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The Complete Book of

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The Complete Book of

Personality Predictions
for Every Day of the Year

Clare Gibson Proof 1

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First published in the United States of America by Wellfleet Press,
a member of Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc.
142 West 36th Street, 4th Floor
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Copyright © 2016 Saraband

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ISBN: 978-1-57715-131-9
Digital edition: 978-1-57715-154-8
Softcover edition: 978-1-57715-131-9
Created and produced by Saraband
Suite 202, 98 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, UK

Printed in China

Author's note
This book is based largely on the astrological principles and research compiled for
The Ultimate Birthday Book, first published in 1998. This revised and updated volume
includes some modifications and additional features. The more detailed compatibility
predictions included for each date of birth have been contributed by a colleague whose
specializes in this field. All predictions relating to careers, relationships and other char-
acteristics will be more accurate if the year of birth is taken into account, and therefore
it is recommended that a personal chart be commissioned if further details are sought.
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The History and

Pr inciples of Astrology 7

The Days of the Year 38

Aries 39
Taurus 71
Gemini 102
Cancer 135
Leo 167
Virgo 199
Libra 231
Scorpio 262
Sagittarius 293
Capricorn 324
Aquarius 354
Pisces 385

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the history and pr inciples
of astrology
It is the stars,
The stars above us, govern our conditions.
William Shakespeare, King Lear (1605–06), Act 4, Scene 3.1

S ince time immemorial the heavenly

bodies—luminaries, planets and stars—
have exerted a mysterious fascination upon
rotated on its axis while revolving around
the Sun; and Galileo Galilei (1564–1642),
who described it as part of a solar system,
their Earth-bound observers. Even today, that the geocentric view began to change,
when the scientific precepts of astronomy if slowly. (The Vatican, for example, did
have come to marginalize (some even say, not formally accept Galileo’s findings until
discredit) the astrological beliefs that pre- 1979). Their successors built upon the work
vailed for millennia, we remain captivated of these pioneering astronomers to provide
by their ethereal beauty and elusive promise us with knowledge undreamed of by the
of worlds as yet undiscovered. ancients. In learning more about our uni-
Ancient stargazers, who lacked instru- verse and the celestial bodies that it con-
ments like the telescope with which to tains, we have learned that many aspects
study the heavens in accurate detail, still of the astrological beliefs professed by our
discerned that certain astral bodies com- ancestors were correct. We also know that
prised fixed formations that moved in pre- numerous cosmic truths have yet to be
dictable fashion through the night sky, their discovered.
appearance and disappearance heralding the Today astronomy is regarded as a sci-
changes of season. They believed that the entific discipline distinct from astrology,
universe was geocentric, and that the posi- which most scientists dismiss as simply
tions and majestic progressions of the Sun, a naive divinatory system. Yet our affin-
Moon, planets and stars influenced the lives ity with astrology endures: Why is it that
of human beings and all of the events that even astrological nonbelievers cannot resist
occurred on Earth. This concept is encapsu- sneaking a glance at their “stars” for the day?
lated in the word “astrology,” a composite of The human psyche, through the collective
the Greek words astron (“star”) and legetin unconscious that we all share, clearly has a
(“speak”). It was only through the ground- profound and complex connection to the
breaking work of such later astronomers stars. In order to understand the reasons
as Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), who underlying this attraction, we need to trace
first postulated that the Earth did not, in the history of astrology through time to its
fact, occupy the center of the universe, but ancient origins.
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especially those that depended upon agri-

The Or igins of culture for subsistence. Thus, for exam-
Wester n Astrology ple, the ancient Egyptians venerated their
Blessed as we are with our inherited legacy supreme deity, the Sun god Re, who was
of millennia of human thought, experience believed to traverse the sky in his solar boat.
and discovery, our current level of intellec- Such megalithic structures as the standing
tual sophistication and knowledge—though stones of northern Europe (many aligned
still increasing—is unprecedented in human with the position at which the Sun rises
history. Scientific advances have enriched on the summer and winter solstices), the
our lives and understanding immeasurably, Native American medicine wheels of North
but have also in some respects detracted America, the pyramids of ancient Egypt
from the awe with which our forebears and the ziggurats of Mesoamerica and
regarded the natural world. Especially mys- Mesopotamia also attest to a widespread
terious to them were the celestial bodies: veneration of the celestial bodies.
the life-giving, yet also destructive, powers Historians believe that the roots
of the brightly burning Sun; the apparently of Western astrology are embedded in w
magical ability of its nocturnal counterpart, Mesopotamia—the Near Eastern region
the Moon, to regulate the ebb and flow of comprising the land between the rivers B
the oceanic tides; and the regular cycles of Tigris and Euphrates, which was ruled S
these two luminaries (as well as those of the successively by the Sumerians, Babyloni­ d
constellations), which helped humans to ans and Assyrians. Elements of the preced- c
determine the measurement of time—night ing culture’s beliefs were adopted by each tr
and day, months and years. In fact, the reg- subsequent civilization, and yet although b
ular movements of the heavenly bodies, and the Babylonians absorbed many Sumer­ian se
their corresponding influence over the pas- sacred concepts, it is they who are generally (a
sage of the seasons, have long been under- believed to have formalized the first astro- th
stood as related to one another. logical precepts. (It should be noted that o
In trying to comprehend the role of there is some confusion as to whether the in
the luminaries in governing natural life credit for the evolution of this astrological lu
on Earth, many ancient cultures ascribed expertise should be given to the Babylonians a
supernatural properties to the Sun and or the Chaldeans. Chaldea was a region of c
Moon, and later also to the planets and Babylonia, and the two terms have become o
stars: the subsequent personification of the interchangeable, although there is reason fo
solar, lunar, planetary and stellar bodies as to believe that the Chaldean astrologers, as b
deities was an entirely logical progression. priests of Baal, were especially renowned p
Star-worship (also termed astrolatry or astrologers. Even the Bible refers to the a
Sabaism) was practiced in differing degrees astrological prowess of the Chaldeans, and a
by most of the world’s early civilizations, during the classical period all astrologers ti
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Ancient stone circles were constructed in alignment with the stars.
n were generically known as Chaldeans.) that of predicting an individual’s destiny.
n It is estimated that by 3000 bc the Mesopotamia was the cradle that nur-
rs Babylonians believed that their Sun god, tured nascent astrology. From there it spread
d Shamash; their lunar deity, Sin; and the god- eastward, to India and beyond, evolving into
­ dess of the Morning Star (Ishtar) had spe- different astrological traditions. In terms of
- cial power to regulate Earthly life. To keep Western astrology, it was the assimilation
h track of their movements, the Babylonians of the Babylonian tradition by the ancient
h built stepped pyramids, or ziggurats, which Greeks that proved the most significant,
n served as both observatories and temples both in clarifying astrological precepts and
y (as they had in Sumeria). By about 500 bc, extending them to Greece’s Mediterranean
- the Babylo­nians had extended their concept neighbors, and thence to other parts of the
at of stellar influence to the individual: they European continent. It is estimated that the
e introduced the idea that the position of the ancient Greeks—enthusiastic diviners and
al luminaries, planets and stars at the time of readers of many different oracles—embraced
ns a person’s birth had a direct bearing on the Babylonian astrological beliefs between 600
of course of his or her life. One of the world’s and 500 bc. The first written Greek allusion
e oldest horoscopes was cast in Mesopotamia to astrology was made during the following
n for a baby born on April 29, 410 bc. It would century by the philosopher Plato. Through
as be some time, however, before astrology’s Hellenistic influence, it reached into
d primary purpose would shift from its role as Macedonia and, after Alexander the Great’s
e a leading form of state divination—used to conquest, to Egypt and the Roman Empire,
d ascertain, for example, the most auspicious where it was probably introduced around
rs time to undertake military campaigns—to 250 bc by Greek slaves.
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The Greco-Roman formalization of cult of the latter deity was particularly asso- c
astrological concepts shaped the system into ciated with astrological tenets, for it had o
one that is recognizable today. The Romans seven grades of initiation, each of which c
adopted the Greek pantheon of Olympic corresponded to a planet. m
gods virtually wholesale, although they Just as astrology thrived in imperial S
endowed them with Latin names. Thus the Rome, so it spread to the outposts of its a
leading Greek deities who were associated empire—a vast entity that dominated much n
with the planets were renamed as follows: of Europe, the Near East and northern o
Zeus became Jupiter; Ares, Mars; Aphrodite, Africa. It was the advent of Christianity that o
Venus; Hermes, Mercury; and Kronos, heralded astrology’s decline, for the empha- u
Saturn. The luminaries did not enjoy such a sis that the former placed on individual free o
simple translation, however. The Moon and will and potential redemption contradicted w
its several phases was variously associated the principles inherent in the latter, espe- in
with Diana, Selen and Luna, among other cially the belief that an individual’s destiny te
goddesses, while the all-powerful Sun was is preordained, or “written in the stars.” The m
the shared province of Apollo, Sol Invictus first Christian emperor, Constantine (ad a
(“the unconquered Sun”) and Mithras. The 274–337), pronounced astrology “demonic”
in 333: from then on, Christianity’s ascent S
in Europe was inversely paralleled by C
astrology’s decline. However, not all parts a
of Europe became Christianized. Some p
regions were subject to the influence of S
Islamic culture—specifically Spain, which a
was conquered by the Arab-Berber Moors in
in 711 and reconquered by Christian th
forces by 1250 (apart from Granada, which a
remained Islamic until 1492). sa
There are many reasons why, during v
Europe’s astrological dark age, the tradition o
continued to be the subject of serious and a
concerted study in Islamic lands, initially p
according to the translation of the Almagest w
along Ptolemaic lines. Between the eighth c
and tenth centuries, astrological treatises [o
from India, Persia and Syria, as well as n
Greece, were also transcribed into Arabic. th
For the ritual observance of the Islamic e
Medieval astronomers. believer, it was important that both the su
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- correct times for prayer and the direction

d of Mecca be identified accurately, and they
h could be determined only by charting the
movements of the various celestial bodies.
al Scientific knowledge was encouraged as
ts a means of attaining tawhid, or “the one-
h ness of Allah.” The simultaneous flowering
n of such mathematical disciplines as trig-
at onometry advanced the Arab astrol­ ogers’
- understanding of the “science of the decrees
e of the stars,” and dedicated observatories
d were established at Maragha in Azerbaijan
- in 1259 and at Samarquand during the fif- Medieval representation of a constellation.
y teenth century. There astronomers worked
e meticulously with such instruments as the John Dee (1527–1608) and Nostradamus—
d astrolabe and quadrant. Michel de Nostredame­—(1503–66) enjoyed
c” Following the fall of Arab Granada to the the respective patronage of the English
nt Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, monarch Elizabeth I and the French queen
y Christians were reintroduced to astrology Catherine de’ Medici and her son Charles
ts at the city’s celebrated Moorish universities, IX. Ordinary citizens, too, consulted popu-
e partly as a result of the influence of Judeo- lar astrologers like the Englishman William
of Spanish scholars, who reconciled many Lilly (who is said to have predicted London’s
h astrological principles with those govern- plague year of 1665 and the city’s great fire
rs ing their own mystical system of belief, in 1666), and printers could barely satisfy
n the Kabbalah. From the fifteenth century, the demand for astrological almanacs.
h astrology enjoyed an unprecedented renais- Even the previously hostile Roman
sance in Europe. Taught as a science at uni- Catholic Church now accepted the sys-
g versities, it was regarded as a vital source tem that it had so vehemently condemned.
n of medical knowledge and treatment, for The dates of papal coronations were set
d according to the macrocosmic-microcosmic according to the auspices indicated by the
y principles of melothesia, the human body stars, while zodiacal symbols decorated
st was a microcosm of the celestial macro- churches, their presence subtly justified by
h cosm, or imago mundi (“image of the world their reinterpretation as Christian symbols
es [or universe]”). Hence each of its compo- (Virgo, for example, representing the Virgin
as nent parts was subject to the influence of Mary, and Pisces referring to Christ’s role
c. the planet that rules it. It was also consid- as the fisher of men). Yet although Roman
c ered a prophetic system, and as a result, Catholic authorities now acknowledged the
e such astrological practitioners to royalty as influence of the constellations as indicators
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around 7 bc); or the “dog star.” A related the- fi

ory is that the three wise men were astrol- p
ogers from Persia, who followed the star in a
the belief that it indicated the imminent ic
fulfillment of a prophecy made by Zoroaster w
(c.628–551 bc).
Another school of astrological beliefs A
reconciles the characteristics of the zodia-
cal signs said to govern two-thousand-year
eras with human, and specifically Judeo- D
Christian, behavior. Thus the astrological w
age of Taurus, the bull (from about 4000 to c
2000 bc), was indicated by the idolatrous a
worship of the golden calf; that of Aries, the a
ram (lasting for 2000 years from c.2000 bc), la
by the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham c
and the substitution of a ram in his place. a
These episodes occurred in the Old e
Testament, while the birth of Christ her- n
Physical correspondences of the constellations. alded the age of Pisces, the fish, predicted it
to end about ad 2000. Because the vernal a
of fate, they never regarded them as agents equinox has slipped over the millennia, the p
of destiny. Furthermore, the roles of the age of Aquarius has been calculated as start- b
planets, with their dangerously pagan ing at any time between 1904 and 2160). c
names, were minimized in relation to those Inevitably, the cumulative result of the th
of the zodiacal signs. discoveries made by such notable astron- ti
It is interesting to note that some com- omers as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe (1546– m
mentators have suggested fascinating paral- 1601), Galileo, Johann Kepler (1571–1630) in
lels between many events described in the and Isaac Newton (1642–1727), was a diver- A
Bible and possible astrological occurrences. sion of the study of the celestial bodies into
For example, the star that Matthew mentions two discrete spheres. Astronomy was consid- Ju
hovering over Bethlehem, guiding the Magi ered “scientific,” while astrology was a dubi- st
from the east to the birthplace of Jesus Christ ous kind of divinatory art. The discovery of th
(2:1–12), has been variously interpreted as: a three planets unknown to the ancient star- g
supernova; Halley’s Comet (thought to have gazers—Uranus (in 1781), Neptune (1846) sc
been visible in the skies around 11 bc); the and Pluto (1930)—seemed to cast new c
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the con- doubt on astrological principles. However, p
stellation of Pisces (believed to have occurred modern astrologers have reconciled such in
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- findings with traditional principles (which

- provide the answers to previously puzzling
n anomalies), and astrology remains as signif-
nt icant and enlightening a subject today as it
er was four thousand years ago.

fs Astrology
R e-evaluated
- During the last century or so, in conjunction
al with the emergence of the discipline of psy-
o chology, the role of astrology has undergone
us a change of emphasis. The work of American
e astrologer Marc Jones (1888–1980) popu-
), larized the Sabian symbols (channeled by a
m clairvoyant in 1925), which impart an evoc-
e. ative image to each degree of the zodiac to
d enable psychological inspiration and illumi-
- nation through free association and med-
d itation. In this respect, “the battles of life A personification of Saturn.
al actually are fought, and won or lost, in the
e purely psychological and intangible areas of also came to believe in synchronicity (“the
- being.... Here, in the individual’s ability to ‘acausal’ correspondences between mutually
create at will, is the dy­namic of his being and independent psychic and physical events”).
e the essence of his functional or actual iden- After evaluating a study of nearly five hun-
- tity. It is with this that any effective astrology dred married couples’ horoscopes to ascer-
– must have its primary concern,” wrote Jones tain whether mutual compatibility was
0) in his seminal work The Sabian Symbols in determined by astrological influences, he
- Astrology (1953). stated: “The statistical material shows that a
o The pioneering psychologist Carl Gustav practical as well as a theoretically improba-
- Jung (1875–1961), who also made a serious ble chance combination star occurred which
- study of alchemy and mythology, thought coincides in the most remarkable way with
of that astrology and its symbols were an inte- traditional astrological expectations.”
- gral part of humanity’s collective uncon- Some scientists are still unwilling to
6) scious—that part of the human psyche that deny the possible truth of astrological
w contains the archetypes, the universal blue- tenets. The noted German astrologer and
r, prints of human experience. Through study- psychologist Reinhold Ebertin (b. 1901)
h ing the horoscopes of certain clients, he was responsible for initiating a new realm
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Arab astronomers during the Islamic Golden Age. is
of study: cosmobiolo­gy, “a scientific disci- Many scientific studies have, in fact, to
pline concerned with the possible correla- attested to the macrocosmic influence a
tions between cosmos and organic life and of other planets over the microcosmic a
the effect of cosmic rhythms and stellar Earth. Noted German seismologist Rudolf o
motions on man...plant and animal life as Tomascheck, for instance, discovered that ti
a whole.” Undeniably, the gravitational pull when Uranus is positioned within 15° of
of the Moon affects the tides. The decreas- the meridian, violent earthquakes some- T
ing Apogean tide, for example, occurs when times occur, a phenomenon that could be
the Moon is farthest from the Earth, while explained by the gravitational influence
the increasing Perigean tide flows when the exerted by Uranus over the Earth’s molten Th
Earth is nearest to the Moon. Since ancient core. And although the French psycholo- a
times, it has been observed that the Moon gist and statistician Michel Gauquelin, in a to
(Latin, luna) directly affects some people’s series of tests begun in 1949, concluded that e
behavior—hence the words “lunacy” and he had disproved many astrological precepts, w
“lunatic” (the latter derived from lunaticus, he did identify a curiously frequent series of b
meaning “moonstruck”). Statistical evi- “coincidences” in examining the birthdates of m
dence indicates that violent crime tends to selected physicians, athletes and high achiev- c
increase when the Moon is full. Why, then, ers in other professional spheres, which n
should the other “planets” be disbarred from he termed the “Mars effect.” In noting the a
exerting a similar influence? common occurrence of a shared Sun, Moon a
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or rising sign between parents and their off- birth chart, or horoscope (a word derived
spring, he also suggested that humans may from the Greek for “I look the hour,” or
somehow be biologically attuned to celestial “hour-watch”). Another type, natural
forces, and that the fetus may unconsciously astrology, has since been eclipsed by astron-
“choose” the moment of its birth. omy. It was used for practical purposes, for
The South African-born astronomer Dr. example, to set calendrical dates (such as
Percy Seymour, in his compelling study Easter). Astrology is still sometimes used
Astrology: the Evidence of Science (1988), for predictive purposes, by calculating the
concurs: “According to my theory, [in planets’ progressions or transits, their future
the womb] we are all genetically ‘tuned’ positions or aspects, and then relating them
to receiving a different set of ‘melodies’ to a specific birth chart.
from the magnetic ‘symphony’ of the Solar
System.” He goes on to state that: “the cos- The Zodiac
mos cannot alter our inherited characteris- The zodiac may be defined as a circular belt
tics but, by causing the actual moment of extending for 8° on each side of the ecliptic,
birth,… [our connection with the cosmos] the path followed each solar year by the Sun,
is determined by our genes.” Many sci- through which the twelve constellations
entists are becoming increasingly willing pass cyclically. It is represented symboli-
t, to explore, rather than reject outright, the cally as a circle with the Sun at its center,
e ancient theory that human characteristics with the zodiacal constellation arranged in a
c and behavioral patterns, along with those of band around the perimeter, each occupying
lf other Earthly components, may be condi- 30° of the 360° circle.
at tioned by the planets. In the interests of scientific precision, it
of should be noted that because of the pre-
- The Pr inciples of cession (simply described as a sort of wob-
e ble caused by the Earth’s revolution on its
Wester n Astrology axis) of the equinoxes—the vernal, around
n There are four leading systems of Western March 21, and the fall, around September
- astrology: horary astrology, which is used 23—when the Sun crosses the celestial
a to answer questions; electional astrology, equator, the zodiacal constellations no lon-
at employed to determine the optimum time ger occupy the same areas and dates tradi-
s, when an intended course of action should tionally assigned to them. For example, the
of be undertaken in order to ensure its success; Sun now traverses Leo between August 16
of mundane (or judicial) astrology, which is and September 15, whereas Leo’s traditional
- concerned with the forecasting of global, dates ranged from July 23 to August 22.
h national or communal events; and natal Therefore, effectively there are two zodiacs:
e astrology, whereby a person’s characteristics the astrological zodiac, which is discussed
n and prospects are interpreted through the here, and the movable.
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Ancient star-gazers from many cultures believed that the ancient Egyptians assimi- “z
observed that the constellations and plan- lated the Mesopotamian zodiac, incorpo- z
ets seemed to follow the same cycle every rating a new refinement: the decans (the th
year, each constellation reappearing at the three periods of approximately ten days into o
same point in the night sky annually. Thus which the zodiacal “month” is divided). Each fo
it was that the zodiacal cycle came to be of the thirty-six divisions that resulted was a
used as a method of measuring time. The equated with an astral deity.
concept of the zodiac—derived from the Many of these deities were allot- tw
Greek words zodiakos kuklos, “circus/circle ted patronage of a specific constellation, th
of animated creatures,” or zoe (“life”) and according to the image that the starry pat- E
diakos (“wheel”)—is now believed to have tern appeared to paint in the sky: Isis, for (t
originated in Mesopotamia around 3000 bc. example, was associated with the creature c
During the earliest periods of astronomical whose shape was seen in Virgo. Indeed, it w
observation, the Moon was considered more is probably this pairing of astral spirit and o
significant than the Sun, for not only were zodiacal constellation that resulted in some tw
the constellations visible at night, but many members of the original “circus” (com- a
ancient cultures venerated a lunar (often prised solely of animals) assuming human z
feminine) over a solar (usually masculine) or demihuman form. By extension, the th
deity. In contrast to today’s convention, it influence of the macrocosm (the zodiacal R
was the Moon’s, rather than the Sun’s, prog- constellation) on the microcosm (a person th
ress through the zodiac that was charted. It is born under that sign) was seen as imparting a
the characteristics inherent in, for instance, w
Aries, to the natal Arian: like the heavenly tw
ram, people born under this sign were said a
to be headstrong and energetic. This astro- z
logical belief has endured over the millen- sa
nia, although modern astrologers recognize c
that many other natal influences must also to
be taken into account. sy
The zodiacal signs were also thought to la
affect human health. In microcosmic-mac- tu
rocosmic thought (“as above, so below”), the a
macrocosm comprised the celestial compo- le
nents of the universe, which were mirrored to
exactly in the microcosm (the human body), it
over which they exerted a corresponding
influence. This belief is graphically demon- si
An early Jewish zodiac. strated in the medieval melothesic figure of sy
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- “zodiacal man,” in which each sign of the

- zodiac is strategically placed over the part of
e the body that it is said to govern. The the-
o ory underlying such representations pro-
h foundly influenced both medical diagnosis
as and treatment.
The symbolism associated with the
- twelve zodiacal signs is reflected in both
n, the Jewish as well as the Christian religions.
- Eusebius (c.260–c.340), bishop of Caesarea
or (the modern city of Qisarya in Israel),
e chronicled the Jewish belief that Abraham
it was the father of the zodiac, and that each
d of the twelve tribes of Israel (named for the
e twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob) was
- associated symbolically with a sign of the
n zodiac. Within Christianity, not only are
e there twelve apostles, but St. John’s Book of
The medieval humors.
al Revelation in the New Testament describes
n the post-Apocalyptic holy city of Jerusalem Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo and
g as resting on twelve cornerstones inscribed Leo—called the septentironal signs from
e, with the apostles’ names, and as having the Latin septem (“seven”) and triones
y twelve pearly gates. Medieval Church (“oxen”) for the seven stars in the constella-
d authorities Christian­ized the name of the tion of the Great Bear or Plow—are found
- zodiac itself to the Latin corona seu circulus in the northern hemisphere; Libra, Scorpio,
- sanctorium apostolorum, “the crown of the Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces
e circle of the Holy Apostles.” They also tried are southern-hemisphere constellations.
o to reinterpret the pagan signs into Christian Each sign is also accorded either feminine
symbols (Aries, for example, becoming the or masculine characteristics, which Ptolemy
o lamb of God), but this attempt never cap- mentioned: “as the day is followed by the
- tured the popular imagination. The zodiac night, and as the male is coupled with the
e also assumed a symbolic role in Christian female.” Each may also be balanced against
- legends, as when King Arthur’s knights its opposite, or polar, counterpart in a con-
d took their places at the table equated with flicting-complementing relationship similar
), its circular form. to that of yin and yang. Thus Aries is paired
g By astrological convention, the zodiacal with Libra; Taurus with Scorpio; Gemini
- signs have various groupings, all of which add with Sagittarius; Cancer with Capricorn;
of symbolic meaning to their interpretations. Leo with Aquarius; and Virgo with Pisces.
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Also important to defining the type of Orbium Coelestium (1544), but by then the a
character imparted by each zodiacal sign belief that the planets and constellations p
is its mode (or “quadruplicity,” denoting orbited the Earth, rather than the Sun, w
the four signs allocated to it, each of which had become deeply entrenched in astro- a
represents a different element), which is logical theory and symbolism. In examin- (
said to reflect a quality of life. These can be ing the role of the planets, it must also be lo
one of three: cardinal (representing creativ- remembered that early astrologers not only M
ity and activity—Aries, Cancer, Libra and regarded the Sun and Moon—the lumi- M
Capricorn); fixed (signifying preservation naries—as planets, but that the existence im
and passivity—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and of the three planets mentioned earlier was b
Aquarius); and mutable (denoting destruc- unknown. For millennia the “planets’ were
tion and changeability—Gemini, Virgo, defined as seven bodies: the Sun, Moon, a
Sagittarius and Pisces). Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. im
Modern astrologers follow Copernican ti
The Planets rather than Ptolemaic principles, but many is
“Observe how system into system runs/ of the concepts popularized by Ptolemy e
What other planets circle other suns,” wrote endure, especially in terms of symbolic o
Alexander Pope in his work An Essay on associations. The original seven “planets,” z
Man, Epistle I, li.25 (1733). And, indeed, for instance, were equated with the seven sa
the extent to which the astrological, calen- heavens, directions, days of the week, e
drical and esoteric systems of world cultures metals, and also—with the ascendance of th
and beliefs interact is astonishing, even in Christianity—the cardinal virtues and sins, e
the light of syncretization and cross-fertil- and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yet Ptolemy o
ization of ideas. Nowhere is this more evi- did not originate, but rather perpetuated, S
dent than in the influences associated with the symbolic significance of the seven plan- th
the planets, elements and seasons. ets. The seven stepped levels that make up a
Perhaps the most significant figure in the Mesopotamian ziggurat, for example, to
the history of astrology is Ptolemy (ad were believed to represent the hierarchy th
c.100–c.170), the Greco-Egyptian astron- of the seven “wandering stars” within the 4
omer who grouped more than a thousand structure (the word “planet” is derived from a
stars into forty-eight constellations. His the Greek planetes, “wanderer,” because they th
key astrological treatise Tetrabiblios, written appeared to move erratically in compar- o
around ad 140, and specifically his Almagest, ison to the fixed stars). They also signified o
postulated that the Earth stood at the cen- the ascending stages leading from Earth to so
ter of the universe, while the celestial bodies the heavens (representing increasing spiri- sp
revolved around it. The Ptolemaic system tual enlightenment). Called etemenanki, the th
prevailed until Copernicus disproved it in “temple of the seven spheres of the world,” o
his posthumous opus De Revolutionibus or “house of the seven directions of heaven it
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e and Earth,” the ziggurat’s seven levels were baby it possessed the corresponding vir-
ns painted to accord with the colors associated tues—and vices. Given the awesome power
n, with the deities (whose Romanized names supposedly invested in them, it is hardly
- are given here): black (Saturn), orange surprising that the planets were believed to
- ( Jupiter), red (Mars), gold (the Sun), yel- be gods, and under Greco-Roman influence,
e low (Venus), blue (Mercury) and silver (the the older Mesopotamian deities were trans-
y Moon). The Mesopotamians regarded the formed first into the Olympians and then
- Moon, rather than the Sun, as being most into Roman gods.
e important, both in astronomical and sacred The geocentric Ptolemaic system ordered
as belief, and placed it at the ziggurat’s zenith. the cosmos as follows: the Earth at the cen-
e In microcosmic-macrocosmic thought, ter, surrounded by the circular spheres of
n, astrologers credit the planets with a more the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars,
important role than the zodiacal constella- Jupiter and Saturn. In a further refinement,
n tions, for it is their position in the sky that Plato (427–347 bc) regarded the universe
y is said to exert the greatest influence over as a “cosmic soul” rotating on its own axis,
y everything that occurs on Earth, as well as while Tycho Brahe believed that while the
c over personalities. While the sign of the Sun and Moon revolved around the Earth,
,” zodiac under which a person is born may be the planets rotated round the Sun. Today
n said to impart potential, the planets are the the order of precedence used by astrolo-
k, energizing factors that activate and direct gers accords with the updated heliocentric
of these innate possibilities. For example, while Copernican system, in which the Sun—the
s, each zodiacal sign was believed to hold sway center of the solar system—is followed by
y over a specific part of the human body—the the Moon (actually the Earth’s satellite),
d, Sun was said to be the spirit and the Moon, then the nearest planet, Mercury, and sub-
- the soul— the remaining planets were sequently by Venus, (Earth), Mars, Jupiter,
p assigned one of the five senses. According Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In
e, to a related theory from antiquity—that of astrological interpretation the planets are
y the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (570– categorized into three groups, indicat-
e 496 bc)—the seven planetary spheres were ing the level of influence that each exerts
m arranged hemispherically above the Earth: over people and the Earth: the fast-mov-
y their independent turning created the “music ing, “personal” planets, the Sun, Moon,
- of the spheres” (as our musical scale consists Mercury, Venus, and Mars; the middle, or
d of seven principal notes). When a human “transpersonal,” planets, Jupiter and Saturn,
o soul descended to Earth from the eighth which revolve at a more stately and sedate
- sphere (the Empyrean), traveling down pace; and the “impersonal” planets: Uranus,
e through each level, it received the attributes Neptune and Pluto, which move so slowly
,” of the individual ruling planet, so that when that they are thus described as having a gen-
n it was manifested on Earth as a new-born erational, rather than a personal, effect.
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The Sun A Day: Friday U

Sigil: a dot within a circle Zodiacal cycle: 225 days S
Zodiacal rulership: Leo Characteristics bestowed: the quest for
Associated deity: Apollo, the Roman god of beauty and harmony; benevolence Z
the Sun, music, poetry and prophecy
Day: Sunday Mars E A
Zodiacal cycle: 1 year Sigil: a shield and spear
Characteristics bestowed: vitality and Zodiacal rulership: Aries (traditionally, also
individual consciousness Scorpio) Z
Associated deity: Mars/Ares, the god of
The Moon B warfare and bloodshed C
Sigil: a crescent Day: Tuesday
Zodiacal rulership: Cancer Zodiacal cycle: 687 days
Associated deity: Diana/Artemis, goddess of Characteristics bestowed: energy, leadership
the Moon and of the hunt and aggression
Day: Monday N
Zodiacal cycle: approximately 28 days Jupiter F S
Characteristics bestowed: profound emotions Sigil: the Greek letter zeta (Z) Z
and intuition Zodiacal rulership: Sagittarius (traditionally, A
also Pisces)
Mercury C Associated deity: Jupiter/Zeus, the chief Z
Sigil: the caduceus Greco-Roman god and deity of the sky
Zodiacal rulership: Gemini and Virgo Day: Thursday C
Associated deity: Mercury/Hermes Zodiacal cycle: 11 years, 315 days
messenger of the gods Characteristics bestowed: expansive energy
Color: dark blue and optimism
Metal: mercury/quicksilver P
Day: Wednesday Saturn G S
Zodiacal cycle: 88 days Sigil: a sickle
Characteristics bestowed: intellectual ability Zodiacal rulership: Capricorn (traditionally, Z
and communication skills also Aquarius) A
Associated deity: Saturn/Kronos god of
Venus D agriculture and time Z
Sigil: a mirror or necklace Day: Saturday C
Zodiacal rulership: Taurus and Libra Zodiacal cycle: 29 years, 167 days
Associated deity: Venus/Aphrodite, goddess Characteristics bestowed: growing wisdom
of love and beauty and maturity
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Uranus H
Sigil: the letter “H” bisected by
an orb
Zodiacal rulership:
Associated deity:
the sky god
Zodiacal cycle:
84 years
Characteristics bestowed:
energy, unpredictabil-
ity and inventiveness

Neptune I
Sigil: a trident
Zodiacal rulership: Pisces
y, Associated deity: Neptune/
Poseidon, god of the sea
Zodiacal cycle: 168 years, 292
A representation of the constellations.
Characteristics bestowed: the Elements
psychic powers, idealism, escapism and Just as the numbers twelve (the total zodi-
confusion acal signs) and seven (the sum of the tra-
ditional planets) are symbolically important
Pluto J within astrology, so the number four
Sigil: an orb enclosed by a crescent; the assumes additional significance, for each of
initials “P” and “L” the four elements (fire, air, water and earth)
, Zodiacal rulership: Scorpio is associated with three signs of the zodiac.
Associated deity: Hades, god of the From classical through medieval times,
underworld and even for some centuries later, it was
Zodiacal cycle: 248 years, 183 days believed that everything in the universe
Characteristics bestowed: the power to effect was made up of the four elements, differ-
transformation ences in form and character arising from the
attractive and repulsive properties and rela-
tionships of elements, as well as the varying
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proportions of the four vital ingredients. divine ruler of the Underworld like Hades a
Solid matter (represented by the element of (Pluto); a god of water, such as Poseidon c
earth), liquid (water) and vapor (air) were (Neptune); a deity whose realm was the air, th
each believed to be inherent in any object most notably Zeus ( Jupiter); and a fire god o
or living being, while fire provided animat- like Hephaestos (Vulcan). e
ing energy. The basest or heaviest element In medieval times, and also in alchem- a
was earth, followed by water, the lightest ical thought, each element was associated to
or most elevated elements being air and with an appropriate spirit: gnomes repre- v
fire. (In esoteric thought, originated by the sented the earth; undines, water; sylphs, a
ancient Greeks, there is also a rarefied fifth air; and salamanders, fire. In this respect, a
element, ether, the perfect element which too, astrological and Christian symbolism so
contains and generates the other four, from are linked, for the form of the “astrologer’s si
which the ethereal stellar and planetary cross” was traditionally used to represent the th
bodies are made, and which exists only in Evangelists: St. John’s eagle (equated with c
the heavenly sphere.) Scorpio and the element of air) standing on th
Although it was the ancient Greeks, and the northerly point; St. Luke’s ox (related th
specifically Empedocles (c.490–30 bc), who to Taurus and the element of earth) in the g
formalized the elemental theory, they had south; St. Matthew’s angel (Aquarius and
inherited a concept so ancient that scholars water) in the west; and St. Mark’s lion (Leo A
believe it stretches back to Neolithic times, and fire) in the east. A
and perhaps even beyond. Some speculate In a further refinement of the macro- w
that it was derived from the early human cosmic-microcosmic elemental concept in E
realization that corpses can only be dis- relation to the human body, medieval phy- fo
posed of satisfactorily by four means: bury- sicians not only believed that each zodiacal a
ing them in the earth; throwing them into sign governed a particular limb or organ, but ti
a body of water, there to sink to the bottom also that four elemental “humors” flowed e
of a river, sea or lake bed; allowing carrion through the body, and that certain ailments th
birds, such as vultures, to swoop from the were caused by an imbalance of these. The th
air and feast on the remains; or cremating element of earth was equated with black a
them on a pyre. Thus the human body was bile, and the melancholic humor; water with w
perceived to be reclaimed by the elements phlegm, and thus the phlegmatic humor; air a
after death, to dissolve into its elemental was associated with the blood, and hence G
component parts, and then to be ecologi- with the sanguine humor; and fire with th
cally reconstituted. And just as the planets choler (yellow bile), and the choleric humor. B
were personified as gods, so most sacred The twelve zodiacal signs are divided g
beliefs elevated the elements to deified sta- into four trigons, or triplicities, each of ifi
tus, venerating an Earth Mother, such as which corresponds to an element: the fiery sp
the Greco-Roman Demeter (Ceres) or a (masculine) trigon, comprising Aries, Leo C
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es and Sagittarius; the airy (masculine) trigon,

n containing Gemini, Libra and Aquarius;
r, the watery (feminine) trigon, consisting
d of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; and the
earthy (feminine) trigon of Taurus, Virgo
- and Capricorn. Each element is believed
d to influence the personality: fire bestows
- vitality and aggression; air, intellectual
s, aspiration and volatility; water, gentleness
t, and changeability; and earth, patience and
m solidity. People born under the first zodiacal
’s sign within each trigon (e.g., Aries within
e the fiery trigon) are said to manifest these
h characteristics in their purest form, while
n those whose natal signs are second and From Kepler’s The Rudolphine Tables (1627).
d third in a trigon will possess these traits in
e gradually decreasing degrees. of days listed in the Old Testament book
d of creation, Genesis (but also, in esoteric
o Astrological Governance of Time thought, with the planets).
Astrological precepts are inextricably linked The four elements are said to corre-
- with the measurement of time—cosmic and spond to the cardinal directions and sea-
n Earthly. Thus the symbolism of the number sons: earth representing the south and fall;
- four is harnessed to the planets, which water, the west and winter; air, the north
al are associated with the idea of dividing and spring; and fire, the east and summer
ut time into “world periods,” a concept that (although these designations can vary). The
d exists within most sacred traditions, from Mesopotamian civilizations distinguished
ts the Mesoamerican to the Zoroastrian, to three seasons: spring, summer and winter;
e the Hindu, Greco-Roman and Christian, while the inhabitants of more northerly,
k among others. Ovid (43 bc–ad 18), in his harsher, climes recognized only two: sum-
h work Metamorphoses I, specifies four such mer and winter. As with so many con-
ir ages, of decreasing levels of perfection: the ventions, it was the ancient Greeks who
e Golden Age, under the rulership of Saturn; introduced the additional season of fall,
h the Silver Age, dominated by Jupiter; the thus harmonizing the seasons both numer-
r. Bronze/Brazen Age, and the Iron Age (the ically and symbolically with the elements
d governing deities of the latter are not spec- and directions. In fact, the Greek word horae
of ified). St. Augustine of Hippo (354–430) (“hours”), signifying the four goddesses who
y specified seven ages in De Civitate Dei (The represented the seasons, was also used to
o City of God), connected to the number describe the four quadrants of the cosmos.
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Astronomical diagrams in the 1728 publication Cyclopedia. o
Spring denotes the time when nature March 22 and 24). By April 30, May Eve, k
awakens after its long sleep. The vernal the burgeoning of nature was evident, and to
equinox, which falls around March 21, was the Romans dedicated their licentious fes- 2
especially significant in sacred pagan rites: tivities of May 1 to the fertility goddesses fe
for example, it marked the beginning of the Floralia or Maia, while the Celts honored 1
ancient Roman hieros gamos (held between their Sun god Beli at the feast of Beltane. In w
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the medieval Christian books of hours, the new one began. The fact that it was regarded
spring zodiacal constellations were equated as a dangerous night, when a cosmic crack
with agricultural “labors of the months,” in time allowed the ghostly inhabitants of
Aries being associated with the pruning of the “other world” to roam abroad, is still
vines, for instance; Taurus with the planting reflected in today’s Hallowe’en celebrations.
of flowers and training of vines; and Gemini Winter is a barren, cheerless season, but
with the scything of grass. also promises the coming of spring, and at
The arrival of summer is heralded by the winter solstice (around December 21),
the summer solstice, which usually falls which ancient civilizations equated with
around June 21, a time when the prospect the rebirth of the solar god, this promise of
of the Sun’s descent and the coming win- regeneration was celebrated in such festivi-
ter caused pagan peoples to burn fires to ties as the Roman Saturnalia, those in honor
the Sun to encourage its eventual return. of Sol Invictus, and the Teutonic Yule. (Thus
Important summer festivals included the the Christian commemoration of the birth
Celtic Lughnasha on August 1—a sociable of Christ on December 25, and the riotous
occasion when the grain god Lug was cele- behavior associated with New Year’s Eve
brated with games and feasting. Traditional in modern times, both recall ancient pagan
summer activities include the reaping of festivals). Other fertility rites, including
harvests sown in spring, and the summer the Celtic Imbolc (February 1), also looked
zodiacal signs reflected this emphasis— forward to the spring with activities tradi-
Cancer, haymaking; Leo, the scything and tionally associated with the zodiacal signs of
threshing of corn; and Virgo, the gathering winter: Capricorn governing the slaughter
of fruits. of pigs and baking; Aquarius, the felling of
Fall is a somewhat melancholy period, trees; and Pisces the grafting of fruit-bear-
a transitional season when winter’s chill ing trees.
begins to manifest itself even while the Sun
still warm the Earth. The labors over which Lunar Calendars
the zodiacal signs held sway reflect this
duality, for Libra presided over the trad- Today the Western world measures time in
ing of grapes; Scorpio over the distillation accordance with the solar calendar, and dates
of wine into casks; and Sagittarius over the its years from the birth of Christ. (Since
harvesting of olives and the collection of 1582, when the Gregorian calendar of Pope
e, kindling. Pagan tribes held ceremonial rites Gregory XIII replaced the Julian calendar
d to mark the fall equinox around September devised by Julius Caesar in 46 bc, inaccu-
- 21, but perhaps the most important Celtic racies have been prevented by restricting
es festival was that of Samhain, on November century leap years to those divisible by four
d 1, when, according to the lunar calendar, it hundred.) Yet many of the world’s major
n was believed that the old year ended and the religions order their sacred calendars by
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lunar months according to ancient custom. the children of Israel, while the Sun rep- it
Archaeological and historical evidence resents Gentiles (all other peoples). At the th
indicates that the Mesopotamian astrono- start of each month, the birth of the new z
mers disregarded the position of the Sun in Moon (molad) may be greeted with ritual it
their observations, concentrating on that of rejoicing called rosh chodesh. Since medie- in
the Moon for the purposes of lunar worship. val times, years have been counted from the th
Indeed, most ancient religions venerated date when God is believed to have created it
the Moon, both because of its constantly the world, that is, 3760 bc. D
changing shape which associated it with Like the Jewish calendar, that of p
the cycle of life: birth (the new Moon); Hinduism is lunar-based, although it is it
growth (the waxing, crescent Moon); matu- modified by the addition of a month every th
rity (the full Moon); decline (the waning, two-and-a-half years to bring it into line to
crescent Moon); death (the “black” Moon, with the solar cycle. Each lunar month is e
comprising the three or four days when the thought of as consisting of two light (shukra),
Moon appears to be invisible); and rebirth positive weeks, indicated by the waxing of c
(the new Moon again.) Another factor in the Moon, and two dark (krishna), negative o
its worship was the mysterious lunar effect weeks, heralded by the Moon’s waning. The d
on the ebb and flow of tides and its appar- Islamic religious calendar is also lunar-based, th
ent effect upon menstrual cycles. It is said from the date of Mohammed’s migration Th
that the Roman emperor Numa Pomphilius (hejira) from Mecca to Medina (September a
(8th century bc) increased the number 622 ad). This is the starting point not only th
of months comprising a year from ten to for the calculation of years, but also for the e
twelve in order to regulate the lunar and month (in this case muharram) that opens a
solar cycles, thus instigating a conscious the new year. Even Christianity, most of so
shift in importance from the Moon to the whose feasts and saints’ days are celebrated Th
Sun in Western thought. on fixed annual dates, retains the influence te
The Jewish calendar (huach ha-shanah) is of the lunar calendar in the moveable date a
primarily lunar, although it includes adjust- of Easter Sunday (commemorating Christ’s a
ments (the addition of an extra month resurrection), which may fall on any Sunday th
between February and March seven times between March 21 and April 25, accord- la
within every nineteen years) related to the ing to when the Moon first becomes full C
solar cycle. Thus ritual celebrations of agri- after the vernal equinox. (Christianity and th
cultural origin, such as the sukkoth harvest Judaism’s shared sacred history closely links ta
festival, do not fall out of synchronicity this date with that of the Jewish Passover, re
with the seasons (the lunar year is some when Christ suffered). n
eleven days shorter than the solar). Such Although astrology is heliocentric sh
is the ancient importance of the Moon in rather than lunacentric today, the Moon su
Judaism that it is symbolically equated with remains an extremely significant force: as te
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- it progresses
e through the Chinese
w zodiacal signs, Astrology
al it exerts a strong The Chinese calen-
- influence over dar is among the
e the Earth and most ancient of
d its inhabitants. the world’s surviv-
During those ing cultures. Based
of periods when primarily on the lunar
is it is between cycle, along with numerical
y the signs, it is said and other astronomical observa-
e to be “void in course,” its absence threat- tions, it is not only extremely complex, but
is ening dangerous instability. is inseparable from the indigenous system
), Of further significance in astrologi- of astrology—one that now rivals that of
of cal calculations are the Moon’s two nodes, the West in terms of popularity. In a modi-
e or “dragon points” (so called because a fied form, Chinese astrology also forms the
e dragon was envisaged as swallowing and basis of the Japanese tradition, as well as
d, then regurgitating the celestial bodies). that practiced by Lamaist priests in Tibet.
n The Dragon’s Head (Caput Draconis), the Chinese astrology, ming shu (“the reckoning
er ascending, northern node, denotes where of fate”), is said to have been instituted by
y the Moon’s orbit crosses that of the Earth’s the “Yellow Emperor,” Huang Ti, in 2637
e ecliptic as the latter rotates around the Sun; bc. He and his successors were divinely
ns and the Dragon’s tail (Carda Draconis), or generated—“sons of heaven,” who were
of southern node, which lies directly opposite. considered directly responsible for ensur-
d The Dragon’s Head and Tail are respectively ing celestial harmony in the realm. Chinese
e termed Lo-hou and Chi-tu by Chinese astrologers regard their craft as more predic-
e astrologers, and Ratu and Ketu by Indian tive than that of their Western counterparts
’s astrological practitioners. In ancient times (who prefer to regard their conclusions as
y the lunar nodes were important to the calcu- indicative), and in order to ascertain a per-
- lation of solar and lunar eclipses, but today son’s destiny, knowledge of the precise time
ll Chinese and Indian astrologers consider and place of birth is crucial.
d them especially important for the interpre-
ks tation of horoscopes. They are believed to The Chinese Zodiac
r, represent the subject’s karma—the northern Although they are said to date back to
node showing areas in which improvements 3000 bc, it is speculated that the creatures
c should be made in life; and the southern, the now associated with the zodiac entered
n subject’s genetic inheritance (or the charac- Chinese astrology around the first cen-
as teristics that stem from a former existence). tury ad, and that they were derived from
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a Western exemplar brought to China by birth, so in the Chinese system the influ- W
Turkish traders. The more conventional ence of the creature that prevailed at the H
view is that they were introduced during hour of birth is said to affect the way in C
the T’ang dynasty, around ad 600, and which people present themselves to others, h
indicated the animals that should be sac- according to the “personality” of the animal
rificed on the opening of each month or that governs the double-hour concerned. Th
year, for unlike the Western signs, these P
creatures do not represent the names of The Rat (da shu) E
the zodiacal constellations. The identi- Polarity: yang D
ties of the twelve signs are explained by Element: water W
the Buddhist legend that before his death Direction: north H
Buddha summoned all the animals on Western equivalent: Sagittarius C
Earth to him: only twelve responded (the Hours of ascendance: 11 p.m. to 1 p.m. a
rat narrowly beating the ox to arrive first), Characteristics bestowed: positive action,
and he rewarded them by naming a year fortune, wealth and expansion Th
after each. The twelve are neatly divided P
into two additional categories: wild crea- The Ox (buffalo or cow, nion) E
tures (the rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake Polarity: yin D
and monkey) and domesticated ones (the Element: water W
ox, horse, goat, cock, dog and pig); and Direction: north-northeast H
those that are respectively yin and yang. Western equivalent: Capricorn C
Such signs alternate throughout the cycle Hours of ascendance: 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. a
of the zodiac, with each yang creature Characteristics bestowed: patience,
paired with a yin animal (the yang rat and industriousness and responsibility Th
yin ox, for example) in a conflicting-com- P
plementing partnership. The Tiger (po hon) E
Although the animals are now said to Polarity: yang D
govern each month, as well as two hours of Element: wood W
every day, their real importance lies in each Direction: east-northeast H
creature’s rulership of a year, resulting in Western equivalent: Aquarius C
a zodiacal cycle of twelve lunar years. The Hours of ascendance: 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. o
zodiac itself is represented as a “year tree,” Characteristics bestowed: power, aggression
consisting of twelve branches under which and impulsiveness Th
the creatures graze. People’s personalities P
are said to be influenced by the nature of The Rabbit (or hare, tu ze) E
the creature in whose year they were born. Polarity: yin D
Just as Western astrology acknowledges the Element: wood W
importance of the ascendant sign at time of Direction: east H
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- Western equivalent: Pisces Characteristics bestowed: sensitivity,

e Hours of ascendance: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. compassion and gentleness
n Characteristics bestowed: good fortune,
s, harmony and sensitivity The Monkey (hou)
al Polarity: yang
The Dragon (long) Element: metal
Polarity: yang Direction: west-southwest
Element: wood Western equivalent: Leo
Direction: east-southeast Hours of ascendance: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Western equivalent: Aries Characteristics bestowed: intelligence,
Hours of ascendance: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. versatility and humor
Characteristics bestowed: energy, egotism
and enthusiasm The Rooster (cock, ji)
Polarity: yin
The Snake (or serpent, sue) Element: metal
Polarity: yin Direction: west
Element: fire Western equivalent: Virgo
Direction: south-southeast Hours of ascendance: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Western equivalent: Taurus Characteristics bestowed: critical faculties,
Hours of ascendance: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. pride and independence
Characteristics bestowed: shrewdness, stealth
and mystery The Dog (gou)
Polarity: yang
The Horse (ma) Element: metal
Polarity: yang Direction: west-northwest
Element: fire Western equivalent: Libra
Direction: south Hours of ascendance: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Western equivalent: Gemini Characteristics bestowed: loyalty, fairness and
Hours of ascendance: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. straightforwardness
Characteristics bestowed: determination,
optimism and fickleness The Pig (or boar, zhu)
Polarity: yin
The Goat (ram or sheep, yang) Element: water
Polarity: yin Direction: north-northwest
Element: fire Western equivalent: Scorpio
Direction: south-southwest Hours of ascendance: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Western equivalent: Cancer Characteristics bestowed: good humor,
Hours of ascendance: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. sensuality and honesty
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possess the potential to produce perfection C

