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Impact of celebrity endorsement and influencer marketing on consumer

perception of brands, and how it impacts their purchase decision

Group No: 09
Praveen Kumar PGP10101
Shanaz Begum PGP10047
Mrunalinee Koli PGP10024
Anisha Gogoi PGP10069
Tanvi Rane PGP10041
Manvendra Singh PGP10030
Abstract a brand’s message to promote content that
appeals to a large target audience. Marketers have
This study shows that perception of customers continuously switched between both in an
towards celebrities and endorsement becomes a attempt to attract more consumers and get more
trend that influences such consumer behaviour. brand presence. In our research, we will study the
How should a company segment, target and consumers’ perception (mostly millennials) to
position their marketing strategy by taking into see what factors influence them while making a
consideration celebrity public image, brand purchase decision. Of celebrities and influencers,
image, impact of celebrities in brand recognition, who are consumers more likely to trust and
attitude toward celebrity endorsement along with believe? Do they believe in the expertise of
demographic factors. The research focuses on influencers or do they find them trustworthy? We
customers who have shown a very different and will also see which of them is more suitable
fascinating way to identify celebrities and stars. across various platforms and try to identify the
This paper is focused on examining the segment preferences
perception of consumers about celebrity
endorsements, examining celebrity attributes that Companies are spending a considerable chunk of
are likely to influence consumer purchase money on advertisements. Studies have shown
intentions and finally the impact of celebrity that consumers’ perceptions and intentions to buy
endorsements on their purchase intention. In a a product are affected by the personality and
place like India where stars and cricketers are image of a person or the celebrity associated with
idolized and watched, advertisers will see this the brand or, more specifically, the product.
opportunity to sell their goods and build a broader
customer base. In the early 21st century, most companies used
celebrity endorsement to advertise and influence
individuals. In a market with a very rapid
Introduction expansion of local, regional, and international
brands, celebrity endorsement was believed to
Owing to the competitive environment in which equip brands with a distinct perception and a
a company operates, having an effective differentiating factor.
communication strategy is definitely one of the
key issues to take care of in order to enthrall McCracken's (1989) definition of a celebrity
consumers, and there are a number of endorser is, "any individual who enjoys public
communication strategies, which allow the recognition and who uses this recognition on
advertisers to reach their target. The use of behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it
celebrities as interpreters is becoming an in an advertisement (marcoms), is useful,
increasingly common strategy in the because when celebrities are depicted in
advertisement industry. Kotler and Keller (2006) marcoms, they bring their own culturally related
defined celebrity endorsement as a particular meanings, thereto, irrespective of the required
scheme used by marketers to advertise a product promotional role."
from a platform through which consumers can
associate themselves with the brand value from Area of recognition, level of fame, product
the perspective of the celebrity personnel. category, promoted brand, and target consumers
are all weighed while choosing the celebrity.
The exercise of celebrity endorsements has Celebrity endorsement has been established as a
proliferated with time. A pervasive element of winning formula for the purpose of product
the advertising industry, the celebrity marketing and brand building.
endorsement business has become a multi-
million industry in India. Celebrity and However, with changing dynamics, companies
influencer endorsements have become a trend in have shifted from traditional celebrity endorsers
advertising and are perceived as a very effective to social media influencers (Vloggers, Tiktokers,
one. They are often seen as key leaders who drive Youtube, and Instagram personalities).
Influencer marketing emphasizes the use of decision and celebrity endorsements have an
influencers to drive a brand’s message to reach important role to play in them.
the target segment and in this age of digital era,
they have emerged as a dynamic third party Available literature on the effect of celebrity
endorser. Also, in recent years, they have endorsers provides direction on how value is
established themselves as potential endorsers, transferred by celebrities to consumers for the
through digital platforms like Instagram, promotion of a brand and to create awareness for
Youtube, by generating a range of buzzwords as the brand.
compared to other marketing strategies. Possible
reasons for this shift can be huge costs invested The utilization of celebrities in marketing
on celebrities and a larger base that influencers communication can be explained on the basis on
have gained in the market. However, the the following:
effectiveness of these mediums on the consumer
process and buying behavior is not well ● Celebrity endorsements increase the
understood. attention paid to an advert.
● Celebrities are generally attractive,
Therefore, we aim to identify this process and all which aids persuasion when the perceived value
variables impacting the consumers’ to be derived from a product is attractiveness-
perception of a product/brand, if it is endorsed by related.
a celebrity or an influencer as well as ● Celebrities are often well-liked and
understanding how the changing environment is hallowed, thus possibly leading to identification
opening other alternatives for communication and consumer persuasion in an attempt to derive
through endorsement and how consumers believe some type of relationship with the celebrity.
in the ads or products through the different types ● Celebrity endorsements may also lead
of endorsements or communication. We are also media weight to have an impact on sales.
trying to understand how much information
consumers expect to get about the product from
the ads and what makes it more believable for Atkin and Block's study of celebrity endorsers
them. (1983) suggest that there are numerous
explanations for why a famous endorser may be
With this research, we also plan to understand dominant. First, such a representative attracts
how the advertisements, especially the recognition toward the commercials in the world
endorsements play a role during the whole of messy flow of communication. In addition to
consumer purchasing decision process. We aim that, celebrities are also conventionally
at understanding and identifying the stages in distinguished as being greatly active individuals
which this theory impacts the whole decision the with strikingly likeable traits (Kamins et al.
most and the effectiveness of the impact. 1989).

