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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A.

Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation

Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

SECTION 6 (b-2)


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Fax: +251-11551-0383, P. O. Box 1436/1110 Page 1 of 115

Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................2

1 GENERAL PROVISIONS.......................................................................................................................14

1.1 SCOPE AND APPLICATION.........................................................................................14

1.2 CLAUSE NUMBERS.......................................................................................................14



1.5 CONTRACTOR’S ORDERS FOR MATERIALS...........................................................15

1.5.1 General.....................................................................................................................................15

1.5.2 SAMPLES AND TESTING.....................................................................................................15

1.5.3 TEST CERTIFICATES............................................................................................................16

1.6 CONTRACTOR’S WORK PROGRAMME....................................................................16

1.7 DRAWINGS.....................................................................................................................17

1.7.1 General.....................................................................................................................................17

1.7.2 Bid Drawings............................................................................................................................17

1.7.3 Construction Drawings.............................................................................................................17

1.7.4 Records and As-Built Drawings................................................................................................18

1.7.5 Drawings and Documents to be Returned.................................................................................18

1.8 SUBSOIL INVESTIGATIONS........................................................................................18

1.9 CONTRACTOR’S YARD................................................................................................18

1.9.1 General.....................................................................................................................................18

1.9.2 Building for Temporary Use by Contractor..............................................................................19

1.9.3 Temporary Sanitary Conveniences...........................................................................................19

1.9.4 Cost...........................................................................................................................................19

1.10 OCCUPATION OF LAND FOR TEMPORARY WORKS..............................................19

1.11 PAYMENTS OF COMPENSATION...............................................................................19

1.12 CONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT....................................................................................20

1.13 WATER SUPPLY............................................................................................................20

1.14 ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY.........................................................................................21

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

1.15 SURVEYING...................................................................................................................21

1.15.1 Benchmarks..............................................................................................................................21

1.15.2 Preservation of Benchmarks.....................................................................................................21

1.16 SURVEY AND SETTING OUT......................................................................................21

1.16.1 Setting Out................................................................................................................................21

1.16.2 Agreement of Topography........................................................................................................22

1.17 DEWATERING................................................................................................................22

1.18 PHOTOGRAPHS.............................................................................................................22

1.19 PROJECT AND DIRECTION SIGNBOARD..................................................................23

1.21 FIRST AID EQUIPMENT...............................................................................................23

1.22 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY SIGNS AND BARRIERS..................................................23

1.23 COORDINATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS.....................................................23

1.23.1 Co-ordination with overseas supply Contractors.......................................................................23

1.23.2 Co-ordination with the Electrical & Mechanical Contractor.....................................................24

1.23.3 Packing, Marking and Delivery................................................................................................24

1.23.4 Provisional Sums......................................................................................................................24

1.23.5 Progress Reports.......................................................................................................................25

2 SITE DETAILS........................................................................................................................................26

2.1 SITES OF WORKS, CARE OF PROPERTY...................................................................26

2.1.1 General.....................................................................................................................................26

2.1.2 Prevention of Obstructions, pollution & Avoidance of Nuisance.............................................26

2.1.3 Public Roads, Bridges, etc........................................................................................................26

2.1.4 Work in Public Roads...............................................................................................................27

2.1.5 Maintenance, Removal and Reconstruction of Utilities, etc......................................................27

2.1.6 Work in Vicinity of Power Lines..............................................................................................29

2.2 ROYALTIES....................................................................................................................29

2.3 ACCESS TO THE WORKS.............................................................................................29

2.3.1 General.....................................................................................................................................29

2.3.2 Right-of-way.............................................................................................................................29

2.3.3 Access to the Works and Damage to Roads..............................................................................30

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

2.3.4 Agricultural Land......................................................................................................................30

2.4 MAINTENANCE OF ROADS.........................................................................................30

2.5 CLEARING UP OF SITE.................................................................................................30

2.6 SALVAGED TEMPORARY WORKS............................................................................30

2.7 MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION......................................................................30

3 FACILITIES FOR THE ENGINEER AND HIS STAFF.........................................................................32

3.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................32

3.2 OFFICE BUILDING........................................................................................................32

3.3 SURVEYOR’S EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................32

3.4 ATTENDANCE UPON THE ENGINEER......................................................................32

3.5 PRIORITY FOR THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES.....................................................33

4 SITEWORKS AND EARTHWORKS.....................................................................................................34

4.1 SITE PREPARATION.....................................................................................................34

4.1.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................34

4.1.2 Site Clearance – General...........................................................................................................34

4.1.3 Clearing of Vegetation..............................................................................................................34

4.1.4 Grubbing...................................................................................................................................34

4.1.5 Disposal of Trees, Roots, Etc....................................................................................................34

4.2 PIPELINES IN BUSH AREAS........................................................................................35

4.3 PIPELINES IN CITY AREAS.........................................................................................35

4.4 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF SOD................................................................35

5 EARTHWORKS......................................................................................................................................36

5.1 CLASSIFICATION..........................................................................................................36

5.1.1 Rock Excavation.......................................................................................................................36

5.1.2 Common Excavation.................................................................................................................36

5.2 GENERAL AND FOUNDATION EXCAVATION........................................................37


5.4 BLASTING......................................................................................................................38

5.4.1 General Requirements...............................................................................................................38

5.4.2 Blasting Personnel....................................................................................................................38

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

5.4.3 Blasting Information to be Furnished by the Contractor...........................................................38

5.4.4 Blasting Precautions.................................................................................................................38

5.4.5 Finished Rock Surfaces.............................................................................................................39

5.4.6 Excavations for Structures in Rocks.........................................................................................39

6 TREATMENT OF ROCK & EARTH SURFACES.................................................................................40

6.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................40

6.2 ROCK FOUNDATIONS FOR CONCRETE....................................................................40

6.3 ROCK FOUNDATIONS FOR EARTH-FILL CONSTRUCTION..................................40

6.4 SITE FORMATION.........................................................................................................40

6.5 EARTHWORKS FOR BUILDINGS, ETC......................................................................41

6.5.1 Excavation................................................................................................................................41

6.5.2 Backfill.....................................................................................................................................41

6.6 MOISTURE CONTROL OF EARTHFILL......................................................................41

6.7 COMPACTION OF EARTHFILL...................................................................................42

6.7.1 Compaction Equipment............................................................................................................42

6.7.2 Compaction – General..............................................................................................................42

6.7.3 Tamping....................................................................................................................................43

6.7.4 Riprap –Hand Placed................................................................................................................43

6.7.5 Dimensions and Placing............................................................................................................44

6.7.6 Testing-General........................................................................................................................44

6.7.7 Setting Aside Topsoil................................................................................................................44

6.7.8 Stone Paving.............................................................................................................................44

6.8 SELECTED EARTHFILL MATERIALS........................................................................45

6.8.1 Base Gravel...............................................................................................................................45

6.8.2 Crushed Gravel.........................................................................................................................45

6.8.3 Granular Fill.............................................................................................................................46

6.8.4 Rock Fill...................................................................................................................................46

6.8.5 Drain Rock................................................................................................................................46

6.8.6 Free Draining Gravel................................................................................................................46

6.8.7 Backfill.....................................................................................................................................47

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7 CONCRETE.............................................................................................................................................48

7.1 CONCRETE.....................................................................................................................48

7.1.1 Scope and Standards.................................................................................................................48

7.2 CLASSIFICATION OF CONCRETE..............................................................................49

7.2.1 Normal Concrete.......................................................................................................................49

7.2.2 Concrete Designation................................................................................................................50

7.3 CEMENT..........................................................................................................................51

7.3.1 Quality......................................................................................................................................51

7.3.2 Supply.......................................................................................................................................51

7.3.3 Storage......................................................................................................................................51

7.3.4 Contractor’s Responsibility.......................................................................................................51

7.3.5 Water........................................................................................................................................52

7.4 AGGREGATES................................................................................................................52

7.4.1 General.....................................................................................................................................52

7.4.2 Sampling and Testing of Fine & Course Aggregate..................................................................53

7.4.3 Fine Aggregate..........................................................................................................................53

7.4.4 Coarse Aggregate – General.....................................................................................................53

7.4.5 Coarse Aggregate for Normal Concrete....................................................................................54

7.5 ADMIXTURES................................................................................................................54
7.5.1 General Requirements...............................................................................................................54

7.5.2 Air Entraining Admixtures........................................................................................................55

7.5.3 Water Reducing, Set Retarding Admixture...............................................................................55

7.6 DESIGNED MIXES.........................................................................................................55

7.6.1 General.....................................................................................................................................55

7.6.2 Approval of Mix Proportions....................................................................................................56

7.6.3 Contractor’s Responsibility.......................................................................................................56

7.6.4 Nominal Mixes.........................................................................................................................57

7.6.5 General about Batching.............................................................................................................58

7.6.6 Weighing Equipment................................................................................................................58

7.6.7 Batching by Volume.................................................................................................................59

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Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.6.8 Mixing......................................................................................................................................59

7.7 TRANSPORTING OF CONCRETE................................................................................60

7.8 READY MIXED CONCRETE.........................................................................................60

7.8.1 General.....................................................................................................................................60

7.8.2 Approval of Mixes from Operating Concrete Plants.................................................................61

7.9 CONSISTENCY OF CONCRETE...................................................................................61

7.10 PREPARATION OF FOUNDATIONS............................................................................61

7.11 PLACING OF CONCRETE.............................................................................................61

7.11.1 General.....................................................................................................................................61

7.11.2 Placing Concrete in Wet Ground..............................................................................................63

7.11.3 Placing Concrete below Water Level........................................................................................63

7.11.4 Special Requirements................................................................................................................63

7.11.5 Placing Temperature of Concrete..............................................................................................63

7.11.6 Consolidation (Vibration) of Concrete......................................................................................64

7.11.7 Construction Joints in Concrete................................................................................................64

7.12 EMBEDDING METAL PARTS IN CONCRETE............................................................65

7.13 CONCRETE FINISHES...................................................................................................65

7.13.1 Formed Surfaces.......................................................................................................................65

7.13.2 Unformed Concrete Surfaces....................................................................................................65

7.13.3 Scratched Finish........................................................................................................................65

7.13.4 Broomed Finish........................................................................................................................66

7.14 CURING OF CONCRETE...............................................................................................66

7.14.1 General.....................................................................................................................................66

7.14.2 Water Curing............................................................................................................................66

7.14.3 Membrane Curing.....................................................................................................................66

7.15 TESTING OF CONCRETE..............................................................................................67

7.15.1 General.....................................................................................................................................67

7.15.2 Testing for Water tightness.......................................................................................................68

7.16 REPAIR OF CONCRETE................................................................................................69

7.16.1 General.....................................................................................................................................69

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Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.16.2 Cement Mortar..........................................................................................................................69

7.17 FORMWORK (SHUTTERING) FOR CONCRETE – GENERAL..................................69

7.18 CLASSES OF FORMS.....................................................................................................70

7.19 EXAMINATION..............................................................................................................71

7.20 CLEANING AND TREATMENT OF FORMS...............................................................71

7.21 FORM TIES.....................................................................................................................71

7.22 CORE HOLES, ETC. FOR METAL PARTS...................................................................72

7.23 REMOVAL OF FORMS..................................................................................................72

7.24 TOLERANCE FOR CONCRETE WORK.......................................................................73

7.25 CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS...............................................................73

7.25.1 Contraction Joints.....................................................................................................................73

7.25.2 Expansion Joints.......................................................................................................................74

7.26 WATERSTOPS................................................................................................................75

7.26.1 General.....................................................................................................................................75

7.26.2 Rubber Waterstops....................................................................................................................75

7.26.3 PVC Waterstops........................................................................................................................75

7.26.4 Tests of Materials......................................................................................................................75

7.26.5 Installation................................................................................................................................75

7.26.6 Splicing of Rubber Waterstops.................................................................................................76

7.26.7 Splicing of PVC Waterstops.....................................................................................................76

7.27 REINFORCEMENT STEEL............................................................................................76

7.27.1 General.....................................................................................................................................76

7.27.2 Cover Over Reinforcement.......................................................................................................78

7.27.3 Precast Concrete Slabs, etc.......................................................................................................78

7.28 CONCRETE SEWER PIPES...........................................................................................79

7.28.1 General.....................................................................................................................................79

7.28.2 Concrete Sewer Pipe Tests........................................................................................................79

7.28.3 Concrete Sewer Pipe Laying.....................................................................................................79

7.28.4 Jointing of Concrete Sewer Pipes..............................................................................................79

8 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS..................................................................................................................81

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

8.1 MATERIAL FOR MORTAR...........................................................................................81

8.2 CEMENT-LIME MORTAR.............................................................................................81

8.3 CEMENT MORTAR........................................................................................................81

8.4 HOLLOW CONCRETE BLOCKS (HCB).......................................................................81

8.5 LAYING OF BLOCKS....................................................................................................82

8.6 MASONRY GROUT........................................................................................................82

8.6.1 Grout Aggregate.......................................................................................................................82

8.6.2 Mixing Masonry Grout.............................................................................................................83

8.7 STONE MASONRY WORK...........................................................................................83

8.8 DAMP PROOF COURSE................................................................................................83

8.9 BRICKS............................................................................................................................83

8.9.1 Brick Laying.............................................................................................................................84

8.10 WALL FINISHES............................................................................................................85

8.10.1 Plastering and Rendering..........................................................................................................85

9 PIPELINES GENERAL PROVISIONS...................................................................................................87

9.1 SCOPE OF WORKS........................................................................................................87

9.2 SUPPLY OF PIPES AND ACCESSORIES.....................................................................87

9.3 PERFORMANCE OF WORKS........................................................................................87

9.4 SETTING OUT OF PIPELINES......................................................................................87

9.5 CONTRACTOR’S DRAWINGS.....................................................................................87

10 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS..................................................................................................................88

10.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................88

10.2 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS BY EMPLOYER.................................................................88

10.3 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR....................................................88

11 EARTHWORKS FOR PIPELINES......................................................................................................89

11.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................89

11.2 EXCAVATION FOR PIPE TRENCHES.........................................................................89

11.2.1 General.....................................................................................................................................89

11.2.2 Trench Width............................................................................................................................89

11.2.3 Trench Bottom..........................................................................................................................90

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Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

11.2.4 Rock Excavation and Blasting..................................................................................................90

11.2.5 Excavation Methods.................................................................................................................90

11.3 PREPARATION OF TRENCH BOTTOM......................................................................91

11.3.1 Pipe Laid on Trench Bottom.....................................................................................................91

11.3.2 Pipe Laid on Earth Mounds or Cement Bags............................................................................91

11.3.3 Excess Excavation....................................................................................................................92

11.4 LIMITATION IN LENGTH OF OPEN TRENCH...........................................................92

11.5 COVER OF PIPES...........................................................................................................93

11.5.1 Minimum Cover........................................................................................................................93

11.5.2 Maximum Cover.......................................................................................................................93

11.6 METHOD OF BEDDING OF PIPES...............................................................................93

11.6.1 Rock or Other Incompressible Foundation................................................................................93

11.6.2 Methods of Bedding..................................................................................................................93

11.7 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL...................................................................94

11.8 BACKFILLING OF PIPE TRENCHES...........................................................................94

11.8.1 General.....................................................................................................................................94

11.8.2 Backfilling before Tests............................................................................................................95

11.8.3 Backfilling after Tests...............................................................................................................95

11.8.4 Backfilling Joints before Tests..................................................................................................96

11.8.5 Transported Backfill Material...................................................................................................96

11.8.6 Backfilling around Structures...................................................................................................96

11.9 RESTORATION AND CLEAN-UP.................................................................................96


11.11 REINSTATEMENT OF ROADS.....................................................................................97

11.11.1 General..................................................................................................................................97

11.11.2 Interim Reinstatement...........................................................................................................97

11.12 REINSTATEMENT OF FOOTPATHS............................................................................97


12 PIPELAYING.......................................................................................................................................99

12.1 HAULING AND HANDLING OF PIPES, VALVES, ETC.............................................99

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Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

12.2 STRINGING OF PIPES ALONG THE LINE..................................................................99


12.4 LAYING OF PIPES – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................100

12.5 CURVES, BENDS, ETC................................................................................................101

12.6 JOINTING OF PIPES.....................................................................................................101

12.6.1 Mechanical Joints...................................................................................................................101

12.6.2 Welded Joints..........................................................................................................................102

12.7 FLANGED JOINTS.......................................................................................................102

12.8 JOINTING OF PVC AND DCI. PIPES..........................................................................103

12.8.1 Spigot and Socket Joints.........................................................................................................103

12.8.2 Mechanical Joints...................................................................................................................103

12.8.3 Glued Joints............................................................................................................................103

12.9 FITTINGS AND SPECIALS..........................................................................................103

12.9.1 General...................................................................................................................................103

12.9.2 Fabricated Fittings and Specials..............................................................................................104

12.9.3 Closures and Short Sections....................................................................................................104

12.10 CUTTING OF PIPES.....................................................................................................104

12.11 PIPE REPAIRS...............................................................................................................104

12.12 COMPLETING PROTECTION OF STEEL AND DI PIPES........................................105

12.13 TESTING PIPELINES...................................................................................................105

12.13.1 General (Applicable to all Pipelines)..................................................................................105

12.13.2 Testing of Steel and DI pipes..............................................................................................106

12.13.3 Testing of PVC pipes..........................................................................................................106

12.13.4 Retests.................................................................................................................................106

12.14 CLEARING OF PIPES...................................................................................................106

12.15 CLEANSING AND TESTING OF SEWERS................................................................106

12.15.1 Cleansing of Gravity Sewers and Manholes........................................................................106

12.15.2 Testing of Gravity Sewers...................................................................................................107

12.15.3 Air Test for Gravity Sewers................................................................................................107

12.15.4 Water Test for Gravity Sewers............................................................................................107

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Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

12.15.5 Visual Inspection of Gravity Sewers...................................................................................107

12.15.6 Testing of Storm Sewers/Drains.........................................................................................107

12.15.7 Infiltration...........................................................................................................................107


13.1 SAMPLES, TESTS AND COSTS..................................................................................109

13.2 QUALIFICATION OF WORKERS...............................................................................109

13.3 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT..................................................................................109

13.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................109

13.1.2 Excavation..............................................................................................................................109

13.1.3 Fill..........................................................................................................................................110

13.1.4 Concrete..................................................................................................................................110

13.1.5 Formwork...............................................................................................................................110

13.1.6 Reinforcement for Concrete....................................................................................................110

13.1.7 Brickwork and Block work.....................................................................................................110

13.1.8 Masonry Work........................................................................................................................110

13.1.9 Plastering and Rendering........................................................................................................110

13.1.10 Pipe laying..........................................................................................................................111

13.1.11 Fittings and Appurtenances for Pipelines............................................................................111

13.1.12 Watercourse Crossings and the Like for Pipelines..............................................................111

13.1.13 Testing of Pipelines.............................................................................................................111

13.1.14 Disinfection of Pipelines.....................................................................................................111

13.1.15 Concrete for Pipelines.........................................................................................................111



14.2 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES...................................112

14.3 SEWER LINE, MANHOLES AND AUXILARY BUILDINGS....................................114



14.5 HSE REPORTING.........................................................................................................114

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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications



This Specification shall apply to the Civil Engineering works required in the construction of the
Works as described in this Document.

Unless otherwise stated all clause numbers refer to the clauses in this specification.

The Contractor shall fulfill all requirements and obligations under all clauses of the specification.
Neither the following clauses of this specification, any descriptions therein, nor the quantities, shall
limit the obligations of the Contractor under the conditions of contract. Where items are not included
in the Bill of Quantities for any such requirements or obligations, the cost of such requirements or
obligations shall be deemed to be spread over all the items of the Bills of Quantities.
All ISO, British, or other Standards (including Codes of Practice) mentioned herein shall be deemed
to form part of this specification. All references to such standards shall be to the latest edition or
revision thereof unless otherwise stated. Where a specific British or other standard is referred to in
this specification, another standard will be acceptable, provided that it ensures a quality of material
and workmanship equal to or better than the Standard referred to. If the Contractor intends to use
such alternative standard, he shall notify the Engineer thereof, submitting with his notice 2 copies (in
English) of the proposed standard, and shall not order any material or perform, any work unless and
until he has obtained the Engineer’s approval of such Standard.
Brand names, where used in the Specification or on the Drawings, are only intended to define a
standard of quality and performance and the Contractor may use alternative products of at least equal
quality and capacity.
Where the term “or similar” is used it shall be construed as “or equivalent”.
When alternatives are offered, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a statement
detailing the alternatives, and shall include full technical descriptions, drawings, and specifications,
and shall provide such full information as is required to enable the Contractor to demonstrate to the
Engineer that the alternative is equivalent to the item specified. Any further information that the
Engineer may require shall be produced by the Contractor when called for.

All materials to be provided shall be new, unused of the most recent manufactures and incorporate
all recent improvements in design and materials unless otherwise provided in the Contract.
Before entering into any sub-Contract for the supply of any materials or goods the Contractor shall
obtain the Engineer’s approval in writing of the sub-contractor from whom he proposes to obtain
such materials of goods. Should the Engineer at any time be dissatisfied with such materials or goods
or with the method or performance of such sub-Contractor’s work or place of business, the Engineer
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Bidding Document A.A.W.S.A. Water & Sanitation Development and Rehabilitation
Project Office. Akaki-Catchment Sewerage Construction Project

Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

shall be empowered to cancel his previously given approval of such sub-contractor. The Contractor
shall then obtain the said services, materials or goods from such other sub-contractor as may be
approved by the Engineer and shall bear any additional cost thereof.
If during the Contract, through any reason, a supplier should increase the cost of materials above that
of other equally reputable suppliers, the Engineer may, at his own discretion, asks the Contractor to
change his supplier or he may only authorize payment for materials at the rates of other suppliers.

1.5.1 General

Without prejudice to any other clause in the specification, the Contractor shall before ordering any
building materials, ironwork, pipes or other articles for use and installation in the works, seek the
approval of the Engineer of the names of the persons or firms from whom he desires to obtain any
such articles.

A minimum of two (2) samples, or as otherwise specified, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review of
those products and materials for which samples are required.

Samples shall be submitted a minimum of thirty days prior to the date for approval required by the Contractor
for procurement of the materials.

Samples shall be submitted with complete information concerning manufacturer's data, applicable standards,
test results, and location of installation on the project.

Materials for which the Engineer has approved samples shall be used only in those areas and locations for which the
approval was granted.

Materials for which samples have been rejected shall not be delivered to the site, or if delivered, shall be
removed promptly.
Approval by the Engineer as to the placing of orders for materials or as to samples or tests shall not prejudice
any of the Engineers power under the Contract.

All costs in connection with conducting tests by an approved laboratory shall be included and covered by the
Provisional Sum allowed in the Bill of Quantities for the following categories of tests:

1. tests conducted at the premises of the Contractor, Sub-contractor, manufacturer or supplier which are
normally or customarily carried out at such premises for the items or materials being supplied for the Works;

2. tests which are normally or customarily conducted on the items or materials being supplied for the
Works by the Contractor, Sub-Contractor, supplier or manufacturer but which have to be conducted at an
approved laboratory because the necessary testing facilities are not available on the premises of the
Contractor, Sub-Contractor, supplier and manufacturer;

3. tests on locally obtained materials or items either on the Site or at an approved laboratory for the
purpose of obtaining the approval of the Engineer to the classification, use and compliance with the
Specifications of such items or materials;

4. routine quality control tests conducted by the Contractor to ensure compliance with the Specifications;

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5. regular testing of concrete and other materials as specified in the relevant Chapters of the Technical

6. Standard shop and Site acceptance tests, including trial assemblies, of mechanical equipment.


Should the Engineer not inspect any materials or goods at the places of manufacture the Contractor
shall obtain Certificates of Tests performed on such materials or goods by an agency approved by the
Engineer and shall send such Certificates to the Engineer. Such Certificates shall certify that the
materials or goods concerned have been tested in accordance with the requirements of the
specification and shall give the results of all the tests carried out. The Contractor shall provide
adequate means of identifying the materials and goods delivered to the site with the corresponding
All costs incurred in complying with this Clause shall be deemed to be included in the tendered rates
and prices.

A Program for the performance of the works as a whole and showing the proposed construction shall
be submitted by each Bidder with his Bid.
Pursuant to Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall, with in 30 days after acceptance of
the Bid, draw up the work program, showing in detail the order in which the various parts of the works are to
be constructed, with dates of commencement and completion and, where necessary, intermediate stages of
works and the dates thereof.

The Contractor shall pay particular attention to detailing the dates on which he will require the
delivery, of pipes and accessories for pipe laying and all electrical and mechanical parts that will be
built in or could otherwise affect the progress of his work.
The program must, where required by the Engineer, be accompanied by sketches showing in plan
and section the different stages of the program. The said program shall take into account the seasonal
rainfall and flow of surface water.
After approval by the Engineer, the work program shall be binding on the Contractor. Changes in the
program may be made by the Contractor only after prior approval has been obtained from the
Engineer, which approval shall not be reasonably withheld. The program shall fully take into account
and allow for the need to coordinate procedures to allow for erection and installation of mechanical
and electrical works and equipment being provided under other Contracts in a methodical manner.
The Engineer shall be entitled at any time to demand changes in the work program as he deems
necessary for the proper and expedient performance of the works. This could also include
realignment of pipelines as dictated by the conditions on site.

1.7.1 General

The whole of the works shall agree in all particulars with the levels, dimensions and details
contained in the Construction Drawings.

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The Contractor shall carefully check the Drawings supplied to him and shall bring any errors or
discrepancies discovered therein to the attention of the Engineer, who will issue the necessary
instructions for corrections.
Where dimensions and levels are shown on the Drawings or mentioned in the documents forming
part of or issued under the Contract these shall be verified by the Contractor on the site and he will
be held responsible for pointing out promptly any errors or discrepancies in such dimensions or
levels. The Engineer will issue the necessary instructions for corrections.
Failure to discover and/or to notify the Engineer of any errors or discrepancies in the Drawing shall
not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for unsatisfactory work or faulty construction
resulting there from the obligations of rectifying and making good such work or construction at his
own expense and to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.
1.7.2 Bid Drawings

Bid Drawings are the drawings prepared by the Employer’s Consultant for the purpose of the Bid
and furnished to the Bidders together with the other Bid Documents. The Bid Drawings show all
relevant features of the works in sufficient detail to enable the Bidder to assess correctly the nature
and scope of the work requested from him and to price the Bills of Quantities forming part of the Bid
Documents. The Bid Drawings could also be used for the construction of the works subject to Clause
1.7.3 Construction Drawings

Construction Drawings are Bid Drawings confirmed for construction or any revisions to Bid
Drawings and additional drawings that may be prepared by the Employer’s Consultant for the
purpose of construction of the works. However, pipe laying drawings shall, where so instructed by
the Engineer, be prepared by the Contractor in accordance with Clause 70.5.

The Construction Drawings will be supplied to the successful Bidder on the award of the Contract
and thereafter in the course of construction and shall be binding on him in the performance of the
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extra payment or compensation, apart from payment for
the quantities of work actually done, because of any deviation of the final Construction Drawings
from the Tender Drawings.
Additional Construction Drawings
The Engineer may at any time during the Contract period issue such additional Construction
Drawings as he may deem necessary for the proper performance of the works.
1.7.4 Records and As-Built Drawings

After the work has been completed and prior to obtaining the Certificate of Completion, the
Contractor shall furnish “as-built” drawings in one transparent and five blue print copies prepared
during construction, showing the works as constructed, together with all other information that may
either be required or be useful for the operation and maintenance of the works in the future.

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For the purpose of preparing the “as-built” drawings, the Contractor shall, where possible, use
transparent reproducible copies of the Construction Drawings supplied by whoever prepared the
original Drawings.
1.7.5 Drawings and Documents to be Returned

Before the Engineer shall issue the Final Certificate, the Contractor shall return to the Engineer all
Drawings, Specifications, Bills of Quantities (BQ’s) and any other documents which may have been
supplied to the Contractor for the purpose of the work, if required by the Engineer.

If and to the extent site investigations have been conducted on the site, the results of such
investigations will be made available to the Contractor for inspection, at the Employer’s office.
Where, on the Drawings or in the investigation logs there appear the works “Rock” or “Hard Rock”
they merely indicate the presence of a hard material and not necessarily the presence of a stratum of
All the information on subsoil conditions are only furnished to assist the Bidder in preparing his
Tender. The Bidder must draw his own conclusions from the available information, and no guarantee
is given as to the accuracy of this information, nor should the Contractor assume that it is complete
or sufficient for the purpose of the Contract.
No claim for extra payment based on misrepresentation will be considered or allowed.
The bottom of pits or holes shown on the drawings merely indicate the depths to which they have
been excavated and do not indicate the lower limits of the strata.
Any other subsoil investigations which the Contractor may undertake for the purpose of gaining
additional information on subsoil conditions, locating borrow areas, etc.; will be entirely at his own
For those cases where the Contractor is instructed by the Engineer to carry out specific subsoil
investigations, a provisional sum has been provide in the Bills of Quantities to reimburse the
Contractor for such subsoil investigations.

1.9.1 General

The Contractor’s Yard shall be used by the contractor for his equipment, offices, stores, plant,
workshops, latrines, and messing accommodation. The erection of temporary buildings or structures
on the site will not be allowed without the permission in writing of the Engineer.
At the beginning of the Contract the Contractor’s yard shall be fenced off. By the end of period of
Maintenance the area and its environs shall be cleared of all construction equipment, materials,
buildings and the like and shall be re-graded and reinstated as directed by the Engineer.
1.9.2 Building for Temporary Use by Contractor

The Contractor shall maintain, in perfectly usable and watertight condition, such temporary and
permanent buildings as required for the performance of the works. These shall include
accommodation for his employees and the stores for employer supplied pipes and accessories. Before
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erecting any structure for his temporary use the Contractor shall present the necessary drawings,
showing its location and nature, to the Engineer for his approval.
Prior to Tendering, The Contractor must ascertain all the requirements for the above, especially with
regard to labor accommodation.
1.9.3 Temporary Sanitary Conveniences

The Contractor shall provide all proper sanitary conveniences for his men at the various sites of
works and along the pipeline routes. The conveniences shall be disinfected with lime or otherwise
and all night soil shall be cleared out daily; this, together with any organic refuse produced at the
works shall be removed and buried by the Contractor in such manner and in such places as may be
directed from time to time. All arrangements shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and
may be modified by him from time to time as he deems necessary.
1.9.4 Cost

The cost of providing Contractor’s temporary facilities shall be deemed to be uniformly spread over
the rates for all items in the Bill of Quantities.

