An Equipment Design Approach To Achieve Production System Requirements

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An Equipment Design Approach to Achieve Production System Requirements

Conference Paper · June 2000


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David S Cochran
General Motors Company
Purdue University Fort Wayne


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Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems

June 5-7, 2000
An Equipment Design Approach to Achieve Production System Requirements

J.F. Arinez, D.S. Cochran

Production System Design Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617-253-1811, Fax: 617-258-7488, e-mail:,

Recently, interest has grown in improving production system design from a perspective typically associated
with systems engineering methods. This interest has been the result of the operational success in industry of
lean manufacturing methods that pursue improvement of the production system rather than the local
optimization of individual operations. However, despite the success of these shopfloor-based approaches,
the design of production systems can be further improved by use of scientific methods that provide structure
for attainment and verification of system requirements. To provide such structure, a production system design
decomposition has been developed using Axiomatic Design Theory that establishes the relationships
between high level system objectives and lower level design decisions. These relationships are expressed
within the decomposition via design matrices that permit communication of requirements as well as
establishing traceability between successive levels of the design decomposition. Communication and
traceability of requirements is particularly important in the design of equipment and their subsystems. For
manufacturing firms purchasing equipment, the generation and subsequent communication of system
requirements to vendors during concept selection determines how well final designs meet requirements.
Generally there is no rigorous and quantitative way for also expressing production system requirements to
equipment builders in a manner that may be easily translated into equipment parameters. This paper
presents an equipment design approach that quantitatively links production system requirements to the initial
design phase of equipment. The approach is comprised of four steps: identification of the set of production
system requirements that affect equipment design, transformation and communication of requirements to the
various types of equipment designers, analysis of system requirements, and decomposition of system
requirements into equipment parameters. Details of each step are explained and an industrial application
case example is presented that applies the equipment design approach.

Keywords: manufacturing system design, equipment requirements, axiomatic design

Furthermore, production system designs are complex
1 INTRODUCTION organizations made up of many subsystems that interact
Good design of a company’s production system has with each other and with outside companies, thus there
always been an important contributor to overall is a further need to design the system so that these
competitiveness in the marketplace by providing high interactions are well characterized and understood.
quality products while effectively maintaining low Design of one subsystem without awareness of its effects
production costs. However, production systems are on other areas of the production system leads to sub-optimal
continually facing new and rapidly changing performance of the system as a whole. One area of production
requirements as customer expectations of product system design that requires such an awareness is that of
performance, quality, cost, and delivery increase. For equipment design. Equipment design has been traditionally an
these reasons, the ability to design a production system operationally focused activity that has lacked the design
in a way that carefully and systematically considers all process tools to incorporate system requirements [2]. This
requirements is critical to ensuring a high level of paper presents an equipment design approach that is linked to
customer satisfaction. a production system design that can be used to communicate
Traditionally, production systems have evolved as knowledge and understanding of system requirements and
the requirements that they needed to meet evolved [1]. interactions.
In stable, and slowly varying industries, designers of
production systems have the luxury to experiment and 2A PRODUCTION SYSTEM DESIGN
try different approaches until they find one that works. DECOMPOSITION
However, iterative design methods are not very
A Production System Design Decomposition (PSDD) (shown in
successful at keeping pace in highly dynamic industries
Figure 1) has been developed to provide a tool to guide the
where product lifecycles are measured in months and
concept design phase from the initial statement of high level
production resources quickly become obsolete.

