A Load-Modulated Rectifier

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4, APRIL 2014

A Load-Modulated Rectifier for RF Micropower

Harvesting With Start-Up Strategies
Diego Masotti, Member, IEEE, Alessandra Costanzo, Senior Member, IEEE,
Paolo Francia, Matteo Filippi, and Aldo Romani

Abstract—In this paper, we introduce a new load-modulated tenance-free, and possibly batteryless [4] wireless systems are
two-branch rectifier, designed to dynamically cooperate with an required.
ultra-low power management unit (PMU), interposed between To improve the wireless power transmission, RF power
the rectenna and application circuits. The design targets battery-
less RF energy harvesting applications with typical input power sources may be ad-hoc designed to optimize the entire system
ranging from 10 to 100 W. Energy is stored in a low leakage efficiency [5], [6]. However, if the available RF energy in the
capacitor. In order to allow activation in discharged states, the ambient is the only source, wirelessly powered systems often
PMU implements a low-voltage start-up stage, whose current fail to autonomously operate due to low available dc voltages
consumption is specifically optimized for biasing the rectifier or power with respect to the minimum requirements. Very
accordingly. When a sufficient voltage is reached, the PMU acti-
vates a more efficient boost converter stage with maximum power promising solutions [7], [8] adopt a power management unit
point tracking capabilities and micro-power consumption. Such (PMU) based on switching converters for efficiently biasing
two circuits are designed to provide two very different loading the rectenna, controlling power conversion, and storing the
conditions to the rectifier. A joint design of the nonlinear rectifier harvested energy for subsequent use by application circuits.
paths and of the two PMU subsystems based on two specific In these cases, the rectenna nonlinear design includes the
optimizations of the matching networks is proposed, along with a
circuit solution for automatically switching between the start-up optimum load among the design variables, as demonstrated in
stage and the boost converter. In order to validate the concept, [8], where multi-band solutions are presented. However, the
a microstrip prototype operating at 900 MHz with a discrete main limitation consists in the fact that rectennas biased in their
components PMU is characterized, although the proposed idea maximum power point (MPP) may provide voltages lower than
is fully technology independent. With respect to a conventional the minimum supply voltage of the PMU. Nonetheless, the in-
rectifier, the proposed design allows the system to operate with
significantly lower input power, while preserving efficiency during trinsic power consumption of the PMU must be lower than the
steady-state power conversion. harvested power. In the above cases, when the power received
by the antenna is lower than 15 dBm, both power and voltage
Index Terms—DC–DC converter, harmonic-balance (HB) anal- requirements of the PMU stage are not simultaneously fulfilled.
ysis, rectenna, RF energy harvesting, transient analysis.
In RF energy harvesting, besides the limit imposed by the
intrinsic power consumption of electronic components, the
rectenna output voltage is often not sufficient to activate the
dc–dc converter. As a matter of fact, in batteryless imple-
mentations, sufficient levels of power cannot be exploited

I N HEALTH care, civil structures, and harsh environment by electronic circuits unless the developed voltages on the
monitoring, RF energy harvesting platforms are gaining in- rectennas are also comparable with the threshold voltage of
creasing interest for various wireless applications. Usually they diodes and transistors [9]. Currently, in order to overcome this
are adopted for power supplying wireless micro-systems with drawback, multistage PMU architectures have been proposed
identification and/or sensing capabilities that are intended to be in which passive or less efficient start-up circuits are used to
pervasively distributed in the ambient [1]–[3]. However, to ef- initially activate a separate optimized boost converter stage.
fectively implement such “smart” scenarios, reduced size, main- When the source voltages are sufficient, passive circuits can
be used for this purpose, as in [10]. When the available volt-
ages are significantly lower, integrated circuits based on ring
Manuscript received October 01, 2013; revised January 19, 2014; accepted
January 25, 2014. Date of publication February 17, 2014; date of current ver- oscillators and charge pumps [11] or analog step-up oscillators
sion April 02, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of [12] generate the initially required voltages. With this type
the Instruction, Research and University (MIUR) within the framework of the
of architecture, the RF rectifier is required to provide high
national project “Green Tags and Sensors with Ultra-Wideband Identification
and Localization Capabilities” (GRETA). conversion efficiencies in very different loading conditions,
D. Masotti is with DEI, University of Bologna, 40123 Bologna, Italy. namely, the start-up phase and steady-state power conversion
A. Costanzo, M. Filippi, and A. Romani are with DEI, University of Bologna,
in proximity of the MPP. This is not possible with traditional
47521 Cesena, Italy (e-mail: alessandra.costanzo@unibo.it).
P. Francia is with the Center for Industrial Research on Information and Com- rectifiers that are designed and optimized for a single specific
munication Technologies (CIRI ICT), University of Bologna, 40123 Bologna, load condition. In this latter case, different load conditions will
undergo lower energy conversion efficiencies.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. The schematic block diagram of an RF energy harvesting
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2014.2304703 system is depicted in Fig. 1. We point out that the aim of this