The Lunar Mansions
when in harmony, each element possessing la
Another significant convention to be con- both yang (the masculine, solar, active prin- n
sidered is the Chinese custom of dividing ciple), and yin (the female, lunar, passive e
the year into twenty-eight lunar hsiu, “man- force) aspects. The twelve zodiacal creatures se
sions” (the palaces in which the Moon god- and the years over which they preside are, v
dess resides every night in rotation during however, one or the other—each positive a
her passage across the sky). Each is equated year (perhaps that of the rat), being fol- e
with a ruling spirit and animal, as well as a lowed by a negative one (the year of the ox). ti
Taoist disciple of the immortal T’ung-t’ien The theory underlying the five elements re
Chiao-chu (the first, for example, is the drag- is similar to the Western view: all manifes- th
on’s horn, whose animal is the scaly dragon; tations of cosmic energy (also called ch’i) are
whose spirit is Teng Yo, and whose disciple is contained within them. The elements exist e
named as Po-lin Tao-jen), and whose name in a constant, cyclical state of engagement d
also corresponds to a day. In many respects, a and battle for supremacy, explained by the e
greater parallel can be drawn between these fact that metal implements can be used to it
lunar mansions and the Western zodiacal fell trees (wood); wood takes essential nour- a
constellations than between the latter and ishment from the earth; earth hinders the (p
the twelve Chinese beasts of the constel- flow of water; water extinguishes fire; and e
lations, for the hsiu are said to exist within fire can melt metal. In the reverse aspect, e
the constellations that lie along the celestial metal can be used to contain water; water y
equator, through which the Moon passes. gives life to trees, and thus wood; wood w
gives energy to fire; the ashes produced by th
The Chinese Elements fire nurture the earth; and metal ore comes y
A vital component of Chinese astrology, as from the earth. g
of Western astrology, is the modifying influ- As in Western thought, the five Chinese e
ence of the elements (wu hsing). However, elements are also associated with the sea- th
in Chinese astrological thought—also said sons (the fifth season briefly separating w
to have been originated by Huang Ti, but summer and fall). The twenty-eight constel-
formalized by Tsou Yen (305–240 bc)— lations are traditionally divided among the M
these number five, rather than four: water, four quarters of the universe, each quadrant D
fire, earth, metal and wood (the latter two being allocated a season and guardian crea- S
replacing and supplementing the fourth ture. East is the season of spring, protected C
Western element of air, which the Chinese by the green dragon; south, summer, and the C
regard as ch’i, the breath of life). The scarlet phoenix (feng huang); west, fall and n
Chinese elemental theory is bound up with the white tiger or unicorn (kylin); and north,
the Taoist belief in the cosmic polarities of winter, with a black tortoise encircled by a W
yin and yang, which exist in opposition yet snake. The center of this quadrant represents D
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n China. Just as much Western symbolism is Season: winter

g largely informed by the number four—the Color: blue
- number of the Western elements—so the Characteristics bestowed: compassion,
e elemental number of five is used to repre- flexibility, nervousness and hypersensitivity
es sent such sacred concepts as the number of
e, virtues, blessings and books of ritual, as well Wood
e as the five emperors of heaven (wu ti). The Direction: east
- elements also play a vital part in the prac- Season: spring
). tice of feng shui, which seeks to identify and Color: green
ts rectify any kind of elemental imbalance in Characteristics bestowed: creativity,
- the landscape. cooperation, impatience and lack of focus
e In order to determine your own personal
st element, it is necessary to consult tables to Fire
nt discover, in order of their significance: the Direction: south
e element of your year of birth (perhaps pos- Season: summer
o itive fire); the element associated with the Color: red
- animal sign that governs your natal year Characteristics bestowed: dynamism, passion,
e (perhaps the rooster, which is negative); the egotism, pride, frustration and recklessness
d element that governs your hour of birth; the
t, element that presides over the month of Earth
er your birth; and the element that is linked Direction: the center
d with your country of birth. The element Color: yellow
y that occurs most frequently is regarded as Characteristics bestowed: patience,
es your dominant sign, and thus the stron- practical skills, caution and stubbornness
gest personality indicator, although ideally
e each element should be represented within
- this grouping of five in order to produce a Other Tr aditionS
g well-balanced personality. It is generally (though not universally)
- accepted that the form of astrology practiced
e Metal in India today originated in Mesopotamia,
nt Direction: west the “cradle of civilization.” Indian astrology
- Season: fall is closely interlinked with other forms of
d Color: white Hindu mystical tradition, such as kundalini
e Characteristics bestowed: fairness, determi- yoga, and shares the microcosmic-mac-
d nation, inflexibility and melancholy rocosmic theories that assumed such
h, vital importance in traditional Western
a Water astrology. Thus, for example, it is said that
ts Direction: north while a fetus is growing in the womb two
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chakras (“wheels”) are simultaneously being Constructing a a

formed within the unborn child. One, the ti
twelve-segmented pingala, corresponds to Horoscope n
the signs of the solar zodiac, and the other, Astrologers believe that by charting the ti
the ina, comprises twenty-eight compo- positions of the luminaries, planets and a
nents, each of which is zodiacal constel­ lations at a
equated with a house of the the exact time of a person’s w
lunar zodiac. This theory birth (or, indeed, a nation’s si
implies that people harbor inception), valuable con- c
these dual forms of physi- clusions as to that person’s tu
cal horoscope within their personality and potential, h
bodies. as well as possible future fo
Based primarily on the challenges, can be drawn by th
Chinese system of astrology, interpreting the influences il
the Tibetan tradition differs that prevailed when they th
subtly from its parent. The came into the world. ti
Chinese rat, for instance, The charting of a horo- ti
is replaced by a mouse, scope is a highly skilled a
the rabbit by a hare, and art, which requires a pro- o
the rooster by an unspeci- found knowledge and si
fied bird. The influence of understanding of the com- d
Indian astrological beliefs plex principles and inter- c
is also evident in those of relationships that govern
its geographical neighbor, astrology. Consulting an T
and the Lamaist astrolo- experienced astrologer, or Th
Indian astrology.
gers (tsi-pa) practice any of perhaps taking advantage te
three types of interpretation and prediction: of the detailed, but now readily accessible, c
the Chinese-influenced system of jung-tsi, information stored in dedicated comput- th
in which yin and yang, the five elements, er-software packages, is recommended. w
and twelve animals all play a crucial part; In order to compile as accurate a picture th
kar-tsi, whose origins are believed to lie in as possible, it is vital to know the subject’s so
Hindu kalachakra tantric principles, and exact time of birth, and also his or her birth- a
which employs nine planets, twelve houses place: any variation in these two crucial fac- ti
(i.e., zodiacal signs), and twenty-seven con- tors can lead to a distorted or false reading. is
stellations; and wang-char, a numerological Once armed with the date and place of S
and talismanic system that its adherents the subject’s birth, the astrologer will con- a
believe was taught to human beings by the sult a tabular daily listing (ephemeris) to in
Hindu god Shiva himself. ascertain the positions of the Sun, Moon c
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and planets within the zodiac at that par- indicator is the ascendant, or rising sign (for
ticular moment in “sidereal” time (astro- which knowledge of the subject’s time and
nomical, rather than artificially regulated date of birth is especially vital). Situated on
e time, such as Greenwich Mean Time). An the cusp of the first house, it reveals further
d atlas is also needed to calculate the latitude information about the subject’s personality,
at and longitude of the place of birth, which especially his or her means of expression. The
’s will then be added or subtracted from the planet that rules the zodiacal sign situated on
’s sidereal time to calculate the astronomically the ascendant is the subject’s ruling planet.
- correct time of birth. This information, in The descendant sign, on the cusp of the
’s turn, will enable the astrologer to draw up a seventh house, imparts information about
l, horoscope according to a prescribed circular the subject’s unconscious mind, while the
e format, in which the zodiacal signs occupy midheaven sign, on the cusp of the fourth
y the outer band at 30° intervals, with the sig- house, represents the zenith, or highest point
es ils of the luminaries and planets placed at in terms of potential success, and the imum
y the appropriate points. The tenth and twen- coeli, on the cusp of the tenth house, indicates
tieth degree of the circle are often differen- a person’s lowest point, or nadir.
- tiated by long lines, while the fifth, fifteenth
d and twenty-fifth are identified by dotted, The Houses
- or shorter, lines. Within the elliptic of each Next the astrologer will consider the impli-
d sign are further subdivisions: the thirty cations of the planets’ position within the
- degrees themselves, and the three groups twelve houses (represented as twelve seg-
- consisting of ten degrees (the decans). ments) that hold sway over various aspects
n of daily life, and through which the zodi-
n The Hemispher es acal bodies pass every twenty-four hours.
or The circle is further divided into four quar- According to the mundane-house system,
e ters, or hemispheres, signifying the four which equates the houses with the zodiacal
e, cardinal points: the ascendant (ASC) in signs, each house has a specific area of influ-
- the east; the descendent (DSC) in the ence traditionally dictated by its zodiacal
d. west; midheaven, or mediumcoeli (MC) in sign and its ruling planet:
e the north; and the immum coeli (IC) in the
’s south. Thus the horoscope may be regarded I: personality, appearance and beginnings
- as a sort of cosmic map of the heavens at the (Aries/Mars)
- time of the subject’s birth. The Sun sign, that II: financial concerns, possessions and
. is, the zodiacal constellation occupied by the growth (Taurus/Venus)
of Sun at the time of birth, is the most import- III: communication skills, siblings and
- ant component in the horoscope, for this mundane matters (Gemini/Mercury)
o indicates the subject’s dominant personal IV: the childhood environment, parents and
n characteristics. The second most significant background (Cancer/The Moon)
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V: creativity and children (Leo/The Sun) The Aspects T

VI: health and work (Virgo/Mercury)
VII: relationships (Libra/Venus) Another consideration to be evaluated is the S
VIII: spirituality, inner motivations and planetary aspects, or the angular relation of o
change (Scorpio/Pluto) the planets to each other according to the b
IX: philosophical considerations and learn- number or degrees between them. Because a
ing (Sagittarius/Jupiter) each planet travels through the zodiac at a to
X: professional concerns and ambition different speed, their position varies, and may ti
(Capricorn/Saturn) be determined either by calculation or by a o
XI: friendship and group activities useful device termed an aspect finder. The v
(Aquarius/Uranus) aspects may exert either a positive or negative to
XII: uncertainty, privacy and karma (Pisces/ influence. The conjunction (and the self-ex- d
Neptune) planatory parallel), in which planets occupy d
the same point, within 8° of each other, can w
If planets fall within their “own” houses, be either beneficial or difficult, depending is
they are said to exert a harmonious influence. on the characteristics of the specific planets. th
Yet just as the location of planets within The quincunx or inconjunct, in which planets c
zodiacal signs can cause subtle changes are placed 150° apart, can indicate complica- e
in personality, their placement within the tions, while the quintile (72°) and biquintile e
houses also indicates a distinctive synergy (144°) exert a mildly positive influence. m
between house and planet (the Moon in The positive, or “benefic” aspects are: re
the first house, for example, indicates a The semisextile, 30°=an easy relationship;
self-absorbed character, while Jupiter sug- the sextile, 60°=communication ability; the
gests an expansive, optimistic personality). trine, 120°=great creativity. The negative, or
The houses are numbered counterclockwise “malefic” aspects are: the semisquare, 45°=dif- “
from the eastern horizon, running full cir- ficulties; the square, 90°=a tense relationship; o
cle through the zenith. Those houses that the sesquiquadrate, 135°=stressful interac- b
fall within the eastern half of the circle are tion; and the opposition, 180°=conflict and P
in the ascendant (as indicated by the first), frustration. a
and those on the western are descendant Note that conflicting aspects may cancel c
(marked by the seventh). The houses are each other out. The aspects of the planets P
further categorized as angular (comprising should be recorded in the following order: ru
I, IV, VII, and X); succeedent (II, V, VIII, the Moon in relation to Mercury, Venus, the w
and XI); and cadent (III, VI, IX, and XII), Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune p
in which the angularly placed planets initi- and Pluto; then Mercury in relation to the p
ate particular circumstances, to be modified subsequent planets, followed by a similar ru
by the succeedent and finally the cadent process for Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, g
houses. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. n
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The Cusps
e Some individuals are born on the “cusp”
of of two zodiacal signs, that is, “on the line”
e between the ending of one zodiacal sign
e and the beginning of another, may be said
a to have a combination of the characteris-
y tics inherent in each. Because the exact date
a of the Sun’s entry into each zodiacal sign
e varies from year to year, a natal chart specific
e to the individual is necessary, in order to
- determine exactly where the subject’s birth-
y day lies in relation to the two, and therefore
n whether the influence of the departing sign
g is greater, or (more usually), if it is that of
s. the incoming sign. In determining potential
ts compatibility with others born under differ-
- ent signs, those born on the cusp should be
e especially aware of their decanates, which
must be determined accurately to serve as
Compatibility is an inexact science…
e: reliable clues to harmonious relationships.
p; The astrologer’s ability to predict a suc-
e cessful love match is subject to many vaga-
Well-star r ed? ries and qualifications, of course. Reading
- “We must resemble each other a little in an astrological analysis of how you and your
p; order to understand each other, but we must lover’s signs or dates of birth relate to one
- be a little different to love each other.” So said another can give you valuable insight into
d Paul Géraldy in L’Homme et L’Amour (1951), your relationship, but don’t be despondent
and this appears to hold true in astrologi- if your planetary influences, elements or
el cal compatibility patterns. Cancerians and or polarities clash. In this book the most
ts Pisceans are perhaps the exceptions to this well-starred relationships are indicated for
r: rule, since they are often most compatible each day of the year, but there are so many
e with those of their own sign, whereas most other influences that can interact with the
e people are more likely to be best suited to date of birth (such as your year of birth, for
e partners born under another sign. For water- example) that you should try to regard all
ar ruled Pisces and Cancer, each partner can astrological advice as a potential source of
r, give the other the tenderness and supportive empowerment for improving your relation-
nurturing that both crave. ship, where your characteristics clash.
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Advice to R eaders m
The personality profiles and listings of sig- si
nificant events for each day of the year that 2
follow have been constructed broadly on th
the principles of the Western astrological th
tradition. In discussing the evolution and to
tenets of the various forms of astrology st
and calendrical traditions that were—and p
still are—practiced throughout the world, d
it is clear that no system stands alone: each in
is predicated upon similar, and sometimes
identical, beliefs—especially with regard st
to macrocosmic-microcosmic theory— in
even if specific names and refinements of so
practice vary to some degree. Thus astrol- a
ogy is both global and holistic in its nature h
and resonance, and no variant should be th
regarded as separate from, or contradic- p
tory to, another. Indeed, each could be in
regarded as a vital strand in a richly var- p
iegated fabric. n
There are a number of points that the q
reader should bear in mind when consult- tl
ing this book. The day on which the Sun m
enters each sign of the zodiac is not a fixed a
date, but varies from year to year. Therefore, ra
while the dates marking the beginning Galileo consulting the constellations.
and end of each zodiacal period (sign and C
decan) as given here are traditional, they th
were originally instigated for reasons of nearest personality profiles on either side d
convenience rather than accuracy. This of this birth date may be more pertinent to fo
means, for example,that a person born on the individual than that given for July 21. c
July 21, 1929—on the cusp of Cancer and Each degree (or day) is part of a larger a
Leo—should be aware that the degree of grouping of ten—a decan, or decanate—a th
the zodiacal sign—the correct indicator— system devised by the ancient Egyptians p
may not accord with the day of the month to help them locate fixed stars. Each sign E
on which he or she was born, and that the is subdivided into three decans (the first e
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decanate covering 0° to 10° of the seg- experiences that have shaped him or her
ment of the zodiacal circle occupied by the since birth, his or her knowledge, percep-
sign; the second, 11° to 20°; and the third tions and desires. So in reading the natal
21° to 30°). In this book, the decans have observations and advice contained here,
their traditional positions, but remember the birthday person should remember that
that just as the correspondence of degrees they represent a framework within which
to dates varies by specific years, so do the individual char­acter­istics and predilections
starting and ending dates of each decan’s may vary greatly.
period of influence (because there are 360 Remember, too that we are all con-
degrees in the zodiacal circle, but 365 days stantly evolving, so that while one may not
in the year—except for leap years). immediately recognize or concur with the
To gain more than a general under- personality summary presented, the pas-
standing of, and guide to, the astrological sage of time and intervening events may
influences that govern an individual’s per- make the words ring truer when consulted
sonality, it is vital to consult a reputable later. Do use the space provided on each
astrologer, who will draw up a detailed page for notes of any observations that
horoscope showing the exact position of may be transient, or perhaps puzzle you
the planets and zodiacal constellations that at first reading. Alternatively, this space
prevailed at the time of birth, and will help may be used to record relevant notes about
interpret and draw lessons from the com- friends or family members.
plex information revealed. Astrology does Finally, the question of free will must be
not promise concrete answers to specific taken into account. Throughout their lives
questions: like life itself, it operates in sub- people are presented with choices, faced
tle and infinitely variable ways. The infor- with paths whose direction, if followed,
mation that it yields should be regarded as may change them irrevocably. Astrology
an enlightening guide to one’s potential guides, but does not dictate, and while it
rather than as tablets set in stone. offers sound advice, it is up to individuals
The noted British astrologer Robert to take responsibility for themselves and
Currey urges his clients to remember while determine their own destiny—for better
they are digesting the “cosmic inheritance” or for worse. For, as Paracelsus commented
e detailed in the horoscopes that he prepares astutely in Astronomia Magna (1537): “The
o for them: “Your genes and environmental stars must obey man and be subject to him,
conditions, such as your upbringing, are and not he to the stars. Even if he is a child
er also key influences...astrology can reveal of Saturn and if Saturn has overshadowed
a the impact of these conditions and your his birth, he can master Saturn and become
ns perception of them in surprising ways.” a child of the Sun.”
n Every person is an individual—no one
st else shares the genetic inheritance, the
Proof 1

the history and principles of astrology 37

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The Days of the

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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a Aries
March 21 to April 20

Ruling planet: Mars Element: Cardinal fire

Symbol: Ram Polar ity: Positive (masculine) Colors: White, red
Physical cor r espondence: Head, brain
Stones: Amethyst, ruby, diamond
Flowers: Hollyhock, carnation, poppy, thistle, geranium

A ries is traditionally the first sign of the zodiac. Its ascendancy during the first month
of the Northern Hemisphere’s spring associates it with the burgeoning of life and
the renewal of solar energy following winter, and thus with new beginnings. The ancient
Egyptians identified the ram with their creator deity, the Sun-god Amon Ra, who was
usually portrayed crowned with rams’ horns. According to the Arab astronomer Abumsasr,
the cosmos itself was created when the major planets were conjoined within the sign of
Aries. While the Hindu zodiac equates Aries, as Mesha or Aja, with a ram or goat
respectively, and the Persians termed it “the lamb,” Varak, the Babylonian astronomers
regarded the sign as either Zappu, “the hair,” or Hungra, “the worker.” The ancient Greeks
called the ram of their zodiac Krios, and linked it with the golden-fleeced ram, which in
turn was linked with Ares, the Greek god of war. The golden fleece subsequently adorned
Ares’s temple at Colchis, guarded by a fire-breathing serpent, until it was later claimed
by Jason and his Argonauts. The association of this mythical ram with the zodiacal sign
is confirmed by the shared Greek name for Mars, the ruling planet of this constellation.
It is Aries’s association with the qualities traditionally attributed to the planet Mars—
leadership, courage, aggression, and egotism—that in part defines the personal charac-
teristics of those born under this sign, complemented by those that are suggested by
the element of fire: heated emotions, vitality, and enthusiasm, but also the potential for
impatience, impulsiveness, and destruction. And, of course, the headstrong and active
Proof 1

nature of the ram itself further reinforces these dual associations.

Aries 39

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March 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Zealous Leaders E I E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Neptune
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
O thers respect March 21 people for their forthright
directness and the practical way in which they
approach life. Although they are intuitive people, they
First cusp: Aries with Piscean prefer to express themselves through activity rather un
qualities than remaining passive in the face of a stimulating els
challenge. This is not to say that those born on this fur
Ambitious, passionate, practical day do not possess great powers of perception and eit
reflection—on the contrary—just that they have a sit
Vices deep-rooted urge to act upon their convictions, and to
Intimidating, temperamental, see progress being made. These individuals are often de
impatient attracted to extremes, espousing the highest ideals and be
the most radical solutions, and displaying a remarkable cri
Car eers level of tenacity in promoting them. ult
Soldier, educator, CEO, As a result of their considerable energy and vision, ex
motivational speaker combined with their practical gifts of logic and orga- are
nization, little withstands March 21 people’s drive and int
Skills & Aptitudes
determination to succeed and to set an example for it
Organization, passion for progress,
leadership potential others. Furthermore, they have real leadership poten- po
tial, which they will put to especially good use in busi- mi
Famous Births ness or military careers, or as educators, where they
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685) can blaze an inspirational trail. cia
Gary Oldman (1958) These people have a tendency, however, to isolate me
Rosie O’Donnell (1962) themselves inadvertently from others, for not only see
Matthew Broderick (1962)
can they intimidate weaker characters with the inten- su
Compatible with sity and strength of their opinions, but they are also so
March 18–20, November 22–24 prone to spectacular bouts of temper when frustrated ne
or opposed. Particularly in regard to their personal pe
lives, it is vital that these people relax their standards cis
.......................................................... and expectations and demonstrate the pragmatism of ne
which they are unquestionably capable. By slowing are
down and opening themselves up to others, they will ris
.......................................................... find that they will receive greater understanding and
Proof 1

40 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 40
March 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I E I Outspoken Independents

T he sort of people who will bluntly speak their
minds, sometimes oblivious to the offense they
might cause, those individuals born on March 22 are
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Neptune
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
her uncompromisingly honest, valuing truth over anything First cusp: Aries with Piscean
ng else. Since they are brave and persistent types, they qualities
his furthermore have no fear of the consequences of
nd either discovering or expressing the actual facts of a Energetic, honorable, honest
a situation.
to It is just as well that these rabble-rousing indepen- Vices
en dent agents are generally impervious to opposition, Outspoken, stubborn, brash
nd because few people relish hearing an unvarnished
ble critique of their faults, while those who harbour Car eers
ulterior agendas will resent having their real motives Scientist, researcher, engineer,
on, exposed to the world. It is not that these people IT specialist
ga- are insensitive—on the contrary, they are extremely
nd intuitive, and use this skill to bolster their position— Skills & Aptitudes
Valuing truth, independence,
for it is merely that they are willing to jeopardize their
n- popularity by refusing to pander to flattery or to sub-
si- mit to subterfuge. Famous Births
ey Such uncompromising qualities suit them espe- Louis L’Amour (1908)
cially well to such technical areas as scientific or William Shatner (1931)
ate medical research, in which concepts can indeed be Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948)
nly seen in black-and-white terms, but they will be less Reese Witherspoon (1976)
n- successful in those professions in which interper-
Compatible with
so sonal and diplomatic skills are an important compo- March 19–20, November 23–25
ed nent. In their personal liaisons, the onus is on these
nal people to temper their natural predilection for criti-
ds cism—particularly if they were also born in the Chi-
of nese year of the dragon—and to realize that not only ..........................................................
ng are they not always right, but that they will run the
will risk of driving away those who care for them.
nd ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 41

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0 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 41
March 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Eager Observers E I E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Neptune
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
M arch 23 individuals are fascinated by the
workings of the world—with what makes things
tick—and this propensity is especially pronounced in
First cusp: Aries with Piscean their dealings with other people. Although they will inc
qualities use their intuition and keen powers of observation tak
to gather information, these people are generally too of
Observant, inquisitive, analytical objective and emotionally detached to be truly fired by
by compassionate sentiments and, if asked for advice, ini
Vices will give a detailed summary of the situation as they an
Critical, narcissistic, tactless perceive it, unclouded by emotion.
Yet although they may be somewhat lacking in M
Car eers empathy, human behavior as a whole intrigues those ho
Teacher, therapist, actor born on this day, and they are therefore clearly well bli
equipped for careers in teaching, psychotherapy or, ign
Skills & Aptitudes indeed, for any type of medical specialty or academic mu
Desire to understand human research. They also have the potential to be gifted pro
relationships, possession of clear
actors, for they possess the ability to model their fic- an
viewpoint, intellectual sharpness
titious characters on the traits of individuals whom be
Famous Births they have closely observed in life. to
Joan Crawford (1908) Yet this highly developed capacity to keep their
Doc Watson (1923) intellects and emotions separate does not mean that rat
Chaka Khan (1953) these people are cold fish—far from it. They enjoy he
Perez Hilton (1978) the company of others, are blessed with an infectious ap
sense of fun—particularly if they were also born in qu
Compatible with
March 20, November 23–26 the Chinese year of the goat—and approach most all
ventures in an enthusiastic and positive manner. In ing
their personal relationships they should, however, ex
try to moderate their critical tendencies, and offer en
.......................................................... those closest to them a greater level of unquestioning ca
support. They are rarely aware of the potential their th
stinging words may have for hurting those close to no
.......................................................... them, often unintentionally. by
Proof 1

42 Aries

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March 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I E I Allur ing Intellectuals

T hese charismatic individuals prefer simple
solutions and a direct approach in favour of more
complicated and difficult alternatives, a result of their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Neptune
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
will incisive intellectual powers and their predilection to First cusp: Aries with Piscean
on take action rather than prevaricate. These are the sort qualities
oo of people who make snap decisions—often influenced
ed by their intuitive perceptions—and then stick to their Vigorous, imaginative, confident
ce, initial resolutions through thick and thin, regardless of
ey any obstacles that may be put in their paths. Vices
While the typically straightforward methods of Impulsive, blunt, thoughtless
in March 24 people frequently results in success, it does,
ose however, mean that these individuals may either Car eers
ell blindly follow an unfortunate course, or that they may Writer, social-media manager,
or, ignore small, but important, details. Since they are graphic designer
mic multitalented people, they will find fulfilment in any
ed professional field in which they can act independently Skills & Aptitudes
Action-oriented, rising to
fic- and imaginatively to achieve tangible results, but will
challenges, ambition
om be miserable if relegated to a passive role or required
to deal with excessive bureaucracy. Famous Births
eir Others are attracted to the optimistic, invigo- Harry Houdini (1874)
hat rating qualities that March 24 people radiate, and Steve McQueen (1930)
oy hence they may find themselves in popular demand, Jim Parsons (1973)
us a position which they rather enjoy. Indeed, they are Alyson Hannigan (1974)
in quick to reciprocate displays of affection and, as in
Compatible with
ost all other things, are open and honest in their deal- March 20, November 24–27
In ings with other people. Although they generally make
er, excellent partners, parents and friends, they should
ffer ensure—especially if they are men—that they take
ng care to moderate their natural propensity to speak ..........................................................
eir their minds bluntly on all occasions, and that they do
to not ignore other people’s emotional needs when fired
by an all-consuming interest in a project. ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 43

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March 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Loyal Protectors E12z E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
M arch 25 people are regarded as rocks of support
by those who depend on them for advice,
practical help and empathetic commiseration. And
indeed, these compassionate individuals have a highly an
Virtues developed sense of natural justice, while their strong me
Self-reliant, generous,
protective instincts arouse in them a fierce desire to qu
champion the underdog and reverse any perceived ma
Vices social abuses. It helps that they are also emotionally for
Sensitive, introspective, persistent robust, self-confident and vigorous individuals, who, an
when certain of their motives and mission, will not th
Car eers allow their sense of purpose to be swayed by the ha
Police officer, social worker, lawyer, censure of those who hold conflicting convictions. of
nurse Neither are they afraid of taking an independent— ter
even isolated—stance when convinced of the need to co
Skills & Aptitudes do so. All these qualities equip these people extremely for
Generosity, empathy, compassion well for such public-service-oriented careers as the pre
military, medicine, law enforcement or social work, th
Famous Births
Gloria Steinem (1934)
and this is especially true if they were also born in the an
Aretha Franklin (1942) Chinese year of the tiger. eth
Elton John (1947) Despite their externally directed energies, March ser
Sarah Jessica Parker (1965) 25 people also have a profound requirement for peri-
ods of solitude and reflection. It is essential that they go
Compatible with make time in which to relax and be themselves, away he
November 25–27, December 1–3
from the demands of those who seek their assistance. ers
Since they are loving and generous in their personal pu
liaisons, they will find great comfort in the simple joys th
of friendship and domesticity, but will understandably ap
be deeply wounded if the loyalty that they proffer to fri
.......................................................... others is unreciprocated or—far worse—betrayed. ple
Their nearest and dearest should therefore remember is
that, despite their apparent strength and invincibility, od
.......................................................... these people are also vulnerable. fin
Proof 1

44 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 44
March 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z E12z Perceptive Visionar ies

T o many who do not know them well, it appears
that those born on March 26 are easy-going
people who wish for nothing more than a simple life,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
hly and this is, to some extent, the case. This does not
ng mean that they are intellectually or physically lazy— Virtues
Straightforward, clear-sighted,
to quite the reverse—just that they do not believe in
ed making things unnecessarily difficult or complicated
lly for themselves. Because they are inherently perceptive Vices
ho, and quick-thinking people, they are blessed with Stubborn, narrow-minded,
not the enviable gifts of clarity of vision and purpose, inflexible
he having the capacity both to cut straight to the heart
ns. of a problem and to fix their sights firmly on a long- Car eers
— term target. This mental directness is furthermore Paramedic, firefighter, artist,
to complemented by their vigor, tenacity and preference musician
ely for taking positive action rather than endlessly
he prevaricating. Along with these personal qualities, Skills & Aptitudes
Quick-witted mind, empathy, drive
rk, those born on this day have an intuitive sense of right
he and wrong, and both their human empathy and high Famous Births
ethical standards suit them especially for public- Robert Frost (1874)
ch service careers. Sandra Day O’Connor (1930)
ri- Hand in hand with their intellectual abilities also Leonard Nimoy (1931)
ey go marked qualities of sensuality and sensitivity, and Steven Tyler (1948)
ay hence these people often make talented artists, writ-
ce. ers, musicians or actors. When “off duty,” they will Compatible with
November 26–29, December 1–4
nal pursue their relationships, interests and hobbies with
oys the energy and enthusiasm that characterizes their
bly approach to their work, and thus they make popular
to friends and much-loved family members. These peo-
ed. ple will often find themselves in great demand, but it ..........................................................
ber is vital for their emotional equilibrium that they peri-
ty, odically withdraw from the company of others and
find time to be themselves. ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 45

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 45 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 45
March 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Charming Intellectuals E12z 12E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
A ppearances can be deceptive, and especially so
in the case of March 27 people, who frequently
hide their steely determination and capacity for
incisive thought beneath a delightfully laid-back cen
Virtues manner. Although they are blessed with considerable req
Sociable, determined, autonomous
social skills—in part a result of their recognition for
that more can be achieved by charming rather than op
Workaholic, zealous, introspective
alienating people—they are generally concerned for
less with gaining the approval of others than with th
Car eers following their own original path through life. ind
Professor, lawyer, lecturer Indeed, those born on this day are independent cri
thinkers who set themselves high targets and then ste
Skills & Aptitudes work single-mindedly to achieve them. oft
Empathy, work ethic, ambition While they may be fired by social ideals, those
born on this day are usually far more interested in fou
Famous Births getting to the heart of a more abstract or technical int
Sarah Vaughan (1924) issue and then reinterpreting it in their characteristi- pe
Quentin Tarantino (1963)
Mariah Carey (1970)
cally logical manner—but also with some flair. These wh
Brenda Song (1988) people typically make gifted and dedicated academ- th
ics, scientists or lawyers, particularly if they were also we
Compatible with born in the Chinese year of the rooster.
November 27–30, December 1–4 Because March 27 people are intellectually curious, ob
they are interested in soliciting other people’s opin- wo
ions, but sometimes more because they want to know th
what makes them tick than out of a sense of empa- It
thy or a need to be advised. As well as being socia- to
ble, they are extremely self-reliant people, and cope ble
equally well alone or within group situations. Usually of
.......................................................... supportive and nonjudgemental with regard to their fee
friends and family, they should try to ensure, however, fra
that they do not ignore the basic emotional needs of de
.......................................................... those closest to them when carried along by a cause or th
an enthusiasm.
Proof 1

46 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 46
March 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12E R eflective R ecluses

P aradoxically, although March 28 people are
naturally somewhat solitary and reflective
individuals, they frequently find themselves at the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
ck center of attention and beset with others’ demands—
ble requests either for the pleasure of their company or Virtues
Clear-sighted, positive, determined
on for their services. Other people admire them for their
an optimistic and practical approach to life, as well as
ed for their personal charm and perceived empathy, and Insecure, overambitious,
th therefore turn to them for advice and support. And, perfectionist
fe. indeed, these individuals respond magnificently to a
nt crisis, mustering their great qualities of originality and Car eers
en steadfastness in the face of a challenge and thereby Police officer, soldier, architect
often achieving the desired outcome.
ose Rather than being motivated by feelings of pro- Skills & Aptitudes
in found compassion, however, it is the testing of their Problem-solving, attention to
cal intellectual powers and stamina to which March 28 detail, confidence
ti- people respond. This quality of emotional detachment
Famous Births
ese when occupied with the details of an issue will benefit Rudolf Serkin (1903)
m- them in such professions as the police or military, as Diane Wiest (1948)
so well as in business and the building trades. Reba McEntire (1955)
Although they are blessed with the ability to be Vince Vaughn (1970)
us, objective and realistic in their dealings with the outside
n- world, those born on this day need to feel cocooned by Compatible with
November 29–30, December 1–5
ow the loving devotion of those closest to them at home.
pa- It would surprise those who do not know them well
ia- to discover that these apparently confident and capa-
pe ble individuals are often subject to nagging feelings
lly of self-doubt—which is perhaps the reason why they
eir feel compelled to prove their worth. A stable domestic ..........................................................
er, framework within which they can retreat from outer
of demands and be themselves is therefore crucial to
or these people’s emotional well-being. ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 47

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6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 47
March 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Perceptive Leaders E12z1 E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
A lthough not driven by burning ambitions for
personal success, those individuals born on this
day may—somewhat to their surprise—find themselves
in positions of authority, for while self-glorification is wh
Virtues not one of their qualities, tenacity, perceptiveness and th
Intelligent, perceptive, logical
reliability are. March 29 people typically approach life he
in a calm and steady manner, their laid-back style and th
Opinionated, stubborn, critical
tendency toward self-effacement often masking the dr
critical and astute way in which they observe everything ha
Car eers that is going on around them. Undoubtedly sensitive,
Manager, administrator, politician, they will nevertheless use their intuitive powers like th
civil servant tools, considering every aspect of a situation, carefully als
working out their strategy, and then implementing it Th
Skills & Aptitudes with unwavering determination—a method that will in
Observational skills, strategic rarely prove unsuccessful. So positive and varied are an
thinking, reliability their many talents, that they will thrive in almost any sta
career, especially one in which their observational and wi
Famous Births
John Tyler (1790)
organizational skills can be best employed. ve
Sam Walton (1918) These self-disciplined individuals generally keep be
Walt “Clyde” Frazier (1945) their emotions to themselves in professional scenar-
Lucy Lawless (1968) ios, but are, in fact, highly opinionated, having arrived iti
at their ideological convictions by means of the same su
Compatible with considered route that characterizes their response to on
November 30, December 1–6
any intellectual challenge. However, because they are ful
extremely confident of their ground, they will stub- Be
bornly assert the validity of their convictions, even while th
remaining emotionally detached. March 29 individuals niz
are deeply affectionate and supportive in their personal ind
.......................................................... liaisons—perhaps instinctively recognizing that family su
ties and friendship offer a vital emotional release from th
work constraints—and are valued by their nearest and th
.......................................................... dearest for their loyal and steadfast qualities. ind
Proof 1

48 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 48 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 48
March 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z1 E12z Headstrong Cr eatives

M arch 30 people cannot help but arouse strong
emotions in others—and not always positive
ones—for not only are they larger-than-life characters
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
is who dominate their immediate surroundings but, like
nd their Arian attribute, the ram, will typically put their Virtues
Driven, imaginative, fearless
ife heads down and charge at a challenge, regardless of
nd the consequences. Inevitably, their stubbornness and
he drive will lead them to make mistakes, but these people Compulsive, forceful, impulsive
ng have the intelligence to learn from past experiences.
ve, Such is their relish for experiencing everything Car eers
ke that the world has to offer, that March 30 individu- Artist, sculptor, historian
lly als will discover far more from life than from books.
it They approach everything with passionate enthusiasm Skills & Aptitudes
will in their quest for stimulation, knowledge and success, Working independently, creativity,
are and are the types to make things happen rather than thoroughness
ny standing passively on the sidelines. In doing so, they
nd will either elicit feelings of intense admiration or, con- Famous Births
Vincent van Gogh (1853)
versely, of profound irritation in others, but will never Warren Beatty (1937)
ep be ignored. Eric Clapton (1945)
ar- Because of their great sensuality and creative abil- M.C. Hammer (1962)
ed ities, these people will often achieve outstanding
me success in the arts, although their talents will usually Compatible with
to only be recognized later in life, when their youth- November 30, December 1–7
are ful rebelliousness has been tempered by maturity.
b- Because they react negatively to external constraints,
ile they are unsuited to being small cogs in large orga-
als nizations, and will only flourish when they can act
nal independently. If their personal relationships are to
ily succeed, their friends and partners will have to match ..........................................................
om their strength of character, but will also have to provide
nd the emotional stability necessary to ground March 30
individuals. ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 49

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 49 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 49
March 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Steadfast Progr essives E12z E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
I ndividuals born on this day are valued by their
coworkers and family alike for their calm and
steady qualities. They typically keep firm control,
imposing their logical methods on everything and th
Virtues everyone that they encounter, thereby ensuring that un
Resourceful, realistic, steadfast
their professional and personal environments remain th
organized to their liking. bir
Impatient, temperamental,
Although they work determinedly toward their th
repressive ideals and ambitions, these are never unrealistic or ins
unachievable, and, indeed, the world view of March im
Car eers 31 people is conditioned by the pragmatism that ca
Market-research analyst, allows them to readjust their approach—and com- th
accountant, financial advisor promise if necessary—if this will give them a better in
chance of success. Such willingness to be flexible if pe
Skills & Aptitudes the circumstances require it is an undoubted asset in life
Dependability, pragmatism, the business world, to which these people’s qualities An
methodical approach
suit them extremely well, especially if they were also su
Famous Births born in the Chinese year of the monkey. us
René Descartes (1596) Inherent in these individuals’ desire to effect prog- sel
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685) ress in an orderly and direct manner is their impa-
William Daniels (1927) tience with what they regard as unnecessary com- wo
Christopher Walken (1943) plications—be they impersonal obstacles impeding me
their path, or the objections of others. And while th
Compatible with they will eventually accommodate most differences ute
November 2–3, December 2–8
of opinion in the interests of pushing ahead, the pe
sources of their irritation will first have been sub- th
ject to their wrath. In their personal liaisons, March th
31 people—particularly if they are men—display pr
.......................................................... magnanimity, affection and loyalty, and expect those cer
closest to them to reciprocate in kind. If, however, lov
they perceive signs of insubordination, they have a dis
.......................................................... tendency to lose their tempers spectacularly. ho
Proof 1

50 Aries

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 50
April 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z E A Trustworthy Optimists

T hose born on April 1 exude an aura of quiet
confidence that instantly inspires the trust of
others. Nor is this faith in their abilities misplaced, for
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
nd they are consistently competent and reliable in all their
hat undertakings. Indeed, in many respects they represent Virtues
Positive, organized, energetic
ain the complete antithesis of the fool with which their
birthday is popularly associated: dignified rather
eir than madcap personalities; focused and tenacious Self-sacrificing, emotional, nosy
or instead of flighty; and prudently cautious rather than
ch impulsively daring. Probably the only similarity that Car eers
hat can be identified between the archetypal jester and Volunteer, principal, CEO
m- those born on this day is the affection that they arouse
ter in other people. They are admired for their typically Skills & Aptitudes
if perceptive, methodical and determined approach to Goal-orientation, orderly mindset,
in life, an approach, moreover, that is always positive. systematic approach
ies And, although their main motivation is to achieve
so success in everything that they do, their ideals are Famous Births
Sergei Rachmaninov (1837)
usually realistic and rarely prompted by a desire for Toshiro Mifune (1920)
g- self-aggrandizement. Debbie Reynolds (1932)
pa- Because they are primarily task-oriented, they Susan Boyle (1961)
m- work equally well as independent agents or as team
ng members, and in the latter situation will often find Compatible with
ile themselves elected to leadership positions—a trib- November 3–4, December 3–9
ces ute to their great professionalism, thoughtfulness and
he personal magnetism. So varied are their talents that
b- they will usually excel in any career they choose, but
ch they are probably best suited to those fields in which
ay practical action is required. They generally make con-
ose cerned and caring partners, parents and friends, whose ..........................................................
er, loved ones rely on their unfailing support. An inherent
ea disadvantage of being regarded as a pillar of strength,
however, is that their own emotional needs may not be ..........................................................
perceived or nurtured by others.
Proof 1

Aries 51

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 51 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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0 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 51
April 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fanciful Philanthropists E A E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
I nherent in the characters of those born on April 2
is a curious mixture of prodigious organizational
skills and extreme idealism that almost tends toward
the otherworldly. Hence although they exhibit a do
Virtues propensity for taking direct and practical action—a de
Generous, earnest, strong-willed
gift of their ruling planet, Mars—the causes that fire ch
them may seem to others to be inadvisable at best, pe
Dramatic, controversial, outspoken
and ludicrously fanciful at worst. Because those born str
on this day possess an intuitive sense of social justice an
Car eers and therefore feel compelled to channel their energies an
Political activist, investigative toward protecting the vulnerable, weak or abused, their su
reporter, nonprofit organizer ambitions are typically of the humanitarian variety. po
The problem, however, is that while their motivations als
Skills & Aptitudes are eminently laudable, they have difficulty in inspiring oth
Organization, dependability, others with a similar sense of zeal in the pursuit of their an
protective attitude mission. It may be that they express their convictions op
too forcibly and hence frighten more cautious types, or th
Famous Births
Emile Zola (1840)
when in the thrall of all-encompassing visions appear of
Marvin Gaye (1939) to lose their sense of realism and thus fail to convince ma
Emmylou Harris (1947) others of the veracity of their beliefs. alt
Michael Fassbender (1977) Professionally, they find greatest satisfaction in as
those situations in which they can promote their pro-
Compatible with gressive visions, but not necessarily within conven- pre
November 3–4, December 4–10
tional structures—they are too libertarian to submit pla
to someone else’s party line or method. When they go
can express themselves independently—especially as ins
writers or artists—however, they have the potential to or
achieve success and acclaim, although the recognition ba
.......................................................... of others will probably not come immediately. During ing
all of life’s trials, they find enormous solace in the close the
emotional bonds that they typically form, and they are tha
.......................................................... valued by their nearest and dearest for the loving con- tio
cern that they display. the
Proof 1

52 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 52 14/7/16 5:34 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 52
April 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A E A Sociable Leaders

T hose born on April 3 are highly sociable
individuals, who enjoy surrounding themselves
with other people and directing their activities. They
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
a do not necessarily crave leadership positions out of a
—a desire to dominate, merely that their energy, natural Virtues
Perceptive, empathetic, inspiring
fire charisma and strong views tend to attract less vibrant
st, people. It is, however, indubitably the case that these
rn strong-minded people believe that their convictions Oversensitive, headstrong, ornery
ice and organizational methods are unquestionably correct
ies and therefore seek to promote them by enlisting the Car eers
eir support of those around them. Their considerable Senator, movie director, actor
ty. powers of persuasion are aided by intuitive gifts that
ns also play a large part in informing their opinions: Skills & Aptitudes
ng others’ moods are assessed and then their own words Team leader, persuasive skills,
eir and actions are adjusted appropriately to achieve motivational ability
ns optimum results. Such interpersonal skills equip
or them well for positions in which they can take charge Famous Births
Marlon Brando and
ear of teams, and their capabilities are such that they Doris Day (1924)
nce may achieve success in any profession they choose, Jane Goodall (1934)
although they have the potential to star especially well Alec Baldwin (1958)
in as politicians, movie directors or actors. Eddie Murphy (1961)
o- There are dangers inherent in their self-certainty and
n- predilection to guide others. Although they usually dis- Compatible with
November 4–6, December 5–11
mit play a sunny, outgoing face to the world when things are
ey going their way, in difficult situations their introverted,
as insecure side comes to the fore. When they are crossed
to or let down by others, they have a tendency to react
on badly, typically either exploding with anger, or retreat-
ng ing into their shell and brooding introspectively over ..........................................................
ose the cause of their annoyance. It is therefore important
are that they become more realistic in their personal rela-
n- tionships, and do not punish others who fail to meet ..........................................................
their own sometimes unreasonably high expectations.
Proof 1

Aries 53

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 53 14/7/16 5:34 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
2 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 53
April 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Strong-willed Paradoxes E A E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
U nderlying all of the actions of those born on
April 4 is a compulsion to effect their visions,
and to do so on their own terms. Their ambitions may
well be humanitarian ones, for these protective people am
Virtues typically exhibit great compassion and kindness to em
Strategic, decisive, ambitious
the vulnerable as a collective entity, and may therefore set
become fired with enthusiasm to implement social th
Introspective, egocentric, inflexible
progress. Surprisingly, however, they are less empathetic pr
toward individuals. This apparent paradox may have ins
Car eers various explanations: they may feel that the concerns pe
Accountant, literary professor, of those closest to them are less urgent or serious than oth
cultural-events coordinator those of the world’s downtrodden as a whole; they may all
have a misplaced suspicion of others’ motives as a result
Skills & Aptitudes of disappointments experienced in the past; or they mo
Coordination, strategy, ability to may simply be uninterested in the problems of those ye
produce successful outcomes for whom they do not feel personal sympathy. When th
they are inspired, however, they will typically throw ac
Famous Births
Hans Richter (1843)
their considerable energies, tenacity and organizational be
Muddy Waters (1915) talents into a project, giving them immense potential co
Maya Angelou (1928) for success, especially in the business and financial dig
Robert Downey, Jr. (1965) spheres, but also in the literary and performing arts. fas
Those born on this day possess a great sense of po
Compatible with self-certainty; so convinced are they of the veracity of
November 5–7, December 6–12
their convictions and approach to life that they expect int
others to conform to their views unquestioningly. th
Although they are typically affectionate and involved th
parents, partners and friends, they tend to demand be
that their personal liaisons operate on the terms that typ
.......................................................... they have set. Just as they impatiently dismiss the Pa
validity of alternative opinions in the workplace, so do ma
they regard any incidences of nonconformity by their of
.......................................................... nearest and dearest as tantamount to betrayal—an tio
emotional reaction that they must strive to temper. th
Proof 1

54 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 54 14/7/16 5:34 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 54
April 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A E A Ear nest Idealists

T hose born on this day are admired for their
strength of purpose and the forceful, determined
way in which they work toward achieving their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
ple ambitions. Indeed, once enthralled by the light
to emanating from a star of inspiration, they will firmly Virtues
Intellectual, visionary, methodical
ore set their eyes on their vision and refuse to allow
ial themselves to be deflected from making steady
tic progress toward its attainment. The motivations that Focused, imbalanced,
ave inspire such tenacity may be varied: some April 5 self-absorbed
ns people are fired by a social or humanitarian mission,
an others by their desire to achieve perfect artistry, while Car eers
may all yearn to be the best. Social worker, sculptor, athletic
ult This determination to achieve their goals is even coach
hey more pronounced in those also born in the Chinese
ose year of the dragon. The urge to climb to the top of Skills & Aptitudes
en their professions is not fuelled by personal vanity or Persistence, pursuit of aims,
unshakable nature
ow a craving to be showered with acclaim: rather it arises
nal because they are perfectionists and feel compelled to Famous Births
ial conquer any challenge that presents itself. Their pro- Booker T. Washington (1856)
ial digious organizational powers, as well as their stead- Bette Davis (1908)
fast and logical approach, bestow on them enormous Colin Powell (1937)
of potential to realize their lofty aims. Pharrell Williams (1973)
of Despite the seriousness that they accord to their
ect intellectual pursuits, they are not wholly absorbed by Compatible with
November 6–8, December 6–13
gly. their work and, when “off duty,” play hard and enjoy
ed themselves. They are caring friends and family mem-
nd bers, who enjoy bringing pleasure to others and are
hat typically extremely indulgent with their children.
he Particularly for the men, however, their attention ..........................................................
do may frequently be distracted by the irresistible lure
eir of their impersonal ambitions, and insufficient atten-
an tion may be paid to meeting the emotional needs of ..........................................................
their intimate associates.
Proof 1

Aries 55

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 55 14/7/16 5:34 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 55
April 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Enlightened Intellectuals E A E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
T he driving force behind those born on April 6 is
their restless quest for knowledge, their urge to
uncover the true nature of a person or situation. And,
because they learn from experience, the discoveries tow
Virtues that they make upon their voyages of learning not wh
Multitalented, scholarly, logical
only inform their future actions, but also bestow ind
upon them the ability to be open-minded, and to th
Single-minded, easily distracted,
accept the possibility of sometimes otherworldly oth
restless concepts. W
Yet despite their intellectual restlessness, these peo- ab
Car eers ple are by no means deficient in staying power, and or,
Mathematician, astrophysicist, when they meet a subject that truly absorbs their tas
pianist interest, they will employ their considerable powers of inv
logic, mental organization and tenacity in analyzing an
Skills & Aptitudes and subsequently building upon their findings. en
Observation, dedication, Such talents give those individuals born on April ru
well-rounded personality
6 the potential to be real innovators, especially in th
Famous Births the scientific field, although since they are typically wh
Harry Houdini (1874) all-rounders, they may also make gifted musicians, tem
James Dewey Watson (1928) writers, researchers or even philosophers. th
Merle Haggard (1937) Indeed, such is the variety of talents and interests
Bob Marley (1945) with which they are blessed that those born on April th
6 may initially have difficulty in either settling on ces
Compatible with their life’s vocation or committing to a life partner. th
November 7–9, December 7–14
Once they are finally established in a stable domestic th
situation they generally make loyal and supportive ma
partners and family members, and are particularly au
cherished as generous and indulgent parents. The us
.......................................................... irresistible siren call of a fascinating idea, however, ge
may cause them to drop everything in its hot pursuit, sh
which can temporarily distract them from their par- ru
.......................................................... enting duties. th
Proof 1

56 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 56 14/7/16 5:34 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 56
April 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A E A Passionate Visionar ies

to T here are two distinct sides to the characters of
those born on April 7: a positive and idealistic
side, which inspires them to work unstintingly
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
ies toward progress; and a more negative, impatient side,
not which has a tendency to manifest itself when these Virtues
Motivated, confident, progressive
ow individuals are frustrated. Although it may seem that
to these characteristics are in direct opposition to each
dly other, they are, in fact, interlinked by cause and effect.
Aggressive, combative,
When April 7 people are seized by the desire to bring
o- about improvement—be it in the humanitarian sphere
nd or, more specifically, with regard to a work-related
Car eers
eir task—they will enthusiastically and whole-heartedly Medical-research analyst, band
of invest their considerable gifts of imagination, logic director, playwright
ng and tenacity into the project. When, however, they
encounter obstacles in their paths, they are prone to Skills & Aptitudes
ril rush headlong at them, and then, like the Arian goat Invest without equivocation,
in that is their astrological attribute, explode with anger hardworking, progressive
lly when their repeated butts fail to clear the way. This
Famous Births
ns, temperamental reaction is even more pronounced if
William Wordsworth (1770)
they were also born in the Chinese year of the dragon. Wayne Rogers (1933)
sts The talents of those born on April 7 are versatile: Francis Ford Coppola (1939)
ril their idealism and sensitivity indicates potential suc- Jackie Chan (1954)
on cess in literary, musical and dramatic pursuits, while
er. their inquiring minds and methodical approach suits Compatible with
tic them for scientific research. In whatever field they November 8–10, December 7–14
ve make their profession, they need to be given as much
rly autonomy as possible; they make good leaders, but
The usually only on their own terms. Similarly, although
er, generally sunny and relaxed in their personal relation- ..........................................................
uit, ships, they will chafe if restricted by others’ ground
ar- rules—especially in adolescence—and here again, if
things are not going their way, they are prone to tem- ..........................................................
peramental outbursts.
Proof 1

Aries 57

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 57 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 57
April 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Compassionate Moralists E A E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
T he ambitions that fuel the actions of those born
on April 8 are rather noble ones, for they yearn
to bring about global improvement, especially in social
issues. Their humanitarian concerns and consequent are
Virtues ideals are motivated in part by feelings of compassion co
Benevolent, empathetic, protective
for unfortunate individuals suffering abuse, and in pr
part by their inherent recognition of what is correct dr
and morally just behavior. Such characteristics and for
Sacrificing, distant, stubborn
ideals equip them especially well for careers in the ide
judiciary, military or other law-enforcement agencies, Su
Car eers
Judge, military officer, police officer but the attainment of sporting goals is also starred as
by this day and, whether or not they pursue athletics su
Skills & Aptitudes professionally, most will derive great enjoyment from
Vigilance, compassion, standing up energetic physical pursuits. In the great race of life, wh
for team members these strong-willed individuals typically map out no
well-considered and direct courses of action, which de
Famous Births they then follow single-mindedly, a strategy that tic
Betty Ford (1918)
augurs well for success. eit
John Gavin (1931)
Patricia Arquette (1968) Despite their great empathy, the incisive and logi- in
Chris Kyle (1974) cal intellects of those born on April 8, as well as their su
desire to effect justice, give them a propensity to see
Compatible with the world in black-and-white terms, impatiently dis- en
November 9–11, December 8–15 missing the myriad shades of gray opinion as being th
manifestations of mental and emotional confusion, im
or even unequivocally wrong. Since they further- su
more keep their emotions on a tight leash, they may th
appear to others to be somewhat remote, lofty beings im
who find it hard to form truly intimate relationships. off
.......................................................... When among trusted friends and family members th
they are, however, generally deeply loyal and affec- do
tionate, and may develop a specially close rapport with am
.......................................................... their children. of
Proof 1

58 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 58 14/7/16 5:34 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 58
April 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A E A Practical Progr essives

T hose born on April 9 are resolutely practical,
preferring action to reflection, and displaying
great vigor and competence in the process. They
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
ent are not given to abstract ideological visions, instead
on concentrating upon the immediate aims of their Virtues
Energetic, focused, ambitious
in professional and domestic lives. In doing so, their
ect drive, tenacity and strength of purpose come to the
nd fore, and their capacity for organizing both their own Stubborn, opinionated,
he ideas and other people’s resources is put to good use. overbearing
es, Such methodical and determined qualities, as well
ed as a remarkable clarity of focus, augur well for their Car eers
ics success. Mechanic, pharmacist, business
om However, their tendency to see things in black-and- manager
fe, white terms, and their impatience with those who do
out not concur with their approach may ultimately hin- Skills & Aptitudes
ch der their progress. Because they manifest both artis- Efficiency, practical skills,
organizational skills
hat tic and scientific talents, they are suited to careers in
either field, but will probably find greatest satisfaction Famous Births
gi- in those areas where tangible results can be achieved, Tom Lehrer (1928)
eir such as in business, the military or as mechanics. Dennis Quaid (1954)
ee Many of those born on this day regard their home Paulina Porizkova (1957)
is- environment as being of greater importance than Marc Jacobs (1963)
ng their careers, and they will typically run it—and their
on, immediate family—with enormous efficiency. Indeed, Compatible with
November 10–11, December 8–15
er- such is their energy and compulsion to be active, that
ay they frequently devote their leisure hours to home
ngs improvements and other domestic activities. While
ps. offering considerable practical support and stability to
ers those nearest to them, they do have a propensity to ..........................................................
ec- dominate their loved ones, and should try to develop
th a more relaxed and accepting view of any differences
of opinion. ..........................................................
Proof 1

Aries 59

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 59 14/7/16 5:34 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 59
April 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Car eful Risk-takers E A E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Second decan: Personal planet is Sun
W hatever it is that especially motivates those
born on April 10—be it a humanitarian,
spiritual, scientific or artistic vision—they will
typically devote all of their single-minded attention or
Virtues and enormous energy to its exploration, shrewdly by
Observant, strategic, logical
examining its inherent aspects in minute detail and ch
then evolving a soundly considered plan of action the
Obsessive, dogmatic, zealous
with which to take it farther. wh
Although they are geared toward achieving results, im
Car eers these pragmatic people are rarely impulsive, and to
Stockbroker, advertising director, will first employ their incisive intellects and prac- the
copywriter tical skills in researching and formulating the most pro
feasible strategy with which to realize their ambi- int
Skills & Aptitudes tions. So while those who do not know them well are an
Multiple talents, vision, analytical sometimes taken aback by what they perceive to be on
skills their radical approach, April 10 people are, in fact, an
confident of success, secure in the knowledge that en
Famous Births
Joseph Pulitzer (1847)
they have carefully evaluated any potential risks. This ar
Omar Sharif (1932) conjunction of methodical and adventurous charac- po
Don Meredith (1938) teristics equips them for a variety of careers, but pro- me
Steven Segal (1951) fessions such as stockbroking, surveying, advertising
or marketing are likely to be especially fertile fields. for
Compatible with Although those born on this day place great iti
November 11, December 9–15
value on the bonds of family and friendship, and res
genuinely desire the happiness of those closest to ch
them, their propensity to become overly involved in ag
work-related projects may result in an unequal divi- ho
sion of their interests. This tendency is particularly ha
.......................................................... pronounced in men born on this day, as well as in ity
those individuals who were also born in the Chinese ma
year of the tiger, who are similarly often distracted an
.......................................................... by more pressing—but no less important—interests res
outside the home. en
Proof 1

60 Aries

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 60 14/7/16 5:34 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 60
April 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A E F Emphatic Idealists

G rand ideas fascinate those born on April 11,
especially those that promise progress for
humanity—either in terms of global social advancement
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
on or by means of scientific and technical advances. Blessed Jupiter
dly by an inherent sense of natural justice and a desire to
nd champion the causes of those who are disadvantaged, Virtues
Persuasive, discerning, diplomatic
on they have both a strong sense of empathy with those
who experience suffering and the determination to Vices
ts, improve their lot. Eternally optimistic when it comes Impatient, prying, anxious
nd to the development of a strategy with which to realize
ac- their ambitions, these people will typically invest their Car eers
ost prodigious energy, clarity of vision and considerable Public-relations executive, political
bi- interpersonal skills in the formulation of a plan of action, analyst, counselor
are and then promote it with single-minded tenacity. Not
be only are they intellectually incisive, but they are realistic Skills & Aptitudes
ct, and practical enough to know that they will need to Credibility, strategy, strength as a
team player
hat enlist the support of others if they are to succeed. As
This a result, they will often consciously set out to charm Famous Births
ac- potential opponents and convert them to their cause by James Parkinson (1775)
o- means of skilled diplomacy. Nick La Rocca (1889)
ng Such skills and concerns suit them especially well Ethel Kennedy (1928)
s. for public-service careers, including the spheres of pol- Joss Stone (1987)
eat itics, the diplomatic service, social work or scientific
nd research. They perform particularly well when given Compatible with
December 10–16
to charge of a team, and have the capability to encour-
in age and inspire their coworkers. For many of them,
vi- however, their personal environments may be less than
rly harmonious, and within which their drive and tenac-
in ity may be struggling to find a satisfying outlet. They ..........................................................
ese may, moreover, be bored by mundane domestic chores
ed and may therefore gain a reputation for shirking their
sts responsibilities in the home because of their prefer- ..........................................................
ence for more stimulating pursuits.
Proof 1