Where it is necessary for any reason whatsoever to enter onto land which does not form part of the
site, the Engineer shall be informed of the details, and the Contractor shall make his own
arrangements with the land owners and occupiers and shall obtain written permission to occupy the
land at the Engineer’s approval.
When permission has been obtained and work is carried out, care shall be taken to ensure that no
unnecessary damage is caused to the land and that all reasonable precautions are taken to prevent soil
erosion and mosquito breeding. On completion of the work, the land shall be reinstated and left in a
tidy condition and protected against erosion, all as approved by the Engineer.

In the case of the land made available to the Contractor free of charge, the Engineer may require the
Contractor to make direct payment to the owner or other person or persons in respect of any required
compensation. On receipt of such written instruction from the Engineer, the Contractor shall
forthwith pay the required amount, which will be reimbursed through the next Interim Payment
Under no circumstances is land to be interfered with, whether for Permanent or Temporary works,
until the official evaluation of all compensation has taken place and permission to proceed has been
received from the Engineer.

All Contractor’s Equipment used in the performance of the works shall be of such type, size and of
such method of working as the Engineer approves. If for any reason whatsoever the Engineer shall
be of the opinion that any excavator, mechanical digger, roller, pile hammer, concrete mixer,
vibrator, welder or other machine or appliance employed or proposed to be employed by the
Contractor for the purpose of the works shall not be used, or that any such machine or appliance as
aforesaid is unsuitable for use in the works or any part of them, then such equipment shall be

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immediately withdrawn from use. In particular the Engineer may prohibit or suspend the use of
machinery which in his opinion is likely to: remove more material than is necessary; damage or
render unsuitable any structure; break or damage pipes, conduits, cables or any other property or
work of any kind. Similarly, the Engineer may prohibit use of machinery causing a nuisance by noise
or otherwise.
Any change of the method of performing the work as a consequence of such order shall be at the cost
of the Contractor who shall have no cause for claim against the Employer on account of having to
carry out the work by different methods or for the idleness or removal of any constructional plant.
The cost of providing Contractor’s Equipment for all purpose shall be uniformly spread over all the
items of the Bill of Quantities.

Water will be required for the purpose of washing aggregates, making mortar and concrete and for
other uses in and about the Works, as well as for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines. The
Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining supplies of water of approved quality, and
shall erect and maintain all required pumps, pipes, valves, cocks, tanks, mobile tanks, hoses, roses
and all other appliances required to distribute the water as necessary to the various parts of the
If necessary, the Contractor will make arrangements to pump water from rivers and other sources and
provide temporary treatment facilities. The Contractor shall provide at all times and at his own
expense, for his own labor and for the Engineer and his staff, a supply of potable water, which shall
be kept cool in proper hygienic conditions.
The cost of supplying water for purposes other than testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines, as
well as providing, operating and maintaining all pumps, tanks and other installations as described in
this Clause shall be uniformly spread over all items of the Bills of Quantities.
The cost of supplying water for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines, shall be included in
the respective items of the Bills if Quantities for these operations. The cost of supplying water shall
in each instance include the cost of water at the source of supply and its distribution and conveyance
to where it is used, including connecting up, laying of pipes, metering, pumping, use of tankers and
the like.
The Contractor shall not assume that water will be available for his use from the public mains at the
times and in the quantities required by him. Where permitted to connect up to existing mains and
pipelines for the purpose of obtaining water, the Contractor shall comply with all regulations and
requirements of the concerned authority. The Contractor shall himself obtain all related permits and
make all arrangements as may be required for the performance of the connection.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the supply of all water required in the works for
whatever purpose and no claims for extra payment or extension of time based on the lack or
insufficient or delayed supply of water will be considered or maintained.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for all electric power supply which will be needed
for the execution of the work. The Contractor shall also supply electricity for the lighting, ventilating
and/or air conditioning of the Engineer’s office and laboratory.

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If necessary, the Contractor shall provide, erect, operate and maintain in good condition a diesel
driven electric generator, large enough to supply the Contractual requirements. Sufficient stand-by is
essential to ensure the required electric power at all times.
The Contractor shall also install, connect and maintain in good condition all cables, conductors and
other electrical plant and equipment required to perform his contractual obligations. All such plant
and installation as described above shall comply with the relevant requirements and regulations of
the Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation (EEPCO), and shall be maintained to the approval of
the Engineer.
The cost of providing electric power supply for all purposes shall be uniformly spread over all items
of the Bills of Quantities.

1.15.1 Benchmarks

Prior to the commencement of the work, the Engineer shall provide a number of benchmarks (BM)
located on the site as shown on the Drawings. Before starting any work, the Contractor shall check
the alignment of the benchmarks in the presence of the Engineer and shall notify the Engineer of any
error or misalignment which may be discovered during such checking. After the benchmarks have
been thus checked and any errors corrected, the Contractor shall certify his acceptance of the
Benchmarks to the Engineer in writing.
1.15.2 Preservation of Benchmarks

Benchmarks shall, where possible be preserved, or else be relocated. Where benchmarks could be
destroyed, they shall be accurately tied in to permanent concrete reference points before work is

1.16.1 Setting Out

Based on the benchmarks mentioned above, the Contractor shall set out the work using the data
shown on the Drawings or as per the Engineer’s instructions. The Contractor shall then reference
these points with permanent beacons of a type approved by the Engineer. Each point shall have not
less than three reference beacons which shall be placed where they will not be disturbed by the
works and the method of referencing shall be agreed with the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply
the Engineer with records in an acceptable form including such drawings, sketches, measurements
and reference as may be necessary for the location or relocation of relevant points and shall keep
such records up to date by formal notice to the Engineer. The reference beacons shall be used as
benchmarks and their levels shall be agreed with the Engineer. The levels of all benchmarks shall be
checked by the Contractor at monthly intervals and he should immediately notify the Engineer
whether or not there are any discrepancies.
1.16.2 Agreement of Topography

Prior to commencing any work, the Contractor shall check the topography of the site of the said work
and shall inform the Engineer of the results. The agreed final topography shall be used in the
calculation of quantities.

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The Contractor shall keep the works free from water at all times during construction and shall to this
end construct all necessary diversions and perform all required pumping to remove all surface or
ground water as may be necessary in carrying out the works as well as provide and fill-in sumps,
drains, etc.
At every point in the works at which water is liable to accumulate, proper drains and, if required,
sump holes or wells shall be formed, and if in the Engineer’s opinion it is expedient, such sump holes
shall be placed entirely outside the limits of the works and any pumping that may be necessary to
keep any excavation clear of water, either during the sinking or subsequently, shall be so conducted
from such sump holes so that no wash or disturbance of the bottom or sides of the excavation shall
occur. During the process of carrying out earthworks, casting concrete or performing any other work,
the water in the sump holes or wells shall be maintained below the lowest level of such work. The
water shall be led to the sump holes or wells by specially constructed drains which shall, if
necessary, be carried across the concrete or other works, in troughs.
The Contractor is not to assume that permanent works to be constructed will be available, or will be
permitted to be used if available, for the purpose of keeping the site free from water during
construction of the works.

The Contractor shall provide and include in his tendered price progress photographs taken by an
approved professional photographer as, when, and where, directed by the Engineer, at intervals of
not more than thirty days. The photographs shall be sufficient in number and location to record the
exact progress of works. The Contractor shall provide one proof print (with date when the
photograph was taken) of each photograph taken, one color slide and the negative and five color
copies of dimensions not less than 254 x 203 mm of any of the photographs selected by the Engineer.
Two copies are to be signed by the Contractor and the Engineer. Albums to accommodate the
selected photographs shall be supplied by the Contractor. Prints shall be made on a variable contrast
paper and shall exhibit a minimum amount of grain. The negatives shall be the sole property of the
Employer and shall not be copied without his permission.

The Contractor shall supply, erect, and maintain adequate signboards at locations to be determined
by the Engineer. The project signboards shall be 120 cm high and 240 cm wide and shall be lettered
according to instructions provided by the Engineer. Direction signboards shall be erected in
sufficient numbers, as directed by the Engineer.


Suitable fire fighting equipment shall be provided and maintained on site to deal with any outbreak
of fire. All possible precautions shall be taken to provide for the safe storage of petroleum,
explosives, gas bottles, and all other dangerous goods. Permits shall be obtained for the storage of
such materials wherever this is required by the regulations of the competent authorities.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site first aid equipment consisting of the following:

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a. Complete first aid kit with medicines, bandages, splints, etc.
b. Motor car to be always available for emergency transportation.
c. Stretches for carrying injured persons are to be provided and maintained at the site.

The Contractor shall erect construction safety signs and barriers as and where directed by the
Engineer. The signs and barriers shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean at all times.

Should one or more other contractors be working for the Employer on or near the sites, then,
pursuant to the provisions of Clause 8 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall coordinate
his activities under the direction of the Engineer with those of the other contractor or contractors
working for the Employer on or near the sites. Whenever interference between the operations of
more than one contractor occurs, the Engineer will decide upon the order of preferences of work
under different contracts so that the whole of the works shall be completed in the most efficient and
economic way to the Employer and the Contractor shall abide by such decision of the Engineer.
1.22.1 Co-ordination with overseas supply Contractors

The Contractor shall co-ordinate and co-operates with Overseas Supply Contractors and arrange for the inspection
acceptance and handling of the materials supplied by them, installed under this Contract.

The Bill of Quantities in the Form of Tender includes items for handling and storage on the job site in an
acceptable manner protected from the adverse effects of weather and unauthorized access such that no material
shall be off-stock unless and until authorized in writing by the Engineer.

1.22.2 Co-ordination with the Electrical & Mechanical Contractor

The Contractor shall co-operate with the Electro-Mechanical (E & M) Contractor and facilitate the
work of the later by leaving box-out openings or chiseling through concrete or masonry structures,
grouting with concrete around buried or installed items and all earthwork involved, as required.
Besides, the Contractor shall co-ordinate the interconnection of systems with the Electro-Mechanical
Contractor and ensures that pipe ends are in good condition and protected from damage.
Interconnection of the water main to the pumping stations, well sites, reservoirs and water treatment
plant shall be done by the Civil.
Works Construction Contractor. The Contractor shall make a skilled crew available for system start
up and testing on seven (7) days notice from the Owner that the E & M Contractor wishes to start
and test the total system.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim extra payment, time extension or compensation for
interference and delays caused by the adherence to the requirements of this Clause. However, if the
Engineer requests readjustment of time schedule as a result of coordination of works under different
contracts, and such readjustments shall, in the Engineer’s opinion, causes a delay in the works
beyond the time limit fixed under this Contract, the Contractor will be granted an extension of time

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1.22.3 Packing, Marking and Delivery

Prior to dispatch from the Contractor’s works, the equipment and materials shall be thoroughly
protected against corrosion and incidental damage, including the effects of vermin, strong sunlight,
rain, high temperature and humid and salty atmosphere or sea spray.
The equipment and materials shall be packed to withstand rough handling in transit, and packages
shall be suitable for export to and storage in the tropics, including possible delays on exposed
quaysides. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the materials and equipment being packed so
that it reaches destination intact and undamaged. The Contractor shall provide, and include in the
Contract price the cost of all necessary packing cases and crates, properly strengthened by battens
(which shall be considered as non-returnable), packing materials (to include but not limited to the use
of polythene or similar water-proof wrapping, silica, etc. wherever necessary), hoop iron banding
and labor.
All crates and packages shall be correctly and adequately marked as follows:
a. Name of the Project.
b. Contract Number.
c. Designation of Materials and Equipment.
d. Item Number.
e. All Shipments shall be marked with a blue color code.
1.22.4 Provisional Sums

Provisional sums shall be expended as directed by the Engineer. The employer will retain any
unused portions.
1.22.5 Progress Reports

The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer, at no extra cost to the Employer, at regular monthly
intervals 3 (Three) copies in a form determined by the Engineer, with Progress Reports containing
the following information:
a) physical progress for the report month and estimated progress for the next month, report of manpower
materials supply and consumption, equipment and machinery on -site

b) completion schedules (target and actual) based on the approved construction program

c) Updated curves for physical progress at different sections of the Works

d) any report which may be specifically requested by the Employer and/or the Engineer.

These monthly reports shall be submitted not later than 5 (five) days after the end of the report month.

Besides, the Contractor shall keep a daily Log Book at each site to record weather condition, work executed,
material, manpower and equipment utilization, and causes of unsatisfactory performance and unusual events.
A weekly summarized report should be submitted to the Engineer. In addition, a supervisor’s Memo-Book
should be kept at each site to facilitate convenient communication between the two parties.

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2.1.1 General

The areas within the site of works on which the Contractor shall be permitted to do his work, to
assemble his equipment and tools, to erect his stores and to accommodate his workmen, as well as
the rights-of-way for access to the said areas mentioned herein and in Chapter 11 will be provided by
the Employer. The final limits of the above areas will be determined by the Engineer on site in
cooperation and mutual agreement with the Contractor.
The Contractor’s responsibilities under Clause 22 of the General Conditions of Contract shall apply
to the whole of the land occupied or used by the Contractor for the purpose of this Contract. Should
any event occur which is likely to give rise to liabilities under the said Clause 22, the Contractor
shall immediately notify the Employer thereof and shall thereafter keep him informed on the state of
negotiations towards settlement of any claims by third parties and on the way in which the
Contractor intends to meet his obligations under Clause 22 as aforesaid. The Employer shall have the
right to withhold from any sums due to the Contractor payment of such sums as may appear to the
Employer sufficient to cover the Contractor’s liabilities under Clause 22 of the conditions of
Contract, until evidence is produced by the Contractor to the Engineer to show that the Contractor’s
liabilities in this respect have been finally settled and discharged.
Before entering any lands the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the owners
and/or occupiers thereof, and shall temporarily fence off the easement whilst any work is in progress
thereon so as to prevent injury to persons, cattle or stock on the adjoining land, and he shall take full
responsibility for preventing unauthorized persons from entering the site of the works.
The Contractor shall adopt all required measures to prevent soil erosion arising directly or indirectly
from his operations, and site clearance, as per Chapter 21, shall be done on the minimum area
necessary for performing the works. Where possible the original surface contours shall be reinstated
and protected.
2.1.2 Prevention of Obstructions, pollution & Avoidance of Nuisance

The Contractor shall ensure at all times that the site and the approaches thereto are not obstructed or
made congested and that no nuisance is created due to the construction of the works which might
affect the site or its environment.
The Contractor shall ensure that there is no spillage of oil into groundwater aquifers, into rivers or
other water courses. Before commencing any work which could involve spillage of oil, the
Contractor shall consult the Engineer and provide such effective anti-pollution measures as may be
required to prevent such spillage or pollution.
2.1.3 Public Roads, Bridges, etc.

Where any road, path, right-or-way, or parcel of land, etc. is interfered with by the construction of
the works, and wherever necessary or required for the convenience of the public or individual
residents, the Contractor shall provide suitable temporary approaches, bridges, gangways, and roads
over unfilled excavations, except in such cases as the Contractor shall secure the written consent of
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the individuals or authorities concerned to omit these. All such temporary facilities shall be
maintained in service until all requirements of the specification have been fully complied with.
Temporary bridges for street and highway crossings shall meet the requirements and approval of the
authority having jurisdiction in each case as may be required.
Particularly, the Contractor shall provide means of access to enable the adjacent occupiers to carry
on their normal occupations, and shall indemnify the Employer against any claims for loss of
business or amenities.
The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the authorities or owners in advance as to the nature of
the temporary approaches, bridges, gangways, and roads, and shall arrange with them for suitable
dates for the performance of all related work.
The cost of constructing, maintaining and removing of all temporary by-passes, gangways, bridges,
etc. under this Clause shall be spread over all items in the Bill of Quantities.
2.1.4 Work in Public Roads

Where public roads or streets have to be crossed or works are performed in public roads or streets,
the Contractor shall obtain instructions from the authorities concerned as to the date and hour for the
braking up of the road, the manner in which traffic to be detoured to other roads or streets, and the
length of trench which may be left open at a time, which in any case, shall not exceed 200 m, unless
permitted by the Engineer. All streets and roads used shall be kept free from dust and mud, and,
unless permission to close certain streets or roads is obtained by the Contractor from the authorities
concerned, at least one-half of the width of each street or road shall be kept open to traffic. Where
required by authorities having jurisdiction over streets and highways, satisfactory detours shall be
provided by the Contractor at his expense.
Men and apparatus shall be provided by the Contractor for pedestrian and for traffic control when
working along or crossing roads. Lamps shall be lighted and warning sign-boards put up when and
where necessary to ensure during the progress of work the safety of traffic using the road or street,
and to prevent unauthorized persons, animals, etc. from straying on to the work.
All roads and streets shall be restored to their original condition as soon as pipe-laying work at the
crossing has been completed. All restoration work, such as backfilling and road base course and
surfacing, shall be performed to the requirements of the specification and the satisfaction of the
competent authority.
At certain locations along roads which are subject to overflow of storm water, the Contractor may be
prohibited from making excavations during rainy weather, and also the Contractor may be required
at his own cost and expenses to furnish bags filled with sand and place them wherever ordered along
the roads as a means of protecting the travelling public. Wherever necessary, adequate flumes shall
be provided for conveying the storm water runoff from all tributary drainage areas across the trench.
2.1.5 Maintenance, Removal and Reconstruction of Utilities, etc.

- In so far as practicable during the progress of the work, the property of any owner of a public utility or
pipeline, conduit, sewer, culvert, irrigation pipe or flume, storm drain, drainage ditch, pole line, street lighting
system, overhead and underground wires or cables, either main line structures or laterals and services, or any
other structure or facility, shall not be disturbed but shall be supported and protected against injury and
maintained in good operating condition. In no case shall any such property be disturbed or removed without
the consent of the owner and the approval of the Engineer, as hereinafter provided. The Contractor shall be
responsible for and make good all damage due to his operations and the provisions of this Sub-Clause shall
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not be abated even in the event that such damage occurs after backfilling, or is not discovered until after
completion of backfilling.

- Where drawings show the position of certain pipes, conduits, poles and other structures as they are
supposed to exist along the lines of the work, no guarantee is given that the locations and dimensions are
accurate or that other utilities or structures than those shown are not in existence. The Contractor before
commencing any excavation shall ascertain from records or otherwise the existence, position and ownership
of such facilities, and except as expressly provided in Sub-Clause (f) hereof, no error or omission on said
drawings shall be construed to relieve the Contractor from his responsibility in protecting, at his own cost, any
such pipe, conduit, pole or other structure.

- Should the Contractor deem it necessary to sink trial holes and exploration trenches for the
purpose of ascertaining the existence and position of such facilities, he shall do it well ahead of excavation
and at his own cost.

- The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the Engineer, sustain
in their places and protect from injury any and all water mains, drains, conduits, culverts, cables, buildings
and all other structures of property in the vicinity of the work, whether over or underground, or which appear
within the excavations, and he shall assume all costs and expenses for damage which may be occasioned by
injury to any of them.

- If damage to any structure or utility occurs by reason of the Contractor’s operations, even though
special precautions have been employed, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for such damage whether
such operations and the work resulting there from have received the prior approval of the Engineer or not, and
shall indemnify the Employer against any claims of loss caused by the damage.

- Where land drains, culverts, sewers, pipes, cables, etc., are temporarily disturbed, diverted or dammed
up and replaced or reinstated, or required temporarily to be supported or slung during the process of
excavation and pipe laying, such work shall be taken to be included in the rates of excavation and pipe laying
in the Bill of Quantities.

- Where ditches or open drains are crossed by the pipelines or run parallel to, or alongside the
trenches, they shall be kept open as may be required for the passage of water flowing at the time, and at the
conclusion of the work shall be cleared of all spoil and restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the
Contractor’s expense.

- Should any existing subsoil or field drains be uncovered, the Contractor shall carefully replace
them when backfilling or, if this is impossible, he shall divert them to new drains or ditches.

- Should the location of any pipe, conduit, pole line, culvert, structure, etc., be such that in the opinion
of the Engineer require temporary or permanent removal, realignment or change, these works shall be done by
the respective utilities, or by the Contractor under the supervision of the said utility. The Contractor, upon
receiving the Engineer’s approval, shall instruct the respective utility to carry out the work and shall
coordinate it with his construction works and the work of other utilities, if any. The Contractor will be
reimbursed for the actual costs charged by the utility and paid by him plus ten percent (10%) for overhead,
profit, etc. Should the Contractor, upon receiving the Engineer’s instructions, carry out these works himself,
he shall be paid on a day-work basis.

2.1.6 Work in Vicinity of Power Lines

Wherever the pipes cross an electrical power line right-of-way, the Contractor shall familiarize
himself with the requirements and regulations of the Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation

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(EEPCO) with regard to work carried out in the vicinity of power lines. He shall comply with such
requirements and regulations and obtain any permits required.
Equipment shall not be operated where it is possible to bring such equipment or any part of the
equipment within 3 m (three meters) of any energized electrical conductor unless the utility company
has been notified, and either the line has been de-energized, or effectively guarded against contact, or
displaced or re-routed from the work area. For high-voltage transmission lines, a greater clearance
shall be provided as determined by the EEPCO.
Where practical, metallic pipe sections shall not be stored under overhead high voltage power lines.
If pipe sections must be stored under power lines, the Contractor shall protect personnel from the
effects of induced currents by grounding pipe sections at two locations with a 40 mm2 copper ground
conductor and grounding rods.

Any royalties payable by the Contractor in respect of soils or rocks excavated, or land outside that
made available free under the Contract, for the construction of permanent works, shall be reimbursed
through the monthly interim certificates.

2.3.1 General

The Contractor at his own expense shall perform all work necessary for access to the site. The
Employer assumes no responsibility for the condition or maintenance of any existing road or
structure thereon that may be used by the Contractor for performing the work under this Contract and
for traveling to and from the site.
No payment will be made to the Contractor for improving, repairing, or maintaining any existing
road or structure thereon that may be used by the Contractor for performance of the work under this
The Contract shall prepare at his own cost temporary access roads to the site and temporary roads
along the pipelines that may be required for construction purposes as approved by the Engineer. Such
roads shall be of sufficient width and stability to permit the movement of all vehicles and equipment
and shall be maintained by the Contractor in a good serviceable condition throughout the period of
construction. The Employer and the Engineer and their employees as well as any other contractor
working on the Sites for the Employer shall at all times have free use of the temporary roads
prepared by the Contractor.
2.3.2 Right-of-way

The Employer will provide right-of-way for the pipelines and structures to be constructed under the Contract.
In the event that any private or public right-of-way for the work included in the Contract is not secured prior
to the time the Contractor is ready to perform the work on the parcel of land to be occupied by said right-of-
way, the Engineer reserves the right to suspend work by the Contractor on said parcel of land until the
necessary right-of-way can be obtained or until changes in the location of the pipeline can be made to
accommodate right-of-way conditions.

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2.3.3 Access to the Works and Damage to Roads

Neither the terms hereof nor anything shown on the Drawings in connection with temporary or permanent
right-of-way provided by the Employer shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to access rights in violation
of any local regulations and/or the requirements of this Contract.

Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to the exclusive use of any public street or way
during the performance of the works, and he shall conduct his operations in accordance with the requirements
of Clause 12.1 above and Clause 19 of the Conditions of Contract.

2.3.4 Agricultural Land

Where the pipelines pass through agricultural land or any other ground not used as a road, street or footpath,
the Contractor shall confine his operations to a strip not exceeding 20 m in width.


From the date of possession of the Site until a certificate of completion has been given, the Contractor shall
be responsible for maintaining the roads on the site in a satisfactory and usable condition. If in the opinion of
the Engineer the condition of any section of road had been allowed to deteriorate below the minimum standard
required and the Contractor shall have failed to improve such condition, the Engineer may instruct another
party to carry out such repairs as are in his opinion necessary, and shall deduct the cost of such repairs from
monies due to the Contractor or which may become due.


During the progress of the works, the Contractor shall clear up and remove from the surface of the ground all
temporary buildings as per the Engineer’s instructions, plant, material, debris resulting from work and/or
demolitions, litter, rubbish, and surplus soil which may be left on the ground or in and about the works or land
temporarily occupied by the Contractor. On completion of the works the Contractor shall clean up the entire
site and shall leave it in a neat and clean condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. To this end he shall
level and fill any temporary roads, spoil heaps, cuttings or embankments, not permitted to remain as part of
the permanent works, and shall take particular care to restore any existing drains that may have been blocked
or interfered with by his operations. Any surplus soil from the works shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

The Contractor shall adopt all measures to ensure that soil erosion is avoided.


Temporary Store or Shed for Employer supplied pipes, fittings, and materials, the Engineer’s office
and furniture and the Contractor’s office, all according to the drawings shall remain the employer’s

Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to, those
necessary to the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the project site; and
for all other work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning work
on the various items on the project site.

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Demobilization shall consist of cleanup work and operations including, but not limited to, those
necessary to the removal of personnel, equipment, and incidentals from the project site.
Payment for mobilization will be made at the lump sum price shown in the Tender form to the
portions approved by the Engineer from time to time as per the approved delivery schedules.
Payment for demobilization will be paid upon completion of the Contract and removal of equipment
and clean up of the work areas to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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The Contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer and his staff, throughout the performances of the
Contract, a suitable office and store at the site.


The Contractor shall provide on the Site an office building, having a total internal area of 40 sq. m. and
comprising an office for the Engineer and his Representative, an office for other staff, toilet, washrooms and
store. The building shall be of weatherproof construction having corrugated iron sheet walls and partitions
lined with hard board, chip-wood ceiling or similar, and wooden or concrete floors. All external openings
shall be fly-screened and doors shall be fitted with handles and locks. Outside doors shall also have a night
latch. The building shall be adequately lighted and ventilated and provided with electricity and running water.
Cool potable water shall also be supplied.

The office of the Engineer shall be furnished with two desks, four chairs, one 4-drawer filing cabinet, 2 m of
shelving, one layout table, and a waste paper basket.

The staff office shall have three desks, 5 chairs, one drafting table with an adjustable drafting machine, one
stool, 2m of shelving, and one waste paper basket.

The store shall be sufficient for drafting and office supplies, surveying instruments, one metal storage cabinet
and one flat file cabinet for large drawings.

The toilet shall be fitted with a squatting plate and hand washing basin. Adequate waste water and sewage
disposal facilities shall be provided.

There shall be adequate access and parking facilities provided.


In addition to the necessary labor, the Contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer and his staff a
complete set of surveyor’s equipment, including a theodolite, level, staff, prism, a 5 meter tape, a 50 meter
chain, pegs, 4-range poles, sight rails, paint, lines, spirit level, support tools, etc.

Payment of the provision of surveying labor and equipment shall be made at the lump sum price shown in the
Bill of Quantities.


The Contractor shall allow in the Contract price, spread over the items in the Bills of Quantities, for
attendance on the Engineer during visits to and inspection of the works and shall, at no extra cost to the
Employer, afford every assistance and facility and supply all labor and material requisite to the Resident
Engineer and his staff to assist them in performing their duties.

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The Contractor shall give the highest priority to providing the Engineer’s office and laboratory. No
permanent work on any section of the Contract shall be paid for until these items are made available
for use, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer.
Provision of the Engineer office and accompanying facilities shall be paid for separately as provided
for in the Bill of Quantities.

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4.1.1 Scope

The works under this Chapter include site clearance and any demolitions that may be required, protection of
any existing structure or element that must remain intact, etc. prior to commencing the above works the
Contractor shall obtain all necessary licenses and permits required for performance.

General clearing and grubbing work shall consist of scraping soft soil up to 200 mm depth, clearing, grubbing,
removing and disposal of all vegetation including trees of girth less than 0.15 Mts. And debris which are
within the site, except vegetation and objects designated to remain. The work shall also include the
preservation from injury or defacement of all vegetation and objects designated to remain.

4.1.2 Site Clearance – General

The areas of all sites and access roads (weather temporary or permanent), and other areas as directed by the
Engineer shall be cleared of all standing or felled trees, stumps, brush, logs buildings, debris, rubbish and
other objectionable matter.

The Contractor shall not commence clearing any area and/or demolition’s without having received written
instruction from the Engineer.

4.1.3 Clearing of Vegetation

Trees, stumps and brush shall be cut off flush with the ground in all areas to be cleared, except in areas to be
grubbed as prescribed in Sub-Clause 21.1.4 The clearing shall be maintained until completion of the works.
All trees outside the areas to be cleared and such other trees that are not to be removed shall be carefully
protected from damage during the work operations, and no trees shall be remove without the prior consent of
the Engineer. All cut trees shall remain the property of the Employer, and the Contractor shall collect these
trees and store them until required by the Employer.

4.1.4 Grubbing

In addition to the clearing to be carried out as specified in Sub-Clause 21.1.3, the stamps and roots of trees
and brush shall be grubbed in areas at the sites of all earth fill construction, structures, and elsewhere as

4.1.5 Disposal of Trees, Roots, Etc.

Except for trees which shall remain the property of the Employer, as under Sub clause 21.1.2, all materials
from required clearing and grubbing shall be removed from the area, burned completely, or disposed of in a
manner satisfactory to the Engineer.