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 1
business objectives to their later translation into lower level,
more detailed design requirements [3]. These business 2 OVERVIEW OF EQUIPMENT DESIGN
objectives are important because they affect any investment
made into manufacturing resources and their design. A 2.1 The Equipment Design Environment Before the link
production system must also meet a wide diversity of between the PSDD and an equipment design approach is
requirements that rapidly change and are often highly presented, the field of equipment design is reviewed to
uncertain in the concept design phase. Thus, three main illustrate both the type and scope of design problems in which
reasons motivating the PSDD may be summarized as follows: such an approach may be used. Equipment design in this work
is treated in the most general sense with no specification of
(i) To provide a structured approach to design of industry nor type or function of equipment.
production systems.
The equipment design environment may be characterized
(ii) To provide understanding of the many by the types of challenges faced by designers. First, the
interdependencies that arise between the dynamic nature of product development with new products
elements of production systems. continually being introduced and existing products being
(iii) To provide a means to relate high level modified, creates a great deal of uncertainty in expected future
requirements of the production system to the requirements and performance of equipment. In addition,
design parameters/attributes of its constituent equipment designs have to be robust to operate in production
elements. systems that can often have a great deal of variability in
operational conditions. Varying operator and technician skill
levels lead to requirements that are difficult to design for
because of the inherent variability in humans.
Equipment is designed in increasingly more distributed
and decentralized organizational structures, and therefore
traditional command and control project management
approaches are no longer as effective. For example, many
companies outsource the design of equipment and therefore
the management of the equipment design process relies on
Figure 1. Production System Design Decomposition how well people within the company itself understand its
with view of high level system objectives. equipment needs [5]. Equipment design companies in turn
outsource the design of subsystems and components to other
First, a structured approach is one in which high vendors. The result is an equipment design supply chain that
level goals are allocated and decomposed to the must be viewed from the same system perspective as that of
constituent elements of the design in an organized the production system itself. The equipment design process
manner according to set procedures. In this case, the extends beyond the boundaries of any single company in this
approach is a top-down one and follows the design chain and information sharing approaches become critical to
process specified by Axiomatic Design theory [4]. A ensuring all requirements are met.
structured design approach supports generation of a
clear representation of the production system The manufacture of equipment itself is generally at low
requirements. The top-down approach used here breaks volume compared to that of the products which it is used to
down (decomposes) high-level general statements of make. Moreover, equipment designs are subject to frequent
requirements into more specific requirements that are customization by the customer making the use of standardized
more easily understood by designers. design methods difficult. Furthermore, with low production
volumes, gaining operational knowledge about equipment
Second, production systems consist of many designs requires much effort to gather data from the customer.
subsystems that interact with one another. In some Gathering this data to improve future generations of designs is
cases, people must operate and manage these complicated by the diversity of production systems and the
subsystems even though there may be many external operating conditions into which equipment is placed. Designers
interactions with companies beyond a firm’s own are often faced with the difficult task of developing standard
immediate production system. Nevertheless, during equipment to meet such a wide breadth of operating
design of each of the subsystems, there must exist requirements. Equipment designs must also have the flexibility
knowledge of how any given subsystem affects and is to be modified and improved to fit into the production system,
affected by other subsystems. To understand how the since not every possibility can be modeled or simulated ahead
system as a whole will function, knowledge of these of time.
subsystem interdependencies is required. The
decomposition specifies the dependent relations
between subsystems via design matrices. Detailed 2.2 Objectives of an Equipment Design Process Given the
design and engineering involves precisely determining above environment that equipment designers are faced with, a
these relations either analytically or empirically. general set of desirable objectives for a design process is as
Third, for any production system design to follows:
successfully meet its business objectives, they must be
related to each successively lower level so that
1. Improved coordination of inter-related design tasks
designers at any given level of detail may see how their
for members of the design team by knowledge of task
decisions influence attainment of these goals. The
decomposition must be understood by anyone in the
production organization from the vice-president of 2. Capture design reasoning for ongoing and repeated
operations down to the production engineer and decisions as well as the tradeoffs made between
supervisor. This decomposition knowledge is provided to alternative solutions.
designers in the form of inheritance relations from 3. Offer reusability of design information for future
parent-child associations. In this way, traceability of design projects both in terms of specific hardware
requirements is achieved through the properties of designed as well as the design method employed.
directed tree structures. 4. Recognize where existing knowledge or tools can be
integrated at critical steps in the design process.

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 2
5. Offer ease of management and make tracking of test whether a system FR/DP pair affects the ED
tasks possible to ensure that high level objectives are decomposition.
being met.
6. Design process should be integrated with generation
of the manufacturing process plan.
7. Provide support for queries that designers will make
of system objectives and the relation to parallel design
8. Provide the flexibility to handle information in its
various representations (i.e. natural language
documents) and map it into the respective design
formats (i.e. decompositions).
The equipment design approach discussed next
provides an initial design process to support the above


