from the Army I just received your November/ I saw in the November/December
for injuries. I only wanted to leave December issue of DAV Magazine. edition of DAV Magazine the DAV’s
and leave immediately. This monthly After reading the stories about burn Legislative Agenda for 2011. I
check arrived at a time when I was pits, I am appalled but not surprised see that concurrent receipt is still
struggling to start a new life for my on there but what is being done?
family as a civilian after eight years The pledge to support legislation
DAV Magazine welcomes let-
in the Army. The back payment that to remove the prohibition against
ters. However, due to the vol-
came with that first check was enough ume of mail, we are unable to
concurrent receipt of military retired
for a down payment on a home for acknowledge every letter. Letters pay and VA disability compensation
my family and the monthly com- are subject to editing for clarity, has been on the back burner long
pensation paid the house payments style, accuracy, space, and pro- enough. I retired in 1994, and be-
each month. I just finished paying priety. Letters involving individual came eligible to draw my retirement
off the last of the student loans for claims are referred to the DAV at age 60 in 2006. When will this
sending my three children through Service Department, DAV Maga- be corrected? Charles D. Lathem,
college and finally have a little extra zine, P.O. Box 14301, Cincinnati, Carthage, MS
Ohio 45250-0301.

By Jim Hall

David Alexander and his

daughter, Jean Courniotes tour
the assisted living facility on
David’s first day in residence.
The DAV assisted Alexander and
his daughter with the disability
claim that enabled him to move
into the assisted living facility.
Below, Alexander as a young
Navy sailor, circa 1950.

DAV Aids Disabled Veteran Suffering Alzheimer’s

J ean Courniotes watched as her

father, David B. Alexander,
began to lapse into Alzheimer’s
a Korean War era veteran, Jean and
her husband, Greg, sought help
from the Department of Veterans
officer told us it would likely take
several months to resolve the claim.”
The claim for benefits was sub-
disease in 2009. Jean’s mother was Affairs. Jean had power of attorney mitted in Boston on Dec. 29, 2009.
also suffering from the disease, and and guardianship of her parents and The Courniotes live in Florida,
over the course of a year it became could file a claim on her father’s and Jean had been traveling back and
apparent her parents would soon behalf. She located a local veterans’ forth to West Springfield to care for
need to be cared for service representative in her parents for months. She needed
in an assisted living West Springfield, Mass., to resolve the need for her parents’
facility. Unfortunately, where Alexander lived, long-term care as quickly as pos-
Alexander and his wife and began the process. sible.
had already spent down “The gentleman came “Even had we still lived in Massa-
their savings to get by, to my father’s house chusetts, we would have still needed
and some other means shortly before Christmas to resolve the need of caring for
would have to be found to help us fill out the my parents,” Jean said. “After four
to pay for long-term forms and gather sub- months waiting to hear about the
care. stantiating documents,” claim, we decided to call and learned
Since her father was Jean said. “The service it had been sent to the VA in Phila-
(Continued on page 31)

Veterans, Government Face Critical Issues

By Dave Autry ans programs and services, Washington Headquarters
Executive Director David W. Gorman notes. “But with

E ven before the 112th Congress convened, the

DAV was gearing up to educate lawmakers and
the administration about critical issues facing disabled
so many new members of Congress and a restructuring
of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees,
our efforts are even more important.”
veterans and their families and the resources needed to In addition, the VA faces an uncertain future with
meet their needs. The focus is on polices and funding for growing pressure to curb federal spending because of
veterans health care and the benefits delivery system in mounting national debt. “Yet continued investment
the year ahead. in crucial VA programs is imperative,” Gorman said.
“The needs analysis and recommendations by DAV “After all, the ongoing cost of caring for the men and
and the other authors of The Independent Budget Criti- women who have served and sacrificed for our country
cal Issues Report for Fiscal Year 2012 are designed to alert will not diminish just because of challenging financial
policymakers and the public to the issues we believe times. Therefore, we must do everything we can to
deserve priority attention,” National Adjutant Arthur make sure the VA has all the tools and resources to meet
H. Wilson said. “This report is intended as a guide for today’s needs and tomorrow’s.”
policymakers so they can provide adequate funding and Heading the list of critical issues is the benefits claims
enact policies that will enable the Department of Veter- processing system. The Veterans Benefits Administra-
ans Affairs to fulfill its mission.” tion is at a crucial juncture in its efforts to reform an
“A more detailed needs assessment and funding and outdated, inefficient and overwhelmed claims process-
policy recommendations in The Independent Budget ing system. After struggling for decades to provide
also will be released in February when the President timely, accurate decisions on veterans’ claims, the VBA
sends his budget request to Congress for fiscal year has taken the first steps along the path toward transfor-
2012,” National Legislative Director Joseph A. Violante mation and modernization. They include developing a
said. “Through these efforts, we believe the VA will be paperless Veterans Benefit Management System, ongo-
better positioned to meet the challenges of the future.” ing claims processing pilot projects and other initiatives.
A major challenge is the growing number of veterans The DAV welcomes those efforts and strongly urges
from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq who are eligible VA to involve veterans organizations throughout the
for VA medical care and benefits. Another is that vet- processes of developing, planning, implementing and
erans from previous eras are turning to the VA for the evaluating such programs and projects. “After all, the
first time because of a turbulent economic environment. DAV and other veterans service organizations bring
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki warned to the table a wealth of experience and expertise in the
in a letter to Congress last July that the advance ap- claims system,” National Service Director Garry J. Au-
propriations for veterans medical care in fiscal year 2011 gustine said. “We share a common interest in ensuring
may not be sufficient to meet the demands VA will face. that the benefits delivery system works better and more
Shinseki emphasized that the recent Caregivers and Vet- efficiently to serve disabled veterans and their families.”
erans Omnibus Health Services Act and the health care In addition, Congress must provide sufficient funding
reform law will increase the workload for VA, which and oversight of pilot projects and initiatives to ensure
would require supplemental funding. that the best practices are adopted and integrated into
DAV’s grassroots efforts are crucial to building public a cohesive new claims process. The VBA also needs to
and government awareness and support for vital veter- provide effective training and continuing evaluation and

accountability at all levels. Of vital importance is that and ensure that injured and ill service members make a
quality control be built in at every step of the benefits seamless transition from military to civilian life.”
delivery process so veterans’ claims are decided cor- Among the report’s recommendations in this area:
rectly the first time. DoD and VA must continue to support the development
Another critical issue veterans face is ensuring that of a system that allows them to share electronic medical
VA receives sufficient, timely and predictable funding and military service records. This will require vigorous
for medical and health care services. Fortunately the oversight by Congress to ensure a seamless transition.
Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency The critical issues report recommends particular
Act funded VA medical care this year even though Con- attention be paid to the needs of war veterans with a
gress failed to pass the Military Construction and Veter- variety of “invisible wounds” such as mild to moder-
ans Affairs Appropriations on time. As of this writing, ate traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress
Congress had not passed the 2011 VA appropriations disorder. Although great strides and advances have
because of political wrangling been made in the care for the
and legislative deadlock. As a physically wounded, both the
result, the larger VA system’s military and VA health care
budget has been temporarily systems must close gaps in the
funded at the previous year’s diagnosis, treatment and reha-
level. bilitation of less visible injuries.
To ensure that VA is not DAV also urges Congress to
further hampered in provid- authorize VA to provide a full
ing services and that advance range of medical, psychologi-
appropriations for fiscal year cal, financial and social support
2012 are provided for veterans services to family caregivers
medical care, Congress must of veterans, especially those
complete work on the overdue with brain and severe physical
spending bill as soon as prac- injuries.
ticable. Lawmakers also must In addition, the VA must
provide supplemental fund- continue to expand and enhance
ing in fiscal year 2011 and in treatment programs aimed
subsequent years to meet new at meeting the unique health
demands projected as a result needs of women veterans. The
of the caregivers legislation and number of women serving in
the new health care reform law. the military is at unprecedented levels, as is the rate at
The Administration, Congress and the Government which they enroll in VA health care after discharge.
Accountability Office must fully implement all provi- “While our government must ensure that programs
sions of the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and are sufficiently funded and adapted to meet the needs of
Transparency Act to ensure sufficient, timely and pre- those who have served in the current wars, our nation
dictable funding for VA health care. The Administration must continue to meet the needs of earlier generations
and Congress also must provide adequate resources of war veterans,” Gorman said. “That is something the
for VA health care now and in the future so all eligible DAV has stressed and will continue to do so as we work
veterans would receive medical services without undue with the administration, Congress, DoD and VA to ad-
delays or restrictions. dress the critical issues facing disabled veterans and their
“Meeting the needs of new generations of war vet- families.”
erans and their families is a continuing challenge for The Independent Budget Critical Issues Report for
our government,” Gorman said. “The Department of Fiscal Year 2012 is available at www.independentbudget.
Defense (DoD) and VA must work together to sustain org, as will The Independent Budget when released in
effective care for all military beneficiaries and veterans February.

