Safety Engineering Is The Process of Designing Workplaces To Prevent Accidents

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Safety engineering process is the process of designing workplaces to prevent

Engineering Safety Concepts provides detailed approaches and modes for accident
reduction by using a risk management process, systems engeneering process to
identify and "design out" hazards.

Reliability(bharosa) is the ability of a product or system to perform its required functions without
failure for a certain time frame when used under specific conditions.

Reliability engineering is a unit of systems engineering and It falls within the maintenance

phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). The overall aim of the SDLC is to make
software and products more reliable.

Hazard tracking-le record garxa identified risks, Risk Analysis of their severity

and the necessary management actions to be taken. It can be a simple document,
spreadsheet or computer database system and acts as a central repository for all risks
identified by the project.

Procedures for safety management are given below:

Rules(correct way to do something bhanera bhanxa) & regulation(rules kasari
palana garne, garna lagaune) describe road example- left lane ,right ma chalayeni
hunxa tara HAZARD auxa aru gadi, regulate garna traffic
Regulation is the management of complex systems according to a set of rules and
The goal of software development regulation is to ensure the highest possible
quality of the final product. Rules/ Guidelines are established for the entire product
development process — requirement, planning, design, testing/verification, and
The regulations applied to the requirement and design stages help regulators
determine how the product will be used, and how it can best be tested.
These stages of development create a requirement for detailed specifications about
the product; based on these documents, regulators are able to determine what
standards the system must meet. This usually results in a back-and-forth process
between the developing party and the regulators. The testing and verification
stages involve strict guidelines. All of this design and testing allows regulatory
agencies to ensure that the system operates as described and meets specific
requirements. The last stage of regulation is the maintenance and distribution of the
code — including responding to issues and ensuring ongoing quality.

Agile – waterfall: Waterfall is a methodical approach. Its linear format allows for each step
to be easily understood. When each task is completed, the next one begins.
In a pure Waterfall methodology, all the documentation needs to be created and confirmed
before moving on to the next stage. it lacks the flexibility to quickly adapt to changes. For
numerours times a product changes from initiation/establishment to implementation; So this
approach to development makes it difficult to add a feature or change the scope of a product
or project. Deviations from the original plan cost time and money, requiring developers
to either go back to the requirement stage or to execute hotfixes and “hacks” to achieve
the desired performance, adding to the technical debt of the project. Besides, as experienced
software developers know, this approach can lead to jumbled/messy/“spaghetti code”,
where a program flow is tangled and twisted. The extent of the drawbacks is beyond the
scope of this blog post; suffice it to say that Waterfall is to be avoided.

Agile focuses on developing the software in iterations that represent small increments of

new functionalities. One of the benefits of this type of development is that it segments the
code in separate portions, creating a neater code base. Another benefit of small,
incremental additions is that each feature can be tested independently. But Agile doesn’t
usually work for larger teams, or teams that are accustomed to the waterfall methodology. It is
particularly useful in later stages of development, as well as for User-Interface-focused
Unlike Waterfall, Agile provides considerable flexibility, and it segments projects into sprints.
What makes Agile unique is its flexibility, which allows for a more adaptable, efficient
methodology that segments tasks and the underlying code. The design is performed
separately for each feature, and can be expanded at almost any time, since this
methodology separates each feature into self-contained units. This method can potentially
reduce the technical debt of a specific project: because of the quick iteration of Agile
development, some documentation can be left for the end, since reviewing
documentation and ensuring that every document is updated before every sprint can be

Safety assurance is the means to demonstrate that organisational arrangements and
processes for safety achievement are properly applied and continue to achieve their
intended objectives.


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