All materials to be burnt shall be piled and all burning shall be so through that the materials will be reduced to
ashes. Piling for burning shall be done in such manner and in such locations as to cause the least fire hazard
and in such locations as to cause the least fire hazard and nuisance to inhabitants of the area. The Contractor

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shall have available at all times, for use in preventing and suppressing fires, apparatus and fire-fighting
equipment satisfactory to the Engineer. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, the fire hazard is great, burning
shall be deferred or additional fire-fighting equipment shall be provided.

All Materials not burned to ashes shall be disposed of by removal from site of the works, and upon removal
such materials shall become the property of the Contractor who shall dispose of them by burial in locations
and in a manner approved by the Engineer.


Where pipelines pass through bush areas the contractor shall clear a 6m wide strip along the route of the

All trees, stumps and roots shall be removed to a minimum of 30cm below the finished grade of the pipeline,
or killed, within a strip of two meters on either side of the pipeline.


Where pipelines pass through city or town areas the contractor shall take all appropriate measures to protect
from damages of adjacent properties like fence, buildings, etc. Furthermore, underground lines like water
supply, electric, sewer, telephone, etc shall be protected from interruptions and damages. The Contractors
shall give the plan of action well ahead of time (not less than 6-weeks) before the commencement of the
works in this area.


Where excavation is made across lawns on private property over which the Employer has secured passage or
right-of-way, the Contractor shall remove and carefully store sufficient sod and topsoil to repair damage-cased
to lawns. Sod shall be replaced on graded topsoil and shall be neatly fitted and well tamped with flat wooden
tampers. The cost of removal and replacement of sod shall be included in the rates of excavation.

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All excavation shall be performed in accordance with local and ILO safety regulations. Excavation will be
classified as “rock excavation” or “common excavation” in accordance with the following definitions of the
material excavated.

5.1.1 Rock Excavation

“Hard Rock” shall mean intact or slightly weathered solid rock as found in ledges or masses in its original
position, which can only be loosened by blasting or by pneumatic tools, or if excavated by hand, by wedges
and sledge hammers or specialized rock breaking hammers. Rock which is in a shattered from moderately to
highly weathered conditions and/or is capable of being loosened by rippers of earthmoving plant up to 150
h.p. or giving way to pick-axes with some effort is excluded from the definition of hard rock. The loose rock
material as such may be classified as “soft rock” if so defined in the preamble to the schedule of rates.
Boulders and detached pieces of rock (as defined above having a volume of more than 0.1 cubic meter will
also be classed as hard rock.

No material, except the aforesaid, will be defined as rock and classified as such for the purposes of payment,
whether loosened by blasting, pneumatic tools or otherwise. To remove any doubt, it shall be understood that
hardpan, decomposed or soft rock, cemented gravel, shale, red ash, etc. even though it may be advantageous
to use explosive in their removal, will in no case be classified as rock.

Nothing in the Contract shall entitle the Contractor to be paid for excavation in rock unless, at the time the
excavation is open and visible, the Contractor shall have given notice in writing to the Engineer that he claims
to be paid for excavation in rock. After giving such notice the Contractor shall not fill in the excavation or
otherwise prevent the excavation from being inspected until the Contractor and Engineer have jointly
examined and measured the work.
The excavated rock, subject to locally applied regulations, shall remain the property of the Employer and
stock piling or disposal should be as directed by the Engineer.

All agreements between the Contractor and the Engineer as to whether or not excavation is in rock, and the
quantity thereof, shall be duly recorded and signed by the Contractor and the Engineer.

Compliance with the foregoing provision in relation to recording of excavation in rock and the quantities
thereof shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Contractor to be paid for excavation in rock and such
record shall be final and binding between the parties as to the quantity of excavation in rock.

5.1.2 Common Excavation

The excavation of all other materials, weather hard or soft to which the definition of “hard rock or soft rock”
as above does not apply, shall be considered as “common excavation.”

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Everything said in the specification with regard to the excavation, disposal of excavated material, etc., shall
equally apply to the various types of soil, unless otherwise stated.

All excavations shall be carried out to the limits shown on the Drawings or defined in the specification or as
directed by the Engineer. When excavating in any material other than hard rock for formation levels under any
structure, the last 150 mm of excavation shall be taken out not more than 24 hours before placing of
foundations or fill. If, owing to the Contractor having carried out excavations below 150 mm above formation
levels or having excavated to formation levels, the extra excavation shall be treated as excess excavation as
specified below. The bottom of excavations shall be leveled and trimmed to full width to the required lines
and levels, and where in foundations shall be well watered and rammed before placing of concrete.

The Contractor shall fully support the sides and ends of all trenches and excavations wherever necessary with
strong, close timbering, and shall prevent any fall or run of earth or sand from any portion of the ground
outside of the trench or excavation. If, despite such precautions, or by reason of their neglect, any portions of
the bottoms, sides or ends of any trenches or excavations shall give way or be excavated without instructions
from the Engineer, the Contractor shall excavate and remove all the ground thereby disturbed both within and
without the limits of the trench or excavation, and such extra excavation shall be treated as excess excavation
as specified below.

Should the Contractor exceed in depth or extent the excavation of the formation, or be ordered to take out
extra excavation for the reasons given above, no payment will be made for such excess excavation, and he
shall, if so ordered by the Engineer, make it good with rammed fill or in such class of concrete as may be
ordered by the Engineer, all at the Contractor’s expense.

Should any existing subsoil or field drains be uncovered during any excavation, the Contractor shall carefully
replace them when backfilling or, if this is impossible, he shall divert them to new drains or ditches, or
otherwise re-lay them as the Engineer may direct. This work will be paid as Day work.

Before commencing any pipe laying, building or earth-filling work, all shattered and loose material muse be
removed by hand, the excavation being performed as instructed by the Engineer, so as to ensure that the work
rests on an absolutely solid and clean foundation or abuts tightly against solid ground.
In no case must pipes, concrete or earth fill placed in an excavation, until the surface onto which such pipes,
concrete and earth fill are to be placed, has been approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall advise the Engineer in good and reasonable time whenever the bottom of any excavation
is ready for inspection or whenever it is necessary to cover up the work. In default of such notice the
foundations shall, on the order of the Engineer, be uncovered by the Contractor and reinstated without extra


The areas on which compacted or semi-compacted earth fill is to be placed or such portions thereof as may be
directed by the Engineer shall, after clearing and grubbing, as specified in Clause 21.1, be stripped of all
materials not suitable for the foundation of the earthworks, such as top soil, rubbish, organic materials, etc.

The normal depth of stripping is expected to be 300 mm, but the Engineer may order the stripping to be done
to such larger depth as he may think necessary. Stripped material shall be wasted except for such soil as can
be used for fill or topsoil required for grassing, where shown on the Drawings. These soils shall be set aside
and detained. Waste areas shall be allocated by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised that spoil heaps will not
interfere with the work, flow or river and drainage channels. The Contractor will not be paid for double

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handling of excavated material.


5.4.1 General Requirements

All blasting shall be done in such a manner that the rock outside the excavation lines remains undisturbed and
that the excavation conforms as nearly as possible to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings and/or
determined by the Engineer. Any rock shattered by excessive blasting outside or the prescribed lines and
grades shall be excavated and replaced, at the Contractor’s expense, by such class of concrete as the Engineer
may direct.

The Contractor shall provide a special store for explosives in accordance with local regulations and the
Engineer’s approval and shall provide experienced man for handling explosives to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and the authorities concerned.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent loss. injury or accident to persons or property
or to work completed or under construction and shall be entirely liable for any accident or damage that may
result from the use of explosives.

The Engineer shall have power to regulate, restrict or prohibit blasting if in his opinion it is necessary to do so
for the safety to persons or property or to safeguard the foundations or sides of the excavation and the
Contractor shall have no claim against the Employer in respect of such regulation or prohibition.

5.4.2 Blasting Personnel

The Contractor shall provide an expert professional blaster approved by the Engineer to design and direct the
method of excavation by blasting. Prior to bringing the blasting expert to the site the Contractor shall submit
his C.V. to the Engineer for his approval.

5.4.3 Blasting Information to be Furnished by the Contractor

Al least three weeks prior to the scheduled start of excavation in the area, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for his approval his detailed plan for accomplishing the work specified in this Clause showing
pertinent data for each stage of excavation. Such data shall include the location, depth and area of the blast;
diameter, spacing, depth, pattern and inclination of blast holes; the type, strength, amount and distribution of
explosives to be used per hole per delay, and per blast; the sequence and the pattern of delays; and the
description and purpose of any special method to be adopted by the Contractor. Approval by the Engineer of
blasting data and technique shall not relive the Contractor of any responsibility to exercise proper supervision
and field judgment and to produce results specified.

5.4.4 Blasting Precautions

Blasting shall be permitted only after the proper precautions have taken for the protection of all persons, work
and property, as required under Sub-clause 1 above. Under no circumstances shall blasting be permitted
within thirty meters of concrete or grout that has been in place less that seven days. Special care shall be taken
as concrete foundation bottoms are approached, and a thickness of not less than 750 mm above the foundation
bottoms shall be completed with small charges in holes not exceeding 600 mm in depth. The last 150 mm of
rock above foundation level shall be removed by use of power tools or by hand.

Blasting within thirty meters of concrete or grout that has been in place seven days or more will be permitted
only after submission by the Contractor and approval by the Engineer of a plan showing the relative positions

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of structures and grouted areas and the area to be blasted together with an outline of the precautions to be
taken. In any event, all concrete work shall be protected by limiting the size of blasts, covering blasts, and/or
other approved means until it is certain that there is no danger or damage caused either by shock waves or
flying rock.

The cost of supplying, storing, and using explosives shall be included in the prices for excavation in rock.

5.4.5 Finished Rock Surfaces

The Contractor’s blasting techniques shall be such that, upon completion, all final excavated surfaces will be
sound and relatively smooth as accepted by the Engineer. To ensure the stability of the remaining rock and to
keep over break and over drilling to a minimum, the Contractor shall exercise the utmost care in drilling and
blasting operations.

It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to produce sound and smooth surfaces by controlling
the failure process in blasting and by determining the proper relationship among the factors of burden,
spacing, depth of charge, amount and type of explosive, hole size and delay pattern, as well as other
considerations which are necessary to achieve the specified surface.

5.4.6 Excavations for Structures in Rocks

Where structures are founded on rock, the depths to which the foundations are to extend into rock shall be as
shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The bottom and side slopes of rock upon or against
which concrete is to be placed shall be excavated to the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as established
by the Engineer. No rock material will be permitted to extend within the lines of the structures. Clauses 22.1
and 22.2 shall apply to rock excavation under this clause. Backfill abutting and around structures shall consist
of granular selected material and shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Clause 22.8.2
and compacted to the applicable provisions of Clauses 22.9 and 22.10 hereinafter.

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The Contractor shall keep free of running water and pools the surfaces upon or against which earth
fill or concrete will be placed. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent running water from
washing out cement while it is setting or from injuring the works in any other way.
Drains and pipes shall be provided in or behind fill or concrete as may be necessary for the
temporary conveyance of water and shall afterwards be grouted up.

Rock upon or against which concrete is to be placed is to be excavated to the required levels and dimensions,
as directed by the Engineer. Any pocket of material that is unsuitable for foundations, located in the
foundation area and reaching below the final level of the rock surface, shall be excavated material shall be
disposed of as directed by the Engineer.

The foundation surface shall then be thoroughly cleaned, first by wire brushing and then by means of an air-
water gun, or by water under high pressure. All excavated pockets of unsuitable material, cracks and crevices
shall then properly cleaned out and, immediately before concreting, shall be backfilled with concrete, mortar
or grout, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The rock surfaces shall be clean free from all loose material,
concrete, mud, dirt and any other deleterious substances prior to spreading the mortar proceeding the concrete
as described in Clause 31.14.


Where compacted earth-fill is to be placed on exposed rock surfaces, such surfaces shall first be cleaned by
removing all rock fragments and other loose material and shall then be jetted alternatively with water and
compressed air. where the surface shows large bulges and irregularities, blasting may be required to obtain a
reasonably even surface. Where, after cleaning and/or blasting the rock surface is fairly even and shows only
open cracks and joints, these shall e cleaned out filled with sand-cement mortar broomed into the surface.
Where the rock is badly broken, the larger cervices shall be filled up with mortar and concrete.

Where rock surface preparation, as described in this Clause, is required by the Engineer, separate payment
will be made at the unit price per square meter inserted therefore in the Bill of Quantities, which price shall
include all materials and labor required.


Site Formation, where indicated on Drawings or directed by the Engineer, shall consist of bringing the areas
of the various sites to the required general levels by excavation or fill, as may be necessary according to
existing topographical conditions.

Site excavation shall be done to general site levels shown on the Drawings or to such other depths and levels
as the Engineer may direct. The excavation shall be done to the underside of bearing courses when excavating
within the limits of internal roads and parking areas. The surfaces of site excavation shall be finished and
leveled to the exact required lines and slopes as shown on drawing and or as ordered by the Engineer. Site

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excavation shall be done in accordance with Clause 22.2.

Where required the site areas shall be brought up to the required levels by well compacted selected fill
obtained from required excavation or elsewhere as directed by the Engineer. Areas on which such fill is to be
placed shall be stripped of productive soil to a depth of 300 mm or such other depth as the Engineer may
direct. The filling material shall them be spread in layers not exceeding 150 mm for clayey material and 200
mm for granular material. The fill shall be watered as required, compacted to a Proctor Dry Density of 95%,
as defined in Clause 22.10, and to 100% under reservoirs, and finished to the required lines, levels and slopes
as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer, all in accordance with the requirements of this


6.5.1 Excavation

The surface excavation within the outlines of the building shall commence from the reduced levels after
general site excavation and/or stripping off the productive soil, and extend down to the underside of blinding
layers, provided that, where through necessary by the Engineer because of the nature of the soil encountered at
the bottom of the surface excavation, as specified above, it shall be extended to an additional depth of 300 mm
or such other depth as may be required by the Engineer, which additional depth shall then be backfilled to the
required sub grade level as specified below. Excavation of trenches for foundations, drains, etc. shall be done
below the general level of the surface excavation as previously described.

The bottom of excavation shall be accurately leveled and trimmed to full width, to exact required lines and
levels, watered and rammed to obtain a firm surface for binding layers and concrete.

The excavated material that is suitable and required for backfill in the same building or other buildings erected
on the site shall be set aside for future re-use, and the remainder of the excavated material shall be run to

6.5.2 Backfill

Backfill around foundations and where required below floors (as above) shall be placed in layers not
exceeding 150 mm in thickness after compaction. It shall be moistened and compacted as instructed by the
Engineer, special care being taken to obtain effective bond between layers and with sides of excavation.
Surfaces of backfill below floors shall be trimmed and otherwise treated as specified above for sub grades in

Should the material obtained from the required excavation for the various buildings prove to be unsuitable for
filling under floors and around foundations, approved inert material shall be imported from outside the site
and used in filling as described above.

The Engineer may require or permit the use of hardcore to form a base course in the upper part of the backfill
below floors. such hardcore shall consist mainly of stones as large as possible but not larger that the thickness
of the required course with a sufficient quantity of smaller stones to fill the voids between the large stones and
seal the top of the course.


In this specification, the terms “Proctor Dry Density” and “Optimum Moisture Content” shall mean the
density and moisture content, respectively, corresponding to the maximum point on the moisture content-dry
density curve obtained from Test 12 in BS 1377.

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The optimum moisture content required to obtain the maximum density of the fill during compaction will be
determined by testing as per BS 1377 and the actual moisture content shall not vary from the required content
by more than plus 3 or minus 2 percent.

This optimum moisture content, determined by the above tests as required for compaction purposes, shall be
uniform throughout each layer of the earth fill during the compacting. Insofar as practicable, as determined by
the Engineer, the application of water to the material for this purpose shall be done at the site of the
excavation and shall be supplemented, as required by sprinkling on the earth fill if necessary. Harrowing or
other working of the material may be required to produce the required uniformity of water content.

Where necessary, grips and drainage ditches shall be cut in fill or natural ground to assist in drainage and the
Contractor shall make allowance for this in his rates.

When the state of the weather is such that it would adversely affect the placing of earth-fill, all such work
shall be stopped. After rain it may be necessary to allow the earth-fill to dry to the correct moisture content.

At all times during dry weather, whether earth-fill construction is taking place or not, the surface of the fill is
everywhere to be watered or protected to prevent undue drying of the surface. Watering is to be done by
methods approved by the Engineer.

Any material in the earth-fill not complying with the specified density or moisture content shall be removed
and replaced by new material at the Contractor’s own expense notwithstanding the fact that it may be overlaid
by more recently placed material.

The Contractor’s proposed method of excavating, transporting and placing earth-fill material, watering and
compacting and any subsequent modifications thereof, together with a detailed list of quantities and types of
plant to be used for all these operations, shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval before work starts on the
site and shall be amended in accordance with any instructions he may issue from time to time. Should the
Contractor with to vary the approved method, he will be required to satisfy the Engineer that his proposed
method of working produces result at least as good as the results obtained by the approved method.


6.7.1 Compaction Equipment

Compaction equipment for the earth-fill construction material shall not be used unless the Engineer in writing
has approved it.

Depending on the areas to be compacted and the prevailing conditions, compaction equipment could
comprise, vibrating or non-vibrating steel or pneumatic tired rollers, hand-operated rollers, mechanical
tampers and other compaction equipment or methods approved by the Engineer.

6.7.2 Compaction – General

The Contractor shall take representative samples of all soils that will require controlled compaction and shall
develop moisture-density diagrams for determining the Optimum Moisture Content for each soil (BS 1377
Test 12).

During construction of the earthworks the Contractor shall perform the tests required to determine the
moisture content of the earth-fill before compaction and the density after compaction.

All tests shall be performed under the supervision of the Engineer who shall instruct as to the number and type
of tests to be performed. Moisture-density and compaction tests shall be carried out by approved means, either

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on site or elsewhere.

If any compacted material does not reach the required density it shall be either discarded and replaced by new
earth-fill or reworked as instructed by the Engineer.

If there is doubt as to whether the required degree of compaction has been attained, the area in question will
be retested. Further placing of earth-fill in this area shall cease until the Engineer approves it.

In any event no new material shall be placed over compacted material until the latter material has been
successfully tested and approved by the Engineer. After being spread on the construction surface and before
compaction, each layer of clayey earth-fill shall be worked and blended with a minimum of two passes of a 75
cm disk harrow, provided with sufficient ballast weight to force the disc to cut through and mix the material.
When it is necessary to add water on the construction surface, the material shall be sprinkled during or after
the first two passes of the disc harrow, after which the material shall be worked again by two additional passes
of the disc harrow.

When each layer of material has been conditioned to the best practicable moisture content for compaction
purposes, it shall be compacted using approved compacting equipment to a dry density at least 95% of the
maximum Proctor Dry Density in the case of compacted earth-fill in general, and 100% in the case of
compacted earth-fill under structures. No subsequent layer shall be placed until the previous layer has been
properly compacted. Prior to commencing compaction of any material the Contractor shall determine the
minimum number of passes of the compacting equipment required to compact a layer of any one material.

If the moisture content is less that the optimum required for compaction, the compaction shall not proceed
without specific approval and, in that event, additional rolling and sprinkling shall be done, to obtain the
required compaction. If the moisture content of clayey material is greater than optimum, such material may be
removed and stockpiled for later use, or the compacting shall be delayed until the material has dried to the
proper moisture content. No additional payment will be made for the removal and stockpiling, or the drying of
materials, or for any delays occasioned thereby.

Where compaction by means of approved equipment is impracticable, or undesirable, and in locations where
reasonable maneuverability of the said equipment is not possible, the Contractor will be required to use other
equipment for providing compaction equivalent to that which be obtained by the originally approved
6.7.3 Tamping

Portions of the earth-fill to be placed on rough rock surfaces, at steep or irregular abutment contracts,
adjoining the concrete structures and elsewhere, which, in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be compacted
properly by the use of other equipment, shall be compacted thoroughly by the use of hand operated
mechanical tampers or vibrators to be approved by the Engineer. The degree of compaction and moisture
content for such portions of the earth-fill shall be equal to those required for other portions of the earth-fill for
which compaction by roller is specified, but the moisture content shall be at the upper allowable limit.

6.7.4 Riprap –Hand Placed

Bedding to Riprap

Riprap shall be placed on bedding consisting of a compacted layer of well-graded natural material from 150
mm to 450 mm, the thickness of the layer being as shown on the Drawings.

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6.7.5 Dimensions and Placing

Material for hand-placed riprap shall consist roughly squared rock fragments meeting the following
requirements as to size:

 Nominal thickness 300 mm

 Minimum dimensions of 75% of the stones in direction perpendicular to surface of layers, 300 mm

 Minimum dimensions of any stone250x200x150

The stones shall be replaced with their maximum dimensions normal to the finished surface of the riprap and
the end face with this surface.

The spaces between adjacent stones shall be filled with rock chinking hammered into place. Special care shall
be taken in placing riprap on and around concrete structures.

6.7.6 Testing-General

All tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant British, American, or other Standards mentioned
herein, or their equivalent, and entire cost of the tests required under this Clause shall be spread over the
related items in the Bill of Quantities, unless otherwise provided for.

Testing for large fills (such as for pond) shall be carried out not more than 1000m 3 fill materials, and lesser in
other fills.

No claim by the Contractor for delays while samples are being taken or as a result of tests will be entertained,
and due allowance must be made in the appropriate rates for all such delays.

Nothing in this Clause shall be regarded as limiting the Engineer’s rights of taking samples and performing
other tests he may consider necessary.

6.7.7 Setting Aside Topsoil

Topsoil will be required for soiling and grassing such areas as shown on the Drawing or as the Engineer may
direct. During excavation works the Contractor shall set aside a sufficient quantity of productive topsoil and
the cost of stripping such soil, transporting and temporarily setting it aside in approved areas shall be included
in the rate for excavation. The cost of collecting productive soil from the approved storage and other area,
transporting it to the required site, placing and leveling, as required by the Engineer, shall be included in the
Contractor’s rates for soiling.

In the event that sufficient topsoil is not available on site, the Contractor shall obtain the required quantity
from other approved sources at his own cost.

6.7.8 Stone Paving

Where shown on the Drawings, stone paving should consist of suitably shaped, durable hard stones, hand-
placed on bed of selected granular material, compacted to thickness of 25 cm.

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6.8.1 Base Gravel

Base gravel shall be composed of inert, durable aggregate, reasonably uniform in quality, free from
soft or disintegrated pieces. The aggregate gradation curve shall fall within the following limits
when tested in accordance with ASTM C136.
Gradation Limits

US Standard Sieve Percent by Weight

Size mm Passing

19.00 100
9.5 60-95

4.75 40-70

2.36 30-60
1.15 20-40

0.30 8-20

0.075 0-5

6.8.2 Crushed Gravel

Crushed gravel shall be inert, durable aggregate, reasonable uniform in quality, free from soft or
disintegrated pieces. In the absence of satisfactory performance records over a 5-year period for
the particular source of aggregate, its soundness shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C88
using magnesium sulphate. Maximum-weighted average losses for coarse aggregate shall be 20%,
and for fine aggregate 25%. The aggregate gradation curve shall fall within the following limits
when tested in accordance with ASTM C136:

Gradation Limits

US Standard Sieve Percent by Weight

Size mm Passing

19.00 100

12.55 70-100

4.75 40-80

2.36 30-65

0.60 12-37
0.075 2-9

A minimum of 50% of the base course material retained on a 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least one (1)

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fractured face. The percentage shall be determined by particle count.

6.8.3 Granular Fill

Granular fill shall be sand or gravel, screened if necessary, composed of inert, durable aggregate,
uniform in quality and free from soft or disintegrated particles, clay or silt balls, and other deleterious
matter. The gravel shall conform to the following gradation limits when tested in accordance with
ASTM C136.

Gradation Limits

US Standard Sieve Percent by Weight

Size mm Passing

75.00 100

20.00 50-100

0.15 0-16

0.075 0-5

6.8.4 Rock Fill

Rock fill shall include all fill material containing more than 15% by volume of rock larger than 150 mm in
size, but shall be free of organic soil, logs, roots, brush, and other debris.

6.8.5 Drain Rock

Drain rock shall be clean, inert, and durable with a maximum size of 20 mm and a minimum size of 10 mm.

6.8.6 Free Draining Gravel

Free draining gravel shall be a clean, well graded sand and gravel material with inert, durable aggregate. The
aggregate gradation curve shall fall within the following limits when tested in accordance with ASTM C136.

Gradation Limits

Sieve Size mm Percent by Weight


19.00 100
9.5 70-95

4.8 50-80
2.4 40-70

1.2 30-60
0.3 10-30
0.150 0-10

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0.075 0-2

6.8.7 Backfill

The backfilling shall include the backfilling of trenches excavated for pipe lines, cables, and excavations for
channels, manholes, valve chambers and other structures and appurtenances using suitable site material from
the excavation or imported backfill material.

All suitable surplus and excavated material shall be used for backfilling with in the project limits. Backfilling
shall be of the same material as was excavated from the trench, provided that it is suitable for backfilling.

Backfilling shall begin, with the Engineer's approval, after the concrete has reached the design strength and
the forms have been removed, and hydrostatic testing is completed.

For each class of backfill material to be used, representative samples, selected by the Engineer, shall be
provided for testing purposes. Tests shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM#1 standards to determine
the grading of the material.

Such tests shall be repeated each time the source of material changes, if there is an apparent change in the
characteristics of the material or at such other times as the Engineer may require.

Backfilling shall not be commenced until tests of the proposed backfill material indicate that it is in
accordance with the requirements of the Specifications.

Backfill materials shall be placed where shown on the drawings in maximum 300 mm none
compacted lifts and compacted to Standard Proctor Density.
Backfill within 1 m of structures shall be compacted with light mechanical equipment. Care shall be
taken to avoid damage to the structures.
Representative samples of each class of backfill material to be used, selected by the Engineer, shall
be taken for testing to determine the optimum moisture content and optimum density in accordance
with the Modified proctor method, ASTM 1557, Method D.
These tests shall be repeated each time the source of material changes, if there is an apparent change
in the characteristics of the material, or at such other times as the Engineer may require.
Any settlement of the backfill and resultant damage shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the
Engineer at the Contractor's expense.

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7.1.1 Scope and Standards

This Chapter describes the quality of materials and workmanship of concrete and reinforced
concrete works cast in situ in all parts of structures below or above ground.
The specification shall apply to concrete prepared on site as well as ready mixed concrete and small
pre-cast concrete elements. It is based on BS8110: 1997 in general, and on BS8007: 1987 in respect
of exposure of concrete to water and moisture.
The standards and Codes of Practice, detailed below are by reference made part of this Specification.

E BCS 2:1995 Structural use of Concrete

E S C.D3.201 Normal Concrete Aggregates

E S C.D5.201 Portland Cement General Requirements

ES C.D8.490 Portland Cement Methods of Sampling & Testing

BS Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening)

BS 410 Test sieves

BS 812 Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and filters

BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete

BS 1305 Batch type concrete mixers

BS 1370 Low heat Portland cement

BS 1881 Guide to use of non-destructive methods of test for hardened concrete

BS 3148 Tests for water for making concrete

BS 4449 Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4482 Steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4550 Methods for testing cement

BS 5075 Concrete admixtures

BS 5135 Metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel

BS 8007 Code of practice for the design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids

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BS 5606 Code of practice for Accuracy in Building

BS 4027 Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement

BS 8110 Structural use of concrete – parts 1-3

ASTM standard C309 Liquid membrane forming compound for curing concrete ASTM standard C260 Air
entraining admixtures for concrete

In case of discrepancy or contradiction, the requirements of this specification shall rule over any standard.


7.2.1 Normal Concrete

All normal concrete (i.e., other than mass concrete as specified below) to be used in reinforced and plain
structure is classified in the contract documents according to required strength grade as per Table 1 and to
(exposure) class as per Table 2.

Table 1:Grades of Concrete and Strength Requirements

Grade Characteristic Cube Strength at 28 days,

in N/mm2
Strength Trial Mix [1]
Work Cube [1]
N/mm2 Each Individual Average

10 10 12.3 8.5

15 15 20.0 12.8 21.5

20 20 27.5 17.0 31.5

25 25 32.5 21.3 36.5

30 30 37.5 25.5 41.5

40 40 47.5 34.0 51.5

50 50 57.5 42.5 61.5

[1] Note: Concrete may be accepted the basis of 7 days cube strength, provided the average strength is at least
70% of the required 28 days strength.

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Table 2: Minimum Cement Content (kg/m ) required for Classes of Exposure
Reinforced Concrete Plain Concrete

Class Max. Max.

Free Free

Max. Size of Aggregate, mm Water Max. Size of Aggregate, mm Water

40 20 14 10 Cement 40 20 14 10 Cement

Ratio Ratio

E 320 360 390 410 0.45 270 310 330 360 0.50

Severe (290) (330) (350) (370) (240) (280) (300) (320)

F 260 290 320 340 0.55 220 250 280 300 0.60

Moderate (240) (260) (290) (310) (200) (230) (250) (270)

G 220 250 270 290 0.65 200 220 250 270 0.70

Mild (200) (230) (250) (260) (180) (200) (220) (240)

Notes: The minimum cement content may be reduced, as given in brackets when:

1. Trial mixes have verified that a concrete with a maximum free water cement ratio not greater than that
given for the particular concrete can be consistently produced and that it is suitable for the conditions of
transporting, placing and compaction.

2. The maximum free water/cement ratio is strictly controlled by a site laboratory.

3. The cement content shall comply with requirements of Table 2. The actual amount of cement needed
for each type of concrete in the various parts of the structures shall be determined by the tests as specified
hereinafter, taking into consideration actual site conditions.

4. No change in the unit rates submitted for concrete will be allowed, if the actual quantity of cement
used to obtain a specified concrete characteristic strength (grade) is greater than the minimum cement content
specified in Table 2.