0018-9480 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

the rectenna may not be biased in its MPP. Along with this,
in order to keep voltage drops low, the current drawn by the
start-up circuit should also be the lowest possible. However,
this is a necessary condition to allow system activation of
a batteryless system from a discharged state when very low
input power is available. In such conditions, without these
specific optimizations, the energy conversion would not be
able to start. The drawback may be a longer start-up time when
high input power is available. More specifically, the use of
Fig. 1. Block diagram of an RF energy harvesting system.
the two-branch rectifier allows to exploit the low voltage and
current requirements of a charge pump circuit during start-up,
and of a highly efficient switching converter with maximum
paper is to focus on a micro-power scenario, i.e., different
power point tracking (MPPT) during steady-state conversion.
from RF identification (RFID) applications. By considering
Multiple branches were also adopted in another recent work
the power quantities at the interconnecting sections, we can
[16], although with the different purpose of optimizing steady-
compute the entire system efficiency
state power conversion by selectively connecting at RF differ-
ently optimized matching networks and rectifiers to a single an-
– – – tenna based on the received power level. A single-pole multiple-
(1) throw RF switch is used for this purpose in the high-frequency
section. Differently, in the presented work, the two branches are
introduced for separately optimizing start-up and steady-state
The first factor – , which can be accurately evaluated power conversion. In addition, the antenna is always physi-
by electromagnetic (EM) theory, as in [13] and [14], is depen- cally connected to the two branches, and each power path is
dent on the radio channel and is highly variable due to the un- selected by introducing a strong impedance mismatch on the
known source location and to fading effects, especially signifi- other branch, which is accomplished by introducing a short-cir-
cant in indoor environments. cuit condition on the output node of the rectifier, i.e., in the
The second and third factors – and – are strictly low-frequency section, by means of a simple field-effect tran-
interdependent. In fact, – is the RF-to-dc rectifier conver- sistor. This solution resulted to be the best choice, for the power
sion efficiency, where is the RF power at the antenna output levels considered in this work, since RF switching would have
port and is the dc power at the rectifier output port, introduced excessive losses.
which is strongly dependent on the rectifier load. The latter gen- Although the initial concept of the two-branch rectifier was
erally consists of the PMU input impedance, which, in this work, presented in [15], it was supported only by a very limited set
varies depending on whether the start-up or the boost stages are of simulations. No circuit details and no experimental measure-
operating. Similarly, the third factor in (1) is the dc–dc converter ments were reported. This paper introduces all the implementa-
efficiency, which is generally affected by the rectenna output tion aspects, describes specific optimizations based on the prop-
impedance. Thus, the only approach to maximize the overall erties of actual circuits, and presents a fully operating batteryless
system efficiency is to simultaneously account for the actual im- prototype together with an extensive set of experimental mea-
pedances of the neighboring blocks. surements, in order to prove full functionality and assess overall
In a previous conference paper [15], our research group performances. In this paper, the preliminary numerical results
proposed a new rectifier design approach to reach this goal. of [15] are also assessed in depth and used to develop the effec-
Differently from other works, in which start-up circuits are im- tive implementation of the entire system. First, a double-branch
plemented only in the baseband section, the antenna is loaded rectifier is realized to simultaneously provide two separate an-
by a parallel connection of two different rectifier/matching tenna matching networks for the appropriate loading conditions,
network assemblies to operate alternatively during the start-up namely, the input impedances of the two dc–dc converter stages,
and the boost converter operations. The first rectifier and which were purposely designed. For validating this concept, a
matching network are designed together with the rectenna start-up stage and a boost converter stage are also designed and
optimum load to maximize – . In this configuration, the implemented in discrete technology by minimizing all sources
dc–dc converter should dynamically bias the rectenna in its of power losses. In addition, the start-up stage is designed for
MPP condition, in which the available voltage may be lower operating with the minimum possible supply voltage allowed
than the minimum supply voltage required by the converter. by electronics. An extensive experimental verification of oper-
The second rectifier and matching network are designed by ation of the entire system is then presented. In order to precisely
assuming the input impedance of the converter start-up stage quantify the actual RF power needed for autonomous operation,
as a load, which should bias the rectenna for providing both during the reported measurements the rectifier is powered by an
the required dc voltage and the dc power needed for circuit RF source at 900 MHz, with a 50- internal impedance. This
operation. In this context, it is not essential to optimize the does not represent a limitation since system behavior with a re-
maximum – : the main purpose is to let the rectenna ceiving antenna in place of the power source can be straight-
output the highest possible voltages in order to fulfill the forwardly derived, as deeply discussed in [8], [13], and [17],
minimum voltage requirements. Given this primary objective, where multi-resonant antennas clearly demonstrate an almost