Aries 61

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) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
0 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 61
April 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Witty Philanthropists E FK E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on April 12 are externally oriented,
typically projecting their ideals and humanitarian
visions outward in their desire to create a more perfect,
Jupiter just and effective society. They are impatient with tow
those who espouse personal interests, believing that thr
Virtues achieving the greater good is of far more importance rat
Progressive, idealistic, driven
than, for example, making money or drifting idly som
Vices through life. Indeed, although their commitment Ye
Tendency to alienate others, high and strength of purpose may intimidate less driven it
standards, detached people, they generally manage to mitigate their almost the
magisterial, aloof image by means of both their often tho
Car eers self-deprecating wit and their concern not to alienate pre
Columnist, bureaucrat, military or others. They are prone to employing their considerable the
police officer verbally persuasive talents in enlisting and encouraging for
support for their mission, but are prepared to strike out be
Skills & Aptitudes courageously on a solitary—but morally justified—path an
Articulacy, work ethic, energy
if diplomatic methods fail. They have the potential to sph
Famous Births achieve success in whatever profession excites their can
Herbie Hancock (1940) interest, but are especially well equipped for military and
David Letterman (1947) political careers, as well as for those artistic styles—such for
Shannen Doherty (1971) as satire—in which they can make a moral statement. an
Claire Danes (1979) It is ironic, given that these people are motivated bly
by the desire to further human progress, that away ad
Compatible with from work they may be somewhat lonely individuals. inc
December 11–17
Because they set others—as well as themselves—such sen
high standards, they may not only find it difficult to rie
find a partner who lives up to them, but also experience de
profound disappointment when the behavior of friends act
.......................................................... and family members incurs their disapproval. Yet ne
once they moderate their propensity for criticism and en
become more indulgent of the failings of others, they de
.......................................................... can be extremely supportive of, and generous toward, po
their nearest and dearest. ma
Proof 1

62 Aries

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April 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FK E FK Quiet R evolutionar ies

I t may seem paradoxical, in the opinion of those
who do not know April 13 people well, that these
solitary, strong-willed and silent types are totally geared
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
ith toward moving humankind forward. And, indeed, it is Jupiter
hat through their work that these essentially private and
nce rather introverted individuals connect with the world, Virtues
Intellectual, realistic, enlightened
dly sometimes even making their indelible mark on history.
ent Yet their external orientation is not as contradictory as Vices
en it might appear at first sight, for when one considers Sensitive, timid, withdrawn
ost their intellectual curiosity, their power of penetrating
en thought, their methodical approach, as well as their Car eers
ate predilection toward progressive ideals, it is logical that Novelist, clinical researcher,
ble they should employ their prodigious talents in projects administrative assistant
ng for the benefit of humanity. Professionally, success
out beckons from a diversity of areas—politics, the judiciary Skills & Aptitudes
ath and military, scientific research, and also such artistic Empathy, foresight,
to spheres as music, literature and drama, in which they
eir can translate their frequently radical visions into reality. Famous Births
nd They are skeptical of conventional truths, and there- Thomas Jefferson (1743)
ch fore feel compelled to seek out their own interpretations Samuel Beckett (1906)
t. and solutions to social issues. Their quest may inevita- Lyle Waggoner (1935)
ed bly, however, either baffle or alienate less intellectually Al Green (1946)
way adventurous souls, who may respond to their ideas with
als. incomprehension or derision. And, since they are deeply Compatible with
December 11–17
ch sensitive to the opinions of others, they will thus expe-
to rience personal hurt, while nevertheless refusing to be
nce deflected from the pursuance of their chosen course of
ds action—particularly if they were also born in the Chi-
Yet nese year of the ox. Should they be fortunate enough to ..........................................................
nd enjoy the understanding of friends and family, they will
hey derive great comfort and encouragement from the sup-
rd, port of those who know them best, and will reciprocate ..........................................................
many times over.
Proof 1

Aries 63

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 63 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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2 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 63
April 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cur ious Social Butter flies E FK E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
T heir surroundings are of supreme importance
to the well-being of those born on April 14, be
it their professional or domestic environment or,
Jupiter indeed, the country in which they live. They possess a aw
curious conjunction of apparently conflicting qualities: ch
Virtues intellectual and physical restlessness and yet a strong it
Optimistic, energetic, confident
emotional need to feel grounded within a societal co
Vices group—usually the family. When each characteristic the
Domineering, bossy, arrogant is taken to its extreme, they may be intrepid travelers, the
who delight in exploring foreign lands and cultures, or ma
Car eers committed home-bodies, who direct their considerable un
Tour guide, director, bookseller energy and enthusiasm into beautifying their home ind
and taking charge of the activities of their families and im
Skills & Aptitudes friends. And there is no doubt that they like to be in see
Organizational skills, reliability, control, a predilection that may be manifested in their res
leadership skills urge to act as independent agents, or in their tendency ma
to impose their own regulations and methods on others. iss
Famous Births
Loretta Lynn (1935)
Because they are capable organizers, with a practi- esp
Pete Rose (1941) cal turn of mind, they thrive in professions in which cat
Julian Lloyd Webber (1951) they can combine their love of creating order with for
Sarah Michelle Geller (1977) their enjoyment of personal contact. Therefore tourism ad
augurs well as a career choice, as does the retail trade, a
Compatible with variety of business pursuits and also the performing arts. val
December 12–18
Despite the autocratic conduct to which they are prone, wh
they are extremely intuitive; since they are blessed with suff
the ability to tune into others’ moods, and because they tit
wish to receive approval, they will generally quickly ina
realize when their behavior is annoying others and lia
.......................................................... adjust it accordingly. They should remember, however, typ
to adopt a similarly flexible approach toward their near- the
est and dearest—who, moreover, provide them with the qu
.......................................................... security that they crave—whom they would otherwise ind
expect to conform unquestioningly to their views. sel
Proof 1

64 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 64
April 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FK E FK Individualistic Cr eatives

T hose born on April 15 possess a remarkable grasp
of practicalities, and are methodical in the extreme.
Their intellectual incisiveness enables them to formulate
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
sa a well-structured strategy in response to a stimulating Jupiter
es: challenge, and they are extraordinarily tenacious when
ng it comes to implementation, capably overseeing the Virtues
Innovative, inspirational, original
tal contributions of others and refusing to be deflected from
tic their objective. Although the methodology underlying Vices
ers, their actions is sound, the visions that inspire them Eccentric, inflexible, stubborn
or may be regarded by others as being uncharacteristically
ble unrealistic and fanciful, if not downright bizarre. And, Car eers
me indeed, it may be that the world is not yet ready for such Hair stylist, interior designer,
nd imaginative ideas: yet no matter how strange they may carpenter
in seem to others, their feasibility will generally have been
eir researched in depth by their originators. Many areas Skills & Aptitudes
ncy may inspire them, including commerce and business Creativity, vision, ambition
ers. issues, but they have a gift for working with their hands,
Famous Births
ti- especially when they can also be creative, as chefs, Leonardo da Vinci (1452)
ch caterers, beauticians, interior designers or decorators, Henry James (1843)
ith for example, where their talents can be accepted and Bessie Smith (1894)
sm admired by more conventional types. Emma Watson (1990)
e, a Because these dynamic people are convinced of the
rts. validity of their ideals, they will not only be infuriated Compatible with
May 1–4, December 13–18
ne, when others do not take them seriously, but will also
ith suffer great personal hurt, so bound up are their iden-
hey tities with their idealistic ambitions. And this inherent
kly inability to accept dissent also applies to their personal
nd liaisons, within which (particularly if they are men) they
er, typically expect the unwavering loyalty and support of ..........................................................
ar- their partners, friends and family members. Conse-
he quently, they may inadvertently suppress in others the
ise individuality and freedom of thought which they them- ..........................................................
selves hold so dear.
Proof 1

Aries 65

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 65 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 65
April 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Intellectual Car etakers E FK E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mars
Third decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are very aware of their roots,
of their place within their family and community,
perhaps instinctively recognizing that they need to
Jupiter feel grounded within their home environment before oth
taking flight from this solidly stable base. For while ha
Virtues they cherish the familial bonds that surround them po
Caring, intellectual, dedicated
with the supportive and affectionate framework that ca
Vices is so important to their emotional well-being, April ma
Easily overburdened, tendency to 16 individuals are adventurous thinkers, who feel as
overwork, self-sacrificing compelled to seek out knowledge and truths and then, pre
having assimilated as much information as they can, pro
Car eers build upon their interests and move forward. su
Professor, lawyer, research scientist There are thus two sides to the natures of April 16 th
people: the side that desires a quietly happy domestic en
Skills & Aptitudes life, causing them generously to nurture the needs of lea
Introspection, wisdom, nurturing their friends and family members, and the side that if
adopts a determinedly individualistic approach to the on
Famous Births
Wilbur Wright (1867)
wider world and fiercely fights for those issues that
Charlie Chaplin (1889) motivate them. They are usually cheerful, balanced co
Martin Lawrence (1965) and popular. 17
Selena Quintanilla (1971) Many subject matters interest those born on April ard
16, but underlying all is a concern with humanitarian oft
Compatible with issues and making progress. Because they are blessed no
May 1–4, December 12–18
with great powers of logic, organizational skills and of
unwavering steadfastness, whatever profession they un
choose to follow—be it within the scientific or tech- to
nical fields, jurisprudence or academia, or the various ma
pursuits that the artistic sphere encompasses—they th
.......................................................... will bring a solid backing to their imaginative visions. fro
They also have great leadership potential, for not only lar
do others admire them for their inspirational strength ide
.......................................................... of purpose, but their fine sense of humor and gentle be
demeanor attract others to them. dis
Proof 1

66 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 66
April 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FK E D FK Protective Influencers

T he impression that those born on this day make
on others is a strong one, for they promote their
lofty ambitions with unrelenting certainty and expect
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is
ore others to fall in line with their convictions. Because they Jupiter
ile have a highly developed sense of natural justice and Second cusp: Aries with Taurean
em possess a burning, protective desire to champion the
hat cause of the downtrodden, April 17 people will often Virtues
ril make their careers in such humanitarian-related fields Methodical, ambitious, organized
eel as politics, jurisprudence or the military, although their
en, predilection for paying attention to detail and their Vices
an, prodigious organizational skills will also equip them Critical, judgmental, forceful
superbly as accountants or businessmen. And, because
16 they typically translate their profound thoughts into Car eers
tic energetic action, they may frequently find themselves Lawyer, CEO, financial advisor
of leading the less imaginative or dynamic, or—especially
hat if they are women—working as self-employed people Skills & Aptitudes
Attention to detail, coordination,
he on their own account.
hat Yet despite the laudable nature of their ideological
ed concerns and their considerable practical talents, April Famous Births
17 people may find enlisting the support of others an J.P. Morgan (1837)
ril arduous task. One inherent problem with their direct, William Holden (1918)
an often forceful, approach—which is particularly pro- Jennifer Garner (1972)
ed nounced if they were also born in the Chinese year Rooney Mara (1985)
nd of the dragon—is that they may appear somewhat
Compatible with
ey unyielding individuals, who are furthermore not afraid May 1–4, July 27–28,
h- to voice their criticism if they feel it is justified. Others December 12–18
us may be intimidated by the austere, judgemental image
ey that they project, and hasten to remove themselves
ns. from the line of fire. Those nearest to them may simi- ..........................................................
nly larly believe themselves unable to live up to their high
th ideals and expectations, and thus these people may
tle become emotionally isolated and prone to feelings of ..........................................................
disillusionment and depression.
Proof 1

Aries 67

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 67 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 67
April 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Compassionate Human itar ians E D FK E

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is
A pril 18 individuals may secretly regard themselves
variously as the upholders of tradition, the torch-
bearers of justice or the champions of the vulnerable
Jupiter and abused. Possessed as they are of clear-cut views pro
Second cusp: Aries with Taurean regarding the governance of human society and the en
importance of implementing justice, the driving th
Virtues forces behind their actions are often the maintenance foc
Idealistic, practical, warmhearted of social order and the promotion of human equality. op
They will therefore often find a fulfilling outlet for im
Vices their concerns and ambitions in those professions th
Detached, emotional, obsessive in which they can effect tangible improvements— ca
national or civic politics, for example, the military, ex
Car eers judiciary or other public-service bodies, as well as the co
Judge, soldier, police officer caring professions. When engaged in their battles for th
the furtherance of human civilization, April 18 people Su
Skills & Aptitudes will typical marshal their prodigious talents of energy, ma
Focus, enthusiasm, improvisation
zeal and intellectual focus and employ them with art
Famous Births determination and tenacity. pu
Eric Roberts (1956) Despite their seriousness of intent, however, most hu
Conan O’Brien (1963) people born on this day are redeemed from becoming
David Tennant (1971) overly obsessive in their single-mindedness by their ca
Melissa Joan Hart (1976) intuitive recognition of the need to recharge their bat- Be
teries by means of relaxation and fun. Indeed, some tua
Compatible with April 18 people have a markedly mischievous streak, za
July 28–29, December 13–19
and relish playing devil’s advocate for the sheer enjoy- th
ment of provoking a stimulating argument. Con- W
cerned and magnanimous friends, partners and par- to
ents, they will stick loyally to those closest to them, be
.......................................................... but will inevitably suffer deep disappointment if they no
feel personally let down in any way, either through reg
perceived abuses of their kindness, or by others failing an
.......................................................... to live up to their exceptionally high standards. un
Proof 1

68 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 68
April 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FK E D FK Or der ly Per fection ists

T hose born on this day cannot bear disorder,
indecisiveness or stagnation, and therefore
seek to introduce efficient, smoothly running and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is
ws progressive systems into both their work and domestic Jupiter
he environments. Nothing gives them more satisfaction Second cusp: Aries with Taurean
ng than setting a drifting individual firmly upon a
nce focused course of action, or turning an unprofitable Virtues
ty. operation into a success. Attaining tangible results is Driven, persevering, goal-oriented
for important to April 19 people, who regard the fruits of
ns their labors as the validation of their efforts. Whatever Vices
— career they choose to pursue, they will therefore Controlling, demanding,
ry, experience the greatest fulfillment when their input is fault-finding
he counterbalanced—if not outweighed—by the output,
for the physical proof of their success, that they generate. Car eers
ple Such professions as teaching, manufacturing, project Interior designer, teacher, project
gy, management, construction, design and the creative
th arts are especially well starred, as well as business
Skills & Aptitudes
pursuits, although it should be stressed that they rarely Attention to detail, self-motivation,
ost hunger for materialistic rewards. focus
ng Their highly achievement-driven determination
eir can, however, lead them to become overly controlling. Famous Births
at- Because they possess great confidence in their intellec- Herbert Wilcox (1890)
me tual capability, as well as in their practical and organi- Tim Curry (1946)
Paloma Picasso (1949)
ak, zational talents, they are often reluctant to relinquish Maria Sharapova (1987)
oy- the reins of control to others that are, as yet, unproven.
n- When they do delegate, they will sometimes succumb Compatible with
ar- to the urge to point out how they think things could July 29–30, December 14–20
m, be better done, this tendency being particularly pro-
ey nounced in women born on this day. Despite this ..........................................................
gh regulatory predilection, they generally make generous
ng and affectionate partners, parents and friends, who
unselfishly wish for the greatest happiness and success ..........................................................
of those closest to them.
Proof 1

Aries 69

9781577151319_int 039-070_11513.indd 69 14/7/16 5:34 PM

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8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 69
April 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ambitious Cr itics E D FK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mars and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on April 20 hunger for success, partly
because of their desire to realize their ambitions,
and—since they may often be insecure—partly to feel
Jupiter validated by the approval of their peers. It is this quest
Second cusp: Aries with Taurean for perfection that fuels their zeal, and these people
typically observe their surroundings critically, noting
Virtues shortcomings and then formulating complex strategies
Incisive, energetic, driven for bringing about improvement. When in the thrall
of a vision, they will devote their energy, tenacity and
Vices organizational skills toward its achievement, allowing
Domineering, intolerant, nothing to stand in their way. And although they
unrealistic are intuitive, this quality is not usually manifested in
empathetic action, but rather in the manipulation of
Car eers others in order to enlist support for the mission which
Writer, college lecturer, laboratory they regard as being of paramount importance. Such
focus, ambition and pragmatism augurs well for April
20 people, especially if they work as freelancers.
Skills & Aptitudes
Determination, efficiency, Their extreme clarity of vision and strength of pur-
pragmatism pose will inevitably incur extreme reactions, and these
people will inspire either ardent support or strident
Famous Births opposition. Since they are convinced of the veracity
Adolf Hitler (1889) of their ideas and methods and, moreover, crave the
Joán Miró (1893) recognition of others, those born on this day will feel
Jessica Lange (1949)
Luther Vandross (1951)
profoundly hurt when their opinions are subjected
to criticism or derision, and have a tendency to close
Compatible with their ears to negative comments in order to protect
July 30, December 15–21 their sensibilities. It is important that they recognize
this propensity, as well as the inherent dangers of such
.......................................................... an inflexible approach. By grounding themselves in
the love and support of their families and diversifying
their interests and priorities, they will gain a greater
.......................................................... level of emotional equilibrium.
Proof 1

70 Aries

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 70
b taurus
April 21 to May 20

Ruling planet: Venus Element: Fixed earth Symbol: Bull

Polar ity: Negative (feminine) Colors: Pale blue, lilac, pink
Physical cor r espondence: Neck, ears, throat
Stones: Alabaster, topaz, rose quartz, emerald
Flowers: Lily, lilac, daisy, mallow, poppy, violet

V irtually every astrological tradition has equated the constellation of Taurus with a bull.
A sign that is governed by the planet Venus, this astral grouping includes the seven
stars known as the Pleiades, or the “Seven Sisters,” who, in Greco-Roman mythology,
guarded Aphrodite/Venus’s “pearly gates.” The bull’s association with the goddess of
sexual love is clear, for this creature not only embodies fecundity and procreative powers,
but its horns may be said to represent the crescent Moon, and its head the full Moon,
and the Moon is the preserve and symbol of the Goddess, as is the element of earth that
governs this sign. Many ancient peoples sacrificed bulls at the time of the Taurean new
Moon in the belief that the bull’s body and blood gave birth to, and nurtured, all forms of
vegetal and animal life. It is therefore appropriate that Taurus presides over the seasonal
period in which spring life burgeons and thrives.
Those born under this sign are said to be influenced by the earthy element that rules
their birth sign in that they are regarded as practical and materialistic types who have the
capacity to initiate and steadily cultivate plans of actions, while Venus is said to bestow
her sensuality, love of pleasure, and artistic affinity upon Taureans. Less positively, how-
ever, the Taurean personality may sometimes be obstinately resistant to change, fiercely
possessive of loved ones, and roused to spectacular displays of anger when its plans are
thwarted—all forms of behavior that may be said to be demonstrated by the bull.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 71 14/7/16 5:36 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 71
April 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Proud Per fection ists z D E D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on April 21 are proud individuals who
set themselves high standards and are mortified
if circumstances prevent their being achieved. Such
First cusp: Taurus with Arian is their capability, efficiency and self-discipline that to
qualities when faced with a task, its completion will usually en
be hindered only by unforeseeable obstacles beyond ca
Virtues their control. These are dignified and self-possessed co
Self-reliant, tenacious, sympathetic people, who typically harness their prodigious powers are
of perspicacity and reflection (qualities born of their cir
Vices sensitivity), and their organizational skills and single- th
Hedonistic, controlling, indulgent
minded tenacity, in their drive to succeed. Because ach
they are both reliable and unafraid of voicing their pe
Car eers
Teacher, entrepreneur, art director, deeply held opinions, they will often find themselves wi
producer, author assuming leadership roles, and will be accorded respect Th
for both their ability and their talent for motivating go
Skills & Aptitudes others. These qualities bode well for success in such th
Ability to balance professional and interpersonal careers as teaching, although their wh
personal life, objective intellectual inherent distaste of being dictated to means that they th
clarity, perfectionist tendencies will generally be unhappy in large, rigidly structured
organizations. ma
Famous Births
April 21 people are bent on achieving perfection me
Charlotte Brontë (1816)
Queen Elizabeth II (1926) rather than receiving financial rewards, but they th
Andie MacDowell (1958) appreciate money for the good things that it can buy, In
James McAvoy (1979) for these are somewhat sybaritic types who relish sen- niz
sual stimulation and therefore have a profound affin- vis
Compatible with ity with all things artistic. People are drawn to them ris
July 23–26, October 23–25 for their infectious, pleasure-seeking propensity, as po
well as their endearing desire to bring happiness to sig
.......................................................... others. They typically make indulgent, yet responsible, as
friends, parents and partners, but may occasionally ho
annoy others by their tendency to control or impose of
.......................................................... their personal outlook on them. ind
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 72
April 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E D E Trustworthy Consultants

O thers admire those born on April 22 for their
instant grasp of potential problems inherent
in a situation and their apparently effortless ability
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
hat to counter and overcome them. The efficiency, First cusp: Taurus with Arian
lly energy and positive outlook manifested by these qualities
nd capable people means that not only are they often
ed consulted for objective and realistic advice, but they Virtues
ers are also frequently entrusted with projects. In such Steadfast, helpful, empathetic
eir circumstances, they will accept total responsibility for
le- the tasks and work tirelessly, with deceptive ease, to Vices
Obsessive, overworked, stressed
use achieve beneficial outcomes, motivated by both their
eir personal desire to test their abilities and their sneaking
Car eers
ves wish to elicit the approval and gratitude of others.
Entrepreneur, business consultant,
ect There is a risk, however, that the cooperation and science researcher, corporate
ng goodwill that they offer may be abused by others, and executive, project manager
ch that they may end up overburdened and exhausted,
eir while less scrupulous characters claim the glory for Skills & Aptitudes
ey their achievements. Organizational talents, strong work
ed In their personal lives, they display a similar level of ethic, positive outlook
magnaminity and dependability, also bringing an ele-
on ment of fun to their interpersonal relationships since Famous Births
Immanuael Kant (1724)
ey they are themselves deeply receptive to sensual stimuli. Glen Campbell (1936)
uy, In their professional lives, they supplement their orga- Jack Nicholson (1937)
n- nizational talents with a combination of clear-sighted Machine Gun Kelly (1990)
n- vision, a pragmatic outlook and a tendency to take
em risks, thus endowing them with great entrepreneurial Compatible with
as potential. Such a conjunction of meticulous and far- July 23–26, October 23–25
to sighted qualities augurs well for careers in business
le, as well as in the realm of scientific research. They do, ..........................................................
lly however, crave material rewards, both as recognition
ose of their efforts and as a means of enabling them to
indulge themselves when work is over. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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2 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 73
April 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Abstract Innovators D E D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on April 23 possess a rare combination
of introverted and extroverted qualities—namely,
intellectual individuality and, conversely, a marked
First cusp: Taurus with Arian social orientation. These perceptive and curious str
qualities individuals need to be able to explore the abstract wo
concepts that hold their interest yet, at the same time, as
Virtues seek to ground themselves in a stable base from which int
Compassionate, inquisitive, to launch themselves on their quest for knowledge, an
perhaps intuitively recognizing that without such an ob
anchor of security their darting imagination may lead th
Self-sacrificing, overburdened, them into fantasy worlds, causing them to lose touch
hedonistic with life’s realities. Despite their independent leanings, ple
however, they are gregarious types blessed with a an
Car eers sense of natural justice, born of their keen empathy pr
Philosopher, poet, counselor, actor with others. Such a well-balanced combination of ap
characteristics enables them to find success in any su
Skills & Aptitudes professional situation in which they can exercise their th
Abstract thinking, sense of justice, talents for innovation and interpersonal contact; the to
good people skills various possibilities offered by artistic pursuits would rel
therefore appear ideal career options for those born rar
Famous Births
on April 23. th
William Shakespeare (1564)
Shirley Temple (1928) In their personal lives, April 23 people display
John Oliver (1977) a similar interest and concern for the well-being of ma
Taio Cruz (1985) those closest to them. They aim to create a happy and en
relaxed domestic environment, within which, while va
Compatible with emotional bonds are paramount, the capacity for hav- an
July 23–26, October 23–25 ing fun is also encouraged. Others are drawn to them ble
both for the steady aura of reliability that they exude fun
.......................................................... and the infectious joie de vivre that they generate: to
the disadvantage of such popularity is that they may qu
become overburdened with the expectations of less ge
.......................................................... dynamic individuals.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 74
April 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E D E Cooperative Colleagues

T hose born on April 24 often feel torn between
their careers and their families, for the urge
to devote their whole-hearted attention to both is
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mars
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
us strong, and they do nothing by half measures. At First cusp: Taurus with Arian
act work, they are driven by the desire to perform tasks qualities
me, as perfectly as humanly possible. Their searching
ch intellects are supported by their methodical approach Virtues
ge, and organizational talents, as well as their sometimes Kind, devoted, approachable
an obstinate refusal to quit until they have accomplished
ad their aims. Vices
Overburdened, unbalanced,
ch A further facet of the natures of April 24 peo-
gs, ple is manifested by their great humanitarianism
a and concern with the feelings of others which, in
Car eers
hy professional scenarios, makes them cooperative and Team manager, charity organizer,
of approachable colleagues. They have the potential to project developer, counselor
ny succeed in any field that they chose, provided that
eir they have interpersonal contact, as well as the scope Skills & Aptitudes
he to act relatively independently. That they can be Single-minded focus,
uld relied upon to deliver whatever is required of them is organizational skills, teamwork
rn rarely in doubt, particularly if they were also born in
the Chinese year of the ox. Famous Births
Shirley MacLaine (1934)
ay Away from the workplace, April 24 people typically Barbra Streisand (1942)
of make loving and protective friends, partners and par- Cedric the Entertainer (1964)
nd ents, whose somewhat controlling behavior is moti- Kelly Clarkson (1982)
ile vated by the desire to set their loved ones on stable
av- and productive paths. Although undoubtedly sensi- Compatible with
em ble and steady types, they have a prodigious sense of July 23–26
de fun, which bestows upon them an endearing ability
te: to enjoy life and thereby also bring pleasure to others, ..........................................................
ay qualities for which they are valued and which inspire
ess genuine affection in others.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 75 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 75
April 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Self-assur ed Activists DK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on April 25 typically favor action over
reflection, possessed as they are of a burning need
to actually make progress rather than just musing
on the possibility of achieving it. These are strong- als
Virtues minded types, whose enormous vigor and desire to th
Energetic, dynamic, determined effect tangible manifestations of their drive to succeed un
often inspires the somewhat intimidated awe of those th
Vices who are less self-assured. Very little can resist the wi
Inflexible, blunt, impatient combined will and energy of April 25 people, despite th
their unwitting tendency to sabotage their own efforts th
Car eers by considering neither their personal motivations nor org
Police officer, politician, project or
team manager, artist, actor
the implications of their actions sufficiently. Indeed,
such is their aversion to both mental and physical th
Skills & Aptitudes inactivity that they are prone to make snap decisions po
Leadership skills, desire to achieve and then tenaciously stick to them, steadfastly ignoring tiv
active progress, single-minded focus the objections of others. Such unwavering sense of wh
purpose and single-minded commitment equips them ob
Famous Births for a variety of business, scientific or artistic careers, rel
Oliver Cromwell (1559) but the fields of law enforcement and politics are sio
Al Pacino (1940)
especially well starred. au
Hank Azaria (1964)
Renée Zellweger (1969) Although they are natural leaders and seem to
effortlessly command respect, April 25 people have pr
Compatible with a tendency to be overly blunt in their dealings with sel
July 23–26 others, a propensity that applies equally to their col- loo
leagues and their family and friends, and one that wi
can be deeply wounding. Although they play every mo
bit as hard as they work, and moreover have a deep- fer
rooted urge to protect and promote the well-being era
.......................................................... of their nearest and dearest, they tend to run their pa
interpersonal relationships on their own terms and im
may thereby engender—and merit—resentment and tat
.......................................................... rebellion. div
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 76 14/7/16 5:36 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 76
April 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

DK D Meticulous Planners

I t may seem contradictory to those who do not
know them well that although those born on April
26 are proponents of bold and visionary ideas, they
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
g- also manifest a meticulous attention to detail. Yet
to these propensities are not so paradoxical when one Virtues
ed understands that these realistic people recognize Reliable, independent, careful
ose that a project’s success cannot generally be achieved
he without careful forethought and planning involving Vices
ite the minute examination of all inherent issues and Close-minded, controlling, rigid
rts the subsequent setting in place of sound systems of
nor organization, with contingency plans. Car eers
ed, Having considered and catered for all eventualities, Manager, project developer,
consultant, military leader, teacher
cal those born on this day will find themselves with the
ns potential to preside over smooth-running and effec-
Skills & Aptitudes
ng tive projects which they control with great capability Strategic thinking, careful planning
of while rarely relinquishing their focus on their ultimate and forethought, clear-cut vision,
em objective. They are admired for their efficiency and single-minded focus
rs, reliability, and will therefore flourish in any profes-
are sion they chose as long as they are able to retain their Famous Births
autonomy of thought and action. Marcus Aurelius (ad 121)
to It is perhaps inevitable, given their efficacy and Carol Burnett (1933)
Kevin James (1965)
ve practical talents, that April 26 people are extremely Channing Tatum (1980)
th self-confident as regards to the veracity of their out-
ol- look and methods. There is a risk, however, that they Compatible with
hat will become too rigid in their beliefs, and will seek to July 27–31
ery mold others—or else dismiss them—into their pre-
p- ferred form. This controlling predilection will not gen-
ng erally result in harmonious personal relationships—
eir particularly with their children—and it is therefore ..........................................................
nd important that they should learn to relax their expec-
nd tations of others, respect individuality and embrace
diversity of conviction. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 77 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 77
April 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Thoughtful Independents zD D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on April 27 have a tendency to direct
their attention and energies inward, preferring
the exploration of their rich inner world of ideas
and visions over the distraction of more trivial or eit
Virtues unproductive pursuits. These are self-reliant and co
Reflective, thoughtful, sensitive somewhat solitary types, who are rarely lonely in their th
own company and do not need to feel validated by the acu
Vices affirmation of others, especially if they are also women. vig
Isolated, reserved, shy More extroverted people may regard them as diffident th
or even antisocial, but this perception is far from the co
Car eers case; indeed, not only are these people comfortable ind
Science researcher or theorist,
humanitarian, painter, author
with themselves, but they are furthermore blessed with tow
qualities of profound intuition and compassion and in
Skills & Aptitudes will rarely withhold their help when it is truly required. in
Abstract thinking, self-reliance, Those born on this day will typically be happiest th
intuition, refined taste when working on their own account, or within small en
organizations where their individuality and imagina-
Famous Births tion can be given full rein, and will often find great as
Samuel Morse (1791) fulfillment in the humanitarian, artistic or scientific als
Ulysses S. Grant (1822)
realms. Alternatively, if their imagination and com- fie
Coretta Scott King (1927)
Jenna Coleman (1986) munication skills are also good, they might make th
excellent social-media marketers, being more sociable als
Compatible with behind their computer screens than in person.
July 27–31 Despite their natural reserve and need for periods of
when they can be alone, April 27 individuals do not to
confine themselves exclusively to their self-imposed an
ivory towers and can often amaze those who do not to
know them well with their marked sensuality, appreci- Al
.......................................................... ation of beauty and highly developed sense of humor. th
While rarely gregarious, they display great affection ch
and loyalty to their friends, partners and family, who ma
.......................................................... in turn cherish them for the emotional support and th
stability that they offer.
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 78
April 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

zD D Successful Leaders

T hose born on April 28 are geared toward
achievement, be it the attainment of personal
goals or the realization of more abstract visions—
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
or either way, their drive for success compels them
nd constantly to push forward until they finally reach Virtues
eir their objectives. They are aided in their quest by their Resourceful, pragmatic, ambitious
he acute perspicacity, their great physical and mental
en. vigor, their formidable organizational talents and Vices
ent their stubborn refusal to be deflected from their Hedonistic, vain, dismissive
he course. And because they are sensitive and intuitive
ble individuals, they may not only direct their energies Car eers
ith toward bringing about humanitarian progress, but also Team leader, counselor,
international relations, politician
nd in so doing manifest a remarkable facility for tuning
ed. in to the emotions of others; they are not above using
Skills & Aptitudes
est this ability to manipulate other people in order to Physical and mental vigor, desire
all enlist their support. for tangible results, resourcefulness,
na- Their independence of thought and action, as well organizational talents
eat as their interpersonal skills, mark April 28 individu-
fic als out as potentially inspirational leaders in whatever Famous Births
m- field they choose to make their careers, especially if Harper Lee (1926)
ke they nurture their creative potential and if they were Terry Pratchett (1948)
Penelope Cruz (1974)
ble also born in the Chinese year of the dragon. Jessica Alba (1981)
April 28 people typically project a similar intensity
ds of focus onto their private lives. Since they are averse Compatible with
not to inactivity, they fill their private time with physical July 27–31
ed and sensual pursuits, a tendency which, when taken
not to its extreme, may result in uninhibited hedonism.
ci- Although they feel deep affection for those closest to
or. them, they generally seek to direct the lives of their ..........................................................
on children in particular, without perceiving that they
ho may be thereby suppressing the individual expression
nd that they themselves hold so dear. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 79 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 79
April 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Zestful Strategists zDK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus T he conjunction of their meticulous and
determined approach to work with the often
flamboyant personal image that April 29 people
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
present to the world is a rare combination. These aff
Virtues people are incisive and independent thinkers, who may th
Self-confident, optimistic, be inspired by bold concepts but would rarely start to In
dependable implement them without careful prior consideration. int
When planning a project they will typically examine th
Vices every inherent aspect, anticipating potential pitfalls wi
Obdurate, inconstant, liable to be
and then working out an appropriate course of action, hu
with the result that although they may champion an
daring strategies, these will be soundly researched. ex
Car eers
Marketing consultant, advertiser, And, because they understand the importance of im
public-relations officer, project image, they will “sell” their conceptual package to
developer the skeptical with their enthusiasm and persuasive as
skills. Such talents are clearly suited to the world of rec
Skills & Aptitudes business—and especially marketing, advertising and wi
Attention to detail, strategic public relations—but they will also be effective in any ati
thinking, foresight, research skills, professional area in which interpersonal relationships era
intellectual dynamism
are important components. int
Physically as well as intellectually dynamic, those
Famous Births
Willie Nelson (1933) born on this day are admired for their vigor, strength tia
Jerry Seinfeld (1955) of will and infectious zest for life. In their personal fes
Daniel Day-Lewis (1957) lives, they are bent on having a good time, on enjoying th
Uma Thurman (1970) to the full all that the world has to offer, and thereby ou
they effortlessly attract friends and followers. Yet even pe
Compatible with when caught up in the excitement of a giddy social of
July 27–31
life, they never abandon their more sober and realis- to
tic characteristics, perhaps instinctively realizing the wi
.......................................................... importance of grounding themselves in emotionally inv
.......................................................... stable and supportive domestic relationships. cia
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 80
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

zDK D Multitalented Chillaxers

T hose born on April 30 are deceptively calm
individuals, their pronounced sense of humor,
appreciation of the good things in life and relaxed and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
ese affectionate approach to other people often masking
ay their highly perceptive and tenacious professionalism. Virtues
to Indeed, contrary to initial appearances, such is their Calm, independent, practical
on. intellectual drive that they will feel unfulfilled unless
ne they can immerse themselves in their work, and this Vices
lls will often be directed toward achieving progress of a Overburdened, self-sacrificing,
on, humanitarian nature—a result both of their empathy restless
on and of their ability incisively to identify faults in
ed. existing systems and then formulate strategies for Car eers
Social worker, educational reformer,
of improvement.
humanitarian, teacher, writer
to Because April 30 people wish to attain their aims
ive as quickly and effectively as possible, and realistically Skills & Aptitudes
of recognize that they will be much more successful by Relaxed approach, desire to be
nd winning others over to their cause rather than alien- immersed in work, ability to
ny ating them, they are very adept at using their consid- formulate strategic improvements,
ps erable charm in the cultivation of open and friendly skills in persuasion
interpersonal relationships.
ose These multitalented individuals have the poten- Famous Births
Cloris Leachman (1926)
th tial to make their mark on whichever area of pro- Sam Heughan (1980)
nal fessional expertise interests them. They are valued by Kirsten Dunst (1982)
ng their coworkers for their optimistic and encouraging Dianna Agron (1986)
by outlook, as well as their great reliability. Within their
en personal liaisons, too, they are generally at the center Compatible with
ial of their social and domestic circles, for their ability July 27–31
is- to combine the provision of solid emotional support
he with a light-hearted, fun-loving approach is a rare and ..........................................................
lly invigorating one and furthermore makes them espe-
cially gifted parents.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 81 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
0 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 81
May 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Balanced Altruists zD CKK zD

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
P erspicacity is the greatest strength of those born
on May 1. There is very little that escapes these
observant individuals—neither the occurrences of
Mercury the physical world, nor actions reflecting the more oth
nebulous range of human emotions. For, blessed as blu
Virtues they are with acute powers of intellectual perception, co
Compassionate, tenacious, these are also highly intuitive types, who often rely as
upon their instincts in forming their initial opinions of cli
people, situations and predicaments. Then, once they th
Biased, temperamental, distant
have gleaned sufficient information, they will typically by
apply their talent for sound, logical and realistic fin
Car eers thought to building an effective strategy for action. or
Salesperson, chef, charitable worker, Their great sensitivity toward the feelings of others th
psychiatrist or counselor makes them kind and empathetic people, who will be
generally do their utmost to help when approached— for
Skills & Aptitudes as they frequently are—with a problem. This ca
Empathetic disposition, intuitive propensity, coupled with their other natural abilities, res
thinking, ability to balance the equips those born on this day especially well for the
professional with the personal
caring professions in general and for psychiatry or ate
counseling in particular, although less altruistic types va
Famous Births
Calamity Jane (1852) also have the potential to make gifted salespeople. fri
Tim McGraw (1967) Within their personal relationships, also, May 1 are
Wes Anderson (1969) individuals usually find themselves playing an actively oth
Jamie Dornan (1982) supportive role, bolstering the confidence of those pro
closest to them while at the same time encouraging pre
Compatible with them to enjoy life, for they love company, as well as de
April 15–17, August 1–5 such sensual domestic pleasures as cooking for oth- ap
ers. But in assuming somewhat static positions as ex
.......................................................... linchpins, around whom others revolve, they will need mo
to guard against the risk of being taken for granted co
and, furthermore, of neglecting their own personal de
.......................................................... development. sh
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 82 14/7/16 5:36 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 82
May 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CKK zD CK Candid Orators

A s those who enjoy stable and harmonious
interpersonal relationships, it might seem
strange that those born on this day often upset
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ore others with their propensity to express themselves Mercury
as bluntly. Yet these honest individuals do not
on, consciously set out to wound others, it is just that, Virtues
ely as acutely perceptive people possessed of an almost Curious, candid, driven
of clinical fascination with what makes others tick,
ey they tend to reach logical conclusions unclouded Vices
lly by emotional complications and then to voice their Impatient, tactless, inflexible
tic findings with undiplomatic objectivity. Such people-
on. oriented qualities of curiosity and interest, as well as Car eers
Landscape architect,
ers their tenacious determination to effect improvement,
environmentalist, doctor, researcher,
will bestow upon May 2 individuals a marked potential event or wedding planner
— for success not only in the more technical of the
This caring professions, such as medicine and scientific Skills & Aptitudes
es, research, but also in social campaigning. No-nonsense outlook, ability
he In the domestic sphere, these people long to cre- to think objectively, gregarious
or ate steady and enduring ties of affection and greatly disposition, honesty
pes value the bonds that they form with their family and
friends. They are often extremely gregarious types who Famous Births
Dwayne Johnson (1972)
1 are stimulated by social gatherings and relish seeing David Beckham (1975)
ely others enjoying themselves, yet they will also derive Ellie Kemper (1980)
ose profound pleasure from being alone with nature—a Princess Charlotte (2015)
ng predilection that often makes them inspired gar-
as deners. They have a dangerous tendency, however, to Compatible with
h- apply their own standards to their nearest and dearest, April 15–17, August 1–5
as expecting them to unquestioningly conform to their
ed mores: thus they may themselves generate the sort of ..........................................................
ed confrontational situations that they abhor by engen-
nal dering a clash of wills. It is vital, therefore, that they
should learn to relax their high, albeit well-meaning, ..........................................................
expectations of others.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 83 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
2 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 83
May 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Perceptive Evaluators D CKK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on May 3 are astute judges of character,
utilizing their highly developed skills of intuition,
perception and intellectual objectivity to make often
Mercury extremely realistic assessments of others. They can also th
apply these interpersonal talents to collective human tal
Virtues situations, thus giving them a profound understanding th
Insightful, optimistic, sociable of the reasons underlying both individual behavior and an
group dynamics. They are driven by an almost scientific em
Vices curiosity, and the nature of this inquisitiveness, giv
Judgmental, detached,
together with the information they glean in the eff
process, endows them with genuine concern for their
fellow beings. Linked with the necessary emotional tua
Car eers
Market researcher, advertising detachment, this equips them admirably to become tio
executive, psychologist, politician, psychologists, psychiatrists or counselors: careers as un
actor or singer market researchers or advertising executives are also an
favored. Combined with their human awareness, their th
Skills & Aptitudes ability to think pragmatically additionally promises mu
Ability to judge character, objective success in the political sphere. fes
perception, inquisitive nature Although those born on this day manifest a healthy in
hedonistic streak, which enables them to discard their ca
Famous Births
professional personae and enjoy life to the full when
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469)
Bing Crosby (1903) appropriate, they may have difficulty in committing ind
Frankie Valli (1934) themselves to a single partner, a problem that derives en
Cheryl Burke (1984) from their inherent propensity to judge people with of
their head rather than their heart. While others are are
Compatible with attracted to May 3 people for the fun that they gener- is
April 15–17, August 1–5 ate, as well as the sound advice that they proffer, those wi
seeking more enduring relationships may be disap- an
.......................................................... pointed. Once strong emotional bonds are formed, gu
however, these people remain steadfastly affectionate an
and caring toward those closest to them.
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 84
May 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CKK D CKK Helping Hands

O ne of the strongest—and most endearing—
qualities manifested by those born on May 4
is their concern with the well-being of others and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
so their commensurate desire to place their considerable Mercury
an talents and energy at the disposal of those who require
ng their help. Their enlightened powers of perspicacity Virtues
nd and realism, in conjunction with their genuine Sensible, imaginative, generous
fic empathy, steadiness and optimistic outlook, not only
ss, give them the potential to help solve others’ problems Vices
he effectively, but also win for them esteem and gratitude. Resentful, self-sacrificing, frustrated
eir Their ability to combine their great intellec-
nal tual and practical skills with their typically emo- Car eers
Social worker, counselor, doctor,
me tion-driven gifts of compassion and kindness is an firefighter, activist
as unusually potent talent often seen in May 4 people,
lso and whether they make a career of counseling or not, Skills & Aptitudes
eir they will generally find that their sound advice is Problem-solving skills, propensity
ses much sought after by others. Indeed, whatever pro- for teamwork, ability to listen and
fession they choose, they will generally flourish best be open to new ideas
hy in those work-based situations which offer a signifi-
eir cant degree of personal interaction. Famous Births
Audrey Hepburn (1929)
en Within their personal relationships too, May 4
Will Arnett (1970)
ng individuals make heartening friends, partners and par- Kimora Lee Simmons (1975)
ves ents, who typically tend to place the needs and desires Lance Bass (1979)
th of those closest to them above their own. Because they
are are so used to being consulted for their advice, there Compatible with
er- is a danger that, if their carefully considered words of April 15–17, August 1–5
ose wisdom are ignored, they will feel deeply disappointed
p- and express their annoyance forcefully. They should
ed, guard against subsuming their own—equally import- ..........................................................
ate ant—ambitions to those of others.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 85 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 85
May 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inspir ing Pragmatists D CKK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on May 5 are convinced of the veracity
of their remarkably strong opinions, which
they feel compelled to transmit to others in order
Mercury to convert them to their viewpoints. Since they are fee
extremely concerned with the welfare of people as wh
Virtues a collective entity, and furthermore blessed with a W
Inspirational, helpful, self-assured highly developed sense of fairness and justice, their act
convictions are more than likely to be inspired by a bu
Vices radical humanitarian vision—a desire to bring the ps
Controlling, dominant, prescriptive
greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. mo
When working toward the implementation of their art
Car eers aims, they typically manifest great pragmatism, using co
Salesperson, policymaker, business
manager, philosopher, museum every weapon in their armory of skills to affect their typ
director ambitions: talents that include objective perspicacity, wh
meticulous attention to detail, profoundly methodi-
Skills & Aptitudes cal organizational abilities, and enormous energy and inc
Progressive thinking, approachable tenacity. It is also pertinent that those born on this day in
persona, attention to detail, ability are natural salespeople, who instinctively understand th
to inspire and motivate how to motivate and inspire others—and thereby, in
sometimes, to manipulate them toward their own he
Famous Births
ends, too.
Karl Marx (1818)
Michael Palin (1943) Careers in the retail trade, as well as in politics, th
Henry Cavill (1983) therefore augur especially well for May 5 individ- als
Adele (1988) uals, but they also have the potential to find fulfill- life
ment in such academic areas as philosophy or medical is
Compatible with studies, as well as in the arts, with which they have a ca
August 1–5 remarkable affinity. For, however serious the purpose pa
that drives their intellects, these are sensual people inf
.......................................................... who relish such pleasurable experiences as fine food, th
haunting music and aesthetic beauty, this being espe- ne
cially true if they were also born in the Chinese year
.......................................................... of the goat.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 86
May 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CKK D CKK Fierce Protectors

I n common with many of their Taurean fellows,
those intuitive people born on May 6 are acutely
attuned to the emotions of others, and moreover often
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
are feel profound empathy with less fortunate individuals, Mercury
as who arouse a fiercely protective instinct in them.
a Whether or not their interest in humanity takes an Virtues
eir active compassionate form, these people cannot help Sensitive, supportive,
ya but be fascinated by the mechanics of the human strong-minded
he psyche, seeking to understand what exactly it is that
. motivates others. And, because these are perceptive, Vices
Indulgent, easily led, gullible
eir articulate and logically thinking individuals, who feel
ng compelled to pass on their wisdom to others, they
Car eers
eir typically make gifted and insightful problem-solvers,
Doctor, nurse, psychologist,
ty, whose advice is frequently sought. scientific researcher, actor
di- Given such inherently people-oriented talents and
nd inclinations, they will usually find career fulfillment Skills & Aptitudes
ay in the medical, psychiatric or caring professions, but Empathetic disposition, logical
nd they are also suited to politics and the arts, both areas thinking, problem-solving skills,
by, in which they can utilize their sensitivity and urge to interest in the human psyche
wn help humanity progress.
Despite the seriousness with which they apply Famous Births
Sigmund Freud (1856)
cs, themselves to their work, however, May 6 individu- Orson Welles (1915)
d- als retain the capacity to enjoy the simpler things in George Clooney (1961)
ll- life, perhaps instinctively appreciating that relaxation Gabourey Sidibe (1983)
cal is a vital release from intellectual pressure. They typi-
ea cally make deeply supportive and affectionate friends, Compatible with
ose partners and parents, whose marked sense of humor, August 6–10
ple infectious optimism and generosity draw others to
od, them, particularly if they were also born in the Chi- ..........................................................
pe- nese year of the horse.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 87 14/7/16 5:36 PM

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6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 87
May 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gifted Communicators D C D
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
I nherent in those born on this day is a profound
mixture of inward-looking spirituality and
externally-oriented concern with personal image.
Mercury Thus while the former characteristic leads these as
people to recognize that life’s most important truths of
Virtues and values are of the nonmaterialistic, intellectual co
Self-aware, inquisitive, motivated
and emotionally elevated variety, the latter endows th
them with an altogether more superficial desire to ex
Self-absorbed, narcissistic, make the best possible impression on others. Yet this gre
neglectful image-consciousness is not necessarily a negative th
quality, for once May 7 people have become aware of ma
Car eers it, they may consciously influence others to achieve by
Spiritual or political spokesperson, their ends. Indeed, as well as being deeply sensitive H
writer, poet, musician, orator and often compassionate, these individuals are gifted in
communicators, with an outstanding ability to convey im
Skills & Aptitudes their strongly held convictions to others and thereby gri
Abstract thinking, communication
inspire them with their visions. Reflecting their skills for
skills, compassion
and leanings, these people have the potential to excel va
Famous Births
in the artistic sphere, not only as writers, poets and an
Johannes Brahms (1833) composers, but also as spiritual or even political pe
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840) evangelists. to
Eva “Evita” Perón (1919) Despite their best intentions, however, those born
Chiara Ferragni (1987) on May 7 may have less-than-idyllic personal lives, for th
their interest in idealistic concepts and their desire to ilie
Compatible with influence the wider world may leave them with little wi
August 6–10
energy or attention to devote to those closest to them, ae
a tendency that is particularly pronounced in the men ma
born on this day. Indeed, it is ironic that, while they wi
.......................................................... may devote enormous effort to winning allies when at th
work, they may unintentionally neglect the feelings of ag
their partners, children and friends, despite the genu- th
.......................................................... ine affection that they feel for those closest to them. est
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 88
May 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D C Dr iven Architects

T hose born on this day harbor extremely strong
convictions, which they will typically maintain
with stubborn determination and strive to propagate
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ese as widely as possible. Although they are possessed
hs of a highly developed sense of fair play, which may
ual compel them to direct their efforts toward improving Virtues
Ambitious, moral, tenacious
ws the lot of less fortunate individuals by serving, for
to example, as politicians, May 8 people generally feel a
his greater connection with the environment—be it with Imposing, domineering,
ve the natural world, or their immediate, perhaps man- closed-minded
of made surroundings—a sympathy that is heightened
ve by their profound innate appreciation of beauty. Car eers
ve Hence they will often be found playing a leading role Historical preservation, landscape
ed in preserving or improving landscapes, historically architect, salesperson, site developer
ey important buildings or their own homes. When in the
by grip of crusading zeal, they may put their ideas across Skills & Aptitudes
lls forcefully, but since they instinctively understand the Sense of justice and morality,
aesthetic interests, effective
cel value of converting rather than alienating others,
communication skills
nd and are gifted and effective communicators with the
cal persuasive talents of a salesperson, they usually prefer Famous Births
to be persuaded. Harry S. Truman (1884)
rn Despite the unwavering loyalty and affection that David Attenborough (1926)
for they manifest toward their friends, partners and fam- Melissa Gilbert (1964)
to ilies, those born on this day may be difficult to live Enrique Iglesias (1975)
tle with because of their high standards and ideals. Their
Compatible with
m, aesthetic concern with their personal environment,
August 6–10
en may result in simmering resentment when those
ey with whom they share their homes fail to fall in with
at their exacting requirements, particularly untidy teen- ..........................................................
of age children. Their energy and self-certainty instill in
u- them a propensity to control the actions of their near-
. est and dearest rather than let them explore their own ..........................................................
avenues independently.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 89 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 89
May 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fiery Defenders 1[C DK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day can astonish those who
do not know them well with their awesome
flashes of temper, colorful pyrotechnical displays that
Mercury are at variance with their generally steady and calm In
approach to life. Such tantrums are rarely gratuitous, pe
Virtues however, instead being provoked by what May 9 or
Compassionate, brave, committed people believe to be manifestations of perversity that pr
hinder implemention of their progressive visions. un
Vices For these are judgemental—almost magisterial— are
Irascible, temperamental,
people, who feel compelled to adopt the champion’s int
mantle when moved by examples of injustice or abuse, esp
desiring to protect the downtrodden and reverse their of
Car eers
Political leader, social worker, judge, misfortunes. And, in such instances, when faced with tri
lawyer, artist a humanitarian challenge, May 9 people typically of
draw deep on their prodigious resources of energy,
Skills & Aptitudes determination and courage, thus making inspiring of
Progressive vision, drive to fight leaders. While such qualities suit them extremely well fic
injustice, high energy levels for careers in politics, the caring professions or the pe
judiciary, their enormous sensitivity also endows them an
Famous Births with outstanding artistic potential. for
J.M. Barrie (1860)
Because these people are overridingly possessed to
Mike Wallace (1918)
Billy Joel (1949) by highly developed instincts of moral rectitude, they
Rosario Dawson (1979) generally find it hard to forgive the all-too-human tia
failings of their nearest and dearest, expecting them inn
Compatible with to live up to the lofty ethical standards on which they ing
August 6–10 themselves place such great value. When they expe- by
rience inevitable disappointment within both their wh
professional and personal relationships, their temper- to
.......................................................... amental tendencies surge to the fore, a propensity that ca
is especially marked if they were also born in the Chi- bin
nese year of the dragon. as
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 90
May 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