3.1 Application Context
The approach may be thought of as a process by which
an equipment design decomposition(s) may be
developed from a production system and product design
decomposition hierarchies that have been derived using
Axiomatic Design. The main purpose of the approach is
therefore to address how the PSDD may be used to
carry out and support subsystem design in the context
of Axiomatic Design theory.
The approach consists of the four major steps
shown in Figure 2. The first step deals with identifying
the set of system requirements that influence equipment Figure 2. The Equipment Design Approach.
design. Secondly, this set must be transformed into
views that permits requirements to be understood by the Tagging of FR/DP pairs during decomposition of either the
various parties involved in the design of equipment. The production system or product design is performed by
third step is to analyze the requirements according to immediately asking the question: “Does the FR/DP pair affect
whether they may be verified during detailed design. the design of equipment?”. The accuracy of this method
The fourth step of the approach is the generation of the depends on the level of experience that the system designer
equipment design decomposition itself by establishing has in designing equipment. An alternative method is to use a
the FR-DP links between decompositions. general equipment decomposition that can be used to check
for interactions between system FR/DP pairs and equipment
3.2 Step 1 - Identification of Requirements DP pairs. This method is more systematic and objective and
The first step is the identification of equipment pertinent ensures the general decomposition is updated from one design
FR/DP pairs from the respective PSD and PD generation to the next (thus providing reusability in the design
decomposition hierarchies. In a design decomposition of process). Existing equipment designs combined with
a production system or a product, there are many pairs operational performance data can also be used to generate the
that can potentially influence the design of any given interaction matrix. The use of a weighted interaction matrix is
piece of equipment. Moreover, these FRs/DPs will arise shown in Figure 3 along with the weighting scale for influence.
at different stages and levels of detail in the equipment The resultant set of equipment FRs in the PSDD may be then
design process. Therefore, it is important to examine all highlighted in the functional hierarchy as indicated in Figure 4.
systems requirements and identify those which are
relevant to equipment since overlooked requirements
jeopardize the successful operation of the production
In conventional equipment procurement, design
engineers must read through entire sets of requirements
documents and manually select the requirements that
they deem to affect their area of design responsibility.
This approach to requirement extraction is highly
susceptible to missing important requirements, and
perhaps even more critical is the risk of not fully
recognizing their importance to the performance of the
system. To overcome these obstacles associated with
unstructured text-based searches, the first step of the
equipment design approach provides two
complementary methods:
1. During development of the PSD and PD decompositions,
each FR/DP pair that influences equipment design is Figure 3. Use of weighted interaction matrix to
immediately recognized and tagged for future extraction
identify PSD equipment FRs.
2. A general decomposition of an equipment design is used to

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 3
Figure 5. Example of a view of subset of MSD equipment
DPs for fixture design.
Depending on the subsystem, the view may consist of a
simple list of FRs and DPs that the equipment must meet, or
the list may require further explanations to provide context. For
Figure 4. Resultant set of equipment related FRs in example, the interaction of an operator with a machine may
the functional domain of the PSDD. require supplementary descriptions to fully explain the behavior
of the user interface. Another reason for augmenting the list is
that they have to be understood by management and project
3.3 Step 2 – Creation of Views leaders. These people are not involved in detailed design, but
Given the system requirements identified in the they still require an abstract level of understanding because of
preceding step, they must next be communicated to all their roles as decision makers. Such lists of requirements with
the designers of equipment. An equipment designer is additional explanations may be used as design guidelines [6].
considered to be any person that participates and
influences the equipment design decomposition. To
effectively communicate the set of equipment FRs, 3.4 Step 3 - Requirements Analysis This step addresses the
“views” may be used to represent the requirements need for system requirements to be expressed in a
relevant to each designer. In the context of the PSDD, a measurable and verifiable form for detailed equipment design.
view is a subset of PSD DPs with a common design Since the PSDD is applied at the concept design stage, many
attribute that all of the equipment related DPs in the set functional requirements are expressed as objectives and
share (i.e. a reference to fixture design activities). Views goals. However, as more information becomes available and
have traceability links back to the PSD equipment FR the system design is refined, there is a need to convert these
and to high level system goals and dependencies with statements of objectives into forms that are measurable and
other requirements. Views can also contain explanations verifiable. Detailed subsystem design needs requirement
to augment the basic set of DPs. statements that can be used to check and validate that
equipment meets the requirements of the system. Also,
Alternate views help to eliminate unnecessary
verifiable requirements are needed to express the relationships
details that detract from the focus of the designer (i.e.
between system FRs and equipment FRs (described in the
the rest of the decomposition). They also offer different
example in Section 4).
perspectives allowing the designer a better
understanding of the system. This greater understanding Furthermore, in this step the PSDD is analyzed to classify
of the system is possible because views are traceable to and subsequently convert requirements using a systems
other system objectives outside of the view. engineering requirements taxonomy developed by Oliver [7].
The taxonomy shown in Figure 6 is part of the systems
The creation of a view requires a criteria for
engineering process for the assessment phase that deals with
selecting a subset from the total set of equipment
the various sources of information requirements given to
related DPs in the PSDD. There are many possible
systems designers.
types of criteria to extract such a subset. One commonly
used criteria is based on domain experts. In this way, After equipment requirements from the PSDD have been
DPs are allocated to the designer with expertise in the identified by this classification they may be converted to more
discipline (i.e. control, mechanical, electrical verifiable forms by using formal requirement statements. The
engineering). The result is a set of views that are following is an example from FR-P131:
specific to each one of the possible design disciplines. Before: Reduce variability of task completion time.
The drawback of this type of criteria is that it has limited After: Variability of task completion time shall be < X.
effectiveness in projects that depend on a great deal of
The difficulty with the first statement is that there is no
multidisciplinary interaction such as in concurrent
indication of how much variability should be reduced by
engineering. A better criteria is the use of equipment
and hence it cannot be verified. The second statement
subsystem domains. Using knowledge from previous
provides a specific parameter and condition that can be
designs, equipment DPs may be grouped into sets
used to verify whether the requirement is met or not.
based on subsystems and thus can better integrate a
This conversion process is repeated for all equipment
wide diversity of equipment requirements. An example of
FRs in the PSDD.
a view for an equipment subsystem is the fixturing
system shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. Associations and classification of