referred to in this paper as single-branch rectifier. Let us refer to

typical RF ambient sources providing power levels received by
the antenna in the order of 10–100 W. As a reference, let us
assume a received power W: the simulated conver-
sion efficiency – behavior of a distributed single-branch
rectifier (using SMS7630-001 Skyworks Schottky diodes and
20 and 40 pF as series and shunt capacitors, respectively) with
a single-stub matching network is plotted in Fig. 2(b) as a
function of the rectifier output dc current , i.e., for
variable loading conditions. This is a typical rectenna behavior
due to the existence of an optimum load ,
as extensively demonstrated in [8]. In the same figure, the
corresponding dc output voltage is also plotted. A
maximum – of 60% for an output voltage of 0.5 V is
expected. The associated dc current is 30 A, resulting in an
output dc power of 15 W.
Even if the latter value seems sufficient to sustain the intrinsic
consumption of an MPPT converter, typically in the order of
a few W in discrete electronics [8], the rectifier dc voltage
of 0.5 V at the MPP is lower than the typical threshold
Fig. 2. (a) Block diagram of a single-branch rectifier. (b) Optimized rectifier
efficiency and output dc voltage as a function of the load current consumption voltage of discrete MOSFETs. As a reference,
(for W). V for the commercial MOSFETs is adopted in the proposed
design. In CMOS integrated circuits, typical values for
would range around 0.4 V and similar consideration would hold
50- -termination behavior in their operating narrow frequency with lower input power levels. In such situation, the power con-
bands. verter is unable to operate and autonomous operation of the en-
We also point out that, although the concepts presented in tire system cannot be accomplished because MPPT would bias
this paper are validated with discrete electronics, similar con- the rectifier at a too low voltage. Although power converters op-
clusions hold with a scaling factor for other types of technology, erating slightly below the threshold of MOSFETs have been re-
such as integrated circuits. Better circuit performance is nor- ported [24], such circuit topologies are usually based on capaci-
mally achieved because of their reduced parasitics. Lower op- tive charge pumps. In addition, subthreshold MOSFETs are not
erating voltages are also achieved [18], [19], and custom circuit suitable for implementing switched-mode converters because of
sizing also allows to significantly reduce intrinsic power con- their high resistivity. In addition, with step-up oscillators [12],
sumption below 1 W [19], [20]–[22], and to operate with RF it would be difficult to implement a precise MPPT.
input power levels as low as 26 dBm [23]. In addition, other Anyway, Fig. 2(b) also shows that the required higher
topologies such as step-up oscillators [12] may achieve even voltages can be obtained with lower values of , which,
lower start-up voltages for use in low-voltage low-power appli- however, yield a lower conversion efficiency. For this reason,
cations. As a matter of fact, each technology has a minimum op- during start-up, very low currents compatible with the required
erating voltage at which the start-up stage is able to operate, and voltage have to be drawn from the rectifier. The proposed
as RF input power decreases, lower voltages are available from start-up circuit, which will be introduced later on, corresponds
rectennas. Thus, the proposed approach of differentiating two to a load (computed as ) of approximately
power paths with different properties, one for system start-up 200 k , which we then assume as the target input impedance of
from a fully discharged state and one for steady-state power the start-up circuit. Yet, in this loading condition, and
conversion, is always fully applicable and the RF section can efficiency – are limited with respect to the MPP condi-
be optimized based on circuit properties. Once the system is tion – . We remark that similar considerations
started, since a sufficient voltage is available on the storage ca- also hold for integrated circuits, which present lower threshold
pacitor, steady-state power conversion is sustained even with voltages and intrinsic power in case of lower input power .
rectenna voltages much lower than the minimum allowed oper- To accomplish the coexistence of these two rectifier operating
ating voltage, provided that the power budget is positive. states, it is proposed to load the antenna port with a parallel
connection of two branches that operate alternatively during the
II. SWITCHED-LOAD RECTIFIER start-up (SU) and during steady-state boost converter (BC) op-
eration. The block diagram of this solution is shown in Fig. 3.
A. Nonlinear Design For the two matching networks, a distributed solution in
Let us first consider a traditional rectenna design [see microstrip technology on a low-loss dielectric is adopted:
Fig. 2(a)], which usually consists of the nonlinear optimization this has been shown to provide better efficiencies with re-
of the antenna-rectifier matching network, with the optimum spect to an equivalent lumped-element solution that we first
load as a design variable to accomplish the MPP operating designed with commercially available lumped components.
condition (10 k in the present design). This design will be The microstrip-circuit schematic topologies of the two states