Ground Broken
for Disabled Veterans Memorial

By Joseph R. Chenelly from the U.S. Botanic Garden to witness the first dirt
moved at the future site of the American Veterans Dis-

W ashington, D.C., is a city of monuments and

memorials. There are more than 100 such sites in
our nation’s capital, but not one pays homage to living
abled for Life Memorial. The memorial, which will be
within view of the Capitol, is expected to be completed
in November 2012.
disabled veterans. That is about to change. “Our nation needs this memorial to be reminded of
A groundbreaking ceremony Nov. 10 marked the the sacrifices disabled veterans continue to make,” said
formal beginning of the first permanent public tribute National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson, who is co-founder
to the more than 3 million living disabled American and President of the Disabled Veterans’ LIFE Memorial
veterans and the countless heroes who have died. Foundation. “Further, our veterans deserve this memo-
Under a sunny sky in Washington the day before rial so they can be reminded they live in a grateful nation
Veterans Day, hundreds of DAV members, veterans’ where citizens respect and appreciate their service.”
advocates, politicians and dignitaries gathered across “Long after the fighting on the battlefield ends, our

Right, actor Gary Sinise,
the American Veterans
Disabled for Life Memo-
rial’s national spokes-
man, addresses hundreds
of disabled veterans
and active duty military
members on hand to wit-
ness the historic event.
Below, a military color
guard opens ground-
breaking ceremonies.
Bottom, National Com-
mander Wallace E. Tyson
stated “We are grateful
for all the support shown
by so many over the

disabled veterans continue to fight to reclaim their

lives and readjust to society,” said Foundation Chair-
man Lois Pope. “This memorial will ensure that their
sacrifices will always be remembered, while educat-
ing future generations about the human cost of war.”
Mrs. Pope partnered with National Adjutant
Wilson and then-Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jesse
Brown in 1997 to establish the Disabled Veterans’
LIFE Memorial Foundation to raise the necessary
funds to create the memorial in Washington.
“Members of Congress and their staffs will pass
by this memorial each day they go to the Capitol,
keeping fresh on their minds the sacrifices so many
veterans continue to make for our nation,” Adjutant
Wilson said. “Visiting this memorial will offer a
place to look at our proud time in uniform and let

our families and friends know about the courage and include the sale of commemorative coins. They are no
selflessness we saw. It will be a spot on which we can longer available through the United States Mint, but
reflect upon the brothers and sisters we loved, the con- the Disabled Veterans’ LIFE Memorial Foundation and
tributions made on behalf of our fellow Americans.” DAV still have a limited supply available online. For a
The memorial’s official spokesman Gary Sinise said virtual tour of the planned American Veterans Disabled
the tribute is long overdue. Sinise, star of TV’s “CSI: for Life Memorial and information on purchasing coins,
NY,” may be best known in the veterans community for visit or
his role in the box office blockbuster “Forrest Gump,” “We are grateful for all the support shown by so many
in which his character, Lt. Dan Taylor, loses both legs in over the years,” said National Commander Wallace E.
Vietnam. Tyson. “DAV Departments, Chapters and individual
“We have many monuments and memorials to members have given so generously in this long, hard-
honor our fallen warriors from various wars, but there fought push to make the memorial a reality. Now, we
is nothing that has been done to pay tribute to disabled are almost there.”
veterans,” he said. “They have to live the rest of their
lives with the scars of the battle. [Building the memorial]
is the least we can do.”
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki said
the memorial “will stand as an enduring tribute to the
towering courage, selfless sacrifice and steadfast loyalty
of all our disabled veterans.”
The Disabled Veterans’ LIFE Memorial Foundation
board members include DAV Past DAV National Com-
manders Gene A. Murphy and Dennis A. Joyner; Diane
Musselmann, widow of Past National Commander and
Board member Kenneth Musselmann; Gordon Mans-
field, former Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs; and
Allen Kent, Adjutant General of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. DAV members attend the groundbreaking ceremony.
The foundation still needs to raise $3.2 million to
complete construction. Additional fundraising efforts

Canadian Ambassador to the United States Gary Doer welcomes

Disabled Veterans’ LIFE Memorial Foundation Chairwoman Lois B.
Pope, National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson and former VA Secretary Past National Commander Dennis A.
Anthony Principi during a special reception at the Canadian Em- Joyner is secretary of the Disabled
bassy in Washington after the groundbreaking ceremony. Veterans’ LIFE Memorial Foundation.

VA Extends Efforts:
Get Claims Decided Right the First Time

T he VA has hit the ground running

with more than three dozen pilot
programs aimed to accelerate claims
computerized processing system and
streamlined the review system. Final
rating decisions and payments will
this year. Another 57 will be finalized
and available in the spring. The program
has the potential to reduce medical exam
handling and eliminate the massive be made by Rating Veterans Service times by 25 to 50 percent, in addition to
backlog. One of the most successful is Representatives, but the computerized increasing claims accuracy.
a fast-track system to decide disability fasttrack program develops a draft rating The Fully Developed Claims program
and compensation for the Agent Orange- proposal for their review. attracted more than 3,000 claims in 2010,
related presumed service connection The automated system allows with more than 700 completed within 34
for ischemic heart disease, veterans to file their claims days. To participate in this program a
hairy cell and other chronic and supporting evidence veteran must submit sufficient evidence
B-cell leukemias and electronically using VA forms that allows VA to swiftly review the claim
Parkinson’s disease thanks available at its Web site on and quickly decide it. The VA provides
to a computerized claims the Internet. Those without veterans with the necessary forms to
system that streamlines the computer skills may still fully develop all relevant and pertinent
process. prepare the information evidence and substantiate their claims.
“The other pilot claims and take it to their nearest “These are the kinds of initiatives the
processing programs DAV National Service Office DAV has urged to streamline the claims
proving successful are where it is mailed or faxed to review process to eliminate backlogs,”
the disability benefits VA. All paper documents will Augustine said. “But modernizing the
questionnaires, the quick decisions on be scanned into the fast track system. claims handling procedure is only one
fully developed claims and rapid evalu- The VA estimates it can complete a step. Training for VA claims officers
ation of claims,” said National Service claim for any of the three new presump- and accountability for decisions made
Director Garry J. Augustine. “These tive illnesses within 60 days of the claim correctly the first time go hand-in-hand
pilot programs now or soon to be used date. The claim date is the earliest proof with new technology.”
nationwide have the goal to eliminate the of receipt at a VA facility or fast track “We are also aware that each pilot
claims backlog by 2015 with a scant two location. Other disabilities within a claim program has its own level of bureaucracy
percent error rate.” will be processed separately. and red tape,” he said. “It’s a new game
“One VA official told the DAV that The new Disability Benefits Question- and disabled veterans need to understand
the fast-track program paid millions in naire for the Agent Orange presumptive which program would work best for them,
compensation to disabled veterans the service connected disabilities are and how to best use the services offered.”
first day it became effective,” Augustine available at the VA’s Web site and are “The DAV is urging all veterans to
said. “These were claims that had been designed for use by both private and VA contact their nearest DAV National
filed earlier by our veterans. Overall, the physicians and raters. It requires doctors Service Office before using any of
VA hopes to increase claims production to provide specific information needed these new programs,” Augustine said.
by at least 20 percent in 2011.” to rate the claim. Included as part of the “Our national staff has been a vital
The VA estimates that as many fast-track program, VA says it improves part of the development of these pilot
as 200,000 Vietnam veterans could timeliness and quality of claims, and has programs, so our NSOs are fully aware
be eligible for health care and dis- the potential to improve rating accuracy. of the requirements and needs of those
ability compensation for the three new Meanwhile, 19 questionnaires related veterans.” DAV National Service Offices
presumptive diseases. To process that to other conditions are in the final stages can be found using our Web site at
many new claims, the VA ordered a of approval and should become available”


f r o m t h e N AT I O N A L L E G I S L AT I V E D I R E C T O R

Turnover in House Makes Grassroots Even More Vital

T he mid-term elections in November saw

drastic changes throughout Congress.
More than half of the members of the House
lating burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We cannot allow this changing of the guard
to affect the momentum we have built. It is
Veterans’ Affairs Committee in the 111th now even more important for our members
Congress lost or did not seek reelection. to step up, contact their Senators and Repre-
Just 12 of the 29 Committee members will sentatives and let them know you care about
return to the House for the 112th Congress, the issues. We also need you to share with
and it is possible some of those 12 will leave your elected officials information about the
the panel. And with the House majority DAV – who we are and what we do for our
changing hands, a new chairman will be se- nation’s service-connected veterans and their
lected. families and survivors.
A largely new Committee Congress means I hope you will come to Washington for
the task of informing the members of our pri- the Mid-Winter Conference. If you can,
orities will be more arduous than it has been be sure to schedule time to meet with your
for many years. Not only are the issues ever Representatives, Senators and their staffs. We
evolving, but many members of the com- will provide you with the information and
mittee will be unfamiliar with the matters at talking points you need to ensure you are
hand as well as the veterans community itself. up to date on the issues and have the most
Also significant is the fact that many of accurate information and positions.
those elected ran on promises to cut govern- We have informative materials online to
ment spending. We must make it clear that keep you, as well as your fellow veterans and
reducing the national debt cannot be done family members, aware of the issues. There
on the backs of disabled veterans or their are also tools online that can make contacting
families. your Members of Congress quick and easy.
A great deal of effort has been put into The information and tools can be found
educating Committee members and staffs at or
over the past several years. That outreach TheDAV. While you are there, please join the
paid off extremely well, achieving several his- Commander’s Action Network for the latest,
toric legislative victories, including advance breaking information via email.
appropriations, the caregivers act, improved The task ahead of us will require every-
treatment for women veterans and laws regu- one’s help.