DK D C Devoted Crafters

M any of those born on May 10 tend to be
obsessive in exploring and promoting those
concepts that fuel their imaginations and passions.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
lm Indeed, their capacity to become totally absorbed in Mercury
us, pet projects can leave them with little time, energy
9 or even interest to devote to unrelated people or Virtues
hat projects. Without the unconditional tolerance and Focused, ambitious, dynamic
ns. understanding of friends and family members, they
— are unlikely to experience any of the joys of personal Vices
n’s interaction and close emotional support; this is Neglectful, obsessive,
se, especially the case for men born on this day, who
eir often turn a blind eye to what they regard as the
Car eers
th trivial, relatively unimportant chores and obligations
Politician, campaign manager, art
lly of normal family relationships. director, visual artist
gy, While there is no single captivating ideal or topic
ng of interest that can impel May 10 individuals to sacri- Skills & Aptitudes
ell fice their personal lives in this manner, these sensitive Single-minded focus, imaginative
he people generally feel a strong affinity with the arts, powers, logical thought,
em and also with politics, both areas which allow scope communication
for their great imaginative powers and ambitious urge
ed to attain success. Famous Births
Fred Astaire (1899)
ey Such qualities endow these people with the poten- Donovan (1946)
an tial to make their mark on the world as far-seeing Bono (1960)
em innovators, and when they are working toward fulfill- Kenan Thompson (1978)
ey ing their innate promise, they are aided enormously
pe- by their vigor, their willingness to take a lone stand Compatible with
eir when necessary, their ability as gifted communicators August 6–10
er- to enlist the support of others, their capacity for logi-
hat cal thought and their outstanding tenacity. This com- ..........................................................
hi- bination of talents makes them particularly effective
as influencers on social media sites.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 91 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
0 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 91
May 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Loyal Maver icks zD GK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
A lthough exceptionally self-disciplined, those
born on May 11 refuse to be constrained by
others’ narrow rules and regulations or ideas and
ideals. Fiercely independent in both thought and res
Virtues deed, they also have a burning desire to discover the wh
Innovative, determined, unorthodox world’s truths for themselves, an inherent compulsion im
that inevitably causes them to reject the mores of th
Vices conventional beliefs and behavior patterns. int
Isolated, alienating, radical Their questing and imaginative intellectual quali- un
ties are typically supplemented by outstanding pow- ten
Car eers ers of perception, methodical attention to detail, true
Judge, lawyer, politician, academic
or technical researcher
originality and stubborn tenacity when investigating vid
or defining concepts that fascinate May 11 people. ter
Skills & Aptitudes And, although they are naturally attracted to abstract ste
Self-discipline, ability to think ideas and are therefore suited to academic or technical oft
and research independently, strong research, these are sensitive individuals, whose inter- po
imagination, powers of perception est in every aspect of the human condition endows cee
them with feelings of considerable empathy, which ma
Famous Births may impel them to pursue careers in the judiciary or th
Irving Berlin (1888)
politics. ov
Salvador Dalí (1904)
Richard Feynman (1918) In their interpersonal relationships, their human- gre
Cory Monteith (1982) itarian concern and appreciation of individual-
ity makes them remarkably tolerant of extreme or be
Compatible with eccentric behavior. Coupled with their inherent gifts ser
August 6–10 of intuition, protectiveness and loyalty, they make en
gifted parents, who encourage the natural enthu- str
siasm and inquisitiveness of their children. They are
appreciate that a stable domestic life provides the an
.......................................................... best background for their more radical propensities. ins
Their professional relationships, however, may be less an
harmonious, since they have a tendency to alienate be
.......................................................... more conventional souls. th
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 92
May 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GK D G Dependable Fr iends

T hose born on May 12 are valued by coworkers
and family members alike for their dependability,
for they have both a highly developed sense of
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
nd responsibility and a protective desire to help those for
he whom they care by assuming their burdens. These are Virtues
on immensely capable individuals, who typically combine Supportive, deep-thinking,
of their urge to actively make progress with impressive methodical
intellectual gifts, including remarkable perspicacity, an
li- unremitting ability for logical thought and unwavering Vices
w- tenacity. Blunt, hedonistic, overworked
ue Because they are direct and guileless, May 12 indi-
ng viduals tend to speak their minds bluntly, a charac- Car eers
Nurse, social worker, teacher, artist,
le. teristic that is not always advisable, however. Their
act steadfastness of purpose and independent outlook
cal often propels those born on this day into leadership Skills & Aptitudes
er- positions. These individuals are well equipped to suc- Perspicacity and tenacity, high
ws ceed in virtually any career that they choose, but their intelligence, direct form of
ch marked orientation toward others may encourage communication, skills in hosting
or them to work in the caring professions, while their and hospitality
overall sensitivity may furthermore bestow upon them
n- great artistic talent. Famous Births
Florence Nightingale (1820)
al- Those who do not know May 12 people well may Katharine Hepburn (1907)
or be surprised to find that lurking behind the somewhat Tony Hawk (1968)
fts serious face that they present to the world is an appar- Domhnall Gleeson (1983)
ke ently uncharacteristically adventurous and hedonistic
u- streak. For these are intellectually curious types, who Compatible with
ey are stimulated by contact with the different or unusual August 11–16
he and enjoy new experiences and situations. They
es. instinctively understand the importance of relaxation ..........................................................
ess and, since they are gregarious individuals, like nothing
ate better than to be hospitable to others and entertain
them lavishly. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 93 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
2 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 93
May 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Br eezy Charmers zD GK zD

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus I n comparison to those who find it a struggle to
attain their ideals, those born on May 13 appear to
breeze through life, effortlessly notching up success
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
after success, charming others in the process. And rea
Virtues indeed, these are undeniably gifted people who are rel
Charming, sensitive, intuitive able to harmonize their often contradictory personal Th
qualities to produce a remarkably effective holistic all
Vices package. Thus while their great intellectual curiousity en
Restless, distracted, flighty stimulates them to think and act independently, rat
their enormous sensitivity and intuitive perspicacity
Car eers makes them extremely receptive to the people and ina
Human resources, project manager,
circumstances that surround them. Similarly, while ex
entrepreneur, writer or artist
many May 13 people manifest a profoundly serious is
Skills & Aptitudes sense of purpose when engaged in tasks that truly lec
Ability to think and act absorb them, their inherent earnestness is balanced co
independently, discerning nature, by their infectious and enthusiastic enjoyment of life. na
people-oriented approach Although their multitude of interests may lead them ind
to consider a variety of careers in the professional ex
Famous Births spheres, their artistic aptitude marks them out for sci
Bea Arthur (1926) particular success in this realm. su
Stevie Wonder (1950)
Their skills and people-oriented approach generally pa
Stephen Colbert (1964)
Robert Pattinson (1986) make these people valued team members—both at
work and within the family—and they typically dis- ide
Compatible with play a remarkable level of affection and loyalty to their th
August 11–16 nearest and dearest, whose lives they seek to enrich to
while simultaneously assuming a supportive and co
protective role. Yet because May 13 individuals, and rel
especially the men born on this day, respond so imme- he
.......................................................... diately to the stimulus of an exciting challenge, they giv
may occasionally appear to be somewhat flighty, pre- in
ferring to investigate an alluring new passion rather de
.......................................................... than sticking doggedly to a less attractive, but perhaps ag
more critical, option.
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 94
May 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GK zD G Humane Visionar ies

A lthough their enormous sensitivity bestows upon
them the capacity to have deep feelings and
compassion for those who are less fortunate, it is the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
nd realm of abstract ideas rather than of interpersonal
are relationships that really excites May 14 individuals. Virtues
nal Thus while they may be found devising strategies for Enthusiastic, determined,
tic alleviating global human suffering, it is the excitement perceptive
ity engendered by the challenge that stimulates them,
tly, rather than the end result of their labors. Vices
ity Their marked—often extreme—powers of imag- Obstinate, isolated, stressed
nd ination instill in May 14 people an enthusiasm for
ile exploring new concepts and techniques, a trait which Car eers
IT consultant, anthropologist,
us is backed up extremely effectively by their great intel-
town planner, community worker,
uly lectual and intuitive perceptiveness, their steadfast painter, musician
ed commitment to the mastery of detail, and their obsti-
fe. nate refusal to concede defeat. Such qualities often Skills & Aptitudes
em indicate particular success in the realm of science, for Abstract thinking, imagination,
nal example in information technology, or in the social intuitive perceptiveness
for sciences, although they also have an innate talent for
such artistic pursuits as music, drama, literature and Famous Births
lly painting, too. George Lucas (1944)
Cate Blanchett (1969)
at Such an overriding commitment to the world of Mark Zuckerberg (1984)
is- ideas is usually the mark of the introvert and, while Miranda Cosgrove (1993)
eir those born on May 14 may indeed sometimes appear
ch to be solitary and obsessive types, their interest and Compatible with
nd concern for their coworkers, friends, partners and August 11–16
nd relations, combined with their sense of humor and
me- healthy appreciation of pleasure and beauty typically
ey give them strong interpersonal roots that ground them ..........................................................
re- in the real world. Their knack for problem-solving,
her dependability and kindly attitude frequently encour-
ps age others to seek their advice. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 95 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
4 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 95
May 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Introspective Cr eatives zD GK zD

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus T hose born on this day are often perceived by
others as being rather dreamy individuals who
live in worlds of their own devising and therefore
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
possess a somewhat otherworldly quality. And in in
Virtues many respects this somewhat superficial judgement is an
Sensitive, introspective, caring correct, for these are profoundly introspective beings, idi
who not only have a near-irresistible urge to attain are
Vices knowledge but, once they have accumulated sufficient th
Irresponsible, isolated, dreamy information on subjects that excite their interest, to rec
expand and develop it with unusual imagination and th
Car eers creativity. an
Religious leader or academic,
Thus while their mental agility and independence, pa
humanitarian, musician, painter
their open mindedness toward mystical concepts and en
Skills & Aptitudes their tenacity of purpose endow them with innova- th
Visionary powers, abstract thinking, tive potential, their steady and methodical approach wh
imagination and creativity, open- provides them with the concrete means with which to inf
minded attitude support and validate their visions. Underlying all their sen
actions is their enormous sensitivity, a defining char- ge
Famous Births acteristic which, in their professional lives, may man- ca
Eddy Arnold (1918) ifest itself in areas where it can be employed to effect are
Madeleine Albright (1937)
humanitarian progress, or in the artistic sphere, where fie
David Krumholtz (1978)
Andy Murray (1987) their work can be shared with, and inspire, others. wi
Despite their often solitary interests and modi
Compatible with vivendi, the sensitivity of May 15 people is so all-en- fue
August 11–16 compassing that it propels them toward interpersonal tow
contact, and is often manifested in unusual levels of so
empathy and compassion toward others, especially aff
those closest to them. They are typically fiercely th
.......................................................... devoted to long-standing friends and families and th
particularly to their children. They are encouraged by ma
the emotional support that they receive to share their lar
.......................................................... talents with the wider world. co
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 96
May 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GK zD GK Flamboyant Characters

M ay 16 individuals are often described as
“flamboyant,” for although they might not
regard themselves as individualists, and especially not
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
in in terms of their attitude toward the predilections
is and foibles of others, they typically blaze a highly Virtues
gs, idiosyncratic and dynamic trail through life. They Passionate, dynamic, self-confident
ain are larger-than-life characters, determined to impose
ent their forceful wills upon people and circumstances and Vices
to receive maximum possible attention and acclaim for Temperamental, intimidating,
nd their actions in the process. Despite these controlling egotistical
and attention-seeking qualities that are such a vital
ce, part of their personal make-up, others thoroughly Car eers
Actor, comedian, musician, radio
nd enjoy their company. Life is rarely dull when around
va- them, for not only do they present awesome spectacles
ch when in full flight, but their indomitable vigor and Skills & Aptitudes
to infectious joie de vivre draws others to them for the Ambition, orientation for success,
eir sense of fun—and sometimes danger—that they drive to be the center of attention,
ar- generate. Professionally, they will fare best when they high levels of energy and creativity
n- can assume leadership or performing roles, and they
ect are especially well equipped for careers in such artistic Famous Births
ere fields as acting or music-making, in which their talents Liberace (1919)
Pierce Brosnan (1953)
will be appreciated by their audiences. Janet Jackson (1966)
odi The direct approach favored by these people is Megan Fox (1986)
n- fueled by their strength of purpose and orientation
nal toward success, which usually takes the form of per- Compatible with
of sonal ambition. While they are generally loyal and August 11–16
lly affectionate to those who unquestioningly support
ely them, they may brush aside, or even trample over,
nd those who stand in their way. When impeded, they ..........................................................
by may express their frustration by means of spectacu-
eir lar outbursts of temper, a tendency which may, unless
controlled, ultimately sabotage their success. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 97 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
6 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 97
May 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tenacious Missionar ies D GK D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus T hose born on May 17 are fueled by their fierce
wish to see their ambitions realized: although
these may involve personal betterment, they are above
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
all concerned with the improvement of the lot of pre
Virtues humanity as a whole. For these are not only perceptive ou
Ambitious, caring, determined people whose clear-sightedness helps them to readily he
identify faults and failings, but they are also individuals an
Vices whose deep, people-oriented sensitivity bestows upon wi
Judgmental, blunt, intolerant them the urge to work toward improving the lives sen
of those less fortunate. Yet despite their prodigious do
Car eers energy, their capacity for original and logical thought, sen
Festival/event manager, travel
and their obstinate refusal to be diverted from their dir
consultant, art director, financial
advisor missions, many May 17 people seem doomed to im
failure. It may be that they have a tendency to set their th
Skills & Aptitudes sights too high, possibly recognizing that their aims of
Clear-sighted perception, people- are inherently unfeasible but nevertheless assuming tak
oriented ambitions, original that they can overcome any obstacles in their path th
thinking, aesthetic sensitivity through sheer determination and force of will.
Once they have developed a greater sense of real- ca
Famous Births ism, these people will thrive in those professions where giv
Bob Saget (1956)
their great practical skills and intellectual idealism can ica
Enya (1961)
Craig Ferguson (1962) find best expression. The artistic sphere promises spe- th
Tony Parker (1982) cial potential for success, for those born on this day pre
have a highly developed sense of the aesthetic, as well th
Compatible with as enormous creativity. They may also find satisfac- ha
August 17–22 tion in the world of finance or in tourism, where they pa
can cater for the enjoyment of others. Within their esp
personal relationships, these people typically show In
.......................................................... great commitment to those closest to them, perhaps so
in inherent recognition of the emotional rewards that an
result from a stable and supportive domestic life. ers
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 98
May 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GK D C GK Just Activists

T hose born on May 18 favor a straightforward
approach in everything that they do, possessed as
they are by a driving urge to push onward rather than
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
of prevaricating or stagnating. They are blessed with an Second cusp: Taurus with Gemini
ve outstanding intellectual ability to cut incisively to the tendencies
ily heart of an issue and then, employing their remarkable
als analytical powers, to build up their own strategy Virtues
on with which to achieve their aims. Because these are Steadfast, energetic, compassionate
ves sensitive types who cannot bear to see injustice being
us done, and who are furthermore endowed with a keen Vices
Obstinate, closed-minded, stubborn
ht, sense of natural justice, their energies will often be
eir directed toward the alleviation of suffering or the
Car eers
to improvement of social systems. When convinced of
Judge, politician, mediator,
eir their moral veracity in the face of a perceived abuse ambassador or diplomat
ms of power, those born on May 18 will not flinch from
ng taking a brave stance and tenaciously persevering with Skills & Aptitudes
th their mission until the challenge has been overcome. Straightforward approach, incisive
Individuals born on this day will flourish in any and strategic thinking, analytical
al- career in which they can attain tangible progress, but, powers, inherent sense of justice
ere given their latent humanitarian and often philosoph-
an ical leanings, they will find special satisfaction when Famous Births
Reggie Jackson (1946)
pe- they can provide guidance to others. Despite their George Strait (1952)
ay predilection for independence of thought and action, Tina Fey (1970)
ell these are empathetic people who would rather not Jens Bergensten (1979)
ac- have to act in isolation, preferring instead to work as
ey part of a harmonious and committed team, this being Compatible with
eir especially true in the case of women born on this day. August 17–22, September 26–28
ow Indeed, in both their professional and personal liai-
ps sons they typically exhibit great charm, consideration ..........................................................
hat and loyalty, qualities that make them valued cowork-
ers, friends and family members.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 071-101_11513.indd 99 14/7/16 5:36 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
8 PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 99
May 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Steadfast Problem-solvers D C G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T he steadfast kindness and dependability of those
born on this day marks them out as people to whom
others turn for support and encouragement in times of
Second cusp: Taurus with Gemini difficulty. When asked to advise upon problems, they an
tendencies typically muster their prodigiously practical talents to th
devise realistic and positive solutions and then devote ex
Virtues their energies wholeheartedly toward implementation. ou
Tactful, empathetic, calm Although they harbor extremely strong convictions, th
which are generally informed by their sense of natural su
Vices justice, they pass on their opinions to others with a th
Suppressed, controlling, resentful
judicious use of tact, tailoring the manner in which th
they impart their ideas without ever compromising inf
Car eers
Politician, teacher, caregiver, the essence of their beliefs. Such pragmatism, when pré
therapist, nurse, counselor combined with their humanitarian concern and th
idealism, suits those born on May 19 to a number of sp
Skills & Aptitudes people-oriented careers, including politics, teaching th
Practical talents, ability to and the caring professions, and, indeed, they will de
implement realistic solutions, usually only find true satisfaction in work involving for
pragmatic outlook interpersonal contact.
These individuals will similarly assume a central lat
Famous Births
role in their private lives, acting as rocks of stability an
Malcolm X (1925)
Andre the Giant (1946) and reliability around which their more flighty friends ma
Grace Jones (1948) and relations flit back and forth, always returning for life
Sam Smith (1992) support. Two dangers are thus presented: that these th
people’s sense of responsibility, protective urge and to
Compatible with commitment to those nearest to them may sometimes ble
August 17–25, September 26–28 cause them to suppress their own needs and desires en
in the interests of others; and that unless they are tie
.......................................................... also able to pursue their personal interests their frus- an
trated desire for independence may find a somewhat po
destructive outlet in the control of those around them. on
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May 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D C G R elentless explor ers

T he apparently limitless energy of those born on
May 20, and their appetite for savoring new
intellectual or sensory experiences, arouses both awe
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Venus and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Saturn
ey and exhaustion in others. The awe is inspired by Second cusp: Taurus with Gemini
to the variety of interests that fascinate them, and the tendencies
ote exhaustion by the relentless pace with which they seek
on. out and explore novel ideas and situations. Yet despite Virtues
ns, the speed with which they move from subject to Curious, practical, mercurial
ral subject, from place to place, or from person to person,
ha the knowledge that they gain is rarely superficial, for Vices
Dissatisfied, inconstant, restless
ch their quick wits and intuition enable them to process
ng information into a coherent and remarkably accurate
Car eers
en précis. When they encounter an area that truly absorbs
Humanitarian, painter, musician,
nd them, and the humanitarian, philosophical or artistic academic researcher or professor
of spheres are especially propitious for those born on
ng this day, they manifest a highly developed capacity for Skills & Aptitudes
will detailed investigation and a single-minded tenacity Practical and logical approach,
ng for its development and implementation. energy, ability to absorb and
Despite their apparently ceaseless quest for stimu- process information quickly
ral lation, these people are typically steadfast, supportive
ity and loyal in their personal relationships, although they Famous Births
William Thornton (1759)
ds may initially find it hard to commit themselves to a Jimmy Stewart (1908)
for life partner. Not only is the welfare and happiness of Cher (1946)
ese their nearest and dearest of paramount importance Matt Czuchry (1977)
nd to these caring individuals, but they are furthermore
mes blessed with an endearing joie de vivre, which has an Compatible with
res enlivening effect on those around them. In return, the August 17–25, September 26–28
are ties that they form with their long-standing friends
us- and family members provide a grounding and sup- ..........................................................
hat portive framework from which to launch themselves
m. on their voyages of discovery.
Proof 1


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c Gemini ind
May 21 to June 21 en
Ruling planet: Mercury Element: Mutable air Symbol: Twins
Polar ity: Positive (masculine) Colors: Red, yellow, orange th
Physical cor r espondence: Lungs, shoulders, arms, hands by
Stones: Beryl, garnet, citrine, amber, agate are
Flowers: Verbena, balm, tansy, yarrow, orchid, myrtle mi

T he constellation of Gemini comprises the stars Castor and Pollux, and these brothers
have popularly become associated with the zodiacal sign. The ancient Greeks told
of the seduction of Leda by Zeus, who transformed himself into a swan for the purpose;
Leda laid two eggs, one containing her children by her mortal husband Tyndareos, M
Kastor (Castor) and Clytemnestra, and the other her immortal offspring, Polydeuces wo
(Pollux) and Helen. Castor was killed, and Pollux mourned his brother’s death so deeply
that Zeus raised his dead twin to immortality. The twin analogy is common to most wh
traditions, though not all the characters are male, or even siblings. The ancient Egyptians vo
envisaged the Gemini couple as a man and woman, while in Hindu belief the pair are ita
lovers known as Maithuna. ind
The primary characteristic associated with Gemini is duality, symbolically represented we
by the opposition of masculinity and femininity, or mortality and divinity. The ambiv- en
alence, as well as its potential reconciliation and synthesis, is compounded by Gemini’s en
planetary ruler, Mercury, who in various traditions was a hermaphroditic deity. As well va
as being blessed with mercurial minds and outstanding powers of communication, those ap
born under this sign are intellectually diverse but occasionally indecisive and impulsive. th
The element of air confers the qualities of versatility and idealism, but also a potential ad
lack of direction and restlessness.
Proof 1


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MAY 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C DK Enthusiastic Visionar ies

T hose born on this day can be characterized by their

total commitment to whatever it is that excites
their devotion and inspiration, be it their families,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: V
xx decan:
Mercury and Venus
P Personal planet is
their hobbies, or their work. Blessed with tremendous xxMercury
cusp: Ta
physical and intellectual energy, these dynamic First cusp: Gemini with Taurean
individuals typically throw themselves into the pursuit Virtues
of their interests and ideological aims with boundless
enthusiasm, tenaciously investigating, developing and Virtues
Attentive, determined, caring
implementing until they have achieved their purpose. Sup
Since they have the potential to be stubborn,
those born on this day may sometimes be regarded Car eers
Isolated, obsessive, obstinate
by others as obsessive and obstinate, yet because they Pr
are deeply practical and possess an ingenious turn of Car eers
mind, their eventual success will often prove their Skills
Financial & Aptitudes
advisor, engineer,
doubters wrong. Their visionary and pragmatic ten- Pra
humanitarian worker, artist
rs dencies augur particularly well for finance-related
d professions, as well as the realm of technical inven- Famous
Skills &Births
Commitment in all areas, energy,
e; tion, but their great sensitivity also bestows upon
s, May 21 people enormous aptitude for humanitarian genuine interest in others’ welfare
Compatible with
es work and artistic endeavors. A
Famous Births
y Although they may cut themselves off from society
Alexander Pope (1688)
st when engaging in what they may perceive to be their ..........................................................
Henri Rousseau (1844)
ns vocational labors, these people by no means prefer sol- ..........................................................
Mr. T (1952)
e itary lifestyles. Not only are they interested in other Lisa Edelstein (1966)
individuals, and experience great concern for their ..........................................................
d welfare, but they are gregarious and sensual types who Compatible with
- enjoy relaxing with friends and family members and August 21–22, September 21–25
’s ensuring that everyone has a good time. One disad-
ll vantage of their generally guileless and affectionate ..........................................................
e approach toward others, however, is that they run
e. the risk that are more manipulative people may take
al advantage of them. ..........................................................
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May 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Flitting Polymaths C DK 1C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is
I nherent in the behavior of those born on May 22 is
an apparently paradoxical tendency to concentrate
on one specific area of interest in meticulous detail,
Mercury while flitting from fascination to fascination in an dr
First cusp: Gemini with Taurean apparently superficial manner. Yet this dual propensity aff
is not really so contradictory when one considers that po
these individuals have a profound urge to search for is
Virtues knowledge and thereby gain greater understanding. ins
Inquisitive, pioneering, empathetic
Their compulsion to learn and investigate encom- th
passes their tendency to gather a minutiae of infor- an
mation on subjects that truly arrest their attention
Controlling, manipulative, bossy
and, when these are exhausted, to renew their quest 23
for new areas of enlightenment. Their twin capacity life
Car eers
Journalist, advertising consultant, to single-mindedly explore, as well as their abhor- ab
political leader, science professor rence of intellectual stagnation, is an unusual and en
potentially extremely fulfilling combination. In addi- wi
Skills & Aptitudes tion to the artistic and scientific spheres, these people ab
Attention to detail, thirst for will find satisfaction in working in such arts-related
knowledge, inspiring others business activities as journalism and advertising, as int
well as politics. th
Famous Births What motivates those born on May 22 is their th
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859)
Laurence Olivier (1907)
desire to work for the improvement of humanity, be it dip
Naomi Campbell (1970) by acting as inspirational innovators or by imparting ho
Ginnifer Goodwin (1978) the truths that they have learned in their own quests inv
for illumination to guide the beliefs and actions of
Compatible with others. Whether within their professional or domes- act
August 21–22, September 21–25 tic relationships, these individuals effortlessly assume th
a leadership and mentoring role. Although this ten- ab
.......................................................... dency makes them wise and effective parents and th
friends, it may also cause them to become overly con- tem
trolling. In either event, their care and concern for wi
.......................................................... their loved ones is never in doubt. tio
Proof 1


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May 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

DK 1C DK Magnetic Intellects

T he vibrancy, enthusiastic outlook and great
personal charm exuded by those born on May 23
make them popular characters who seem to effortlessly
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is
an draw others to them. These bright individuals inspire Mercury
ity affection and admiration in equal measure. A further First cusp: Gemini with Taurean
hat potent ingredient that adds to their overall appeal tendencies
for is their orientation toward other people, a leaning
inspired by their empathy, their genuine concern for Virtues
Charming, caring, incisive
m- the well-being of others, their natural gregariousness
or- and, to some extent, their desire for approval.
on In addition, their insatiable curiosity instills in May Impulsive, controlling, superficial
est 23 people the urge to discover as much as they can of
ity life’s mysteries, and furthermore to pit their consider- Car eers
or- able skills and efforts against any challenges that they Nurse, actor, musician, diplomat
nd encounter. They typically combine their sharp wits
di- with highly imaginative minds, as well as a redoubt- Skills & Aptitudes
ple able talent for practical action. Enthusiastic outlook on life,
ed Their humanitarian bias, artistic sensibilities, acute orientation toward other people,
as intellectual powers, and urge to effect progress, equip insatiable curiosity
them for a variety of careers, including those within
Famous Births
eir the caring professions, the performing arts and also
Drew Carey (1958)
e it diplomacy. Whatever career they choose to pursue, Melissa McBride (1965)
ng however, they will usually only flourish if their work Jewel (1974)
sts involves significant interpersonal contact. Apollo Robbins (1974)
of Similarly, May 23 people will usually wish to be
es- actively involved to the fullest extent in the lives of Compatible with
me those closest to them and will have the outstanding August 22, September 24–26
n- ability both to enliven and provide close support to
nd their personal relationships. They should, however, ..........................................................
n- temper a certain compulsion to behave impulsively
for without having fully thought through the implica-
tions of their actions. ..........................................................
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May 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Persuasive Catalysts C C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
P eople born on May 24 can be compared to
catalysts, for they have a gift for making things
happen to others without being in any way affected
Mercury themselves, whether this be done by changing the co
opinions of those around them or by spurring them co
Virtues into action. pe
Inspirational, resourceful, curious Because they are blessed with incisive powers of po
thought and analysis, those born on this day typically em
Vices approach any problem they encounter by first examin- th
Imposing, acerbic, controlling ing the diversity of issues associated with it, and then or
honing in on one specific area in which real improve-
Car eers ments can be made. of
Salesperson, politician, lawyer,
Little stimulates these individuals more than an co
teacher, performing artist
intellectual challenge to which they can apply their to
Skills & Aptitudes considerable energy and talents. These people possess in
Ability to spur into action, the facility to communicate their ideas both verbally th
analytical problem-solving, verbal and in writing, giving them the ability to persuade and sk
and written communication skills inspire others. Such loquacious and people-oriented alo
qualities mark them out for careers as salespeople, pol- an
Famous Births iticians, teachers, or artists and performers. mi
Queen Victoria of Britain (1819) Although it is the realm of abstract concepts that 25
Bob Dylan (1941)
John C. Reilly (1965)
truly fascinates them, May 24 individuals are not con- th
Mark Ballas (1986) tent to lead solitary, contemplative lives, preferring po
instead to share their ideas with other people. But,
Compatible with they tend to seek an acquiescent audience rather than en
September 24–27 a open forum for debate, and may become impatient of
and frustrated if, despite their efforts, they fail to win ge
converts to their cause. This somewhat controlling do
.......................................................... propensity also applies to their closest personal rela- rem
tionships—and particularly to their children if they wi
are parents—for their strong sense of self-belief can th
.......................................................... lead them to expect, and often demand, unquestioning su
submission from their nearest and dearest. rel
Proof 1


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May 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C CK Moral Leaders

A t the core of the personalities of May 25
individuals lies an intractable sense of honor,
natural justice and decency, a deeply held moral
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
he code that underlies the majority of their personal Mercury
em convictions and actions. This is not to say that these
people are intellectually rigid: to the contrary, they Virtues
of possess a mercurial turn of mind that leads them to Empathetic, charismatic,
lly embrace new ideas or innovations easily, albeit with determined
n- the proviso that these do not conflict with their ethical
en or ideological beliefs. Vices
Judgmental, impatient, controlling
ve- Their sensitivity toward the suffering or misfortunes
of others endows them not only with a great sense of
Car eers
an compassion for the downtrodden, but also the desire Art teacher, charity organizer,
eir to actively work toward the improvement of their lot: motivational speaker
ess in the course of their struggle they typically draw upon
lly their enormous energy and powerful communication Skills & Aptitudes
nd skills. And, although they possess the courage to stand Deep sense of honor and justice,
ed alone if necessary, their favored option is to inspire openness to new ideas, sensitivity
ol- an equally determined and enthusiastic band of like- toward others’ suffering
minded individuals. Such characteristics endow May
Famous Births
hat 25 people with pronounced leadership potential, and
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803)
n- they gain greatest satisfaction when blazing an artistic, Sir Ian McKellan (1939)
ng political or humanitarian trail. Mike Meyers (1963)
ut, Within their personal lives, these people are ori- Octavia Spencer (1970)
an ented toward protecting and ensuring the happiness
nt of their loved ones. Yet despite the indulgence and Compatible with
win generosity that they typically display within their September 24–28
ng domestic relationships, their ethical convictions
la- remain paramount. Should these be transgressed, they ..........................................................
ey will experience deep hurt and disillusionment even to
an the point of abruptly withdrawing their affection and
ng support from the offender, no matter how close the ..........................................................
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May 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Independent Artists C C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on May 26 may regard life as something
of a struggle, particularly in their quest to find
both intellectual and emotional fulfillment. It may
Mercury seem somewhat paradoxical that it is their own talents, th
which they employ so effectively on others’ behalf, that po
Virtues impede their own search for happiness. For inherent co
Inspirational, dynamic, in these individuals are both firmly held ideological wi
independent convictions and a restless urge to gain new knowledge de
and experience. th
Vices While having the potential to embrace new ideas, im
Hypocritical, imposing, impulsive
these people may also strive to impose or maintain are
their strong social ideals. These two characteristics to
Car eers
can be remarkably efficacious when in harmony, but ins
Theater or art director, business
entrepreneur, team manager, if imbalanced they may result in double standards and em
academic department head alternately impulsive and intolerant behavior. Never- of
theless, the dynamism of those born on this day fre-
Skills & Aptitudes quently inspires the admiration of others, and they pe
Thirst for knowledge, firm may therefore assume leading roles in those profes- dip
convictions, ability to lead sions that naturally attract them, such as the perform- rea
ing arts, with which they have a special affinity and on
Famous Births where they may enjoy autonomy of action and influ- op
John Wayne (1907)
Stevie Nicks (1948)
ence over others.
Lenny Kravitz (1964) Because intellectual and physical independence is of ge
Helena Bonham Carter (1966) such fundamental importance to them, May 26 people ind
will inherently resist submitting to another authority. era
Compatible with Not only do they find it difficult to conform to cor- wh
September 24–28 porate life, but they may also be reluctant to commit pe
themselves to a single life partner. Within established nu
.......................................................... personal relationships, however, they tend to reserve att
the freedom that they cherish for themselves exclu- de
sively, while at the same time expecting their nearest th
.......................................................... and dearest to conform to their expectations. th
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May 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C CK Confident Human itar ians

A lthough they are incisive and imaginative thinkers
who possess the enviable capacity to easily
absorb the intricacies of complex abstract theories,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
ts, those born on this day are not really interested in Mercury
hat pondering undisturbed in isolation; instead they feel
nt compelled to share the fruits of their knowledge Virtues
cal with the wider world. These people are fueled by the Innovative, practical, dynamic
ge desire to be of benefit to humanity as a whole, and
their favored approach is to take practical action to Vices
Dominating, impersonal,
as, implement their progressive ideals. Although they
ain are sympathetic to human suffering, they manage
ics to remain somewhat emotionally detached, perhaps
Car eers
but instinctively recognizing that too deep a level of Doctor, teacher, diplomat,
nd emotional involvement would limit their ability to be performing artist
er- of effective help.
re- These characteristics in particular equip May 27 Skills & Aptitudes
ey people particularly well for the medical, teaching or Imaginative thinking, ability to
es- diplomatic professions, as well as for those artistic understand abstract concepts,
m- realms where they can express themselves freely; the practical approaches
nd only vital requirement being that there should be an
Famous Births
u- opportunity to guide or care for other people.
Henry Kissinger (1923)
Their confidence, as well as the infectious optimism Joseph Fiennes (1970)
of generated by their strength of purpose, endow these Paul Bettany (1971)
ple individuals with great magnetism, and they are gen- Chris Colfer (1990)
ty. erally well respected and greatly liked by those with
or- whom their work brings them into contact. Yet their Compatible with
mit personal relationships may be less harmonious for a September 25–29
ed number of reasons, including the amount of time and
ve attention that they devote to their work, their ten- ..........................................................
u- dency to control the lives of those closest to them, and
est their strong self-belief, which makes it difficult for
them to accept criticism. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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May 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R adical Thinkers C CK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on May 28 are stimulated by the
grand picture, by visions that are so progressive
that others may find them radical and unrealistic. Yet
Mercury because they are blessed with the ability to accept and en
investigate innovative ideas rather than reject them th
Virtues out of hand, the proposals that they advance rarely ha
Original, imaginative, tolerant seem to be fantastic and unfeasible. In many ways tal
those born on this day are ahead of their times, and, in Th
Vices retrospect, it will probably be their detractors who are ten
Defensive, destructive, isolated proved wrong. Although they are able to communicate in
their ideals effectively to those who are sympathetic rec
Car eers and like-minded, their words will fall on deaf ears
Actor, theater director, author,
when they preach to those who are less enlightened rie
business entrepreneur
and adventurous. so
Skills & Aptitudes Given the generally unenthusiastic reception to be bu
Ability to envisage and initiate expected for their enterprising proposals, people born wi
progressive change, givers of loyal on May 28 are likely to achieve greatest success when lyt
support and respect in relationships able to work apart from mainstream bodies in those als
areas where their personal flair and originality can be th
Famous Births showcased. Thus, they can make very successful artists, ne
Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738) writers or stage performers for example, or business
Ian Fleming (1908)
Colbie Caillat (1985)
entrepreneurs. ca
Carey Mulligan (1985) Because these people yearn to influence others and pe
institute progress in their own, inimitable way, they th
Compatible with have to learn to deal with the inevitable disappoint- fes
September 25–29 ment of having their most deeply cherished ideals dis- era
paraged by others. Some of those born on this day are th
able to cope with this by putting on a brave and defi- hu
.......................................................... ant face, others by withdrawing into their own worlds. ma
All, however, value the unquestioning respect, support of
and affection of their friends, partners and families, to
.......................................................... and usually reciprocate such loyalty in kind. mo
Proof 1


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May 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C CK Giving Charmers

O thers are drawn to May 29 people, attracted by
their kindness, endearing charm and infectious
joie de vivre, and in turn these gregarious individuals
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
nd ensure that a good time is had by all. Not only are Mercury
em they fundamentally concerned with trying to bring
ely happiness to others, but they believe in sharing their Virtues
ays talents and, when they are blessed with it, good fortune. Magnetic, gregarious, altruistic
in They therefore exhibit both hedonistic and altruistic
are tendencies, characteristics that are often incompatible
Unfocused, hedonistic,
ate in others, but which those born on this day manage to manipulative
tic reconcile extremely effectively.
ars So determined are people born on May 29 to expe- Car eers
ed rience all that life has to offer that it may take them Politician, project developer, film
some time to alight on and settle into a fulfilling career, director, business manager
be but once they have found their professional niche they
rn will commit their prodigious energy and incisive ana- Skills & Aptitudes
en lytical skills to the realization of their imaginative ide- Joie de vivre attitude, concern for
the happiness of others, pleasure in
ose als. Because these are strongly people-oriented types,
exploring new ideas
be they will thrive in such diverse fields as politics, busi-
ts, ness and the arts. Famous Births
ess In all their ventures, those born on May 29 typi- T.H. White (1906)
cally seek to enlist approval and support from as many John F. Kennedy (1917)
nd people as possible, and they are not above exploiting Daniel Tosh (1975)
ey the power of their natural charisma. In both their pro- Laverne Cox (1984)
nt- fessional and domestic lives they will therefore gen-
is- erally be surrounded by enthusiastic admirers, whom Compatible with
September 25–30
are they will treat with generous affection and gentle
fi- humor. Exemplary friends and parents, these people
ds. may be less successful as partners, however, on account ..........................................................
ort of their tendency to keep an open house, as well as
es, to respond to new challenges: it is therefore of para-
mount importance that their partners should have a ..........................................................
high tolerance level.
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May 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Jacks of All Trades C CK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
P erhaps the defining personal characteristic
inherent in those born on this day, and the one that
informs and influences the majority of their actions,
Mercury is their irresistible fascination with imaginative and ab
innovatory concepts. Indeed, the adjective “mercurial” do
Virtues perfectly encapsulates the restless inquisitiveness of th
Imaginative, innovative, polymathic their intellectual approach, which leads them to search ex
ceaselessly for knowledge and truth and makes them th
Vices remarkably receptive and sympathetic to new ideas see
Skittish, unreliable, impulsive and proposals. pr
Although their curiosity and need for stimulation bo
Car eers endow those born on this day with the potential to
Sportsperson, stockbroker, author,
become gifted polymaths, it also carries the inherent pe
risk that they may fail to settle on any interest long be
Skills & Aptitudes enough to develop it fully. Well able to inspire and iss
Thirst for knowledge, interest in direct the thoughts and actions of others by means of rel
multiple areas, ability to inspire their enthusiasm, optimism and communication skills, op
others some of those born on May 30 have a propensity to on
leave others to finalize the less intriguing aspects of of
Famous Births their projects while they themselves move on to more dir
Peter Carl Fabergé (1846) alluring pastures, rarely completely getting to grips me
Wynonna Judd (1964)
Idina Menzel (1971)
with the finer detail. an
CeeLo Green (1974) Professionally, May 30 people are suited to those th
areas in which they have the best chance of utilizing
Compatible with their talents and the least chance of becoming bored ac
September 26–30, October 1 with the minutiae of working life. Finance-related str
careers, such as in stockbroking, are especially indi- are
cated, as are artistic and sporting pursuits. In their als
.......................................................... personal relationships, too, these people tend to shy wo
away from sustained commitment and the constraints in
imposed by familial obligations; nevertheless they pr
.......................................................... typically care deeply for their nearest and dearest. fle
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 112 14/7/16 5:48 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 112
May 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C CK Mercur ial Independents

M any of those who do not know them well can
be bewildered by the apparent inconsistency
of those born on this day: they can be enthusiastic
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
nd about a new venture at one moment, and almost Mercury
al” doctrinaire in their upholding of traditional values at
of the next. Similarly, their tendency to alternate between Virtues
ch exuberant optimism and dark pessimism can make Individualistic, pragmatic,
em these people difficult to know and understand. Such innovative
eas seemingly conflicting patterns of behavior reflect their
prodigious imaginative power, a gift that can have Vices
Jealous, authoritarian, capricious
on both positive and negative influences.
to While their strong imagination endows May 31
Car eers
nt people with enormous innovatory potential, it also Poet, author, marketing advisor,
ng bestows on them the ability to see all sides of an charity fundraiser,
nd issue, thereby sometimes making them indecisive or
of reluctant to take potentially disastrous risks, instead Skills & Aptitudes
lls, opting for the safer, albeit more static, option. Yet Imaginative powers, potential for
to once convinced of the veracity of a particular course innovation, ability to assess an issue
of of action, May 31 people will typically pursue it with fairly
ore directness and great capability, devising ingenuous
Famous Births
ps means of overcoming any obstacles in their path,
Walt Whitman (1819)
and gearing themselves toward influencing others by Clint Eastwood (1930)
ose their work and vision. Brooke Shields (1965)
ng Because they are independent in both thought and Colin Farrell (1976)
ed action, those born on this day fare best when uncon-
ed strained by the rules and regulations of others. They Compatible with
di- are especially attracted to artistic pursuits, but may September 27–30, October 1–2
eir also find fulfillment when engaged in humanitarian
hy work. They are generous of their time and attention ..........................................................
nts in both their professional and personal relationships,
ey provided, that is, that they do not feel trapped or sti-
fled by the demands of others, a propensity that is ..........................................................
particularly pronounced in the men born on this day.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 113 14/7/16 5:48 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 113
June 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ar dent Observers C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
­­J une 1 individuals possess the pronounced
characteristic of mercurial inquisitiveness, which
is manifested by their almost insatiable desire for
Venus intellectual stimulation and manifold interests. While Su
their inherent curiosity endows them with a natural oth
Virtues predilection for exploring abstract concepts and ma
Inquisitive, progressive, delving deeper in a truly innovative fashion, it may, ind
affectionate however, equally prohibit them from concentrating on da
one topic alone.
Vices Those born on this day have a remarkably low len
Restless, superficial, guarded
boredom threshold, as well as a horror of being sti- ag
fled and stultified by petty details. These individuals th
Car eers
are intrigued by human behavior, for observing other ke
Marketing or advertising
consultant, psychologist, detective people and speculating about their characters and rea
motivations provides them with an endless challenge. tio
Skills & Aptitudes This orientation, when combined with an openness to eff
Ability to understand abstract change and progress, gives them the aptitude for such sh
concepts, strong inclination toward fields as marketing, advertising, the media and politics, wi
understanding human behavior or perhaps psychology or detective work. cia
Despite their almost compulsive interest in other res
Famous Births people, however, those born on June 1 are often ca
Marilyn Monroe (1926)
Morgan Freeman (1937)
extremely private individuals, who guard their own of
Heidi Klum (1973) personal lives jealously. It may be that they recognize
Amy Schumer (1981) the value of keeping the professional and domestic sti
spheres in which they operate separate, or that they No
Compatible with do not wish the personae that they have adopted with plu
September 29–30, October 1–3 colleagues to be unmasked to reveal their “real” selves. th
Whether plagued by insecurity or not, they tend to sh
.......................................................... resist committing themselves to a life partner, but Th
once they are firmly enmeshed within bonds of fam- fee
ily and friendship, these people typically enliven their th
.......................................................... personal liaisons, and make particularly affectionate th
and effective parents.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 114
June 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C DK Formidable Troupers

T he lives of those born on June 2 rarely seem to run
smoothly: no sooner has one hurdle been cleared,
than another appears to impede the path of progress.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ile Such is the frequency of these crises in their lives, that Venus
ral others often secretly wonder whether they have been
nd manufactured—consciously or unconsciously—by the Virtues
ay, individuals themselves as a means of spicing up their Flexible, courageous, intellectual
on daily routine.
It is indeed true that June 2 people thrive on chal- Vices
Trouble-seeking, compulsive,
ow lenge, relishing the opportunity to pit their skills
ti- against the difficult or unexpected, particularly if
als they were also born in the Chinese year of the mon-
Car eers
her key. These are quick-witted individuals, who can Scientific researcher, performing
nd readily analyze the many facets inherent in a situa- artist, quality controller
ge. tion, more often than not devising an ingenious and
to effective course of action. And, because they enjoy Skills & Aptitudes
ch sharing their considerable talents with others, they Ability to overcome obstacles,
cs, will frequently flourish in the artistic sphere—espe- analytical mindset, strategic
cially as performers—but also sometimes as scientific thinking
her researchers or as corporate trouble-shooters; in any
Famous Births
en career, in fact, in which they are allowed autonomy
Thomas Hardy (1840)
wn of thought and action. Wayne Brady (1972)
ze Their predilection for exposing themselves to new Zachary Quinto (1977)
tic stimuli may, however, complicate their personal lives. Justin Long (1978)
ey Not only do they typically find it hard to take the
th plunge in committing themselves to a life partner, but Compatible with
es. they may also lack the capacity to stick with a relation- September 30, October 1–3
to ship once it has lost its initial bloom of excitement.
but This is not to say that they do not possess profound ..........................................................
m- feelings for their nearest and dearest, but rather that
eir they may helplessly succumb to the irresistible lure of
ate the unknown—or even the unattainable. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 115 14/7/16 5:48 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 115
June 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Forceful Fr ee-thinkers C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
D espite their marked independence of thought,
June 3 people are not the types to distance
themselves from the company of others in order to
Venus explore concepts that interest them, or to seek solitude. up
To the contrary, they feel a need to share their ideas de
Virtues with others, indeed, often to impose them on those fas
Pioneering, independent, dedicated around them. by
June 3 people are intellectually restless, yet their or
Vices strong urge to achieve tangible results by imple- im
Demanding, irritable, impatient menting the visions that inspire them gives them the th
ability to concentrate upon their chosen aims with th
Car eers single-minded dedication, thus giving their mer- ye
Teacher, scientific researcher, art
curial tendencies an outlet for resolving new prob-
director, performing artist
lems. Such qualities, when supplemented by their po
Skills & Aptitudes impressive communicative talents, give these people wo
Desire to share knowledge with the potential to succeed especially in such spheres as be
others, single-minded focus, teaching, research and the performing arts. to
communicative talents Coupled with their predilection for putting across rea
their occasionally idiosyncratic opinions—even str
Famous Births in the face of a hostile audience—is these people’s or
Jefferson Davis (1808) (often unconscious) desire to bask in the acclaim ize
Josephine Baker (1906)
Anderson Cooper (1967)
of others, a combination that is not easily recon- qu
Rafael Nadal (1986) ciled. June 3 people sometimes alienate others and pr
forfeit the goodwill and admiration that they seek int
Compatible with to elicit. This reaction is usually due to the forceful
September 30, October 1–4 and impatient manner in which they present their th
beliefs. While charming and benevolent when things sh
are going their way, they may become negative and co
.......................................................... domineering when their path is blocked. This pro- int
pensity is especially pronounced in confrontations gr
with recalcitrant family members and friends. to
.......................................................... ot
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 116
June 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C DK Logical Pathfinders

T hose with June 4 birthdays are driven by their
fascination with acquiring knowledge and then
taking the learning process a step further, expanding
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
de. upon the information they have garnered and Venus
eas developing new approaches in their own, original
ose fashion. While their attention is primarily absorbed Virtues
by the conceptual realm of ideas, they are people- Determined, ingenious, charismatic
eir oriented to the extent that they feel the urge to
e- impart to others their enthusiasm for whatever it is Vices
Closed-off, negligent, inconsiderate
he that most excites them. Anxious to inform and guide
th their friends, family members and coworkers, they
er- yearn to influence the world at large. Car eers
Social worker, caregiver, medical
b- All June 4 individuals have great innovational researcher, actor
eir potential, and although some are motivated in their
ple work by humanitarian concerns and may perhaps Skills & Aptitudes
as become social workers or caregivers, others choose Development of original ideas,
to apply their considerable intellectual talents to the communication skills, single-
oss realm of research. Most have a pronounced artistic minded focus
en streak that suits them admirably for careers as writers
e’s or actors if they are self-confident enough to capital- Famous Births
King George III of England
im ize on their creative capabilities. Although typically (1738)
n- quite single-minded when inspired by a stimulating Angelina Jolie (1975)
nd project, these people become easily bored when their Russell Brand (1975)
ek intellects are restricted. Brandon Jenner (1981)
ful Whether unwittingly or consciously, many of
eir those born on this day place their personal relation- Compatible with
gs ships in a subordinate position to their work. Their October 1–5, December 18–19
nd considerable charm, kindness and highly developed
o- interpersonal skills draw others to them. Despite the ..........................................................
ns great affection they genuinely feel for those closest
to them, these people often may inadvertently hurt
others when their profession rather than social com- ..........................................................
mitments are regarded as paramount.
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 117 14/7/16 5:48 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 117
June 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Visionary Geniuses C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
J une 5 people have the capacity to generate such
innovative ideas that others may regard them as
either geniuses or crackpots. Their vision and soaring
Venus imaginative powers seem unlimited in scope, for th
these far-sighted individuals refuse to be fettered by vis
Virtues conventional truths, recognizing that nothing can be wi
Steadfast, empathetic, far-sighted taken for granted. Extremely perceptive, possessed of de
intellectual curiosity and apparently unlimited energy im
Vices when it comes to developing and researching the fav
Delicate, misunderstood, insecure topics that absorb them, those born on this day have inq
the potential to flourish in a variety of professions. th
Car eers The key to the success of individuals born on this
Poet, scientific researcher,
day often lies simply in the extent to which they can un
mathematical theorist, physicist
communicate effectively with others. Despite their ne
Skills & Aptitudes considerable verbal and literary skills, the task of th
Technical expertise, ability to focus, explaining their idiosyncratic ideas often proves diffi- tow
imaginative powers cult. Both the artistic and scientific realms allow these pa
people’s talents to flourish: the first requires the sus- sta
Famous Births pension of belief, making their visions more likely to ca
Adam Smith (1723) be acceptable, while the latter calls for rational enquiry str
Pancho Villa (1878) and method, so that their theories may be proven ge
Mark Walburg (1971)
Pete Wentz (1979)
unequivocally. ult
Those born on June 5 are hypersensitive within
Compatible with their personal relationships, for the numerous dis- sta
October 2–6, December 18–19 appointments they experience due to the skepticism da
or ridicule of others undermine their self-confidence. ula
They are needy and deeply appreciative of the unques- th
tioning love and support of their close companions, ing
.......................................................... while empathetic toward those who express their un
individuality. In this latter respect they make support- th
ive, loving parents, who will typically encourage their th
.......................................................... children as well as delighting in the fresh approach pro
children bring to life. th
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 118
June 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C DK Understated Gems

T hose born on June 6 hide their true nature
behind deceptively ordinary and mild-mannered
masks. They learn through bitter experience that
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
for the uninhibited expression of the sometimes radical Venus
by visions that inspire them will not generally meet with
be widespread acceptance, so they present themselves in a Virtues
of deliberately conventional manner. These are, however, Original, adaptable, imaginative
gy imaginative individuals, who disdain the ordinary in
he favor of the extraordinary: their mercurial intellects, Vices
Insecure, inhibited, suppressed
ve inquisitiveness and flair for innovation typically lead
them into uncharted realms.
his Because they are sharp as well as attracted to the Car eers
Visual artist, park ranger,
an unorthodox, they have little difficulty in accepting sportsperson, special-projects
eir new ideas and rising to intellectual challenges. In developer
of those professions where they can work independently
ffi- toward their aims—artistic and outdoor pursuits are Skills & Aptitudes
ese particularly well starred—they have the potential to Unorthodox perspectives, lateral
us- startle and delight others with their originality and thinking, diligent work ethic
to capacity for lateral thinking. If constrained by the
iry strictures of large corporations, they will work dili- Famous Births
Diego Valazquez (1599)
en gently, but may harbor subversive feelings which could
Jason Isaacs (1963)
ultimately cause them to rebel. Paul Giamatti (1967)
hin Although they will often take a brave and solitary Natalie Morales (1972)
is- stand to promote their visions, those born on this
sm day need to feel that others believe in them, partic- Compatible with
ce. ularly their nearest and dearest. Since so much of October 3–7, December 18–20
es- their time and energy must be devoted to persuad-
ns, ing work colleagues of the potential success of their
eir unusual approach, it is vital to their emotional health ..........................................................
rt- that they can count on the unquestioning support of
eir those closest to them, a requirement that is even more
ch pronounced if they were born in the Chinese year of ..........................................................
the goat.
Proof 1


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) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 119
June 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Popular Brainiacs C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
J une 7 individuals are, it sometimes seems, on a
constant quest for ever more stimulation, seeking
to experience novel sensations and to acquire new
Venus knowledge. Such is the depth of this urge that while to
they can demonstrate remarkably single-minded to
Virtues focus, concentration and analytical skills when up
Curious, tenacious, analytical absorbed by a stimulating task or concept, if bored or th
uninterested they tend to flit speedily from subject to pr
Vices subject in search of intellectual satisfaction. sp
Restless, superficial, flighty Many of those born on this day profess a portfo- su
lio of wide-ranging interests, as well as many talents, mo
Car eers and may find it hard to choose from among their an
Social-media marketing or
options in making an initial career choice. Although ch
advertising executive, performing
artist they may be successful in a variety of professions,
they will rarely gain true fulfillment unless they can ur
Skills & Aptitudes follow their own creative path. Their creative talents we
Single-minded focus, wide-ranging and social inclinations provide for good personal an
interests, self-confidence and interaction, thus suiting them well to the performing ev
originality arts and such commercial activities as marketing or mo
advertising. pe
Famous Births Their pronounced originality, self-confidence and
Liam Neeson (1952)
Prince (1958)
vigor endows these gregarious people with great pow- ow
Michael Cera (1988) ers of attraction, making them popular figures, and en
Iggy Azalea (1990) they enjoy the variety and fun inherent in a large cir- fee
cle of friends and acquaintances. Committing them- th
Compatible with selves to a single life partner does not come easily to lim
October 4–8, December 21–23 June 7 people, who are often concerned that their ca
independence of action will be thereby curtailed. It is pe
.......................................................... not that they lack the capacity to be deeply affection- yo
ate,it is simply that these free-spirited individuals are In
afraid that the demands of partnership or marriage of
.......................................................... will ultimately stifle them. gre
Proof 1


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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 120
June 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C DK R ebellious Live wir es