7.2.2 Concrete Designation

Concrete may be named on the Drawings and in the Bills of Quantities as follows:

Normal Concrete will be designated by three symbols: the first number stands for grade as to strength (Table
1), the middle letter stands for class of exposure (Table 2), the last figure stands for the maximum size of
aggregate. Thus, for example, 20-f-40 designates a concrete having a characteristic strength of 20 N/mm2,
class of exposure F, and maximum size of aggregate 40 mm.

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7.3.1 Quality

All cement shall be Portland cement of approved manufacture. Unless otherwise specified, it shall be ordinary
Portland cement complying with BS 12.

Rapid-hardening Portland cement shall not be used in mass concrete. Low-heat Portland cement complying
with BS1370 may be used for mass concrete.

A certificate that the consignment complies in all respects with the approved standard shall be forwarded to
the Engineer with each consignment.

The Engineer reserves the right to subject the deliveries to independent tests and to reject without question
such cement that fails to comply with the specification or fails to produce concrete of the quality or of the rate
of hardening specified. All such rejected cement shall forthwith be removed from the site of the works.

7.3.2 Supply

The supply of cement to the site shall be made in whole and original bags, marked with the trade mark of an
approved manufacture or in special closed bulk containers manufactured expressly for this purpose. Cement
from torn bags or cement which has been split and swept up shall not be used.

The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing at least 30 days before first shipments are required,
concerning the mill or mills from which the cement is to be acquired and the purchase order number, contract
number, or other designation that will identify the cement to be used by the Contractor.

7.3.3 Storage

In order that cement may not become unduly aged after delivery, the Contractor shall use cement in the
chronological order in which it was delivered on the job. Each shipment shall be stored so that it may readily
be distinguished from other shipments. The cement shall be free of lumps and shall be otherwise undamaged
when used in concrete.
Sacked cement shall be stored in a watertight and weatherproof shed a floor raised at least 150mm from the
ground. Stacking cement bags to a height exceeding ten layers will not be permitted. Any cement damage by
water or otherwise defective and damaged bags of cement will be rejected and shall be removed from the site

Bulk cement shall be stored in weatherproof bins or silos to be approved by the Engineer. The bin shall be
emptied and cleaned at regular intervals as directed by the Engineer.

The use of sacked cement which has been stored for more than three months after delivery will not be
permitted, except when it is proved by tests, to the satisfaction of the Engineer that it complies with the
requirements of the Specification.

7.3.4 Contractor’s Responsibility

A suitable quantity of approved and certified cement shall always be available on site in order to ensure
continuity in case of the rejection of a consignment by Engineer.

If the Contractor has used cement for which no certificate of compliance with the standards was submitted as
required in Sub-Clause 31.3.1 above or, where the Engineer has ordered independent tests, before obtaining

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results of such tests, and the cement is later found defective in quality, the Engineer shall have the right to
reject that portion of the structure constructed with this cement and the Contractor shall be obliged to
dismantle or demolish such structure and reconstruct it at his own expense and with a cement complying with
the requirements.

7.3.5 Water

Water for mixing and for curing concrete mortar and grout shall be free from objectionable quantities of silt,
organic matter, alkali salts, and other impurities. The source of the water to be used shall be subjected to the
Engineer’s approval.

Where tests are required they shall be in accordance with BS 3148.


7.4.1 General

Aggregate for concrete (including for granolithic) shall be coarse aggregate and fine aggregate confirming in
all respects to BS 882: 1983.

The grading shall be such as to produce a concrete with the specified properties and consistency and one that
will work readily in position without segregation and without the use of an excessive water content and can be
readily compacted into a dense impervious mass.

Aggregate for concrete shall be furnished by the Contractor from approved sources, provided that they meet
the requirements of the above standards. The approval of any sources by the Engineer shall not be construed
as constituting the approval of all materials taken from these sources and the Contractor will be held
responsible for the specified quality of all such materials used in the works. Specimen samples of aggregates
for concrete shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before any order is placed. Such approval will not
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of satisfying himself before placing an order that the aggregate will
conform to BS882. All aggregate as delivered to the batching plant, shall have uniform and stable moisture
The Contractor shall test all aggregates as ordered by the Engineer, including tests for sulphates and chlorides,
and shall provide such facilities as may be necessary for procuring representative test samples. The Contractor
shall prepare, for preliminary tests and approval, a representative sample of fine aggregate and of each size of
coarse aggregate proposed for use in the works at least 30 days before the aggregates are required for use. The
cost of all tests required under this Clause as well as the supply of representative samples shall be spread over
the items for concrete work inserted in the Bill of Quantities.

During construction, the sizes of the coarse aggregates and grading of the fine aggregates shall be determined
at least once for every 100 tones supplied, and at least once a week a check shall be made on supplies to
ensure that the required grading is being maintained. If any aggregate or sand when so tested does not meet
the requirements of the relevant Standard, the Contractor shall forthwith cease to use that aggregate or sand
and shall correct the quality and/or grading of the aggregate or sand without cost to the Employer.

If aggregates are bought to the site in separate loads containing aggregate of one size, they shall be stored in
such a way as will prevent aggregates of different sizes being mixed together. Aggregates mixed either in
transport or on site will be rejected. Unloading shall be done in such a way as to prevent excess segregation as
directed by the Engineer.

All aggregates, sand and stone intended for use in the works shall be stored on a concrete floor or a screened
and well drained surface to the approval of the Engineer to prevent contamination by contact with ground.
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A stock of aggregates permitting concreting operations for at least 5 days shall be available on the site.

All sand and coarse aggregate, when required by BS 882, shall be washed in clean fresh water at no extra cost
to the Employer.

7.4.2 Sampling and Testing of Fine & Course Aggregate

Sampling and testing of aggregate prior to the development of an aggregate source shall be in accordance with
the following:

i Aggregate samples shall be taken in conformance with C.D3.201.

ii A minimum of one (1) petrographic analysis for each source of supply shall be made in conformance with BS
812: Part I.

iii A minimum of one (1) test for the sulphates (SO3) content of the aggregate for each source of supply shall be
made in conformance with BS 1074. The total of the sulphate content of the concrete mix shall not exceed 4%
by mass of the cement.

iv A minimum of one (1) test for chlorides content of the aggregate for each source of supply shall be made in
conformance with BS 812: Part 4. The total chloride ion content shall not exceed the limit specified in BS
882, Table 8, and BS 8007.

v A minimum of one (1) sieve analysis of the fine and coarse aggregate for each source of supply shall be made
in conformance with ES C.D3.201. The gradation shall comply with ES C.D3.201.

vi A minimum of one (1) test for shell content for each source of supply shall be made in conformance with BS
812: Part 106. The results shall comply with BS 882 and BS 8007.

vii A minimum of one (1) test for the 10% fines value for each source of supply shall be made in conformance
with BS 812: Part 3. The results shall comply with BS 882: Table 3.

viii A minimum of one (1) test for alkali-aggregate reaction for each source of supply shall be made in
conformance with ASTM C289 for siliceous aggregates and ASTM C586 for carbonate aggregates.
ix A minimum of one (1) test of absorption for each source of supply shall be made in conformance with BS
812. The result shall be less than 3%.

7.4.3 Fine Aggregate

Fine Aggregate shall consist of hard, dense, durable clean, uncoated fragments of natural sand,
crushed stone, or other suitable materials approved by the Engineer for use with the concrete
specified and shall be free from clay, organic matter or other deleterious substances.
The grading of the fine aggregate shall lie within one of the grading zones shown in Table 2 BS 882.
For reinforced concrete the grading of the fine aggregates shall be within either grading zones 1, 2,
or 3.
7.4.4 Coarse Aggregate – General

Coarse aggregate shall be natural gravel or crushed stone or a mixture of natural gravel and crushed stone and
shall consist of hard, dense, durable, clean, uncoated fragments.

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7.4.5 Coarse Aggregate for Normal Concrete

The grading of coarse aggregate for normal reinforced and plain concrete, when analyzed in accordance with
BS 812 shall be within the limits given in Table 1 of BS 882.

The nominal maximum sizes of the coarse aggregates are 40 mm or 20 mm.

The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be, in general, as large as possible but in no case larger than:

One quarter of the minimum thickness of the member, or

6 mm less than the distance between reinforcement bars or than the concrete cover over the reinforcement,
provided that the concrete can be placed without difficulty so as to surround all reinforcements thoroughly and
to fill the corners of the formwork. If the different sizes of coarse aggregates will be supplied separately, then
the grading of the coarse aggregates shall be controlled by obtaining the course aggregate in two sizes for
aggregate of 20 mm nominal maximum size and in three sizes for aggregate of 40 mm nominal size.


7.5.1 General Requirements

Calcium chloride or other admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used. Other admixtures may only be
used with the approval of the Engineer.

All admixtures shall comply with the requirements hereinafter specified. The Contractor shall provide test
certificates of an approved laboratory to show that the proposed admixtures comply with all the requirements
of this specification and provide acceptable documentary evidence, that the proposed admixtures have been
used successfully in major concrete projects.

To facilitate approval, the Contractor shall provide the following information:

i the trade name of the admixture, its source, and the manufacturer’s recommended method of use;

ii typical dosage rates and possible detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage;
iii whether compounds (such as those containing chloride in any form as an active ingredient) likely to
cause corrosion of the reinforcing steel or deterioration of the concrete are present, if so, the chloride
content (expressed as chloride ions or as equivalent anhydrous chloride) by mass of admixture;

iv the average expected air content of freshly mixed concrete containing an admixture which causes air
to be entrained when used at the manufacturer recommended rate of dosage.

v Each consignment of admixture shall be supplied in sealed waterproof containers. A certificate

showing that the consignment complies in all respects with this specification shall be forwarded to the
Engineer with each consignment. The Engineer reserves the right to subject the deliveries to
independent tests, and to reject without question and admixture which fails to comply with the
specification, or is not compatible with any of the other ingredients of the concrete as shown by
preliminary tests with the proposed concrete mixes. All prices for concrete include the admixtures of
the types and quantities as specified hereinafter.

Different admixtures shall not be allowed to mix prior to charging the mixers, and they shall be added to
separate ingredients of each batch. When dispensing systems are used separate dispensers shall be used for
each admixture.

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7.5.2 Air Entraining Admixtures

If ordered by the Engineer, an air entraining admixture, complying with the requirements of ASTM C260
shall be used in Tremie or Mass Concrete. The amount of air entraining admixture to be used for entraining
the required amount of air shall be determined by preliminary laboratory tests and adjusted in the field to meet
the specification requirements. The actual amount of entrained air shall be continuously controlled on site. If
the air-entraining admixture is to be used together with another admixture, it shall be proved by preliminary
tests that both admixtures are compatible and the concrete has no undesirable properties. Laboratory and field
procedures shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide equipment to permit on-site measurement of the percentage of air entrained in
the concrete and the density of concrete.

The air-entraining admixture shall be added in the mixer to each batch together with the water.

7.5.3 Water Reducing, Set Retarding Admixture

All mass concrete and concrete in such structures or parts thereof, as will be determined by the Engineer, shall
include an approved water reducing, set retarding admixture complying with BS 5075, thoroughly tested in
conjunction with the particular brand of cement used in the given structure.

The quantities of the admixture used and the method of use will depend on the composition of the concrete,
prevailing temperature, desired setting time, the manufacture’s instructions and the results of trial tests. The
use of any admixture shall require the prior approval of the Engineer.


7.6.1 General

The Contractor shall fix the grading of the aggregate and proportions of the mix, on condition that he can
prove by advance testing that they are suitable, comply with all the requirements of this specification, such as
strength, density, impermeability, durability, etc. and that they are workable and can be transported, placed
and compacted by the methods and equipment used on the site, without segregation, without the use of
excessive water content and that they can be readily compacted into dense impervious mass. He shall supply
the Engineer, at least 14 days before the commencement of casting, with the results of trial mixes, for each
class and grade of concrete, for each maximum nominal size of aggregates and each consistency required.

Three separate batches of concrete shall be made using materials likely to be typical of the proposed supply
and preferably under full scale production conditions. If circumstances make this inconvenient, the batches
may be mixed in an approved laboratory. Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with BS 1881.

The workability of each of the trial batches shall be determined and three cubes made from each batch for test
at 28 days. A further three cubes from each batch shall be made for test at 7 days if required.

The test results shall contain the following details:

i Cement content

ii Tests of the quality of the aggregates, their contents and grading, and the quality of cement and
admixtures used

iii The proposed mix proportions including cement, admixture and water, expressed in kg/m3 or fresh
compacted concrete based on saturated surface dry aggregates.

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iv The consistency of the fresh concrete, as measured by the slump tests according to BS 1881.

v The compressive strength of at least 18 standard concrete cubes in compression made from 3 batches
of which 9 shall be tested at 7 days and 9 tested 28 days old.

7.6.2 Approval of Mix Proportions

Without detracting from the aforesaid, the Engineer’s prior approval of the proposed mix is to be
obtained. This approval will be given based on the results of the above tests and on condition that it
can be proved to the Engineer’s satisfaction that:
i All materials comply with the requirements for quality as demanded, including aggregate sizes and

ii Cement content complies with requirements of Table 2 (sub-clause 31.2.1);

iii The consistency of the fresh concrete is suitable for the conditions of transport, placing and
compaction in the forms as required in the specifications and in accordance with the equipment and
systems of work which are intended to be used;

iv The average compressive strength of 9 standard cured cubes at 28 days age shall be equal to or greater
that the average strength required for preliminary tests in Table 1;

v The concrete is impermeable to water for those part of the structures which will be subjected to
standing or running water or water under pressure (Classes E, F and M2).

7.6.3 Contractor’s Responsibility

i. In all cases and under all circumstances, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality of
the concrete, including its impermeability to water where required in the structure.

ii. Approval of mix proportions by the Engineer shall be binding upon the Contractor as follows:

iii. To use materials only of the same origin and quality as used in preliminary tests.
iv. To use the above mentioned mix proportion without any changes, except for slight changes due to
different grading of aggregate within approved limits, and due to different moisture content of
aggregates, and climatic conditions, as approved by the Engineer.

v. The Contractor may propose alternations in source of supply, mix proportions and grading of
aggregates, provided that he complies with the requirements of the specification, and provided the
proposed change does not interfere with the progress of the work.

vi. Changes by the Engineer in proportions or materials, or both, may be made as necessary, without any
additional payment to the Contractor, to secure the required properties during progress of work,
should it be found impracticable to obtain concrete of required workability, strength, density, and/or
impermeability with materials and transporting, handling and compacting equipment approved by the
Engineer and furnished by the Contractor.

7.6.4 Nominal Mixes

On less important concrete structures or elements, the Engineer may allow the Contractor to use nominal
mixes without preliminary trial mixes for ordinary structural concrete of class G exposure under the following
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i. The concrete mixes shall be produced to comply with all requirements of the specification, including
requirements of Tables 1, and 2.

ii. The materials comply with all the requirements of the specification.

iii. No admixtures are used or required

iv. Evidence can be provided to the satisfaction of Engineer that with the materials and workmanship
available in the particular locality a concrete of required standard can readily be obtained.

v. The Engineer shall be informed of the nature and source of each material to be used and subsequently
whenever a change is made.

Table 4 shows the cement contents for the nominal mixes, which together with the total weight of dry
aggregate; produce approximately one cubic meter of concrete. Depending on specific gravity of the aggregate
slight adjustment may be required to the quantity of aggregates to produce this volume of concrete having the
required workability, strength and cement content.

Where single size coarse aggregates are used, the proportions should be chosen to produce a combined
grading within limits of BS 882 for graded coarse aggregate of appropriate size.

The actual batch weights should be calculated to suit the size of the mixer from the values of Table 4.
Allowance should be made for moisture content typical of the aggregates being used.

Table 4: Nominal Mixes for Ordinary Structural Concrete

Concrete Grade

Medium Workability High Workability

Nominal Max. Size of Aggregate, 40 20 14 10 40 20 14 10


Limits to slump that may be 50-100 25-75 10-50 10-25 100-150 75-125 50-100 25-50
expected, mm

C-10 Cement, kg 210 240 230 260

Total Agg., kg 1,900 1,850 1,850 1,800

Fine Agg., % 30-45 35-50 40-45 35-50

C-15 Cement, kg 250 280 270 310

Total Agg., kg 1,850 1,800 1,800 1,750

Fine Agg., % 30-45 35-50 30-45 35-50

C-20 Cement, kg 300 320 340 360 320 350 380 410

Total Agg., kg 1,850 1,800 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,700 1,650

Sand [1] Zone 1 35 40 45 50 40 45 50 55

Zone 2 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 50

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Zone 3 30 30 35 40 30 35 40 45

C-25 Cement, kg 340 360 380 400 360 390 420 450

Total Agg., kg 1,800 1,760 1,700 1,700 1,750 1,700 1,650 1,600

Sand [1] Zone 1 35 40 45 50 40 45 50 55

Zone 2 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 50

Zone 3 30 30 35 40 30 35 40 45

[1] Sand is fine aggregate resulting from natural disintegration of rock. Zone numbers refer to BS 882 Table 2 .

7.6.5 General about Batching

Except as otherwise provided hereinafter, the amounts of sand, bulk cement, and each size of coarse aggregate
entering each batch of concrete shall be determined by weighing, and the amount of water shall be determined
weighing or volumetric measurement. Where sacked cement is used, the amount of cement entering the
mixtures shall be determined on the basis of integral sacks of cement of known weight.

For concretes of grades 10 and 15, class ‘G’ the Engineer may, in exceptional cases, permit volumetric
measurement of aggregates.

The Contractor shall provide equipment and shall maintain and operate the equipment as required to
accurately determine and control the amount of each separate ingredient entering the concrete. Moreover, the
Contractor shall be able to ensure timely calibration of the compressive test machine from recognized
standardizing organization.

7.6.6 Weighing Equipment

A separate weighing device shall be provided for the cement. All weighing equipment shall be subject to the
Engineer's approval. Accuracy to within 0.5 percent of the scale capacity will be satisfactory, and the
equipment shall be capable of ready adjustment to compensate for the varying weight of any moisture
contained in the aggregate and to effect changes in concrete mix proportions.

The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within +/- 3% of the quantity of cement, water and total
aggregate being measured, and within +/- 5% of the quantity of any admixture used. The Contractor shall
provide standard test weights and any other auxiliary equipment required for checking the operating
performance of each scale or other measuring device and shall make periodic tests over the ranges of
measurements involved in the batching operations. The tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer’s
Representative and shall be adequate to prove the accuracy of the measuring devices. Unless otherwise
directed, tests of equipment in operation shall be made at least once in two weeks.

The Contractor shall make adjustments, repairs, or replacements as may be necessary to meet the specified
requirements for accuracy of measurement. The operating mechanism in the water measuring device shall be
such that leaking will not occur when the valves are closed. Water tanks on portable mixers shall be
constructed so that the indicating device will register, within the specified limits of accuracy, the quantity of
water discharge, regardless of the inclination of the mixer setting. Where the batching plant involves the use
of storage bins and weighing hoppers, each weighing until shall include a visible spring less dial which will
register the scale load at any stage of the weighing operations from zero to full capacity or shall include an
over-and-under indicator which will show the scale in balance with no load or when loaded at any desired
beam setting. The weighing hoppers shall be constructed so as to permit the convenient removal of overweigh

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material in excess of the prescribed tolerances.

Each dial or over-and-under indicator and each water-measuring device shall be in full view of the operator.

7.6.7 Batching by Volume

Where batching by volume is permitted by the Engineer (see sub-clause 31.9.1), only precisely dimensioned
gauge boxes approved by the Engineer shall be used for the sand and different sizes of aggregates. After
filling the box the aggregate shall be struck-off level with the brim. The mix proportions by volume shall be
based on the actual unit weight of the aggregates in measuring boxes including their moisture content. All
gauge boxes shall bear marks in red oil paint showing the kind and size of aggregate for which each box is to
be used. No boxes similar in shape and appearance but different in volume from the approved gauge boxes
shall be kept on the site.

7.6.8 Mixing

The concrete ingredients shall be mixed in sufficient number of approved batch mixers of adequate
capacity complying with BS 1305. The number of mixers employed shall be regulated to suit the
requirements of the concrete placing operations. In addition, sufficient reserve capacity shall be
available at all times.
The concreting capacity of mixers will be subject to the approval of the Engineer, who will prohibit
concreting should the capacity in his opinion be inadequate. Any mixer that at any time produces
unsatisfactory results shall be tested according to BS 1305 and shall be repaired promptly and
effectively or shall be replaced. Mixers shall not be loaded in excess of their rated capacity unless
specifically authorized.
The mixing shall continue until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and the mass is
uniform in color and consistency, but in no case shall the mixing be less than 1 minute for batches of
up to 0.50 m3 and 1½ minutes for larger batches after all the ingredients, including the full amount
of water, are in the mixer.
The Engineer may permit, subject to preliminary tests, to reduce the above mixing times for high-
speed pan type mixers by half a minute.
The Engineer shall have the right to increase the above minimum mixing time when the charge and
mixing operations fail to produce a concrete batch throughout which the ingredients are uniformly
distributed and the consistency is uniform. The concrete shall also be uniform from batch to batch,
except where changes in composition and consistency are required.
Water shall be added prior to, during and following the mixer-charging operations. Excessive over
mixing requiring the addition of water to preserve the required concrete consistency will not be
No dry materials shall be introduced into the mixer until all material from the previous batch has
been removed. Incrustations of concrete or mortar shall not be allowed to accumulate on the interior
surface of the mixing drum. Remixing of concrete, or addition of water in an attempt to improve the
consistency of a mixture which has already begun to set or which is otherwise unsuitable for casting,
shall not be permitted and such concrete shall be wasted.
Where small quantities (not exceeding 3 cum) are involved, the Engineer’s Representative may in
exceptional cases permit hand mixing of lean and other non-reinforced concrete. No hand mixing
shall be done unless authorized in writing by the Engineer’s Representative. The batches in hand

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mixing shall not exceed 0.25 m . Hand mixed concrete shall not be used until the mixing of the
whole color and consistency. Hand mixing shall be done twice on dry aggregate, and at least twice
wet, on a clean and even surface, which will prevent the loss of water during mixing. The water
added shall be measured in order to prevent the use of excessive quantity water.
When mixing by hand, the quantity of cement shall be increased by 10%, above that specified in Table 2.


The methods and equipment used and the speed required for transporting of concrete on site shall be such that
concrete having the required composition and consistency will be delivered into the work, without
objectionable segregation, loss of slump or delay. No more than 30 minutes shall elapse between the first
wetting of all concrete ingredients and composition of placing the concrete in the work.


7.8.1 General

The use of ready mixed concrete brought to the site from a central off-site batching plant requires the
Engineer’s approval. Approval shall be granted only if the following conditions are fulfilled:
i. The location of the plant permits delivery under normal transport conditions within one hour after

ii. Mixers shall conform to approved national standards.

iii. The plant has sufficient capacity and transportation equipment to deliver the concrete at the desired

iv. The concrete mix will contain set-retarding admixtures at no extra cost if required by the Engineer.

v. The Engineer can check at all times the manufacturing process, the quality of the concrete ingredients,
the accuracy of the measuring devices, the mixers and all other equipment used.
vi. All materials and mixes used comply with all requirements of specification,

Every consignment shall be accompanied by a bill of lading including at least the following
i. Concrete designation

ii. Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate

iii. Slump

iv. Minimum (or if required maximum) cement content

v. Time of adding water to mix

vi. Pump ability, if required

vii. Chemical admixtures

viii. Maximum permissible addition of water

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Retempering (addition of water on site) will not be allowed, except for the amount stated in bill of
Concrete which has lost slump and which cannot be returned to the required slump with the amount
of water stated above shall not be accepted.
7.8.2 Approval of Mixes from Operating Concrete Plants

The Engineer may approve standard mixes from operating concrete plants without preliminary trial
mixes subject to the following conditions:
i. Existing data as evidence of satisfactory previous performance of proposed mix, including
impermeability to water where required.

ii. Results of current quality control tests of materials to be used to prove compliance with specifications.

iii. The proposed mixes will be accepted by the Engineer if they comply:

iv. With required minimum cement contents as per Table 2, or 3.

v. With strength requirements of Table 1 or 3.


Uniformity in concrete consistency from batch to batch will be required. The slump as measured according to
BS 1881 shall be within the following limits:

 25 mm or  1/3 of the approval value, whichever is greater.


All earth surface against which concrete is to be placed shall be leveled, wetted and rammed to
required lines and grades, the cost of such work being deemed included in rates for earthwork and/or
On the rock surfaces prepared as under Clause 22.6.2, a 15 mm layer of 1:3 cement mortar shall be
spread immediately prior to placing concrete and shall be well leveled immediately prior to placing
concrete and shall be well worked into the surface with the aid of brushes. Care shall be taken that
the mortar does in no case set before concrete is placed on it. The cost of such mortar and its
spreading shall be held to be included in the rates for concrete.

7.11.1 General

No concrete shall be placed until formwork, installation of parts to be embedded and preparations of surfaces
involved in the placing have been approved by the Engineer. All surfaces of forms, reinforcement bars and
other embedded materials that have become encrusted with dried mortar or grout from concrete previously
placed shall be cleaned of all such mortar or grout before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed.

Concrete shall be placed only in the presence of the Engineer or his Representative, unless written permission
is given for placing concrete in their absence.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least twenty-four hours’ notice of his intention to cast concrete in

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any structure or major part thereof, stating the exact hour at which concreting is to commence, to enable the
Engineer or his Representative to be present or to grant permission to place concrete in their absence, which
permission shall, in such event, not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.

Concrete shall be deposited in all cases as nearly as practicable directly in its final position and shall not be
caused to flow in a manner to permit or cause segregation.

Excessive separation of coarse aggregate from the concrete caused by allowing the concrete to fall freely from
too great a height or at too great an angle from the vertical or to strike the forms or reinforcement steel will
not be permitted. Where such separation would otherwise occur, the Contractor shall provide suitable drop
chutes and baffles to confine and control the falling concrete. Except as intersected by joints all formed
concrete shall be placed in continuous approximately horizontal layers, the depths of which shall be from 30
to 60 cm and in lifts not exceeding 1.80 m in height, unless specified otherwise.

The Contractor shall make such arrangements and shall time his operations in such a manner that no layer of
concrete will begin setting before the neat layer is placed on top of it. In no case shall the delay between the
placing of any two layers be such that the vibrating unit will not readily penetrate of its own weight the
concrete placed before the delay.

Concreting should be carried out continuously between and up to joints, the position and arrangement of
which shall be predetermined and approved by the Engineer in writing. The surface of all concrete during
deposition shall be maintained reasonably level between planes of stoppage formed by vertical stopping-off
boards or other vertical faces.

In the event of unavoidable stoppage in position not predetermined, the concrete shall be terminated on
horizontal planes and against vertical surfaces in the manner before described. Where it becomes necessary or
desirable, to allow concrete to stand so long that it may set before the work is renewed, keyways shall be
formed in the surfaces as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Retempering of concrete will not be permitted. Any concrete which has become so stiff that proper placing
cannot be assured shall be wasted.

Where the concrete abuts against earth or any other material liable to become loose, the greatest possible care
shall be taken by cutting away or otherwise removing, the timber shoring (if any) in small depths and length
and lengths at a time, and otherwise, to avoid falls or runs of such or other materials upon the surface of the
concrete. If any such falls or runs occur, the surface of the work soiled thereby shall be removed until a new
and clean surface shall have been obtained. All spaces left of such falls or runs beyond the prescribed width of
the work, or caused by negligence of or for the convenience of the Contractor, shall be built up with concrete
at the discretion of the Engineer.

The additional cost so incurred shall be held to be included in the Contractor’s rates in the Bill of Quantities
for work within the original contract limits.

Special precautions approved by the Engineer shall be provided to protect the fresh concrete, immediately
after casting, from quick drying and plastic shrinkage cracking and from being washed away due to rain.