Literature review The source credibility theory proffered by

Hovland, Janis and Kelly (1963) states that
Consumer purchase decisions entrails concepts people or receivers are more likely to be
from psychology, sociology, anthropology, persuaded when the source presents itself as
history and economics. This means that, when credible. Perceived expertise and trustworthiness
developing products that consumers would of the source affect source credibility (Cornan et
obtain value from, marketers require a good al. 2006). Consumers on a daily basis aspire to be
understanding of how consumers perceive their like celebrities or people with higher or
purchase decisions. The number of potential prominent social presence and status as they have
influences on consumers is boundless. It assumed a role model status in the eyes of the
embraces a number of factors both internal and consumer. This explains the relationship between
external which can affect the decision-making source credibility and the product attractiveness
process as a person works through his purchase which mostly translates into higher sales.
image, expertise, and/or attractiveness. A
Source credibility is also influenced by source celebrity who maintaining a congruent image
attractiveness which focuses on an endorser's with the product will lead to better advertisement
physical attributes or characteristics and directly and credibility Till and Busler (1998, 2000)
influences the effectiveness of an endorsement. surveyed attractiveness versus expertise as a
Numerous past research have found a positive relevant match-up factor and proposed that
correlation between source attractiveness, expertise is better suited for matching products
consumer attitude as well as purchase intention with a celebrity endorser despite attractiveness
(Petty et al. 1983; Erdogan 1999). Thus source having a level of significance. When the
credibility is a multi-dimensional concept that consumer is able to relate with the celebrity, he is
serves as a means for the receiver of the able to relate his personality and ends up
information to rate the source or transmitter of the believing that the product is fit for him also as the
communication in relation to the information. celebrity promotes the product.