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed two-branch rectifier with circuit start-up

Fig. 5. Reflection coefficient at the antenna port of the load-modulated rectifier

(solid line: the upper rectifier is loaded by k , its optimum load,
and the lower rectifier load is shorted to ground; dashed line: the lower rectifier
is loaded by a fixed k and the upper rectifier load is shorted to

section. The figures also remark the nonlinear behavior of the

input system impedance, which depends on the incoming RF
power level. All the geometrical parameters are used in the
nonlinear optimization of the two-branch rectifier. For each
branch, a voltage doubler rectifier, adopting only two diodes, is
chosen to minimize losses: for the present design, 20- and 40-pF
series and shunt capacitors, respectively, and SMS7630-001
Skyworks Schottky diodes are used and the equivalent circuits
of the packages are included in the nonlinear design of the
entire assembly.
The switching between the two arrangements is controlled
in dc, at the load side, by dynamically providing two sepa-
rate overall antenna matching networks. A scheme, based on
a couple of field-effect transistors, has been designed and is
shown in Fig. 3. The p-channel JFET and the n-channel
MOSFET are mutually exclusive switches controlled by
the enable signal , activated by the start-up circuit when
a sufficient voltage is reached. is a Fairchild MMBFJ270
operating as a normally on switch. Its conduction channel is
pinched off whenever the gate voltage exceeds of
a threshold voltage. For this reason, at system start-up, when
no electrical charge is stored in the output capacitance
Fig. 4. Two-branch rectifier operating principle: (a) initial start-up operation (Fig. 3), the node is almost shorted to ground. This optimizes
with the branch designed for the boost converter stage loaded by a short-circuit
and (b) boost converter operation with start-up branch loaded by a short-circuit. the power flowing through the lower rectifier loaded by the SU,
which was specifically designed for drawing the minimum pos-
sible current in order to produce low voltage drops on . Suf-
are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b) together with the two loading ficient voltage levels are essential for keeping the circuit opera-
conditions. The upper branch is designed to be loaded by the tional and are a priority with respect to extracted power. is
boost converter stage (optimum load) and consists of two a Fairchild BSS138, operating as a normally off switch. Its con-
stubs connected by a low-impedance transmission line. In duction channel is enabled whenever its gate voltage is
such a condition, the lower branch output must be shorted to higher than the threshold voltage. During the steady-state power
ground in order to provide a high reflection coefficient at the conversion, when the required voltage has been made available,
antenna section. The lower branch is a single-stub topology the node is almost shorted to ground, and the specific power
and is designed to provide the highest possible dc voltage at optimization for the upper rectifier and matching network is en-
the rectifier output, compatible with the minimum dc current abled.
drawn by the start-up circuit to operate (typically in the order of Of course, the coexistence of the two branches, alternatively
A for state-of-the-art discrete components implementations), loaded by a short-circuit, needs to be considered in the non-
corresponding to the above-mentioned 200-k load. In such a linear design of each one, in order to accurately predict the ef-
condition, the upper branch output needs to be short-circuited fective behavior. In Fig. 5, the simulated two-branch rectifier
to ground to provide a high reflection coefficient at the antenna reflection coefficient is plotted versus the received RF power

Fig. 7. (a) Single-branch rectifier. (b) Switched load rectifier. (Dimensions are
in millimeters.)