7.11.2 Placing Concrete in Wet Ground

Wherever concrete is to be placed in wet ground, shallow drains shall be excavated below the ground
formation, filled with broken stone, and connected to suitably placed sumps. A concrete carpet, the top of
which will form the foundation level for the structural concrete, shall then be laid.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.11.3 Placing Concrete below Water Level

No Concrete (unless expressly permitted by the Engineer in writing), shall be placed in or under
water. In all cases where concrete is to be placed below water level, the water table level is to be
lowered by pumping in such a way that the sub-base shall not be disturbed. The method of lowering
the water table shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The lowering of the water table shall
continue after the concrete has been placed, and permission to stop pumping must be obtained from
the Engineer. During the whole period, standby pumping equipment shall be kept on site. The
concrete shall be placed only after the Engineer has approved the arrangements which have been
made for the pumping equipment and the method of ground water lowering.
All concrete placed below water level, where expressly permitted by the Engineer, shall contain
additional cement at a rate of 10% above the cement content as defined in Table 2 for class ‘E’
7.11.4 Special Requirements

i Machine Foundations

Machine Foundations shall have all holes for anchor bolts formed in them to the exact requirements
of the equipment manufacturer. All such holes shall be accurately positioned by the use of templates
supplied by or prepared to the intersections of the plant manufacturer. The machine foundation
blocks shall be separated from the adjacent floors and the gaps shall be filled with approved
compressible joint filler such as Flex cell or similar.

ii Concrete Floors

Concrete Floors supported on grade shall be cast in alternative bays of not more than 2.40 m square
and shall be finished as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
7.11.5 Placing Temperature of Concrete

The temperature of the concrete while being placed shall be kept as low as possible to obviate
detrimental effects of heat on the quality of the concrete.
The Contractor shall use, during exceptional hot and especially hot dry weather conditions, concrete
mixes and transportation, placing and compaction methods to ensure having the required quality of
concrete without “cold joints”.
The temperature of the concrete as placed in the forms shall not exceed 38 0C. To keep the concrete
temperature below this limit, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, employ effective means, such
as precooling the aggregates, painting the cement silos white, water reservoirs mixers, and
transportation equipment and covering the pipelines, and other approved measures to reduce the
placing temperature of the concrete.
7.11.6 Consolidation (Vibration) of Concrete

Each layer of concrete shall be consolidated to the maximum practicable density, so that it is free
from pockets of coarse aggregate and closes snugly against all surfaces of forms and embedded
materials. The concrete shall be consolidated with high-frequency electric or pneumatic power-

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driven immersion type vibrators with minimum 9000 rpm and approved by the Engineer, who shall
have the right to order the removal and/or replacement of any defective vibrators at any time.
The Contractor shall have no claim for extra payment by reason of compliance with such orders.
Ample standby units and parts shall be provided on site to ensure that no stoppage will occur due to
breakdown. The use of suitable and approved tamping vibrators in lieu of or supplemental to the
immersion type vibrators may be required on horizontal slabs. where ordered, the vibration shall be
supplemented by hand spading.
Only skilled and experienced operators will be permitted to carry out compaction of concrete by
vibration. The vibrators shall be inserted into the concrete at intervals not exceeding 60 cm and shall
be allowed to penetrate and re vibrate the concrete in the upper portion of the underlying layer. The
vibrators shall be applied for a short time in each position and shall be withdrawn as soon as water
appears on the surface. Systematic spacing of insertions of the vibrators in the concrete shall be
established to ensure that no concrete remains unvibrated. Care shall be exercised to avoid contact of
the vibrating heads with the surface of the forms and the reinforcing bars or other embedded
Vibration shall not be used to cause concrete to flow in a lateral direction, as this will lead to
The whole procedure for vibrating concrete shall be as approval by the Engineer, who may at any
time issue additional instructions.
The cost of all consolidation shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor’s rates for concrete.
7.11.7 Construction Joints in Concrete

Concrete surfaces upon against which concrete is to be placed, and to which new concrete is to
adhere, which have become so rigid that the new concrete cannot be incorporated integrally with the
previously placed, are defined as construction joints.
Formed vertical or inclined construction joints, as well as unformed horizontal construction joints
due to interruption of concrete placement, will be only permitted where shown on the Drawing or
directed by the Engineer.
All intersections of construction joints with concrete surfaces that will be exposed to view shall be
made absolutely straight and level or plumb.
The surface of construction joints shall be clean and damp when covered with fresh concreted or
mortar. Cleaning shall consist of the removal of all laitance, loose or defective concrete, coatings,
sand and other foreign material. The surfaces of construction joints shall be wet-sandblasted and then
washed thoroughly. The sand blasting and washing shall be performed at the last opportunity prior to
placement of concrete. The surfaces of all construction joints shall be washed thoroughly with air-
water jets, immediately prior to placement of adjoining concrete. All pools of water shall be removed
from the surface of construction joints and where practicable a 10 to 15 mm layer of 1:3 cement
mortar shall then be spread and well worked into the surface of the construction joint with the aid of
brushes, care being taken that the mortar does in no case set before concrete is placed on it.
Where shown on the Drawings, or required by the Engineer, construction joints shall be fitted with
PVC water stops (see Clause 31.32).

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The Contractor will be required, at the time of pouring, to embed into the concrete various iron steel
work and also smaller fixtures such as bolts, sleeves, anchors, guides, measuring devices,
instruments, etc.
All tubes, pipes and fixtures must be set absolutely true in accordance with the Drawings by means
of templates fixed accurately in position. The greatest possible care shall be taken to protect the
surface of such metal work from oxidation, and to this end additional concrete shall be rammed or
caulked beneath the metalwork with great care, and shall be similarly brought up the sides and
vibrated where require.

7.13.1 Formed Surfaces

Formed concrete surfaces shall be given the required finish consistent with the type and class of
forms used, as specified in Clause 31.25. Any defects which are not consistent with the finish
possible with good and careful workmanship shall be made good by the Contractor at his own
7.13.2 Unformed Concrete Surfaces

All unformed exposed concrete surfaces shall be given a floated finish, unless a trowelled finish as
described below is required. Floated finish shall consist of leveling and screening to even and
uniform surfaces, followed by floating without the addition of any topping, as soon as the screened
surface has stiffened sufficiently. Floating shall be done to the minimum required to produce a
surface that is free from screed marks and is uniform in texture. The finish shall be given a final
touch-up with a wooden float at an appropriate time after completion of the initial floating.
Irregularities on such surfaces, as measured against a 3 m straightedge or template shall not exceed 6
Trowel finish shall be applied to floor slabs inside building where no other flooring is required, to
tops of parapet walls prominently exposed to view and elsewhere as shown on the Drawings or
ordered by the Engineer. When the surface screened and floated as described above, has hardened
sufficiently to prevent excess of fine material to be drawn to the surface, steel trowelling shall be
started. Steel trowelling shall be pressure, such as will flatten the sandy texture of the floated surface
and produce a dense uniform surface, free from blemishes and trowel marks. Permitted irregularities
shall be as for floated finish.
7.13.3 Scratched Finish

Scratched finish shall be used for surfaces to receive bonded cementations topping.
7.13.4 Broomed Finish

Broomed finish shall be used for sidewalks, exterior stairs and courtyards.
After being given a floated finish, the surfaces shall be slightly roughened by a light
brooming with a stiff brush or broom to give a nonskid surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications


7.14.1 General

From casting until the end of the specified minimum curing period the concrete shall be kept
constantly moist and adequately protected against damage due to fluctuation in surface temperature.
Curing shall be either water curing in accordance with sub-clause 31.21.2, or membrane curing in
accordance with sub-clause 31.21.3 of this Clause. Membrane curing shall preferably used on large
exposed unformed surfaces such as roof and floor slabs. Membrane curing shall not be used surfaces
upon or against which concrete is to be cast which are to be plastered or painted.
The unformed top surfaces of walls shall be moistened by covering with water-saturated material or
by other effective means, such as covering with white polyethylene sheets that will prevent
evaporation of water, as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage by water.
These surfaces and steeply sloping and vertical formed surface shall be kept completely and
continuously moist, prior to and during from removal, by water applied on the unformed top surfaces
and allowed to pass down between the forms and the formed concrete faces. This procedure shall be
followed by the specified water curing or membrane curing.
Even after the specified minimum curing period, care shall be taken to prevent the concrete from
excessive drying and to restrict the range of temperature changes to which it is subjected.
The cost of all work and materials described in this Clause shall be held to be included in the rates
for concrete.
7.14.2 Water Curing

Concrete cured with water shall be kept wet for at least 7 days for class ‘G’ concrete and 10 days for
Classes ‘E’ and ‘F’ and mass concrete, immediately following placement of the concrete, or until
covered with earth or fresh concrete, by ponding or covering with water-saturated material or by a
system or perforated pipes, mechanical sprinklers, or porous hose, or by any other approved method
which will keep all surfaces to be cured continuously and not periodically wet. Water used for curing
shall meet the requirements of Clause 31.4. The unformed top surfaces of walls, roofs and slabs shall
be protected, immediately after finishing operations have been completed, against the detrimental
action of sun, wind or rain, as directed by the Engineer.
7.14.3 Membrane Curing

Membrane curing shall be by application of a compound which forms a water-retaining membrane

on the surfaces of the concrete. The curing compound shall be white-pigmented and shall conform to
standard specification for Liquid Membrane forming Compound for Curing Concrete, ASTM
Designation C309, or to another standard acceptable to the Engineer. The compound shall be of
uniform consistency and quality within each container and from shipment to shipment.
Curing compound shall be applied to the concrete surfaces by spraying in one coat to provide a
continuous, uniform white membrane over all areas. Coverage shall not exceed 3.5 square meters per
liter, and on rough surfaces coverage shall be decreased as necessary to obtain the required
continuous membrane. Spraying equipment shall be of the pressure tank type, which provides for
continual agitation of sealing compound during curing operation.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

The use of ordinary orchard-type hand sprays will not be permitted.
In order to ensure thorough and complete coverage of the concrete surfaces, approximately one half
of the required thickness of coating shall be applied by moving the spray gun back and forth in one
direction with the remainder of the coating applied immediately thereafter by moving the gun at right
angles to the direction of the first application. The repair of surface imperfections shall not be made
until after application of curing compound.
When curing compound is used on unformed surfaces, application of the compound shall commence
immediately after finishing operations are completed. When curing compound is to be used on
formed surfaces, the surfaces shall be moistened with a light spray of water immediately after the
forms are removed and shall be kept wet until the surfaces will not absorb more moisture. As soon as
the surface film of moisture disappears, but while the surface still has a damp appearance, the curing
compound shall be applied. Special care shall be taken to ensure ample coverage with the compound
at edges, corners and rough spots of formed surfaces.
In the event that application of curing compound is delayed, the concrete surfaces shall be kept
continuously moist until the curing compound is applied. After application of the curing compound
has been completed and the coating is dry touch, any required patching of concrete shall be
performed. Each patch, after being finished, shall be moistened and coated with curing compound in
accordance with the foregoing requirements. Traffic and other operations by the Contractor shall be
such as to avoid damage to coatings of curing compound for a period of not less that 28 days. Where
it is impossible because of construction operations to avoid traffic over surfaces with curing
compound, the membrane shall be protected by a covering of sand or earth not less than 50mm thick
or by other effective means. The protective covering, shall not be placed until the curing membrane
is completely dry. Before final acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall remove all sand or earth
covering in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.
Any damage to the curing membrane within 14 days after application shall be repaired without delay
and in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Curing compound shall be made available for sampling
30 days prior to use, and no curing compound shall be used until it has been tested, and approved by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide facilities and assistance as required for procuring
representative test samples. A sample consisting of 1 litter will be taken from each batch represented
in each shipment.

7.15.1 General

All tests on concrete as prescribed in this Clause and elsewhere in this specification shall be made at
an authorized laboratory approved by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall arrange for three copies
of each test certificate to be handed to the Engineer.
All tests of concrete shall be made in accordance with BS 1881.
When making test cubes of mass concrete, pieces of aggregate exceeding 50 mm in size shall be
excluded from the concrete which is placed in the moulds. With the commencement of concrete
placement and on each day of concreting, slump tests shall be made to ensure that the concrete is
dense and of the required workability. On each day samples of concrete shall also be taken and work
test cubes shall be made and tested.
At least 4 samples of concrete shall be taken from 4 randomly selected batches of concrete
representing each not more than 50 m3 of concrete. The sample shall, where practicable, be taken at
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the point of discharge from the mixer, or in case of ready mixed concrete at the point of discharge
from the delivery vehicle.
Compliance with specific characteristic strength may be assumed if:
i. The average strength as determined from any group of 4 consecutive test cubes exceeds the work cube
strength as per Table 1.

ii. Each individual test result is greater than 85% of the specified characteristics strength, Table 1.

If only one cube fails to meet the second requirement then that result may be considered to represent
only the particular batch of concrete from which that cube was taken, provided the average strength
of the group satisfies the first requirement.

If the average cube strength of any of consecutive tests as deduced from these tests, does not reach
the desired value, the mix shall be redesigned. Also if such test indicates that the compressive
strength is in excess of the desired value, the mix may be redesigned. If any of the samples fail to
attain the minimum cube strength as specified in Table 1, the concrete placed at the time the test
cubes were made, is liable to be condemned by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall, if so directed by the Engineer, cut out and replace, at his own expense, the
sections of the work represented by the cubes which do not meet the requirements of the
The Engineer in his discretion may reduce the frequency of sampling and the number of test cubes
which are to be tested in this way, if the concrete produced is generally satisfactory and consistent
test results are obtained.
The Contractor shall at his own cost provide all labor, equipment, tools necessary for sampling and
testing the concrete.
7.15.2 Testing for Water tightness

Water retaining or conveying concrete structures or parts thereof, shall be tested for water-tightness
when filled with water.

7.16.1 General

Repair of concrete shall be performed by skilled workmen and in the presence of the Engineer or his
Representative. The Contractor shall correct all imperfection on the concrete surfaces as necessary to
produce surfaces that conform with the requirements specified. Unless otherwise approved, repair of
imperfections in formed concrete shall be completed within 24 hours after the removal of forms. Fins
shall be neatly removed from the surfaces. Concrete that is damaged from any cause, concrete that is
honey-combed, fractured, or otherwise defective, and concrete which because of excessive surface
depressions must be excavated and built up to the prescribed lines, shall be removed and replaced
with dry pack, mortar or concrete and cured as hereinafter specified. Where bulges and abrupt
irregularities protrude on formed surfaces, the protrusions shall be reduced by bush-hammering and
grinding. Dry pack shall be used for filling holes having at least one surface dimension somewhat
greater than the hole depth and for narrow slots cut for repair of cracks. Dry pack shall not be used

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behind reinforcement or for filling holes that extend completely through the concrete. Mortar filling,
placed under impact by use of a mortar gun, may be used for filling holes on surfaces where the
holes are too wide for dry pack filling and too shallow for concrete filling and no deeper than the far
side of the reinforcement that is nearest to the surface.
Concrete filling shall be used for holes extending entirely through the concrete, for holes in which no
reinforcement is encountered and which are greater that 0.10 m2 and deeper than 100 mm, and for
holes in reinforced concrete which are greater in area than 0.05 m2 and which extend beyond
All dry pack, mortar and concrete fillings shall be kept constantly moist and protected from drying
due to surface temperatures.
All materials, procedures and operations used in the repair of concrete shall be subject to the
Engineer’s approval.
All fillings shall be bonded tightly to the surface of the holes and shall be sound and free from
shrinkage cracks and drummy areas after the fillings have been cured and have dried. The use of a
special adhesive paint or admixture for bonding repair concrete or mortar to hardened concrete may
be required or approved by the Engineer.
All repairs of concrete shall be done by the Contractor and entirely at his own cost.
7.16.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar shall consist of 1 part by volume of port land cement to 3 parts by volume of fine
aggregate, unless otherwise specified, with a plasticizing agent and just sufficient water too make the
mortar workable, consistent with its purpose.

The Contractor shall design, supply and fix all necessary formwork, together with its attendant
scaffolding, timbering, shoring, strutting, etc., required for the placing of concrete.
The formwork shall be in all cases adapted in every respect to the shape of the concrete structure to
be built.
For use as formwork, the Contractor will be permitted to use plywood, hardboard of approved
manufacture, steel plate, or timber boarding.
Where timber boarding is used, it shall be properly seasoned. Particular care shall be taken to ensure
that forms are adequately backed and stiffened, to obviate any distortion resulting in bulges and
irregularities when subjected too the pressure of the wet concrete whilst it is being placed and
vibrated. Particular care shall also be taken to avoid untidy irregularities at junction between lifts,
and the Engineer may demand any special measures, such as the use of temporary gauging strips,
recesses or the like, avoid such irregularities. The cost of such measures will be deemed to be
included in the rates.
Full size plywood and hard sheets shall be use, except where otherwise required or where smaller
pieces will cover the entire area.
Forms shall be so placed that markings will be symmetrical. The forms must be fixed in perfect
alignments and securely braced so as to be able to withstand, without displacement or deflection, the

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movement of men, materials, and plant and the pressure wet concrete, whilst it is being cast and
The formwork for successive vertical lifts must make such perfect contact with concrete in the
preceding lift that there shall be no excrescencies, bulges, tears and other outward signs of faulty
The formwork must be constructed in such a manner that there shall be no leakage of mortar. Where
formwork is unavoidably exposed to the hot air for periods of time, and shrinkage of the planking
and opening of the joints may occur, the Contractor shall prevent leakage of any kind through open
joints by means of suitable fillers or otherwise.
The continued use of forms of all descriptions will be at the discretion of the Engineer, who will
require the forms to be reconditioned or surfaced from time to time. After repeated use, the Engineer
will require the Contractor to scrap the forms and to provide new ones.
All exposed concrete shall have the external corners chamfered 25 x 25 mm for, where directed, by
greater amount, by means of molding strips fixed to the formwork. Interior angles on such surfaces
and edges at formed joints will not require beveling unless requirement for beveling as indicated on
the Drawings.
Openings sufficient in size and number and properly spaced shall be provided in forms to permit
convenient access to ant through inspection of the work behind the forms.
The height of all formwork erected at any one time shall be subjected to the approval of the

The types of forms used for the placing of concrete in various structures, and the methods of their
erection and removal, shall be adapted to the methods used in placing the concrete and shall in each
case be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
The types and conditions of from lining, the ability of the forms to withstand distortion caused by
placement and vibration of the concrete, and the workmanship used in form construction shall be
such that the formed surfaces, after being finished, will conform with requirements as to the finish of
formed surfaces.
With regard required finish of formed concrete surface, formwork will be classified as follows:
a. Formwork fro concrete surfaces or portions thereof which will be covered up below ground level or

Use of unwrot timber will be permitted for this class of formwork. Forms for concrete surfaces,
which are to receive plaster or cement coat finishes, shall be constructed of materials which will
leave the concrete surface sufficiently rough or will provide keyed indentation in the concrete or
proper bond.
b. Wrot formwork for exposed smooth concrete surface:

This class shall include the use of steel sheets or sheets forms lined with steel sheets, form boards, blackboard
or hardboard of approved manufacture, or timber boarding planed on both sides to equal thickness. A regular
and smooth finish is required, free of excessive bulges, irregularities, or unsightly markings or defects of any

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Unless otherwise specified or agreed by the Engineer, offsets and similar irregularities on these
surfaces shall not exceed 3 mm, and gradual irregularities shall not exceed 6 mm.
c. Formwork for exposed surfaces in fair face concrete finish:

This class shall, among others, include the use of wrot timber of equal thickness, in equal widths of
100 to 150 mm, in parallel vertical, or horizontal lines, or in a pattern as directed.

Civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings and specifications shall be examined for work
that might affect formwork.

At the time concrete is placed in the forms, surfaces of the forms shall be free from encrustations of
mortar, grout, or other foreign material. Before concrete is placed, the surfaces of the forms shall be
treated with an approved commercial release agent which will effectively prevent sticking, and will
not stain the concrete surfaces, or cause sealing of the thin surface layer.
Forms to surfaces to be plastered or rendered shall not be so treated, but shall be thoroughly wetted
about half an hour before concreting.

Ferrules and wire ties shall in no case be used for the temporary connection of the opposite sides of
formwork for concrete walls and members of water retaining or conveying structures. The use of
such methods of connection in other structures will be subject to the Engineer’s approval.
Wherever ferrule and wire connections are permitted, the ends of the ferrules or ties, after removal of
the forms, shall be cut back to a depth at least equal to that required for the reinforcement cover from
the face of the concrete and covered with 1:2 cement mortar, containing an approved shrinkage-
reducing additive. This operation must be carefully carried out. The hole formed by the cutting
process must be thoroughly cleaned and wetted before filling.
The mortar must be of damp, not wet, consistency. The patch must be properly trowelled smooth to
match the surrounding concrete surfaces and shall be thoroughly cured by keeping it moist
continuously for at least three days. After the patch has hardened, the Engineer may require the patch
and the adjacent concrete surface to be ground down smooth. Any patches that are loose or hollow
on completion must be redone.
Where embedded metal rods or sleeves used for holding forms are permitted to remain embedded,
they shall terminate not less than 25 mm under the formed faces of the concrete and not less than 40
mm where facing water.
Embedded fasteners on the ends of such rods or sleeves shall be such that their removal will leave
holes of regular shape. The holes left in the concrete surfaces by the removal of fasteners on holding
roads or sleeves, and the insides of sleeves shall be completely filled with 1:2 cement-sand mortar
containing an approved shrinkage reducing additive and shall be made completely watertight.
The mortar fill shall be finished flush with the concrete surfaces as specified above.

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Two samples of each type of form tie for use in watertight structure shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval, at least four weeks prior to Engineer for approval, at least four weeks prior to
commencement of construction.

Where necessary, parallel sides or tapered holes for receiving holding-down bolts as well as core
holes, pockets, etc. for the reception of metal work, pipe, ladders and other fittings shall be formed in
the concrete with wooden core boxes, fabricated in such a manner that they can be completely
withdrawn or broken up and removed after the concrete has set. All such core boxes shall be set with
great accuracy with the aid of templates and securely fixed to prevent displacement during
concreting. The insertion, and removal of all such core boxes when the concrete has hardened
sufficiently, is deemed to be included for in the rates for concrete.

To facilitate satisfactory progress with the specified curing and enable earliest practicable repair of
surface imperfections, forms shall be carefully removed as soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent damage by form removal. Forms shall not be removed until the strength of the
concrete is such that forms removal will not result in perceptible cracking, spelling or breaking of
surfaces, or other damage to the concrete. Forms shall be removed with care so as to avoid injury to
the concrete and any concrete so damaged shall be repaired in accordance with the provisions of this
No forms shall be removed without the express permission of the Engineer or Engineer’s
Representative, but the Contractor shall, never less, accept sole responsibility for the removal and
consequence thereof.
In no case shall forms to soffits be struck until test cubes from the actual concrete concerned have
yielded the 7 days strengths specified. As a guide, and subject to the foregoing, the following
removal times are recommended for forms:
Engineer or Engineer’s Representative, but the Contractor shall, nevertheless, accept sole
responsibility for the removal and consequence thereof.
In no case shall forms to soffits be struck until test cubes from the actual concrete concerned have
yielded the 7 days strengths specified. As a guide, and subject to the foregoing, the following
removal times are recommended for forms:
Type of Structure Time
Sides of foundations, slabs, etc. 24 hours
Sides of beams in suspended work, side of walls and columns 48 hours
Sides of retaining walls 36 hours
Soffits of beams and slabs in suspended works (spans up to 3 meters) 14 days
Soffits of beams and slabs in suspended work (span 3 to 6 meters) 21 days
Soffits of beams and slabs in suspended work (span over 6 meters) 21
Beams supporting loads more than 6 meters span, to be propped in mid span for: 21 days

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications


Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the tolerances listed in the following table shall apply
to concrete structures: provided that closer tolerances may be required where necessary for the
installation of mechanical equipment, as established by the plant manufacturer.

7.25.1 Contraction Joints

The contraction joints between the various parts of the structures shall be of the keyed joint type or
plain butt joints as shown on the Drawings. Where required, the joints shall be provided with PVC
waterstops to prevent seepage. One face of each joint is to receive on coat of bituminous primer and
two coats of approved bituminous paint. These coats shall be applied when the surfaces are dry and
no further coat shall be applied until the former coat is dry.
The whole of the concrete face shall be painted, but special care shall be taken that no paint remains
on the waterstop.

Variation of the linear outline In 6 m ……………. 12 mm

From established position in plan In 12 m ……………20 mm

Variation of dimensions of individual structure features from In 25 m or more …..30 mm

established positions
In buried construction twice

the above amount.

Variation from the plumb, from the specified batter, or In 3 m ……………..10 mm

form the curved surfaces of all structures, including the line In 6 m ……………..20 mm
and surface of columns, walls, piers buttresses, In 12 m or more ….30 mm

arch sections, vertical joint grooves, and visible Arises. In buried construction, twice the
above amounts.

Variation from the level or from the grades indicated on the drawings, In 3 m ………………5 mm
in slabs, beams, soffits, In buried construction, Horizontal joint grooves
and visible arises. In 10 m or more …...10 mm

In buried construction, twice the

above amounts.

Variation in cross-sectional dimensions of columns, beams, piers, Minus……………….. 5 mm

buttresses, and similar members
Plus ………………..10 mm

Variation in the thickness of slabs, walls arch, sections, Minus ……………...10 mm

and similar members. Plus ………………..10 mm

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications



Variation of dimensions in plan Minus ……………....10 mm

Plus ………………...50 mm

Misplacement of eccentri city 2 percent of footing width in the

direction of misplacement but
not more than50 mm.

Reduction in thickness 5 percent of specified thickness


Variation of protective covering With 50 mm cover ……5 mm

With75 mm cover …10 mm

Variation from indicated spacing 25 mm

Care shall be taken to ensure that the joint surfaces are truly vertical and plane, and to this end all shuttering
shall be rigidly supported.

7.25.2 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints where shown on the Drawings shall be constructed by placing a rubber water stop between
the parts to be joined and forming a gap by inserting a suitable pre-molded joint filler. On the exposed sides of
the joint a groove shall be formed and filled with joint sealing compound.

The joint sealing compound shall be of the two-component polysulfide based type, and of approved
make. It shall be suitable to withstand tropical climatic conditions as to preparation and cleaning of
caulking grooves and mixing and placing of joint sealer shall be strictly adhered to. Due regard shall
be given before use of the sealing compound that its shelf-life has not been exceeded.
Sealing compounds of suitable viscosity shall be used on horizontal and vertical surfaces

7.26.1 General

Rubber Waterstops or PVC Waterstops shall be provided in the joints in concrete where shown on the

The Contractor shall submit with his Tender a detailed description of the waterstops he intends to use,
accompanied by a drawing showing the shape and size of the waterstop, the name of the manufacturer, and the
methods to be used for installing and splicing the waterstop, which shall be in accordance with the
requirements detailed below.

The Contractor shall be stored in as cool a place as practicable, preferably at 21 deg. C or less. Waterstops
shall not be stored in the open or where they will be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. All waterstops shall
be protected from oil or grease.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.26.2 Rubber Waterstops

The rubber waterstop shall be fabricated from a highgrade, tread-type compound. The basic polymer shall be
natural rubber or a synthetic rubber.

7.26.3 PVC Waterstops

Plastic waterstop shall be fabricated from an electrometric plastic compound, the basic resin of which shall be polyvinyl-
chloride (PVC). The compound shall contain any additional resins, plasticizers, stabilizers, or other materials needed to
insure that, when the material is compounded, it will have a minimum tensile strength of 3, 000 lbs/sq.m. No reclaimed
polyvinyl-chloride shall be used.

7.26.4 Tests of Materials

All waterstops shall be subject to laboratory tests before shipment. Material for tests shall be furnished by the
manufacturer and all tests shall be made at the place of the manufacturer of the waterstop by an agency
approved by the Engineer.

7.26.5 Installation

The waterstop shall be installed with approximately one-half of the width of the material embedded in the
concrete on each side of the joint. Care shall be exercised in placing and vibrating the concrete around the
waterstop to ensure complete filling of the concrete forms under and ground the waterstop, and to obtain a
continuous bond between the concrete and the waterstop at all points around the periphery of the waterstop. In
the event that the waterstop is installed in the concrete on the side of a joint more than one month prior to the
scheduled date of placing the concrete on the other side of the joint, the exposed waterstop shall be covered or
shaded to protect it from the direct rays of the sun during the exposure.

Before placing the concrete on the other side of the joint the projecting half of the waterstop shall be carefully

The Contractor shall take suitable precautions to support and protect the waterstops during progress of the
work and shall replace at his own cost all damaged or deteriorated waterstops.
7.26.6 Splicing of Rubber Waterstops

All filed splices shall be molded splices. All molded splices shall be made by vulcanizing the splices in a
steel mould, as follows: The adjoining ends at splices shall be beveled at an angle of 45 deg., or flatter, by the
use of a saw and miter box, so that the ends to be spliced will be pressed together when the mould is closed.

the beveled ends and the sides for at least 6 mm back from the ends shall be buffed thoroughly to provide
clean, rough surfaces. All buffed surfaces shall be given two thin coats of rubber cement and each coat shall
be permitted to dry thoroughly. A piece of gum rubber cut to the same dimensions as the beveled face shall
then be applied to the end of one strip after removing the cloth backing from the gum rubber. The adjoining
strip shall then be placed accurately in position, and all edges shall be stitched thoroughly together with a
suitable hand stitched. The mould shall be heated to a temperature of 140 deg. C before the splice is placed in
the mould. The prepared splice shall be placed in the mould with the splice in the center of the mould, and the
mould shall be closed tightly to prevent slipping during the vulcanizing process. The splice shall remain in the
mould 25 minutes after the mould is closed completely , during which time the mould shall be maintained at a
temperature of 1400 C.

The Contractor shall furnish all materials for moulded splices, all field splicing moulds, and electrical energy

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

for heating the moulds.

Each finished splice shall withstand a bend test by bending the waterstop 180 deg. around a 50 mm diameter
pin without showing any separation at the splice.

7.26.7 Splicing of PVC Waterstops

All field splices on PVC waterstops shall be made with fusion-welded butt splices made in accordance with
instructions furnished by the manufacurer of the waterstop. All splices will be inspected for continutiy of the
fusion weld and for water-tightness, and each splices shall withstand a bend test by bending the waterstop 180
deg. around a 50 mm diameter pin without showing any separation at the splice.


7.27.1 General

Reinforcement steel shall be plain or deformed mild steel or high yield deformed type bars meeting the
requirements of BS 4449, Table 6. The tensile strength of any bar shall be at least 15% greater than the actual
yield stress measured in the tensile test. For steel of grade 250 the yield stress shall not exceed 425 N/mm 2 .

Table 6: Tensile Properties of Reinforcing Steel (BS 4449)

Nominal Size of Bar Specified Characteristic Minimum Elongation on

Strength Gauge Length

mm N/mm2 %

250 All sizes 250 22

460/425 6 up to and including 460 12


Over 16 425 14

Note : L0 = 5.65 S0

Where L0 = Gauge length of the test piece.

S0 = Original cross-sectional area of the test piece.

Reinforcement mesh shall be mild steel welded mesh complying with BS 4483. The type of steel bars to be
used in a particular structure or structural element shall be as shown on the Construction Drawings. The
Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a certificate from the marker of the steel, showing that it has

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

complied under test with the appropriate standard specification, stating the process of manufacture and if
required the chemeical analysis. Such test sheets shall be forwarded to the Engineer one week before the
dispatch of any delivery of steel.

The steel shall be free from oil, grease, dirt, and paint and any loose rust shall be removed before use. Except
as specified below, all bending must be done cold with an approved bending machine. Only experianced steel
binders to the approval of the Engineer shall be employed and all bending shall accord with BS 4466. Heating
of mild steel bars only to facilitate beniding, especially of larger diameter bars, will be permitted, provided the
temperature of the steel does not exceed 850 0 C (cherry-red heat) and provided further that the cooling rate is
low and uniform (normal still-air cooling). Quenching of hot-bent bars in water will not be permitted.
Reinforcement bars depending on cold working for their strength, such as cold drawn or deformed bars shall
not be bent hot.