A fitting relationship between the spokesperson Meaning transfer theory describes the flow of
and the product or ‘match up’ is a factor affecting transfer of meaning from celebrity to brand and
source credibility. Schlecht (2003) explained that finally to the consumer. The Meaning Transfer
the match up hypothesis specifically suggests Model examines the topic from a cultural
that the effectiveness of using a celebrity perspective. According to the meaning transfer
spokesperson depends on the existence of a “fit” mode (McCracken, 1986; 1989), celebrities
between the endorser and endorsed brand. There develop a persona in the society assisted by their
ought to be a significant connection between the statuses and images that are promoted by the
endorser and product/ service. The ‘who’ and media. The society then assigns certain meanings
‘what’ is not enough to cover the ‘match-up’ to them and endorsements will transfer these
(Shrimp 2000). meanings to a company, brand or product,
because of which consumers will be convinced to
Theoretical frameworks make a purchase of the product “in the hope of
transferring some of these meanings to their own
Celebrity endorsement theory: lives” (Amos et al., 2008: 208). The celebrity
transfers his achievement and values to the
● there are few management based theories such product and then through advertisement, the
as the match-up theory and the meaning transfer product conveys them to the consumer.
theory which tackle celebrity-product
congruence and celebrity activation while Social learning theory proposed by Bandura
discarding his qualities and given managers (1963) has been widely applied in
control over decisions. communication and advertising fields (Bush et al.
2004). It justifies that socialization agents via
● there are few source based theories such as either direct or indirect social interaction aid an
source credibility theory and source individual to derive motivation and consequently
attractiveness theory can be considered. Those exhibit favorable attitude (Subramanian and
stipulate that the celebrity controls his Subramanian 1995; Moschis and Churchill
characteristics while the advertising agency and 1978). This theory has been previously adopted
brand manager have no significant control. by various marketing studies to understand
consumer consumption behaviour via various
Models explaining celebrity endorsements: socialisation agents such as celebrities, family, or
peers (Kotze 2001; Clark et al. 2001; Martin and
Match-up theory indicates the fit between Bush 2000). Makgosa (2010) revealed that social
celebrity endorser and consumer and suggests learning theory is capable of convincingly
that there must be a fit between the consumer and explaining the impact of celebrities on
celebrity. This theory promotes the congruence consumption behaviour as well as providing a
between the product and endorser in terms of contextual foundation in understanding social
media influencers which shapes audience
attitudes and decision-making through the use of Respondents Demographic Profiles
social media somehow similar to a celebrity
Demographic Frequency Percentage
Source attractiveness model is based on four
dimensions; “familiarity” (knowledge of source Gender
through exposure),“similarity” (resemblance
between the source and the audience),
Male 64 37.4%
“likeability” (affection for source based on its
physical appearance or behavior), and Female 107 62.6%
“attractiveness”. Accordingly, the effectiveness
of the message through celebrity endorsements Age
through a process called ‘identification’ depends
on these dimensions. Familiar, likeable and/or
similar sources are often seen as more attractive 15-20 14 8.2%
and persuasive.
21-30 156 91.8%
Source credibility theory states that the
30+ 0 -
effectiveness of a message depends on the
perceived level of expertise and trustworthiness Education Level
of an endorser. Information from a credible
source can influence the beliefs, opinions,
attitudes and/or behaviours of receivers through High school 6 3.5%
a process called ‘internalization’, which occurs
when they embrace the source influence in terms Undergraduate 78 45.6%
of their personal attitude and value structures.
Because the celebrity endorser is the primary Postgraduate 86 50.3%
source of information, their credibility is an
important consideration for the advertiser. Higher 1 0.6%
Survey Details
The survey questionnaires were distributed to
respondents amongst the students of IIM Rohtak
Through the primary research conducted we tried
for data collection. The demographic profile to assess the impact of celebrity endorsement and
constituted the first section of the questionnaire. influencer marketing on consumer perception of
A total of 171 responses were collected.
brands by measuring factors as endorser
trustworthiness, level of relatableness, and
Attitude towards celebrities, social media
awareness of local influencers. We also assessed
influencers, and the effects of them endorsing a
which factors amongst price, celebrity endorser,
product over consumer buying behaviour was
quality, value for money and aesthetics influence
measured through 5 point semantic differential decision making the most.
scales: strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree,
strongly agree. We also aimed to find the factors
which a consumer considers while purchasing a
product such as price, quality, aesthetics, and
value for money, celebrity endorsement through
a 5-point semantic scale of lowest preference to
highest preference
Research Questions

RQ1: Can attitude towards celebrity

advertisements/endorsements be explained in
terms of age/gender/education level?
RQ2: What are the underlying dimensions that
explain a consumer’s choice of brand and how
are they affected by the type of endorsements?
RQ3: Does demographic variables have an
impact on brand recall?
RQ4: How does influencer marketing play a role
in brand perception and does it differ from
celebrity endorsement
RQ5: Is celebrity attractiveness more effective Here we see that the presence of a brand does
than influencer attractiveness when it comes to affect the purchasing behaviour of the
remembering the brand ( Brand Recall)? consumers. When we segregate based on
genders, the behaviour is similar irrespective of
the gender. So we conclude that brand plays an
RQ6: Do social media platforms and their usage important role while purchasing any product
affect the consumer buying decision and the companies should focus on creating
RQ7 : How does celebrity image (perception) brand images and perception through their
determine your attitude toward brands? communication to increase the brand recall.