T hose born on June 8 need to experience constant
intellectual stimulation; being bored is their
greatest fear and they typically go to enormous lengths
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ile to avoid any tedious situation. This strong aversion Venus
ed to anything that they perceive as being dull bestows
en upon them a tendency to make snap judgments as to Virtues
or the potential level of interest inherent in any person, Intelligent, enthusiastic, pioneering
to project or pursuit they encounter, leading to either a
speedy dismissal or an enthusiastic taking-up of the Vices
Dismissing, rebellious, critical
o- subject concerned. Their actions and interests are
ts, motivated by their formidable curiosity, their alertness
eir and their desire to actively test themselves against Car eers
Fashion designer, architect,
gh challenges. scientific researcher
ns, Their highly developed powers of analysis and their
an urge to effect progress make June 8 people especially Skills & Aptitudes
nts well equipped for science-related careers, but artistic Powers of analysis, intellectual
nal and design-related endeavors are also starred. What- talent and vigor, innovative
ng ever profession they choose, however, it is of para- inclinations
or mount importance that they should retain a degree of
personal autonomy. Famous Births
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869)
nd Within those personal relationships that are of their
Bonnie Tyler (1951)
w- own making, those born on this day make charming, Julianna Margulies (1966)
nd enlivening and loyal friends and partners. When they Kanye West (1977)
ir- feel obligated to behave in a manner that is alien to
m- their natures, or that their freedom of action is being Compatible with
to limited by familial demands, however, their frustration October 5–9, December 22–23
eir can mount inexorably to the point of rebellion, a pro-
is pensity that is especially marked when they are much
n- younger than their parents or other authority figures. ..........................................................
are In such cases they may employ their incisive powers
ge of perception in being cuttingly critical, thus incurring
greater hurt than they perhaps intended. ..........................................................
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 121 14/7/16 5:48 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 121
June 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Hands-on Progr essives C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on June 9 remain true to their beliefs.
Whatever form or orientation these beliefs take,
these people will tenaciously maintain and propagate
Venus them as striking a profound chord with their inner str
selves. Together with this core characteristic, these int
Virtues individuals possess a restless, lively form of intelligence bu
Versatile, tenacious, curious that bestows upon them the irresistible compulsion wh
to explore any new and fascinating concept that pe
Vices presents itself. This urge to discover previously hidden qu
Judgmental, disapproving, or unknown areas of interest, as well as their marked fee
fascination with the potential inherent in technology, Th
endows them with a strong progressive inclination ur
Car eers
which, when developed, gives them the rare capacity co
Software engineer, mechanical
engineer, arts producer to effect real advances. co
Reflecting the multifaceted nature of their talents
Skills & Aptitudes and inclinations, they may find satisfaction and suc- are
Compulsion to discover new cess in a multitude of professions, ranging from the ne
concepts and ideas, progressive literary, musical or dramatic arts, to the more sober fie
inclinations, lively intelligence fields of medical research or computers, but they gen- th
erally prefer active, hands-on involvement to manage- as
Famous Births rial or administrative roles. ca
Les Paul (1915)
Michael J. Fox (1961)
Their high personal standards and ambitious ideo-
Johnny Depp (1963) logical aims may give June 9 people problems with on
Natalie Portman (1981) interpersonal relationships. Because they are both fac
highly discriminating with regard to choosing friends lif
Compatible with and partners, and also tend to give priority to their un
October 6–10 intellectual pursuits, they may inadvertently impose th
near-impossible demands on those closest to them. An
.......................................................... Futhermore, despite the quiet affection that they man- in
ifest toward those who offer them unconditional sup- fic
port, they may unwittingly fail to reciprocate the level pe
.......................................................... of support that they themselves demand of others. th
Proof 1


9781577151319_int 102-134_11513.indd 122 14/7/16 5:48 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 122
June 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C DK Robust Commanders

T he most striking characteristic manifested by
June 10 people is their driving energy which,
when coupled with their propensity to express their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ner strongly held views bluntly, can be both awesome and Venus
ese intimidating. It may seem that they lack sensitivity,
ce but, while they may be somewhat intolerant of those Virtues
on whom they perceive to be lethargic or indecisive, these Driven, inspirational, energetic
hat people possess imagination and perspicacity, dual
en qualities which arouse in them both compassionate Vices
Closed-off, negative, depressive
ed feelings and strong protective instincts toward others.
gy, Their actions are prompted more by their inherent
on urge to take positive action and thereby achieve Car eers
Soldier, police chief, theatrical
ity concrete results than by their desire to spend time in director
considering the theoretical aspects of a situation.
nts In most problematic situations June 10 people Skills & Aptitudes
uc- are blessed with the capacity to swiftly identify what Keen intellectual talents,
he needs to be done. Those born on this day will thrive in prodigious energy, strong
ber fields in which they can achieve tangible progress, and convictions, driving sense of
n- their vigor suits them particularly for such professions purpose
ge- as the military or police forces, but also for theatrical
Famous Births
Prince Philip (1921)
o- The bright public personae assumed by many born Judy Garland (1922)
th on this day often hides a more negative, depressive Elizabeth Hurley (1966)
th facet of their personalities. It may be that the active Sasha Obama (2001)
ds lifestyles these people generally adopt is a conscious or
eir unconscious strategy to seek an escape from the fears Compatible with
ose that haunt them during more introspective moments. October 7–11
m. And while they typically yearn for the comfort found
n- in strong personal relationships, they may find it dif- ..........................................................
p- ficult to commit themselves to friends and partners,
vel perhaps feeling that it would be dangerous to expose
their emotional vulnerability. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 123
June 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Focused Learners C G H C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
A lthough they share the same quality of restless
curiosity with many of their Gemini fellows, the
thirst for knowledge of those born on June 11 takes
Saturn and Uranus a less wide-ranging form, for once they have found a on
subject that truly absorbs them (and this may occur in up
Virtues childhood), they typically concentrate their attention oc
Vigorous, focused, incisive and energy upon it almost exclusively. Indeed, they th
have an enviable facility totally to immerse themselves int
Vices in their work, allowing nothing to distract them from th
Stubborn, isolated, neglectful their quest, their objective being to learn as much fill
as they possibly can as a prelude to attempting a de
Car eers pioneering breakthrough. me
Scientific researcher, graphic or
Their strong focus, determination and energy give
visual artist, sportsperson
them the outstanding potential to achieve their goals, its
Skills & Aptitudes whether they be in the realms of scientific research, op
Intellectual skills, ability to artistic innovation or sporting pursuits—all areas to th
immerse themselves in one subject which June 11 people are naturally attracted. They will pro
area, strong focus and sense of flourish best when operating as independent agents, sig
purpose however, for they will usually feel unbearably stifled is
by the procedures and constraints of conventional tio
Famous Births organizations. th
Jacques Cousteau (1910)
Gene Wilder (1935)
Although they possess great personal charm, and
Peter Dinklage (1969) have a profound desire both to protect their loved str
Shia LaBeouf (1986) ones and bring them fun and enjoyment, those born ran
on this day may find it difficult to sustain a settled ad
Compatible with family life. It is not that they lack genuine care and ian
October 8–12 concern for those closest to them, but rather that the ma
lure of outside interests may prove irresistible, leading ily
.......................................................... to a neglect of family affairs. This propensity is partic- th
ularly marked in the case of June 11 men, especially to
those who are in any case not enamored of domestic ca
.......................................................... chores and responsibilities. to
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 124
June 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H C G H Rolling Stones

T hose born on June 12 give the impression of
being remarkably self-contained individuals,
whose boundless energy, enthusiasm for embarking
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
da on unusual ventures, and quick intelligence bestow Saturn and Uranus
in upon them the capacity not only to keep themselves
on occupied, but also to be pioneers in many aspects of Virtues
ey their lives. They cannot bear inertia in any form—be it Perceptive, positive, dynamic
ves intellectual or physical—and will push themselves to
om their limits even during periods of so-called relaxation, Vices
Impatient, dismissive, dictatorial
ch filling their time away from work with hobbies, or
a devising entertainments for their friends and family
members. Car eers
Construction worker, park ranger,
ve Their approach to challenges—indeed, to life corporate or humanitarian
als, itself—is typically characterized by a combination of administrator
ch, optimism and curiosity, and while June 12 people may
to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the pursuit of Skills & Aptitudes
will projects that capture their interest, they rarely lose Goal-oriented approach, single-
ts, sight of the larger picture. And, although their outlook minded focus, ability to push
ed is informed by rational rather than intuitive observa- beyond personal limits
nal tion, their sensitivity endows them with great empa-
Famous Births
thy for those who are less able to help themselves.
David Rockefeller (1915)
nd Their quest to achieve progress, backed by their George Bush (1924)
ed strong organizational powers, suits them to a wide Anne Frank (1929)
rn range of professions, from outdoor, physical work to Kendra Wilkinson (1985)
ed administrative jobs, whether corporate or humanitar-
nd ian; they often make inspirational team leaders. They Compatible with
he may lack patience, however, with coworkers or fam- October 9–13
ng ily members having less vigor and commitment than
ic- themselves, and in such cases have a propensity either ..........................................................
lly to dismiss the objects of their irritation as hopeless
tic causes, or to attempt to “improve” them by resorting
to dictatorial tactics. ..........................................................
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June 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Dr eamy Fr eethinkers C G H C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
J une 13 individuals typically reject the conventional
truths and behavioral norms accepted by less
imaginative members of society, intuitively aware
Saturn and Uranus that there is more to life and human understanding Th
than has yet been discovered. The desire to uncover fro
Virtues hidden knowledge manifests itself in a pronounced inh
Curious, innovative, thoughtful otherworldly streak which may inspire some to explore giv
the abstract realms of spirituality or metaphysics and pe
Vices others the boundaries of scientific exploration or co
Quixotic, isolated, dreamy artistic innovation. pr
In whichever field these people choose to make fie
Car eers their professions—and their wide-ranging interests, as
Spiritual or religious leader,
openness to change, and strongly developed qualities
metaphysicist, artist or art director
of both perception and organization equips them well th
Skills & Aptitudes for many—those born on this day display a relish for as
Unconventional thinking, strong confronting and overcoming challenges, as well as a th
intellect, oriented toward human refreshingly innovative approach that motivates oth- da
relationships ers. Indeed, despite their predilection for testing their dy
own limitations, those born on this day prefer to work als
Famous Births as part of a team (naturally gravitating toward leader- be
W.B. Yeats (1865) ship) rather than in lonely solitude, especially if they bo
Tim Allen (1953)
Chris Evans (1981)
are women.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen In many respects, these individuals’ quest to bring ful
(1986) about progress is fueled by an often unconscious wish of
to benefit the human community as a whole, for the alm
Compatible with combination of their soaring imaginative powers and so
October 10–14 clear-sighted perspicacity cannot help but arouse a
profoundly empathetic feelings within them. In the is
.......................................................... personal sphere, they express this concern by striving th
to provide their loved ones with both emotional and sp
material support, and enriching all their relationships th
.......................................................... with a sense of fun and magnanimous acceptance of wh
others’ foibles.
Proof 1


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June 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H C G H Incisive Leaders

J une 14 individuals have a strong urge to take
charge, whether it be of those who surround
them or of projects that demand active responses.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
ng This instinctive propensity for supervision stems Saturn and Uranus
ver from their impressive ability to swiftly sum up the
ed inherent components and potential outcome of a Virtues
ore given situation (the result of their all-encompassing Energetic, direct, far-sighted
nd perspicacity), then to incisively decide upon the best
or course to follow. Once they have settled upon their Vices
Blunt, disregarding, arrogant
preferred strategy, these people will follow it with
ke fierce tenacity, pragmatically amending minor details
ts, as necessary, but rarely conceding defeat. Car eers
Business manager, corporate leader,
ies Their confidence in their convictions is born of teacher, military leader
ell their strong self-belief, and it is this quality, as well
for as their aversion to standing idly on the sidelines, Skills & Aptitudes
sa that endows the energetic people with June 14 birth- Compulsion for direct action,
h- days with their enthusiasm for leadership. While this prodigious energy, clear-cut
eir dynamic outlook may inspire less decisive individu- opinions, leadership skills
ork als, others may be alienated by what they perceive to
er- be the arrogant certainty and abrupt manner of those Famous Births
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811)
ey born on this day.
Che Guevara (1928)
Although their single-mindedness and force- Donald Trump (1946)
ng fulness augurs well for the successful attainment Lucy Hale (1989)
sh of their aims, their confrontational approach will
he almost inevitably cause havoc with their interper- Compatible with
nd sonal relationships. They often cannot help but adopt January 6–8, October 11–15
use a somewhat dictatorial approach. This predilection
he is therefore best confined to the workplace, where
ng they typically become gifted corporate leaders with a ..........................................................
nd special affinity for business, although they also have
ps the potential to make outstanding contributions in
of whatever field they choose. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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June 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Generous Team-players C G H C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
A lthough those born on this day exhibit the same
wide-ranging curiosity as others who share their
mercurial star sign, this characteristic is manifested
Saturn and Uranus more by their intense interest in other people than by gre
their attraction to abstract concepts. This is not to say th
Virtues that they are not inspired by intellectual or physical co
Intuitive, perspicacious, challenges—on the contrary, June 15 people are ter
compassionate naturally oriented toward making active progress— ter
but rather that they are motivated by human rather los
Vices than technical or philosophical concerns. po
Insecure, vain, vulnerable
Whether or not the professions that these people
choose fall within the humanitarian field (and the na
Car eers
medical and social work spheres are particularly well ma
Nurse, retailer, social worker,
marketing or advertising executive starred), these individuals will only thrive when they wi
are surrounded by a closely knit team of cowork- sp
Skills & Aptitudes ers, for interpersonal interaction is a fundamental fol
Interest in human condition, requirement for their success and ultimate satisfac- be
aptitude for teamwork, desire to tion. Many of those born on June 15 will find fulfill- de
please ment in artistic careers, when their performances can low
bring enjoyment to others, thus also giving them the mo
Famous Births reciprocal acclaim that is vital to their self-esteem.
Jim Belushi (1954)
Helen Hunt (1963)
Others will employ talents and inclinations to great wh
Courtney Cox (1964) effect in advertising, marketing or the retail trade. ma
Neil Patrick Harris (1973) Given their interest in others, it is not surprising sh
that June 15 people are often found to be gregarious Th
Compatible with types, who place enormous value on the strong bonds ica
January 6–8, October 12–16 that they forge with friends and family members and for
strive to ensure their well-being. One danger inher- an
.......................................................... ent in the good will radiated by these people, how- th
ever, is that unscrupulous types may take advantage to
of their generosity. cy
Proof 1


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June 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H C G H Grounded Exper imenters

T hose born on June 16 combine within their
characters an unusual blend of adventurousness
and caution, qualities born on the one hand of their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
by great imaginative and innovative inclinations, and on Saturn and Uranus
ay the other of their perspicacity and astuteness. This
cal conjunction generally means that they will take short- Virtues
are term risks in the interest of achieving their longer- Grounded, innovative, moral
— term goals, and their willingness to be flexible without
her losing their sense of purpose, is a strategy that has the Vices
Suppressed, stagnant, intolerant
potential to bring them success.
ple In the world of business, for example, the combi-
he nation of skills and talents in June 16 people may be Car eers
Stockbroker, entrepreneur,
ell manifested by backing an entrepreneurial endeavor playwright, scientist
ey with solid organizational support, or by judiciously
k- speculating on the stock market to build a larger port- Skills & Aptitudes
tal folio; while in the artistic and scientific realms it may Ability to take risks while
ac- be demonstrated by controlled experimentation. Yet remaining pragmatic, capacity
ll- despite the financial fruits that may be reaped by fol- to foresee a range of possible
an lowing this approach, June 16 people are motivated scenarios
he more by a profound desire to bring about progress.
Famous Births
m. These are serious and somewhat introverted people,
Joan Van Ark (1946)
eat who derive comfort and satisfaction from such non- Tupac Shakur (1971)
materialistic pleasures as strong emotional relation- John Cho (1972)
ng ships, or the beauty inherent in nature and the arts. John Newman (1990)
us They typically abide by a strongly humanitarian eth-
ds ical code, which endows them with genuine concern Compatible with
nd for other people—especially those in need of help— January 6–8, October 13–17
er- and a innate horror of abuses of power. Thus while
w- they are remarkably loyal and steadfastly affectionate ..........................................................
ge to those closest to them, they find it hard to tolerate
cynical or inconsiderate behavior.
Proof 1


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June 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Extr eme Paradoxes C G H C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planets are
M any of the characteristics of those born on
this day appear to be curiously paradoxical.
Although they are geared toward benefiting human
Saturn and Uranus society and yearn to establish caring and committed res
personal relationships, they may have difficulty in fam
Virtues becoming intimate with others; and while they possess to
Progressive, imaginative, tenacious highly developed organizational skills, their behavior pe
may appear radical or impulsive in the extreme. When are
Vices they are successful in reconciling these characteristics, an
Forceful, temperamental, radical June 17 people make remarkably effective agents of an
progress, but the task proves impossible for many. th
Car eers Perhaps the primary motivation for those born on ten
Religious leader, political activist or
this day is their urge to realize the unusual visions that th
reformer, writer
they have for improving human society; these may
Skills & Aptitudes take the form of political or religious ideologies or res
Sound investigative and of original forms of artistic endeavor. Although they un
organizational skills, revolutionary make inspirational leaders when their often revolu- Th
ideas, powers of persuasion tionary ideas receive acceptance, other times they may in
find themselves plowing a lonely furrow. ur
Famous Births Despite their considerable powers of persuasion, the tifi
Igor Stravinsky (1882) forceful—often domineering—approach that these ca
Barry Manilow (1943)
Greg Kinnear (1963)
individuals adopt may meet with variable success, tea
Venus Williams (1980) sometimes causing them to resort to more unortho- gre
dox—even unethical—methods. Because they may
Compatible with often experience disappointment in their professional est
October 14–18 ventures, June 17 people find profound solace in the on
unquestioning support and affection of their nearest al
and dearest, and reciprocate with loyalty and love the ca
.......................................................... belief that their long-standing family members and lov
friends show in them. Their tendency to distrust the th
motivations of more recent acquaintances, however, th
.......................................................... may hinder the development of new relationships. ca
Proof 1


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June 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H C ,B ,G H Positive Allies

T heir great joie de vivre, their relish of new ideas,
their typically positive and energetic approach
to everything that they undertake, as well as the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
ed responsible attitude that they manifest toward their Saturn and Uranus
in family members, friends and colleagues, all combine Second cusp: Gemini with Cancerian
ess to make those born on June 18 attractive and popular tendencies
or personalities to whom others naturally gravitate. They
en are particularly valued for the generous encouragement Virtues
Adventurous, positive, loyal
cs, and support that they offer to those closest to them,
of and for the enlivening and quirky sense of fun that
they inject into their interpersonal relationships, a Controlling, overprotective, flighty
on tendency that is redoubled if they were also born in
hat the Chinese year of the horse. Car eers
ay June 18 people are imaginative individuals, whose Performing artist, scientific
or restless curiosity can lead them to explore previously researcher, entrepreneur
ey untapped areas, often with remarkably original results.
u- They have the potential to make an especial mark Skills & Aptitudes
ay in the performing arts, for which most have a nat- Energetic approach, supportiveness,
ural affinity, but they may also blaze trails as scien- aptitude for teamwork
he tific researchers or business entrepreneurs. Whatever
Famous Births
ese career they choose, they prefer to work as part of a
Anastasia Nikolaevna (1901)
ss, team rather than in an individual capacity, for they are Paul McCartney (1942)
o- greatly stimulated by personal contact. Isabella Rossellini (1952)
ay Although their propensity to enjoy life to the full- Blake Shelton (1976)
nal est and their gregariousness may mean that those born
he on this day take some time to commit themselves to Compatible with
est a life partner, once domestically settled they are typi- October 15–19, July 23
he cally deeply affectionate and considerate toward their
nd loved ones. They usually make gifted parents, although ..........................................................
he they may find it hard to resist attempting to control
er, their offsprings’ lives, a tendency that may ultimately
cause resentment. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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June 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Steadfast Guides C B ,G H C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
P erhaps the most outstanding characteristic
of those people born on June 19 is their self-
certainty—a quality that arouses both admiration and
Saturn and Uranus irritation in others: admiration because they are rarely mi
Second cusp: Gemini with Cancerian beset by the feelings of doubt that often bedevil less an
focused types, and irritation on account of what may ex
be seen as an arrogant unwillingness to compromise. ins
Virtues Yet their steadfastness of purpose and single-minded ins
Progressive, strong, determined
determination in the pursuit of their visions is not the
result of blinkered obstinacy, but rather of a profound to
confidence engendered by the knowledge that they 20
Forceful, arrogant, dictatorial
have evaluated each alternative approach to the best of inv
their ability and have arrived at their chosen strategy tua
Car eers
Teacher, counselor, administrator by means of logical deduction. Ye
June 19 people are blessed with intellectual inquis- ple
Skills & Aptitudes itiveness, incisive analytical talents, and a pronounced tiv
Strategic thinking, evaluative skills, intuitive streak—qualities which in such a combina- sen
incisive analytical talents, intuition tion endow them with a rare gift for understanding. wo
Whatever their preferred career choice, they usually co
Famous Births feel compelled to guide and improve the lives of oth-
Blaise Pascal (1623) ers, and may thus find fulfillment as teachers, counsel- ab
Paula Abdul (1962)
Zoe Saldana (1978)
ors or consultants. ple
Macklemore (1983) Their desire to influence those around them is ma
fueled by the best of intentions, but their typically ch
Compatible with forceful manner may not be well received by those en
January 9–10, October 16–20, whom they are seeking to assist. For, however selfless th
July 23–24 their motivations, others (especially their partners or ess
children, and even more so if they are men) may resent an
.......................................................... the imposition of what they may regard as dictatorial no
or controlling tactics. Cultivating a more diplomatic, of
less upfront approach may therefore benefit June 19 tio
.......................................................... people immensely.
Proof 1


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June 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H C B ,G HK Flexible Idealists

T he dominant character trait of people born on
June 20 is that of insatiable curiosity which,
when coupled with their idealism and quick-thinking
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
ely minds, results in a wide-ranging spectrum of interests Saturn and Uranus
ess and concerns. With their marked enthusiasm for Second cusp: Gemini with Cancerian
ay exploring alternative angles and their willingness to tendencies
se. instigate or accept change, they make excellent and
ed inspiring members of a working team. Virtues
Open, incisive, insightful
he This outstanding ability to think on their feet and
nd to adapt to shifting circumstances well equips June
ey 20 people for careers in the fast-moving world of the Superficial, careless, self-doubting
of investigative media, to which their searching intellec-
gy tual qualities and stimulating ideas are ideally suited. Car eers
Yet despite their outgoing and exuberant natures, peo- Investigative journalist, private
is- ple born on this day also possess a profound intui- investigator, lawyer, consultant
ed tive streak—a quality that endows them with unusual
a- sensitivity in their relationships (especially if they are Skills & Aptitudes
ng. women) and which proves an invaluable asset when it Adaptability, intuition, teamwork
lly comes to problem-solving at work.
h- Because they grasp intellectual concepts with envi- Famous Births
Errol Flynn (1909)
el- able ease, there is an inevitable risk that June 20 peo-
Lionel Richie (1949)
ple may become bored with a project once they have John Goodman (1952)
is mastered it, and will feel tempted to move on to a new Nicole Kidman (1967)
lly challenge. An awareness of this tendency, or the influ-
ose ence of a patient partner or vigilant parent, tempers Compatible with
ess this mercurial tendency and instills the discipline nec- January 9–10, October 17–22,
or essary to see a project through. Blessed with charming July 24–25
nt and magnetic personalities, June 20 people experience
ial no difficulty in attracting others, while their lunar gift ..........................................................
ic, of empathy causes people to turn to them for emo-
19 tional support as well as for their sparkling company.
Proof 1


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June 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Adventurous Per formers [z, C B ,G HK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
L ike most Geminis, the gregarious personalities
and sociable natures of June 21 people mean that
they do not enjoy solitude, instead finding stimulation
Saturn and Uranus and fulfillment in the company of others. They
Second cusp: Gemini with Cancerian therefore relish lifestyles and careers that offer plenty
of scope to satisfy their craving for variety, travel
and human contact, as well as those in which their
Virtues communication skills will be fully used—in the media
Adventurous, friendly, empathetic
or sales, for example.
June 21 people manifest their love of the arts
from an early age, their artistic temperaments com-
Aloof, impatient, disrespectful
plemented by such curious and inquiring minds that
they often feel compelled to attempt to seek out the
Car eers
Sales executive, realtor, life coach truth or to stick by their principles doggedly, however
unpopular their obstinacy makes them. Their enthu-
Skills & Aptitudes siasm and idealism make them inspirational—even
Free-thinking, communication revolutionary—leaders, yet these very qualities also
skills, artistic inclinations generate such high standards that others find it hard
to live up to them.
Famous Births Thanks to their formidable analytical talents, peo-
Chris Pratt (1979) ple born on this day frequently prove successful in the
Brandon Flowers (1981)
Prince William (1982)
financial sector, provided, that is, that they are given
Lana Del Rey (1985) the liberty to engage their imaginative and creative
powers to the fullest. Their independent attitudes
Compatible with provide these people with plenty of scope for adven-
January 9–10, October 18–22, ture, thus making them compatible partners for like-
July 25–26 minded Sagittarians. Their love of liberty may give
more possessive people, like Scorpios and Pisceans,
.......................................................... grounds for jealousy, however. Nevertheless, their
lunar-influenced, intuitive qualities may temper any
flighty tendencies or cerebral idealism with a rare level
.......................................................... of sensitivity toward the feelings of others.
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d Cancer
June 22 to July 22

Ruling planet: The Moon Element: Cardinal water Symbol: Crab

Polar ity: Negative (feminine) Stones: Pearl, moonstone, peridot
Physical cor r espondence: Stomach, breasts
Colors: Cream, white, silver-blue, smoky gray
Flowers: Lily, lily of the valley, water lily, white rose

N early every astrological tradition equates the constellation of Cancer with a crab. This
near-universal identification can be explained by the movement of the Sun during
the period of Cancer’s ascendancy, for it appears to mimic the crustacean’s distinctive side-
ways, scuttling movement on its southern descent. The Greco-Roman myth tells of how
the mother goddess Hera ( Juno) sent a crab to the aid of the nine-headed Hydra of Lerna
in its struggle against Herakles (Hercules); Hera placed it in the heavens as a reward for
its efforts. Cancer, known as the “gate of men,” has enormous cosmic significance, for not
only does the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere) occur under this sign, but the
universe came into being when the planets were aligned within this sign, and some hold
that the world will end when a similar conjunction is effected.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the preserve of the goddess—the creator and destroyer—
which regulates the ebb and flow of water, the habitat of the crab and the element that
governs Cancer. The sign’s dual lunar-watery influence confers loyalty, sensitivity, intuition
and emotional receptiveness, as well as the procreative, nurturing and protective qualities
associated with the feminine principle. Like the crab, those born under this sign are said
to possess tenacity, but are also subject to the tendency to withdraw into their shells when
threatened by others or inundated with emotion.
Proof 1

cancer 135

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June 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Hopeless Romantics z d zB C z d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
J une 22 people are engaged in a constant search for
their own personal idyll, be it an enduring romantic
partnership, a perfect lifestyle, a Utopian environment
First cusp: Cancer with Gemini or a combination of all three. These people yearn for tic
tendencies personal happiness, an ideal state which ultimately wi
depends on them winning a soul mate rather than vis
Virtues professional success, for such is the value they place de
Sensitive, romantic, imaginative on strong emotional ties that they feel with the love en
and support of a partner they can weather any of life’s th
Vices storms or disappointments. It is not that other aspects ca
Disillusioned, depressed, maniacal
of their lives lack significance in their eyes, just that th
finding true and lasting love is of paramount impor- Su
Car eers
Novelist, musician, actor, designer, tance to their emotional well-being. cu
match-maker Some June 22 people will indeed be lucky in their sio
search for happiness, but others will inevitably remain ass
Skills & Aptitudes unsatisfied, their visions of a fantasy mate proving unre- ev
Intellectual curiosity, commitment alistic, or the intensity of their emotions and demands
to a vision, loyalty, creativity frightening off potential partners unwilling to live up to 23
the idealized personality projected upon them. wi
Famous Births Thus while these individuals typically demonstrate for
Meryl Streep (1949)
profound affection and loyalty toward their friends and or
Cyndi Lauper (1953)
Dan Brown (1964) family members, reciprocating the support and com- for
Carson Daly (1973) fort that this gives them, they may be doomed to dis-
appointment in their love lives. However, such is their mo
Compatible with zestful enjoyment of the world and their enthusiasm an
July 12–17, October 1–5 for intellectual and sensory stimulation, that they will era
not stay down for long, and may find great consolation tio
in their professional interests. rom
.......................................................... Their sensitivity suits June 22 individuals extremely su
well for careers within the arts. This creative arena is a pro
sphere within which they can live out their personal of
.......................................................... fantasies as, for example, novelists, musicians or actors. int
Proof 1

136 cancer

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June 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C z d B C Beauty-seekers

J une 23 individuals yearn to make the world a
beautiful place, not only in environmental terms
but also by enriching the lives of others through artis-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
for tic ventures and seeking to effect peace and harmony First cusp: Cancer with Gemini
ely within human relationships. With this idealized tendencies
an vision blazing beaconlike before them, they typically
ace devote their considerable practical and intellectual Virtues
ove energies toward the attainment of their dreams, using Intuitive, sensitive, helpful
e’s their highly developed intuitive and mental perspi-
cts cacity to identify areas requiring improvement and Vices
Controlling, jealous, irritating
hat the remedial approaches that should be followed.
or- Such is their interest in other people, and their con-
Car eers
current desire to lighten their personal and profes-
Nurse, doctor, social worker,
eir sional workloads, that they cannot help but offer their landscape architect, painter, poet
ain assistance to coworkers, friends, family members or
re- even to humanity as a whole. Skills & Aptitudes
ds Their innate skills and natural orientation suit June Practical and intellectual energies,
to 23 people admirably to careers in which they can work intuition, ability to identify areas for
with others in contributing toward human welfare— improvement
ate for example as nurses, doctors or social workers—
nd or through artistic pursuits such as painting, the per- Famous Births
Alan Turing (1912)
m- forming arts or poetry. Joss Whedon (1964)
is- Unsurprisingly, those born on June 23 place enor- Selma Blair (1972)
eir mous value on their own interpersonal relationships Jason Mraz (1977)
sm and treat their loved ones with great tenderness, consid-
will eration and affection. Finding and supporting unques- Compatible with
on tionably a life partner who will fulfill their desire for July 12–17, October 1–5
romance is one of their primary goals: once settled in
ely such a close one-to-one liaison, these individuals will ..........................................................
a prove unwaveringly loyal, but run the concomitant risk
nal of stifling the object of their affection with the jealous
rs. intensity of their love. ..........................................................
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June 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Elated Visionar ies zB C zB

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
D espite the quietly profound affection and unques-
tionable commitment that characterizes their
approach to their nearest and dearest, the attention
First cusp: Cancer with Gemini of June 24 people is typically less absorbed by their lof
tendencies personal liaisons than by their professional activities, be
which frequently have a humanitarian slant. Although are
Virtues their sensitivity endows them with genuine empathy th
Energetic, determined, realistic with those who are less fortunate than themselves, inf
their compassion is manifested less by passive sym- dr
Vices pathy than by their urge to actively implement strate- by
Preoccupied, neglectful, withdrawn
gies to achieve progress. Because they are blessed with th
keen intellectual talents and innovative imaginations,
Car eers
Science or technical researcher, their visions may be extremely original, although rarely me
management consultant, unrealistic, for these are down-to-earth individuals da
sportsperson, musician who possess highly developed technical and practical ins
skills. Despite the often inspirational effect that they im
Skills & Aptitudes have on others—who may elevate them to positions str
Driven, humanitarian leanings, of leadership—these responsible people generally per- fus
innovative imagination form best when undistracted by the demands of others,
although they recognize that they cannot always attain of
Famous Births
their aims single-handedly. an
Phil Harris (1904)
Mick Fleetwood (1947) Professionally, June 24 individuals have a special all
Mindy Kaling (1979) aptitude for those fields in which they can combine wh
Solange Knowles (1986) their talent for analysis and theoretics with the oppor- mi
tunity to set the results of their research in motion. so
Compatible with Careers as scientific or technical researchers and man- of
July 12–17, October 1–5 agement consultants are thus especially highlighted, no
as are sporting and artistic pursuits (as hobbies if not of
.......................................................... professionally). Reflecting their vigor, those born on
this day need periods of privacy in which to indulge in res
periods of inner reflection and to recharge their mental pu
.......................................................... batteries. de
Proof 1

138 cancer

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June 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C zB C Artistic Sponges

T he personalities of those born on June 25 may
be defined by two apparently contradictory
characteristics: their sense of purpose in pursuit of
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
eir lofty ideals, and their often vacillating or changeable First cusp: Cancer with Gemini
es, behavior. Yet these seemingly conflicting tendencies tendencies
gh are not really so paradoxical when one understands
hy the nature of their enormous sensitivity which, when Virtues
es, informed by their mercurial intellects, leads them to Visionary, intuitive, compassionate
m- draw clear-sighted conclusions, and, when influenced
te- by their highly developed intuitive powers, causes Vices
Contradictory, indecisive,
ith their hearts to rule their heads.
ns, When they are successfully able to reconcile their
ely mental and emotional responses, those born on this
Car eers
als day have the ability to make remarkably effective Designer, commercial artist,
cal instruments of progress, but, when these qualities are childcare worker, author
ey imbalanced, one or the other may manifest itself more
ns strongly, or they may coexist uneasily, resulting in con- Skills & Aptitudes
er- fusion or inconsistency of motivations. Sensitivity to others’ responses
rs, In many respects, the realization of the potential and emotions, mercurial intellect,
intuitive powers
ain of those born on June 25 depends upon the interests
and concerns of those to whom they are emotion-
Famous Births
ial ally closest, or whose opinion they most respect—for George Orwell (1903)
ne whatever reason. For, despite their original turn of Jimmie Walker (1947)
or- mind and boundless imagination, these people are Sonia Sotomayor (1954)
on. somewhat reliant on the encouragement and approval Ricky Gervais (1961)
n- of others. This is a propensity that is especially pro-
ed, nounced if they were also born in the Chinese year Compatible with
July 12–17, October 1–5
not of the rat.
on Their well-developed sensitivity toward others’ ..........................................................
in responses, as well as their natural affinity for artistic
tal pursuits, augurs particularly well for their success as
designers and commercial artists. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 139

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June 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Protective Shields d B d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon D espite their strong ideological beliefs and often
extremely imaginative inspirational vision,
those born on this day are usually less geared toward
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
the single-minded pursuit of intellectual goals than wo
Virtues toward the people that surround them and the cir- on
Energetic, committed, cumstances that impinge upon them. int
self-confident June 26 people tend to be truly empathetic indi- an
viduals, whose responsiveness to the feelings and ex
Vices situations of others arouses their highly developed ad
Overprotective, negative, restricting
protective instincts and their urge to guide and mi
shield those for whom they feel concern. Although Th
Car eers this tendency is especially pronounced with regard tow
Corporate executive, technician,
researcher, writer, performing artist to their relations—and their children in particular if aro
they are parents—they will generally also assume a th
Skills & Aptitudes mentoring role with regard to their work colleagues tal
Aptitude for mentoring or leading and choose careers that have a humanitarian slant. th
roles, social orientation, strong sense They will typically find fulfillment in those profes- fro
of imagination, protective instincts sions in which they can make an active and practi-
cal contribution toward the common good, and may ita
Famous Births employ their considerable organizational skills in inc
Nick Offerman (1970)
such diverse functions as corporate executives, tech- tio
Sean Hayes (1970)
Derek Jeter (1974) nicians and researchers, or writers and performers. th
Ariana Grande (1993) Whatever profession they pursue, these people will ov
always be happiest when working as part of a team
Compatible with rather than as individuals and, within their personal sim
July 18–22 lives, they similarly cherish the close bonds that char- th
acterize their liaisons with friends and family mem- de
bers. Their strong social orientation is perhaps their as
.......................................................... defining quality, but this may bring them both pleasure ma
and pain for, inevitably, others will not always welcome th
their advice, perceiving it as an attempt to control their be
.......................................................... independence of action. cra
Proof 1

140 cancer

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June 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B d B Defenders of the Weak

P erhaps the most marked characteristic inherent in
those born on June 27 is their sense of responsibil-
ity toward others, be they family members and friends,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
an work colleagues, or the larger community. For not
ir- only are these people blessed with highly developed Virtues
intuitive responses, which inform their convictions Protective, progressive,
di- and actions with a sense of justice, but they are also responsible
nd extremely strong-willed types who feel that they have
ed a duty to guide others to follow the same uncompro- Vices
nd misingly moral code to which they themselves adhere. Obstinate, close-minded,
gh The feelings of profound empathy that they experience
rd toward the plight of the downtrodden and exploited
Car eers
if arouse their fiercely protective instincts and instill in
Nurse, therapist, charity organizer,
ea them a burning determination to bring about socie- religious leader, judge, writer
ues tal improvement. When thus inspired, little can shake
nt. their belief in the veracity of their cause or divert them Skills & Aptitudes
es- from their mission. Innate sense of justice, sense of
ti- Those born on this day may manifest such human- obligation towards humanity,
ay itarian concerns in a range of appropriate careers, intuition, strong moral code
in including nursing, therapy or charitable organiza-
h- tions—even in the evangelical religious sphere—or Famous Births
Helen Keller (1880)
they may choose to propagate their message in the less JJ Abrams (1966)
will overt media offered by the arts. Khloe Kardashian (1984)
am Their relationships with those closest to them are Matthew Lewis (1989)
nal similarly defined by their urge to protect and further
ar- the interests of those with whom they have forged Compatible with
m- deep emotional ties, but within their personal, as well July 18–22
eir as their professional, liaisons their well-meaning efforts
ure may prove less than welcome. Part of the problem is ..........................................................
me that their often sternly uncompromising approach may
eir be perceived—and resented—by others as an auto-
cratic attempt to control and direct them. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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June 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Followers of the Heart d B d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon W hile June 28 individuals may at one moment
present an extroverted and optimistic face,
encouraging and entertaining others, at the next they
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
may eschew company and withdraw into a bleakly im
Virtues pessimistic, introverted world of their own making. eg
Empathetic, intuitive, Such extreme tendencies are a result of their pro- fas
people-oriented foundly intuitive, and hence emotional, responses to ke
the circumstances within which they find themselves, als
Vices coupled with their innate intellectual capacity to
Pessimistic, impulsive,
rationalize the reasons behind their strong identifica- joi
tion with those who excite their interest and empathy. oth
The actions and convictions of June 28 people are so
Car eers
Nurse, caretaker, charity or conditioned by the situations and individuals that— ab
humanitarian organizer, teacher for whatever reason—exert a strong influence upon su
their imaginations and feelings. The combination of ce
Skills & Aptitudes such people-oriented sensitivity with their urge to be Ju
Intuitive and emotional response to instruments of progress naturally equips them with a su
outside events, desire to implement propensity toward making careers in the caring pro- co
progress, people-oriented sensitivity fessions or other humanitarian fields, although they are
may sometimes choose to utilize their talents in other flu
Famous Births
fields where personal interaction is a key element.
King Henry VIII (1491)
Mel Brooks (1926) Their often irresistible tendency to follow their to
John Cusack (1966) hearts rather than their heads can lead June 28 people co
Felicia Day (1979) to misjudge the motivations or desires of other indi- ba
viduals. This can be especially the case when it comes tow
Compatible with to choosing a life partner. Yet once settled within wh
July 18–22 a committed one-to-one relationship—as with of
long-standing friends and family members—they vu
.......................................................... are typically steadfastly supportive and affectionate, Ye
for they sense the importance of profound emotional th
bonds in grounding their wilder inclinations within a on
.......................................................... stable framework. aff
Proof 1

142 cancer

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June 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B d B En igmatic Socialites

T o those who do not know them well, those born
on June 29 present something of an enigma, for
while their love of fun, quirky sense of humor and great
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
kly imaginative powers place them in the “extroverted” cat-
ng. egory, their formidable organizational powers, stead- Virtues
o- fast—and often stubborn—tenacity, and tendency to Introspective, intuitive,
to keep their deeper emotions to themselves endow them practical
es, also with introverted characteristics.
to These are indeed complicated personalities, whose Vices
a- joie de vivre, particularly when in the company of Pessimistic, closed-off,
hy. others, often masks a profound need for periods of
are solitude in which June 29 people can explore the
Car eers
— abstract world of concepts and dreams which exerts
Fashion designer, visual artist,
on such a strong hold over them. When they are suc- teacher, philosopher, author
of cessful in reconciling the diverse facets of themselves,
be June 29 people can achieve considerable material Skills & Aptitudes
ha success. Reflecting also their relish for interpersonal Imagination, organizational skills,
o- contact and their need for personal autonomy, they abstract thought, interpersonal
ey are, in many respects, best suited for careers in the communication skills
her fluid realm of arts and design.
Despite their social orientation, it can be difficult Famous Births
Slim Pickens (1919)
eir to get to know these people, for when they are in the Gary Busey (1944)
ple company of casual acquaintances they generally hold Bret McKenzie (1976)
di- back the essence of their real selves. This propensity Nicole Scherzinger (1978)
mes toward privacy is the result of their great sensitivity,
hin which may cause them to become beset with feelings Compatible with
th of insecurity, and they typically hide their emotional July 18–22
ey vulnerability behind a misleading façade of bravado.
te, Yet within their established relationships (ie. with ..........................................................
nal those whom they have come to trust) those born
na on June 29 usually display enormous commitment,
affection and loyalty. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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June 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Per forming Chameleons d BK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon T hose born on June 30 are extremely sensitive to
the responses that they arouse in others, and will
therefore tailor their verbal expressions and physical
First decan: Personal planet is Moon
actions and reactions toward their audiences, hoping sit
Virtues to receive the acceptance and acclaim that they desire. ve
Optimistic, sensitive, imaginative This predilection frequently stems as much from a ten
sense of insecurity within themselves as from their oth
Vices innate ability to empathize with those around them,
Insecure, unbalanced, and bestows upon them a deep-rooted wish to please th
and thereby feel valued and loved. And, indeed, their to
intuitive perspicacity and inherent ability to anticipate pr
Car eers the needs of those around them makes them popu- su
Actor, musician, dancer, personal
assistant, comedian lar figures, whose endearingly gratifying company is bu
sought after by others, who furthermore appreciate the ita
Skills & Aptitudes aura of optimism and fun that they exude. ins
Ability to read others’ emotions, Their orientation toward people, combined with wi
desire to please, practical skills, their enormous sensitivity and highly developed prac- as
aptitude for teamwork tical skills, suits those born on this day extremely well inc
to careers as artistic performers of all kinds (but they ca
Famous Births will usually flourish in spheres in which they can inter- so
Rupert Graves (1963)
act with their coworkers). The intellectual foresight art
Mike Tyson (1966)
Lizzy Caplan (1982) and technical skills signified by this day also bode well
Michael Phelps (1985) for their professional success. or
It is ironic that, despite their gregarious natures, de
Compatible with their loyalty to their friends and family and their need tiv
July 18–22 for satisfying interpersonal relationships, these people be
may find it particularly hard to form enduring one- en
to-one liaisons. The problem lies in the very talent th
.......................................................... that draws others to them: their chameleonlike ability 1p
to reflect others’ moods may cause them to suppress ow
their own emotions and make their true selves diffi- mi
.......................................................... cult for others to know. as
Proof 1

144 cancer

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July 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

BK d BK E Good Samar itans

A lthough many of the personal qualities mani-
fested by July 1 people—their deep sensitivity,
their capacity for profound thought and their propen-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
ng sity for introspection—may identify them as intro-
re. verted types, they are also endowed with extroverted Virtues
a tendencies, as evidenced by their strong wish to please Sensitive, just, intuitive
eir others and marked enjoyment of social occasions.
m, Despite their natural orientation toward exploring Vices
ase the realm of abstract themes, their innate priority is Sacrificing, suppressed, insecure
eir to understand every aspect of the human condition, a
ate predilection that may lead them not only to explore Car eers
u- such areas as spirituality and alternative philosophies, Social worker, human-rights
activist, spiritual leader, charity
is but also to actively immerse themselves in human-
worker, artist
he itarian work. For many, the defining quality that
inspires their actions is an overwhelming empathy Skills & Aptitudes
ith with others—especially those whom they perceive Imaginative talents, introspection,
ac- as having been forgotten or abused by society. Their abstract thinking, intuiting the
ell inclinations and intuitive talents may lead them into emotions of others
ey careers devoted toward helping others or pushing
er- society forward—for example as social workers, or as Famous Births
ght artists of all kinds. Dan Aykroyd (1952)
Princess Diana (1961)
ell To all their endeavors, be they of a professional Missy Elliott (1971)
or private nature, those born on this day bring their Liv Tyler (1977)
es, deeply empathetic and generous, but also imagina-
ed tive and prescient, qualities. Yet despite—or perhaps Compatible with
ple because of—the prodigious emotional and physical July 6–11
ne- energy that they typically devote to others, be they
nt the disadvantaged or their friends and relations, July
ity 1 people generally have a tendency to suppress their ..........................................................
ess own emotional requirements, possibly as a result of a
ffi- misplaced sense of insecurity. Indeed, it can appear is
as if people born on this day need the recognition of ..........................................................
others to validate their worth.
Proof 1

cancer 145

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July 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Selfless Altruists d BK E d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon D espite their incisive clarity of vision when it
comes to identifying perceived societal wrongs,
and their marked determination to remedy any such
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
abuses, those born on July 2 are generally less able to pli
Virtues direct their considerable powers of perspicacity inward, ari
Sensitive, empathetic, protective toward analyzing and resolving the issues that often be
trouble their own psyches.
Vices Yet this internal confusion stems from the same eas
Insecure, conflicted, destructive source as their extremely oriented talents: their bo
extraordinary sensitivity, which renders them on the be
Car eers one hand responsive and empathetic to the needs of ha
Psychiatrist, psychologist,
others and, on the other, overwhelmed by the conflict- are
pharmacist, actor, author
ing emotional messages and urges that they, as well as ma
Skills & Aptitudes those around them, generate. Since they furthermore pre
Incisive perception, sensitivity to tend to prioritize the demands of others over their sit
others’ needs, imaginative approach, own needs—in part a result of their innate tendency an
practical skills and determination to favor the common over the personal good—they giv
may unknowingly bury themselves in their careers as a inc
Famous Births means of escaping their own personal demons. ina
Hermann Hesse (1877) Indeed, when employed in professional situations— as
Larry David (1947)
and their talents equip them especially well for psychi- ps
Ashley Tisdale (1985)
Lindsay Lohan (1986) atry and similar branches of medicine (especially if they
were also born in the Chinese year of the snake), as well de
Compatible with as to the arts—their formidable practical skills, ener- tow
July 6–11 getic determination and imaginative approach come to tio
the fore, inspiring and motivating others. Within their th
personal lives, too, these individuals demonstrate a self- for
less concern for those closest to them, and they are also th
.......................................................... gifted home-makers. Yet while the love of those closest po
to them may temper their inherent feelings of insecu- era
rity, they will remain unfulfilled until they address their cal
.......................................................... own deepest needs. mi
Proof 1

146 cancer

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July 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E d BK E Surveyors of the Mind

gs, J uly 3 individuals have more of an intellectual than
emotional sensitivity toward other people. This
is not to say that these people are not moved by the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
to plight of those in need, but rather that the feelings that
rd, arise in their hearts are filtered through their heads Virtues
en before being given expression. Intuitive, intellectual, sensitive
Despite their intense interest in other people, their
me easy charm and their urge to effect progress, those Vices
eir born on this day may sometimes appear to others to Isolated, passive, overly critical
he be somewhat remote. In part, this may be because they
of have learned that if they expose their emotions, they Car eers
ct- are vulnerable to being hurt: but it also indicates that Psychologist, psychiatrist,
physician, graphic artist, author
as many of these remarkably perspicacious individuals
ore prefer not to become actively involved with people or
Skills & Aptitudes
eir situations until they have observed and analyzed them Intellectual interest in the human
cy and thereby built up a detailed store of information to psyche, powers of observation and
ey give them command of all of the available facts. Such analysis, imagination
sa inclinations and talents, as well as their soaring imag-
inative powers, augur especially well for their success Famous Births
— as artists, but also equip them admirably for careers as Franz Kafka (1883)
hi- psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians. Gloria Allred (1941)
Tom Cruise (1962)
ey Within their personal liaisons, July 3 people Patrick Wilson (1973)
ell demonstrate their tireless involvement and loyalty
er- toward those with whom they have formed deep emo- Compatible with
to tional bonds. Their natural propensity for analyzing July 6–11
eir the human personality may, however, make it difficult
lf- for them to commit themselves to a life partner, for
lso their perspicacity may lead them to envisage numerous
est potential problems in the relationship under consid- ..........................................................
u- eration. Similarly, until they learn to couch their criti-
eir cal comments in more diplomatic terms, they may be
misperceived by others as being censorious types. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 147

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July 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Loyal Symbiotes d BK E d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon P erhaps the most defining characteristic of July 4
people, and one that both inspires their intel-
lectual actions and sustains their emotional needs, is
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
their strong communal identification, be it with their tow
Virtues families, their coworkers, their local community, their att
Loyal, progressive, purposeful country—or indeed, with humanity as a whole. Their th
relationship with whatever societal group it is that rou
Vices especially absorbs their interest is a symbiotic one, for ma
Biased, closed-off, radical while their prodigious organizational skills, their fierce fic
loyalty and their natural willingness to defend the ing
Car eers wider interest all serve to benefit the common good, inn
Politician, doctor, police officer,
in return they receive a comforting sense of security by
soldier, artist, sportsperson
grounding themselves in the profound human bonds th
Skills & Aptitudes forged by shared concerns and goals. ex
Ability to embrace the identity The dreams and visions of July 4 people are there- ke
of larger social groups, desire to fore generally concerned with furthering human prog- th
effect progress, organizational skills, ress. Despite the fact that, initially, these ideals may th
practical talents appear to be unfeasibly radical to others, they will in
often prove to be startingly successful, especially when un
Famous Births backed by their originators’ practical talents, tenacity esp
George Everest (1790)
and determination. ca
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804)
Geraldo Rivera (1943) Whatever career they choose, those born on this day
Malia Obama (1998) will be happy surrounded by a like-minded team of col- an
leagues working together toward a mutual aim. If not ula
Compatible with involved in politics, many will be found in such pro- att
July 6–11 fessions as medicine, the military or law-enforcement sta
agencies; they may also direct their energies toward the co
arts, hoping to unite others in the pleasure that their aw
.......................................................... skills may arouse. Ironically, given their human orien- tio
tation, they are rather private individuals, preferring to sh
keep their innermost emotions to themselves; opening for
.......................................................... up their hearts to potential partners may therefore ini- ne
tially prove difficult. son
Proof 1

148 cancer

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July 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E d BK E Smart Designers

J uly 5 people are profoundly sensitive and intuitive
types, who invest their inspirational visions with
great emotional significance. Yet they are less oriented
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
eir toward satisfying the demands of others than toward
eir attaining their own emotional fulfillment—although Virtues
eir they are nevertheless anxious to please those who sur- Imaginative, sensitive, charming
hat round them. It is this latter quest that typically informs
for many of the actions of July 5 people, who find it dif- Vices
rce ficult to resist following the lure of a new and excit- Hedonistic, ungrounded,
he ing person, subject or venture to which they may feel unsatisfied
od, innately drawn as well as intellectually attracted.
by When they alight upon a subject that truly absorbs Car eers
Fashion designer, graphic artist,
ds their interest, those born on this day will typically
architect, comedian, entertainer
explore it with acute perception, great energy and
re- keen imagination and, when action is required, utilize Skills & Aptitudes
g- their strong planning and organizational skills. While Acute perception, energetic
may they have the potential to make gifted innovators intellect, strong imagination,
will in any sphere where they can follow their instincts innovative inclinations, original
en unhindered by the restrictions of others, they are approach, magnetic personality
ity especially suited to the freedom offered by creative
careers, perhaps in design. Famous Births
Paul Smith (1946)
day The combination of their original approach, charm Judge Joe Brown (1947)
ol- and energy makes them extremely magnetic and pop- Jenji Kohan (1969)
not ular figures, who are able to, apparently effortlessly, Paul DelVecchio (1980)
o- attract hordes of admirers. But while they are out-
ent standing performers and entertainers in the broader Compatible with
he context of social circumstances, they may often shy July 6–11
eir away from committing themselves to one-to-one rela-
n- tionships, fearing, perhaps, that too intimate a relation- ..........................................................
to ship might prove stifling. Indeed, although their love
ng for and loyalty to their friends and family members are
ni- never in doubt, they need freedom to pursue their per- ..........................................................
sonal dreams.
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July 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Beacons of Inspiration d BK E d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon M ore than anything else, those born on this day
yearn to realize their personal idyll, be it finding
enduring love, the perfect career, a fulfilling lifestyle, or
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
a Utopian humanitarian or spiritual vision. Whether th
Virtues their quest is motivated by a conscious or unconscious are
Visionary, optimistic, charismatic urge to achieve their ideal, it will nevertheless inform wi
many of their actions and—despite the many setbacks to
Vices and disappointments that they will inevitably expe- to
Obsessive, unrealistic, rience—will usually remain a beacon of inspiration im
lighting their path through life. be
July 6 individuals usually focus on a single vision. tie
Car eers The vibrant optimism, infectious energy and dedicated ity
International relations,
humanitarian, screenwriter, charity enthusiasm with which they typically imbue the pur- po
organizer, musician suit of this ideal may also fire the interest of others, th
especially if directed toward a global goal or if man- be
Skills & Aptitudes ifested in the realm of the arts to which, in any case, les
Idyllic visions, single-minded focus, they have a natural affinity. And, when their magne- wh
energetic and optimistic approach, tism, kindness and charm (born both of their strong th
natural affinity for the arts wills and their desire to please others) are added to the rec
equation, the sum of the components results in popular pro
Famous Births
personalities who are both enthused and enthusing.
Dalai Lama (1935)
Geoffrey Rush (1951) Because their enormous sensitivity toward those sp
Kevin Hart (1979) who surround them endows them with feelings of ua
Eva Green (1980) empathy and a sincere desire to lighten the lives of of
others, July 6 individuals make inherently loyal and act
Compatible with affectionate friends, relations and especially parents. em
July 1–5 Forging a lasting one-on-one partnership that fully tiv
satisfies their emotional demands may prove difficult, ris
.......................................................... however, unless they are prepared to compromise the th
often highly idealized standards that they have set for th
their soul mate. wh
.......................................................... tio
Proof 1

150 cancer

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July 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E d BK E Dualistic Dr eamers