requirements based on available information,
adapted from Oliver [7].

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 4
3.5 Step 4 – Design Decomposition the design of the equipment DP. For lower level detailed
equipment DPs, this search may have to be performed
independently of a view. This identified set of DPs in the PSDD
The fourth step in the approach is the establishment of a
can then be easily traced back to the source FR. This set of
link between the PSDD and an equipment
source FRs in the PSDD that affect equipment design may
decomposition(s). Two key elements of this step are the
now be used to generate the equipment sub-FRs. Sub-FRs are
descriptions of how these decompositions are related to
generated by formulating the PSD level equipment FRs
one another and how the decomposition process is
carried out. consistent with the DP kED . For the PSDD presented in this
The description of the relation between work, no general method has been found that can be used to
decompositions is based on the nature of the PSDD express FRs in the system decomposition as FRs in the
design parameter hierarchy. This hierarchy is a equipment decomposition. However, it has been observed that
combination of DPs ranging from physical entities to if there exists a relationship between the PSDD FR and an
non-physical DPs such as methods and activities. Such equipment variable, then such a variable can be used to
types of DPs lead to a different relation between system express the equipment sub-FR, namely FR(PSD) kED+ 1.
and subsystem decompositions than one from a
conventional product decomposition. The relation
between the system and equipment is one where there
can be multiple equipment decompositions.
The following example is taken from the design decomposition
The second element in this step is the process
of a tool turret for setup reduction. The tool turret is a major
description for how decomposition may be carried out
subsystem of a CNC lathe and is the structure that holds tools
given the types of DPs described above. First, the
and indexes to the position for the cutting operation specified
design process for equipment has to incorporate the
by the process plan. In Figure 8, DP1 – Tool turret satisfies
production system and product design requirements.
FR1 – Hold tools for machining operations. The first step is to
The specific equipment decomposition depends on the
use DP1 to either search for a similar DP in the PSDD or to
requirements of the system in which it must operate and
use a view previously created in Step 2 of the equipment
therefore all possible sources of requirements must be
design approach. In this case, the DP from the PSDD that is
considered. Figure 7 gives a descriptive decomposition
identified is DP-T12 Design quick changeover for material
model showing that such system requirements
handling and equipment because the turret is a subsystem that
contribute to sub-FRs beyond those inherent solely to
must be reconfigured during a changeover from a production
the given piece of equipment. The figure gives the
run of one part type to the next. The functional requirement
decomposition of a general equipment DP kED (at an that DP-T12 satisfies is FR-T12 Ability to produce sufficiently
arbitrary level k in the hierarchy) into a set of equipment, small run size. The run size, FR-T12 may be specified in
production system, and product sub-FRs at a lower k+1 different ways according to the design selected for the
level. The two terms in this set FR(PSD) kED+ 1 and manufacturing system. In a make-to-stock manufacturing
system, the lot size (or run size as defined here) is determined
by minimizing the total inventory cost which is the sum of the
FR(PD) kED+ 1
are read as “the equipment sub-FR ordering, purchasing, and holding costs [8]. The optimal run
size q* (Equation 4.1) commonly known as the Economic
derived from the PSD/PD functional requirement”. Order Quantity (EOQ) is a function of the setup cost K, holding
cost h and annual demand D. The setup cost K is a function of
k k the setup time taken to changeover production resources.