Turning Up the Heat
for Veterans ...
Two plumbing heating and
cooling organizations ran
campaigns in the fall to
raise funds for DAV Na-
tional Service Programs.
Top,Wesley Holm, owner of
Thompson Plumbing, Heat-
ing and Cooling on far right
next to Barry Jesinoski,
DAV Director of Human
Resources with Thompson
Leadership Team and
Veterans holding the 2010
check for $30,240. Thomp-
son is headquartered in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bottom,Kenny Bell (far left)
and Jerry Bell (center),
owners of Bell Brothers
Heating & Air Condition-
ing, present a check of
$32,900 to Stephen Garrett
(far right), DAV National
Service Officer. Bell Broth-
ers is headquartered in
Sacramento, Calif.

DAV Soars
in 2010
The DAV Flight Team wrapped
up the 2010 airshow season
with a four-show swing through
Florida. This season saw the DAV
display, supported by the B-25
bombers Panchito and Special
Delivery, making stops at 23
airshows across the country.
The attendance at these shows
was nearly 3.5 million and the
DAV was able to directly reach
hundreds of thousands of at-
tendees to spread our message
of service to disabled veterans
and their families.

Fisher House
Vice President
for Community
Relations and
Media Affairs
Cindy Campbell,
gets a tour of
the new Wash-
ington, D.C., VA
medical center
facility from site
Jerry Silk.

Fisher Houses Provide Home-Like

Setting for Recovering Veterans
By Thom Wilborn what lies ahead. You have something tion was created in 1990 more than
deeply in common.” 130,000 veterans and their families

F or David P. McCain and his wife

Carla, the welcoming environ-
ment of a Fisher House is like home
Driving into the night on the long
trip from North Carolina, the Mc-
Cains arrive late at the Fisher House
have resided at their facilities at no
cost. “Veterans and their families
have stayed more than 3 million days
when they travel to Washington, at Andrews Air Force Base near which saved these families more
D.C., to get care for disabilities he Washington, D.C. “It is comforting than $150 million in lodging and
suffered in a parachute jump. to know that your room will be transportation costs,” Washington
A member of Chapter 3 in North open,” McCain said. “It’s like com- Headquarters Executive Director
Carolina, the 58-year-old Army ing home again with your mom say- David W. Gorman said.
veteran makes frequent trips to ing, ‘your room is ready’ and finding McCain was unable to find an
Walter Reed Army Medical Center the covers turned down.” opening at the Walter Reed Fisher
for medical care. The disabilities re- “I have great appreciation for Houses because of the number of
sulting from injuries received at Fort a system that allows my wife to injured in the wars in Iraq and Af-
Bragg, N.C., in the early 1980s have be there with me,” he said. “It is a ghanistan being treated there. But he
worsened over the years. At times blessing for us.” finds the Andrews facility close and
he’s unable to walk and needs Carla “I never know what will happen homey. “Fisher Houses have veterans
at his side. to me during my care,” McCain from all services,” he said. “It’s just
When the McCains visit Walter said. “I could be paralyzed. At perfect. You can cook your own food
Reed, Carla has to drive from their Fisher House, you know your fam- and save a lot. You have a safe envi-
home in Roseboro, N.C. “It means ily is taken care of if you don’t come ronment and they treat you so well.”
a lot to have my wife with me,” Mc- back from the hospital. You can’t In the nation’s capital, there are
Cain said. “You need some kind of know how much I appreciate the three Fisher Houses at Walter Reed,
support. At Fisher House, I have the volunteers there.” two at Bethesda National Naval
privacy to sit and talk with her about Since the Fisher House Founda- Medical Center and one at Andrews

Air Force Base. Another to be “In addition to the structures,
opened in February at the Washing- Fisher House volunteers provide
ton, D.C., VA medical center will be meals and snacks for residents,
the 55th in the nation. help with housekeeping chores,
“Fisher houses were established to organize drives for products, and
be homes away from home for sick offer babysitting service and play
and disabled veterans and their fami- with the children to give parents a
lies,” said Fisher House Foundation break,” said Gorman. “Volunteers
Community Relations and Media Af- also garden around the houses and
fairs Vice President Cindy Campbell. plant seasonal flowers and shrubs.”
“When a veteran needs long-term Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher es-
medical treatment and rehabilita- tablished the Fisher House program
tion, the homes provide temporary in 1990 to fulfill the needs of veter-
residences that are professionally ans for temporary lodging facilities
decorated and equipped with com- for families at major military and
mon areas as well as private suites.” VA medical centers. The first Fisher
The houses are 5,000 to 16,000 House opened its doors at Bethesda
square feet with as many as 21 National Naval Medical Center in
suites,” she said. “The house at the 1991 and became the model for the
Washington, D.C., VA medical cen- network. Many more are planned,
ter will have 20 suites for resident mostly at VA medical centers.
veterans.” “Fisher House takes away all the
“Fisher Houses are built and do-
nated to the military or VA facility
to ensure that veterans are not bur-
dened with unnecessary expenses
when receiving care far from home,”
Gorman said. “They provide the
comfort of having family nearby as
veterans recover and rehabilitate.”
During a tour of the Washington,
D.C., VA medical center Fisher
House under construction, Camp- anxiety and the economic stress of Artist concept of Fisher House
at the Washington, D.C., VA
bell noted that each 20-suite home your health care,” said McCain. medical center.
will serve an estimated 1,000 families “Your family is there to take care of
a year. “They are built to last,” she you, and they have your care in their
said. “This Fisher House will serve highest interests.”
veterans who haven’t been born yet.” “I want everybody to know how
“The homes create an instant good Fisher House is,” he said. “Vet-
community for its residents,” said erans go to them from everywhere. I
Campbell. “The residents are united wish everyone has the chance to use
by their common mission supporting Fisher House if they need to. It adds
a sick or disabled loved one, but the so much to your care. Fisher House
homes also provide each individual makes you feel like a human being
with a secure and private refuge after and that you and your family matter.
a long day at the hospital.” It means everything to me.”

Deep brain
stimulation is a
treatment often
recommended for
patients who no
longerRecord Breaking
(Continued from page 15)
well to Parkinson’s
medication alone.

Study Shows Promise in be paramount as researchers delve into this long-term

debilitating disease that robs our disabled veterans of

Parkinson’s Treatment
their quality of life,” said Adjutant Wilson.
The study involved 299 randomly selected patients
with advanced Parkinson’s disease to undergo deep

R esearch into treatments for Parkinson’s disease finds

deep brain stimulation using implanted electrodes
dramatically improves movement-related symptoms in
brain stimulation. The primary benefit of the treatment
was the change in motor function. Other reported
benefits included increased function, quality of life and
patients. neurocognitive function.
Deep brain stimulation is a treatment often recom- The researchers found that patients with Parkinson’s
mended for patients who no longer respond well to disease showed similar improvement in motor function
Parkinson’s medication alone. after the deep brain stimulation. Those involved in the
The study, conducted by VA and the National study will be observed for several more years to deter-
Institutes of Health was reported in the New England mine the benefits and risks of deep stimulation treatment.
Journal of Medicine. Researchers report that deep brain Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological dis-
stimulation is equally effective at either of two sites in order, affects some 1.5 million Americans, with 50,000
the brain. Although the study found that the treatment is new cases diagnosed annually. VA treats at least 40,000
somewhat riskier than carefully managed drug therapy, veterans with the disorder each year. Most patients are
it may hold significant benefits for some patients. over age 50, but some forms of the disease can strike
“Parkinson’s disease is a heartbreaking disability that younger adults.
affects the veteran’s ability to interact with those around Symptoms included slow movement, poor balance,
him,” said National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson. “VA shaking and muscle stiffness. Other signs may be a stiff
research, conducted with other research organizations, facial expression, shuffling walk, muffled speech and de-
should continue to search for ways to lessen or eliminate pression. Symptoms may worsen over time. The disease
the effects of the disease and to offer better care for our is caused by a loss of brain cells that make dopamine,
veterans.” a chemical that helps control movement, emotion and
“The quality of life of our disabled veterans should other functions.

