Performance Analysis of TDOA-based Indoor Positioning Systems Using Visible LED Lights

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The 4th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the International Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and

Advanced Computing Systems

20-21 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

Performance Analysis of TDOA-based Indoor

Positioning Systems using Visible LED Lights
Aqsa Naeem1 , Naveed Ul Hassan1 , Muhammad Adeel Pasha1 , Chau Yuen2 , Axel Sikora3
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan.
2 Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.
3 Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics, Hochschule Offenburg, Germany.

Abstract — Recently, the demand for scalable, efficient Z

and accurate Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) has seen
a rising trend due to their utility in providing Location
Based Services (LBS). Visible Light Communication (VLC) 2
based IPS designs, VLC-IPS, leverage Light Emitting Diodes
(LEDs) in indoor environments for localization. Among 4 1 5
VLC-based designs, Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)
based techniques are shown to provide very low errors in the 3
relative position of receivers. Our considered system consists
of five LEDs that act as transmitters and a single receiver
(photodiode or image sensor in smart phone) whose position Y
coordinates in an indoor environment are to be determined. O
As a performance criterion, Cramer Rao Lower Bound
(CRLB) is derived for range estimations and the impact Receiver
of various factors, such as, LED transmission frequency,
position of reference LED light, and the number of LED
lights, on localization accuracy has been studied. Simulation X
results show that depending on the optimal values of these
factors, location estimation on the order of few centimeters
can be realistically achieved. Figure 1. Generic Block Diagram of an LED-based VLC-IPS
where 1-5 are LED transmitters placed on the ceiling and the
Keywords — Indoor Localization, Cramer Rao Lower receiver, whose position is to be determined, is located
Bound; Visible LED; TDOA-VLC somewhere in the room.

Over the last decade, the rapid proliferation of wireless readily available inside buildings. As shown in Figure 1,
devices (smart phones, smart watches) has led to the in such designs, the ceiling LED lights are used as
development of ancillary Internet of Things (IoT) ser- transmitters, and a light sensor (such as, a photodiode
vices, such as, Location Based Services (LBS) in indoor or an image sensor) is used as a receiver whose location
environments. Indoor LBS applications can benefit a wide coordinates are required to be determined [7].
range of consumers for surveillance, health monitoring, VLC-IPS designs can exploit the variations in Received
disaster management, asset monitoring, robot navigation, Signal Strength (RSS), Time of Arrival (TOA) and Time
building management, etc., [1]–[6]. However, successful Difference of Arrival (TDOA) of the signals that are
LBS application development requires the ability to de- transmitted by various LEDs [8]. However, there are
termine the location coordinates of a receiver with high certain practical limitations on the use of RSS and TOA in
accuracy and low cost. such systems. For instance, the performance of RSS-based
Among the available options for position determina- VLC-IPS is degraded if the receiver lies in areas where the
tion in indoor environment, Visible Light Communication available light intensity is significantly poor. Moreover,
(VLC) based Indoor Positioning System (IPS) designs, the reflection of signals may also have adverse effects
VLC-IPS, have the advantage of leveraging the exist- on RSS that can reduce the localization accuracy [9].
ing Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting infrastructure Similarly, TOA-based VLC-IPS require perfect synchro-
This research is supported by Ignite, formerly known as National ICT nization between LEDs and receiver to have accurate
R&D Fund, Pakistan, through grant number SRG-129. estimates of time of arrival of signals from different LED

978-1-5386-7587-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 103

5m Let si (t) represent the ranging signal for ith LED as,
LED-2 si (t) = w(t)(Pt + Pt cos(2πfi t)), i = 1, . . . , N (1)
where, w(t) is a windowing signal that ensures non-
negativity of si (t) for Intensity Modulation/Direct De-
tection (IM/DD) reception [14]. Assuming Line of Sight
(LOS) link, the signal received by the photodiode (PD)

