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Accounting 1 Course Syllabus 2017-18

Course Title: Principles of Accounting I Name:

Text: Century 21 Accounting, 9E, General Journal South-Western, Cengage Learning
Software: Microsoft Excel, Virtual Accounting
Length: Full Year
Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: Grade 10, 11 & 12
Instructor: Mrs. Flynn - and Region 10 Teacher website

Course Description
Principles of Accounting I is designed to provide students with knowledge of business organizations by
understanding the accounting theory, concepts, and procedures. Students will acquire knowledge of journalizing
and posting transactions, worksheets, financial statements and accounting concepts and procedures essential to
the accounting cycle. Students will use Excel to complete the accounting spreadsheet applications. Assessment
consists of quizzes, tests, simulations, homework and daily class work. Upon successful completion of Principles of
Accounting I, the student will receive one math credit toward graduation.

• To provide a foundation for the continuation of study in Accounting and/or Business and Finance.
• To provide the student with an understanding of the operations of a business and accurate record-keeping.
• To provide competence for entry-level positions in accounting and related administrative assistant
• Activities will require students to draw upon basic academic skills in math, English, and reading.
• To use technology skills using Microsoft Excel and virtual accounting software to analyze accounting

Course Objectives
• Define accounting terms related to accounting, business management and finance.
• Identify how accounting serves as a basis for careers, and the tasks associated with various accounting
• Describe how communication skills are important in reporting accounting information.
Describe the importance of ethical business decisions in the workplace, and its’ impact on consumers.
• Compare and contrast a service business organized as a proprietorship and a merchandising business.
• Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a proprietorship and a merchandising business.
• Master the ability to apply the accounting cycle for different types of businesses.
• Classify accounts as assets, liabilities or owner’s equity, revenue and expenses.
• Analyze how transactions related to starting a proprietorship and merchandising business affect accounts in
an accounting equation.
• Prepare financial statements for a proprietorship and merchandising business from accounting information

Assessment & Grading Criteria

Assessment for this course will consist of class work, homework, quizzes, accounting simulations, and tests.

Tests 50%
Class work/Quizzes/Projects/Study Guides 40%
Homework 10%

Homework: Most of the assignments are started in class and completed outside of class if not completed.
Accounting is cumulative and each chapter builds upon the next chapter; therefore, it is imperative that all work
must be completed when assigned. Homework that is not completed on the due date will be recorded as a zero.
Make-up work is not accepted after the test date has been given. All work is expected to be done neatly and in a
professional manner.

Students are expected to read each chapter prior to class introduction. Textbook assignments (Terms and Audit
your Understanding) will be given in advance and are to be hand written. Studies proves this aids in retention!

Materials Students are expected to come to class prepared by bringing a pencil, calculator, accounting textbook
and a notebook. Your notebook should have separate sections for chapter questions and vocabulary. A three-ring
binder will work best for this class.

Fire Drill Proceed out the door turning right and exit down the main hallway through the main lobby and out the
front door. Proceed to the front parking lot (must be 200 feet from the building)! Stay together as a class so
attendance can be taken.

Extra Help
If you need extra help, I am available. Please check with me to schedule a meeting time in Room A131.

Classroom Guidelines
► Please be on time… Tardiness adds up to detentions!
► Be respectful of others’ work and time, and equipment – Inappropriate language or disrespect toward
others will not be tolerated.
► Be prepared. Bring all materials to class.
► Use your class time wisely… plan, plan and plan!
► Adherence to LSM Responsible Use Policy
► Cell Phones or iPods are NOT allowed unless permission is given by instructor for educational purposes.
The instructor is NOT responsible for a missing or damaged cell phone. If I see the cell phone, it will be
confiscated and turned into the office.
► Food/Beverages and GUM are not allowed in the computer lab
► Stay seated until the bell rings. Do not line up at the door
► Be responsible, clean up your area, and push in your chair. Last period class shuts down computers.

Academic Dishonesty
► Students involved with cheating (both the student who cheats, and the student who allows cheating to
occur) will receive a zero for the particular assignment/test/simulation in which cheating occurred; a
written referral and a phone call home to ones’ parents/guardians.

Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior

► Any intentional malicious acts, which damage hardware or corrupt software, will result in removal from
class and an administrative referral.
► Persistent and excessive interruptions during class will influence grades and could result in teacher
detention or removal from class.
► If you fail to adhere to the Guidelines, you will lose your access to the computer for that day.

Make-up Work
► Pass in the office make-up sheet at the beginning of class, a due date will appear on the sheet.
► If the classroom is not available for make-up work, the computer lab has the software installed for you to
use on your own time.
► It is the student’s obligation to obtain make-up work from the instructor. Communication is Key!
Accounting 1 Course Syllabus 2017-18
To acknowledge that you and your son/daughter have had the opportunity to review the Accounting syllabus,
and that it is understood what components and how your son/daughter’s grade will be calculated, please
indicate below by signing this form. This form is due on or before September 6th.

Student Name Printed ___________________________________________________________

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________Email_______________________________

Best way to reach you____________________________________________________________________

Accounting 1 Course Syllabus 2017-18

To acknowledge that you and your son/daughter have had the opportunity to review the Accounting syllabus,
and that it is understood what components and how your son/daughter’s grade will be calculated, please
indicate below by signing this form. This form is due on or before September 6th.

Student Name Printed ___________________________________________________________

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________Email_______________________________

Best way to reach you____________________________________________________________________

Accounting 1 Course Syllabus 2017-18

To acknowledge that you and your son/daughter have had the opportunity to review the Accounting syllabus,
and that it is understood what components and how your son/daughter’s grade will be calculated, please
indicate below by signing this form. This form is due on or before September 6th.

Student Name Printed ___________________________________________________________

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________Email_______________________________

Best way to reach you____________________________________________________________________

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