The number, size, shape and position of all steel bars, ties, links and other members of the reinforcing system
shall be in accordance with the Drawings and the Reinforcement schedules, unless the Engineer directs

The greatest care shall be taken tko ensure that the steel is laid out correctly in accordance with the drawings
and specification. Sufficint temporary ties of 1.5 mm annealed iron wire shall be provided to prevent any
displacement before or during the placing of the concrete, which shall be compacted firmly around the steel.
No pieces of metal or blocks of wood shall be used on the bottom surface or against the sides of formwork to
keep the reinforcing bars in position.

Bar laps at splices shall be as shown on the Drawings and if not so shown shall be at least 40 times the bar
diameter for hooked bars and at least 60 times the bar diameter for bars without hooks. Laps of adjacent
parallel reinforcement bars shall be staggered.

All laps of bars sahll be tied tightly with six laps of 1.5 mm anneales iron wire at intervals kof ten diametres
of the bars. All crossings of steel are to be secured with three laps of wire.

Splicing of hot-rolled bars by butt welding will be permitted, subject to the limitations contained in section 11
off BS 4449 and provided that the resulting joint is not inferior in strength to the rest of the bars. Bars
depending for their strength on cold drawing shall not be spliced by welding. Crossings of steel bars may be
secured by tack welding instead of tie-wires, provided that burning or other damage to steel at tack-welds is
prevented. All welds shall be done in a thoroughly workmanlike manner by qualified welders by the electric
arc method according to BS 5135.

Where the length of the reinforcement bars in high retaining walls and similar structures exceed those
commercially available, lap-ties will not be permitted, and the Contractor shall subit for the Engineer’s
approval his proposed method of splicing bars.

The contractor shall not place any such reinforcement bars, unless and unitl the Engineer thas approved the
method of splicing.

The Contractor shall not pour any concrete before the Engineer has inspected and approved the placed and
fixed reinforcement.

Such approval shall however not affect the Contractor’s responsibility for the correctness of the reinforcement
in accordance with the Drawings, Reinforcement Schedules, Specification and/or directions given by the

Any bars found on erection not fulfinlling their functions in the work shall be replaced at the Contractor’s

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.27.2 Cover Over Reinforcement

Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, the concrete cover over reinforcement
bars shall be accordance to Table 5.

Table 5: Nominal Cover to Reinforcement Bars, mm

Class of Concrete grade

Exposure 20 25 40 50 Over 50

E 50 40 30 25

F 40 30 25 20

G 25 20 15 15 15

7.27.3 Precast Concrete Slabs, etc

All precast concrete slabs, etc., to be used in the Works shall be of the specified grade shown on the
drawings or in the Bill of Quantities and shall be manufactured on site or obtained from approved
manufacturers, casting, use of forms and moulds and setting in place as shown on the
Drawings.Samples of precast work shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before ordering or
proceeding with manufacture on site.

7.28.1 General

The major ingredient of concrete sewer pipes could be Portland cement, sand and gravel or broken stone , and
water with or withot additions such as fly-ash, and or air entraining agent. The cemment to be used shall be
Portland cement (Type V) with high sulphate resisting type. The slump for concrete sewer pipe production is
slightly higher than or equal to zero. It can be reinforced or plain according to the size of the pipe and the
description of the bill of quantity. It shall be well vibrated, cured in shade and stored appropraitely. The pipe
can be produced by centerfugation to get high strength quality. The dimensions such as nominal diameter,
tickness and length shall satisfy thr ES C.D3.326.

7.28.2 Concrete Sewer Pipe Tests

The quality tests to be done on sewer pipes include but not limited to three-edge bearing test,
hydrostatic/permeability test and water absorption tests. The tests shall be conducted according to ES
C.D3.326 or ASTM or AASHTO relevant specifications and designations.

7.28.3 Concrete Sewer Pipe Laying

Pipe laying shall begin at the donstream end of the construction with bell or groove end of the first pipe
section is facing upstream. When bell and spigot pipes are used, bell holes shall be dug in the pipe subgrade or
bedding to accommodate the bells. They shall be deep enough to ensure that the bell does not bear on the
bottom of the hole and they shall not be excessively wide in longitudinal direction of the sewer. When the
pipes are laid, the barrel of each pipe shall e in contact with quadrant shaped bedding throughout its full length
exclusive of the bell.
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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

7.28.4 Jointing of Concrete Sewer Pipes

Joints shall be made with sulphate resisting Portland cement mortar, sulphate resisting Portland cement grout,
rubber gasket, oakkum or a combination of tthese materials to make water-tight to the standard
inflitration/inflow stated in this specification.

(A) Mortar Joint:

The mixture shall be 1:2 cement to sand by volume. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be
sufficient to produce a stiff, workable mortar but shall not exceed 20lit of water per sack of cement.
The pie shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted with water before the joint is made. Stiff mortar shall
then be placed in the lower half of the bell or groove of the pipe section already laid. Next, mortar
shall be applied to the upper half of the spigot or tongue of the pipe section being laid. Then the
spigot or tongue end of this pipe shall be inserted in the bell or groove end of the pipe already laid,
the joint pulled up tight, taking care to see the inner surfaces of the abutting pipe sections flush and
(B) Grout Joint:

The grout shall consist of the cement conforming AASHTO M85-53 mixed to the proper consistency
with not more than 20lit of water per sack of cement. The grout shall be poured or pumped into the
joint space and retained by moulds or runners around the pipe in a manner acceptable to the engineer.
(C) Rubber Gasket Joints (Tongue and Groove Pipe):

The rubber gasket shall be continuous rubber ring which fits snugly in the annular space between the
beveled surfaces of the tongue and groove ends of the pipes to form flexible water-tight seal under
all conditions of services. The gasket shall have smooth surfaces free from all imperfections. The
gasket shall meet the physical test requirements specified in the ASTM C443-59T.
(D) Oakum Joint (Bell and Spigot Pipe):

The bell and spigot pipe shall be calked with oakum and sealed with a hot poured joint compound.
Oakum shall be made from hemp (Canabis Sativa) line or Benares Fiber or from a combination of
these fibers. The oakum shall be thoroughly corded and finished and practically free from lumps,
dirt, and extraneous matters. The fiber shall be thoroughly impregnated with hot asphaltic cement.
The sealer shall be Atlas JC-60 hot poured sewer joint compound or approved equivalent.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications



Materials for mortar shall meet the following requirements:

- Sand for mortar in block work shall comply with BS 1200.

- Sand for rendering and plastering shall meet the requirements of BS 1199.

- Cement used in mortar for any kind shall comply to BS 12.

- Lime shall comply with BS 890. Class ‘B’ lime shall be used for plastering undercoats and Class ‘A’
lime shall be used for plastering finishing coats.

- Mortar for concrete block shall be in accordance with BS 5628. Cement, lime and sand shall be
proportioned by volume in a 1:1:5 mix. Minimum cube strength shall be 5Mpa at 28 days.


Cement-lime mortar shall be composed of one part cement, one part lime and six parts sand (1:1:6) made in
sufficient quantities only to meet the demand and used as mixed. The sand and lime shall be mixed first and
the cement added. The ingredients shall be turned over dry to ensure adequate mixing prior to adding water in
the form of a spray. An approved mechanical batch mixer may be used. Mortar will not be permitted to be
placed in the works later than one hour from the addition of the water.


Cement mortar shall be composed of one part cement to three parts sand (1:3) and the ingredients shall be
thoroughly mixed until the cement color cannot be distinguished from the fine aggregate in any part of the
mass and shall then be uniformly wetted by means of a rose while undergoing further mixing. Cement mortar
shall not be used in the works later than one hour from the first wetting of any mortar. Mortar that has
commenced to harden shall not be used in any part of the works.

The water content shall be just sufficient to ensure a dense mortar with adequate workability, when trowelled
or floated into place. If mortar begins to stiffen from evaporation or absorption of a part of the mixing water,
the mortar shall be retampered by adding water and remixed. All mortar and grout shall be used within 2.5
hours of the initial mixing and no mortar or grout shall be used after it has begun to set.

Hand mixing shall be carried out on clean, water tight platforms with approved methods.

Moist curing of plastering and curing works shall be accomplished by keeping the surface uniformly damp by
suitable means. Moist curing shall start during application and continue for not less than 7 days.


Hollow, load bearing concrete block or hollow blocks for external walls shall conform to ES C.D3.301, Class
B, with a minimum compressive strength of 4.0 MPa based on the gross area of the section. For non-load –
bearing internal partition walls class C units with a minimum compressive strength of 2.0 MPa shall be
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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

The nominal dimensions of the blocks (coordinating size) shall be 400 mm x 200 mm and the thickness shall
be 200 mm, 150 mm, or 100 mm as shown on the drawings. Should blocks of the exact standard dimensions
not be available on the local market, the Engineer may permit the Contractor to use blocks of the nearest
available dimensions. Any minor change in the design of the buildings necessitated thereby shall be made by
the Contractor at his own expense, to the approval of the Engineer.

All Blocks shall be off-loaded and handled with care, as the use of damaged blocks will not be permitted.

Blockwork in walls unless shown otherwise on Drawings shall be of hollow blocks built in lime-cement
mortar, except that blocks below platforms or in foundation walls shall be of solid blocks built in cement

Three (3) concrete blocks shall be tested for strength for each 100 m 2 of wall, with a minimum of three (3)
tests for each building. Units shall be selected and tested in accordance with BS 6073.


All block work shall be bedded in cement-lime mortar or in cement mortar as specified above, in true
horizontal courses, no one portion being raised more than 1m above another at a Time. The work shall be
straight, true, plumb and uniform in appearance.

All blocks shall be well wetted before use and the top of unfinished walls shall be wetted before work is
recommenced. All blocks shall be well buttered with mortar before laying, and all joints shall be thoroughly
flushed up as the work proceeds. The horizontal and vertical joints shall be of uniform thickness not
exceeding 10 mm. Vertical joints shall be staggered.

Blocks shall be anchored to concrete columns by leaving 25 mm deep recesses in column sides to take the
blocks or by means of lugs anchored in the column and built into the blocks every third course.

The corners and junctions between block walls and\or partitions shall be built in continuity in proper hand
across the corner or junction. The joints in all blockwork which is to be rendered or plastered shall be raked
out to a depth of 15 mm to form a key for the rendering and plaster.


Masonry grout shall conform to ASTM C476. Cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate shall be
proportioned by volume in a 1:2 1/4-3:1-2 mix. The minimum cube strength shall be 15 MPa at 28 days.

8.6.1 Grout Aggregate

Aggregates for masonry grout shall conform to ASTM C404 and shall consist of non-coated grains of sound,
hard, durable mineral particles all passing a 12.5 mm sieve and be free of any organic impurities.

Grout aggregates shall conform to the following gradation limits when tested in accordance with ASTM

Standard Sieve Size Coarse Aggregate (percent by Fine Aggregate (Percent by

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

(mm) weight passing) weight passing)

12.5 100 -

9.5 85-100 100

4.75 10-30 95-100

2.36 0-10 80-100

1.18 0-5 50-85

0.60 - 10-30

0.30 - 2-30

0.15 - -

0.075 -

8.6.2 Mixing Masonry Grout

Masonry grout shall be of the proper consistency to pour without segregation but fluid enough to fill the entire
void. Grout shall be discarded 1-1/2 hours after mixing.


The stone used for foundations is to be hard basaltic stone in large pieces free of cracks, or veins of soft matter. A
minimum of three through stones (spanning from face to face of the wall) per square meter of walling shall be

The stone used for external walls shall be hard sound stone of approved color and source. A minimum of three
through stones per square meter of walling shall be provided. Stone work for exposed external walling shall be
cut, dressed, coursed, and bonded to the approval of the Engineer.

Weep holes shall be provided in masonry above all masonry flashings and at the bottom of block in exposed
masonry at 600 mm center to center horizontally.


Damp proof courses on foundation walls or beams, unless otherwise directed, shall be of approved type 3-ply roofing
felt, laid to not less than 7 cm lap and bedded in cement mortar.


Bricks shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall be either general purpose bricks (for
buildings) or special burnt clay bricks or engineering bricks (for manholes etc.) that comply with the relevant
applicable standards as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer samples of the
bricks that he intends to use in the construction of the different sections of the Works. The samples of the
bricks that are approved will be retained by the Engineer.

Bricks shall be free from defects affecting strength and durability. The amount and extent of manufacture

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

cracks or cracks and chips due to handling shall not be to such a degree as to give an unsightly appearance to
exposed brick surfaces and all face bricks to be used on the Work shall match with the samples approved by
the Engineer.

All bricks shall be machine made if possible, of good quality brick free of earth and thoroughly burnt, and
shall be of deep cherry red or copper color. The bricks when dried shall emit a clear ringing sound when
struck together and shall not break when thrown on the ground or against other bricks from a height of 1 m.
The bricks shall not absorb water more than one sixth of their weight after one hour of soaking by immersion
in water. The bricks shall be wholly clean and free from flaws, cracks and under burnt lumps of any kind.
They shall be uniform in size and regular in shape and have square, straight and sharp edges and even

8.9.1 Brick Laying

Bricks shall be carefully handled at all stages in delivery, stockpiling, transportation on site and construction
to prevent breakage or surface damage. Bricks shall be carefully unloaded by hand and shall not be dumped or
thrown. Special care shall be taken with stacking and storage of bricks on the Site. Bricks shall be thoroughly
soaked in water before use and shall be set in a full bed of mortar and grouted in every course. Solid brick
masonry shall be in English or other approved bond. The courses shall be laid level and with parallel, neat and
regular joints.

Brick masonry shall be carried up evenly and uniformly, no one portion being raised more than 1 m above
another at any one time. Vertical joints shall be filled with cement mortar as the bricks are laid. Unfinished
brick masonry shall be stepped back in course and thoroughly cleaned before new work is added. Any holes
shall be filled with bricks identical with those already incorporated in the work.

The conditions governing the laying of brick masonry in unfavorable weather shall be as specified for
concrete in Section 3. Exposed faces of brick masonry shall be kept moist for 10 days after laying.

All brickwork shall be placed only after the foundation surfaces have been prepared to the satisfaction of the

Bricks shall be well soaked in water for a minimum of 3 hours immediately before being laid or as required so
that the rate of absorption when laid does not exceed acceptable limits approved by the Engineer. The method
of wetting shall be such that each brick will be nearly saturated but the surface shall appear dry when laid.

Bricks shall be laid in running bond with head joints in each course centered over the bricks in the course
below and shall be plumb, level & true to line with full head and bed joints. The ends of brick shall be
buttered with sufficient mortar to fill the head joints. The top of the joint mortar may be sloped toward the
centre of the wall to minimize the amount of mortar forced into the grout core space when the brick are
shoved into. Mortar protruding from bed joints into the core space shall be removed before pouring the grout,
and no mortar shall be placed or allowed to remain in the core space.

Joints in brickwork shall be uniform and generally 10 mm thick for horizontal and 6 mm wide for vertical
joints. Joints shall be tooled to produce a dense V-shaped joint or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer or
shown on the drawings. Defective joints shall be cut out and repainted with mortar as directed by the

The color and texture of all exposed mortar joints shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be
kept uniform throughout the particular contract by strict adherence to the approved mixes and samples.

Extreme care shall be taken to prevent any concrete, grout, or mortar from staining the face of masonry. If any
grout or mortar does contact the face it shall be immediately removed and the surface cleaned with clean

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water. Masonry work shall be protected against staining, tops of walls shall be covered with waterproof
coverings as required, and when work is interrupted.

All walls shall, to the extent possible and as practicable, be built up at the same time. In no case shall any
walls be advanced more than 1.5 m above another. If it is necessary to stop off a horizontal run of masonry,
the end shall be shaped in pyramid form or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Where mortar on joints has partially or totally set, the exposed surface shall be cleaned and thoroughly wetted
so as to obtain the best possible bond with the new work. All loose masonry and mortar shall be removed
prior to the commencement of the work.

Brickwork shall be taken up truly plumb and each set of four bricklayers shall be provided with a plumb bob
and straight edge.

Bricks on the “fair face” shall be the best available, care being taken that they are not chipped or stained as work
proceeds. Bricks shall be laid so as to give a perfectly flat face as tested with a straight edge, and no chipping or rubbing
back will be permitted to remedy bad laying.

In the event of fair faced brickwork not being finished with struck joints whilst the mortar is still damp,
pointing may be carried out with the approval of the Engineer. In this case all joints shall be raked out to a
depth of 20 mm, cleaned free from all loose material and any putlogs filled in. The area to be pointed shall
then be thoroughly soaked before pointing takes place, the mortar used being to the satisfaction of the

Care shall be taken to keep all brickwork free from mud splashing, mortar, bitumen droppings, etc., and it
shall be well cleaned down before being handed over.

If, after the completion of brickwork construction any of it is found to be out of alignment or level or
otherwise not conforming with the permissible deviations specified or otherwise defective, it shall be
removed and replaced or repaired by the Contractor, at his own expense, and to the satisfaction of the

8.10.1 Plastering and Rendering

Surface Preparation

No plastering or rendering shall be carried out without the prior permission of the Engineer’s
Representative. At least three days before commencement of plaster work the Contractor shall
thoroughly fill up with plaster mortar all holes and chases cut in walls and partitions for various
pipes and conduits. This mortar fill shall be cured as specified for repair of concrete. All surfaces to
be plastered shall be cleaned and wetted for at least 3 hours until well soaked with water, and then
left to dry for approximately two hours before plastering.
Internal Plastering

Plaster shall be applied in two coats of a total thickness of 20 mm. The undercoat shall have a
thickness of 15 mm and the finishing coat shall be 5 mm thick.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer the undercoat shall consist of cement, lime and sand in
proportions by volume of 1: 2: 9. The mixture shall be prepared from coarse stuff and lime mixed in
the proportions of 1: 4½ to which the required cement shall be added. This shall be allowed to dry

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thoroughly before the application of the top coat to avoid cracking. The finishing coat shall also be of
cement, lime, and sand in the proportions of 1: 2:7 by volume.
External Rendering

Before applying any rendering the joints in the block work shall be raked out and all exterior
surfaces shall be spatter- dashed in 2:1 sand cement mortar to provide a key for the rendering.
The spatterdash shall be wetted an hour or two after application to ensure adequate hydration and
shall be allowed to harden thoroughly for 3 days during which time it shall be covered up for
protection against the sun and kept moist by watering
External rendering shall be either with a smooth or spatter (Tyrolean) finish as indicated on the
(a) Plain external rendering will be in two coat work, the finish to be “smooth” as left by a wooden float
and the undercoat shall be well keyed on partial setting and allowed to harden thoroughly for not less than
four days before the final coat is applied. Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, the first ( base) coat
shall be in 3: 1 sand cement mortar 15 mm thick. The second

(b) coat shall be 5 mm thick in 6 sand : 1 lime: 1 cement mortar, with the addition of 1-2 kg of
Cementone No. 1 or equivalent colour per 50 kg of cement, according to the colour or colours to be specified
by the Engineer. The spattered Tyrolean finishing coat shall be applied to the base coat described in a. by a
hand operated machine and according to the instructions given by the Engineer. The mix shall consist of 4
parts dry sand, 4 parts of fine aggregate passing BS 410, 2.36 mm (No. 7) test sieve, one part of lime and 1½
parts of white cement and a pigment as directed by the Engineer.

(c) The spattering shall be done in 4-5 runs. The first run shall be with a wet thin mix which shall be
made thicker with each run. The operation shall be carried out continously in order to avoid stained spots, and
shall not be interrupted between runs. No scaffolding shall be in contact with the surface of the wall and
attention shall be paid not to stain adjacent surfaces.

(d) All external rendering shall be extedned 15 cm below finished grade.

Brick or hollow block walls to be pointed shall have the joints raked out to depths of 25 mm and pointed in
cement mortar composed of 1 part of cement and 1/2 part of lime and 3 parts of sand by volume. Mortar is to
be properly ironed to level clean, sharp, watertight joints to the approval of the Engineer and all pointing is to
be kept wet for a period of seven days or as directed by the Engineer.

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The pipe works comprise the laying, complete in all respects, of sewer and water supply pipelines for this
program. The pipelines are either Ductile Cast Iron (DCI or DI) and unplasticised polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC
or PVC) pipe, steel pipes being employed for special situations such as river, road and rail crossings, etc.

sewer pipelines will usually employs PVC/uPVC pipes however, for suspended piping, steel pipes will be

In general the pipelaying shall conform to BS 8010.


See Section 6(b-1) hereof for the supply of pipes and accessories for the pipelines to be laid in this Contract.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 11.9 of the Specification the Contractor shall not commence Work
in any part of the sites until the alignment of pipelines in the said part has been finally established and
approved the Engineer in writing.


Further to Clauses 1.15 & 1.16 of the Specification the Contractor shall do all surveying measurement and
marking necessary for the final setting-out of the lines, including preservation of benchmarks.
Setting-out shall consist of marking all bends and other characteristic points on the line and on straight
portions by stakes driven into the ground every 50 m and shall be sufficient to permit the detailed design of
the line and the preparation of as-made drawings.


On the basis of the survey and measuring work per Clauses 11.18 and 11.9 and when instructed by the
Engineer to do so, the Contractor shall prepare the detailed drawings of the pipelines which shall normally
include layout drawings to the scale of 1:2,000 and longitudinal sections to the scale of 1:2,000, 1:200.

The drawigns shall show all benchmark and survey points and all Characteristic features on the lines and
along the alignments, such as bends, valves and other accessories, road, bridges, culverts, buildings , power
and telephone lines and poles etc.

All drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be numbered consecutively and each drawing shall be dated
and its title shall contain, in a form to be approved by the Engineer, the Contract number and project title, and
descriptive name of the structure shown on the Drawings and its location relative to the whole of the works.

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Pipes and accessories for the sewers and water pipelines will be supplied by the Cntractor. This will include
all DCI, uPVC, RC Concrete pipes and accessories necessary for sewer and water pipelines and tanks
including the materials for repairs therefore .


The Employer will not supply any materials.


a) The contractor shall furnish all building and other materials, supplies and manufactured articles necessary
for the construction of the Works in accordance with the Specification and Drawings. The said materials shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:

- All materials for concrete, grout, blockwork mortar and similar products,

- All materials of pipes, fittings, accessoies, etc.

- Paint, whitewash, sealing compounds, painting repair material including primer, etc.

- Steel reinforcement.

- All froms materials, forms and appurtenances.

- All materials required for street and roadway resurfacing, and other road restoration, restoration and/or
correction to existing pipes, reconstruction of drains and sewers, etc.
- All materials including water, required for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines.

b) All materials used for permanent installation in the Works shall be new and shall conform to the repective
clsuses of the Specifications and if not specified they shall conform to good standards of construction practice,
as determined by the Enigneer.

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Earthworks under this Chapter includes trench excavation and backfill where pipes are placed below ground
and excavation and backfill for structures such as ponds, roads, manholes, valve chambers, concrete blocks,
pipe supports, etc., all in accordance with of this Specification.


11.2.1 General

Pipe trenches shall be excavated to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.
Strong sight rails shall be fixed and maintained at each change of gradient, and at as many intermediate points
as may be necessary. On the rails shall be marked the centre line and the level to which the pipe is to be laid,
such rails being not more than 35 m apart.

Except as otherwise provided herein, excavation for pipelines shall be in open-cut trenches with vertical sides,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and shall be carried out only so far in advance of pipe laying in one
continuous reach.

At points where pipes are to be welded in the trench, the trench shall be enlarged sufficiently to permit such
welding to be performed.

11.2.2 Trench Width

The trench width at the ground surface may vary with and depend upon, its depth and the nature of the ground
encountered. For all diameters the clear width of unsheeted trench, measured at the horizontal diameter of the
pipe, shall provide a minimum clearance of 250 mm on each side of pipe. Where tamping of side fill on pipe
is required under the Specification, a minimum clearance of 300 mm on each side of the pipe shall be

The maximum clear widht of trench at the top of the pipe shall not be more than outside diameter of the barrel
of the pipe plus 750 mm.

Greater width of trench will be permitted only on written approval by the Engineer, in accordance with the
requirements hereinafter.

Trenches with vertical sides are shown on the Drawings, but where approved by the Engineer in writing the
Contractor may excavate trenches having vertical sides below and sloping sides above the top of the pipe;
provided that any additional right of way required therefore shall be procured by the Contractor at his sole
cost and expense, and all liability and costs on account of damage to property and improvements in
connection with said sloping shall be assumed by the Contractor; and provided further that no payment will be
made for excavation payment lines established as specified in the Preamble of the Bill of Quantities.

In general, permission to slope the trench sides as herein stipulated will be granted only where the excavation
is in areas other than the travelled portions of streets and highways, and in no event shall such permission
operate to waive any other requirement set forth herein. The said permission will be granted only upon written
application of the Contractor, specifically agreeing to all the terms hereof.
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Where pipes are laid on curves of large radius, the trench shall, without extra charge, be widened so as to
ensure that no part of the pipe shall be nearer to the side of the trench than the clearance required under the

11.2.3 Trench Bottom

The trench shall be excavated to the necessary depth to meet the requirements specified in the BoQ. Any part
of the trench excavated below grade shall be backfilled to grade with thoroughly compacted material approved
by the Enigneer, and shall be treated as excess excavation in accordance selected borrow fill.

When an unstable subgrade condition is encountered and, in the opinion of the Engineer, it cannot support the
pipe, an additional depth as directed by the Engineer shall be excavated and refilled to pipe foundation grade
with approved suitable material to achieve a satisfactory trench bottom.

11.2.4 Rock Excavation and Blasting

Ledge rocks, boulders, and large stones shall be removed to provide clearance to each side of and below all
pipe and accessories as required under the Specification and shown on the Drawings. Excavations in rock or
in boulders below sub-grade so required or shown shall be refilled to sub grade with materials approved by the
Engineer, and thoroughly compacted, and shall be treated as excess. Blasting for excavation will be permitted
only after the approval of the Engineer has been obtained in writing and only when proper precautions have
been taken for the protection of persons and property. The hours of blasting shall be fixed by the Engineer.
Any damage caused by blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor’s
procedures and methods of blasting shall conform to local laws and regulations.

The Engineer shall have power to regulate, restrict or prohibit blasting if in his opinion it is necessary to do so
for the safety of persons of property, or to safeguard the bottoms or sides of the excavations and the
Contractor shall have no claim against the Employer in resepct of such regulation or prohibition.

The greatest care shall be taken in the use of explosives, the charges being so placed and of such amount as in
no way to shake or loosen the permanent bottoms or sides of excavations. Special care shall be taken as the
excavation bottom is approached, and a thickness of not less than 750 mm above the excavation bottom shall
be completed with small charges in holes not exceeding 600 mm in depth.
The Contractor shall provide a special proper store for explosives in accordance with local regulations and the
Engineer’s requirements. The Contractor shall provide experienced men for handling and the authorities
concerned. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent loss, injury or accident to persons or
property or work completed or under construction, and shall be entirely liable for any accident or damage that
may result from the use of explosives.

11.2.5 Excavation Methods

The use of trench-digging machinery will be permitted except where operating it will cause damage to trees,
buildings, or existing structures above or below the ground. At such locations hand methods shall be
employed to avoid such damage.

Machinery, trucks, etc. will only be permitted to move on the temporary access road and only in a longitudinal
direction the equipment may only leave the said road at places which are especially provided therefor.

Wherever necessary to prevent caving, trench excavations in soil such as sand, gravel, and sandy soil shall be
adequately sheeted and braced. Where Sheetings and bracing are used, the net trench width after sheeting shall
not be less than that specified in Sub-Clause 72.3.2 above. As backfill is placed and if sheeting is to be
withdrawn, it shall be withdrawn in increments of not more than 300 mm and the void left by the withdrawn
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sheeting shall be filled and compacted. If, despite such precautions,or by reason of their neglect, any portions
of the bottoms, sides or ends shall be given way or be excavated without instructions from the Engineer, the
Contractor shall excavate and remove all the ground therby disturbed and make it good, with well rammed fill
or in such class of concrete as may be ordered by the Engineer, and such extra excavations shall be treated as
excess excavation in accordance with Sub-Clause 72.3.7 below.

All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work or cause an obstruction.


As directed by the Engineer, the pipe shall be laid directly on the trench bottom or on earth mounds as
specified below:

11.3.1 Pipe Laid on Trench Bottom

This applies to pipes with any type of coupling or push-in joint. Pipes shall be laid directly on a trench bottom
containing coupling or socket holes and shaped to provide continuous contact with the pipe between coupling
or socket holes.

The bottom portion of the trench shall be excavated and trimmed so that the pipe will be uniformly bedded on
the required grade. Normal bedding according to the typical excavation sections shown on the Drawigns,
without concrete surround, shall be used unless otherwise called for elsewhere on the Drawings or directed by
the Engineer. For said normal bedding the trench bottom shall be given a final trim and shape so that each
pipe section when first laid will be continously in contact with the ground along the length of the pipe
section. Any stones or flints likely to damage the pipe or its coating shall be picked out of the pipe bed, and
any holes so formed shall be filled in with approved compacted soft material, and trimmed to the correct level.
Wherever said normal bedding is required and, due to over-excavating, inaccurte trimming, or other cause, the
bottom of the trench fails to afford uniform support as herein required, the Contractor shall, at his own cost,
refill to required grade with approved suitable material compacted at optimum water content and retrim the
trench bottom to the required section and grade, or, if so instructed by the Engineer, shall make good the
bottom of the trench with such class of concrete as directed by the Engineer.

The following procedure shall be adhered to before the pipe is lowered into the trench:
- A coupling or socket hole shall be dug with sufficient length, width, and depth to permit assembly and
provide a minimum clearance of 50 mm between coupling or socket and undisturbed trench bootom;

- The trench bottom between coupling or socket holes shall be made flat and cut true and even to grade so
as to provide continuous contact of the trench bottom with the pipe as specified hereinabove;

- One or more holes shall be excavated at the approximate location to permit removal of the slign or slings
without damage to the pipe coating.

