Wish List Process: Step 1

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Wish List Process

Step 1
What would you like to accomplish, have or experience? Desirability Difficulty

1. Write down your desires. Imagine you had a magic genie in a bottle reveal itself to you, saying you can accomplish or have whatever you want.
2. In column # 2 rate the desirability of your wish on a 1-10 scale (10 is meaningful and completely fulfilling wherein nothing is missing.)
3. In column # 3 rate the difficulty level. Imagine you need to accomplish this soon, rate it; 1=not so hard, you have done it before and can do
again. 10=you have never experienced anything close to this, it feels nearly impossible.

©2016 Aryana Rollins | SchoolOfSelfRevolution.com | 21 Days to Conscious Creation | 21_Days_Wish_List_Step1

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