Fig. 6. RF-to-dc efficiency of the load-modulated rectenna. (a) BC case (the B. Experimental Characterization in Steady-State Regime
load was a design variable). (b) SU case (the load is a fixed parameter).
In order to experimentally demonstrate the advantages of the
proposed solution, two rectifier prototypes have been designed
: these plots show that the new solution is able to preserve and fabricated to operate at 900 MHz, both on a 1.52-mm-thick
a very good antenna matching to each parallel connected sub- Taconic TLP5 substrate ( , @ 10 GHz).
system, all over the received RF-power range addressed in the The first one consists of a single-branch rectifier and is op-
respective design. timized for the optimum loading condition only, as in the
Fig. 6 summarizes the performance in terms of modeled traditionally adopted method. The second one consists of two
RF-to-dc efficiency – for incoming RF power levels branches and is based on the load-modulated solution presented
between 20 and 10 dBm for the upper and the lower rectifier in this paper, with the upper branch optimized for the optimum
operations that is whether the start-up or the boost stages are load and the lower branch optimized for the start-up load. The
loading the two-branch rectifier. The corresponding load values photographs of the two prototypes are shown in Fig. 7, together
are k and k , with their dimensions.
respectively. The other branch is always assumed to be shorted The measured behavior of the different arrangements are
to ground. Since a circuit implementation of the boost converter compared in Figs. 8 and 9 in terms of RF-to-dc efficiency, dc
may somewhat differ from the optimum load, the efficiency in voltage and power, for a 10-dBm range of the RF power. In
this case should be intended as an upper bound for the power this setup, an external supply voltage is used to allow the BC
extracted from RF. The predicted RF-to-dc efficiency – configuration characterization even at those low power levels
in the optimum loading condition (BC case) is higher than at which it could not work otherwise. The overall system effi-
40%, at the lowest RF power level of 20 dBm, and reaches ciency (taking into account the actual converter consumption)
about 70% at 10 dBm. However, it has to be stressed that has been characterized in Section IV-C.
without the intervention of the start-up circuit, at lower power In Fig. 8, the performance of the single-branch prototype of
levels the BC performances are hypothetical since the boost Fig. 7(a) with its optimum load is considered, while similar plots
power-up conditions in terms of voltage are not met and power are shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b) for the two-branch rectifier with
conversion cannot be started autonomously. In addition, the the boost branch or the start-up branch alternatively short-cir-
final output power will also depend on the efficiency and on cuited to ground. The performances of Figs. 8 and 9(a) are very
power losses of the boost converter implementation, which will similar: only a 17.5% reduction for dBm
be presented later on in this paper. is observed, which means – instead of 40%,
The efficiency enhancements at low power levels in the while voltage values are the same. This allows us to conclude
start-up loading conditions (SU case) are evident compared that our new solution preserves almost all the performance of
to those derived from the design for optimum load: for load the traditional approach when the boost stage is active in the
values belonging to the start-up region, the present solution converter subsystem. This means that the rectifier branch op-
allows to reach an efficiency of more than 30% for a 20-dBm timized for the boost loading condition is not significantly af-
RF power. Consequently, an external intermittent load, e.g., a fected by the presence of the other branch, optimized to acti-
wireless sensor network node, may be activated earlier. vate the start-up stage. We point out that in batteryless systems

Fig. 8. Measured RF-to-dc efficiency, output dc power, and voltage for the pro-
totype of single-branch rectifier of Fig. 7(a) loaded with the optimum resistor.

Fig. 10. Schematic of the SU circuit.

are available at the output of the lower branch rectifier (3 W

and 0.8 V, respectively), while the circuits designed for op-
timum load are not able to provide these conditions since the
dc power is more than sufficient, but the dc voltage is too low
( 0.3 V).


A. Start-Up Circuit
The start-up circuit, shown in Fig. 10, is mainly composed of
a three-stage ring oscillator, a five-stage Dickson charge pump
[25], and a voltage monitor circuit. In this implementation
of such known circuit blocks, the ring oscillator is based on
complementary Fairchild FDME1034CZT MOSFETs with a
Fig. 9. Measured RF-to-dc efficiency, output dc power, and voltage character- threshold voltage ranging between 0.4–1 V in order to allow
istics for the prototype of Fig. 7(b): (a) with the lower branch output short-cir- operation with comparable input voltages. The two comple-
cuited and the optimum load on the upper branch and (b) with the upper branch mentary outputs CK and drive the Dickson charge pump.
output shorted to ground and the start-up input impedance on the lower branch.
Once a sufficient voltage is available on , the ring oscillator
starts oscillating and the charge pump loads the ultra-low
leakage storage capacitor F.
this is a necessary choice for obtaining from the other branch, The voltage monitor circuit, which is based on a circuit
at least once, the minimum voltage for starting the circuit up. topology introduced in [10], drives the selection signal
With the single-branch rectifier, which is still slightly more effi- and controls the supply voltage of the boost converter
cient in the MPP, in case of low input power, the system would circuitry. During the start-up phase, V.
not be able to start and operate because of the corresponding When the boost converter is activated, is turned on and
low generated voltages. Since our purpose is to operate with . and are enabled and
the lowest possible values of , a comparison of Fig. 8 [or disabled, respectively, when crosses two user-defined
Fig. 9(a)] with Fig. 9(b) clearly shows the advantages of the pro- hysteresis thresholds
posed two-branches rectifier and confirms the simulations pre-
dictions. For example, given dBm, Fig. 9(b) shows
that the power and voltage required to activate the start-up stage