Leadership is Important at All Levels

f r o m t h e A U X I L I A R Y N AT I O N A L C O M M A N D E R

L eadership is important at all levels of our orga-

nization, and it is up to each of us to make sure
the Auxiliary has the best possible leaders.
Remember, now is the right time; it is up to good
leaders to make the right things happen to build
better lives for America’s disabled veterans and
Leadership comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. their families.
Leaders need to be knowledgeable, informed, ener- The recent Auxiliary Fall Conference was a great
getic, cooperative, dependable and consistent. They success, and it included a real emphasis on addi-
must work well with others, be open to new ideas tional training for members. This year we added a
and opinions, and be flexible to be effective. Commanders and Adjutants training session, and a
In the next few months, many Units will be National Representative training session. In addi-
holding nominations and annual elections. During tion to the National Chairman’s presentations, we
this process we must make sure that those who also had a carnival for program chairmen to further
are elected are willing to consider the will of the present their information in a fun format. Add to
members over themselves. They should also reflect this a leadership presentation by Action Coach
knowledge of the elected or appointed position, as Wayne Bergman, and it was easy to see that leader-
well as being dependable, energetic and passionate ship training is an Auxiliary priority.
about doing what’s best for those we serve and In today’s Auxiliary, good leaders must also be
what’s best for the organization. good administrators. The maintenance of the orga-
A necessary goal of leadership is the maintenance nization includes doing required tasks and paper-
of the organization. Sometimes it means chang- work in a timely manner to make sure Departments
ing hats and, rather than being the classic leader, and the National Organization are aware of the
becoming the teacher. It means stepping back and great service local Units are providing.
allowing and encouraging others to take on the Leadership is indeed a great honor and an
mantle of leadership. In those instances it becomes equally great responsibility. I am deeply honored
our responsibility to aid and assist others to become to serve as your National Commander, and I feel
strong, capable, effective leaders. We must properly very privileged to do so. But like voting, it is also a
instruct potential leaders in background activities responsibility, one I take very seriously.
and planning that make the great things your Unit As the year progresses Auxiliary leadership must
does seem effortless. It is an awesome responsibility carefully and thoughtfully make decisions. The de-
to train members for multiple jobs and tasks, and cisions must be made, not just by doing what is easy
develop them into future leaders, but it is also a or what we have always done, but by doing what is
truly rewarding experience for you, as a leader. best for the future of the organization. It is neces-
Good leaders also plan for the future. This can sary to be fully informed of the situation, assess the
be accomplished by evaluating current activities costs and benefits and make the best decision for
to determine if they are really meeting the goals the Auxiliary. The best solution is the one which
of the Auxiliary. Are members participating? Do maintains the organization’s integrity, stability and
activities highlight the Auxiliary and improve the continues our service to help build better lives for
image of the organization to the public and those America’s disabled veterans and their families. To
we serve? If not, leaders must reevaluate and find do this we need the best leaders possible now and
the right activities and projects to get the job done. in the future, and I encourage you to become one.

Achilles Freedom Team
Wraps Up 2010 Season
The Achilles Freedom Team of Wounded Veterans
enjoyed a race season of unprecedented success
thanks in part to the financial support of the DAV’s
Charitable Service Trust. The mission of the team
is to provide racing opportunities and athletic
equipment to newly injured veterans. Over the past
year, nearly 300 veterans raced or trained with
Achilles and the team participated in races across
the country, including the New York, Boston and
Marine Corps Marathons. Adding to an unprec-
edented year of success was a special visit from
Britain’s Prince Harry, above, who brought two
injured British soldiers to take part in the Achilles
Hope and Possibility five-mile race in New York.

Testimonial Dinner for Commander Wallace E. Tyson

D isabled American Veterans National Com-

mander Wallace E. Tyson will be honored at a
testimonial dinner, Saturday, April 16, 2011, at the
contact the Department of North Carolina Head-
quarters at (919) 833-5567. Be sure to indicate your
dinner choice with your reservation.
Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown Hotel, Raleigh, Room reservations shall be made directly with the
North Carolina. Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown Hotel, 3415 Wake
The event will begin with a social gathering on Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609-7330. Phone: (919)
Friday evening, April 15, 2011, “North Carolina 872-2323 and be sure to ask for the DAV room rate.
Barbeque,” sponsored by the DAV The room rate is $85.00, plus tax, per night for double
Department of North Carolina, to or single. The cut-off date for room reservations is
begin at 7:00 p.m. Casual attire is April 1. Complimentary self-parking is available at the
recommended for this event. hotel.
The testimonial dinner will be For those interested, a tour of downtown Raleigh
held on Saturday evening, April 16, and Chapel Hill will be available at 9 a.m. on Saturday
2011, at 7:00 p.m. The total cost of morning. Contact Rodney Tucker at (336) 248-6841
this package is $70.00 per person. or the DAV Department of North Carolina Head-
Dinner choices are chicken, beef quarters for additional information.
or vegetarian option with salad, seasonal vegetables The hotel is located about 20 minutes from the
and dessert. Reservations are required, and you must Raleigh International Airport. Hotel Shuttle service
purchase dinner tickets no later than April 1, 2011. is available. Attendees contacting the DAV Depart-
Make your check payable to North Carolina DAV ment of North Carolina Headquarters advising of
Campaign Fund and mail to the DAV Department of their arrival and departure dates and times, will be
North Carolina, P.O. Box 28146, Raleigh, NC 27611, provided transportation from and to the airport by
ATTN: Rodney Tucker. For additional information, department aides.

Testimonial Dinner 23. Make your check payable to night for a double or a single. Valet
for Auxiliary Commander DAVA Department of Tennessee parking is $10 per day. The cut-off
Testimonial Dinner and mail to date for room reservations is March
Susan Henry Ruth Henry, 4465 Tracy Lynn Dr., 17.

A uxiliary National Commander

Susan M. Henry will be
honored at a testimonial dinner
Memphis, TN 38125-3509. For
additional information, contact
Ruth Henry at 901-309-8007. Be
For those interested, a tour of
Graceland (Elvis Presley’s home) and
downtown Memphis will be available
Saturday, April 9, at the Doubletree sure to indicate your dinner choice at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Hotel in downtown Memphis, with your reservation. Contact Ruth Henry for additional
Tenn. Room reservations should be information.
The event will begin with a social made directly with the The hotel is located
hour at 6:00 p.m. with dinner to fol- Doubletree Hotel, 185 about 30 minutes from the
low at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per Union Ave., Memphis, Memphis International
person. Dinner choices are chicken, TN 38103. Phone: Airport. Taxi service to the
pork, fish/seafood or a vegetarian 1-800-222-8733 or 901- hotel is available from 5:30
option with salad, seasonal veg- 528-1800 and be sure a.m. until the last flight of
etables and dessert. Reservations are to ask for the DAVA the day. Cost per taxi is
required, and you must purchase room rate. The room $34-35. Shuttle service is
dinner tickets no later than March rate is $109, plus tax, per not available.

Dispatches from Afghanistan’s

Valleyof Death
By Rob Lewis
Photographer Tim Hetherington shares his experiences from Outpost Restrepo

n 2007, the war in Afghanistan ran a distant second to Iraq in competition for the attention of the American
public, even though a fierce battle was raging against a resurgent Taliban and an increasingly powerful al
That same year, author Sebastian Junger (The Perfect Storm) and acclaimed photographer Tim Hetherington
dug in with the soldiers of Battle Company of the 173rd Airborne in the Korengal Valley, a stark, craggy basin of
Kunar Province often referred to as the deadliest place on Earth.
Perhaps “dug in” isn’t the right term. The company leaders made a bold decision to go farther into the “Valley
of Death” than soldiers on previous rotations. This meant Battle Company soldiers engaged in an average of four
to five firefights a day for nearly 14 months.
One of Battle Company’s first losses was its spirited medic, Pfc. Juan Restrepo. To honor their fallen comrade,
the soldiers named their new home Outpost Restrepo. The glorified bunker served as a home and a thin line of
defense for the soldiers, who formed a close bond under hellish conditions.
The assignment at Restrepo turned out to be a wealth of inspiration for the two civilians. The assignment
was originally for a Vanity Fair article on soldiers fighting in the Korengal. Junger interviewed the soldiers and
handled the written word while Hetherington captured dozens of rich and
expressive photographs.
Hetherington also used his keen eye to capture hours of video footage
which was combined with post-deployment interviews of Battle Company
soldiers to create the documentary film “Restrepo.” The award-winning
documentary premiered at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and went on to
earn high praise from critics for its unblinking soldier’s eye view of relentless
“Restrepo” received a nationwide theatrical release last year and is available
on DVD. For more information, visit
Tim Hetherington Next came Junger’s book, War, a visceral and thoughtful meditation on life
and death at Restrepo as well as the very nature of man and battle. The book
was met with critical acclaim and still holds a spot on various bestseller lists.
And now comes the release of Infidel, an exquisite bound collection of Hetherington’s camera work in the
Korengal Valley. Infidel captures life for the often weary Battle Company soldiers with an almost surreal intimacy.
The book is now available for sale at stores and through online booksellers.
Hetherington recently sat down with DAV Magazine to talk about Infidel and the life-changing experience at
Outpost Restrepo.