T hose born on this day are characterized by their
somewhat dualistic natures, manifested on the one
hand by their extraordinarily original dreams, and on
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
her the other by their fierce drive and determination. These
ous are the type of individuals whose soaring imaginations Virtues
rm will cause them to espouse what may appear to others Imaginative, ambitious, intuitive
cks to be utterly unrealistic and fanciful projects, and then
pe- to further confound their detractors by successfully Vices
on implementing the very visions previously dismissed as Uncompromising, defeatist,
being unfeasible. When their various personal quali- unrealistic
on. ties—including their idealism, energy and practical-
ed ity—are in harmony with one another, they have the Car eers
Musician, painter, actor,
ur- potential to effect truly remarkable innovations, and
entrepreneur, project developer
rs, they should thus strive to retain their self-belief despite
n- being inevitably subjected to the discouragement of Skills & Aptitudes
se, less progressive minds. These are pragmatic people Capacity for highly original
ne- who draw on their sensitivity toward others to tailor thinking, innovative mindset,
ng their approach to the form that they expect to be best determined drive to achieve goals,
he received by their audiences—their vision and vigor also idealistic approach
lar proving inspirational.
Their career choices will depend, of course, on the Famous Births
Ringo Starr (1940)
ose specific areas of interest that motivate them as individ- Jim Gaffigan (1966)
of uals, but they are usually naturally drawn to the sphere Jorja Fox (1968)
of of artistic expression—be it as musicians, painters or Michelle Swan (1980)
nd actors—and may furthermore have the capacity to
nts. employ their intuition and energy extremely effec- Compatible with
lly tively within the business world. Despite their cha- July 1–5
ult, risma, these are somewhat private people, who cherish
he the close bonds of kinship and friendship that define ..........................................................
for their relationships with their nearest and dearest, from
whom they gain as much as they give in terms of emo-
tional support. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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July 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Indomitable Dynamos d BK E d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon O thers generally admire those born on this day
for their dynamism, fixity of purpose, prodigious
energy and impressive practical skills, but the respect
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
that they generate is of the awed, somewhat intimi- att
Virtues dated, variety rather than born of affection. For such is to
Strong-willed, ambitious, their strength of will, self-belief and uncompromising su
pragmatic determination to achieve their aims that their tenac- lif
ity can often take the form of ruthlessness. In many irr
Vices respects it is the organizational aspects of a task that mi
Unappreciative, neglectful, ruthless
interest them most: they have an overriding urge to ha
realize their progressive visions by implementing a th
Car eers soundly supportive framework of actions, compara- my
Project developer, lawyer, scientific
researcher, media consultant, ble to the setting in motion of a smoothly running th
advertising agent machine. They may be found making their mark in th
any professional field where their imaginative visions su
Skills & Aptitudes can be imbued with the potential to achieve tangible an
Practical and technical abilities, results: their inclinations and talents equip them for res
realistic approach, organizational commercial or scientific ventures as well as for those tio
skills, strategic thinking artistic pursuits which require detailed background an
research and development. ula
Famous Births
Their interpersonal relationships are typically char-
John D. Rockefeller (1839)
Anjelica Huston (1951) acterized by their urge to direct the activities of those ver
Kevin Bacon (1958) around them. Yet they usually combine the intellectual all
Jaden Smith (1998) clarity of vision which informs the majority of their co
actions, with a sensitivity toward the feelings of others. on
Compatible with Thus, although they have a propensity to take charge, oth
July 1–5 they will rarely ride roughshod over others in their rel
quest to achieve progress, possibly also instinctively eq
.......................................................... recognizing that they will achieve more by enlisting ap
the support of others. This pragmatic approach also clo
stands them in good stead within their more intimate em
.......................................................... liaisons, particularly if they are men. als
Proof 1

152 cancer

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July 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E d BK E Or iginal Theor ists

T heir questing imagination and enthusiasm
for thoroughly investigating the unusual and
wide-ranging interests to which they are naturally
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
mi- attracted, bestow upon July 9 people the potential
is to blaze truly innovative trails through life. Indeed, Virtues
ng such is their innate conviction that there is more to Curious, intuitive, sensitive
ac- life than has yet been discovered that they are often
ny irresistibly drawn to explore concepts that less open- Vices
hat minded types might dismiss as being fanciful or as Frustrated, temperamental,
to having no future—pioneering scientific or artistic withdrawn
a theories, for example, or even psychic phenomena,
ra- mysticism and spirituality. Despite the originality of Car eers
Scientific theorist, philosopher,
ng the visions that inspire them, however, those born on
literature professor, psychic,
in this day are rarely unrealistic about the possibility of spiritual leader
ns success, for they supplement their great intellectual
ble and intuitive perspicacity with remarkably effective Skills & Aptitudes
for resourceful and practical skills. Add to this combina- Powers of investigation, desire to
ose tion of personal qualities great optimism and energy, delve into unexplored areas, original
nd and the resulting individuals are attractive and pop- thinking, intuitive perspicacity
ular people.
ar- Although their actions may be motivated by the Famous Births
Tom Hanks (1956)
ose very personal visions that inspire them, they gener- Courtney Love (1964)
ual ally prefer to work toward their realization as part of a Fred Savage (1976)
eir coordinated team rather than in solitary isolation. Not Rebecca Sugar (1987)
rs. only are they stimulated by the company and ideas of
ge, others, but developing strong and supportive working Compatible with
eir relationships is of vital importance to their emotional July 1–5
ely equilibrium. Similarly, within their private lives, they
ng appreciate and value the unquestioning love of those ..........................................................
lso closest to them and they typically make caring and
ate empathetic family members, especially if they were
also born in the Chinese year of the monkey. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 153

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July 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Talented Analysts d BK E d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon T hose born on this day are vitally interested in all
aspects of the human condition—ranging from
the psyches of those who surround them to the behav-
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
ior of humanity as a whole. Their forte is observation, son
Virtues rather than action, which is not to say that they lack fir
Analytical, progressive, practical strong opinions and ambitions, or the determina- am
tion to implement these when they feel impelled to th
Vices effect progress, it is rather that detailed information- co
Passive, isolated, overly cautious gathering is a crucial prerequisite to the formulation in
and promotion of their strategies. In fact, their gentle, wi
Car eers unassuming demeanor typically masks a keen and car
Psychologist, psychiatrist, artist,
powerful intellect, the incisive expression of which th
writer, musician, athlete
may startle those who do not know them well and may are
Skills & Aptitudes have misjudged them as being passive and dull. But th
Powers of observation, interest once they have secured the background data that they em
in human psyche, research skills, need for the best chance of success, these individuals ing
powerful intellect will embark upon the quest to realize their visions be
with remarkable fixity of purpose and tenacity, draw- ba
Famous Births ing from their armory of talents upon their prodigious wi
Nikola Tesla (1856) organizational skills. cre
Marcel Proust (1871)
July 10 people are naturally attracted to nonmateri- pe
Sofia Vergara (1972)
Jessica Simpson (1980) alistic pursuits, and their inclinations and skills augur
especially well for their success as insightful psychol- ach
Compatible with ogists and psychiatrists, artists, writers and musicians, dr
July 1–5 as well as dedicated athletes—in fact, in any field an
where a “corporate ethos” would not restrict their inde- rec
pendence of thought and action. They are generally in
extremely discriminating in their choice of friends and sp
.......................................................... life partners, but once they have committed their affec- str
tions these sensitive and loyal individuals will stick to en
their nearest and dearest through thick and thin. an
.......................................................... em
Proof 1

154 cancer

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July 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E d BK E Dramatic Per formers


W hether they are conscious of their overriding
predilection or not, those born on this day are
defined by the intensity of their interest in interper-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
on, sonal relationships. Although their enthusiasm may be
ck fired by abstract, intellectual concepts, or by personal Virtues
na- ambition or vision, this will almost always involve Sensitive, optimistic, empathetic
to the participation of others, be they friends, relations,
n- coworkers or even audiences. July 11 individuals—who Vices
on in any case have a natural affinity with the arts and Conceited, unfocused, insecure
tle, will often make dramatic or musical pursuits their
nd careers—are natural performers who not only relish Car eers
ch the attention that is lavished upon them by others, but Stage or film actor, musician,
comedian, athlete, politician
may are also almost hypersensitive to the responses that
But they arouse. Since they are inherently charming and
Skills & Aptitudes
ey empathetic people who enjoy pleasing and entertain- Abstract thinking, interpersonal
als ing others (both for reasons of human concern and interests, teamwork, charismatic
ns because their confidence is boosted when they can appeal, practical approach
w- bask in the goodwill that is thereby engendered), they
ous will generally put the maximum possible effort into Famous Births
creating mutually rewarding liaisons, be they of the John Quincy Adams (1767)
ri- personal or professional variety. Giorgio Armani (1934)
Lisa Rinna (1963)
gur Most July 11 people are innately geared toward Lil Kim (1974)
ol- achieving tangible success—in part a result of their
ns, driving energy and their urge to take practical action, Compatible with
eld and in part because of the acclaim that they will thus July 1–5
de- receive—and will often be found making their mark
lly in the worlds of commercial enterprise, politics or
nd sports. Within their private lives, too, they typically
ec- strive to bring happiness to their nearest and dearest, ..........................................................
to enlivening their relationships with their imagination
and joie de vivre, but also offering more profound
emotional support. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 155

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July 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

dichotomous Personalities d BK F IK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
T here are two aspects to the personalities of those
born on July 12: on the one hand they are “soft,”
profoundly empathetic and sympathetic individuals
Jupiter and Neptune who are keenly attuned to the emotions exuded by ge
others; and on the other hand they are “hard,” having th
Virtues a compelling urge to direct the actions of those around sp
Sensitive, intellectual, analytical them. Although these twin propensities may seem in
paradoxical, they are readily explained and reconciled ad
Vices by the strong orientation of these individuals toward im
Controlling, manipulative,
others, which is typically manifested in a desire to set mo
those around them on what they perceive to be the th
optimum path for achieving success. This instinct is th
Car eers
Politician, social worker, author, the result of not only their inherent sensitivity but also tiv
teacher, lawyer, HR representative their intellectual strengths—of clarity of vision, logical th
deduction, independence of thought and organizational als
Skills & Aptitudes powers. Their concern for others may be manifested at to
Interpersonal skills, practical and the personal, professional or even humanitarian level. oth
analytical talents, ability to attune to Because they naturally engender respect, July 12 for
others’ emotions, leadership people will often be elevated to positions of leader- of
ship, and their integrity and resistance to following the th
Famous Births
herd suits them for working autonomously. Apart from co
Henry David Thoreau (1817)
George Washington Carver (1864) national and civic politics or social work, optimum
Kimberly Perry (1983) careers include especially the artistic sphere, in which ch
Malala Yousafzai (1997) they may exert their benevolent influence on others. th
These people are typically sought after for their sound va
Compatible with and carefully considered advice, particularly since they th
June 22–25 are rarely patronizing. And, within their personal rela- or
tionships, their desire to protect and guide their near- pe
.......................................................... est and dearest is even more pronounced: they are well if p
aware that when differences have to be resolved con- to
frontation or coercion is less effective than a more sub- cei
.......................................................... tle and rational approach.
Proof 1

156 cancer

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July 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IK d BK F I Leading Entr epr eneurs

T heir inherent preference to play an active part in
life endows July 13 individuals with the irresist-
ible urge to make progress and achieve the tangible tar-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
by gets that they typically set for themselves. And, when Jupiter and Neptune
ng their highly developed intellectual and emotional per-
nd spicacity is added to this personal equation, it results Virtues
em in an outstanding capacity to recognize a potentially Kind-hearted, innovative, intuitive
ed advantageous opportunity (whose merits may not be
ard immediately obvious to less sensitive types), seize the Vices
set moment and act incisively. To all their ventures—be Overloaded, depressive, angsty
he they within their professional or their private lives—
is they bring their natural qualities of originality, inven- Car eers
Social scientist, entrepreneur,
lso tiveness and vigor and, because they are so responsive to
therapist, team manager, athlete
cal the emotions of others and are innately kind-hearted,
nal also the desire to build supportive and close-knit teams Skills & Aptitudes
at to assist them in their endeavors. The same concern for Active approach to new challenges,
. other people naturally equips those born on this day ability to set and achieve goals,
12 for careers where they can work toward the welfare capacity to recognize advantageous
er- of humanity—as social scientists, perhaps—although opportunities, inventiveness
he their talents may suit them equally well to becoming
om commercial entrepreneurs or artists. Famous Births
Patrick Stewart (1940)
um July 13 people’s personal relationships are usually Harrison Ford (1942)
ch characterized by the deep affection and protectiveness Cheech Marin (1946)
rs. that they manifest toward their nearest and dearest. The Deborah Cox (1974)
nd value that they place upon the emotional bonds that
ey they form with others may stem from feelings of angst, Compatible with
la- or “otherness”—another result of their far-reaching June 22–25
ar- perspicacity—which has the capacity to be enriching
ell if positively channeled, but which may also cause them ..........................................................
n- to become overly anxious with regard to what they per-
b- ceive to be the fate that lies in store for them.
Proof 1

cancer 157

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July 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Vehement Progr essives d BK F IK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day have the enviable ability to
attract the affection and admiration of others—
even when, at moments of extreme passion, they may
Jupiter and Neptune stridently attempt to communicate the humanitarian a
messages that are inspired by their profound empathy rou
Virtues with the disadvantaged. Rather than being alienated by als
Empathetic, just, purposeful others for their vehement stance in such confrontational kin
situations, they are often regarded with indulgence. glo
Vices Indulgence, however, is not usually the response that pro
Self-sacrificing, repressed,
is sought, for these individuals are typically possessed in
melancholic tendencies
of an urgent desire to bring about progress in human an
society, to harmonize interpersonal relationships and to th
Car eers
Politician, social campaigner, judge, right perceived wrongs, a compulsion that is the result an
musician, author, actor of not only their all-encompassing sensitivity, but also sid
their intellectual clarity and fixity of purpose. While by
Skills & Aptitudes these people will often be found in professions that are im
Intellectual clarity, organizational concerned with achieving humanitarian goals—as pol- res
talents, determination to effect iticians or social campaigners, for instance—many will bin
progress, communication skills devote their talents to improving the quality of life of wi
others by becoming artistic performers. for
Famous Births
While their enormous empathy is perhaps their
Gerald Ford (1913)
Jane Lynch (1960) greatest quality, at the same time it is also one of their era
Matthew Fox (1966) most pernicious attributes. For while they cannot help th
Dan Smith (1986) but offer sympathy and advice to those whom they of
intuitively sense are in need of assistance, they some- th
Compatible with times have an overriding tendency to suppress their idi
June 22–25 own identities and needs when acting on behalf of esp
others. They manifest this strong orientation toward cia
.......................................................... others in all of their liaisons, particularly their personal ge
relationships: when they find time for introspection, to
their optimistic veneer may be replaced by feelings of me
.......................................................... unspecific, yet overwhelming, sadness. sp
Proof 1

158 cancer

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July 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IK d BK F IK Sensitive Idealists


J uly 15 people manage to combine their highly
developed powers of imagination—which may
often tend toward the mystical or the spiritual—with
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
an a more concrete awareness of their immediate sur- Jupiter and Neptune
hy roundings, including not only their environment, but
by also the individuals who surround them as friends and Virtues
nal kin, professional associates or even as part of a more Imaginative, empathetic, innovative
ce. global scenario. Both characteristics stem from their
hat profound sensitivity, which typically manifests itself Vices
ed in the form of equal parts of intellectual perspicacity Unrealistic, overburdened,
an and as emotional empathy. Thus while those born on
to this day have the ability to arrive at astute impersonal
Car eers
ult analytical conclusions regarding a situation under con-
Religious leader, team manager,
lso sideration, their observations are given human depth international-relief organizer, actor
ile by their intuitive ability to assess the input of, and the
are impact on, the people who are touched by it. In many Skills & Aptitudes
ol- respects this is a remarkable gift, which, when com- Imagination, spiritual inclinations,
will bined with their urge to effect progress, endows them sensitivity toward others,
of with the potential to bring about considerable change powers of observation
for the good, enriching the lives of others.
eir Although July 15 people possess skills that are gen- Famous Births
Rembrandt (1606)
eir erally suited to the world of business and commerce, Gabriel Iglesias (1976)
elp they typically lack the ruthlessness that is the mark Diane Kruger (1976)
ey of the tycoon. It is perhaps in the artistic realm that Travis Fimmel (1979)
me- their talent to reach out and inspire others with their
eir idiosyncratic and innovative views is most effective, Compatible with
of especially if they are also men. And, while they appre- June 22–25
ard ciate the material fruits of their success as a means of
nal generously providing for and indulging those closest ..........................................................
on, to them, it is the dream of achieving perfection in the
of metaphysical sphere that underlies their more intro-
spective visions. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 159
July 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Questing Campaigners d BK F IK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day are on a constant quest to
realize an ideal—be it to find their soul mate, to
create the perfect work of art, or to implement a fault-
Jupiter and Neptune less technical process or a revolutionary social system. int
Although their desire is primarily driven by their emo- ma
Virtues tions, they typically marshal their highly developed th
Intuitive, progressive, idealistic intellectual powers of perception and analysis, as well pa
as their formidable capacity for organization, in the wh
Vices pursuit of their aims. However personal the vision that th
Discouraged, embittered,
fuels July 16 individuals, it rarely has a selfish purpose, are
for they combine their remarkable ability to identify an
abuses of power with their profound feelings of empa- mo
Car eers
Social or religious campaigner, relief thy for those suffering the ill-effects. Thus their yearn- th
worker, author, painter, actor ing to employ their energies as significant agents for ity
change is usually ultimately directed toward bringing en
Skills & Aptitudes improved circumstances and happiness to the lives of lik
Desire to better others’ lives, others. Their talents and inclinations suit them partic- (de
intellectual powers of perception ularly to the arts—where they hope their innovative inn
and analysis, organizational skills work will provide spiritual inspiration and solace to tan
a wider audience—but they may also choose to help th
Famous Births
others by becoming social or religious campaigners. th
Ida B. Wells (1862)
Jimmy Johnson (1943) Unfortunately, their Utopian ideals may doom them
Will Ferrell (1967) to disappointment, with the result that they will often lea
Corey Feldman (1971) adopt a façade of emotional robustness to protect their sta
vulnerability and propensity for becoming depressed liv
Compatible with or frustrated by deeply felt setbacks. The emotional ties tow
June 22–25 they form with those nearest to them are especially val- tru
ued for the unquestioning support and belief that they th
.......................................................... offer. It may, however, take them some time to find a en
life partner—the result of their tendency to project a de
romantic ideal onto those who may not wish to be cast pin
.......................................................... in such a role. ge
Proof 1

160 cancer

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July 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IK d BK F IK Motivated Improvers

T he steely ambition of those born on this day is
often marked by the easy-going friendliness and
sociability that characterize their approach to their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
m. interpersonal relationships. This latter quality may Jupiter and Neptune
o- manifest itself in the realm of the arts—to which
ed their great sensitivity renders them inherently sym- Virtues
ell pathetic—or in the business or commercial world, to Intuitive, tenacious, easy-going
he which their innovative ideas and practical skills suit
hat them. Although some strong-willed July 17 individuals Vices
se, are motivated by the desire to achieve personal success Manipulative, calculating,
ify and thereby win admiration and acclaim, others are
pa- more focused upon bringing about improvements for
Car eers
n- the societal group to which they have the closest affin-
Comedian, businessperson,
for ity (their families or countries, for example). In all their salesperson, community organizer,
ng endeavors they prefer to surround themselves with advertiser, politician
of like-minded teams rather than acting as sole agents
ic- (despite their marked independence of thought and Skills & Aptitudes
ive innovative individuality). When enlisting the assis- Sociability, artisitic inclinations,
to tance of other people, they typically make good use of innovation, practical skills, intuition
elp their intuitive ability to pick up on their emotions and
thus adjust their approach accordingly. Famous Births
Donald Sutherland (1935)
em Although their professional fixity of purpose may David Hasselhoff (1952)
en lead July 17 people to adopt a somewhat manipulative Jason Clarke (1969)
eir stance toward their coworkers, within their personal Luke Bryan (1976)
ed lives they are generally relaxed and deeply affectionate
ies toward their nearest and dearest—this is particularly Compatible with
al- true of the men born on this day. Indeed, it is when June 22–25
ey the pressure to achieve is off that their humor and tal-
da ent to entertain come to the fore, for these individuals ..........................................................
ta derive genuine pleasure from their ability to bring hap-
ast piness to those they love with their joie de vivre and
generosity. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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July 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Devoted Comrades d BK F IK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Moon
Third decan: Personal planets are
T he visions and goals that fuel the imaginations
and actions of those born on July 18 are generally
bound up with furthering the communal good rather
Jupiter and Neptune than seeking personal success and recognition. The ity
reasons for this approach are manifold, and include th
Virtues strong feelings of empathy with those who surround car
Enthusiastic, friendly, empathetic them—and with whom they typically come to iden- ica
tify—as well as their somewhat insecure need to see
Vices ground themselves in the fraternal bonds of camara- are
Dependent, suppressed, insecure
derie that result from serving a common cause, and the im
recognition that they may thereby receive. Indeed, such to
Car eers is the overwhelming sensitivity and soaringly imagina- mu
Athlete (particularly team sports),
soldier, political campaigner, actor, tive powers of these people that the uneasy sense of be
community organizer “otherness” that they often experience can lead them vis
to seek the affection and solace that arise from mani- to
Skills & Aptitudes festing solidarity with others in the pursuit of mutual ma
Team-playing approach, empathetic interests. They may identify themselves with any of a th
feelings for others, imaginative number of societal groups—sporting, artistic or polit- tiv
powers ical associations, their families, their local communi- sag
ties, their nations or even humanity as a whole—but wh
Famous Births
whichever one claims their loyalty will receive their
William M.Thackeray (1811)
Nelson Mandela (1918) exclusive devotion, often at the expense of their ability th
Vin Diesel (1967) to be objective when it comes to a conflict of interest. itie
Kristen Bell (1980) July 18 individuals will clearly be unhappy unless pu
working as part of a close-knit team. Although they ex
Compatible with are blessed with remarkably independent and innova- su
June 26–30 tive intellectual gifts, their use of these is typically tem- son
pered by the boundaries set by the common consensus. we
.......................................................... They should therefore beware of becoming somewhat les
narrow-minded, of losing their appreciation of healthy hig
expressions of individuality and should attempt to th
.......................................................... appreciate and embrace diversity. to
Proof 1

162 cancer

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July 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IK d BK ,A F IK Subtle Broadcasters

O thers often admire July 19 individuals for their
intellectual perspicacity and profound empathy,
qualities that reflect their all-encompassing sensitiv-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Sun
Third decan: Personal planets are
The ity to the circumstances and company that surrounds Jupiter and Neptune
de them, and upon which they draw when offering their Second cusp: Leo tendencies
nd carefully considered advice. Those born on this day typ-
n- ically not only care deeply for their nearest and dearest, Virtues
to seeking to ensure their happiness and success, but also Just, helpful, energetic
ra- are furthermore imbued with a more global desire to
he improve the lot of humanity. Although they are quick Vices
Radical, embittered, daunting
ch to identify social abuses or failings, and also to for-
na- mulate strategies for humanitarian progress, they may
Car eers
of be frustrated by their inability to communicate their
Politician, social campaigner,
em visions to less imaginative people who are unwilling athlete, author, technical researcher
ni- to accept the idea of change. Although July 19 people
ual may prefer to act as politicians or social campaigners in Skills & Aptitudes
fa their professional lives, they will often be more effec- Sense of justice, intellectual clear-
it- tive agents of progress when broadcasting their mes- sightedness, energetic approach,
ni- sage through the more subtle medium of the arts to ability to formulate strategies
but which, in any case, they are naturally drawn.
eir These are energetic individuals who need to keep Famous Births
Samuel Colt (1814)
ity their minds and bodies engaged in progressive activ- Edgar Degas (1834)
st. ities. They may often display a talent for sporting Benedict Cumberbatch (1976)
ess pursuits, but their vigorous nature may equally be Jared Padalecki (1982)
ey expressed in their mastery of artistic or technical pur-
va- suits. They bring to both their professional and per- Compatible with
m- sonal liaisons their interest and concern for others—as June 26–30, December 6–11
us. well as a strong sense of humor—but may neverthe-
hat less appear to be somewhat solitary individuals, whose ..........................................................
hy high ideals, profundity of thought and commitment to
to the visions that inspire them may be difficult for others
to live up to or match. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 163

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July 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Energetic Wander ers d BK ,A F IK d

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Sun
Third decan: Personal planets are
P erhaps the most striking personal feature of those
born on July 20 is their energy which, like the water
that is associated with their crustaceous natal sign, may
Jupiter and Neptune meander in every direction, exploring the boundaries tio
Second cusp: Leo tendencies that contain it, or may surge irresistibly forward, rarely at
remaining static. Their vigor is not only of the phys- for
Virtues ical variety (and many are sporting types, some even Th
Energetic, vibrant, cheerful becoming professional athletes), but also defines their ter
intellectual approach, which typically is questingly an
Vices curious and constantly searching for knowledge and liz
Superficial, unfocused, dissatisfied
novel experiences. Unsurprisingly, the all-encompass- wh
ing nature of their inquisitive perspicacity results in co
Car eers
Athlete, tour guide, game designer, their espousal of a wide range of interests, as well as of
actor, party planner, comedian a profound empathy with others. Professionally, they dil
will usually flourish in any field where they can com- em
Skills & Aptitudes bine their enjoyment of working as part of a team with th
Physical and intellectual energy, their technical and practical talents, while at the same th
curiosity, desire for new experiences, time retaining a certain autonomy of action by satis- tio
ability to work as part of a team fying their need to stimulate their intellects. They are ba
thus especially suited for the variety of opportunities th
Famous Births
that the creative or artistic sphere embraces. ex
Carlos Santana (1947)
Sandra Oh (1971) Their natural exuberance and infectious optimism po
Gisele Bundchen (1980) draws others to July 20 people, who relish taking the
Julianne Hough (1988) initiative and organizing group activities or enter- som
taining social events. Their joie de vivre and highly be
Compatible with developed sense of humor makes them popular with sh
June 26–30, December 6–11 their coworkers and friends, who feel that they can be ge
relied upon to provide loyal and constructive support wh
.......................................................... during times of crisis. Similarly, they make concerned, th
but also enlivening, partners and parents, who care as fro
much about the happiness of their loved ones as they co
.......................................................... do about their material success. th
Proof 1

164 cancer

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July 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IK d BK ,A F IK Cur ious Exhibition ists

T he characters of those born on this day often pose
something of an enigma to those who do not
know them well, for at times they manifest the exhibi-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Sun
Third decan: Personal planets are
ies tionist qualities that are the mark of the extrovert, and Jupiter and Neptune
ely at others they reveal their more introverted capacity Second cusp: Leo tendencies
ys- for profound and considered intellectual deliberation.
en There are often two pronounced sides to their charac- Virtues
eir ters: the side that enjoys observing other people and Curious, determined, independent
gly analyzing what makes them tick; and the side that uti-
nd lizes this talent to provoke strong reactions from those Vices
Confrontational, overbearing,
ss- who are being observed—in many cases, the more
in confrontational the better. Both propensities are born
as of their pronounced orientation toward others, a pre-
Car eers
ey dilection that is less the product of a need to solicit the Psychologist, philosopher, teacher,
m- emotional support inherent in interpersonal liaisons playwright, therapist, counselor
ith than of the stimulation that they derive from surveying
me the complexities of human interaction. Such inclina- Skills & Aptitudes
is- tions suit July 21 individuals admirably for research- Intense interest in human nature,
are based careers as psychologists or philosophers, but debating, organizational skills
ies their great organizational skills, as well as their urge to
exert a beneficial influence over others, also indicates Famous Births
Ernest Hemingway (1899)
sm potential success as teachers or artists. Cat Stevens (1948)
he Despite their intellectual independence and the Robin Williams (1951)
er- somewhat clinical predilection for analyzing human Josh Hartnett (1978)
hly behavior that often defines their professional relation-
ith ships, those born on this day are typically extremely Compatible with
be generous, loyal and supportive—even protective— June 26–30, December 6–11
ort when it comes to their nearest and dearest. Yet because
ed, they themselves adhere to a firm moral code (springing ..........................................................
as from their sense of natural justice), they find it hard to
ey condone transgressions in others—even on the part of
those closest to them. ..........................................................
Proof 1

cancer 165

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July 22
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1

Action-takers d BK ,A F IK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Moon and Sun
Third decan: Personal planets are
T he passive, emotionally-oriented, lunar forces and
the active solar energies that govern the personali-
ties of those born on this day stand in direct opposition
Jupiter and Neptune to each other and may be difficult to reconcile. Thus
Second cusp: Leo tendencies while July 22 people possess great sensitivity and are
fueled by often remarkably idealistic visions, they may
Virtues unwittingly sabotage their efforts by their impatient
Visionary, active, caring tendency for taking immediate action without having
fully thought through the potential consequences.
Vices Conversely, their strong compulsion to make direct
Conflicted, impatient, restless
progress may be hindered by the conflicting messages
they intuitively receive. When, however, these quali-
Car eers
Technical researcher, fashion ties are in harmony, these individuals make remarkably
designer, graphic artist, inventor effective instruments of innovation, drawing upon
their intellectual perspicacity and energy in pursuing
Skills & Aptitudes their single-minded quest to realize their ambitions.
Predilection for active progress, Their varied gifts give them the potential to succeed
idealistic visions, innovative in a range of professions, but their inherent creativity
thinking, intellectual perspicacity makes them especially suited to those artistic or tech-
nical pursuits in which they can act as inspirational
Famous Births
leaders of their fields.
Willem Dafoe (1955)
David Spade (1964) Although these are empathetic types who cherish
Selena Gomez (1992) their close attachments to their friends and kin, they
Prince George (2013) may find it hard to commit themselves to a life partner.
For many, the problem lies with both their diversity
Compatible with of interests and their emotional restlessness, which are
June 26–30, December 6–11 difficult to contain within a monogamous relationship.
Those closest to them should therefore attempt to set
.......................................................... flexible boundaries for their liaisons, within which July
22 people can maintain a certain freedom of action
while simultaneously remaining securely anchored by
.......................................................... bonds of affection.
Proof 1

166 cancer

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e Leo
July 23 to August 22
Ruling planet: Sun Element: Fixed fire
Symbol: Lion Polar ity: Positive (masculine)
Physical cor r espondence: Spine, back, heart
Stones: Ruby, yellow topaz, tiger’s eye, amber, cat’s eye
Flowers: Sunflower, chamomile, marigold, celandine
Colors: Golden yellow, orange

T he zodiacal sign of Leo governs the period when the Northern Hemisphere’s summer
is at its height, when the heat of the Sun is at its fiercest, and this manifestation of
solar power is probably the reason why so many Middle Eastern astrological traditions
equated the constellation with the lion, the king of beasts, whose golden mane was said by
classical poets to resemble the rays of the Sun. The ancient Egyptians venerated the lion
because the life-giving waters of the River Nile began to rise when the Sun was in Leo,
while the ancient Greeks, Persians, and Hindu astrologers also unequivocally personified
the constellation as a lion. The Babylonians, too, envisaged a leonine creature presiding
over the sign, but in this case it was a lioness or dog, maybe because many of the powerful
goddesses of the Mesopotamian tradition were strongly associated with these animals.
Perhaps the most familiar and enduring myth associated with Leo is that of the slaying of
the Nemean lion by the Greco-Roman hero Herakles (Hercules)­—the first of his labors.
The combination of the related influences that cogovern Leo—the brightly burning
Sun and element of fire that gives life but can also destroy, as well as the magnificent
majesty of the lion—is therefore said to endow those born under this constellation with
sunny natures, creative powers, exuberance, enthusiasm, energy, generosity, courage, and
strength—all qualities that signify leadership potential. Conversely, however, the intel-
lectual independence and pride that are further Leonine characteristics can result in
Proof 1

egotism, vanity and self-indulgence.

LEO 167

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July 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sunny Socialites zA B A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Moon
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
A long with their sense of fun and enjoyment of the
good things in life, the determinedly optimistic
and cheerful face that July 23 people typically present
First cusp: Leo with Cancer to the world draws others to them and, indeed, they oth
tendencies derive great stimulation from social interaction, being ali
inherently curious about other people. These are not the
Virtues passive bystanders, however, for they prefer to be in the refl
Likable, fun-loving, helpful midst of their professional and social circles, contrib- tiv
uting their strongly held opinions and exerting their int
Vices influence over those around them. For despite their tw
Authoritarian, willful, stubborn
easy-going manner, those born on this day are often tan
propelled by a strong desire to help others progress— eff
Car eers
Wedding planner, politician, actor be it professionally, materially or spiritually—and are the
prepared to devote their considerable energies to this pe
Skills & Aptitudes cause. Inherently traditionalist, their intellectual beliefs wo
Willingness to help others, strong and moral values will usually have been instilled in tiv
moral sense, team player them in childhood and, once formed, will be adhered bra
to with remarkable tenacity. Their strength of convic- ab
Famous Births tion, vigor and orientation toward others augurs espe- tio
Woody Harrelson (1961) cially well for their success as military or political lead- for
Slash (1965)
ers, but may also be effectively expressed within the
Alison Krauss (1971)
Daniel Radcliffe (1989) varied realms encompassed by the arts. ita
Despite their being generous and loyal friends and fur
Compatible with relatives, who place great value upon the strong bonds ne
April 21–25, June 18–19 of affection and support that characterize their rela- wi
tionships with their nearest and dearest, these people’s ass
strong wills and natural gregariousness may preclude ag
them from forming close one-on-one relationships. ish
.......................................................... They may also approach others with a sense of appre- res
hension that they might be required to give more than usu
they receive, thus stifling their inclination to become wh
.......................................................... emotionally involved. rec
Proof 1

168 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 168
July 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B A B Dependable Nurtur ers

P eople born on July 24 are extroverts. Their enthusi-
astic espousal of the unusual, as well as the strong
expression of their beliefs (often designed to attract
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Moon
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
ey others’ attention) is testimony to that. Yet their person- First cusp: Leo with Cancer
ng alities cannot be defined so simplistically, for underlying tendencies
not the self-confident veneer they typically adopt is a more
he reflective and sensitive core that enables them intui- Virtues
b- tively to absorb the finer details of a situation, or the Energetic, empathetic, sensitive
eir intangible emotions transmitted by others. When these
eir two sides to their characters exist in harmony, the resul- Vices
Argumentative, uncompromising,
en tant combination makes July 24 individuals formidably
— effective instruments of progress, who typically support
are their energetic quest for recognition with remarkable
Car eers
his perspicacity, and often even empathy for those whose Entrepreneur, business consultant,
efs worth society generally discounts. When their protec- company manager
in tive instincts are aroused, those born on this day will
ed bravely champion the cause of the downtrodden or Skills & Aptitudes
ic- abused, but in less extreme circumstances their ambi- Champion of others, motivational
pe- tions are usually concerned with their personal desires: skills, intuition
d- for fame, financial rewards and material comforts.
he Thus, although July 24 people may pursue human- Famous Births
Alexandre Dumas (1802)
itarian careers, they may equally be found assiduously Amelia Earhart (1898)
nd furthering their own interests as commercial entrepre- Barry Bonds (1964)
ds neurs. Their talents suit them to a variety of professions, Anna Paquin (1982)
la- with the proviso that they must be allowed either to
e’s assume a leadership role, or else act as independent Compatible with
de agents—as artists, for instance—if they are to flour- April 21–25, June 19–20
ps. ish. Inevitably, their strong wills arouse similarly strong
re- responses in others, but even when negative they will ..........................................................
an usually accept constructive criticism with grace. And,
me when assured of the love of those closest to them, they
reciprocate such support with great generosity, loyalty ..........................................................
and affection.
Proof 1

LEO 169

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 169
July 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Pur poseful Dr eamers zA B A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Moon
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
T hose born on this day are motivated by the desire
to realize their remarkably progressive visions,
ambitions which may be dismissed by others—rightly
First cusp: Leo with Cancer or wrongly—as being unfeasible fantasies, but from for
tendencies which July 25 individuals will rarely be dissuaded. th
Indeed, these people are typically defined by their driv- Th
Virtues ing determination to effect their dreams, and in the mi
Innovative, determined, resourceful promotion of their convictions they draw upon their th
prodigious physical and intellectual vigor and clarity of rad
Vices purpose, as well as their capacity for brave persistence by
Easily distracted, hypersensitive,
susceptible to flattery in the face of dissent. Many are motivated by purely or
personal aims—professional recognition, or the accu- th
Car eers mulation of monetary wealth—but such is their sensi- to
Counselor, events organizer, activist tivity toward others (even when working toward their th
self-aggrandizement) that their actions are conditioned ity
Skills & Aptitudes by a strongly ethical code of conduct which prohibits pu
Resilience, thinking outside of the them from making progress by taking unfair advantage for
box, creativity of others. Some may make a humanitarian or ideolog- in
ical cause their mission; either way, they support their sio
Famous Births professional activities with both highly developed
Rosalind Franklin (1920)
technical and organizational skills and a more intangi- vid
Estelle Getty (1923)
Rita Marley (1946) ble talent for inspiring and motivating others with the mo
Iman (1955) infectious nature of their dynamic enthusiasm. cle
Because they are often disappointed by the criti- fol
Compatible with cism of their detractors, July 25 people place enormous ity
April 21–25, June 20–21 value on the support of those who believe in them, and diff
they demonstrate their gratitude to those who profess are
unquestioning confidence in their ability to achieve gu
.......................................................... their aims by rewarding them with their fierce and ac
unwavering affection and devotion. They should, how- wh
ever, beware of accepting false praise: it may well bol- lav
.......................................................... ster their confidence, temporarily, but will ultimately
prove unhelpful.
Proof 1

170 LEO

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July 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B A Energetic Pragmatists

J uly 26 people have the potential to blaze a fiery trail
through life, for their strong will-power, unusual
independence of thought and action and predilection
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
om for idiosyncratic expressions of individuality mark
ed. them out as commanding and influential personalities. Virtues
iv- The success of those born on this day is largely deter- Perceptive, strategic, responsible
he mined by the responses that they arouse in others, who
eir they will use to evaluate the effectiveness of their often Vices
of radical theories through the responses that they elicit Confrontational, provocative, bossy
nce by their declarations. They may thus attract admiration
ely or ridicule in equal measure, but since in many respects Car eers
u- the primary motivating factor behind their actions is Radio host, actor, sports
si- to draw attention to themselves, they typically accept
eir the love or loathing that they provoke with equanim-
Skills & Aptitudes
ed ity, knowing that they have accomplished their aim of Strongly influential, imagination,
its publicizing themselves or their beliefs. Natural per- self-motivation
ge formers, July 26 people are especially suited to careers
g- in the arts, or else in such creative commercial profes- Famous Births
eir sions as the media or advertising. George Bernard Shaw (1856)
ed The energetic and extroverted face that these indi- Carl Jung (1875)
gi- viduals present to the world often masks their deeper, Mick Jagger (1943)
Sandra Bullock (1965)
he more introspective side that enables them to plot a
clearly delineated course through life, which they then Compatible with
ti- follow with remarkable fixity of purpose and tenac- April 21–25, June 21
ous ity. Their professional and private personae may be so
nd different as to seem schizophrenic—especially if they
ess are women—for when out of the public spotlight they
ve guard their privacy jealously and ground themselves in
nd a closely knit circle of friends and family members, of ..........................................................
w- whom they are fiercely protective and on whom they
ol- lavish enormous affection.
ely ..........................................................
Proof 1

LEO 171

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 171
July 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Zealous Go-getters zA A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
T hose born on this day are blessed with prodigious
energy, passion and commitment, as well as highly
developed practical and organizational skills—a formi-
dably effective combination of characteristics that July am
Virtues 27 people utilize to the full. These are dynamic indi- co
Positive, progressive, energetic viduals who rarely do things by halves, throwing them- av
selves into the active pursuit of their professional and sel
Vices private visions with single-minded determination and the
Controlling, overprotective, dedication, fueled by the desire to make tangible prog- the
ress. Although their choice of career clearly depends en
upon their individual preferences, most will thrive in in
Car eers
Analyst, CEO, marketing executive
any profession in which they can work directly toward wo
the achievement of their goals, supervising a well-or- up
Skills & Aptitudes dered team and implementing their soundly consid- ing
Leadership skills, enthusiasm, ered promotional strategies in the process. Such incli- the
determination nations and talents augur particularly well for their an
success as corporate players, but their natural flamboy- an
Famous Births ance and creativity, adventurousness and vigor further- de
Norman Lear (1922) more equip these individuals with outstanding artistic pe
Bobbie Gentry (1944)
potential—and especially so if they were also born in wh
Peggy Fleming (1948)
Alex Rodriguez (1975) the Chinese year of the dragon. suc
Within the domestic sphere, those born on July 27 pri
Compatible with will usually assume the role of the familial linch pin
April 17, April 26–30 around whom others revolve. Typically extraordinarily the
affectionate toward their nearest and dearest, they do the
their utmost to safeguard the well-being and happiness thi
of those closest to them—particularly their children— co
while at the same time injecting an enlivening sense of wh
.......................................................... fun into their relationships. It is important, however, the
that they should judiciously moderate their desire to sen
exert their benevolent influence over those to whom em
.......................................................... they are most strongly attached, and allow them to sh
make, and thus learn from, their own mistakes. len
Proof 1

172 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 172
July 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A A Competitive Challenge-seekers

T he personalities of July 28 people are defined by
their competitiveness, a burning compulsion that
may be manifested as either a personal or a professional
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
uly ambition and that instills in them the urge to “win” at all
di- costs. This dominating characteristic can be the result of Virtues
m- a variety of causes, including these people’s unwavering Multitalented, competitive, driven
nd self-belief and concomitant wish to convince others of
nd the veracity of their convictions. They also relish testing Vices
g- themselves against demanding challenges and like to Attention-seeking, combative,
ds enjoy the material rewards of success, including basking temperamental
in in the recognition and acclaim of others. And, when
ard working toward their goal, those born on this day draw Car eers
Professional athlete, soldier,
or- upon their considerable resources and talents, includ-
d- ing their enormous physical and intellectual energy,
li- their ability to formulate a formidable organizational Skills & Aptitudes
eir and technical framework to support their driving quest, Dedication to career, determination,
oy- and, most significantly, their determined refusal to be energy
er- deflected from their aims or to concede defeat. These
tic people are thus admirably equipped for professions in Famous Births
in which confrontational tactics play an important part, Beatrix Potter (1866)
such as politics, the military and commercial enter- Marcel Duchamp (1887)
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1929)
27 prises, and also the sporting and artistic spheres. Alexis Arquette (1969)
pin Many July 28 people believe that the admiration
ily their achievements arouse will be sufficient to provide Compatible with
do the affection they crave from other people. However, April 17–18, April 26–30
ess this will rarely be the case, for their single-minded and
— combative approach is more likely to alienate those
of whom they are seeking to impress, who may perceive
er, them as being selfishly lacking in consideration for the ..........................................................
to sensibilities of others. Thus, although they are genuinely
om emotionally attached to their nearest and dearest, they
to should realize that they may be regarded more ambiva- ..........................................................
lently by the objects of their affection.
Proof 1

LEO 173

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 173
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Vigilant Leaders zA A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun I n common with the majority of their leonine fel-
lows, those born on July 29 are positive and energetic
types, whose natural inclination is toward controlling
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
the actions of those around them, a predilection that is eta
Virtues redoubled if they were also born in the Chinese year of of
Protective, influential, tireless the dragon. Yet unlike many others born under the sign ex
of Leo, their ambitions are directed less toward achiev- ble
Vices ing personal success and acclaim (although they are not fas
Bossy, controlling, unfeeling averse to receiving the applause of others) than toward of
furthering the interests of the social group with which en
Car eers they primarily identify—for example, their family, their th
Social campaigner, government
local community, their country or even humanity as a an
officer, events organizer
whole. They may thus typically be found working as Th
Skills & Aptitudes politicians or social campaigners—or even as athletes ab
Highly organized, focused on or artists—indeed, in any profession in which there is co
community, reliable an inherent sense of team spirit. Within such environ- ing
ments those born on this day typically gravitate toward too
Famous Births leadership positions, others deferring to their strong ste
George Bradshaw (1801) wills, clear-cut goals, and organizational talents, as well for
Wil Wheaton (1972) as to their gifts of motivation and inspiration. fri
Tim Gunn (1953)
Their willingness to protect and assume responsi-
Martina McBride (1966)
bility for those around them—and this is especially co
Compatible with true if they are males—as well as the generosity and 30
April 18–19, April 26–30 loyalty that these leonine characters display toward the po
members of their “pride,” is generally reciprocated by as
the objects of their concern. Although their personal Th
liaisons are similarly characterized by mutually pro- th
found feelings of affection, the overridingly communal act
.......................................................... orientation of July 29 people may leave them with little bo
time to spare for their nearest and dearest—or indeed, th
for the pursuit of any independent individual interests. fin
.......................................................... inv
Proof 1

174 LEO

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July 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A A Prosperous Achievers

T hose born on July 30 are firmly rooted in the
physical world, their ambitions being primarily
concerned with gaining personal status and mon-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
is etary resources, or with making tangible progress
of of any kind, and their approach is typically of the Virtues
gn extremely energetic variety. These individuals are Motivated, grounded, practical
ev- blessed with the ability to think in a logical, linear
not fashion, and because they have a heightened sense Vices
ard of awareness of their surroundings, or of the inher- Narrow-minded, attention-seeking,
ch ent components of a proposal under consideration, domineering
eir they have the capacity to assess a situation astutely
sa and devise a comprehensive strategy in response. Car eers
Accountant, corporate executive,
as They will then implement their plan with remark-
media producer
tes able fixity of purpose and tenacity, utilizing their
is considerable organizational skills and gift for direct- Skills & Aptitudes
n- ing others in the process. Within their personal lives, Ambitious nature, perceptiveness,
ard too, they typically conduct their relationships with attention to detail
ng steadfast equanimity, displaying a profound concern
ell for the physical and emotional well-being of their Famous Births
friends and family. Emily Brontë (1818)
si- Their practical and interpersonal talents, when also Henry Ford (1863)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947)
lly combined with their strong goal orientation, equip July Delta Burke (1956)
nd 30 people especially well for potentially glittering cor-
he porate careers in the financial and commercial realm, Compatible with
by as well as for fame and acclaim in the sporting arena. April 19–20, April 26–30
nal Their highly developed sensuality also augurs well for
o- their success as artists—painters, musicians, writers or
nal actors, for example—although the majority of those
tle born on this day will instead settle for surrounding ..........................................................
ed, themselves with objects of beauty (which, given their
sts. financial acumen, may often also represent lucrative
investments). ..........................................................
Proof 1

LEO 175

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July 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inquisitive Scholars zA A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun T he quest for discovery is extremely strong in
many July 31 people. Although they are primarily
fueled by an urge to further their own learning and
First decan: Personal planet is Sun
understanding, any progress made by these individu- em
Virtues als will usually also contribute significantly to the store the
Energetic, determined, focused of human knowledge since the topics that especially res
interest them are typically global in their scope— ap
Vices human psychology, for example, abstract political or qu
Undisciplined, workaholic, economic theories, or even the as yet unrevealed secrets to
of the cosmos. Indeed, these are not the types to isolate pa
themselves in the ivory towers of academia—they much it i
Car eers prefer active modes of investigation, such as directing the
Researcher, scientist, journalist
the activities of teams of researchers, and, once they the
Skills & Aptitudes have achieved a breakthrough, will rush to share their oft
Willingness to explore new ideas, triumphs with the wider world (often with as much exp
dedication to work, creative accompanying razzmatazz as possible). This highly pe
thinking developed concern for exploring every facet of human all
existence, combined with their extremely logical train (un
Famous Births of thought and their tenacity, suits those born on this Th
Milton Friedman (1912) day for investigative careers of all types—as academic me
Wesley Snipes (1962)
researchers, scientists or journalists, for instance—but the
J.K. Rowling (1965)
Dean Cain (1966) also as teachers, for they possess a powerful desire to exa
utilize their findings to help others.
Compatible with Despite the deep devotion and magnanimous toler- ers
April 26–30 ance that characterizes the nature of July 31 people’s th
affection for those closest to them, they may not always wh
enjoy the stable and harmonious personal lives that pr
they crave. Part of the problem may result from their to
.......................................................... tendency to throw themselves whole-heartedly into th
their work, which—despite their prodigious physical de
vigor—may leave them with little time to spare for th
.......................................................... their friends and families. oft
Proof 1

176 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 176
August 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A A F Paradoxical Philosophers

T hose born on this day are self-sufficient types who
present something of a paradox—even to their
nearest and dearest. For on the one hand they can be
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
u- empathetic toward the disadvantaged (responding to Jupiter
ore their natural sense of justice), yet on the other they will
lly reserve their own right to privacy and autonomy. Their Virtues
— approach to life is underlined with two main personal Imaginative, progressive, organized
or qualities: their imaginative powers, which enable them
ets to identify with others and be stimulated by their com- Vices
ate pany; and their propensity to think logically. Ultimately Isolated, stubborn, disconnected
ch it is the realm of abstract concepts—particularly artistic
ng theories and expression—that most strongly interests Car eers
Writer, scientist, business owner
ey them, and their frequent withdrawal into solitude is
eir often necessitated by their predilection for intellectual
Skills & Aptitudes
ch exploration. Such is the value that they place on inde- Self-sufficiency, openness to new
hly pendence of thought and action that they are gener- ideas, discipline
an ally unsuited to working as cogs in the corporate wheel
ain (unless they are themselves driving the mechanism). Famous Births
his They are inherently better equipped for self-employ- Francis Scott Key (1779)
mic ment or for working in those professional areas where Herman Melville (1819)
but their research can be transformed into products—for Geoffrey Holder (1930)
Yves St. Laurent (1936)
to example as scientists or writers.
Although August 1 people are not amenable to oth- Compatible with
er- ers’ regulations (and even less so if they were born in May 1–5
le’s the Chinese year of the dragon), they are disciplined
ays when it comes to their own affairs—both personal and
hat private—a tendency that results more from their desire
eir to keep their lives running smoothly and efficiently
nto than from any wish to exert control over others. Thus, ..........................................................
cal despite the deep affection and magnanimous tolerance
or they display toward those closest to them, they will
often conduct their relationships within strict bound- ..........................................................
aries, the limits of which they set for themselves.
Proof 1

LEO 177

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August 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Candid R ealists zA F A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
T he ambitions that motivate August 2 people are
generally of the briskly progressive rather than the
more nebulously idealistic type. These are straightfor-
Jupiter ward people and their incisive clarity of vision makes cau
it easy for them to identify their goals and then, aided sti
Virtues by their directly logical approach and exceptional tes
Intellectual, creative, loyal organizational abilities, work single-mindedly toward acc
their realization. The nature of the aims that fire their ad
Vices enormous energy and determination inevitably vary be
Perfectionist, obsessive, pushy
according to their specific personal interests, but their be
great imaginative powers and sensuality typically to
Car eers propel them toward such artistic careers as acting, writ- tha
Writer, entrepreneur, media or
advertising executive ing, painting or composing. Their intellectual curiosity un
furthermore promises potential success as scientists ers
Skills & Aptitudes or even inventors. In all their professional endeavors fro
Honesty, decision-making, capacity they are rarely afraid to take a brave lone stand when ne
for hard work convinced of the correctness of their convictions, and ery
their self-knowledge and confidence is such that they tio
Famous Births will often prove their detractors wrong. Indeed, many for
Carroll O’Connor (1924) August 2 people will eventually set up their own busi- bu
James Baldwin (1924)
nesses rather than conform to a corporate ethos. pa
Peter O’Toole (1932)
Wes Craven (1939) While their professional relationships are frequently the
Rose Tremain (1943) characterized by confrontation—the result of a conflict act
between their driving urge to promote their ideas and
Compatible with the demurral of their colleagues or competitors—their ab
January 17–19, May 1–5 personal liaisons are generally far more harmonious. th
August 2 people cherish the strongly supportive bonds un
they enjoy with their kith and kin, to whom they man- de
.......................................................... ifest their capacity for unwavering loyalty. Fiercely pro- tiv
tective of those closest to them, they not only desire all
the physical and material well-being of their loved be
.......................................................... ones—especially their children if they are parents— fla
but also their happiness. ma
Proof 1

178 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 178
August 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F A F Spir ited Innovators

T hose born on August 3 are energetic people, driven
by their need for excitement, an overriding urge
that can stem from many underlying psychological
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
kes causes, including their low boredom thresholds, the Jupiter
ed stimulation they gain from pitting their talents against
nal testing challenges, or even their yearning to receive the Virtues
ard acclaim of others by succeeding in their ventures. This Focused, pioneering, courageous
eir adventurous compulsion may inevitably lead them to
ary behave impulsively, to seize an alluring opportunity Vices
eir before it vanishes into the past; but such is their ability Sensation-seeking, restless
lly to realistically assess the limits of their own potential dissatisfied
it- that they will rarely embark upon a project that is utterly
ity unfeasible (although it may often appear so to onlook- Car eers
Emergency-services worker,
sts ers). And if they should fail, they will typically learn motivational speaker, freelance
ors from their experience before moving on to address the coach
en next challenge that presents itself. Their personal brav-
nd ery, vigor, self-discipline and single-minded determina- Skills & Aptitudes
ey tion to achieve their ambitions augurs especially well Self-belief, bold approach, drive
ny for their success in competitive situations, perhaps as
si- business entrepreneurs, or wherever courage is essential, Famous Births
particularly in the emergency services. Whatever career Tony Bennett (1926)
Terry Wogan (1926)
tly they choose, however, it is vital that their freedom of
Martin Sheen (1940)
ict action and thought remain largely unrestricted. Tom Brady (1977)
nd Although their professional activities may unavoid-
eir ably generate confrontation and rivalry—particularly if Compatible with
us. they are men—in common with most of those born January 17–19, May 1–5
ds under the sign of Leo, their personal relationships are
n- defined by the strong affection, loyalty and protec-
o- tiveness they direct toward those closest to them. In ..........................................................
ire all their interpersonal liaisons, however, they should
ed beware of allowing their susceptibility to praise and
— flattery to lead to excessively egotistical feelings, which ..........................................................
may isolate them from both others and reality.
Proof 1

LEO 179

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 179
August 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R ebellious Fr ee-thinkers zA F A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are strong-willed characters
whose autonomy of thought and action is of the
utmost importance to them. While they may seek to
Jupiter influence others, they claim the right of independence ch
for themselves. Their need for freedom is as much the go
Virtues product of their constant quest for knowledge as of ity
Intelligent, dynamic, persuasive their incisive intellects, which lead them to gather as 5p
much information as possible before deciding upon a fer
Vices goal. But while their sense of justice may lead them to tho
Controlling, domineering,
champion the disadvantaged as a whole—thus equip- lec
ping them as campaigners or politicians—they may be
disregard the right of others to profess conflicting opin- the
Car eers
Campaigner, politician, teacher ions, instead employing confrontational techniques in the
their quest to implement what they regard as being of
Skills & Aptitudes unquestionably the correct way forward. This propen- an
Positive attitude, inspirational sity may occasionally lead them to behave somewhat the
qualities, determination perversely, rebelling against authority figures simply pro
because of their strong antipathy for being restrained, as en
Famous Births well as of their more general dislike of complacency and aro
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792) the unthinking acceptance of the status quo. They are en
Louis Armstrong (1901)
probably most suited for artistic, educational or sport- co
Billy Bob Thornton (1955)
Barack Obama (1961) ing careers, in which their inclinations and talents can
best be used to inspire others. ces
Compatible with So averse are August 4 people to submitting to the ne
January 17–19, May 1–5 control of others that—even from childhood—they for
may reject entirely well-meaning attempts to assist sh
them, fearing that more sinister, dominating motives Th
lurk behind the helping hand, a propensity that can wh
.......................................................... lead them to become rather isolated figures. When they exp
channel their energies positively, they typically enliven the
their personal relationships greatly; those closest to for
.......................................................... them should be careful, however, never to restrain, or co
to appear to challenge, these people’s independence. ma
Proof 1