Fig. 12. Voltage waveforms of the rectified voltage and of the boost con-
verter output voltage F . The start-up branch is shorted to
ground by its control transistor.

with a variable input power is shown in Fig. 12. In the

presented implementation, the MPP is updated every 500 ms,
Fig. 11. Schematic of the boost converter with MPPT. which means that every 500 ms the boost converter is disabled
for a short amount of time in order to apply the open-circuit
condition, while a fractional voltage is sampled on .
where is the threshold voltage of , and Waveforms show that the operating point is correspondingly
F and F . In the updated.
tested implementation, V and V. Differently from the SU, the purpose of this circuit is to max-
The purpose of the start-up circuit is to be operational with imize the extracted power by biasing the rectenna in its MPP
the minimum possible input voltage . For this reason, the and to minimize intrinsic power consumption. In this context,
circuit was designed to draw only a very limited amount of cur- it is mandatory to achieve a satisfactory tradeoff between con-
rent of few A in order not to cause significant voltage drops on sumed and harvested power. The involved tradeoff factors are:
the rectifier output , which may prevent circuit operation. In 1) dynamic switching power consumption, which is reduced
this context, the primary objective is to start collecting electrical by choosing MOSFETs with very low values of gate charge;
charge with the lowest possible voltages and currents. How- 2) on-resistance and associated power losses, which usually in-
ever, it is worth remembering that the matching network was crease with lower values of gate charge [10]; 3) update fre-
also specifically optimized for the specific current consumption quency of MPP; and 4) static power consumption and leakage
of the start-up circuit, yielding increased performance in this currents of components. Such choices allow the circuit to draw
condition with respect to a conventional single-branch rectifier only a few A during operation. The power consumption of the
approach. The power consumption of this block will be charac- BC block will be characterized in detail in Section IV.
terized in Section IV.


This circuit, shown in Fig. 11, is a boost converter with The circuits described in the previous sections aim to provide
MPPT capabilities, which represents an enhancement with the optimized loading conditions to the two-branch rectifier. Let
respect to a previous implementation based on ultra-low power us describe how this approach maximizes the extracted power
microcontrollers [8]. A nano-power TS881 comparator from in both operating points and provides a faster start-up, as well
STMicroelectronics is used to drive the switching converter so as a more efficient steady-state power conversion. The designed
that the rectenna voltage is kept in proximity of a reference system has been assembled and is shown in Fig. 13. However, in
voltage , which is periodically updated to track the MPP order for the circuit to be fully autonomous, it is mandatory for
with a fractional open-circuit voltage (FOCV) method. In the deployed circuits to consume just a fraction of the harvested
order to minimize dynamic power consumption, MOSFETs power. This section reports a series of experimental measure-
with very low values of gate charge have been chosen for ments aimed at characterizing these and other aspects of overall
the main power path. In addition, power conversion can be system performance.
disabled by driving the signal low. A new circuit
for MPPT with reduced power consumption was designed. An A. Minimum Required RF Power for Start-Up
astable multivibrator based on 2N5210 bipolar transistors from A first set of measurements is performed to determine the
Central Semiconductor outputs two complementary periodic minimum allowed level of RF power that ensures an au-
waveforms SAMPLE and , with user-defined period tonomous start-up of the circuit. This requires to achieve both
and duty cycle. The above signals periodically disable the the minimum voltage and a positive power budget. The boost
boost converter and enable the sample and hold circuit and converter input node is shorted to ground, and measure-
the resistive divider so that a given fraction of the open-circuit ments are taken for different values of RF power provided at
voltage is sampled on . The operation of the MPPT circuit the input of the two-branch rectifier by a Hittite HMC-T2100

