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 COMMUNICATION- imparting or exchanging of information or news.

- Sending or receiving information.

 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION- happens when the receiver does not only

get the message but he or she must truly understand it.

 BARRIERS IN COMMUNICATION – these are the obstacles or the

hindrance to a good communication.

A. Language Barriers
B. Psychological Barriers
C. Physiological Barriers
D. Physical Barriers
E. Systemic Barriers
F. Attitudinal Barriers

A. LANGUAGE BARRIERS- Language is the most commonly employed tool

of communication. The fact that each major region has its own language
is one of the Barriers to effective communication. Sometimes even a thick
dialect may render the communication ineffective.

B. PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS- There are various mental and

psychological issues that may be barriers to effective communication. 

Some people have stage fear, speech disorders, phobia, depression etc.

C. PHYSIOLOGICAL BARRIERS- Certain disorders or diseases or other

limitations could also prevent effective communication between the
various channels of an organization. The shrillness of voice, deafness,
blindness etc. are some examples of physiological barriers to effective

D. PHYSICAL BARRIERS- Physical barrier is the environmental and natural

condition that act as a barrier in communication in sending a message
from sender to receiver.
Disturbance in hearing due to thunders, telephone call disconnection,
problems in television reception, message not being sent in chat, etc. are
some examples of physical barriers of communication.

E. SYSTEMIC BARRIERS- hindrances in the structure and organization

where there is inefficient or lack of appropriate information systems or
communication channels. Roles and responsibilities may be unclear;
thus, a person may be confused as to what role he plays in the
communication process.

An email coming from a big boss of business unit of a multinational
company. A notification regarding an issue suddenly appeared and she
emailed all the teams under supervision. She asked the status of a
certain database but did not specify which team is responsible in giving
the feedback. Instead of solving the problem that instant, it took her
whole team one day and half to resolve the issue. Nobody replied to her
email because nobody was sure which team is supposed to handle that
certain project

F. ATTITUDINAL BARRIERS- Attitude of a receiver significantly affects how

he/ she understands the message.

Being in a team with a classmate who you think is annoying.
Communicating with her may become difficult because there is a high
possibility that anything she says to you can be understood in the wrong

GROUP ACTIVITY: Make a solution in every barrier to make the

communication effective.

A. Language Barriers
B. Psychological Barriers
C. Physiological Barriers
D. Physical Barriers
E. Systemic Barriers
F. Attitudinal Barriers

Communicating effectively entails an end goal for the speaker, Is the

communicative action initiated to inform? To motivate? Or to express
feeling or opinions? It is important to know how effectively reach that
goal through strategic non verbal and verbal cue.


of communication. We use it everyday when we hold conversations with
our friends or classmates.

Social Interaction- is the way people talk and act with each other.

Between 2 or more people.
Emotional Expression- also a form of communication. – expression while
you are talking to someone. These are the facial movements such as
smiling and scowling or frowning.

2. MOTIVATION- stimulate or encourage people to act on their goals.

However, the motivational kind of communication can work in two ways,
positive or negative motivation.

A. Positive Motivation- happens when the speaker who is motivating

someone or a group uses his or her skills in communication as a
bridge towards self- assessments, confidence, knowledge and etc.
B. Negative Motivation- counter part of positive that can lead to either
communication apprehensions, social anxiety, shyness, or public
speaking anxiety.
 COMMUNICATION ANXIETY- happens when a person becomes
fearful of communicating with another person or a group. The fear
is rooted from a previous experience. These physical signs motivate
someone to avoid communication or feel anxious when forced to
Examples: Sweaty palms, upset stomach or butterflies in the
 CONTEXT APPREHENSION- happens when the anxiety to
communicate happens in CERATIN SITUATIONS ONLY such as
interpersonal, small group or public speaking.
 Public Speaking- is also called stage freight. A person
hesitates or avoid speaking in front of large group or
 Shyness- feel uncomfortable when speaking to small group
of people.
 Social Anxiety- happens when a person feels threatened and
scared of what other people say or think about them.

3. INFORMATION- provide data and information

- Core reason why we communicate

Information and communication will always be linked with each other.


Group 1: MOTIVATION- Choose a representative that will act as the President
of the Philippines. Make 2 paragraphs speech that motivates children to go to
school and finish their studies.
Group 2: INFORMATION- Make a script about someone who is asking for a
direction and show how you will communicate with him by instructing him the
right direction.
script about one of the family members who died and how you will tell your
mother about it.

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