After understanding that consumers differentiate
As we aim to understand the effect of gender the products based on the
difference on consumer perception towards Brands and the communication they receive, we
products and importance of brands and there, we aim to understand the consumer perceptions of
have asked 171 people about the importance of brands based on the type of endorsements and the
brand while choosing the products and we effectiveness of celebrity endorsements
measured how gender plays a role in their We have asked questions like whether they
behaviour. We started with questions like would prefer products promoted by celebrities
whether they think brand is important at all for that have good image, whether they think
the products they buy and then we moved on to celebrity image helps them trust the brand and
their perception and preference of brands based product quality and does celebrity endorsement
on endorsements. Then we moved on to asking helps them in recalling the advertisements and
them to rate the statements like “I prefer brands attracting their attention towards the brand or
with celebrity endorsements”. advertisements.
We asked the respondents to rate these statements
on a likert scale of 1-5 on how much they agree
on the statements to give us an understanding of
how these endorsements are affecting the
consumer behaviour and perception.
perception of the product or brand image. So
One-Sample Statistics
brands should focus on celebrity endorsements
when they want to improve and leverage these
Std. Std.
Mea Devia Error
I prefer 171 2.60 1.098 .084
a celebrity VARIABLES
who has a
good image
As we have observed that consumers remember
celebrity endorsement for a longer time, we aim
Celebrity 171 3.38 1.159 .089 to understand what the effects of demographic
icons variables like gender are, education level and age
improve on the fact that consumers tend to remember
celebrity endorsements for a longer period of
time. Does this effect vary with demographic
changes or is constant.
I prefer 171 2.37 1.023 .078
brands that
use celebrity Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: I remember celebrity

Presence of 171 2.55 1.086 .083
advertisements for a long time
celebrity in
nt gives me Type
a positive III
feeling to Sum
buy the of Mean
product Squar Squar
Source es df e F Sig.

Corrected 18.497 11 1.682 1.21 .281

Model 5
I pay more 171 2.84 1.139 .087
attention to
Intercept 140.54 1 140.5 101. .000
nts that use
6 46 541
Gender 5.415 1 5.415 3.91 .050
I remember 171 3.47 1.185 .091 2
advertiseme Agegroups 3.887 2 1.944 1.40 .249
nts for a 4
long time

Educationle 9.763 3 3.254 2.35 .074

vel 1
Here, we were able to see that the effect varied
from factor to factor and celebrity endorsements
had a significant effect on the ad recall and
Gender * .030 1 .030 .022 .883 customers, it is important to understand customer
Agegroups awareness of influencers and how it is related to
their preference of endorser. In this study we aim
to understand if the consumer's awareness and
their ability to relate well with them affects their
Gender * 4.399 2 2.199 1.58 .207
Education 9
choice of brand being endorsed by influencers

Agegroups * 6.927 2 3.463 2.50 .085

Education 2

Gender * .000 0 . . .
Agegroups *

Error 220.07 15 1.384

6 9

Total 2295.0 17
00 1

Corrected 238.57 17
Total 3 0 When tested using correlation with respect to
these 2 factors, it showed that both of them have
some effect on the consumer choice and
awareness has a greater impact. So, if consumers
a. R Squared = .078 (Adjusted R Squared = .014)
are more aware of the influencers and brands
select such influencers where people can relate to
them, it has a positive impact on brands.
From the given analysis, we find that the effect of
demographic variables do not vary much t on the
ad recall, but gender has a slight effect with p STUDY 5: HOW DO CONSUMERS DIFFER
value =0.05So we can conclude that demographic IN TERMS OF THEIR AFFINITY TO
variables do not have an effect on whether CELEBRITIES AND INFLUENCERS
consumers can remember celebrity endorsements
for a long time or not We aim to understand how behaviour and
STUDY 4: ASSESSING THE PREFERENCE perception varies towards celebrity endorsers and
OF PEOPLE TO SELECT BRANDS influencers for consumers. We asked the
ENDORSED BY INFLUENCERS BASED consumers about how much can they relate with
ON THEIR AWARENESS LEVEL celebrities and influencers and based on their
responses we were able to see the difference
Consumer brands perception and image varies
with the celebrity endorsements and it has a
significant effect on their buying process and
purchase intention. As consumers are now being
educated on various platforms and a lot of
influencers started to come up educating the
whether with the change of endorser, they tend to
change the products. We tried to see if there was
a relationship between those.
Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Std.
Mea Devia Error
n N tion Mean