receiver is given by,

y(t) = G si (t) ⊗ hi (t) + n(t) (2)
where G is the responsiveness of the PD, hi (t) is the
optical channel impulse response and n(t) is additive
Figure 2. LED arrangement on ceiling of the room
white Gaussian noise (AWGN).
As shown in Figure 3, a bandpass filter (BPF) bank
sources. On the other hand, TDOA-based VLC-IPS do not separates out the individual LED signals, denoted by
depend on the received light intensity and therefore can vi (t), which in terms of time difference of arrival (τi )
provide relatively better performance even in poorly lit are given by [10],
areas [8]. Consequently, TDOA-based VLC-IPS designs
have the potential to provide extremely low localization vi (t) = K̃i cos (2πfi (t − τi )) + n(t) (3)
errors that are in the range of a few centimeters [10], [11].
One primary tool to establish and compare the per- where K̃i captures the effect of signal attenuation, τi =
di th
formance of various systems is through the determina- c , di is the distance between i LED and the receiver
tion of the Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) [12]. and c is the speed of light. Let ri = (xi , yi ) denote
For RSS- and TOA-based VLC-IPS, existing literature the location coordinates of the ith LED. Similarly, let
provides CRLB [13]–[16]. However, such analysis is not r = (x, y) denote the unknown location coordinates of the
yet available for TDOA-based VLC-IPS. In this paper, receiver. The Euclidean distance
 between the receiver and
we are bridging this gap and derive the CRLB on the the ith LED is equal to di = (x − xi )2 + (y − yi )2 .
localization accuracy of TDOA-based VLC-IPS designs. For obtaining TDOA measurements, LED-1 is taken
We also identify the conditions and study the impact of as a reference and it is paired with each of the re-
different factors that minimize the bound and could result maining LEDs to get different measurement sets. Each
in maximization of localization accuracy. signal is passed through the frequency down  converter
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II block, which multiplies vi (t) with cos 2π fi − f21 t
describes the system model that is used to evaluate the followed by a low pass filter. The phase difference be-
performance of TDOA-based VLC-IPS. In Section III, tween the resulting signal and that of LED-1 is measured
CRLB is derived for TDOA-based systems. Section IV (e.g., using Hilbert transform method). Using the phase
provides the simulation results and discusses the factors difference, noisy estimates of {Δdi,1 = di − d1 }N i=2 can
that affect the localization accuracy. The paper is finally be obtained (the derivation is given in [10]). Let,
concluded in Section V.
II. S YSTEM M ODEL zi,1 = Δdi,1 + ni,1 , i = 2, . . . , N (4)
In this section, we describe the system model that is where, ni,1 is the noise in the estimation of Δdi,1 .
used to analyze the localization accuracy. We assume that As in [17], we assume ni,1 to be zero mean additive
there are N LEDs installed on the ceiling. Each LED is 2
white Gaussian noise with variance σi,1 . Let, Δd =
transmitting with an average power Pt . Figure 2 shows [Δd2,1 Δd3,1 . . . ΔdN,1 ]T and z = [z2,1 z3,1 . . . zN,1 ]T (T
the LED arrangement on the ceiling, while the overall denotes the transpose operation). Using Δd, the unknown
placement of the transmitter and receiver is shown in location coordinates of the receiver can be determined as
Figure 1 where 1 to 5 are the five LEDs. We assume explained in [10]. However, in actual practice, the location
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) where each LED has to be estimated based on the noisy estimates z that
is assigned a different modulation frequency, fi , at which impacts the performance.
it transmits its location coordinates. For TDOA measure-
ments, LED-1 is designated as a reference LED with a III. C OMPUTATION OF THE CRLB
modulation frequency f1 . The transmission frequencies of The derivation of the CRLB for TDOA-based VLC-
all other LEDs are assumed to be odd multiples of f1 [10]. IPS requires the computation of the inverse of Fisher

Transmitter Channel Receiver

si (t) y(t) vi (t) Freq. Down Conversion

LED Array Photodiode BPF Bank and TDOA Estimation


Figure 3. Block diagram of the overall communication having the channel noise, the transmitter and the receiver

Information Matrix (FIM), which is denoted by J. FIM –”ƒ•‹––‡”

provides the lower bound on the error covariance of
an estimate of the receiver’s position that is given by
E[(r̂ − r)(r̂ − r)T ], where E[.] is the expectation operator. IL
Since this estimation is lower bounded by the FIM, we
have, E[(r̂ − r)(r̂ − r)T ] ≥ J−1 . In general, J is expressed Š †L
7 5

J = E[∇r ln p(z|r)(∇r ln p(z|r))T ] (5)

where ∇r is the gradient operator. Assuming that
the noise variance is dependent on the PD’s location
coordinates, r, the entries of J in (5) are given by [12],
Figure 4. Transmitter and receiver geometry and angles
∂Δd(r) ∂Δd(r)
Jij = Σ−1 (r)
∂ri ∂rj ment is given as [14],
1 −1 ∂Σ(r) −1 ∂Σ(r)
+ tr Σ (r) Σ (r) (6)
2 ∂ri ∂rj 1
στ̂2i ≥ (9)
where Σ(r) is the distance dependent covariance matrix 8π 2 βi2 γi
and tr is the trace operator. Since we have LED-1 as our where βi is the effective bandwidth of the received
reference signal, the likelihood function p(zi,1 |r) that is signal given by βi2 = (1/3)fi2 as is defined in [14] and
required to compute the entries of FIM in (5) is given by, γi is the received SNR due to ith LED.