11.3.2 Pipe Laid on Earth Mounds or Cement Bags

This applies to pipes with any type of coupling and to push-in or welded joints.

PVC pipe shall be laid on earth mounds of a size adequate to hold the pipe in alignment and to maintain a 50
mm minimum clearance from coupling or socket to undisturbed trench bottom . Each mounds shall be of
approved backfill material tamped in place. Each pipe shall be laid on two mounds with the centre of each
mound palced one fifth of the pipe length from each end. The trench shall be excavated a minimum of 50 mm
below the grade of the bottom of the outside diamater of the coupling or socket and high spots between
couplings or sockets shall be levelled so as to maintain a minimum of 50 mm under the pipe barrel. The earth

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mounds shall be levelled so as to maintain a minimum of 50 mm under the pipe barrel. The earth mounds
shall be tamped firmly in place and raised to a height that will allow for placement of the pipe so as to
maintain, before backfilling, a minimum clearance of 50 mm between the trench bottom and the pipe and
coupling or socket.

The same method shall also be used for laying steel and D.I pipes jointed in the trench by mechanical
couplings except that the pipe shall be laid on cement bags or similar kind of bags filled with sand, instead of
on earth mounds, and that the clearance between the coupling or socket or flanged joints and the undisturbed
trench bottom shall be adequate for making the joint and sufficient for the proper compaction of the backfill
underneath the pipe. Where welded joints are to be made in the trench, a clearance of at least 400mm, for
welding around the joint, shall be provided. The sandbags shall be broken at the proper time to avoid the
development of concentrated loads in the final installation. The use of rigid or wooden blocks instead of
sandbags will not be permitted.

Where the Engineer has directed the pipes to be laid on the trench bottom as under (a) , but the Contractor
prefers, after having obtained the Engineer’s permission, to lay the pipes on earth mounds as under (b), the
extra trench excavation and backfill shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

11.3.3 Excess Excavation

Excess excavation is defined as excavation done by the Contractor beyond the lines shown on the Drawings,
specified in the Specification or ordered by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall backfill any excess excavation with compacted material approved by the Engineer, or in
such class of concrete as may be ordered by the Engineer.

No payment will be made for excess excavation nor for its backfilling as specified.


The following limitations for lengths of open trenches shall rule for a pipeline laid in one continuous reach
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, and subject to any more stringent requirements imposed by the
competent authorities:
a. Not more than 100 m of trench in built-up areas and/or 300 m elsewhere, shall be opened in advance
of pipelaying.

b. Not more than 300 m of pipeline shall be left uncovered after pipelaying in built-up areas and mot
more than 600 m elsewhere.

If these lengths of open trench are exceeded or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is undue delay in:

a. testing the pipline;

b. removing surplus material ;

c. general tidying-up of areas where pipes have been laid;

d. partial restoration or maintenance of surface;

the Engineer may order that no further trenches shall opened until the outstanding work has been carried out
to his satisfaction, and the Contractor shall have no grounds for claims against the employer on this account

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11.5.1 Minimum Cover

All pipes shall have a minimum cover, measured from the top of the pipe to the ground surface as follows:

- 0.8 m for pipes up to DN 400 mm, laid under open areas;

- 1.0 m where pipes of any diameter are laid under roads or road verges and for all pipes or DN 450mm
diameter and above, irrespective of location.

Where the minimum cover specified is not provided, the pipes shall be srrounded with 20-F-20 concrete, 150
mm thick.

11.5.2 Maximum Cover

Where the cover, as measured form the top of the pipe to the ground surface, exceeds the maximum
permissible depth, the pipe shall be surrounded in 20-F-20 concrete, 150 mm thick.


11.6.1 Rock or Other Incompressible Foundation

Where ledge rock, rocky, or gravelly soil, hard pan, or other unyielding foundation material is encountered at
a the pipe seat site, the pipe shall be bedded in accordance with the requirements of one of the classes of
bedding, but with the following additions: the hard unyielding material shall be excavated below the elevation
of the bottom of the concrete cradle (Class A bedding) or the bottom of the pipe or pipe bell (Class B, B 1, C
and C1 beddings) for a depth of at least 30cm or 15mm for each foot of fill over the top of the pipe, whichever
is greater, but not more than ¾ of the nominal diameter of the pipe. For Class D bedding, the depth shall be
20cm. The width of the excavation shall be 30cm greater than the outside diameter of the pipe and shall be
refilled with selected fine compressible material, such as silty clay or loam and lightly compacted and shaped
as required for the specified class of bedding.

11.6.2 Methods of Bedding

The contact between a pipe and the foundation of which it rests is the pipe bedding. It has an important
influence of the supporting strength of the pipe. The class of bedding to be employed shall be determined by
the Engineer and specified on the road plans. Six classes of pipe beddings shall be as follows:

Class A:-Concrete Cradle Bedding

In this class of bedding, the lower part of the pipe exterior shall be bedded in a continuous cradle constructed
of concrete, having a minimum thickness under the pipe of one-fourth (¼) the nominal inside diameter and
extending up the sides of the pipe for a height equal to one fourth (¼) of the outside diameter. The cradle shall
have a width at least equal to the outside diameter of the barrel of the pipe plus 20cnm and it shall be
constructed monolithically without horizontal construction joints.

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Class B Bedding

The pipe shall be carefully bedded on fine granular materials over an earth foundation, accurately shaped by
means of a template to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for at least 15 percent of its overall height.
Compactable soil material shall then be rammed and tamped in layers not more than 15cm thick, around the
pipe for the remainder of the lower 30 percent of its height. Backfilling to the top of the pipe shall then be
completed as specified under “Backfilling.”

Class C Bedding

In this class of bedding, the pipe shall be bedded with the “ordinary” care in a soil foundation shaped to fit the
lower part of the pipe exterior with reasonable closeness for at least 10 percent of its overall height. The
remainder of pipe shall be surrounded by material placed by hand tools to fill completely all spaces under and
adjacent to the pipe. Back filling to the top of the pipe shall then be completed as specified under “Back


All suitable materials removed in excavation or as much thereof as may be needed, shall be used for backfill.
material removed from trenches shall be placed alongside the trench at a sufficient distance from the trench to
prevent it from falling into the trench, or its weight causing the trench sides to cave in. Where necessary,
selected material required for backfill and topsoil and/or sod for later replacement shall be stored separately.
In urban areas, where no storage space is available for excavated material along the trench, or where the
authorities so require, the excavated material shall be removed immediately from the right-of-way, and
backfill material shall be brought to the site immediately before backfilling of trench. Rock and waste material
not suitable or not required for backfill shall be mounded or spread along the trench and/or along the right-of-
way, except that where such mounding or spreading is prohibited by the authorities or by the owners of
property or otherwise undesirable in the Engineer’s opinion, such materials shall be removed and disposed of
in a manner approved by the Engineer.


11.8.1 General

All excavations shall be backfilled to the level of the original ground surfaces, unless otherwise shown on the
Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, and in accordance with the requirements of the Specification. The
material used for backfill, the amount thereof, and the manner of depositing and compacting shall be subject
to the approval of the Engineer, but the Contractor will be held responsible for any displacement of pipe or
other structures, and damage to their surfaces or any instability of pipes and structures caused by the improper
depositing of backfill materials.

Subject to the procedures outlined below in this Clause, backfilling operations shall follow the laying of the
pipes as closely as possible.

Steel pipes shall not be backfilled until the exterior coating at field joints has attained sufficient age, as
determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall take such precaution as may be necessary to prevent injury
to the pipes, joints or exterior coating during backfilling operations. The positions of all joints shall be clearly
marked upon completion of the backfilling.

Pipe srrounds and structures of concrete shall be backfilled as soon as the concrete has attained sufficient
strength, as determined by the Engineer, to sustain the load imposed.
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11.8.2 Backfilling before Tests

Backfilling before tests shall be done as follows:

A Selected backfill material approved by the Engineer, free from organic matter, rock, lumps of clay, large
stones, boulders, or other unsuitable substances, shall be deposited in the trench uniformly on both sides of the
pipeline for the full width of the trench. This backfill material shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough
compaction under and on each side of the pipe to provide support free from voids. It shall be placed in layers
not exceeding 10 cm thickness after compaction and brought up to the horizontal diameter of the pipe.

Where the pipes are laid under roads the backfill shall be compacted as required in Sub-Clause 72.8.3 below
for such cases.

B If visual inspection during the test in not required in accordance with Sub-Clause 72.8.4 below, the pipe
and joints shall be backfilled as specified above and a cushion of approved material shall be placed over
pipeline and joints in accordance with the following requirements:

PV Pipes: The cushion shall be hand placed over the pipeline and joints to an average

depth of 300 mm for all sizes of pipes.

Ste el and D.I. pipes: The cushion shall be placed to a grade of not less than 150 mm above

the top of pipeline for all sizes of pipes.

C If joints are to be exposed during the test, the pipes and joints shall be backfilled up to the horizontal pipe
diameter as above and additional approved backfill material shall then be placed between joints in order to
hold the line securely during the test. The average depth of such additional backfill shall be 300 mm over the
top of DN 200 mm and smaller pipe and not less than 600 mm over larger pipe. Backfilling of PVC pipes
shall be hand placed.

11.8.3 Backfilling after Tests

On completion of pressure and leakage tests, exposed coupling and other joints shall be covered with
approved selected backfill placed over the top of the pipe and couplings and joints, in accordance with the
requirements of Sub-Clause 72.8.2, para (b) above. The balance of backfill shall contain no stones more than
150 mm in their largest dimension and the backfill mixture shall not contain more than 25 percent of stones.
The Contractor shall not permit excavation to be used for disposal of refuse.

Trenches in the right-of-way of a road shall be backfilled with selected material placed in layers not exceeding
100 mm in thickness after compaction, wetting and compacted ot a density of not less than 90 percent of the
maximum dry density at optimum moisture content as determined in accordance with BS 1377 Test No. 12
(also knows as Standard Proctor Density).

Trenches not in a right-of-way may be backfilled without tamping Any deficiency in the quantity of material
for backfilling the trenches shall be supplied by the Contractor at his expense. A mound of earth to 10 % of
the trench depth should be left to contain the gradual settelment of backfill.

The Contractor shall at his own expense make good any settlement of the trench backfill occuring after
backfilling and until the expiry of the period of Maintenance.

On no account shall any excavated material be dozed back when backfilling trenches in roads and no such
backfilling shall be carried out unless in the opinion of the Engineer sufficient mechanical rammers are in
operation on that portion of the work.

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In no case shall any soft material be used in filling any part of any trench within a road right-of-way.

The Contractor shall taken into account, and include in his rates, for the effects of the rainy season rainfalls on
backfilled trenches and the maintenance resulting therefore.

11.8.4 Backfilling Joints before Tests

Normally, joints will be left exposed during testing of pipelines. However, the Engineer may at any time order
the Contractor to proceed with and complete the backfilling of the trench before testing, where the pipeline is
laid in the right-of-way of a road, in built-up areas and wherever for any other reason the pipe trench cannot
be left open until after testing. In such cases the positions of all joints shall be clearly marked by the
Contractor outside of the trench so that they can easily be located for the purpose or repair if and when

11.8.5 Transported Backfill Material

When length of trench are excavated partly in rock, stony ground of soft spongy material, or in other material
unsuitable for backfilling and, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is insufficient suitable material from the
excavation to supply the backfill material specified above, the Contractor shall import suitable material from
other parts of the work, or from borrow pits.

The cost of providing, transporting and backfilling selected backfill material from approved sites at a distance
not exceeding 500 m from the point of backfilling shall be included in the rate for excavation. The additional
cost of transporting suitable backfill materials from a distance exceeding 500 m as aforesaid, will be paid to
the Contractor as an extra for excavation.

11.8.6 Backfilling around Structures

In filling excavation other than pipe trench excavations, after permanent work have been approved by the
Engineer, the best and most suitable portions of the excavated material shall be used. If the material is to be
consolidated by hand-ramming it shall be deposited in layers not more than 100 mm thick and each layer shall
be thoroughly rammed and watered if required, one man being employed ramming for each man filling.
Where mechanical rammers are employed the depth of the layers shall not exceed 150 mm. The backfill
material shall be compacted to 95 percent of the Standard proctor Density as defined above.


The Contractor shall restore or replace all removed or damaged curbing, sidewalk paving, gutters, shrubbery,
fences, sod, and other disturbed surfaces or structures to a condition equal to that before the work began, to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and as specified in the following Clauses, and shall furnish all labor and
material incidental thereto. In restoring paved surfaces, new pavement shall be laid. No permanent surfacing
shall be placed within 30 days after the backfilling has been completed, except by order of the Engineer.

Surplus pipeline material, tools, and temporary structures shall be removed by the Contractor. All dirt,
rubbish, and excess earth from excavations shall be hauled to an approved dump prvided by the Contractor,
and the Site shall be left clean to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


The Contractor shall carefully replace all surface material and maintain all surfaces of private roads, path,
fields, gardens, open spaces, etc., and make good any subsidence’s and defects to the satisfaction of the owner
or occupier until the end of the period of Maintenance.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

Quitting receipts shall be obtained from the property owners or tenants and the Defects Liability Certificate
provided under Clause 62 (1) of the Conditions of Contract will not be released until these have been


11.11.1 General

Where any public road surface is removed or damaged by the Contractor’s operations it shall be replaced or
repaired to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority responsible for the maintenance of the road. The
materials and methods used for such reinstatement shall be similar to those used for the original pavement and
shall comply with the following procedures for reinstatement of roads:

a) Upon completion of backfilling operations, the Contractor shall carry out the interim
reinstatement of roads as specified in Sub-Clause 72.11.2 below. The period for completion of reinstatement
at any point of a road, computed from the completion day of backfilling until completion of interim
reintatement, shall not exceed seven days.

b) Upon completion of interim reinstatement, the road shall be opened to traffic for a period of not
less than thirty days, or a longer period if ordered by the Engineer, to allow for its consolidation.

c) As soon as in the opinion of the Engineer the road has been satisfactorily consolidated, the
Contractor shall carry out the permanent reinstatement of roads.

Nothing contained herein or shown on the Drawings shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation in respect
of the maintenance of public roads in accordance with the Clause 12.3 “ Access to the Works” of the General

11.11.2 Interim Reinstatement

The edges of the trenches and excavations in road shall be cut back neatly for a width of 150 mm on either
side of the trench and to a depth of 150 mm.

The interim reinstatement of roads shall consist of the top 600mm of the trench being filled with 350 mm of
consolidated sub-base material on top of which shall be 250 mm of consolidated base material, all supplied
and placed as approved by the Engineer and the requirements of the Ministry of Works and Transport or other
agency having jurisdiction over road construction.


The edges of the trench excavation shall be cut back neatly to width of 100 mm on either sides of the trench
and around excavations and to a depth of 150 mm below the existing surface.

The Contractor shall then carry out the reinstatement of the trench surfaces to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The top 150 mm shall be filled with selected gravelly material which shall be well compacted with a power
compaction equipment or other methods approved by the Engineer and the level of the reinstated surface
made flush with the adjoining surfaces.


The surface of the permanent reinstatement shall be finished level with the adjacent carriageway or footpath
and shall be maintained in a safe condition at all times.

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The Contractor shall carry out any necessary maintenance of any trenches immediately in order to obviate
danger to roads users. If the Contractor fails to carry out such maintenance of reinstatement the necessary
repairs will be carried out immediately by the competent public or other agency and the cost of the same shall
be deducted by the Employer from any sum due to the Contractor.

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When handling, transporting and laying pipes and accessories, care shall be taken to prevent cracks
and other damage to the pipes and, in the case of steel pipes, to preserve their circular shape,
particularly at the ends. Special care shall be taken to keep the coating and lining of the pipes intact.
Pipes shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid damage to the machined ends. Damaged pipes that cannot
be repaired to the Engineer’s satisfaction shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

The vehicles used for transporting the pipes shall be adequately equipped to prevent movement of pipes
and/or damage to pipes or coating. Pipes shall be well secured to the vehicles to ensure stability of the load.
All parts of the vehicles, cables and ropes coming into contact with the pipes shall be well padded. The
unloading shall be done by means of cranes or other suitable equipment using slings or other approved tackle,
in order to ensure slow and careful lowering of each pipe. Pipes shall not be gripped by hooks or other
equipment liable to injure or distort pipe ends, or cause damage to the lining.

Pipes must not be dropped on the ground or on other pipes. When lifting or lowering pipes by means of a
crane, each pipe shall be kept under control when suspended, to prevent its colliding with equipment or other
objects that may injure the pipe or its coating.

Pipes shall not be moved be dragging or rolling them on the ground, but shall be lifted and placed carefully in
their new position. When working on site all handling equipment shall keep to the temporary access road at all
times and always moves longitudinally along the said road. The equipment may only leave the road at places
especially provided therefore.

Each off-loaded pipe shall be blocked to prevent it from rolling and shall not be placed directly on the ground.

In storage, pipes shall be arranged in such manner that the pressure of pipes placed on each other will not
cause deformation or damage to the pipe and/or coatings. Coated pipes that are or are likely to be exposed to
the direct rays of the sun, either in storage or when being strung along the lines, shall receive a lime wash in
order to prevent softening and deterioration of the coating under the influence of the sun’s heat. The cost of
the lime wash shall be borne by the Contractor.

PVC pipes and fittings shall also be protected from the sun.

Valves and other accessories shall be kept and stored before installation in a manner approved by the


When stringing pipes, they shall be so placed on the ground along the trench, as not to interfere with the
normal progress of work or the passage of equipment etc.

Stringing shall be done on the side of the trench except where there is insufficient space available or when
such stringing will interfere with the normal activities in the vicinity. In such cases the Contractor will be
permitted to stockpile pipes at suitable sites.

Where explosives are used for trench excavation, stringing shall not be done until after blasting operations
have been completed for a sufficient distance ahead. In such cases the Contractor shall stockpile pipes at a
safe distance from the site of the blasting.
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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

Each pipe shall be placed beside the trench as near as possible to its final laying position in order to minimize
moving of pipes along the line after stringing.

Subject to other restrictions that may be imposed by local Authorities or owners of property concerned, the
Contractor shall so regulate the order and rate of stringing and laying of pipes that no pipes shall be left
exposed to the action of weather for a period exceeding four months. PVC pipes shall at all time be protected
from the sun to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

The Contractor shall see to it that the pipes do not obstruct or interfere with normal traffic and with the normal
activities of the adjacent occupiers, and in every case the Contractor shall obtain the consent of the local
authorities or the owners of property with regard to the locations and manner in which pipes are strung along
the lines.


Implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the
Contractor for the safe and efficient execution of the work.
All pipes and accessories shall be carefully lowered into the trench with suitable equipment in a manner that
will prevent damage. Under no circumstances shall pipes or accessories be dropped or dumped in to the
trench. Pipes shall be rolled in to place for lowering into the trench over suitable timber planking free from
roughness, and carefully controlled by ropes or other approved tackle. If a crane or a trench digger is used for
handling the pipes and lowering them into the trench, the pipes shall be slung by approved wide slings passed
around the outside at the balancing points. The Contractor shall inspect the coating on the underside of the
pipe while it is suspended from the sling and shall repair any injury to the coating before the pipe is lowered
into the trench.

Pipes and accessories shall be inspected for defects prior to their being lowered into the trench. Any defective,
damaged, or unsound material shall be repaired or replaced in accordance with the requirements of the
specification and as directed by the Engineer.

All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the interior and ends of pipes and accessories before they are
lowered in to position in the trench. Pipes shall be kept clean by means approved by the Engineer during and
after laying.
No metal tools or heavy objects shall be permitted to come in contact with finished coating. Workmen shall
not walk on coated pipes except where necessary, and, when they do, they shall wear shoes with rubber or
composition soles and heels. Any injury to the protective lining and coating from any cause during the
installation of the pipeline shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost.


The pipes shall be placed in position true to profile and direction of slope indicated on longitudinal sections on
ascending grades from washouts to air valves. Such grades shall not be less than 1 in 500 and sight rails shall
be set up at all changes of grade where the gradient is less than 1 in 200.

The pipes shall be laid in straight lines in plan where possible, but where curves or changes in direction are
shown on the Drawing or indicated by local conditions they shall be deflected accordingly.

Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned of all earth lumps, stones, or any other objects that
may have entered the interior of the pipes.

At the end of each working day and whenever work is interrupted for any period of time, the free ends of laid
pipes shall be protected by suitable covers, or temporary plugs, against the entry of dirt or other foreign
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When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of installed pipes shall be closed by approved means to
prevent entrance of trench water into the line. Whenever water is excluded from the interior of the pipe,
enough backfill shall be placed on the pipe to prevent floating. Any pipe that has floated shall be removed
from the trench and re-laid as directed by the Engineer.

No pipe shall be laid in wet trench conditions that preclude proper bedding, or when, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the trench conditions or the weather are unsuitable for proper installation.


Where curves of a long radius are required, these shall be obtained by deflection at the joints; such
deflections, however, shall not exceed either vertically or horizontally the limits recommended by
the manufacturers of the joints.
Where a change of direction cannot be made by deflection at the joints of ordinary straight pipes,
prefabricated bends supplied together with the pipes shall be used. For the curved alignments requiring greater
angular deflection at the mechanical joints than permitted by the joint manufacturer so that a change of
direction cannot be made by deflection at the joints of standard length straight pipes, and where the field
conditions are such that the required angle and/or radius of curvature cannot be accommodated by factory-
made bends furnished together with the pipes, the Contractor shall use one of the following methods as
directed by the Engineer:

a) The curve shall be made by jointing sections of steel pipes, cut by the Contractor to required lengths, with
mechanical joints and deflecting the pipes at the joints within the permitted limits.

b) The curve shall be made by a bend prefabricated by the Contractor.

No extra payment will be made to the Contractor on account of changes in angular deflection or of bends in
addition to those shown on the Drawings, if ordered by the Engineer, save for the cost of additional fabricated
bends and thrust blocks necessitated thereby. Concrete thrust blocks shall be provided wherever the pipeline
changes direction or diameter to effectively keep the line from moving during passage of water.

12.6.1 Mechanical Joints

The mechanical joints shall be of the mechanical compression sleeve type using rubber gaskets such as Viking
Johnson (VJ) or Dresser coupling or equivalent. These could also include Viking Johnson Reducer Couplings

All materials for the making of the joints shall be supplied together with the couplings. These
materials include bitumen for internal and external protection, bit mastic paint for touching up,
whiting for molding boxes, spanners for tightening up bolts, gauges for setting the gaps between the
pipes, and portable furnaces for melting the bitumen. In addition, molding boxes and liners for each
size of pipe will be provided.
Before jointing, the ends of the pipes to be connected shall be made square, plane and clean, and in
the case of steel pipes the ends shall be thoroughly wire brushed and re-coated with a quick-drying
bituminous solution so as to produce a smooth coat of uniform thickness.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

The mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions care
being exercised not to over tighten bolts and that no hot bitumen will come into contact with PVC
pipes. The Contractor shall perform all required coating and lining works. Couplings will not be
coated where they are encased in concrete.
12.6.2 Welded Joints

(i) Steel pipes

Welded joints between steel pipes shall be made in accordance with B.S. 2971 or other approved
standards, and the following additional requirements:
(a) Welders, welding arrangements and welding procedures shall be subject to approval by the

(b) No welding shall be done when adverse weather conditions such as rain, mist, sand storms or
strong winds may affect the quality of the welds.

(c) The Engineer will exercise a continuous control of the welding work and will inspect the
quality of the welds. In addition to routine supervision and visual inspection of the work the Engineer may, in
case the results of these prove not to be satisfactory, have macro-etching section tests performed (B.S. 2971,
Appendix page 48, or AWWA C-206 Section 8-9). These tests shall be made by and at the cost of the
Contractor, who shall not be entitled to any additional payment or compensation, above the unit prices bid in
the bill of quantities, by reason of delay or interferences with his work caused by tests and repairs as required
under this sub-clause.

(d) Repairs to lining and coating shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out
in AWWA C-203 and in accordance with the instructions of the pipe manufacturer.

(e) Materials for repairs of defective lining and coating and for lining and coating of field welded
joints will be supplied together with the pipes.

(ii)Ductile Iron Pipes

Where instructed to do so by the Engineer the Contractor shall weld flanges onto DI pipe ends. This will be
done in accordance with BS 4772 or ISO 2531 and will be performed under conditions and in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer.


Where shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall make flanged joints. The necessary gaskets,
bolts, nuts and washers shall be supplied together with the flanges in accordance with the
specification. Flanges shall be matched accurately, with the bolt holes straddling centerline. Bolts
shall be tightened by working at one time on diametrically opposite pairs and proceeding evenly all
round. In no case shall excessive tightening be exerted on any nut or bolt, and the spanner length
shall not exceed 30 cm from the bolt center to the end of the handle or as directed. Spanners shall not
be lengthened in any manner to increase the purchase. For steel pipe joints, care shall be taken to
ensure that no bare metal is left exposed internally. Externally, metal pipe flanges, bolts and nut shall
be coated with three coats of approved bituminous paints when laid underground. Above ground they
shall be painted with the epoxy system specified in Chapter 52 of the Specification.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications


12.8.1 Spigot and Socket Joints

The sealing rings used for jointing DCI. Pipes must be those supplied by the manufacturers of the
pipes and must be firmly locked in position before the spigot end of the pipe is inserted. Where the
sealing component is not supplied locked in position, the ring housing must be cleaned, any grit
removed and the ring inserted correctly in the housing before assembly.
The lubricating compound used for jointing DCI pipes shall be supplied or recommended by the pipe
manufacturer and in any case it must be non-toxic and not harmful to the rubber joint rings.
The joint ring in the socket of the pipe already in place and the spigot of the new pipe shall be
thoroughly cleaned and lubricated and the new pipe shall be immediately inserted after proper
alignment in to the socket so as to avoid any opportunity to pick up dirt or deleterious materials. To
ensure a pressure-tight seal the spigot shall be pushed fully into the socket, or as far as the mark
made on the spigot by the manufacturer.
12.8.2 Mechanical Joints

Mechanical joints similar to those described in sub-Clause 73.6.1 shall be used on PVC and DI pipes
when required for connection to specials and fittings and where a need is foreseen to dismantle joints
in the future. This jointing system will also be used for connecting pipes of different outer diameters.
12.8.3 Glued Joints

UPVC pipes shall be joined by gluing in accordance with the pipe manufacturers’ instructions and
the following general procedure:
A Ensure that the uPVC pipe ends or parts to be joined by gluing are thoroughly cleaned, by means of a
suitable solvent, making sure that they are not cracked or chipped.

B Spread the special glue provided by the supplier of the pipes and accessories under Contract No. 4, on both
the inside and on the outside of the pipe ends.

C Insert the pipe end into the socket as far as it will go or in the case of the sleeve, up to the special stop


12.9.1 General

Where shown on the Drawings, or as found necessary in the field, or as directed by the Engineer,
various fittings and specials shall be lowered in to the trench, inspected, cleaned and jointed as
specified and shown on the Drawings. Normally all such fittings and specials shall be of standard
manufacture and supplied with the pipes.
12.9.2 Fabricated Fittings and Specials

Notwithstanding Sub-Clause 73.9.1 the Contractor may be required to prepare and install
prefabricated bends in accordance with Clause 73.5 or other fittings and specials. Where possible
such fittings and specials shall be fabricated by the Contractor of standard steel pipes by cutting and

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

welding as specified and approved by the Engineer and shall conform in all respects to the
requirements of BS 534.
12.9.3 Closures and Short Sections

Closure pipes and short sections of pipes shall be installed by the Contractor as found necessary in
the field or as directed by the Engineer. Where closure pieces are required, the Contractor shall make
all necessary measurements and shall be responsible for their correct size and fit-up. Closure pieces
and short sections shall not be less than 120mm in length. Where required these sections shall have
flanged joints.