180 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 180
August 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F A F Calculating Decision-makers

T he focused approach and determination mani-
fested by those born on this day instills in others
a sense of awe, for once they have resolved upon their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
nce chosen course of action they will pursue it until their Jupiter
he goal has been achieved with almost superhuman tenac-
of ity, compelled by their resolute sense of purpose. August Virtues
as 5 people rarely simply accept conventional truths, pre- Determined, logical, brave
na ferring instead to independently investigate a subject
to thoroughly before evaluating the data they have col- Vices
p- lected and then making an informed decision as to how Impatient, easily frustrated,
may best to proceed. When engaged in assessment exercises
n- they utilize their talent for clear-sighted analysis and
Car eers
in their remarkable powers of perception, while the nature
Scientist, journalist, engineer
ng of their decision-making is characterized by their reli-
n- ance on logical thought processes. Once satisfied with Skills & Aptitudes
hat the soundness of their convictions, they promote their Self-discipline, doggedness,
ply progressive aims and opinions by means of direct and generosity
as energetic action. Inevitably, their fixity of purpose often
nd arouses the antagonism of others, but these people are Famous Births
are energized rather than discouraged by opposition and Guy de Maupassant (1850)
rt- confrontation, which spurs them on still farther. Neil Armstrong (1930)
Mark Strong (1963)
an August 5 people have the potential to achieve suc- James Gunn (1970)
cess in any sphere that holds their interest, but their
he need to act autonomously suits them especially well Compatible with
ey for such artistic careers as movie-making or musician- May 1–5
ist ship, as well as to become scientific or social innovators.
ves Their impressive self-discipline masks strong emotions
an which, if they are crossed in any way, may break free and
ey explode in dramatic displays of temper. And, although ..........................................................
en their feelings of affection, generosity and protectiveness
to for those closest to them are similarly profound, the
or combination of their controlling and volatile tendencies ..........................................................
may have an unsettling effect on those around them.
Proof 1

LEO 181

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 181
August 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Delightful Moralists zA F A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
B lessed with great charm, the strong wills and con-
victions that occasionally emerge from behind the
normally mild-mannered façade of those born on this
Jupiter day often surprise those who do not know them well. inv
Yet despite their pragmatic recognition of the need co
Virtues to keep others on side, it is precisely these beliefs— ing
Magnetic, perceptive, open-minded arrived at after rigorous thought—that inform their go
actions and ambitions, in effect providing them with un
Vices a blueprint to which they conduct their lives accord- Th
Self-destructive, obsessive,
ingly. And although their visions may also encompass on
short-term or minor goals, these individuals are gener- wo
ally concerned with the wider picture (especially if they inn
Car eers
Performing artist, sports coach, were also born in the Chinese year of the dragon), with co
computer coder making global social, scientific or political improve- mo
ments, for example, or with pushing the bounds of ava
Skills & Aptitudes human endeavor forward as artists or athletes. Provided ica
Vision, decisiveness, energy that they are allowed to retain decision-making powers the
and the fundamental autonomy that is so vital to them, un
Famous Births their perceptive intellects, propensity for taking direct aro
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809) action and unwavering determination augurs well for to
Lucille Ball (1911)
their success in whatever professional field they choose
Andy Warhol (1928)
M. Night Shyamalan (1970) to apply their considerable energies. len
In their personal lives, too, August 6 individuals ult
Compatible with are often guided by their moral values, which instill in for
May 6–11 them an appreciation of the importance of secure bonds em
of friendship and kinship. Yet their overriding commit- na
ment to their work, when combined with their strong wh
sense of responsibility for those closest to them, may by
.......................................................... cause those born on this day to overstretch themselves the
by attempting to devote equal time to their professional soc
and private concerns. With their well-developed intel- an
.......................................................... lectual powers of perception and organization, they are wh
also willing to compromise when necessary. ele
Proof 1

182 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 182
August 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F A F Transcendental Pioneers

T hose born on this day combine their curiosity with
their urge to help others—whether individuals,
or humanity as a whole. Innately predisposed toward
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
ell. investigating all data objectively before drawing their Jupiter
ed conclusions, these people are not content with accept-
— ing those conventional beliefs and societal norms that Virtues
eir go unquestioned by less independently minded types, Perceptive, radical, determined
ith until they have satisfied themselves as to their veracity.
d- This deep-rooted tendency to explore and test, on the Vices
ass one hand, may make August 7 people uncomfortable to Confrontational, provocative, spiky
er- work or live with, but on the other may yield startlingly
hey innovative results, for once they have decided upon a Car eers
Actor, motivational speaker, drama
ith course of action or a set of convictions they will pro-
ve- mote it with all of the considerable personal resources
of available to them, including their intellectual and phys- Skills & Aptitudes
ed ical vigor, their highly developed practical skills and Open to challenges, communication
ers their obstinate tenacity. And although the frequently skills, moral sense
m, unconventional nature of their opinions may inevitably
ect arouse antagonism in others, they possess the courage Famous Births
for to press forward despite the personal consequences. B.J. Thomas (1960)
ose Yet although these individuals respond to chal- David Duchovny (1960)
Michael Shannon (1974)
lenge—and are stimulated by intellectual debate—their Charlize Theron (1975)
als ultimate intention is not to act as devil’s advocate simply
in for the sake of disrupting the status quo, but rather to Compatible with
ds embark on a personal journey of discovery. Their incli- May 6–11
it- nations and talents suit them especially to careers in
ng which they can express themselves freely, unrestricted
may by others. Because they are usually extrovert characters,
ves they are often at the center of attention. Their sense of ..........................................................
nal social responsibility is reflected in the protectiveness
el- and deep affection that they offer their loved ones,
are while their unconventionality provides an invigorating ..........................................................
element to their relationships.
Proof 1

LEO 183

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 183
August 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R estless R evolutionar ies zA F A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
T here are two especially pronounced sides to the
characters of those born on this day: their desire
for stimulation, which may take the form of intellec-
Jupiter tual exploration or of testing themselves against a vari- fie
ety of challenges; and their clarity of purpose, a quality an
Virtues which may be manifested in their pursuit of specifi- ful
Strong-willed, vigorous, courageous cally goal-oriented projects or as a set of firmly defined th
intellectual or ethical values. And although these dual co
Vices propensities might initially seem to be incompatible, an
Overconfident, combative, obstinate
they are in fact effectively reconciled within August tra
8 people’s personalities, the latter providing a stable an
Car eers framework within which the former may be given its th
Political lobbyist, public speaker,
charity campaigner free expression. Thus, for example, if they pursue artis- ha
tic or sporting careers (and these curious, imaginative for
Skills & Aptitudes and energetic people have a natural affinity for both), ma
Effective leadership, technical skills, their experimental and innovative activities will typ- for
capacity for experimentation ically be contained within the technical parameters th
of their chosen field. Similarly, whether or not they tea
Famous Births become political activists, their views and activities will are
Dustin Hoffman (1937) be typically governed by a strong ethical code of whose
David “The Edge” Howell
veracity they will seek to convince others, regardless of are
Williams (1961)
J.C. Chasez (1976) the confrontation they may thereby engender. tiv
Drew Lachey (1976) Although their relish of competition and occasional ch
combativeness may be directed toward others, these ha
Compatible with individuals are not really interested in scoring victo- ind
May 6–11 ries solely for the sake of winning, but rather are moti- pro
vated by their urge to bring about progress or protect lov
that which they hold dear. Indeed, they are devoted to dir
.......................................................... their friends and family members, desiring above all is
to ensure their physical and emotional well-being, but reb
also contributing their capacity for adding love and wh
.......................................................... humor to their personal liaisons.
Proof 1

184 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 184
August 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F A F R espected Encouragers

T he combination of their capacity for keenly inci-
sive thought and strong orientation toward their
fellow beings endows those born on this day with a
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
ri- fierce desire to help others to identify and then follow Jupiter
ity an optimum course through life. Blessed with power-
fi- fully perceptive skills, as well as the ability to marshal Virtues
ed the information that they amass into a structured and Positive, upbeat, inspirational
ual constructive strategy for achieving progress, they have
ble, an apparently effortless talent both for analysis and for Vices
ust transforming the results of their researches into clear Bossy, interfering, domineering
ble and direct plans of action. Those around them solicit
its their carefully considered advice, especially since they Car eers
Social worker, teacher, human-
is- have a gift for communicating their genuine concern
resources executive
ive for others in an optimistic, kindly and encouraging
h), manner. Natural leaders, these individuals are there- Skills & Aptitudes
p- fore well suited to professions in which they can devote Interest in people, leadership ability,
ers themselves to guiding and benefiting others; careers as self-belief
ey teachers, counselors or human resources specialists—
will are particularly well starred. Famous Births
ose The personal relationships of those born on this day Philip Larkin (1922)
of are similarly characterized by their profoundly protec- Sam Elliott (1944)
Whitney Houston (1963)
tive attitude to those closest to them—especially their Anna Kendrick (1985)
nal children, if they are parents. Desiring their emotional
ese happiness as well as their material well-being, these Compatible with
o- individuals’ typical approach (and one that is even more May 6–11
ti- pronounced if they are women) is to gently steer their
ect loved ones into what they perceive as being the best
to direction. Although this benevolent exertion of control
all is entirely unselfish, they should anticipate potential ..........................................................
but rebellion on the part of the subjects of their concern,
nd who may resent such attempts to direct their actions.
Proof 1

LEO 185

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 185
August 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Power ful Commun icators zA F A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Second decan: Personal planet is
P ossessed of firm opinions and strongly oriented
toward others, August 10 individuals seek to com-
municate their ideas and beliefs to as wide an audience
Jupiter as possible by means of direct interpersonal action. It or
is their ability to think incisively and logically (espe- the
Virtues cially if they are men), as well as their highly developed ore
Influential, articulate, self-assured intellectual perspicacity, that leads them to form clear- dia
cut and powerful views, which are usually of a posi- car
Vices tive and progressive nature and are intended to bring ph
Intractable, doctrinaire, rigid
benefit to others—either in material or social terms, or ing
in the less tangible emotional arena. And, once those wh
Car eers born on this day have convinced themselves of the the
Social campaigner, fundraiser,
speechwriter veracity of their beliefs, they typically seek to influence tal
others accordingly. Indeed, these individuals are hard org
Skills & Aptitudes to ignore: possessed of remarkable self-assurance and ne
Strength of purpose, a pronounced independent streak, they are unafraid tie
communication skills, ability to of making a determined stand when promoting their to
inspire visions—the main thing, as far as they are concerned, wi
is that they should make their voices heard and thereby wi
Famous Births draw others’ attention to what they have to say.
Jimmy Dean (1928)
The specific issues that may move August 10 people wo
Betsey Johnson (1942)
Rosanna Arquette (1959) vary according to the individual, but their natural sense res
Antonio Banderas (1960) of justice and desire to improve the lives of others have rec
clear parallels in the realm of political or social cam- see
Compatible with paigning. Their considerable creativity, when combined the
May 6–11 with their great communication skills, also augurs well era
for careers as writers, artists or actors. Their inherent wi
optimism and infectious enthusiasm furthermore gives mo
.......................................................... them the capacity to inspire others, as well as making can
them valued friends and relations. They should remem- rin
ber to make the time for periods of honest introspec- the
.......................................................... tion, to objectively examine their motives and work ne
consciously toward greater tolerance and cooperation. oth
Proof 1

186 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 186
August 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F A E Tir eless Truth-seekers

T hose born on August 11 have a desire to uncover
essential truths and then communicate them to
others, to enable humanity to progress—as individuals
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
It or as a whole. This overriding propensity usually takes
pe- the form of either long-term research into abstract, the- Virtues
ed oretical concepts, or the investigation of more imme- Persistent, bold, incisive
ar- diate concerns. Thus on the one hand they may make
si- careers within such academic disciplines as science or Vices
ng philosophy, for example, or on the other be found work- Hurtful, tactless, bullying
or ing as law-enforcement agents, journalists or critics. To
ose whatever profession these tenacious individuals devote Car eers
he their energies, however, they typically contribute their Police officer, investigative
journalist, forensic scientist
nce talents of clear-sighted observation, their capacity for
ard organized and logical thought, and their resourceful-
Skills & Aptitudes
nd ness, courage and determination. And these last quali- Self-motivation, resilience,
aid ties are of particular importance, since their propensity independence of mind
eir to debunk conventional beliefs and expose hypocrisy
ed, will inevitably lead them into confrontation with those Famous Births
by wishing to maintain the status quo. Steve Wozniak (1950)
Their marked autonomy suits these people best for Hulk Hogan (1953)
ple working independently—at least while carrying out the Viola Davis (1965)
Chris Hemsworth (1983)
nse research-based aspects of their work—although they
ave recognize the importance of recruiting supporters when Compatible with
m- seeking to broadcast their conclusions, and employ May 12–16
ed their persuasive skills in doing so. Yet despite their gen-
ell eral concern for others, their personal lives may be beset
ent with difficulty, for their predilection for analyzing the
ves motivations of others, and their tendency to criticize,
ng can make even their nearest and dearest wary of incur- ..........................................................
m- ring their censure. It is important that they moderate
ec- their propensity for brutal honesty, especially with their
ork nearest and dearest, and develop greater tolerance of ..........................................................
n. others’ personal foibles and imperfections.
Proof 1

LEO 187

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August 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sage Counselors A EK A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun L ike Janus, the Roman deity of doorways, those born
on August 12 tend to simultaneously look forward
and backward. Although their primary urge is to make
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
progress by leading others, before striking out in a new sys
Virtues direction they will examine and assess existing knowl- be
Sensible, well-meaning, responsible edge and conventions, retaining those concepts they to
regard as being valid and discarding those they con- pe
Vices sider to be false or inappropriate. In many respects they on
Biased, dogmatic, authoritarian resemble historians or scientists (and some may devote ina
their careers to these disciplines) in that they amass an
Car eers as much relevant information as possible, subject it to In
Laboratory technician, machinery
logical evaluation, and then reach their conclusions. bo
operator, researcher
When promoting their aims they draw deeply upon ev
Skills & Aptitudes their reserves of resourcefulness, single-mindedness an
Confidence, thoroughness, logical and tenacity, impressing others with their clarity of pur- to
reasoning pose. Although they are independently minded, their tho
overriding purpose is to benefit humankind as a whole; en
Famous Births their work may involve the smallest of details, but it is
Buck Owens (1929) upon the wider picture that they are ultimately focused. op
Porter Wagoner (1930) The knowledge that they have investigated every 13
William Goldman (1931)
aspect of their beliefs endows August 12 people with lea
Casey Affleck (1975)
unshakeable self-certainty, as well as the confidence to wh
Compatible with attempt to persuade others of the veracity of their views. wo
May 12–16 Despite the potential professional success that such an tea
uncompromising approach promises, however, it may in
arouse the resentment of the very people whom those ers
born on this day are seeking to influence and guide— the
especially those closest to them—who may perceive an
.......................................................... August 12 individuals to be overly arrogant and author- wi
itarian (especially if they were also born in the Chinese tha
year of the ox). Developing greater patience, tolerance by
.......................................................... and pragmatism with regard to any expression of dis- of
sent will help them achieve their aims more effectively. am
Proof 1

188 LEO

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August 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EK A E Flamboyant Inquisitives

I ndividuals born on this day are unconventional and
guided by visions that are so unusual or ambitious—
introducing a revolutionary invention or a novel social
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
ew system, for example—that others may regard them as
wl- being fanciful, even ridiculous. Despite the mockery Virtues
hey to which their detractors may subject them, August 13 Original, practical, innovative
n- people generally remain faithful to their beliefs. For not
hey only are these of an inspirational variety, but their orig- Vices
ote inators know that their visions have been investigated Critical, disconnected, needy
ass and tested before being revealed to the wider world.
to Indeed, the innovative theories advanced by those Car eers
ns. born on this day will typically be supported by sound Science teacher, social campaigner,
on evidence, for their imaginations are supplemented by
ess analytical and organizational skills. Fueled by the desire
Skills & Aptitudes
ur- to benefit others, these people are especially drawn to Unconventional thinker, thorough
eir those political, scientific and artistic pursuits which approach, analytical skills
le; enable them to make a tangible contribution to society.
is Despite the courage of their convictions, and their Famous Births
ed. optimism in the face of opposition from others, August Annie Oakley (1860)
ery 13 people are nevertheless sensitive types who must Alfred Hitchcock (1899)
ith learn to develop effective self-defensive strategies with Lorna Simpson (1960)
Debi Mazar (1964)
to which to protect their sensibilities. While preferring to
ws. work as leaders of closely knit and highly motivated Compatible with
an teams, they will more usually find themselves working May 12–16
may in isolation (until the event of their recognition by oth-
ose ers). They therefore place enormous value on receiving
— the unquestioning affection and support of their friends
ive and relations, rewarding the belief of their loved ones
or- with loyalty and generosity. They should always ensure ..........................................................
ese that they do not cause themselves emotional damage
nce by either promoting their aims at any cost in terms
is- of interpersonal relationships or else suppressing the ..........................................................
ly. ambitions that are so vitally important to them.
Proof 1

LEO 189

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 189
August 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Observational Comedians A EK A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun T hose born on this day are interested in the work-
ings of society and in the foibles of the human con-
dition: their primary orientation is toward the people
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
around them and the circumstances within which they tha
Virtues live their lives. Blessed with clarity of vision and analyt- dil
Incisive, strong-willed, outgoing ical talents, August 14 people have a gift for assessing soc
not only the motivations of others, but also the influ- ch
Vices ences and impulses that govern their behavior. Because ter
Disconnected, solitary, insensitive they feel compelled to share their findings with as wide pu
a public as possible, and possess a talent for express- ch
Car eers ing their conclusions in a direct (albeit sometimes bru- de
Journalist, documentary maker,
tally honest) fashion that is often made more palatable mu
drama teacher
by the judicious use of humor, their observations are str
Skills & Aptitudes rarely ignored. In voicing their opinions they are gen- tio
Sense of humor, good judge of erally fueled by the well-meaning intention of helping de
character, surety of belief others to recognize their shortcomings and thereby to co
progress, although their success depends largely on how sh
Famous Births accurately they have assessed the receptiveness of their the
Steve Martin (1945) audience and how sensitively they present their views. de
Danielle Steel (1947) The professions to which those born on this day
Magic Johnson (1959)
are especially suited are therefore those where they ass
Halle Berry (1968)
can exert an effective and positive influence by means ha
Compatible with of their social or political commentary: such literary An
May 12–16 fields as journalism, or dramatic or cinematic pursuits, str
for example. Yet ironically it is their very fascination the
with others’ behavioral patterns that may preclude the
them from forming strong personal relationships, for ha
others—and particularly those closest to them—will to
.......................................................... inevitably be uncomfortable with such close scrutiny. eve
Although their talent for entertaining with the bit- in
ing accuracy of their comments may bring short-term dra
.......................................................... acclaim, in the long run it will make others wary of em
exposing their emotions to them. pe
Proof 1

190 LEO

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August 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EK A E Commanding Idealists

T hose born on this day are ambitious individuals,
whose desire to realize their visions is the main
factor underlying their actions. The nature of the dreams
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
hey that inspire them varies according to their personal pre-
yt- dilections and circumstances; some may yearn to achieve Virtues
ng social recognition and material gains, while others may Tenacious, inspirational, influential
u- cherish less immediately selfish aims regarding the bet-
use terment of society as a whole. Whatever their guiding Vices
de purpose in life, however, their approach is typically Authoritarian, unfeeling, bossy
ss- characterized by its extreme directness and refusal to be
u- deflected from following the path of progress. They for- Car eers
ble mulate their far-sighted strategies with the help of their Business manager, kindergarten
teacher, sales team leader
are strong talent for logical thought and practical organiza-
n- tional skills, which they put to good use in delegating
Skills & Aptitudes
ng details to, and orchestrating, others. These extroverted, Self-confidence, leadership skills,
to confident people are above all oriented toward leader- adherence to high standards
ow ship, and will flourish in any profession where they have
eir the freedom to not only implement plans of their own Famous Births
s. devising, but also take charge of a team. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769)
day Within their domestic lives, too, August 15 people Julia Child (1912)
ey assume a commanding role in their quest to ensure the Ben Affleck (1972)
Jennifer Lawrence (1990)
ns happiness and well-being of their nearest and dearest.
ary And although these pleasure-loving people demon- Compatible with
its, strate extreme magnanimity and open affection toward May 12–16
on their loved ones, they generally expect the members of
de their pride to toe the line that they, the leonine leaders,
for have laid down, demanding the same high standards
will to which they themselves adhere—a tendency that is
ny. even more pronounced in women born on this day, or ..........................................................
it- in those who were also born in the Chinese year of the
rm dragon. They should try to develop a greater sense of
of empathy with others, and recognize that the right to ..........................................................
personal autonomy is not their sole preserve.
Proof 1

LEO 191

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 191
August 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Lively Per formers A EK A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun N o shrinking violets, August 16 people are driven
by the compulsion to turn the spotlight upon
themselves. It is sometimes difficult to tell what moti-
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
vates these dynamic characters more: the urge to share dis
Virtues their message or the means by which they draw others’ wh
Exuberant, extroverted, attention to themselves. Certainly the majority of those be
level-headed born on this day are extroverts who bask in acclaim and on
are content even with a hostile reception—their main tia
Vices priority being to attract notice. Yet behind their often str
Confrontational, manipulative,
brash and confrontational façades lies a more serious un
self, an essential core that is often completely contrary sur
to the personal image that they choose to project. In aro
Car eers
Politician, teacher, motivational theatrical terms, it is as if these people are simultane- wi
speaker ously actor and director, the former interpreting the the
commands of the latter and presenting them in the the
Skills & Aptitudes most attention-grabbing manner, while following an Co
Ability to inspire, leadership skills, ambitious game plan with remarkable focus and tenac- pre
strong presence ity. Indeed, some August 16 people will find profes- the
sional success as performers or producers, although they are
Famous Births are well equipped for any field—politics or teaching, for
Charles Bukowski (1920)
example—in which they can inspire and direct others. me
Kathie Lee Gifford (1953)
Madonna (1958) The more profound ambitions of many of those born car
Steve Carrel (1962) on this day are geared toward the attainment of happi- ma
ness rather than material riches. They typically guard pu
Compatible with their private lives jealously, for this is the one arena in pro
May 12–16 which they feel they can take off their masks and be sh
themselves. Similarly, they value those who love them ple
for what they actually are rather than what they seem the
.......................................................... to be, and in turn offer their nearest and dearest their the
fierce affection, protection and loyalty. In the interests to
of maintaining their emotional equilibrium they should is
.......................................................... ensure that they take the time to relax, to enjoy the sim- eff
ple pleasures of life, and remain grounded in reality. the
Proof 1

192 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 192
August 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EK A E Admir ed Exhibition ists

M any of those born on this day are larger-than-
life personalities, who attract the admiration of
others by means of their flamboyance, dynamism and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
are disregard for convention. These are independent types,
ers’ whose great energy, imagination, determination not to Virtues
ose be fettered by others’ rules, and capacity for focusing Generous, confident, persuasive
nd on their goals bestow upon them outstanding poten-
ain tial for blazing their trails through life. They have a Vices
en strong orientation toward other people and are usually Bull-headed, controlling,
ous unhappy unless they can test themselves and mea- short-tempered
ary sure their success by the reactions that their behavior
In arouses in others. And, because they are the strong- Car eers
Police officer, political activist, office
ne- willed professors of firm convictions, the responses that
he they engender will typically be extreme, either winning
he them devoted fans or creating implacable enemies. Skills & Aptitudes
an Convinced of the veracity of their views, these people Forcefulness, influence, strength of
ac- prefer to recruit others to their cause and then control purpose
es- their actions: when their powerful influence fails, they
hey are prepared to adopt confrontational tactics. Famous Births
for Their determination to live life on their own terms Davy Crockett (1786)
s. means that these people fare best when engaged in Mae West (1892)
Robert De Niro (1943)
rn careers where they can carve out their own path or Donnie Wahlberg (1969)
pi- make an impact, and many will thus find success in the
ard public eye, undaunted by pressure. Although they are Compatible with
in protective and generous people, their personal relation- May 17–20
be ships may occasionally be explosive: when, for exam-
em ple, loved ones fail to fall in with their wishes, or when
em their innate authoritarianism drives others (especially
eir their children, if they are parents) to rebel. If they are ..........................................................
sts to achieve success and enjoy fulfilling relationships, it
uld is important that August 17 people should make the
m- effort to listen to the opinions of others—especially if ..........................................................
these are in conflict with their own firm views.
Proof 1

LEO 193

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 193
August 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gentle Teachers A EK A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Sun T he propensity for independence of thought and
action professed by those born on this day gives
them the potential to be masters of their chosen fields.
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
Their conviction of belief and determination to improve an
Virtues the lives of others instills in them the urge to direct vis
Far-sighted, progressive, benevolent others. Many make inspirational leaders, whose genu- ear
ine concern for those under their wing arouses loyalty in
Vices and affection. Such inclinations and qualities, when also vid
Needy, demanding, interfering combined with their organizational powers and tenac- am
ity, augur well for their professional success—especially tha
Car eers in the realms of law enforcement or social work, but ou
Social worker, probation officer,
also in the artistic world with which August 18 people set
retail manager
have a strong affinity. Although many of those born on arm
Skills & Aptitudes this day will have to work hard to realize their ambi- un
Logic, reasoning, self-belief tions and will encounter many obstacles (including the the
resistance of others to their attempts to spread their on
Famous Births powerful influence), they possess the resilience and fix
Roman Polanski (1933) resourcefulness—as well as the clarity of vision—to fes
Robert Redford (1936) continue to promote their aims. tha
Patrick Swayze (1954) Because the emotional and professional fulfillment
Andy Samberg (1978)
of the majority of August 18 people depends on their ch
ability to persuade others, it follows that their relation- ten
Compatible with
May 17–20 ships are of great significance to them. And despite the tur
disappointment that they may experience when they an
fail to win professional allies, they typically retain their tru
positive orientation toward others. The unquestioning tha
support and love of those closest to them sustains their ma
self-belief, and they reciprocate by manifesting pro- wh
.......................................................... found protectiveness, generosity and tolerance toward the
their friends and family. These people should try to take the
regular breaks from their endeavors to spend time with tin
.......................................................... their friends or family, to maintain an even balance no
between their professional and private concerns. rel
Proof 1

194 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 194
August 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EK A C E Inspir ed Activists

B ehind the deceptively easy and open façade that an
August 19 person typically presents is an altogether
more serious persona—one that has a definite agenda
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
ove and will press ahead until this has been achieved. The Second cusp: Leo with Virgo
ect visions that inspire them will often have been identified tendencies
u- early—a desire to change society, for example, or a gap
lty in the commercial market—but although these indi- Virtues
lso viduals will typically adhere to their convictions and Dynamic, focused, organized
ac- ambitions, they are also realistic types, who recognize
lly that innovation and change cannot be effected with- Vices
Delusional, overconfident,
but out careful preparation. Once their game plan has been
ple set, they will devote their energies toward amassing an
on armory of information, expertise and contacts, and not
Car eers
bi- until they feel that they are properly equipped and that Careers advisor, publicist,
he the circumstances are right will they launch themselves advertising executive
eir on their mission. Such dedication, resourcefulness and
nd fixity of purpose augurs well for their success in any pro- Skills & Aptitudes
—to fession that particularly holds their interest, provided, Generosity, organizational skills,
that is, that they can act without undue restriction. project-management skills
ent Indeed, such is their outgoing nature, personal
eir charm and talent for inspiring enthusiasm that others Famous Births
Orville Wright (1871)
n- tend to follow wherever August 19 people lead. And in Coco Chanel (1883)
he turn these individuals generally manifest great affection Bill Clinton (1945)
hey and concern for the well-being of those who place their John Stamos (1963)
eir trust in them. There is a risk, however, that the acclaim
ng that they engender may go to their heads, and that they Compatible with
eir may become prey to delusions of invincibility; thus May 17–20
o- while they may be magnanimous to those who admire
ard them, they may display enmity to those who—despite ..........................................................
ke their efforts to enlist their support—nevertheless con-
ith tinue to express dissent. It is important that they do
nce not lose sight of their core values, and that their close ..........................................................
relationships are honest.
Proof 1

LEO 195

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 195
August 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bold Wallflowers A C EK A

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
T hose born on August 20 are complex individuals
who, despite their orientation toward others, may
be difficult to understand. The reason for their elusive-
Second cusp: Leo with Virgo ness generally lies in their fiercely guarded private lives ori
tendencies and in their need for periods of solitude where they ha
may escape the demands made by other people, to be dis
Virtues themselves and concentrate on the pursuits that interest thi
Analytical, problem-solving, them most. These people are blessed with logical minds the
and a clarity of vision that makes it easy for them to acc
identify areas ripe for improvement and then formu- cee
Easily frustrated, resentful, needy late plans that they implement with determination and am
practical skills. Because the concepts that absorb the tan
Car eers attention of these empathetic types are typically geared the
Academic researcher, counselor, toward improving the lot of humanity, they are drawn int
musician toward guiding other people along what they perceive im
to be the best path, while others are in turn drawn to na
Skills & Aptitudes them by their aura of capability. They thus have the the
Thoroughness, dedication, concern potential to make gifted academic researchers—espe- to
for others cially in science—as well as counselors, but many also art
use their talents as artists, writers or musicians. for
Famous Births
Their sense of social responsibility and concern for
H.P. Lovecraft (1890)
Al Roker (1954) the well-being of those who surround them (tendencies int
Amy Adams (1974) that are especially pronounced if they are also women) wi
Andrew Garfield (1983) means that August 20 individuals rarely ignore a cry op
for help and will work in the interests of others with of
Compatible with unwavering dedication. The danger inherent in such an are
January 3–5, May 17–20 approach, however, is that they will neglect their own pro
needs and may ultimately be left feeling resentful and mo
.......................................................... unfulfilled. The mutual support to be found in strong by
and honest personal relationships is therefore extremely me
important to them. It is important that these individu- of
.......................................................... als examine their priorities and try to work out exactly suc
what it is that will bring them genuine happiness. exp
Proof 1

196 LEO

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August 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EK A C E R esourceful Compromisers

T he public personae that August 21 people adopt
are sometimes at odds with the personal core that
they shield from the attention of others. For such is the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
ves originality of the visions that inspire them that many Second cusp: Leo with Virgo
hey have learned through experience that others may be tendencies
be disturbed by their expression. Although those born on
est this day would clearly prefer not to have to compromise Virtues
ds themselves, they are pragmatic and realistic enough to Imaginative, resourceful, pragmatic
to accept that such a course is necessary if they are to suc-
u- ceed in attaining their ambitions—and what innovative Vices
Self-obsessed, demanding, blinkered
nd ambitions they are. Driven by the compulsion to effect
he tangible progress, these imaginative individuals utilize
Car eers
ed their prodigiously perceptive and rigorously logical
Political lobbyist, healthcare
wn intellectual skills in both identifying potential areas for administrator, sports coach
ive improvement and then working with steadfast determi-
to nation to implement their aims. Whatever profession Skills & Aptitudes
he they choose, they will generally be spurred by the desire Independence of thought, strength
pe- to bring about positive global changes—be this in the of purpose, intelligence
lso artistic sphere with which most have a strong affinity,
for example, or in the realms of science or government. Famous Births
for Their inward-looking preoccupation with their Count Basie (1904)
Wilt Chamberlain (1936)
ies interests and aims means that August 21 individuals Kenny Rogers (1938)
en) will typically flourish best when acting as independent Usain Bolt (1986)
cry operators unconstrained by the less daring imaginations
ith of others, presenting their conclusions only when they Compatible with
an are ready. Often somewhat solitary figures within their January 3–5, May 17–21
wn professional spheres, those born on this day place enor-
nd mous value on the belief, love and loyalty demonstrated
ng by those closest to them, and reciprocate such senti- ..........................................................
ely ments with profound dedication. They should beware
u- of suppressing their deepest emotions in the interests of
tly success, and should instead try to find effective ways of ..........................................................
expressing the aspirations that inspire them.
Proof 1

LEO 197

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August 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Passionate Innovators A C EK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Sun and Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Mars
T hose born on this day are stimulated by the com-
pany of others, and because they are blessed with
charm and an infectious optimism and vitality, others
Second cusp: Leo with Virgo are effortlessly drawn to them. Yet they are rarely as
tendencies uncomplicated and straightforward as their easy-going
approach might suggest, for at the core of their person-
Virtues alities lies a strong-willed, opinionated kernel that fuels
Practical, imaginative, determined them with the urge to have their own way—sometimes
regardless of the potential cost to others or, indeed, to
Vices themselves. The visions that motivate their actions are
Self-destructive, bull-headed,
overbearing frequently grandiose ones, the product of their innate
capacity to note the shortcomings of existing circum-
Car eers stances and then, assisted by their practical ability, to
Business leader, accountant, project formulate resourceful and direct strategies for improve-
manager ment. Such is their all-encompassing curiosity (and
courage) that they are especially attracted to careers in
Skills & Aptitudes the public service, although their inclinations and tal-
Forcefulness, ambition, drive ents may lead them to become leaders and managers,
inspiring others with their originality.
Famous Births Many August 22 people are thus impelled to blaze a
John Lee Hooker (1917)
trail and direct the thoughts and actions of those who
Ray Bradbury (1920)
Tori Amos (1963) follow them. They manifest their leadership qualities in
James Corden (1978) every sphere of their lives, both professional and per-
sonal. Because these pragmatic individuals understand
Compatible with the efficacy of persuading rather than forcing others to
January 3–5, May 17–21 comply with their convictions, they generally employ
their charismatic powers to enlist support. If obstructed,
however, their natural combativeness comes to the fore
.......................................................... and they will not hesitate to seek to impose their wishes
by forceful methods. If they are not to become isolated,
especially in terms of their private liaisons, it is vital that
.......................................................... August 22 people take on board the opinions of others,
and become willing to compromise if necessary.
Proof 1

198 LEO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 198
f virgo
August 23 to September 22

Ruling planet: Mercury Element: Mutable earth

Symbol: Virginal woman Polar ity: Negative (feminine)
Physical cor r espondence: Intestines, abdomen, and spleen
Stones: Sapphire, amethyst, carnelian, peridot Colors: Indigo, navy blue
Flowers: Jasmine, wintergreen, sage, narcissus, cornflower

T he astrologies of most traditions identified the constellation of Virgo as a female

figure who presided over the harvest season. The most ancient personifications of
this divine woman, however, emphasized her fecundity and, by extension, the fruitfulness
of the Earth. Like many other peoples, the ancient Egyptians depicted her (like Isis)
holding an ear of corn; to the Romans she was Ceres, the goddess of corn; and to the
Babylonians she was the grain goddess. Her virginal aspect was signified by the names
that the Persians, Greeks, and Hindus gave her, all denoting a maiden or virgin. That an
earth goddess should be so closely linked with a virginal deity may seem paradoxical, but
in ancient tradition the universal Goddess was believed to encompass sexual inviolability
and maturity (that is, motherhood), and thus simultaneously embodied both states. There
are two Greco-Roman myths that tell of the creation of the constellation Virgo. Virgo is
also associated with the Virgin Mary, the star-adorned “queen of heaven.”
The personal characteristics bestowed by Virgo reflect apparently conflicting influ-
ences. The element of earth, as well as the constellation’s ancient links with the mother
goddess, endow Virgoans with stability, orderliness, conscientiousness, practical skills,
and the potential to reap the fruits of material success. Virginal demureness is paralleled
by modesty, idealism, and highly developed analytical capacities. The influence of the
sign’s ruling plant of Mercury denotes quick minds and intellectual curiosity. On the
negative side, Virgoans are sometimes narrow-minded, overly critical, and unimaginative.
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virgO 199

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August 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Determined Achievers C12z .,A C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Sun
First decan: Personal planet is
T he multihued strands that make up the complex
fabric of the personalities of those born on August
23 may in many respects seem paradoxical. On the one
Mercury hand, for example, these people are empathetic toward da
First cusp: Virgo with Leo tendencies the plight of those in unfortunate circumstances, yet on de
the other their preoccupation with their personal goals lea
Focused, objective, logical can make them seem selfish and self-obsessed. Although th
some of these individuals are indeed exclusively focused ten
Vices on the exploration and ultimate attainment of the or
Distracted, work-obsessed, ambitions that drive them, the majority are able to co
unreliable accord their potentially conflicting characteristics by inq
reconciling their interests with those of a wider social oft
Car eers grouping. Endowed with strong perceptiveness, marked dr
Academic, lab technician, technical abilities and a remarkable level of flexibility, as ex
researcher well as resourcefulness and tenacity, August 23 people pa
have the potential to achieve their visions, whatever form pro
Skills & Aptitudes
these may take: practical, humanitarian or academic. au
Self-reliance, team orientation,
resourcefulness Despite their strong self-reliance and intellectual focus, of
their concern with others enables them to work as team ev
Famous Births players, provided, that is, that they retain the autonomy ind
William Ernest Henley (1849) of thought and action that is so vital to them. th
Vera Miles (1930) Their inherent kindness and desire to lend assis- th
River Phoenix (1970) tance to those in need makes these individuals valued
Kobe Bryant (1978)
and respected colleagues, friends and family mem- oth
Compatible with bers. Yet despite their orientation toward those who esp
May 19–20, December 22–25 manifestly require support, the primary commitment of
of many August 23 individuals remains their fascina- rat
tion with the work or visions that absorb their inter- th
.......................................................... est. Thus although their affection and loyalty to their do
loved ones is never in doubt, they may inadvertently sh
neglect less pressing—but equally important—aspects th
.......................................................... of their personal relationships when responding to the by
siren call of other preoccupations. of
Proof 1

200 virgO

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August 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A C12z .,A Intellectual Explor ers

S uch is the all-encompassing nature of their intel-
lectual curiosity that no detail is too small to es-
cape the clear-sighted scrutiny of those born on this
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Sun
First decan: Personal planet is
ard day. Possessed with an irresistible compulsion to un- Mercury
on derstand every issue that excites their attention, they First cusp: Virgo with Leo tendencies
als leave no stone unturned and no avenue unexplored in
gh their quest to further their knowledge. Although this Original, innovative, observant
ed tendency is present in every activity they undertake,
he or with regard to every individual with whom they Vices
to come into contact, most will channel their intellectual Aloof, solitary, critical of others
by inquisitiveness into a specific professional interest—
ial often academic. And August 24 people are naturally Car eers
ed drawn to the endless possibilities for exploration and Psychologist, therapist, philosopher
as experimentation that are inherent in artistic pursuits—
ple painting, writing and music, for example—and the Skills & Aptitudes
rm products of their quests will frequently delight their Inquisitive nature, propensity to
learn, interest in others
mic. audiences with their originality and vision. The realm
us, of human relationships and social systems are similarly Famous Births
am ever-changing subjects of fascination, and thus these Jorge Luis Borges (1899)
my individuals may make gifted and astute psychologists, Cal Ripken, Jr. (1960)
therapists and commentators on human behavior—be Dave Chappelle (1973)
is- this of an individual or a communal nature. Rupert Grint (1988)
ed Despite their (often somewhat clinical) interest in
m- others, those born on this day are frequently loners— Compatible with
May 19–20, December 22–25
ho especially if they were also born in the Chinese year
nt of the snake—who prefer to observe others’ activities
na- rather than play an active part within them. Although
er- their affection to those closest to them is never in
eir doubt, these are not the sort of people whose relation- ..........................................................
tly ships are characterized by unquestioning devotion, and
cts their nearest and dearest may sometimes be wounded
he by the devastatingly critical—if accurate—expression ..........................................................
of their observations, however well meant.
Proof 1

virgO 201

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August 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sensitive Car egivers C12z .,A C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Sun
First decan: Personal planet is
W hether they are introverted or—as is often the
case—extroverted types, August 25 people are
strongly oriented toward other people. Their sensitivity
Mercury to the feelings expressed by others compels them to ag
First cusp: Virgo with Leo tendencies respond actively and positively. This propensity may co
even cause August 25 individuals to make a career ex
Perceptive, energetic, strategic working for the benefit of people in distress—within me
the legal or political spheres, for example, or the social, a
Vices medical or caring services. Impelled to offer their wh
Impulsive, insecure, hypersensitive assistance, these people relish the challenge of pitting soc
their intellects and talents against thorny problems, su
Car eers and are aided in their task by their imaginative yet th
Media producer, doctor, nonprofit logical thought processes, as well as their vigor and 26
organizer determination. When their individual preferences lean im
less toward altruistic professional pursuits, those born to
Skills & Aptitudes on this day nevertheless have the potential to exert sp
Emotional intelligence, leadership
a powerful influence over others as managers, team tow
skills, determination
leaders, through the media or in any other role where acc
Famous Births they can summarize and express the conclusions of co
Allan Pinkerton (1819) their observations in their own, inimitable “voice.” oth
Regis Philbin (1934) Despite the powerfully inspirational effect that de
Sean Connery (1930) their originality and humanitarian concern frequently
Gene Simmons (1949) has on others, and the acclaim that they may thereby int
Claudia Schiffer (1970)
generate, August 25 people are in many respects beset in
Compatible with by insecurity. In this regard their enormous sensitiv- An
May 19–20, December 22–25 ity may be as much a handicap as a blessing, firstly aro
because the mass of data they pick up may have a con- pa
fusing effect; and secondly because they may tend to ye
.......................................................... measure their feelings of self-worth by means of the an
reactions they provoke in others. Rooting themselves en
in the grounding bonds of secure friendships and lov- wh
.......................................................... ing family relationships will help them gain a greater ass
sense of confidence, perspective and priority. th
Proof 1

202 virgO

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August 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A C12z .,A Enthusiastic Strategists

A lthough the visions that inspire these people’s
actions may be soaringly ambitious ones, they
are rarely fueled by the selfish desire for personal
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Sun
First decan: Personal planet is
to aggrandizement, but are instead more generally Mercury
ay concerned with pushing forward the bounds of their First cusp: Virgo with Leo tendencies
eer experience and horizons. Endowed with markedly
hin mercurial talents, such as intellectual curiosity and Independent, imaginative,
al, a predilection for testing conventional limits— innovative
eir whatever form these might take, be they academic,
ng societal, technical or artistic—as well as the necessary Vices
ms, supportive discipline and tenacity required to pursue Timid, easily embittered,
yet their aims with remarkable concentration, August unassertive
nd 26 individuals have the potential to devise and then
an implement original and effective strategies with which Car eers
rn to benefit the wider world, within whatever professional Tutor, counselor, charity worker
ert sphere they choose to operate. Because they are geared
Skills & Aptitudes
am toward making tangible progress rather than winning
Open to new experiences, respect
ere acclaim and glory, their goal orientation makes them for others, team-orientation
of committed team members who welcome the input of
others just as their coworkers appreciate their fair and Famous Births
hat democratic manner. Robert Walpole (1676)
tly Those born on this day typically demonstrate their Mother Teresa (1910)
by interest and concern for those who surround them Melissa McCarthy (1970)
Chris Pine (1980)
set in both their professional and private relationships.
iv- And although their protective instincts are especially Compatible with
tly aroused by those who are experiencing difficulties— December 22–25
n- particularly if they were also born in the Chinese
to year of the goat—they treat most people with toler-
he ance and respect for their individuality. Such qualities ..........................................................
ves endear them especially to their nearest and dearest,
ov- who appreciate their willingness to offer advice and
ter assistance without seeking to control and dominate ..........................................................
their actions.
Proof 1

virgO 203

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August 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Br illiant Thinkers C12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
R ational and intellectual, as well as inventive and
curious, those born on August 27 boast the capacity
for genius. They are very practical and grounded—an
Mercury earthy quality—and have the discipline to work hard to for
unusually high standards, often making them dazzling th
Virtues successes in their fields. They especially excel in careers tra
Intelligent, tenacious, articulate
in which their intellectual capacities, as well as their dis
Vices analytical and methodical gifts, can be utilized fully; th
Perfectionist, insensitive, detached they are particularly successful in the fields of science th
and medicine, financial planning and accountancy, or too
Car eers investigative journalism. Although keen lovers of the ide
Accountant, journalist, scientist arts, they are nevertheless drawn to those practical ste
and intellectual pursuits that satisfy their realistic and of
Skills & Aptitudes rational natures, qualities that make them refreshingly th
Multitalented, approachable straightforward as friends and colleagues. aca
personality, strong intellect The powerful combination of incisive wit and flu- wh
ent powers of communication possessed by August tal
Famous Births
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908)
27 people, as well as the analytical Virgoan approach, giv
Lester Young (1909) means that, as well as fascinating their audiences, they
Tom Ford (1961) have the power to wound (even devastate) more sen- th
Aaron Paul (1979) sitive people’s feelings. They should therefore remem- ma
ber to choose their words with tact—this particu- ea
Compatible with larly applies to those born in the Chinese year of the In
December 26–31
rooster, who have a frequently irresistible tendency to ha
speak their minds. Studious and diligent, people born sin
on this day often find satisfaction by burying them- fre
selves in their work, but their shyness and modesty ex
may mask a lack of self-confidence. Parents and part- an
.......................................................... ners should bolster August 27 people’s self-esteem to me
allow their talents to flourish. In adult life, generous th
and appreciative partners, especially Leos, may simi- an
.......................................................... larly provide a stable relationship within which their ca
gifts can thrive.
Proof 1

204 virgO

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August 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C12z C12z Inventive Nonconformists

P eople born on August 28 are blessed with the
potential for intellectual success because of their
mental independence and creativity. Their search
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
to for knowledge and understanding often provides Mercury
ng the driving force behind their actions. The desire to
ers transcend the bounds of accepted wisdom in order to Virtues
Creative, communicative,
eir discover new insights means that these people have determined
ly; the originality and ability to excel in their careers, but
nce their resistance to following the crowd can be taken Vices
or too far and lead to isolation. Their birthdate indicates Isolated, arrogant, self-absorbed
he idealism, but this is counterbalanced by a practical and
cal steady approach, thus producing a rare combination Car eers
nd of imagination and groundedness. People born on Acadmeic, project manager, literary
gly this day are therefore especially suited to careers in editor
academia—especially science—or in the literary arts,
u- where their simultaneously creative and analytical Skills & Aptitudes
Practical skills, focus, drive
ust talents, as well as their impressive articulacy, can be
ch, given full reign and can also benefit others. Famous Births
ey Parents of August 28 children should encourage Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
n- their interests from a young age—however quirky they (1749)
m- may seem—for, if pursued, an enthusiasm conceived Leo Tolstoy (1828)
u- early on may lead to outstanding success in later life. Jack Black (1969)
he In their relationships, too, people born on this day find Florence Welch (1986)
to happiness with people who value their creativity and
Compatible with
rn single-mindedness, and who allow them the necessary December 26–31
m- freedom to grow and flourish: easy-going Leos, for
sty example. They should also cherish their friendships
rt- and personal relationships (particularly if they are
to men) so that they receive the stable emotional support ..........................................................
us that will both add a rewarding dimension to their lives
mi- and provide a secure framework within which they
eir can realize their full potential. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 205

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August 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Romantic Opportun ists C12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
T wo distinct sides may be perceived to the nature
of August 29 people: on the one hand they are
relentlessly drawn to abstract concepts and issues,
Mercury while on the other they are somewhat romantic and the
idealistic individuals whose emotions may be less up
Virtues ordered. Yet these characteristics are neither discrete org
Clever, wise, independent
nor incompatible, stemming as they do from these ide
Vices individuals’ all-encompassing curiosity and interest in the
Eccentric, intimidating, flaky exploring and experiencing all that life has to offer— eff
and then sharing their ideas with others. In their De
Car eers intellectual pursuits their inquisitiveness and desire to eve
Graphic designer, IT specialist, make sense of the world can lead those born on this day inc
analyst to become talented analysts. They utilize their qualities bo
of imagination, insight and technical or organizational pic
Skills & Aptitudes skills to present the fruits of their researches in sel
Research skills, self-reliance, innovative and inspiring reinterpretations. Depending are
organizational ability
on their personal inclinations, their energies may bo
Famous Births be devoted to a variety of professional fields, but res
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809) the technology, computing and design spheres, in co
Ingrid Bergman (1915) which they can operate relatively unhindered, augur
Charlie Parker (1920) particularly well for their potential success. sk
Michael Jackson (1958) Despite their typical desire to benefit others when tia
it comes to their work, those born on this day may be est
Compatible with somewhat solitary figures who are admired from afar. (es
February 23–26, December 26–31
It may be that their radical aims or marked indepen- tea
dence of mind intimidates others, or that they expect th
too much of their closest associates while at the same fra
time jealously insisting on their own right to personal tea
.......................................................... autonomy (a tendency that is especially pronounced va
if they are men). Thus while their affection for their fer
nearest and dearest is considerable, those closest to th
.......................................................... them may have to be particularly indulgent and toler- ne
ant if their relationships are to flourish. wo
Proof 1

206 virgO

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August 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C12z C12z Attentive Strategists

I n common with the majority of Virgoans, those born
on August 30 are blessed with mercurial minds, a gift
that not only bestows on them marked curiosity, but also
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
nd the desire to impose order upon any area that impinges Mercury
ess upon their lives. And these individuals are talented
ete organizers, who put their analytical powers to use by Virtues
Inspiring, perceptive, ambitious
ese identifying subjects with scope for improvement and
in then employing their logical intellects in formulating Vices
— effective strategies to realize their perfectionist aims. Authoritarian, demanding,
eir Despite their recognition of the need to address overbearing
to every inherent detail—however small—in order to
ay incorporate it into a smoothly running whole, those Car eers
ies born on this day always retain a view of the wider Pharmacist, doctor, entrepreneur
nal picture, and this ability, as well as their capacity for
in self-discipline, augurs well for their success. Yet these Skills & Aptitudes
ng are not usually unbendingly rigid types, for, being Adaptable, willing to compromise,
wide-ranging focus
ay both pragmatic and geared toward achieving tangible
but results, they appreciate the need for adaptability and Famous Births
in compromise when the occasion demands. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797)
gur Their progressive inclinations and organizational Roy Wilkins (1901)
skills endow those born on this day with the poten- Warren Buffet (1930)
en tial to succeed in any career that excites their inter- Cameron Diaz (1972)
be est, although commercial ventures, scientific pursuits
ar. (especially pharmacy and the medical field), sports and Compatible with
February 23–26, December 26–31
n- teaching may prove especially fruitful. As a result of
ect the emphasis that they place upon building supportive
me frameworks, they gravitate toward forging close-knit
nal teams, a propensity that applies as much to their pri-
ed vate as their professional lives. They do, however, pre- ..........................................................
eir fer to play a leading role within their relationships and
to this may occasionally cause friction with those of their
er- nearest and dearest—especially their children—who ..........................................................
would prefer more personal freedom.
Proof 1

virgO 207

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August 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Allur ing Pragmatists C12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
First decan: Personal planet is
O thers admire those born on this day for the
apparently effortless way in which they carry
out their endeavours with efficiency and charm.
Mercury Indeed, although August 31 people are committed to th
achieving their professional goals, unless exasperated on
Virtues by inefficiency or lack of interest on the part of those be
Charismatic, focused, motivated
with whom they are working, they typically manage wi
Vices to remain courteous and considerate in their dealings th
Controlling, intrusive, extreme with colleagues. Such a balanced approach reflects by
both their pragmatic recognition of the benefits to
Car eers of making allies rather than foes and the empathy ste
Entrepreneur, manager, company that is born of their perceptiveness (a quality that is act
director even more pronounced if they are women). Yet their ag
primary overall motivation is the achievement of th
Skills & Aptitudes their aims, to which they devote their independence
Leadership, “can-do” attitude, of thought, highly developed organizational skills, tiv
technical expertise and tenacity, as well as their ability it c
Famous Births to inspire others. Friendships are also very important to
James Coburn (1928) to these people. sil
Van Morrison (1945) The goals that fuel August 31 people’s actions are co
Richard Gere (1949) typically progressive and directed toward benefiting Bu
Chris Tucker (1971) the social group with which they are most closely
identified—their coworkers, their community, or even pe
Compatible with humanity as a whole. They are well equipped to suc- we
February 23–26, December 26–31
ceed in any number of professions, with the proviso an
that they should have influence and direct others. Yet ers
they are also personally ambitious (not so much with an
regard to winning material rewards but more in terms th
.......................................................... of their individual development and fulfilment) and pro
are, furthermore, vitally concerned with the well-be- th
ing and happiness of their nearest and dearest, whose off
.......................................................... actions they have a propensity to control (albeit with rel
the best of intentions).
Proof 1

208 virgO

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September 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C12z C12z G Eloquent Persuaders

T heir overriding ambition and single-minded
focus in striving to achieve the visions that guide
them are perhaps the most striking characteristics of
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
to those born on this day. The aims that propel them Saturn
ed on their determinedly direct paths through life may
ose be concerned with their personal betterment, or else Virtues
Organized, persuasive, engaged
ge with bringing about wide-ranging improvements for
ngs the benefit of others, but all their ventures are defined Vices
cts by their astuteness of perception, their enviable ability Reckless, combative, pushy
fits to formulate a practical progressive strategy, and their
hy steadfast tenacity in implementing their plans of Car eers
is action. They also possess remarkable self-knowledge, Writer, actor, advertising executive
eir a gift that endows them with the confidence to stand
of their ground in the face of adversity. Skills & Aptitudes
nce Yet because September 1 people are usually sensi- Ambition, breadth of vision,
lls, tive and blessed with immense personal appeal, when excellent communication skills
ity it comes to dealing with doubters, they typically prefer
Famous Births
ant to charm them with regard to their visions, using their Ann Richards (1933)
silver-tongued words, than to have to resort to the Barry Gibb (1946)
are combative approach of which they are well capable. Gloria Estefan (1957)
ng But they can at times get carried away, too. Zendaya Coleman (1996)
ely The highly developed capacity of September 1
en people verbally to influence others augurs especially Compatible with
January 11–14
uc- well for their success in advertising, marketing, sales
so and retail careers, or as powerful writers, actors, sing-
Yet ers or performers of any type. Their goal orientation
th and independence may, however, lead them to neglect
ms their private lives—a tendency that is particularly
nd pronounced in the men born on this day—despite ..........................................................
be- the enormous value that they place on the support
ose offered by the bonds of strong and honest emotional
th relationships. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 209