The CRLB on the distance estimate di can be obtained
1 1 by taking the product of στ̂i and c, i.e., σd2i ≥ c2 στ̂2i .
p(zi,1 |r) =  exp − 2 (zi,1 − Δdi,1 )2 (7) Assuming that the two TOAs measurements are uncor-
2πσi,1 2σi,1
related, CRLB on the variance of TDOA measurements,
σi,j , can be computed by adding the individual variances
Note that this likelihood function is computed under the 2
of the TOA measurements [12], i.e., σi,j ≥ σd2i + σd2j .
assumption of AWGN channel. Furthermore, the result of
using LED-1 as a reference source is that all the measure- In our system model with IM/DD, since the average
ments of range differences become correlated. Therefore, received power is Pri = Hi (0)Pt , (with Hi (0) as the DC
the associated covariance matrix, Σ, becomes [17], channel gain and Pt as the transmit power), the received
⎡ 2 ⎤ SNR, γi is,
σ1 + σ22 σ12 ··· σ12
⎢ σ12 σ12 + σ32 · · · σ12 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ G2 Pr2i G2 Hi2 (0)Pt2
Σ(r) = ⎢ .. .. . .. ⎥ (8) γi = =
⎣ . . . . . ⎦ N0 N0
2 2 2 2
σ1 σ1 · · · σ 1 + σN
where N0 is the single-sided power spectral density of
where, σ12 + σi2 = σi,1
. As TDOA measurements can be noise. Assuming Lambertian channel model with mode
considered as a difference between two uncorrelated time number equal to unity, the DC channel gain Hi (0) is
of arrival (TOA) measurements, σi,1 can be computed given by, Hi (0) = (Ar cos(φi ) cos(θi ))/(πd2i ) where Ar
from the variance of individual TOA measurements. In is the area of the receiver. Assuming the geometry of
general, the CRLB on the variance of ith TOA measure- LED transmitter and receiver as shown in Figure 4, it

is obvious that θi , which is the incidence angle is equal   
to the transmission angle, φi . Moreover, cos(φi ) = h/di  
where h is the vertical distance of the LEDs from the 
receiver. Thus, we obtain,  

G2 A2r h4 Pt2 m 
γi = = 8 (11)  
π 2 d8i N0 di
where m = (G2 A2r h4 Pt2 )/(π 2 N0 ). Since LEDs trans-
mit at frequencies which are odd multiples of reference   

frequency f1 , we can express fi as fi = (2i − 1)f1 ∀i =

1, ..., N . Therefore, the CRLB on the variance, σi,j , in
our system is equal to,
Figure 5. Distance dependent standard deviation

2 a2 d8i d8j   
σi,j ≥ + (12)
(f1 )2 (2i − 1)2 (2j − 1)2  

where a2 = (3c2 )/(8π 2 m). Once the variances are
known, Σ is also determined.   

We assume a simulation setup of a 5 m×5 m×3 m room   
with five LEDs installed in an arrangement as is shown in  
Figure 2. The reference LED is placed in the center of the 

array such that it is equidistant from the rest of LEDs and

a uniform illumination is obtained. Each LED transmits
with the same power, Pt = 12W and has a LOS link
Figure 6. Results for the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB)
with the receiver which is assumed to be on the ground achieved for TDOA-based VLC-IPS
level. The PD has a responsiveness of 0.45 A/W and an
area of 1 cm2 . As far as noise disturbances are concerned,
there can mainly be three types of disturbances, viz. noise in Figure 6, we plot the distance-dependent CRLB of the
from other light sources, electronics noise and shot noise. system. We obtain this plot by taking the square root of
We are assuming that there are no other light sources the inverse of FIM, J. The isolines of constant CRLB
in our room except for the 5 LED panels placed at the form ellipses with increased accuracy in the inner most
ceiling of the room. The electronics and shot noise can area. From both of these plots, it can be seen that the
be both approximated as additive white Gaussian noises farther is the position of the receiver from the reference
(AWGN) and their combined noise variance is assumed LED, the greater is the deviation of the estimated position
to be somewhere between −120 dBm to −180 dBm as from the original position (the color bar shows the degree
modeled and used by the previous published work [10], of deviation in m).
[18], [19]. We are assuming the noise variance to be The deviation of TDOA measurements also depends on
−120 dBm to be on the worse side of the noise level and the number of LEDs and the transmission frequency of
the frequency of the reference LED-1, f1 , is taken to be the reference LED as is shown in Figure 7. A significant
1 MHz. Making a grid of the room with spacing equal to improvement in the accuracy is seen when the number of
0.1 m, we determine the distance dependent variance and LEDs is increased to 3 from 5. However, the influence on
the CRLB on the localization accuracy of the system. the variance becomes less prominent with further addition
The localization accuracy provided by TDOA-based of LEDs to the array. Moreover, with an increase in the
VLC-IPS depends on several factors including LED trans- frequency, the variance, σi,j , decreases. From the plot,
mission frequency, position of reference LED light and it can be seen that the reference frequency (f1 ) must
the number of LEDs. The impact of these factors on the be at least 1 MHz after which the curve begins to level
localization accuracy is illustrated by the plots given in off. This result is consistent with already published work
Figures 5-7. Figure 5 shows that the standard deviation on TDOA-based VLC-IPS designs. This is because of
of TDOA-based measurements in the system is dependent the fact that when f1 is less than 1 MHz, the mean
on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. localization error is increased as the frequency is inversely
Note that the reference LED-1 is installed at location proportional to the resolution, and it has a direct impact
coordinates (2.5m, 2.5m) at a height of 3m. Similarly, on the localization error [20]. It is worth mentioning

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