The Contractor shall cut and prepare all short pipe lengths shown on the Drawings or instructed by
the Engineer. Cutting of pipes shall be done by means of an approved mechanical pipe-cutter.
External coating, if any, shall be neatly removed for 15mm on each side of the proposed cut, and
internal, lining shall be carefully cut and finished flush with the pipe edge or as directed. Pipe ends
intended for connection with mechanical joints shall be cut clean square and truly perpendicular to
the pipe axis, and shall be trimmed by removing all burs and sharp edges and, if need be, chamfered.
Pipe coatings and linings shall be repaired according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the
materials provided by him with the pipes, all as specified herein. PVC pipe ends shall be
rechamfered as required.
Machines of an approved type and make for cutting and chamfering of pipes shall be used and
maintained in good working order at all times.
All the above works and making good shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

PVC pipes shall be repaired by cutting off the damaged length. D.I. and steel pipes that have been
dented or distorted shall, if possible, have their ends re-rounded by an approved method. Alternately
the pipe ends shall be cut off as approved by the Engineer.
Where necessary the pipe lining shall be made good, particular care being taken to cut out any areas
where cracks in the lining or lack of adhesion to the pipe wall appear. Material supplied for
completing the lining of steel pipes shall be used to replace any bitumen lost, and the whole shall be
re-fettled to a smooth finish so that the expanding mandrel will seat closely to the lining and prevent
loss of bitumen on pouring the internal lining at the joint.
The external coating of pipes shall be made good wherever the thickness of the coating is seriously
reduced by damage or where the coating does not adhere tightly to the barrel.
Where external coating of pipe has been damaged and the metal has been exposed, all rust and dirt
shall be carefully removed by an approved method and a coat of bit mastic paint shall be applied
before re-fettling. Small stones which may become embedded in the coating shall be picked out and
the coating re-fettled by heating with a blow-lamp and smoothing over with a fettling knife,
additional external coating bitumen being added where necessary.
Repairs to pipe coating and linings shall be done with the appropriate materials provided with the
pipes and shall be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s instructions and the Engineer’s
instructions. All the above repairs, including extra pipe lengths and joints, shall be at the Contractor’s
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Upon completion of jointing and testing, the Contractor shall complete the internal and external
protection of steel and DI. Pipes. Repairs to coating and lining shall be carried out as per Clause
Steel pipes and specials to be laid above ground will be supplied painted externally with a coal tar
epoxy system as specified in Chapter 52 of the Specification, and repairs there to shall be effected

12.13.1 General (Applicable to all Pipelines)

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed program for the testing of
pipelines, showing the equipment to be used and the procedure to be followed. No pipeline shall be
tested unless the Engineer has approved the said program in writing.
The tests shall be made on sections of the lengths specified below. Each section to be tested shall
have been completed except for backfilling at joints, which are to be left open for inspection, unless
the Engineer has ordered completion of backfill before testing. Care shall be taken that weights and
thrust blocks, intended to prevent vertical and lateral displacement of the pipes or specials, have been
properly secured. The tests shall be carried out not earlier than 7 days after the blocks have been cast
and in any case not until, in the opinion of the Engineer, they have attained sufficient strength to
withstand any stresses to which they may be subjected. Ends of sections to be tested, unless
permanently secured, shall be provided with temporary bulkheads strong enough to withstand all
axial forces. Prior to testing, the section to be tested shall gradually be filled with water and all
valves, including air valves, shall be operated and examined to ensure their proper functioning.
Particular care shall be taken that end valves of each section to be tested are properly closed and
valves within such sections are fully opened and free from all matter likely to impede their operation.
Each section shall be tested, at a pressure of 1½ times the maximum allowable working pressure of
the pipe.
When the test section is being filled with water and before the application of the specified test
pressure, all air shall be expelled from the line by means of air valves or taps at peaks on the line.
The length of sections to be tested at a time shall not exceed 300m in built-up areas or 600m
elsewhere, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of the existing pipe systems as a result of flow
reversal. While the new pipes are being filled for testing, all existing lines supplying water shall
remain full and under pressure. While pipes are being charged, the section to be tested shall be
isolated by suitable manipulation of valves and if necessary by the use of check valves and blind
The Contractor shall provide the necessary test pumps and pressure gauges (to record head of water)
and shall make such temporary connections as may be required for filling and testing the line in the
manner herein specified.
After successfully completing the tests on sections of the pipelines and backfilling has been
completed, except at closure joints, the pipeline shall be tested again at maximum working pressure.

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Part 2: Section 6 Construction Specifications

12.13.2 Testing of Steel and DI pipes

Steel and DI pipelines shall be filled and examined and all leaks repaired. The test pressure shall then
be raised to a pressure of 1½ times the maximum allowable work pressure, pumping discontinued
and the test section observed for 24 hours.
Thereafter pumping shall be resumed and continued until the test pressure has been restored. The
quantity of water pumped to restore the pressure shall be the measure of leakage from
discontinuation of pumping till its resumption. In pipelines constructed with mechanical or push-in
joints the pipe section shall be considered as having passed the test if the leakage is not more than 0.1
liter per millimeter of pipe diameter per kilometer of pipelines per day for each 30m head applied. In
the case of welded pipelines, any test section showing leakage or loss of pressure during the said
period of 24 hours will not be accepted.
12.13.3 Testing of PVC pipes

PVC pipelines shall be filled and examined and all leaks repaired. The test pressure shall then be
raised to a pressure of 1½ times the maximum allowable work pressure, pumping discontinued and
the test section observed for at least 1 hour but in any case the pressure test must not be applied for
more than 24 hours. The permissible leakage shall be the same as specified in this Clause for steel
and DI pipes.
12.13.4 Retests

Any line not meeting the test requirements under the Sub-Clauses above shall be repaired and
retested until said requirements are complied with.

No tools or matter of any kind are to be left in pipes and all apertures shall be closed by suitable
wooden plugs fitting the open ends and entering the pipe for at least 150mm. These shall be kept in
place except when work is in progress.

12.15.1 Cleansing of Gravity Sewers and Manholes

On completion of construction, internal surfaces of sewers and manholes shall be thoroughly cleansed to
remove all deleterious matter, without such matter being passed forward into existing public sewers or
watercourses. The sewers and manholes shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition by the
Developer until they are vested as public sewers.

12.15.2 Testing of Gravity Sewers

1) Sewers shall be tested by the Contractor after they are jointed and before any concreting or backfilling is
commenced, other than such as may be necessary for structural stability whilst under test.
2) Sewers up to and including 750 mm nominal diameter shall be tested by means of an air or water test, and
sewers greater than 750 mm nominal diameter by a visual examination.
3) A further test shall be carried out after the backfilling is complete.

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12.15.3 Air Test for Gravity Sewers
Sewers to be air tested shall have air pumped in by a suitable means until a pressure of 100 mm head of water
is indicated in a U-tube connected to the system. The sewer shall be accepted if the air pressure remains above
75 mm head of water after a period of 5 minutes without further pumping, following a period for stabilization.
Failure to pass the test shall not preclude acceptance of the pipeline if a successful water test can subsequently
be carried out in accordance with.

12.15.4 Water Test for Gravity Sewers

1) The test pressure for sewers shall not be less than 1.2 m head of water above the pipe soffit or ground
water level, whichever is the higher, at the highest point, and not greater than 8m head at the lowest point
of the section. Steeply graded sewers shall be tested in stages in cases where the maximum head, as stated
above, would be exceeded if the whole section were tested in one length.
2) The sewer shall be filled with water and a minimum period of 2 hours shall be allowed for absorption,
after which, water shall be added from a measuring vessel at intervals of 5 minutes and the quantity
required to maintain the original water level noted. Unless otherwise specified, the length of sewer shall
be accepted if the quantity of water added over a 30 minute period is less than 0.5 I per linear meter per
meter of nominal diameter.
3) Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test, if there is any discernible leakage of water
from any pipe or joint, the pipe shall be replaced and/or the joint remade, as appropriate, and the test
repeated until leakage is stopped.

12.15.5 Visual Inspection of Gravity Sewers

A visual survey shall be carried out by a qualified and approved contractor and in accordance with the
"WSA/FWR Model contract document for sewer condition inspection".
12.15.6 Testing of Storm Sewers/Drains

Storm drains shall be cleaned any debris and soils accumulated during construction. Each open half pipe,
rectangular or trapezoidal channels shall be checked for the smooth flow of water and sufficiency of slope by
pouring enough amount of water at top most level of the particular drainage system. Any pondage and non-
cleansing slopes shall be corrected.

12.15.7 Infiltration
1) Non-pressure pipelines and manholes shall be inspected and tested for infiltration, after backfilling. All
inlets to the system shall be effectively closed, and any residual flow shall be deemed to be infiltration.
2) The pipeline and manholes shall be accepted as satisfactory if the infiltration, including infiltration into
manholes, in 30 minutes does not exceed 0.5 I per linear metre per metre of nominal bore.
3) Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above inspection or test, if there is any discernible flow
of water entering the sewers or manholes which can be seen either by visual or CCTV inspection, the
Contractor shall take such measures as are necessary to stop such infiltration.

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All samplesshall be submitted or prepared in sufficient quantity as required by each item of work specified on
each section of the specification or as directed by the Engineer. Samples shall be maintained in their original
approved conditions for undisturbed case and rejected ones shall be removed from site.

Tests and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Standards and Codes
referred in the specification. In the absence of such procedures other approved procedure shall be used.
Where no testing requirements are specified but become necessary, the Contractor shall get the testing done
according to the instruction given by the Engineer.

Costs associated with preparation of materials for testing, transport, testing costs, obtaining of records, etc.,
shall be according to the BOQ given in the Contract document (if any) or born by the Contractor (if not
included in the BOQ), if such tests are required by the specification or are determined necessary by the
Engineer (whether or not mentioned in the specification) for conformity of materials, workmanship and
installed works to the requirement of the specification. If re-testing required such costs shall also be born by
the contractor. If tests are made for the convenience of Employer/Engineer such tests shall be carried out or
cause to be carried by the Contractor and related expenses reimbursed by the Employer.

Tests priced in the Bill of Quantities are measured and paid accordingly, otherwise thought to be included and
dispersed in the item of works.


Adequate number of workers who are skilled/trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are
thoroughly familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for the proper performance of the
work in each section of this technical specification shall be provided by the Contractor. Contractor’s
engineers or foremen and any other lead persons shall submit their experience and testimonials to the
Engineer for approval before the start of work and for any specialized trades.


13.3.1 General

Except where indicated to the contrary in the Specification measurement shall be in accordance with the method
of measurement as stated in this Clause. Measurement shall be net and allowance for bulking, shrinkage and
waste shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Rates.

13.3.2 Excavation

Bulk excavation shall be measured as the net volume of material required to be excavated to accommodate the
structure, including any blinding, as if lowered vertically into position. The rate for bulk excavation shall
include for backfilling, reinstatement and disposal of surplus excavated material.

Trench excavation for pipelines shall be measured as the length of trench required to accommodate the net

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length of pipeline. The measurement shall include for all excavation from ground level to the bottom of the pipe
plus any additional bedding as specified. Additional excavation for joints shall not be paid for separately. All
excavation outside the measurement limits shall be held to be excess excavation, unless ordered or approved by
the Engineer when it shall be held to be bulk excavation. Excess excavation shall not be paid for.

13.3.3 Fill

Backfill, rip-rap, rock fill and other types of fill shall be measured for valuation purposes by the net volume of
required fill in place after compaction, but excluding any fill required to make good excess excavation.

13.3.4 Concrete

Normal concrete shall be measured for valuation purposes by the net volume placed, compacted and cured to the
lines and limits needed to comply with the Drawings or the Specification, without deduction for steel
reinforcement and other embedded items less than 0.1 m3 in volume.

Where indicated in the Bill of Quantities, concrete may also be measured by area of a layer of specified
thickness. Concrete of various grades shall be measured separately. No measurement shall be made for finishing
the upper surface of horizontal or sloping concrete that requires no formwork.

13.3.5 Formwork

Formwork shall be measured by net area of finished concrete face according to the type of finish and, where
indicated in the Bill of Quantities, its location in the works (horizontal, vertical, sloping).

13.3.6 Reinforcement for Concrete

The reinforcement for concrete shall be measured for valuation purposes by the tonne or kilogramme, net
weight, needed by standard unit weights to achieve the requirements of the Drawings. No measured for
valuation purposes shall be made for overlaps and additional reinforcement introduced by the Contractor for his
convenience. All tying wire, chairs and supports necessary for the fixing of reinforcement shall be included in
the rates for the reinforcement.

13.3.7 Brickwork and Block work

Brickwork and block work shall be measured for valuation purposes by net volume or area as indicated in the
Bill of Quantities, inclusive of all joint areas and all jointing material, excluding pointing of external surfaces,
which shall be measured separately by net area of wall pointed.

13.3.8 Masonry Work

Masonry work shall be measured for valuation purposes by net volume constructed, including joints, or by net
area of masonry work of a specified thickness. The payment for masonry work shall include for supply of all
stone, chipping to size and shape, and mortar jointing.

13.3.9 Plastering and Rendering

Plastering and rendering shall be measured for valuation purposes by net area covered at the specified thickness.

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13.3.10 Pipe laying

Pipe laying shall be measured for valuation purposes by linear metre of pipeline laid (net length), including
trench excavation up to the depths indicated in the Bill of Quantities (if not given separately).

Rock excavation required for pipe laying shall be measured as indicated in the Bill of Quantities.

Crossings of watercourses and the like shall be measured separately from pipelines within the limits shown on
the Drawings.

13.3.11 Fittings and Appurtenances for Pipelines

The additional work involved in laying and installing fittings, valves and appurtenances for pipelines, including
all work as shown on the Drawings (excavation, chambers, thrust blocks, etc.) shall be including in the pipeline
installation, as indicated in the Bill of Quantities, up to depths indicated in the Bill of Quantities, with the
exception of the following:

- Marker posts (which shall be measured separately by number installed).

- Fittings for watercourse crossings and the like (which shall be measured separately).

13.3.12 Watercourse Crossings and the Like for Pipelines

Watercourse crossings and the like for pipelines shall be measured for valuation purposes separately from
pipelines, by lump sum for crossings of standard length as shown on the Drawings, including all work shown on
the Drawings. Lengths in excess of the standard length (as indicated on the Drawings) shall be measured as
additional length as indicated in the Bill of Quantities.

Watercourse crossings and the like shall be measured separately by type as shown on the Drawings.

13.3.13 Testing of Pipelines

Testing of pipelines shall be measured by lump sum of pipeline laid and successfully tested according to
diameter and material, as indicated in the Bill of Quantities.

13.3.14 Disinfection of Pipelines

Cleansing, testing and disinfection of pipelines shall be measured by lump sum of pipeline laid according to
diameter as indicated in the Bill of Quantities.

13.3.15 Concrete for Pipelines

Concrete for thrust blocks to pipelines shall be included in the rates for additional work for fittings up to the
limits shown on the Drawings. Additional concrete for thrust blocks to pipelines shall not be paid for unless
required by the Specification or shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, in which case, additional
concrete will be paid for as normal concrete including all bulk excavation required thereof.

Concrete surrounds to pipelines will be measured for valuation purposes by metre length ordered or approved by
the Engineer according to pipeline nominal diameter, as indicated in the Bill of Quantities.

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(a) These general environmental guidelines apply to any work to be undertaken under the Water Supply
and Sanitation Project. For certain work sites entailing specific environmental and/or social issues, a
specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, including an Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP), has been prepared to address the above-mentioned specific issues in
addition to these general environmental guidelines. In addition to these general Environmental
Guidelines, the Contractor shall therefore comply with any specific ESMP for the works he is
responsible for. The Contractor shall be informed by the Client about such an ESMP for certain work
sites, and prepare his work strategy and plan to fully take into account relevant provisions of that
ESMP. If the Contractor fails to implement the approved ESMP after written instruction by the works
supervisor to fulfill his obligation within the requested time, the Client reserves the right to arrange
for execution of the missing action by a third party on account of the Contractor.

(b) Notwithstanding the Contractor’s obligation under the above clause, the Contractor shall implement
all measures necessary to avoid undesirable adverse environmental and social impacts wherever
possible, restore work sites to acceptable standards, and abide by any environmental performance
requirements specified in an ESMP where such an ESMP applies.

(c) These Environmental Guidelines, as well as any specific ESMP, apply to the Contractor. They also
apply to any sub-contractors present on Project work sites at the request of the Contractor with
permission from the Client.


In general, environmental protection measures to be taken at any work site shall include but not be limited to:
(a) Minimize the effect of dust on the environment resulting from earth mixing sites, vibrating equipment,
construction related traffic on temporary or existing access roads, etc. to ensure safety, health and the
protection of workers and communities living in the vicinity of work sites and access roads.

(b) Ensure that noise levels emanating from machinery, vehicles and noisy construction activities (e.g.
excavation, blasting) comply with Ethiopian standards and are generally kept at a minimum for the
safety, health and protection of workers within the vicinity of high noise levels and nearby

(c) Ensure that existing water flow regimes in spring, rivers, streams and other natural or irrigation
channels are maintained and/or re-established where they are disrupted due to works being carried out.

(d) Prevent any construction-generated substance, including bitumen, oils, lubricants and waste water
used or produced during the execution of works, from entering into springs, rivers, streams, irrigation
channels and other natural water bodies/reservoirs.

(e) Avoid or minimize the occurrence of standing water in holes, trenches, borrow areas, etc…

(f) Prevent and minimize the impacts of quarrying, earth borrowing, piling and building of temporary

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construction camps and access roads on the biophysical environment including protected areas and
arable lands; local communities and their settlements. Restore/rehabilitate all sites to acceptable

(g) Upon discovery of graves, cemeteries, cultural sites of any kind, including ancient heritage, relics or
anything that might or believed to be of archeological or historical importance during the execution of
works, immediately report such findings to the Client so that the Ministry in charge of Culture may be
expeditiously contacted for fulfillment of the measures aimed at protecting such historical or
archaeological resources.

In the event that the Contractor encounters chance finds during construction and/or rehabilitation
activities, he will contact (a) the Regional Bureau of Culture and Tourism for chance finds
encountered at the regional level; and (b) the Authority of Research, Conservation and Cultural
Heritage (ARCCH) for chance finds encountered at the federal level. Should there be no Regional
Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Contractor will contact the ARCCH in Addis Ababa directly.

(h) Prohibit construction workers from engaging in the exploitation of natural resources such as hunting,
fishing, and collection of forest products or any other activity that might have a negative impact on the
social and economic welfare of the local communities. Prohibit explicitly the transport of any bush
meat in Contractor’s vehicles.

(i) Prohibit the transport of firearms in Project-related vehicles.

(j) Prohibit the transport of third parties in Project-related vehicles.

(k) Implement soil erosion control measures in order to avoid surface run off and prevent siltation, etc.

(l) Ensure that garbage, sanitation and drinking water facilities are provided in construction workers

(m) Ensure that, in as much as possible, local materials are used to avoid importation of foreign material
and long distance transportation.

(n) Ensure public safety, and meet Ethiopian traffic safety requirements for the operation of work to avoid
(o) Ensure that any trench, pit, excavation, hole or other hazardous feature is appropriately demarcated
and signposted to prevent third-party intrusion and any safety hazard to third parties.

(p) Comply with Ethiopian speed limits, and for any traffic related with construction at WWSS Project
sites, comply with the following speed limits unless Ethiopian speed limits are lower:

Inhabited areas: 50 km/h

Open road: 90 km/h.

(q) Ensure that, where unskilled daily-hired workforce is necessary, such workers are hired from
neighboring communities.

(r) Generally comply with any requirements of Ethiopian law and regulations.

(s) Besides the regular inspection of the sites by the supervisor appointed by the Client for adherence to
the Contract conditions and specifications, the Client may appoint an environmental inspector to
oversee the compliance with these environmental conditions and any proposed mitigation measures.
State or Regional Environmental Authorities may carry out similar inspection duties. In all cases, as

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directed by the Client’s supervisor, the Contractor shall comply with directives from such inspectors.


(a) The Contractor shall be care full during constructing both the main and secondary not to impact the
vegetation along the alignment particularly. Areas dug for trenches and foundations shall be restored
to their original condition.

(b) Generally, rehabilitation of work and camp sites shall follow the following principles: To the extent
practicable, reinstate natural drainage patterns where they have been altered or impaired. Remove
toxic materials and dispose of them in designated sites. Backfill excavated areas with soils or
overburden that is free of foreign material that could pollute groundwater and soil. Ensure reshaped
land is formed so as to be stable, adequately drained and suitable for the desired long-term land use,
and allow natural regeneration of vegetation. Minimize erosion by wind and water both during and
after the process of reinstatement. Compacted surfaces shall be deep ripped to relieve compaction
unless subsurface conditions dictate otherwise.



Within six weeks of signing the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare an HSE-MP to ensure the adequate
management of the health, safety, environmental and social aspects of the works, including implementation of
the requirements of these general conditions and any specific requirements of an ESMP for the works. The
Contractor’s EHS-MP will serve two main purposes:

(a). The Contractor’s HSE-MP shall provide at least:

o a description of procedures and methods for complying with these general environmental management
conditions, and any specific conditions specified in an ESMP;

o a description of specific mitigation measures that will be implemented in order to minimize adverse

o a description of all planned monitoring activities and the reporting thereof; and

o the internal organizational, management and reporting mechanisms put in place for such.

(b). The Contractor’s HSE-MP will be reviewed and approved by the Client before start of the works. This
review should demonstrate if the Contractor’s HSE-MP covers all of the identified impacts, and has
defined appropriate measures to counteract any potential impacts.


The Contractor shall prepare monthly progress reports to the Client on compliance with these general
conditions, the sub-project ESMP if any, and his own HSE-MP. The Contractor’s reports will include
information on:

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o HSE management actions/measures taken, including approvals sought from local or national

o Problems encountered in relation to HSE aspects (incidents, including delays, cost consequences, etc.
as a result thereof);

o Non-compliance with contract requirements on the part of the Contractor;

o Changes of assumptions, conditions, measures, designs and actual works in relation to HSE aspects;

o Observations, concerns raised and/or decisions taken with regard to HSE management during site

The reporting of any significant HSE incidents shall be done as soon as practicable. Such incident reporting
shall therefore be done individually. The Contractor should keep his own records on health, safety and welfare
of persons, and damage to property. It is advisable to include such records, as well as copies of incident
reports, as appendixes to the bi-monthly reports. Details of HSE performance will be reported to the Client.

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Table 2: General Safeguard Policies and How They Are Addressed by the WWSS Project

Policy Objectives Conditions of Applicability and Applicability to the

Process WWSS Project and
Actions Taken
OP 4.01 The objective of this policy is to ensure that Bank- Depending on the project, and nature of YES
Environmental financed projects are environmentally sound and impacts a range of instruments can be Development of an
Assessment sustainable, and that decision-making is improved used: EIA, environmental audit, hazard or ESMF per OP 4.01. The
through appropriate analysis of actions and of their risk assessment and environmental ESMF outlines an
likely environmental impacts. This policy is management plan (EMP). When a project environmental and social
triggered if a project is likely to have potential is likely to have sectoral or regional screening process and
(adverse) environmental risks and impacts on its impacts, sectoral or regional EA is includes an
area of influence. OP 4.01 covers impacts on the required. The Borrower is responsible for Environmental and
natural environment (air, water and land); human carrying out the EA. Social Management Plan
health and safety; physical cultural resources; and for the WWSS project.
trans boundary and global environment concerns. The Environmental and
Social Management Plan
(ESMP) will be included
in the Project
Implementation Manual.

OP 4.04 This policy recognizes that the conservation of This policy is triggered by any project NO
Natural natural habitats is essential to safeguard their (including any sub-project under a sector Sub-Projects that may
Habitats unique biodiversity and to maintain environmental investment or financial intermediary) with have significant adverse
services and products for human society and for the potential to cause significant impacts on natural
long-term sustainable development. The Bank conversion (loss) or degradation of natural habitats will not be
therefore supports the protection, management, and habitats, whether directly (through funded under WWSS
restoration of natural habitats in its project construction) or indirectly (through human project.
financing, as well as policy dialogue and economic activities induced by the project).
and sector work. The Bank supports, and expects
borrowers to apply, a precautionary approach to If necessary, the project
natural resource management to ensure will carry out separate
opportunities for environmentally sustainable EIAs to determine
development. Natural habitats are land and water potential adverse
areas where most of the original native plant and environmental impacts
animal species are still present. Natural habitats on natural habitats. Any
comprise many types of terrestrial, freshwater, mitigation measures will
coastal, and marine ecosystems. They include areas be consistent with the
lightly modified by human activities, but retaining requirements of OP 4.04.
their ecological functions and most native species.

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Policy Objectives Conditions of Applicability and Applicability to the
Process WWSS Project and
Actions Taken
OP 4.36 The objective of this policy is to assist borrowers to This policy is triggered whenever any NO
Forests harness the potential of forests to reduce poverty in Bank-financed investment project (i) has Sub-Projects that may
a sustainable manner, integrate forests effectively the potential to have impacts on the health have significant adverse
into sustainable economic development and protect and quality of forests or the rights and impacts on forest in the
the vital local and global environmental services welfare of people and their level of sense of OP 4.36 will not
and values of forests. Where forest restoration and dependence upon or interaction with be financed by WWSS
plantation development are necessary to meet these forests; or (ii) aims to bring about changes project.
objectives, the Bank assists borrowers with forest in the management, protection or
restoration activities that maintain or enhance utilization of natural forests or plantations.
biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. The Bank
assists borrowers with the establishment of
environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial
and economically viable forest plantations to help
meet growing demands for forest goods and

OP 4.09 Pest The objective of this policy is to (i) promote the use The policy is triggered if : (i) procurement NO
Management of biological or environmental control and reduce of pesticides or pesticide application WWSSP does not
reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides; and (ii) equipment is envisaged (either directly include any pest
strengthen the capacity of the country’s regulatory through the project, or indirectly through management activities
framework and institutions to promote and support on-lending, co-financing, or government
safe, effective and environmentally sound pest counterpart funding); (ii) the project may
management. More specifically, the policy aims to affect pest management in a way that harm
(a) Ascertain that pest management activities in could be done, even though the project is
Bank-financed operations are based on integrated not envisaged to procure pesticides. This
approaches and seek to reduce reliance on synthetic includes projects that may (i) lead to
chemical pesticides (Integrated Pest Management substantially increased pesticide use and
(IPM) in agricultural projects and Integrated Vector subsequent increase in health and
Management (IVM) in public health projects. (b) environmental risk; (ii) maintain or expand
Ensure that health and environmental hazards present pest management practices that are
associated with pest management, especially the unsustainable, not based on an IPM
use of pesticides are minimized and can be properly approach, and/or pose significant health or
managed by the user. (c) As necessary, support environmental risks.
policy reform and institutional capacity
development to (i) enhance implementation of
IPM-based pest management and (ii) regulate and
monitor the distribution and use of pesticides.

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Policy Objectives Conditions of Applicability and Applicability to the
Process WWSS Project and
Actions Taken
OP 4.11 The objective of this policy is to assist This policy applies to all projects YES
Physical countries to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts requiring a Category A or B Physical cultural
Cultural of development projects on physical cultural Environmental Assessment under OP resources will be
Resources resources. For purposes of this policy, 4.01, projects located in, or in the addressed through the
“physical cultural resources” are defined as vicinity of, recognized cultural environmental and
movable or immovable objects, sites, heritage sites, and projects designed to social screening
structures, groups of structures, natural support the management or process outlined in the
features and landscapes that have conservation of physical cultural ESMF. In addition, the
archaeological, paleontological, historical, resources. Environmental
architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other Guidelines for
cultural significance. Physical cultural Contractors include a
resources may be located in urban or rural provision for handling
settings, and may be above ground, chance finds. Any sub-
underground, or underwater. The cultural project which the
interest may be at the local, provincial or screening process
national level, or within the international demonstrates may
community. entail negative impacts
on cultural property
will not be financed by
the WWSS Project
OP 4.10 The objective of this policy is to (i) ensure that The policy is triggered when the NO
Indigenous the development process fully respects the project affects the indigenous peoples No Sub-Project
Peoples dignity, human rights, economies and cultures (with characteristics described in OP entailing adverse
of indigenous peoples; (ii) ensure that adverse 4.10 para 4) in the project area. impacts on Indigenous
effects during the development process are People will be
avoided, or if not feasible ensure that these a financed by WWSS
minimized, mitigated or compensated; and project.
(iii) ensure that indigenous peoples receive
culturally appropriate and gender and
intergenerational inclusive social and
economic benefits.
OP 4.12 The objective of this policy is to (i) avoid or This policy covers not only physical YES
Involuntary minimize involuntary resettlement where feasible, relocation, but any loss of land or other Development of a
Resettlement exploring all viable alternative project designs; (ii) assets resulting in: (i) relocation or loss of Resettlement Policy
assist displaced persons in improving their former shelter; (ii) loss of assets or access to Framework as prescribed
living standards, income earning capacity, and assets; (iii) loss of income sources or by OP 4.12
production levels, or at least in restoring them; (iii) means of livelihood, whether or not the
encourage community participation in planning and affected people must move to another
implementing resettlement; and (iv) provide location.
assistance to affected people regardless of the
This policy also applies to the involuntary
legality of land tenure.
restriction of access to legally designated
parks and protected areas resulting in
adverse impacts on the livelihoods of the
displaced persons.

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Policy Objectives Conditions of Applicability and Applicability to the
Process WWSS Project and
Actions Taken
OP 4.37 Safety The objectives of this policy are as follows: For This policy is triggered when the Bank NO
of Dams new dams, to ensure that experienced and finances: (i) a project involving Sub-Projects that may
competent professionals design and supervise construction of a large dam (15 m or have significant adverse
construction; the borrower adopts and implements higher) or a high hazard dam; and (ii) a impacts on dam safety
dam safety measures for the dam and associated project which is dependent on an existing will not be funded under
works. For existing dams, to ensure that any dam dam. For small dams, generic dam safety WWSS project.
that can influence the performance of the project is measures designed by qualified engineers
identified, a dam safety assessment is carried out, are usually adequate.
and necessary additional dam safety measures and
remedial work are implemented.

OP 7.50 The objective of this policy is to ensure that Bank- This policy is triggered if (a) any river, NO
Projects on financed projects affecting international waterways canal, lake or similar body of water that Sub-Projects that may
International would not affect: (i) relations between the Bank and forms a boundary between, or any river or have significant adverse
Waterways its borrowers and between states (whether members body of surface water that flows through impacts on international
of the Bank or not); and (ii) the efficient utilization two or more states, whether Bank waterways will not be
and protection of international waterways. members or not; (b) any tributary or other funded under WWSS
body of surface water that is a component project.
of any waterway described under (a); and
The policy applies to the following types of (c) any bay, gulf strait, or channel bounded
projects: (a) Hydroelectric, irrigation, flood control, by two or more states, or if within one
navigation, drainage, water and sewerage, industrial state recognized as a necessary channel of
and similar projects that involve the use or potential communication between the open sea and
pollution of international waterways; and (b) other states, and any river flowing into
Detailed design and engineering studies of projects such waters.
under (a) above, include those carried out by the
Bank as executing agency or in any other capacity.

OP 7.60 The objective of this policy is to ensure that This policy will be triggered if the NO
Projects in projects in disputed areas are dealt with at the proposed project will be in a “disputed No sub-project in
Disputed earliest possible stage: (a) so as not to affect area”. Questions to be answered include: disputed areas will be
Areas relations between the Bank and its member Is the borrower involved in any disputes financed under WWSS
countries; (b) so as not to affect relations between over an area with any of its neighbors. Is project.
the borrower and neighboring countries; and (c) so the project situated in a disputed area?
as not to prejudice the position of either the Bank or Could any component financed or likely to
the countries concerned. be financed as part of the project situated
in a disputed area?.

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