DAV: Your time in the Korengal Valley was longer and This was my first time with American soldiers, and I
more intense than many embeds. Were you prepared was really impressed by them. They were a disciplined
for this experience by past assignments, or was this and tough bunch, but being up at Outpost Restrepo
something completely different? with them was also fun because they all had a great sense
  of humor. When I did need to leave the Korengal, I’d
Tim Hetherington: I’ve covered conflicts for over ten always end up missing being there and was constantly
plus years and have been in some pretty demanding situ- wondering what was going on. Also, as a European,
ations, but every war has a different dynamic, so it’s hard I’d had East and West Coast experience of the U.S., but
to make comparisons about this one being more or less. within the platoon there were people from all places and
What was certainly different was the amount of time backgrounds, so I was keen to learn a lot more about
I spent with the guys, about five months in total, all of the U.S.
it in the Korengal Valley during their deployment. Get- I guess one of the main things, is that I really expected
ting to know them, being accepted into the group and to be much more heavily controlled by the military in
sharing experiences with them was a profound experi- terms of the work I was making. In fact, we weren’t
ence and one which I will carry for the rest of my life. censored at all, and that was important because we’ve
That was certainly different. I mean, I was once embed- managed to make a work that is honest to us and to the
ded with a rebel army in Liberia but did not manage to  soldiers. It’s a warts-and-all view of things out there
share as much as I did with the men of second platoon. — the good and the bad — but it’s also done with a lot
I definitely didn’t expect the experience to be as ki- of affection. And that really resonates for the civilians
netic as it was. Remember that my colleague Sebastian back  home who don’t really understand the experience
Junger and I went there in 2007 when the world was of what it’s like to be a soldier but who don’t want to be
firmly focused on Iraq. I thought I was going on a quiet fed military propaganda.
assignment for Vanity Fair, and I expected there would  
be a lot of walking in the mountains, meeting elders and DAV: How do you think being British colors your
drinking cups of tea and occasionally getting shot at. perspective of the American soldier? Did this change
Nothing prepared me for the reality that the war in after your experiences at Restrepo?
Afghanistan was slipping out of control, and by the end
of October 2007, about a fifth of all fighting across the
entire country was taking place in that six-mile-long
DAV: What was it like to be an artist in the midst of
warriors? Did you find yourself or your perception of
the American military changing?

Hetherington: You get all types of people in life, and

the military is no different. There were a number of
guys in the platoon that also had an artistic sensibil-
ity: Misha Pemble-Belkin was always drawing, and
Vinny Cantu was a great tattoo artist. In fact, that’s
where the title of my book Infidel comes from. Vinny
brought a tattoo gun up to the Korengal, and a number
of guys had the word “Infidel” inscribed in large let-
ters across their chests. I asked one of them why, and
he replied, “Well, it’s what the enemy calls us on the
radio, so why not?” They wore it like a badge of honor.

Hetherington: I spent eight years living away from the of significance and meaning to their lives. It’s no wonder
U.K. and haven’t been embedded with British troops, they come home and actually miss being “out there,” a
so I can’t make a military comparison. However, I think fact that most civilians can’t get their heads around. 
Brits are culturally more cynical that Americans; it’s in  
our genes to be pessimistic. Think of all that bad weather DAV: Describe what it is like to view war through a
and the fact that Britain has already fought wars in Af- lens. How is it different than, say, a sniper who also
ghanistan. So I’d have these conversations with Sebastian sees much of combat through a lens?
about whether the U.S. was going to succeed building a
road through the valley as they had planned. Sebastian Hetherington: I’ve never been a sniper or carried a
was the optimistic American saying that they’d succeed, weapon in war, so it’s hard for me to make a comparison.
and I was the pessimistic Brit saying that it wouldn’t work. What I do know is that I would put myself in very dan-
But as for the soldiers themselves, I liked them from gerous situations when filming or photographing. It’s like
the start and found a common bond. Sometimes I think I have an “off” switch in my head that I hit when I have
being a Brit actually helped because I was not part of to go and do something that is dangerous which leaves
their society but at the same time a bit of an object of me able to focus on the job I’ve got to do. In some ways,
curiosity... I mean they all used to [give me a hard time], I imagine it’s a bit like soldiers who are trained to stand
and I’d throw it back at them for being Yanks, which all up in a firefight and shoot back. They put themselves at
made us laugh.  risk but are so focused on the job that they can overcome
their fear. I remember one time in the Korengal when Tad
DAV: How much are journalists accepted by the mili- Donoho was firing a [grenade launcher] from his knees
tary in Afghanistan? At Restrepo? Is it different there as we were being attacked by insurgents. I was about a
than at other parts of the combat theater because of foot or so from him also on my knees and filming him.
the intensity and the intimacy of that small firebase? Later he asked me if I had seen the tracers pass between our
heads. I hadn’t, but I later returned to the spot where we’d
Hetherington: It’s hard for me to make sweeping gen- been and saw the trees were completely chewed up. I hadn’t
eralizations, but on the whole I think the U.S. military noticed it at all because I’d been so consumed with what I
understands that journalism is important and that trying was filming. I felt pretty shaken up thinking about it.
to censor journalism is really something that we expect  
from places like China or Iran. The soldiers get this too, DAV: Tell us one story that best sums up the experi-
and often on Facebook I read postings by soldiers say- ence of being there in that firebase with those soldiers.
ing that they were fighting to support democratic ideals
like freedom of speech. You know, one of the really Hetherington: There are so many that it’s hard for me
amazing things about the guys out there is that they to pinpoint something that could be representative. I
also understood that they were fighting for people who was on the same combat operation where Sal Giunta
opposed the war, and they accepted that. Their tolerance earned the Medal of Honor (he’s the first living recipient
is something society at home would do well to emulate. since Vietnam) for stopping insurgents from dragging
Perhaps this was because all that was important was away his friend Joshua Brennan during a close quarter
being a good soldier and making sure that you didn’t ambush. Sal represents the best of Battle Company —
get anyone else, or yourself, killed. I think that being tough and humble. He’s quick to remind people that
in so much combat in a remote outpost like Outpost other soldiers, including all the guys in First Platoon,
Restrepo did have some kind of positive effect on them. were also part of that action. Like I’ve been saying, it’s
I mean, the group bond was incredibly strong. As one a big family.
soldier said, “There are guys in the platoon that outright
hate each other, but they would all die for each other.” “Restrepo” is available on DVD. Sebastian Junger’s
So he’s talking about a brotherhood rather than a friend- War and Tim Hetherington’s Infidel are available from
ship that is particularly profound and which adds a lot bookstores and online retailers.

Becky Keith, associate professor
of physical therapy at Arkansas
State University and Beck
PRIDE Center physical therapy
coordinator, conducts physical
rehabilitation with disabled
veterans Dustin Stinson and
Shannon Doyle Reed.

Arkansas State University Program

Empowers Disabled Veterans
By Jim Hall services to disabled veterans. resources for counseling, advocacy
Located on the campus of Arkan- and financial assistance.

A s thousands of veterans use

their Post-9/11 GI Bill educa-
tion benefits to build a solid future,
sas State University at Jonesboro,
Ark., the center focuses on Personal
Rehabilitation, Individual Develop-
The DAV Charitable Service
Trust awarded the center a $37,500
grant in 2008 to provide specialized
campuses nationwide are recogniz- ment and Education (PRIDE) to help rehabilitation services, mental health
ing veterans are good students and disabled veterans achieve their educa- counseling, educational support
good business. tion goals. The center is named in and additional support services for
Many colleges and universities are honor of Buddy and Charlotte Beck veterans injured in military service.
building programs to meet the needs of Fairfax Station, Va., who provided DAV National Service Officers
of the growing veteran population initial funding to their alma mater for regularly visit the center to provide
on campus. One such program is the a center to meet veterans’ needs in the claims assistance to the veterans.
Beck PRIDE Center for America’s university setting. Among the variety A recent article in Military Times
Wounded Veterans at Arkansas State of programs and services available Edge magazine named Arkansas State
University. The center offers first to disabled veterans are access to University among the top ten of 101
class educational programs and the higher education experience, colleges and universities listed as best

for vets in 2010. Areas ranked to de- learning to enter voluntarily into an
termine the best for vets rating were agreement with VA to fund tuition
financial assistance, academic flex- and fee expenses that exceed the The DAV Charitable Service
ibility, campus culture and support highest public in-state undergradu-
services. The university netted five ate tuition rate. The institution can Trust awarded the center
out of five stars for support services. contribute a specified dollar amount a $37,500 grant in 2008
The Beck PRIDE Center was of those expenses and VA will match
founded in October 2007. It is a the same amount as the institution to provide specialized
non-profit program housed in the not to exceed 50 percent of the rehabilitation services,
College of Nursing and Health difference. This adds even greater
Professions. The program, designed financial aid opportunities for veter- mental health counseling,
to supplement VA and other federal ans attending the university.
educational support and
and state programs, is a one-stop Services include but are not limited
shop for veterans to have their needs to counseling veterans on their edu- additional support services
assessed and provides resources cation benefits, as well as GED refer-
and referrals to meet those needs. ral; college enrollment, financial aid for veterans injured in
The services are provided free to and scholarships; advising, planning military service.
wounded veterans, including those and tutoring; disability accommoda-
with traumatic brain injury (TBI) tions; a veteran work study program;
and post-traumatic stress disorder student-soldier networking and Staff Sgt. Dustin Stinson (in
(PTSD). advocacy; and mentoring. uniform), with fellow combat-
wounded veteran Shannon
The university also recently Among other opportunities avail- Doyle Reed, right, and other
became a participant in the Yellow able is the Governor Mike Beebe veterans undergo orientation
Ribbon Program, created by the Veterans Scholarship Fund. Scholar- on accommodation services
for veterans with hearing
Post-9/11 Veterans Educational ships are awarded through the Sigma disabilities. Stinson and Reed
Assistance Act of 2008. The pro- Pi Educational Foundation. They were injured while serving in
the 875TH Arkansas National
gram allows institutions of higher are designed to fund post-secondary Guard Combat Engineer
Battalion in Iraq.