Fig. 13. (top) Experimental setup and (bottom) assembled prototype. The two-
branch rectifier is loaded with the actual circuit implementations of SU and BC.
Fig. 14. Voltage waveforms obtained during circuit start-up with
F and, respectively, input power: (a) dBm and (b)
synthesized signal generator. The SU is shown to activate
successfully with dBm and to reach an output
voltage V on F [see Fig. 14(a)], considered load-modulated rectifier, and as a comparison, for
sufficient for supplying the active components of the boost the single-branch rectifier, both loaded with the start-up circuit.
converter, but yet not sufficient for efficiently driving the power However, the main purpose was to demonstrate that the specific
MOSFETs of the boost converter, which are not yet conductive design optimizations of the rectifier performed for the start-up
enough. An input power dBm allows to reach circuit allow to reach comparable output power and voltage
V [see Fig. 14(b)], which ensures a more efficient levels for significantly lower values of . This means that
driving of the power MOSFETs of the boost converter. The the two-branch rectifier allows the system to operate with lower
latter value can then be assumed as the practical minimum received power levels at which the single rectifier would not
required power for start-up. In the same figure, the modest be able to activate. When the generated voltages are sufficient
performance obtained by the single-branch rectifier design for starting both devices (with the two-branch rectifier, boost
with the start-up circuit are also superimposed: indeed, if the power conversion starts before the single rectifier), leading to
single-branch rectifier topology is adopted, for any given RF lower wake-up times.
power, the start-up output voltage raises in a slower way and is
not able to reach the voltage levels achieved by the SU branch B. Intrinsic Power Consumption of Circuit Elements
of the two-branch rectifier. This means that the single-branch One of the main objectives of electronic design was to
rectifier requires a higher for being able to activate the achieve ultra-low power consumptions in all circuit blocks in
BC. order to allow sustainable operation even in critical (low) input
The average power - provided by the rectifier power conditions. Several design tradeoffs have been defined
output during this phase can be conservatively estimated by for this purpose, as previously discussed. In order to assess the
assessing the energy stored on the rectifier output capacitor overall intrinsic power consumption, the average current drawn
(see Fig. 3) when a steady voltage is reached and the by all circuit parts has been measured with a digital multimeter
related charging time. It is worth pointing out that higher values for a voltage across the storage capacitor V. The
of instantaneous power are obtained during the transient. In results are shown in Table I.
fact, this estimates account for the average efficiency obtained The efficiency of the boost converter power path between its
in all points of the charging curves in Fig. 14 and also for the input and output ports was also measured. In this
intrinsic consumption of the start-up circuit. For this reason, experiment, the boost converter was supplied externally in order
lower values than in Fig. 9(b) are obtained and are reported in to determine the efficiency – of the power path without
Fig. 15, where the average power was evaluated for both the accounting for control circuits. The boost converter was enabled

Fig. 15. Average output power versus input power in case

of load modulation and of conventional single-branch rectifier (both loaded with
the start-up circuit).


until reached its maximum value at time . The average

output power throughout the charging of was estimated
as . The input power was Fig. 16. Measured voltage waveforms showing start-up capabilities and sus-
estimated as , where tainability of operation of the boost converter for: (a) dBm,
are the extremes of oscillation voltage of around (b) dBm, and (c) dBm F .
the MPP and is the duration of an energy extraction. With
values of of 19, 27, and 38 W, the values of efficiency
– were found to be 76%, 82%, and 87%, respectively. for operating with a rechargeable battery instead of the output
The obtained values are coherent with the current state-of- capacitor, with even lower power consumptions.
the-art for implementations of micro-power harvesters based on
discrete components. However, as a result, the intrinsic power C. Autonomous Start-Up
is also expected to increase as the output capacitor gets progres- Besides testing the two individual power paths of the SU and
sively charged, and to reach the break-even point with the avail- the BC, it is also essential to prove the capability of the system
able input power. When this condition occurs, the output voltage of switching autonomously when sufficient power is available,
reaches a steady value. However, higher capacitor values may and to sustain the intrinsic consumption of the power converter
still be used for storing more energy while keeping the voltage as well. A series of tests has been performed in different con-
and the associated losses low. In addition, the proposed tech- ditions, with input power above the minimum requirement of
nique may also be applied to integrated circuit implementations Section IV-A.
for operating with lower input power levels [19]. As previously discussed, although the electronic components
This limitation directly arises from the design of a fully are operational starting from 1.1 V, in the tested implementation,
autonomous and batteryless implementation. Differently, the activation voltage was set to about 2.1 V, in order to reduce
battery-supplied systems rely on constant voltage to power power losses in the BC by applying a stronger overdrive voltage
electronic components, which avoids to suffer from this in- to MOSFETs, which strongly affects conversion efficiency. In
crease in intrinsic power, and to require specific wake-up or addition, the output capacitor F provides an en-
voltage monitor circuits. In RF energy harvesting applications, ergy buffer able to sustain the requirements of a wireless sensor
the use of rechargeable batteries as energy storage devices is node, which typically draws a few mA for tens of ms during a
quite common, even for implementations based on integrated transmission, without draining below the operating re-
circuits [26]–[28], because of the very low and intermittent gion of the BC. Fig. 16 shows the voltage waveforms obtained
available voltage. However, battery-based systems are not for input power levels of 10, 12, and 14 dBm. In
able to start from a fully discharged state, and electrochemical these measurements, all circuit blocks of Figs. 10 and 11 are
cells progressively degrade performance over time. It is worth powered directly by the rectifier. The system is able to start-up
mentioning that the proposed boost converter is also suitable autonomously and to self-sustain in all cases.

