Spin Bike Sprints

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1# 2#
5 minute warm up 5 minute warm up
-30 seconds sprint, in seat, medium tension -20 seconds sprint, out of seat, heavy tension
-30 seconds easy, in seat, light tension -40 seconds easy, in seat, light tension
Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 7 times Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 5 times
-3 minutes easy, in seat, light tension -3 minutes easy, in seat, light tension
-20 seconds sprint, out of seat, heavy tension -40 seconds sprint, in seat, medium tension
-40 seconds easy, in seat, light tension -20 seconds easy, in seat, light tension
Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 7 times Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 5 times
-5 minutes easy, in seat, light tension -5 minutes easy, in seat, light tension

5 minute warm up
-40 seconds sprint, out of seat, heavy tension
-20 seconds easy, in seat, light tension
Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 3 times
-2 minutes easy, in seat, light tension
-20 seconds sprint, in seat, heavy tension
-40 seconds easy, in seat, light tension
Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 5 times
-2 minutes easy, in seat, light tension
-40 seconds sprint, in seat, light tension
-20 seconds easy, in seat, light tension
Repeat Sprint/Easy sequence 3 times
-5 minutes easy, in seat, light tension
1# 2#
-5 minutes in seat, light tension -5 minutes in seat, light/medium tension
-2 minutes out of seat, medium tension -20 seconds in seat, medium tension
-5 minutes in seat, medium tension -20 seconds out of seat, medium tension
-2 minutes out of seat, medium tension -20 seconds in seat, medium tension
-6 minutes in seat,light/medium tension Repeat sequence 5 times
-5 minutes in seat, light/medium tension
-2 minutes out of seat, medium/heavy tension
-3 minutes in seat, medium tension

-5 minutes in seat, light/medium tension
-30 seconds in seat, medium tension
-30 seconds out of seat, medium/heavy tension
Repeat sequence 7 times
-3 minutes in seat, light tension
-1 minute out of seat, medium/heavy tension
-1 minute in seat, light/medium tension
Repeat sequence 5 times
1# 2#
5 minute warm up 5 minute warm up
-30 second sprint at incline 2 -15 second sprint at incline 5
-30 second jog at incline 2 -45 second jog at incline 5
Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 7 times Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 8 times
-5 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 8 -5 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 8
-10 second sprint at incline 6 -30 second sprint at incline 7
-50 second jog at incline 6 -30 second jog at incline 7
Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 7 times Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 8 times
-5 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 3 -5 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 3

5 minute warm up
-45 second sprint at incline 3
-15 second jog at incline 3
Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 4 times
-3 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 6
-20 second sprint at incline 8
-40 second jog at incline 8
Repeat Sprint/Jog sequence 8 times
-5 minute walk at 6km/h and incline 3
1# 2#
-5 minutes at 9km/h and incline 3 -5 minutes at 9km/h and incline 4
-5 minutes at 11km/h and incline 3 -5 minutes at 10km/h and incline 4
-5 minutes at 9km/h and incline 10 -5 minutes at 11km/h and incline 8
-5 minutes at 11km/h and incline 10 -5 minutes at 9km/h and incline 8
-5 minutes at 8km/h and incline 10 -5 minutes at 6km/h and incline 15

-3 minutes at 6km/h and incline 15
-3 minutes at 12km/h and incline 5
-3 minutes at 9km/h and incline 10
-3 minutes at 12km/h and incline 5
-3 minutes at 9km/h and incline 10
-5 minutes at 10km/h and incline 3
Barbell Complex:6 Exercises. 6 Reps each. Minimum 30 kg. Complete te
following 6 exercises in a row as quickly as you can. Rest 2-3 minutes and
repeat two more times.

1. Hang Cleans- explosively move the bar from knees to a catch at shoulder
2. Squat Thrust- squat with bar held in front of neck and then press it
overhead as you come up out of the squat.
3. Snatch- explosively move the bar from knees to overhead in one motion
4. Jump Squats- place the bar across upper back, squat down, and explode
up so that you leave the floor. Keep the bar held firm against your back.
5. Stiff-legged Deadlifts plus Row- lower the bar to the floor with stiff legs
and a flat back. When in the bottom position row the bar into your lower
abdomen. Lower the bar and stand back up.
6. Push Press- explosively move the bar from in front of neck to overhead
using your lower body to help power the lift.

Plate Complex:6 exercises. 12 reps each. Minimum 15kg plate. Complete the
following 6 exercises in a row as quickly as you can. Rest 2-3 minutes and
repeat two more times.

1. Standing Twist and Thrust- twist the plate from the left hip to out in
front of the body with a powerful motion. Twist to the right and repeat.
2. Forward Lunge with Overhead Swing- as you lunge forward swing the
plate overhead with arms extended. Bring the plate down as you stand
back up.
3. Twisting Woodchop- move the plate explosively cross-body from high
to low.
4. Backward Lunge with Twist to Opposite Side- Hold the plate in front
of your chest. Take a backward lunge step with your right leg and twist
your upper body to the left side.
5. Saxon Bends- hold the plate overhead with locked arms. Move the plate
to the right and your hips to the left.
6. Curl and Press- curl the plate and then press it overhead.

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