financial assistance for wounded “When a veteran signs up for Dustin Stinson.
and disabled veterans participating the program, we take on the whole Stinson is a staff sergeant in the
in the Beck PRIDE program. family because families, spouses and Arkansas Army National 875th
Beyond education assistance, children often need assistance, too,” Combat Engineer Battalion. He suf-
the center provides personal reha- Tonymon said. fers a hearing loss, TBI and PTSD as
bilitation services such as physical Assistance for family members a result of a roadside bomb in Iraq.
therapy, nutrition counseling and can include child care, housing and “The center is awesome,” Stinson
other health related services; men- individual and family counseling said. “When I first came to the cen-
tal health services, which include in an effort to help the veteran and ter, I had problems with depression
resources for individual, family and family succeed. and anger. I wasn’t sure I could do
group counseling, substance abuse But it’s not all about educating the this, but Ms. Tonymon put me on
treatment resources, and other veteran. The institution also benefits the right path to the resources I
information and seminars; informa- from the veteran experience. needed to succeed.”
tion about community services, vet- “It’s so rewarding to provide vet- Stinson finished a telecommu-
erans’ benefits, employment, finance erans with education opportunities nications program last year and is
services and more; and small busi- and see them pursue their passion currently in his freshman year at the
ness development services covering and work to achieve it,” Tonymon university working toward a major
a variety of veteran-entrepreneur said. “I am most impressed by the in computer information technology.
education and training courses such character and drive wounded veter- “The atmosphere here at the
as business development, financing ans have as they transition from the center is very comfortable,” Stinson
and operations guidance. military to realize their post-combat said. “You are around other veterans
“It behooves institutions of career dreams. As educators, we face and everything is geared to help
higher education to address the a challenge, too. We need to under- you succeed. At first, I didn’t think
needs of returning veterans and stand military culture and how to I would have the money to go to
their dependents,” Beck PRIDE get the most out of the rich experi- college, but they showed me how
Center Director Susan Tonymon ence veterans bring to the education to find the resources to afford it and
said. “Veterans have earned benefits environment.” provided the assistance to get the
to pursue higher education, and we Since opening the center has pro- paperwork to the right people.
need to deliver on it. That’s what we vided opportunities and assistance “I’m hoping to stay out of fac-
are trying to do.” for nearly 200 disabled veterans, like tory work and build a productive
career in an atmosphere that is PTSD
friendly, and the center is helping me
to get there.”
Helping the veterans “get there”
and achieve their education, career
and life goals is what Beck PRIDE
is all about.
For more information about the
Beck PRIDE Center at Arkansas
State University visit their Web site at

Beck PRIDE Center Director Susan

E. Tonymon discusses benefits with
Arkansas Army National Guard
Staff Sergeant Dustin Stinson
at the Arkansas State University
Jonesboro Campus.

f r o m t h e N AT I O N A L C H A P L A I N

Your Attitude is the Key to Your Success

I woke up early today excited about all the many things I would do before the clock strikes midnight.
I have many responsibilities to fulfill today. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting
watered free.
Today I can feel sad that I don’t have more money in my pocket or I can be glad that my finances
encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am still alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn’t give me when I was growing up or I can feel
grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new
Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.
Today stretches ahead of me waiting to be shaped, and here I am the sculptor who gets to do the
What today and 2011 will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day and year I will have.

I extend to all of you God’s blessings for this another year, 2011.

Fin chart 1210_Fin chart 41707 12/6/10 9:53 AM Page 1

Disabled American Veterans Taps Tapes

National Headquarters “Taps” tapes for memorial services and military
Unaudited Statement of Financial Position • September 30, 2010 funerals are available from Jane Riel, daughter
of late DAV life member George Gregory of
Unrestricted Assets Unrestricted Liabilities
Current Assets $ 24,604,593 Current Liabilities $ 75,528,464 Lapeer, Michigan.
Investments, at Market 282,620,152 Total Liabilities
Land, Buildings and Equipment, Unrestricted Net Assets
General and Net Assets Designated by the
75,528,464 Two tapes are available. One is an Army bugler,
Net of Depreciation 7,489,414
Other Assets
Other Assets
539,800 Board of Directors 239,725,495 and the other is a recording of the “Taps”
Total Unrestricted Net Assets 239,725,495
played at President John F. Kennedy’s funeral.
Total Unrestricted Assets $ 315,253,959 Total Liabilities and Unrestricted
Net Assets
$ 315,253,959 There is no charge, although contributions are
Life Membership Assets Life Membership Liabilities
recommended to offset the cost of producing
Current Assets
Investments, at Market
$ 1,138,167
Current Liabilities
Reserve for Future Distribution of
$ 267,613
the tapes. Write Jane Riel, 5362 Evergreen
Life Membership Dues
Trail, Petoskey, MI 49770.
Total Life Membership Liabilities and
Reserve for Future Distribution of CDs of the above recordings are also available
Total Life Membership Assets $ 55,664,713 Life Membership Dues $ 55,664,713
on request.

A Kentucky National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter lands at a lot adjacent to the Golden Corral in
Georgetown, Ky. The helicopter became one of several static military displays and part of an evening of
special events honoring veterans on Military Appreciation Monday.

Military Appreciation Monday

Nets $1 Million in Support
DAV Chapters, Departments and Golden Corral restaurants across
the nation reach high-water mark for donations while bringing the
veteran community together
By D. Clare agers and local DAV leaders expands every year, often
extending the event for a week or more before meals are

I n marking 10 years of serving free thank-you meals

for veterans and active duty military members,
Golden Corral marked a new milestone for charitable
given for free. This is particularly true of DAV Chapter
12 and the Golden Corral restaurant in Georgetown,
Ky., where, Chapter Adjutant and Commander Michael
contributions to DAV Chapters and Departments. Sparks starts coordinating the event with the restaurant
For the first time in the history of the event, the DAV in July.
surpassed the million-dollar mark with $1,001,734 in “Before this event, we were just getting by with
contributions. Golden Corral served meals to 374,458 $1,800 a year. Now, people in the five counties we serve
veterans to show their gratitude and support for DAV know who we are and what we do. The money we raise
Chapters and Departments. Both the number of meals is supporting scholarships at five high schools. It’s go-
served and the donations mark all-time highs for the ing into gift cards for disadvantaged disabled veterans.
event, which has generated more than $5,088,670 to We’re assisting veterans in getting the benefits they’ve
support local service initiatives. earned,” said Sparks.
“It seems fitting, as this event has continued to “This event has been a godsend for the DAV. The
grow and evolve every year, that on this anniversary generosity of our partners at Golden Corral has brought
we reached this incredible fundraising landmark,” said hope to countless veterans who have benefited from the
National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson. “Golden Corral meal and the services the DAV has been able to offer
has been a partner to our members and has gone out through the funds we raise that night,” said National
of its way to show a true commitment to veterans and Commander Wallace E. Tyson.
military members.” The Commander visited five Golden Corrals in his
The relationship between restaurant owners and man- home state of North Carolina for the event before

settling in to assist outreach and fundraising efforts in
Fayetteville, N.C. As Department Adjutant, the Com-
mander said he knows firsthand how important Military
Appreciation Monday is for local DAV Chapters.
“You see more ‘free’ offers going out to veterans this
time of year, which is great, but no one comes close to
the impact Golden Corral has on the community as a
whole,” he said. “And it’s not just a free meal or fund-
raising. There’s outreach going on. People are learning
about their benefits and making friends. They’re getting
a ‘thanks’ for their service and sacrifices and feeling like
they’re a part of it all again.”
Commander Tyson said the event serves as a
springboard for benefiting Chapters and Departments
throughout the year.
“When the economy suffers, disabled veterans are
disproportionately impacted by unemployment. The
needs rise as the funds dry up,” he said. “Golden Corral
has stayed on course. They’ve been a steadfast partner
for 10 years now. And they’ve made the event bigger
every year. They’ve built a loyal following with veterans
and military members through this event. Their food is
fantastic, but it’s a place we can go where we feel ap-
preciated and know that people at every level value our
In addition to a free dinner, attendees at the George-
town, Ky., Military Appreciation Monday are treated
to a full agenda. A Blackhawk helicopter lands in an
adjacent lot, the Kentucky Air
National Guard assem-
bles a mini-replica C-130
Hercules Aircraft, a pa-
triotic singer performs,
speakers thank attendees
and raffles and other fun-
draising activities raise
money for the DAV.
(Continued on page 33)

Center, A Golden Corral employee takes a moment

to thank a Vietnam War veteran for his service at the
Military Appreciation Monday event in Georgetown,
Ky. Left, among the VIPs at Military Appreciation
Monday in Georgetown, Ky., were (from left) Retired
Army Sgt. Stephen Sanford, a life member and Dis-
tinguished Service Cross recipient of the War in Iraq,
Past National Commander Jim Sursely and Golden
Corral National Events Manager Dolly Mercer.