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Diego Masotti (M’00) received the Dr. Ing. degree Paolo Francia received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in
in electronic engineering and Ph.D. degree in elec- telecommunication engineering from the University
tric engineering from the University of Bologna, of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 2009 and 2013, respec-
Bologna, Italy, in 1990 and 1997, respectively. tively.
In 1998, he joined the University of Bologna, as He is currently with the Center for Industrial
a Research Associate of electromagnetic fields. He Research on Information and Communication
has been a member of the Paper Review Board for Technologies (CIRI ICT), University of Bologna.
the IET Circuit Devices and Systems since 2011. He was engaged in research on a patented device
His research interests are in the areas of nonlinear usable for structure monitoring. His research in-
microwave circuit simulation and design (with an terests include wearable and multi-band antennas
emphasis on modern computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided design (CAD) of microwave
techniques for large-size problems), and nonlinear/electromagnetic co-design integrated circuits with a special emphasis on low-power rectenna, and power
of integrated subsystems/systems. management for autonomous sensors.
Dr. Masotti has been a member of the Paper Review Board of the
COMPONENTS LETTERS since 2004, 2010, and 2013, respectively.
Matteo Filippi received the Electrical Engineering
degree from the University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy,
in 2011.
Since 2012, he has been with the Advanced Re-
Alessandra Costanzo (A’99–M’02–SM’13) re- search Center on Electronic Systems, University of
ceived the Doctor degree in electrical engineering Bologna, Bologna, Italy, where he has been involved
(magna cum laude) from the University of Bologna, with energy-harvesting systems, micro-power elec-
Bologna, Italy. tronics, and CMOS design.
Since 2001, she has been Associate Professor
of electromagnetic fields with the Cesena Campus,
University of Bologna. She has coauthored over
130 scientific publications on peer-reviewed inter-
national journals and conferences and three chapter
books. She holds three international patents. She is
a member of the Editorial Board of the International Aldo Romani received the Dr. Eng. degree in elec-
Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. She is Executive Editor trical engineering and Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-
of the Cambridge University Press’ Wireless Power Transfer Journal. Her neering, computer science, and telecommunications
research activities have focused on several topics, such as electro-thermal from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in
characterization and modeling of RF/microwave nonlinear devices; simulation 2001 and 2005, respectively.
and design of active microwave integrated circuits; and broadband design In 2002, he joined the Advanced Research
of self-oscillating circuits and systems for electrical, stability, and noise Center on Electronic Systems (ARCES), University
performance. More recently, she has been involved with an innovative software of Bologna, where he is currently an Assistant
platform for the nonlinear and electromagnetic co-simulation of RF systems Professor. He has authored or coauthored over 35
excited by modulated sources. She has demonstrated the circuit-level analysis international scientific publications. He has been in-
of entire multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and ultra-wideband (UWB) volved with CMOS integrated sensors, applications
links, including realistic channel models. She is currently involved in the of piezoelectric materials, and energy harvesting systems.
development of energy autonomous sensors based on wearable systems and Dr. Romani was a corecipient of the 2004 Jan Van Vessem Award of the IEEE
energy harvesting technologies and of wireless power transfer systems. Many International Solid-State Circuits Conference.

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