k +1
k +1 k +1
FR ( PD ) ED
k +1
k +1 k +1
DP ( PD ) ED 2KD
q* = (4.1) h
Alternatively, JIT manufacturing is a make-to-order
system design that determines run size using a different
approach. JIT seeks to meet customer demand by
Figure 7. Equipment decomposition model with PSD and producing the correct mix and quantity of actual
PD derived sub-FRs. customer demand and therefore setup time is regarded
as a variable which must be reduced to meet such a
The procedure for obtaining these three different types of sub- production plan. Monden [9] uses a queuing model for a
JIT system with a mixed model production schedule to
FRs terms begins once a DP kED has been determine the optimal run size. Using this approach he
calculates the optimal run size q* given by equation 4.2:

specified to meet the FR kED (note that the procedure for the
sub-FRs derived from PSD and the PD decompositions is the S
q* = (4.2)
same). The first type of sub-FR,
(2 − 2)t'− t
FR kED+ 1is solely an equipment derived requirement and is where S = setup time, t’ = average time for consuming
obtained independently from system considerations. The one part in subsequent process, and t = unit processing
time per part.
decomposition of DP kED into FR(PSD) kED+ 1 begins with the In both system design cases, the run size is a
identification of a DP in the PSDD that corresponds to DP kED . function of the setup time. This functional dependence
If the equipment DP is a major subsystem, then a view will implies that a subsystem parameter determines a higher
exist that has been created in the second step of the approach. level system requirement. However, the top-down
This view will contain all of the DPs in the PSDD that reference system approach of the PSDD instead first specifies

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 5
what the run size q* should be to maximize customer [5] Whitney, D.E., 1993, “Nippondenso Co. Ltd: A case study
satisfaction by meeting the required mix and quantity of of strategic product design.”, Research in Engineering
products demanded. After q* is first specified, the Design-Theory Applications & Concurrent Engineering,
required setup time may then be communicated to Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-20.
equipment designers. Thus, the equipment sub-FR must [6] Arinez, J.F., Collins, M.T., Cochran, D.S., Uhl, M.D.,
express the setup time requirement as a function of q* Cook, P., 1999, “Design of an Automotive Compressor
(indicated by the dashed line in Figure 8). The Production System Using Lean Manufacturing Design
decomposition is then stated as DP1 decomposes into Guidelines”, Proceedings of the 1999 SAE International
FR14 – Changeover time shall be S which is in turn Automotive Manufacturing Conference, IAM99-34.
satisfied by DP14 – Tool clamping mechanism.
[7] Oliver, D.W., Kelliher, T.P., Keegan, J.G., Engineering
Complex Systems with Models and Objects, McGraw-Hill,
[8] Winston, W., Operations Research – Applications and
Algorithms, Duxbury Press, 3rd Ed., 1994.
[9] Monden, Y., Toyota Production System” Industrial
Engineering and Management Press, 2nd Ed., 1993.

Figure 8 Illustration of Step 4 of the equipment

design approach showing decomposition process
for tool turret design.

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The design of equipment to operate effectively in a production
system involves consideration of a wide diversity of
requirements. At the concept design phase, structured design
methods are important to organize and communicate system
objectives and goals to equipment designers. The production
system decomposition presented provides such structure and
improved understanding to designers because detailed
requirements are decomposed from these high-level system
objectives. The proposed equipment design approach can then
be used to formulate system objectives as equipment

[1] Suh, N.P., Cochran, D.S., Lima, P.C., 1998,
"Manufacturing System Design", in 48th General
Assembly of CIRP, Annals of the CIRP, Vol.47/2, pp. 627-
[2] Hatamura, Y., The Practice of Machine Design, Clarendon
Press, 1999.
[3] Cochran, D.S., 1999, "The Production System Design and
Deployment Framework," SAE Technical paper 1999-01-
1644, SAE IAM-99 Conference.
[4] Suh, N. P., Principles of Design, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1990.

Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, June 5-8, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. 6

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