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E-mail: • Web site:
DAV Service them and found the copy of the letter that illustrated
(Continued from page 5) the date of claim from our DAV office in Massachusetts
and called Pension Maintenance Center Manager Lucy
delphia. When we called Philadelphia, they were unable Filipov at the VA regional office in Philadelphia.”
to locate it. We kept trying, but the answer was the same: As she has many times in the past when rare situa-
Boston said they sent the claim to Philadelphia, and tions occur, Filipov walked over right away to see what
Philadelphia said they didn’t have it.” assistance could be rendered on her part. On hearing the
“We knew that if the claim could not be found we issue, she called VA employee William Barr, who arrived
might have to resubmit it and that would result in no promptly to assist with the issue.
retroactive payment to the date the original claim was “It was well after regular business hours, and William
filed,” Greg Courniotes said. and Lucy continued to work with me to ensure all of
Following a trip north in August 2010 to visit friends the necessary information was taken and the claim could
in New York, Greg and Jean decided to take all the proceed,” NSO McClellan said. “Lucy also stated that
documentation they had to Philadelphia to see if they the claim would get established and the Cournioteses
could find someone to help them. That’s when they met should be hearing something within the next four or five
National Service Officer Robert W. McClellan, Supervi- days.”
sor of the DAV National Service office in Philadelphia, The Cournioteses didn’t have to wait long.
and everything changed. “Two days later we received a call from William Barr
Late in the afternoon of Aug. 11, 2010, NSO McClel- stating the claim had been resolved and a check would
lan overheard a conversation in the hall outside his of- be forthcoming in several days,” Greg said. “It happened
fice. Someone was telling a receptionist they had driven exactly four days later.”
all the way from Massachusetts “We had a very frustrating
regarding a situation for their time trying to work through
father, who was in a nursing the local process for more than
home, suffering from severe a year, and in the end we were
disability and in desperate need not able to make it happen on
of financial assistance for the our own,” Greg said. “Our
high cost of care and bills that experience with the DAV and
needed to be paid. NSO McClelland was a God-
“My curiosity got the best send, and Ms. Filipov and Mr.
of me and I decided to see if I Barr were absolutely wonder-
could help,” NSO McClellan ful. Each knew what to do and
said. “I could not believe I they did it; they were there late
heard they had driven all the and they made it happen.”
way from Massachusetts to In October David Alexander
seek help.” and Pauline, his wife of more
NSO McClellan invited the than 58 years, settled into an
Cournioteses into his office, National Service Officer Robert W. McClellan assisted living facility near their
where he soon discovered they had attempted to file a home where they will be well cared for.
claim in December 2009 for Jean’s father for non-service For NSO McClellan the work he does to assist dis-
connected pension benefits for regular aid and atten- abled veterans and their families is a matter of individual
dance. pride and dedicated teamwork.
“I quickly understood that the claim may have been “Since coming on board to work as a National Service
lost in the transfer from Massachusetts to the Phila- Officer with the DAV in 2003, I have made it my mission
delphia Pension Maintenance Center for processing,” to ensure that we aid our fellow veterans in receiving the
NSO McClellan said. Realizing that things can be lost benefits they have earned in service to our nation, just as
in the mail, I checked the documents they brought with the DAV aided me in my claim for disability,” McClel-

David Alexander and Pauline, his wife of
more than 58 years, stroll through their
new assisted living facility residence. The
Alexanders suffer from Alzheimer’s disease
and were assisted by the DAV.

United States that assist in accomplishing our

mission, to build better lives for America’s
disabled veterans and their families.”
While lauding the efforts of NSO McClel-
lan and the VA in Philadelphia on behalf of
Alexander, National Service Director Garry
J. Augustine stressed that efforts currently
underway to modernize the claims process
that incorporates the use of electronic files
should drastically reduce or eliminate the loss
of claims files.
“This is paperwork that got misplaced
lan said. “Hiring disabled veterans demonstrates true until NSO McClellan and the members of
compassion for our comrades, and it’s very important to the VA staff were able to locate it,” Augustine said.
let those we serve know that we have been through the “Unfortunately that is not always the case. The pro-
medical examinations, received the VA letters and gotten cess of brokering work from one regional office to
the decision that can change one’s life. another sometimes results in work being misplaced
“I am also proud of the continuous effort of the DAV, and in some instances lost. With electronic files the
in association with good relations with the Department claim can be accessed by multiple sites without moving
of Veterans Affairs, proving once again that good com- anything. Additionally, inquiries about a claim, such as
munication and big hearts, can win here at home. My those made by the Cournioteses, should be able to be
thanks goes out to Lucy and William, as well as the verified and resolved faster and more thoroughly than
many others working at VA regional offices across the previously possible.”

experiences as a disabled veteran, reaching out to old

National Commander
buddies or sounding off about legislative action, we
(Continued from page 1)
need you to make your voice heard.
Some Facebook pages you may want to visit
Facebook pages with the aim of making the message include and
“viral,” which is when a strong, well placed message StandUpForVets. Additionally, many Departments
is read and shared by so many it eventually spreads and Chapters now have their own Facebook pages,
to even larger audiences without any additional ef- which should offer further opportunities to connect
fort from the originators. The messages we have are with veterans in your local areas.
often strong enough to go viral— they just need to be As your National Commander, I now have a
shared by more of you initially. Facebook page where you can come take part in
The communication revolution now underway the Commander’s Action Network. Please visit me
is serving as an excellent opportunity for every online even if you are not registered with Facebook. I
member, every person who cares about the DAV to am at I hope
stand up and be heard. Whether you are sharing your to see you there.

Golden Corral
(Continued from page 29)
In a three-hour period, some 529 veterans were
served, and from Sept. 27 to when the doors closed the
night of Nov. 15, the location raised $11,777 for local
DAV service initiatives. Both the number of participat-
ing veterans and the amount of money raised reflected a
steady increase from previous years.
According to Ray Wolf, General Manager of the loca-
tion in Georgetown, the event is the highlight of the year
for his staff members. In three hours, they serve more
meals than in any other single day of the year except
Department of Oklahoma Commander Paul Parham
Mother’s Day. presents a Navy cap to Brent Nash, operating partner
“It’s an extreme volume. It takes a lot of work. But we of the Warr Acres Golden Corral in Oklahoma City.
The Department raised more than $121,000 at
don’t cut any corners. We know we have some very spe- Golden Corral restaurants this year alone.
cial guests and we go all out,” said Wolf. “Our people are
wearing patriotic hats and attire. The staff is happy to give invited to the restaurant’s Christmas party,” Sparks said.
something back. They know many of our customers by “Each year we’re kicking out bigger and better ideas for
name, but they especially know who their veterans are.” the event and doing more in our community. The team
“We’re true partners. We work together on every- at Golden Corral believes in what we’re doing and we
thing. We’re treated like family. Our members are even couldn’t do it without them.”

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Receives Commander’s Award ...

Marine veteran and CINTAS founder Dick Farmer receives a round of applause from National Commander
Wallace E. Tyson and National Headquarters Executive Director Marc Burgess, after receiving the DAV National
Commander’s Award for philanthropic support of veterans and military members. The foundation, led by Farm-
er family members, financed the Fisher House at the Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in Cincin-
nati, providing a 10,000 square foot, 16-bedroom facility for the families of hospitalized veterans. Since 2003,
it has provided more than $2.2 million in support of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. In 2005, the foundation
donated $250,000 to provide a mobile USO canteen for servicemembers and their families in Okinawa, Japan.

Razorbacks Set
to Roll ...
Department of Ar-
kansas Commander
John Donovan,
second from left, De-
partment Treasurer
Robert Ellis, left, and
Department Adjutant
James Parker, right,
accept the donation
of a Mobile Service
Office from Little
Rock National Service
Office Supervisor
Paulino Acosta.