Pair I identify 2.26 171 1.014 .078

1 with/
celebritie From the given analysis, we could see that there
s was a significant difference between customers
that switched and the ones that do not. Even
I identify 2.88 171 1.241 .095 though high time was spent on social media, with
with/ the change of endorsers, customers did not switch
This gives the conclusion that brands should not
more focus on changing the endorsers from time to
with time, but creating a long lasting impact on the
influence consumer minds. If the customers can relate well
rs with the endorser and the ad, they tend to be loyal
to the brand.

We can see from the analysis that none of the

factors had the value on the higher side, but when STUDY 7: ASSESSING THE VARIABLES
compared, influencers had a better response than CONSUMER LOOK FOR IN
the celebrities. If at all managers want their ENDORSEMENTS AND REDUCING
brands to be endorsed by someone they can use THESE TO FACTORS
influencers for that.
Understanding that people relate with the
endorsers and that influences their purchase
STUDY 6: HOW DOES USAGE OF SOCIAL decision, we have seen how endorsements can
MEDIA INFLUENCE TO CHANGE help in remembering the advertisements and
BRANDS BY CHANGING THE AD creating a preference for the brands. There are
certain factors that make the consumers attract an
Given that consumers have access to social endorsement or advertisement. We asked the
media, the celebrity and influencer news, the consumers about their preferences on various
online advertisements, we are assuming that the variables like, the type of celebrity or endorser
presence and activeness in social media themselves, aesthetics of the advertisement, the
influences the decision of consumers to select or awareness given, the expert advice provided and
switch brands. So we asked respondents how the features being communicated, to understand
much time they spend on social media and also
which variables do they prefer most in any kind From the given analysis, we can see that the
of endorsement. females prefer the common man endorsing a
product in the advertisement while males prefer a
sports personality. So managers can take an
informed decision based on the type of brands
and products, and the target consumers, keeping
in mind that they can relate with the brands and
the product through the endorsements

Based on our analysis, these factors were reduced

to two components - one where the focus is on
type of endorsement and aesthetics whereas other
included the product features, awareness, and
expert advice.
We can say that there are two types of consumers, Managerial Implications
ones who prefer flamboyance and are attracted
towards that, ones who prefer information and We were able to see that the effect varied from
details. Mangers could segment these consumers variables to factor and celebrity endorsements
and target them by using the type of endorsement had a significant effect on the ad recall and
they prefer. perception of the product or brand image. So
Based on the results, the managers can decide the brands should focus on celebrity endorsements
type of endorser based on their target consumers. when they improve
influencers had a better response than the
STUDY 8: HOW GENDER AFFECTS THE celebrities.. If at all managers want their brands
TYPE OF ENDORSER PEOPLE PREFER to be endorsed by someone they can use
influencers for that. Brands should not focus on
Understanding the impact of celebrities and changing the endorsers from time to time, but
influencers on consumer behaviour, and how the creating a long lasting impact on the consumer
perception differs as well as the effect of minds. . If the customers can relate well with the
demographic variables on these behaviours and endorser and the ad, they tend to be loyal to the
segregating all the factors into two components, brand. Based on our analysis, these factors were
now we aim to understand the preference of the reduced to two components - one where the focus
type of endorsers and how does the gender is on type of endorsement and aesthetics whereas
variable impact these preferences. other included the product features, awareness
and leverage these factors. We can conclude that and expert advice.the managers can decide the
demographic variables do not have an effect on type of endorser based on their target consumers.
whether consumers can remember celebrity From the given analysis, we can see that the
endorsements for a long time or not.We can see females prefer the common man endorsing a
from the analysis that none of the factors had the product in the advertisement while males prefer a
value on the higher side, but when compared, sports personality. So managers can take an
informed decision based on the type of brands Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en
and products, and the target consumers, keeping Verbruikerswetenskappe, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 91-
in mind that they can relate with the brands and 99.
the product through the endorsements. Makgosa, R., (2010), “The influence of vicarious
role models on purchase intentions of
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11, no. 4, pp. 307-319
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