MSOs Expand Department, Chapter Outreach

By Thom Wilborn After nine years of rolling to small the ten new vehicles staffed by our
communities and large cities, the NSOs and the others operated by

T he donation of seven Mobile

Service Offices to six Depart-
ments and a Chapter will greatly
MSOs have traveled nearly a million
miles increasing veteran accessibility
to benefits through our professional
Departments and a Chapter, we are
going to reach deeper into areas far
from our National Service Offices.”
expand the export of DAV service National Service Officers. Supported with two $1 million
to small towns and remote areas far “Last year, our MSOs traveled grants from the Harley-Davidson
from our National Service Offices. more than 114,000 miles, visiting Foundation, MSOs have also become
And it will give the Departments 727 cities and towns,” said National the hub of the Harley’s Heroes pro-
and Chapter the opportunity to Service Director Garry J. Augustine. gram, appearing at special dealership
provide even more of our outstand- “Our NSOs interviewed 18,647 vet- events across the country. “Most
ing services to veterans who need erans and other potential claimants.” important are the thousands and
our assistance. Seven of the ten MSOs in op- thousands of veterans we’ve been
Created in 2001, the Mobile eration since 2001 were donated for able to help with our professional
Service Office Program evolved continued use to the Departments services and claims representation,”
from the DAV’s Field Service Units, of Arkansas, Minnesota, Montana, said Augustine.
which began serving veterans in Oklahoma, Virginia and West Vir- “All the donated MSOs to be used
1973. Todays MSOs are staffed by ginia, and to Chapter 1 in Portland, for outreach efforts are roadworthy
NSOs and travel to remote locales Ore. These donated MSOs will be and safe,” said Augustine. “The new
providing service to disabled veter- staffed by Department and Chap- MSOs are equipped with laptop
ans wherever they were. Our MSOs ter Service Officers. Another was computers donated by Hewlett-
were at ground zero in New York donated to a program for homeless Packard.
and at the Pentagon immediately veterans in North Carolina. “This program is a great success,”
after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “With all these MSOs operating Augustine said. “Our NSOs are
The Mobile Service Office Pro- in the continental United States, working very hard in these com-
gram, where the rubber meets the we’re going to be available to many munities and at Harley-Davidson
road for DAV service across the more veterans, their families and events. The NSOs are doing com-
nation, is getting better and larger. survivors,” said Augustine. “With mendable work.”

USS CADMUS (AR-14)-May 12-15, 2011, USS SEMINOLE (AKA/LKA-104)-April 27-
Savannah, Georgia, Contact: Robert Baschmann, 30, 2011, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Contact: Nick Haas,
Reunions - Because of increasing Telephone: (716) 655-5415, Email: mcaanreunion@
Telephone: (918) 398-9600, Email: chicksandcows@
number of requests and the space limi- USS CAMBRIA (APA-36)-April 14-17, 2011, USS SOLEY (DD-707)-May 12-16, 2011, Nashville,
Pensacola, Florida, Contact: Andrew Henry, Jr., Tennessee, Contact: Harland H. Hamm, Telephone:
tations of our magazine, we must limit Telephone: (703) 660-8602, Email: usscambria@ (701) 540-1178, Email:, Web site:
publications of unit reunions to one USS CARPENTER (DD-825)-April 28-May 2, 2011, USS STEINAKER (DD/DDR-863)-April 28-May 1,
Warwick, Rhode Island, Contact: Joel Weinbaum, 2011, Jacksonville, Florida, Contact: Russell Noble,
time only. Send such notices at least six Telephone: (256) 351-8552, Email: smokycolors@ Telephone: (231) 944-2148, Email:, Web site:
months in advance to: Reunions, DAV USS DUNCAN (DDR-874)-May 1-5, 2011, Las USS TARAWA (CV/CVA/CVS-40)-April 28-May 1,
Vegas, Nevada, Contact: David M. Walrod, Sr., 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, Contact: Cliff Gardner,
Magazine, P.O. Box 14301, Cincinnati, Telephone: (513) 523-8880, Email: david_walrod@ Telephone: (401) 539-1149., Web site: or www. USS YELLOWSTONE (AD-27)-May 18-22, 2011,
OH 45250-0301. Thank you...the Edi- South Portland, Maine, Contact: Paul W. Bowen,
USS GEN. H. W. BUTNER (AP/TAP-113)-May 12- Telephone: (352) 854-1387, Email:
tors. 16, 2011, Norfolk, Virginia, Contact: James M. Jack,
Telephone: (757) 488-2858, Email:
April 28-30, 2011, Mobile, Alabama, Contact: Walter
Baker, Telephone: (850) 934-1671, Email: resjoy@ AIR FORCE
ARMY Savannah, Georgia, Contact: Gillette Todd,
2ND INFANTRY REGIMENT-May 12-15, 2011, WWII – 7TH ARMY AIR FORCE-April 28-May 2,
Telephone: (815) 238-8369, Email: mcaanreunion@ 2011, Northbrook, Illinois, Contact: Marshall L.
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Contact: Juan Santiago,
Telephone: (321) 259-7494, Email: decoy64to70@ Keller, Telephone: (248) 626-3684.
USS PAWCATUCK (AO-108)-May 9-12, 2011, 601ST, 615TH AIRCRAFT CONTROL & WARNING Chattanooga, Tennessee, Contact: David Willis,
Telephone: (623) 214-9835, Email: dwshs53@aol. Mississippi, Contact: Francis Gosselin, Telephone:
VIETNAM 1967-1971-May 12-15, 2011, Branson, com.
Missouri, Contact: John Caldwell, Telephone: (703) (352) 588-9295, Email:
922-6324, Email: 28-May 2, 2011, Herndon, Virginia, Contact:
Walt Hohner, Telephone: (732) 463-1745, Email: FIELD ARTILLERY, 2-501-1506-3-187
DIVISION-May 11-15, 2011, Pigeon Forge,
Tennessee, Contact: Curtis Banker, Telephone: (518) INFANTRY AND OTHERS-May 13-14, 2011,
USS PURDY (DD-734)-April 13-17, 2011, Branson, Missouri, Contact: Dean Seematter,
643-2302, Email: Chattanooga, Tennessee, Contact: Larry DiPasquale,
815TH ENGINEER BATTALION Telephone: (785) 292-4922, Email: J.Herman33@
Telephone: (610) 433-4787, Email:
(CONSTRUCTION)-May 12-13, 2011, Ft. Leonard
Wood, Missouri, Contact: Larry Saul, Telephone:
(706) 201-6001, Email:
BN-April 7-10, 2011, Jacksonville, Florida, Contact:
Dick Dixon, Telephone: (601) 485-7567.
May 4-8, 2011, Nashville, Tennessee, Contact:
George Murray, Telephone: (256) 820-4415.
WWII-April 27-30, 2011, Branson, Missouri,
Contact: Clyde E. Easter, Telephone: (276) 728-
VETERANS, INC.-May 15-19, 2011, New Orleans,
Louisiana, Contact: Dick Snyder, Telephone: (813)
634-4489, Email:
187TH ARCT-February 27-March 2, 2011, Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina, Contact: Herbert Shapiro,
Telephone: (410) 827-6410, Email: HLSHAP@

1967-April 21-23, 2011, Virginia Beach, Virginia,
Contact: Mike Snyder, Telephone: (757) 652-7303,
2011, Quantico, Virginia, Contact: Tom Crotty,
Telephone: (513) 451-4694, Email: tomandcar@

New Arrival …
Chapter 22 recently received a U.S. Army M56 Scorpion tank which
NAVY is displayed outside the Chapter home in Belleville, N.J. The Pica-
USS AMPHION (AR-13)-May 12-15, 2011,
Savannah, Georgia, Contact: Todd Gillette, tinny Arsenal, near Dover, N.J., donated the non-operational tank
Telephone: (815) 238-8369, Email: mcaanreunion@ to Chapter 22 following efforts by Chapter members to obtain a
USS ARCADIA (AD-33)-May 12-15, 2011,
vehicle to display at the Chapter. This M56 Scorpion was an unar-
Savannah, Georgia, Contact: Todd Gillette, mored self-propelled anti-tank gun deployed with the 173d Airborne
Telephone: (815) 238-8369, Email: mcaanreunion@ Brigade during the Vietnam War.

lege and graduated from George Washington University
Former Service Director Reached and the DAV’s National Service Officers’ training course
Out to Vietnam Veterans at The American University in Washington, D.C. He
was appointed National Service Director in 1970, and
n John J. Keller, who served as National Service Direc- was charged with recruiting and training Vietnam War
tor from 1970 to 1976, passed away Nov. 5. He veterans to join DAV’s professional staff.
was 88 years old. He retired from DAV in 1976.
A World War II veteran, Keller was stationed “One of DAV’s most impressive out-
at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack reach initiatives under Keller’s leadership
and served in several campaigns throughout was the Field Service Unit program,”
the Pacific. He was medically discharged after Adjutant Wilson said. “Those offices
incurring a severe back injury and contracting on wheels enabled our NSOs to take
malaria during military service. their services to veterans in the suburbs
“John Keller was among the National and rural areas of America, often distant
Organization’s top leaders at a critical period from DAV’s National Service Offices.
in our history,” National Adjutant Arthur H. It is forward thinking and direct action
Wilson said. “He was instrumental in extend- Keller such as that which has made the DAV
ing DAV’s outreach to the nation’s veterans, especially the nation’s premier veterans service organization.
those returning from the Vietnam War, who now make The veterans and their families and survivors we serve
up the bulk of our membership.” owe much to the leadership and compassionate service
Keller joined the DAV in November 1945 and served that John Keller provided on a daily basis. He will be
as the National Service Office Supervisor in Wilkes- sorely missed, but his legacy of service and outreach to
Barre, Pa., from 1947 to 1964. He attended Wilkes Col- veterans lives on.”

Yes Santa, There is a Virginia … Leaders of the DAV Combining Chapters Thrift Stores in Hampton Roads,
Va., present a $25,000 donation to officials of the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. It was one of three
donations made last fall by the 13 Chapters that operate thrift stores in the six-city area. In all, donations
totaling $85,000 were made to food banks and the Hampton VA medical center.

Steven Girdler
Machine Mechanic
Beth Lambert
Mail Center
Gift Processing

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