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September 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Blunt Problem-solvers C G12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
T he straightforward face that September 2 people
present to the world is no façade: with those born
on this day, what you see is what you get—a direct
Saturn and focused personalized package of determination ari
and energy. Such is their urgent desire to realize their ad
Virtues ambitions as efficiently as possible that these individuals pre
Straightforward, genuine,
self-disciplined have no patience with subterfuge or prevarication, th
regarding game-playing or indecision as irritating co
Vices obstacles on the path to success. And indeed, when ma
Detached, touchy, cold obstructed in any way, these usually controlled people Bl
may explode with frustration, the uncharacteristically hig
Car eers violent expression of their seething annoyance startling for
Social worker, judge, lawyer those who have not experienced it before. Yet despite org
such occasional flare-ups they are otherwise organized, esp
Skills & Aptitudes practical and disciplined in the pursuit of their goals. to
Organizational skills, practical While the concerns and interest manifested by those gra
approach, efficiency
born on this day may vary according to the individual, oth
Famous Births a common feature is their progressive nature and their liv
Robert Shapiro (1942) wish to exert a beneficial influence on others—in the res
Mark Harmon (1951) public services, perhaps, or as administrators. sta
Keanu Reeves (1964) These people are scrupulously fair in their dealings
Salma Hayek (1966) with others—a quality that results from their critical ors
discernment and their empathy with those who are ten
Compatible with unhappy or the victims of perceived abuses. And in ev
January 11–14
such instances, as in all their endeavors, their indepen- nin
dence of thought and predilection for devising remedial wi
strategies come to the fore. Yet in devoting themselves are
to resolving the problems of others, September 2 people ap
.......................................................... may neglect their own needs. Furthermore, despite their rea
profound—if understated—affection for those closest un
to them, unless they are in real trouble they may expect ca
.......................................................... the same level of self-reliance to be demonstrated by pro
their nearest and dearest as they exhibit themselves.
Proof 1

210 virgO

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September 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G12z C12z G Balanced Peacekeepers

T hose born on this day are remarkably determined
individuals, a quality that those who do not know
them well may not recognize until particular situations
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
on arise in which they demonstrate their readiness to Saturn
eir adopt combative methods. Generally, however, they
als prefer a conciliatory and affable manner, believing Virtues
Driven, clever, thoughtful
on, that more will be achieved by communication than by
ng confrontation: this personal style, however effective, Vices
en may lead others to misjudge their strength of purpose. Misleading, reticent, opaque
ple Blessed with mercurial and independent minds, a
lly highly developed sense of natural justice and empathy Car eers
ng for the downtrodden, and enormous technical and Civil engineer, artist, sports coach
ite organizational talents, September 3 people are
ed, especially interested in finding practical solutions Skills & Aptitudes
als. to the problems that beset humanity. They may thus Advocacy, administrative skills,
ose gravitate toward professions where they can help ability to conciliate
ual, others to make tangible progress, or at least live their
Famous Births
eir lives more happily, and careers as engineers, scientific Charles H. Houston (1895)
he researchers, artists and in sports are particularly well Kitty Carlisle (1914)
starred. Al Jardine (1942)
ngs Those born on this day bring to all their endeav- Shaun White (1986)
cal ors their astute perceptiveness, tolerance, patience and
are tenacity, as well as their desire to set everything—or Compatible with
January 11–14
in everyone—that they encounter on a smoothly run-
n- ning path. This propensity is especially pronounced
ial within their personal lives (and even more so if they
ves are women), and their friends and family members
ple appreciate the support and understanding that they
eir readily offer. Yet despite their typically quiet and ..........................................................
est understated manner, these people are no pushovers, a
ect caveat that applies as much to their private as to their
by professional liaisons. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 211

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September 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Puzzling Personalities C G12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day may present something of
an enigma to those who don’t know them well.
On the one hand they are gifted problem-solvers who
Saturn are stimulated by challenge—be it physical or intellec- rar
tual—yet on the other are impatient when forced to be
Virtues deal with the petty details that form part of the rou- en
Quick-witted, energetic, perceptive
tine of business practices. The answer to this apparent ma
Vices conundrum of character lies in their mercurial minds, th
Unbalanced, isolated, obsessive which give them a relish for new experiences. Indeed, litt
when frustrated by circumstances outside their con- th
Car eers trol, these usually pragmatic and self-disciplined types fir
Academic, writer, investigator are prone to explode in startling displays of temper. of
Generally, however, September 4 individuals are th
Skills & Aptitudes good-natured people, who make cooperative—some- wo
Inspirational personality, goal- times inspirational—team members, with the provi- ch
orientation, innovative instincts sion that they are able to retain autonomy of thought th
and action. They are, moreover, rarely ambitious for wi
Famous Births
Richard Wright (1908)
personal glory, being instead motivated by the desire bu
Mickey Cohen (1913) to realize more impersonal progressive aims. to
Beyoncé (1981) Because their skills usually assume more of an intel- wa
James Bay (1990) lectual than a technical aspect, and in view of their mo
innate urge to achieve tangible results through their me
Compatible with own vigorous and focused efforts, these individuals are
January 11–14, December 4
frequently best suited for acting as independent agents oth
of change. Their talents and inclinations equip them tur
for potential success in a wide variety of professions, ch
but the freedom inherent in artistic and academic pur- ity
suits may prove especially attractive to September 4 aro
.......................................................... individuals. They retain a similarly independent stance in
within their personal relationships, and, although they tre
have a deep affection for those closest to them, they th
.......................................................... are not interested in embroiling themselves in the th
minutiae of domestic life. ow
Proof 1

212 virgO

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September 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G12z C12z G Idealistic Daydr eamers

T hese magnetic people are fueled by a desire to
realize their own idiosyncratic visions of Utopia,
yet while their dreams are highly individual, they
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ec- rarely encompass selfish ambitions alone, instead Saturn
to being concerned with building a happier and more
u- enlightened world for others. In common with the Virtues
Empathetic, generous, imaginative
nt majority of those born under the planet of Mercury,
ds, these are inquisitive and perceptive types, who have Vices
ed, little difficulty in quickly and astutely identifying areas Weak, neglectful, unrealistic
n- that are ripe for improvement, and who are furthermore
pes fired with the burning determination to be the agents Car eers
er. of change. Despite the practical skills that they bring to Social campaigner, motivational
are their missions, in their righteous enthusiasm to set the speaker, copywriter
me- world to rights they may fail to assess realistically their
vi- chance of success and thereby inadvertently sabotage Skills & Aptitudes
ht their best efforts. The form that their ambitions take Practical skills, ambition, vision
for will vary according to the September 5 individual,
Famous Births
ire but most will espouse professions that enable them King Louis XIV of France (1638)
to exert their influence over others in some positive Johann Christian Bach (1735)
el- way: possibly as social campaigners, for example, but Jesse James (1847)
eir more likely as artistic performers who can impart their Freddy Mercury (1946)
eir messages in inspirational fashion.
are Their pronounced concern about the welfare of Compatible with
January 11–14, December 4–6
nts others permeates every aspect of their lives, and, in
em turn, others are drawn to them because of their easy
ns, charm, infectious optimism and enormous generos-
ur- ity. These are individuals who like to encourage those
4 around them, and—particularly if they were also born
nce in the Chinese year of the dog—they usually expend ..........................................................
ey tremendous energy in bolstering the confidence of
ey those of whom they are fond. Occasionally, however,
he their magnanimity may cause them to neglect their ..........................................................
own emotional needs.
Proof 1

virgO 213

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September 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Headstrong Progr essives C G12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
S eptember 6 people are complex characters whom
others may find difficult to get to know well, or
understand. On the one hand their natural sense of
Saturn justice gives them sensitivity—particularly toward en
the less fortunate—and concern for the well-being of we
Virtues others, yet on the other, these are also strong-willed act
Organized, adventurous, brave
types whose force of conviction and independence of th
Vices mind often belies their mild, somewhat stoic, manner. are
Highly strung, remote, However, their desire for intellectual autonomy and is
noncommittal their orientation toward others are not necessarily th
incompatible—indeed, those born on this day may lik
Car eers combine these traits to great effect in their professional pu
Attorney, judge, surgeon lives as doctors, lawyers or social campaigners, for refl
example. For above all these individuals are compelled ga
Skills & Aptitudes by the urge to bring about progressive advances that will as
Sense of justice, focus, benefit the wider world (they are usually unconcerned qu
administrative skills
with attaining personal gains), especially if they were sk
Famous Births also born in the Chinese year of the dragon. And, na
John Dalton (1766) when engaged upon their quest, they draw upon their
Jeff Foxworthy (1958) considerable resources of energy, determination and fes
Macy Gray (1969) integrity, as well as their strong organizational talents. ad
Idris Elba (1972) Despite their interest in others and generally reluc- ble
tantly assumed leadership qualities, September 6 peo- oth
Compatible with ple may sometimes appear to be somewhat solitary in
January 15–19, December 4–7
figures, who prefer to follow their inquisitive instincts th
independently rather than allow themselves to be wh
bound by the ties inherent in human relationships, th
perhaps fearing that to do so would compromise their pe
.......................................................... need for freedom. As is the case with their liaisons to
with family and friends, when they eventually commit be
themselves to equal one-on-one partnerships, they res
.......................................................... typically demonstrate their innate capacity to be loyal, pa
affectionate and supportive.
Proof 1

214 virgO

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September 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G12z C12z G Prosperous Admin istrators

T hose born on this day are tenacious individuals
whose actions are primarily motivated by a
desire to push the bounds of human knowledge and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ard endeavour forward. This is not to say that they do not Saturn
of welcome the acclaim or financial rewards that their
ed actions may reap—to the contrary—but rather that Virtues
Energetic, determined, ambitious
of their questing natures and intellectual dynamism
er. are more compelling factors in their behaviour than Vices
nd is mere personal ambition. And should they find Hypersensitive, impatient,
ily themselves masters of their fields (which is often very controlling
ay likely, given their independent drive and strength of
nal purpose), they will rarely bask in the glory that others Car eers
for reflect on them, but harness the support thereby Social-media promoter, police
ed garnered toward the attainment of their aims. For officer, teacher
will as well as being blessed with the highly developed
ed qualities of perspicacity and resourcefulness, enabling Skills & Aptitudes
Leadership skills, dynamism,
ere skills and innately pragmatic approach equips them as
nd, naturally gifted leaders.
eir September 7 people gravitate toward any pro- Famous Births
nd fession (and their multifaceted skills equip them Queen Elizabeth I of England
ts. admirably for many) where they can achieve tangi- (1533)
uc- ble results and exert their progressive influence over J.P. Morgan, Jr. (1867)
o- others. Since they also demand complete autonomy, Sonny Rollins (1930)
Buddy Holly (1936)
ary in many respects they are particularly well suited to
cts those academic, artistic, literary or musical careers Compatible with
be where they can work relatively unhindered. Although January 15–19
ps, they demand the same level of freedom within their
eir personal relationships, they may paradoxically seek
ns to control their nearest and dearest—albeit with the ..........................................................
mit best of intentions—a predilection that may arouse the
ey resentment of their loved ones, especially, if they are
al, parents, within their children. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 215

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September 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Opin ionated Voices C G12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
T heir remarkable strength of conviction and fierce
determination to set others on the path that they
regard as being the correct one endow those born on
Saturn this day with pronounced leadership potential. They are th
usually respected (although not necessarily regarded th
Virtues with affection) for both their dynamism and their fixity mi
Articulate, charismatic, confident
of purpose. While these individuals may be fueled by bo
Vices the desire to maintain or protect the status quo, they H
Arrogant, dismissive, stubborn may be equally fired by the urge to implement change. inc
Either way, they will have first evaluated the existing co
Car eers situation thoroughly, drawing upon their capacity for dip
Director, reporter, politician objective analysis in the process, and then utilized their org
organizational skills either to bring about improvement Th
Skills & Aptitudes by modification, or to formulate an alternative. Once th
Leadership skills, staying power, they have decided upon their course of action, they will be
persuasive interpersonal skills promote it with uncompromising forcefulness, often alo
demonstrating their powerful talent for communication be
Famous Births
Antonin Dvorak (1841)
in their quest to convince others. Such inclinations have lea
Patsy Cline (1932) a clear parallel with the political sphere, and many of lea
Bernie Sanders (1941) those born on this day may become career politicians; as
Ruby Bridges (1954) others choosing to spread their message through other
channels. ple
Compatible with Despite their perspicacity, clarity of vision and or
January 15–19
persistence—qualities which augur well for their pro- cro
fessional success—when it comes to their intellectual pre
interests many of those born on this day may expe- be
rience troubled personal relationships, particularly ins
if they are men. The problem is that others may not cu
.......................................................... concur with their opinions and can become alienated th
by, and resistant to, their often stubborn attempts to an
persuade them otherwise; bitter confrontation is usu- im
.......................................................... ally inevitable. tio
Proof 1

216 virgO

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September 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G12z C12z G Benevolent Champions

T hose born on September 9 are serious people
who are not only absorbed by abstract concepts
but also feel a strong sense of responsibility toward
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
are those around them. Like the majority of Virgoans, Saturn
ed their birthright includes an independent turn of
ity mind, with the result that they have a predilection Virtues
Progressive, inquisitive, nurturing
by both for intellectual exploration and for innovation.
hey Having examined an issue from all angles with Vices
ge. incisive judgement, they will typically draw an original Solitary, workaholic, unbalanced
ng conclusion as to the best course of action and then
for dip deep into their reserves of resourcefulness and Car eers
eir organizational skills to promote their aims tenaciously. Humanitarian, philanthropist,
ent These are sensitive individuals who will seek to enlist research scientist
nce the support of others; their determination should not
will be underestimated, however, and they will battle on Skills & Aptitudes
en alone if necessary. Such is their concern with the well- Concern for others, progressive
outlook, drive
on being of others that their inclinations and talents may
ave lead them into pursuing humanitarian careers, or at Famous Births
of least those where their work can be of wider benefit— Leo Tolstoy (1828)
ns; as scientific researchers or educators, for example. Otis Redding (1941)
her Despite their interest in others, September 9 peo- Michael Keaton (1951)
ple may appear solitary. They will participate in team Hugh Grant (1960)
nd or social pursuits but still seem to stand apart from the
o- crowd. This may be partly explained by their innate Compatible with
January 15–19
ual preference for independent observation, but may also
pe- be a product of their sensitivity which may, in some
rly instances, cause them to be beset by feelings of inse-
not curity (a tendency which is even more pronounced if
ed they are women). Receiving the unconditional love ..........................................................
to and support of their nearest and dearest is of great
u- importance to them, and they reciprocate such emo-
tional bolstering with quiet but unwavering loyalty. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 217

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 217
September 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Steady Facilitators C G12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
T he aura that surrounds September 10 people is
that of capability, and indeed these are focused,
resourceful and thoughtful individuals who prefer
Saturn steering a steady and controlled path through life ab
rather than acting impulsively. Motivated by the urge of
Virtues to bring order and implement progress where before of
Orderly, practical, patient
there was chaos and unproductiveness, their attention th
Vices is drawn to those subjects and situations where they th
Tense, blinkered, thin-skinned adjudge improvements, thereby hoping that through An
their efforts they will make a real contribution to the inc
Car eers welfare of others. Their typical approach is to make bo
Administrator, social worker, an objective and realistic assessment of the existing org
teacher scenario, and then, utilizing their practical and co
organizational talents, construct a strategy designed in
Skills & Aptitudes to facilitate advancement through the support of a an
Reliability, team-orientation, stable, supportive system. Their dealings with others su
efficiency are similarly characterized by their predilection alt
for creating and directing effective interpersonal to
Famous Births
Robert Wise (1914) frameworks, and they thus make responsible team po
Arnold Palmer (1929) captains who, as well as being goal-oriented, manifest pro
Bill O’Reilly (1949) genuine concern for those under their aegis. bo
Colin Firth (1960) Although those born on this day favor a sensible
and considered approach, this does not mean that as
Compatible with they are dull and unimaginative individuals—far from fes
January 15–19
it: being intellectually inquisitive types, they are fas- ma
cinated by unusual and innovative topics and people, ist
and even if they do not make a career of exploring su
such subjects—as writers, artists or academics, for Se
.......................................................... instance—they will still be attracted to boldly indi- fam
vidualistic characters. Indeed, being defined by mutual off
tolerance and respect, any relationships that they may an
.......................................................... form with such polar opposites will often be remark- mo
ably successful.
Proof 1

218 virgO

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September 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G12z C12z G Silver-tongued Car ers

T hose born on this day share their celebration with
an anniversary that often overshadows it. Yet their
stars augur well for them, nevertheless. They have the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Second decan: Personal planet is
ife ability to think clearly and independently. The empathy Saturn
ge of many September 11 people is aroused by the plight
ore of the disadvantaged, resulting in a fraternal feeling Virtues
Perceptive, observant, strategic
on that instills in them the determination to improve
ey their circumstances by whatever means they can. Vices
gh And, indeed, they have many talents at their disposal, Stubborn, overbearing, combative
he including their pronounced gift for communication—
ke both verbal and literary—and their highly developed Car eers
ng organizational skills, as well as the courage of their Lawyer, social campaigner,
nd convictions, which compels them to battle on, even journalist
ed in the face of stiff opposition. Such inclinations
a and talents augur especially well for their potential Skills & Aptitudes
ers success as politicians, lawyers or social campaigners, Communication skills, strong
moral sense, empathy
on although many September 11 individuals may choose
nal to exert their influence by less direct—though no less Famous Births
am powerful—artistic means, as writers, for example, a D.H. Lawrence (1885)
est propensity that is even more marked if they were also Bear Bryant (1913)
born in the Chinese year of the goat. Harry Connick, Jr. (1967)
ble Their urge to help those around them may take Taraji Henson (1970)
hat a somewhat radical form, but may equally be mani-
om fested in the defense of existing social systems. For in Compatible with
January 15–19
as- many respects those born on this day are traditional-
le, ists, whose love of order may lead them to lend their
ng support to tried-and-tested conventions. Certainly,
for September 11 people believe in the virtues of stable
di- familial relationships for the mutual support that they ..........................................................
ual offer, and typically make concerned friends, partners
ay and parents, although their forceful opinions and
k- moral rectitude may cause conflict with their children. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 219

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September 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Solitary Thinkers C zD12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
N ever the types to indulge in subterfuge,
manipulation or power games, those born on
this day are straightforward and direct, their primary
motivation being to attain their aims and to do so ap
Virtues as effectively as possible. Stimulated by their quest Th
Independent, communicative,
for knowledge and, being of an independent turn th
of mind, they prefer to seek out facts for themselves by
Vices and then draw their own conclusions rather than mi
Withdrawn, opinionated, unquestioningly to accept conventional truths. Their to
unyielding intellectual approach is typically characterized by th
their incisive ability to grasp abstract concepts, their by
Car eers perceptiveness and their capacity to marshal their th
Motivational speaker, therapist, findings into logically constructed strategies for as
self-help author progress. And, once these have been reached, they po
will not only adhere to their conclusions with single- if
Skills & Aptitudes minded tenacity, but also seek to persuade others of th
Intelligence, thinking outside the
their veracity—often with considerable success, since Bl
box, determination
September 12 people have a marked facility with wi
Famous Births words, and because others cannot help but respect their ha
Jesse Owens (1913) sincerity. Their social concern and desire to instruct
George Jones (1931) and thereby assist others suits them particularly well fie
Barry White (1944) to careers as educators, for example, or in the public all
Emmy Rossum (1986) service. en
Despite their genuine urge to exert their influence alt
Compatible with
January 1–5 over those around them—or society as a whole—these au
are somewhat solitary individuals, who have a strong wo
need for periods of privacy in which they can be alone dir
with their thoughts, undisturbed by the demands of an
.......................................................... others. Yet they are also loyal and supportive friends, en
partners and family members, who, moreover, respect Th
the individuality of their nearest and dearest and will mo
.......................................................... rarely attempt to impose their opinions on those clos- ten
est to them if this would be hurtful. see
Proof 1

220 virgO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 220
September 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

zD12z C12z D Sanguine Scholars

T hose born on September 13 are remarkably self-
sufficient individuals who, despite their somewhat
abstract interest in humanity as a global entity, may
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
so appear to others to be remote, even standoffish figures.
est This is not an entirely fair assessment, however, for Virtues
Original, determined, driven
rn these people are sensitive and may be deeply moved
ves by their strong feelings of empathy with those who are
an miserable or in trouble. It is just that they would prefer Aloof, combative, prickly
eir to be able to pursue their intellectual interests (and
by thereby contribute to human knowledge) undisturbed Car eers
eir by the trivia of everyday existence. In many respects, Business analyst, laboratory
eir those born on this day may often be characterized researcher, designer
for as workaholics and, although otherwise generally
ey positive and good-humored, grow restless and tetchy Skills & Aptitudes
le- if circumstances prevent them from immersing Self-motivation, tenacity, focus
of themselves in a particularly absorbing undertaking.
nce Blessed with keen concentration and application, they Famous Births
Milton S. Hershey (1857)
th will rarely abandon a project or problem until they Roald Dahl (1916)
eir have completed or solved it to their own satisfaction. Tyler Perry (1969)
uct These individuals will thrive in any professional Stella McCartney (1971)
ell field where they are both constantly challenged and Fiona Apple (1977)
lic allowed total autonomy; their problem-solving tal-
ents make them suited to scientific or business careers, Compatible with
January 1–5
nce although their original and imaginative approach also
ese augurs well for writing and design. And, if they do
ng work as part of a team, they are only happy if they can
ne direct others; hard task-masters, they lead by example
of and expect the same level of dedication and goal-ori-
ds, entation from others as they themselves demonstrate. ..........................................................
ect This is also true of their personal relationships (even
will more so if they are men), within which they have a
os- tendency to claim their own right of freedom while ..........................................................
seeking to control the lives of those closest to them.
Proof 1

virgO 221

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September 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Astute Organ izers C1 D2z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
P erhaps the primary preoccupation of those born
on this day is with bringing order to any system
(or person) that they suspect is not realizing its
maximum potential. Possessed of an acutely critical ma
Virtues eye—the result of both their incisive intellects and fie
Energetic, efficient, steadfast
their observant natures—they find it easy to identify ind
areas in which the component parts are imbalanced is
Critical, meddlesome, stubborn
or deficient in some way. Because their urge to plan, ca
organize, control and thereby institute and maintain ter
Car eers smoothly running and effective programs is so th
Event planner, legal aide, interior strong—and even more so if they were born in the ha
or fashion designer Chinese year of the ox—they are able to take charge th
of situations quickly, work out optimum strategies pro
Skills & Aptitudes for success and then direct the actions of others. Th
Organizational skills, leadership September 14 individuals are thus natural leaders who org
skills, analytical mindset pursue their goals with a determined sense of purpose va
(and expect others to do the same), and will flourish art
Famous Births
Michael Haydn (1737)
in any career where they can harmonize discord and sig
Ivan Pavlov (1849) bring about tangible results—the scientific, political ow
Sam Neill (1947) and legal professions are particularly well starred, as an
Amy Winehouse (1983) are city planning and the building trades.
Yet these individuals are not totally geared toward th
Compatible with intellectual or professional pursuits: to the contrary, so
January 1–5, December 24–26
they innately understand the importance of counter- th
balancing the pressures of work with a full personal ap
life. Many of them are somewhat sensuous types, me
who appreciate beauty in all its manifold forms and str
possess a lively sense of fun. Responsible friends and ily
.......................................................... family members (and totally devoted, if at times con- by
trolling, parents), they are also good conversational- cu
ists and sociable types, who enjoy surrounding them- tas
.......................................................... selves with people and hosting well-organized social on
entertainments. pro
Proof 1

222 virgO

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September 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D2z C12z D Unstoppable Visionar ies


I n many respects those born on this day can be
characterized as specialists, for they are drawn to a
single area of interest (their choice often having been
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
cal made in childhood) and seek to become masters of their
nd field. The subjects that typically fascinate September 15 Virtues
Responsive, loyal, affectionate
ify individuals are those where the scope for exploration
ed is boundless and where their quest for discovery
an, can therefore lead them into previously uncharted Perfectionist, critical, avaricious
ain territories. Even though they are intellectually curious,
so these are rarely restless or roving types. Once they Car eers
he have alighted upon a topic that absorbs their attention Director, company manager,
ge they will devote their energies exclusively to its study, researcher
ies probing, testing and amassing a wealth of information.
rs. Their inclinations and simultaneously imaginative and Skills & Aptitudes
ho organized methods suit September 15 people for a Dedication to work, open-
ose variety of professions, from scientific research to the mindedness, leadership potential
sh arts. They are gifted directors of others, who never lose
Famous Births
nd sight of the wider picture or, indeed, surrender their William H. Taft (1857)
cal own inherent requirement for autonomy of thought Agatha Christie (1890)
as and action. Margaret Keane (1927)
Others admire their technical expertise, as well as Tommy Lee Jones (1946)
ard their determination and clarity of vision, but may be
ry, somewhat intimidated by their refusal to compromise Compatible with
January 1–5, December 24–26
er- their convictions or integrity. Although they may
nal appear to be somewhat solitary figures, they are by no
es, means solely oriented to their work, for they value the
nd strong emotional bonds that they form with their fam-
nd ily and friends. As sensual individuals, they are moved
n- by music, the beauty of art and the flavors of gourmet ..........................................................
al- cuisine. And it is primarily in order to indulge such
m- tastes, as well to support their families, that those born
ial on this day appreciate the material rewards that their ..........................................................
professional success brings them.
Proof 1

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September 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unconventional Imaginar ies C D12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
E xuberant and energetic, positive and progressive,
September 16 people are physical and intellectu-
al live-wires who are fueled by the urge to push the
boundaries of human knowledge forward and thereby on
Virtues blaze an innovatory trail to light the way for others. res
Optimistic, adventurous, positive
Their questing compulsion is in part due to their hu- pe
manitarian principles and desire to assist others, but als
Superficial, restless, easily bored
is also the result of their mercurial inquisitiveness and th
relish for discovering and experiencing novel con- so
Car eers cepts and situations. Their urge to make progress is a irr
Artist, architect, interior designer forceful one, and once they have settled upon a subject th
that absorbs their interest (and this may not be im- on
Skills & Aptitudes mediately evident, given their wide range of interests), th
Energy, independence, originality they will typically harness their considerable vigor and wi
talents—including their originality, objectiveness and ble
Famous Births organizational skills—in their tenacious drive to ef- th
King Henry V (1387) fect a breakthrough. Achieving concrete results is of Th
Lauren Bacall (1924)
B.B. King (1925)
great importance to them—as is receiving recognition an
David Copperfield (1954) for their efforts—and they are therefore particularly pro
suited to financial planning, scientific or artistic pur- po
Compatible with suits, or manufacturing trades where they can not only gif
January 1–5, December 24–26 demonstrate the fruits of their labors, but also inspire
or benefit others and make a name for themselves. th
Although their intellectual independence and sh
refusal to be bound by convention augurs well for their Se
ability to work autonomously, those born on this day sta
are strongly oriented toward others, wishing both to op
share their knowledge and to derive pleasure from the est
.......................................................... stimulation of social interaction. The same is true of Al
their personal liaisons, where they assume mentoring wh
roles (especially if they are women), and enliven their ch
.......................................................... relationships with an infectious joie de vivre. tio
Proof 1

224 virgO

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September 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D12z C12z D Determined Achievers

S uch is their focus and drive that those born on
this day frequently appear to be powerfully single-
minded individuals who will allow nothing or no
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
by one to stand in the way of their progress. In many
rs. respects this assessment is an accurate one, for these Virtues
Decisive, progressive, forceful
u- people are not only remarkably goal oriented, but they
but also combine their capacity for concentration, logical
nd thought and intellectual and physical vigor with their Private, easily frustrated, touchy
n- somewhat stubborn tenacity to generate an almost
sa irresistible force. Yet the personalities of those born on Car eers
ect this day are not as straightforward as they may appear Philanthropist, therapist,
m- on superficial examination, for as well as being linear entrepreneur
s), thinkers, their intellectual curiosity also endows them
nd with the ability to think laterally, while they are also Skills & Aptitudes
nd blessed with sensitivity and perceptiveness, qualities Drive, proactive outlook,
ef- that make them extremely empathetic toward others. determination
of The combination of their humanitarian instincts
Famous Births
on and organizational talents may lead them to pursue Hank Williams (1923)
rly professions where they can assist or enlighten others, John Ritter (1948)
ur- possibly through creative endeavors. They also make Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson (1951)
nly gifted and generous team leaders. Baz Luhrmann (1962)
ire Similar feelings of concern and responsibility for
the well-being of others characterize their relation- Compatible with
January 6–10, December 24–26
nd ships with their nearest and dearest, toward whom
eir September 17 people typically assume a protective
ay stance. Although they rarely express their emotions
to openly, they demonstrate their affection for those clos-
he est to them through nurturing and practical action.
of Although initially shy, many are lively companions, ..........................................................
ng who are stimulated by artistic pursuits (to which some
eir choose to devote their careers) and also have an infec-
tious sense of fun. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 225

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September 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ingen ious Cr eatives C D12z C1

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Mercury
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on this day are private and introspective
individuals, who nevertheless sometimes emerge
from their self-imposed solitude to share the fruits of
their labors with others. The planets that govern their pre
Virtues day of birth exert a particularly powerful influence sen
Sensitive, artistic, charismatic
on their psyches, Mercury endowing them with a fre
strong urge for intellectual exploration and discovery, no
Isolated, opaque, remote
and Venus blessing them with profound sensuality of
and an appreciation of beauty. And when these two int
Car eers inclinations achieve their highest level of harmonious ind
Scientist, writer, musician interaction, September 18 people have the potential pa
to initiate truly innovative and inspirational advances ye
Skills & Aptitudes that others will admire and that may even influence th
Creativity, originality, capacity for generations to come. Their natural affinity with all th
hard work things artistic augurs especially well for their success as su
writers, musicians or artists, while their equally strong rea
Famous Births attraction to the acquisition of technical knowledge kn
Greta Garbo (1905)
Bob Dylan (1933)
suits them also for scientific pursuits and the digital of
Ben Carson (1951) realm. Although the focus of their professional ble
Lance Armstrong (1971) endeavors fully absorbs their attention, their ultimate as
aims are typically to benefit humanity as a whole. are
Compatible with It is this dual propensity to help others advance flo
January 6–10 while at the same time concentrating upon the con- th
cepts that fascinate them that may cause September
18 people’s personal lives to be troubled. Because bil
they exude empathetic concern, and are attractive and rel
interesting individuals, others are drawn to them. Yet tie
in many respects the interest that they show in other or
.......................................................... individuals assumes a somewhat abstract rather than be
direct form and they therefore shy away from having th
to assume responsibility for the happiness of others, rel
.......................................................... particularly if this would mean having to divert their ow
attention from their intellectual quests.
Proof 1

226 virgO

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September 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D12z C12z D Magnetic Dynamos

S eptember 19 individuals are vitally interested in
everything that crosses their paths, their mercurial
minds latching onto every novel concept that
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
eir presents itself. Their keen eye for beauty and warm Second cusp: Virgo with Libran
nce sensuality endow them with a more aesthetic—and tendencies
a frequently also rather earthy—disposition. They are
ry, not content to sit quietly on the sidelines of the game Lively, enthusiastic, sensual
ity of life, instead they throw themselves enthusiastically
wo into the stimulating pursuit of new experiences, Vices
us indulging their taste for the unusual and original (and Unfocused, superficial, vain
ial particularly so if they were also born in the Chinese
ces year of the horse). Yet despite their versatile interests, Car eers
nce those born on this day are rarely flighty types, for Academic, researcher, artist
all they are also gripped by the desire to transcend the
as superficial and move into more serious, progressive Skills & Aptitudes
ng realms, thereby hoping to add to their own lexicon of Refined taste, interest in others,
positive personality
ge knowledge and to benefit the wider world by means
tal of their efforts. Innately humanitarian, as well as being Famous Births
nal blessed with the potential to make a significant impact William Golding (1911)
ate as ingenious scientists or artists working in a variety of “Mama” Cass Elliot (1941)
areas, these are the multitalented individuals who will Jeremy Irons (1948)
nce flourish in any profession they choose, provided that Jimmy Fallon (1974)
n- their attention and interest are constantly occupied.
ber A similar combination of concern for others, socia- Compatible with
January 6–10
use bility and joie de vivre characterizes their interpersonal
nd relationships, and their dynamic and lively personali-
Yet ties in turn typically draw others into their magnetic
her orbit. Despite their gregariousness, however, Septem-
an ber 19 people manage to devote special attention to ..........................................................
ng those closest to them, maintaining easy and relaxed
rs, relationships, while at the same time protecting their
eir own interests. ..........................................................
Proof 1

virgO 227

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September 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Self-assur ed Social Butter flies C DK C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on this day generally possess two
defining characteristics: an almost irresistible
urge to take control of situations and people; and a
Second cusp: Virgo with Libran desire the win the genuine affection and admiration ten
tendencies of those around them. Their perceptive and mercurial pro
dispositions propel them to seek the best way to inn
Independent, sociable, resourceful organize both themselves and others. Although the of
visions that fuel their actions are frequently highly mi
Vices individualistic, their concerns are usually intended to typ
Manipulative, domineering, benefit or inform a wider audience, and they favour sen
overconfident teamwork over individual action. While they feel th
compelled to exert their benevolent influence over th
Car eers others, they seek to do so by employing persuasive po
Politician, actor, social-media rather than coercive methods, thereby hoping to to
executive inspire others to cooperate enthusiastically in the wr
pursuit of a common mission. They are endowed aid
Skills & Aptitudes
with the potential to attain success in a variety of am
Persuasiveness, team-orientation,
capacity to innovate professions, but many often have a special attraction sk
to the innovative possibilities inherent in the arts or tec
Famous Births the media.
Upton Sinclair (1878) Their wish to build harmonious relationships with pr
Sophia Loren (1934) others pervades every aspect of the lives of those born ap
George R. R. Martin (1948) on this day, and reflects their urge to achieve their th
Gary Coleman (1968)
aims as smoothly and quickly as possible, as well as cer
Compatible with their innate—and sometimes unacknowledged— wh
January 6–10 desire to win the love and respect of those with whom me
they come in contact. However, their self-assurance mo
and their confidence in the veracity of their convic- pig
.......................................................... tions may cause the resentment of others (particularly ca
those closest to them) for what may be perceived to be so
a manipulative approach, no matter how charmingly Th
.......................................................... it is presented. to
Proof 1

228 virgO

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September 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

DK C DK Quir ky Cr eatives

T he stellar influences that govern those born
on this day endow September 21 people with
an unusual combination of characteristics and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
on tendencies. On the one hand these intellectually Second cusp: Virgo with Libran
ial progressive people are fascinated with the unusual and tendencies
to innovative, and are therefore drawn to the exploration
he of novel subjects at which more conventional types Original, innovative, artistic
hly might balk. On the other hand they are sensuous
to types, who possess a highly developed aesthetic Vices
our sense, as well as receptiveness to others. Not only do Self-conscious, downbeat,
eel they feel compelled to seek out new experiences, but withdrawn
ver their appreciation of the potency of artistic media as
ve powerful means of expression gives them the potential Car eers
to to make their highly original mark on the world as Writer, musician, administrator
he writers, composers, artists or movie-makers. They are
ed aided in their quest to realize their extremely original Skills & Aptitudes
Creativity, vision, boldness
of ambitions by their strong practical and organizational
on skills, qualities that also equip them well for more Famous Births
or technical or administrative careers. H.G. Wells (1866)
Although their overriding preoccupation with their Leonard Cohen (1934)
th private visions inevitably sets September 21 people Stephen King (1947)
rn apart from the crowd, their ultimate aim is to share Bill Murray (1950)
eir their discoveries or viewpoints with others. This con-
as cern often takes a spiritual or intellectual slant, so that Compatible with
January 6–10, May 21–22
— while they may communicate their ideas simply, their
om messages are often extremely profound, (and even
nce more so if they were born in the Chinese year of the
ic- pig). Nevertheless, they are frequently misunderstood,
rly causing them either to withdraw further into their ..........................................................
be solitary world or to become discouraged or depressed.
gly The unconditional love and support of those closest
to them is therefore of great importance in bolstering ..........................................................
their self-confidence.
Proof 1

virgO 229

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September 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Academic Trailblazers C DK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on September 22 are typically
motivated by two fundamental desires: to satisfy
their intellectual thirst for stimulation and exploration;
Second cusp: Virgo with Libran and to devote their energy to helping others. They
tendencies may often combine these dual inclinations to form a
single, remarkably progressive, vision, which they will
Clever, innovative, progressive promote with fierce determination.
Blessed with deeply perceptive and mercurial intel-
Vices lects, September 22 individuals are particularly adept
Defensive, uncompromising, at identifying social abuses, and devising imaginative
combative and effective strategies with which to redress the situ-
ation. Not only are they drawn to innovative concepts
Car eers and theories, but they also have a highly developed
Academic, researcher, emergency sense of justice that often compels them to work for
medical worker the common good. Clearly suited to scientific, public
service or humanitarian work, they may also seek to
Skills & Aptitudes
inform and enlighten others by means of writing or
Determination, self-belief,
dedication to work research­—for example, by blogging on a subject that
is close to their heart.
Famous Births Despite their general concern for the welfare of
David Coverdale (1951) others, their typically forthright manner and uncom-
Scott Baio (1961) promising promotion of their beliefs will inevitably
Joan Jett (1961) alienate some people: those born on this day will
Billie Piper (1982)
therefore often be reluctantly forced to assume a
Compatible with confrontational stance in their desire to achieve their
January 6–10, May 21–22 visions. They therefore rely on the unquestioning sup-
port of personal relationships, and they reciprocate
the affection of those closest to them wholeheartedly,
.......................................................... especially if they are women. It is important that they
make a conscious effort to nurture close relation-
ships to counterbalance the hostile and obstructive
.......................................................... responses they will inevitably face at work.
Proof 1

230 virgO

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g Libra
September 23 to October 22

Ruling planet: Venus Element: Cardinal air

Symbol: Scales Polar ity: Positive (masculine) Colors: Pink, blue, lavender
Physical cor r espondence: Kidneys
Stones: Quartz, opal, jade, emerald, sapphire
Flowers: Rose, pansy, foxglove, daisy, hydrangea

T he balance or scales that represent the zodiacal sign of Libra are universal to the var-
ious astrological traditions: the Persians, Babylonians, and Hindus all gave it names
that signify scales. The only notable exception was the symbol used by the ancient Greek
astrologers, to whom Libra was Zugos, “the yoke.” The constellation’s association with a
balance (or a primitive yoke with which oxen were harnessed) is explained by the fact that
Libra dominates the period when night and day are of approximately equal length. Yet the
image of the scales also has a more spiritual significance, for this instrument is symbolical-
ly related to ancient Egyptian lore, in which a balance was used in Osiris’s hall of judgment
to weigh the hearts of the recently deceased against the feather of Ma’at, the goddess of
truth. Some scholars postulate that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic that symbolized
Libra—which resembles the sign’s modern sigil—represents the Sun (embodying mascu-
linity) setting over the Earth (signifying femininity), an analogy compatible with both the
postmortem weighing of souls and the balancing of opposing principles.
The Romans sometimes considered their deity of metal-working and measurement,
Vulcan, to be present in this constellation, and his consort Venus (known as the morning
star) is the planetary ruler of Libra. She endows those born under this sign with charm, a
love of beauty, and a desire to bring harmony, while the element of air that further exerts
its influence over Libra signifies intellectual affinities, as well as a desire for freedom. The
zodiacal scales signify a strong sense of natural justice and steady psychological equilib-
Proof 1

rium, but may equally imply flightiness and emotional or intellectual indecisiveness.

libra 231

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September 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Empathetic Charmers C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
O thers are drawn to September 23 individuals for
a variety of reasons, including their unassuming
personal charm, genuine kindness, integrity and
First cusp: Libra with Virgo reliability. Despite the potentially conflicting qualities th
tendencies that are bestowed by the planets that rule their ha
day of birth—sensory indulgence and intellectual of
Resourceful, compassionate, inquisitiveness—they are generally able to reconcile en
multitalented these characteristics, with the result that they are not ad
only balanced, but also versatile. Thus while they are na
Vices inspired by progressive visions, and typically display da
Timid, sensitive, self-sacrificing considerable energy and resourcefulness in pursuing ast
them, their ambition is rarely at the expense of others. pe
Car eers Those born on this day usually enjoy harmonious and em
Novelist, screenplay writer, painter mutually respectful working relationships, and many th
may choose to devote their careers to the service of So
Skills & Aptitudes others, perhaps—and particularly if they are women— hu
Respectfulness, stability, honesty
within the caring professions. 24
Famous Births September 23 people are also blessed with a sen- art
Mickey Rooney (1920) sitive appreciation of beauty, a gift that endows them oth
John Coltrane (1926) with a profound affinity for the myriad forms of sub- we
Ray Charles (1930) tle expression encompassed by the artistic realm, and
Bruce Springsteen (1949) some may therefore choose to share their talents with th
a wider audience as writers, artists, movie-makers or, by
Compatible with particularly well-starred for this date, musicians— pin
January 20–22, May 21–22
both amateur and professional. Their pronounced ing
empathy with, and orientation toward, other people tur
characterizes all of their interpersonal relationships, we
and in turn they are regarded with deep affection by bo
.......................................................... everyone with whom they come into contact. Their in
desire to please is genuine, and they typically treat for
others, especially those closest to them, with consider- ne
.......................................................... ation, generosity and loyalty. ma
Proof 1

232 libra

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September 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C D Inquisitive Lovers

F or those born on September 24, the balance that
symbolizes their astrological sign of Libra often
appears weighted in favor of Venus, for not only are
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
ies these people sensual and pleasure-loving, they also First cusp: Libra with Virgo
eir have a deep desire to love and be loved. Yet the presence tendencies
ual of Mercury at the other end of their personality scale
ile endows them with keenly curious intellectual qualities, Empathetic, versatile, loving
not adding a progressive and inquiring streak to their
are natures. While the dispositions of those born on this Vices
ay day vary from one individual to another, these two Self-absorbed, noncommittal,
ng astrological influences generally combine to create detached
rs. people who are not only considerate, sensitive and
nd empathetic, but are also oriented toward helping others Car eers
ny through their resourceful and imaginative efforts. Artist, philosopher, news anchor
of Some may be inclined to devote their careers to social,
— humanitarian or political issues, while other September Skills & Aptitudes
Adventurousness, inventiveness,
24 people may harness their affinity for all things
motivational skills
n- artistic to their quest for enlightening or entertaining
em others, a propensity that is doubly pronounced if they Famous Births
b- were also born in the Chinese year of the goat. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896)
nd The liaisons formed by those born on this day—be Fats Navarro (1923)
th they professional or personal—are typically defined Jim Henson (1936)
or, by these individuals’ intuitive ability to detect unhap- Linda McCartney (1941)
— piness in others, and their urge to relieve such feel-
Compatible with
ed ings of distress through positive and supportive ges- January 20–25, May 21–27
ple tures. Despite their sociability and concern for others’
ps, well-being, they do, however, have an inherent need
by both for periods of solitude, in which they can indulge
eir in the pursuits that particularly interest them, and ..........................................................
eat for intellectual and sensory stimulation. Unless these
er- needs are fully respected by those closest to them, they
may sometimes result in discord within their most ..........................................................
intimate relationships.
Proof 1

libra 233

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September 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Straightforwar d Independents C D C

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
S eptember 25 people are complex individuals whose
primary personal characteristics can be somewhat
contradictory. Their sympathetic and empathetic
First cusp: Libra with Virgo qualities lead them to identify with others, while if s
tendencies their keen perception and independence of mind may en
cause them to stand apart from the crowd, noting na
Progressive, self-sufficient, and criticizing everything they observe. Ultimately, th
straightforward however, those born on this day often have noble th
aims, although their methods may not always make un
Vices this clear. po
Critical, belittling, blunt People born on this day usually enjoy exploring
their intellectual interests, be they scientific theories, pro
Car eers modes of artistic expression, or societal structures and (es
News reporter, charity worker, conventions, as well as sharing their knowledge with a co
political campaigner wider audience. And because these are honest people ies
who are not afraid of articulating the truth—however ca
Skills & Aptitudes
uncomfortable—and who possess an innate sense of
Honesty, articulacy, analytical skills
natural justice, they have the potential to make effec- na
Famous Births tive political and social campaigners, although many th
William Faulkner (1897) may choose to communicate their ideas by means of fou
Barbara Walters (1931) journalism or artistic media. rec
Christopher Reeve (1952) In many respects their humanitarian orientation em
Will Smith (1968) generally assumes a rather abstract form (especially Ty
if they are men), a tendency which, when combined in
Compatible with
January 20–28, May 22–29 with their need for personal autonomy of thought and ion
action, may cause difficulties within their interper- em
sonal relationships. For despite their genuine affection th
for those closest to them, and their relish for the com- lat
.......................................................... forts of domestic life, their judgemental propensities no
and need for independence may result in emotional pe
isolation. ma
.......................................................... tic
Proof 1

234 libra

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September 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D C D Impassioned Per fection ists

O thers often regard September 26 individuals as
perfectionists, whose tenacity in their desire to
achieve their elevated visions is the subject of awed—
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Mercury and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
ile if somewhat baffled—admiration. And indeed, when First cusp: Libra with Virgo
ay enthralled by an inspirational ambition, the determi- tendencies
ng nation, self-discipline and absorption manifested by
ely, those born on this day can become obsessive. Since Resourceful, scholarly, ambitious
ble they are also blessed with great imagination and an
ke uncompromisingly logical turn of mind, their career Vices
potential is therefore of the highest order. Compulsive, obsessive, neurotic
ng Many September 26 people are attracted by the
es, progressive opportunities inherent in science and Car eers
nd (especially) the arts, but all desire to make a positive Tutor, academic researcher,
ha contribution to humanity by means of their discover- recruitment consultant
ple ies or guiding influence, prompting some to academic
ver careers, and others to mentoring or recruitment. Skills & Aptitudes
Imagination, drive, attention to
of Despite their intellectual independence and fasci-
ec- nation—indeed, compulsion—for experimentation,
ny the love and support those closest to them is of pro- Famous Births
of found value to those born on this day, who innately T.S. Eliot (1888)
recognize the importance of maintaining a grounding George Gershwin (1898)
on emotional counterbalance to their cerebral interests. Olivia Newton-John (1948)
lly Typically affectionate and loyal to those who believe Serena Williams (1981)
ed in them, as well as interesting and enlivening compan-
Compatible with
nd ions, they may nevertheless unwittingly neglect their January 21–30, May 18–20,
er- emotional needs, or those of their loved ones, when May 23–30
on their attention is irresistibly occupied by a work-re-
m- lated challenge (a tendency that is even more pro-
ies nounced if they are men). For those September 26 ..........................................................
nal people for whom work becomes overly important, it
may be sensible to develop recreational interests, par-
ticularly sociable ones—for example, joining a choir. ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 235

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September 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inspir ing Leaders D D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose born on this day are determined and vigorous
individuals who are driven by their ambitions,
however obstacle-strewn the path to success. Indeed,
in many respects they are stimulated by adversity, Ro
Virtues leading others to wonder why they so often appear aff
Perceptive, fearless, determined
to focus on difficult and demanding aims instead of pu
opting for those that offer an easier route to success. im
Outspoken, perfectionist,
There are no easy answers to this question, for these are pro
demanding complex people, whose motivations vary. Imbued with ha
a strong sense of fairness, which causes them to seek to an
Car eers reverse social injustices, many feel compelled to engage res
Graphic designer, lobbyist, in a personal struggle of strength by testing their an
motivational speaker abilities against the most unpromising of challenges. an
Yet because these are objective and realistic types, their gre
Skills & Aptitudes aims are rarely unfeasible, and September 27 people’s on
Ability to inspire others, self- courage, tenacity and perfectionism augur well for ha
motivation, sense of justice
their attainment. to
Famous Births Despite their pronounced individualistic stance, th
Samuel Adams (1722) their critical and progressive faculties are usually ori- oth
Jayne Meadows (1926) ented toward humanitarian aims, and they may there- act
Don Cornelius (1936) fore choose to employ their talents as either political,
Avril Lavigne (1984) social or legal campaigners, or else artistic, technical or au
design pioneers whose efforts are intended to inspire sti
Compatible with or enhance others’ lives. In terms of their interpersonal cer
January 22–31, May 18–20,
May 24–31 liaisons, they operate well as team captains (but not as int
small and unquestioning cogs in a larger social wheel) th
and they prefer to lead by example, demanding the for
same level of commitment from others as they them- inn
.......................................................... selves demonstrate. Despite their profound concern so
and affection for their loved ones, their judgemental clu
and perfectionist tendencies may make for explosive th
.......................................................... personal relationships. ma
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236 libra

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September 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D D12z Allur ing Romantics

S eptember 28 people are particularly susceptible to
the potent influence of the planet of Venus that
governs their day of birth, and, like the eponymous
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
ty, Roman goddess of love, many seek fulfillment through
ear affairs of the heart, indulgence of the senses, or the Virtues
Individualistic, artistic, idealistic
of pursuit of beauty in all its forms. They are also, however,
ss. imaginative and empathetic types who wish to bring
are progress and harmony to the world, even while they Critical, hard to please, unrealistic
th have a special affinity with the less tangible spiritual
to and artistic concerns that arouse strong emotional Car eers
ge responses in them. Their intellectual independence Artist, interior designer, retail buyer
eir and compulsion to explore the world of emotions
es. and senses cause those born on this day to place a far Skills & Aptitudes
eir greater value on nonmaterialistic achievements than Creativity, progressiveness,
e’s on those that offer rewards of wealth and status. The adventurousness
for hard-nosed realm of commerce is therefore anathema
to them, and they will generally flourish only when Famous Births
Ed Sullivan (1902)
ce, they can satisfy their natural inclinations and inspire Brigitte Bardot (1934)
ri- others in the process, as artists, writers, designers or Janeane Garofalo (1964)
re- actors, for example, or even as athletes. Hilary Duff (1987)
al, Others are drawn to these magnetic people for the
or aura that they exude, and they in turn are not only Compatible with
ire stimulated by personal interaction, but manifest a con- January 24–31, February 1,
May 18–20, May 25–31
nal cern for the happiness of those with whom they come
as into contact. Yet ironically their relationships with
el) their nearest and dearest may not be of the smoothest,
he for despite their love for those closest to them, their
m- innate nonconformity and urge to further their per-
rn sonal progress by means of individual experience pre- ..........................................................
tal cludes their capacity to sacrifice their independence to
ive the altar of familial harmony. Their romantic idealism
may furthermore set an impossibly high standard for ..........................................................
their partners.
Proof 1

libra 237

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September 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ingen ious Influencers D D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
T here are often two distinct sides to the characters
of those born this day, for on the one hand they
have a predilection for bringing about harmonious
solutions to unbalanced situations and circumstances wh
Virtues through orderly systems, yet on the other they are Th
Perceptive, practical, inspirational
highly imaginative, sensitive and idealistic individuals, th
whose instinctive responses may create the same ch
Unsatisfied, imbalanced, unsettled
chaos within their personal lives as they devote their inj
professional energies to trying to resolve. Maintaining th
Car eers their intellectual and emotional balance may therefore str
Artist, sculptor, writer be a constant struggle, for September 29 people de
possess a strong sense of social responsibility and often sit
Skills & Aptitudes feel compelled to suppress their own needs in order aim
Motivational qualities, leadership to concentrate their efforts on helping others. These un
skills, flexibility are thus multifaceted people, who promote their ideas me
with determination, yet never lose their sensitivity and for
Famous Births feelings of empathy toward others. eff
Miguel de Cervantes (1547)
Gene Autry (1907)
The combination of their tenacity and originality, to
Jerry Lee Lewis (1935) along with their positive orientation toward oth- em
Kevin Durant (1988) ers, endows September 29 people with the ability to a
inspire others, whether in the pursuit of a tangible jus
Compatible with common quest or in the more intangible arena of art- ap
January 27–31, February 1–3, istry, with which in any case they have a strong affinity. de
May 27–31, June 1
Yet many find that personal happiness is an elusive hig
commodity—perhaps because their active concern
with the well-being of others may obscure their recog- ca
nition of what is most important for their own emo- ex
tional fulfillment. Thus, while they manifest both gen- th
.......................................................... uine affection and loyalty to their nearest and dearest, ha
their tendency to sublimate selfish desires in favor of art
more altruistic behavior (a trait that is especially pro- an
.......................................................... nounced in the women born on this day) may leave vis
them feeling dissatisfied, restless or frustrated.
Proof 1

238 libra

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September 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D D12z Sensitive Moralists

T hose born on this day are focused individuals, who
can perhaps best be characterized as champions
of the truth, for they have an acute eye for identifying
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Venus
ces what they believe to be social or intellectual wrongs.
are They are driven by the desire to convince others of Virtues
Fair, focused, compassionate
als, the veracity of their judgements and thereby effect
me change. Because they are especially sensitive to social
eir injustice, and are extraordinarily empathetic toward Judgmental, critical, intolerant
ng the victims of such abuse, September 30 people are
ore strongly drawn to those professions where they can Car eers
ple devote their energy and talents to rectifying the Lawyer, analyst, nurse
en situation. And in working toward their humanitarian
der aims they typically utilize their organizational skills, Skills & Aptitudes
ese uncompromisingly logical intellectual approach and Organizational skills, precision,
eas meticulous attention to detail in building dynamic protectiveness
nd force for progress. Because they recognize that their
efforts will often be met with opposition, they strive Famous Births
Hans Geiger (1882)
ty, to create a veritable armory of weapons, which they Truman Capote (1924)
h- employ with courage and resourcefulness. There is Elie Wiesel (1928)
to a danger, however, that their heightened sense of Martina Higgins (1980)
ble justice may lead them to employ an overly aggressive
rt- approach toward those—especially their nearest and Compatible with
ty. dearest—whose behavior does not live up to their January 28–31, February 1–3,
May 29–31, June 1–3
ive high moral standards.
rn Their inclinations clearly suit these individuals for
g- careers where they can make tangible advances, for
o- example as social campaigners, lawyers or members of
n- the caring professions. But those born on this day also
st, have a sensual affinity with the beauty inherent in the ..........................................................
of arts, and many will therefore seek both to help others
o- and to provide inspiration through literature, music, or
ve visual forms of artistic expression. ..........................................................
Proof 1

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October 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inventive R eformers D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are focused individuals,
the majority of whom are unquestionably
ambitious. However, their goals rarely have to do
Saturn with personal glory or self-aggrandizement (although lov
most appreciate the security and comfort that comes int
Virtues with the attainment of financial rewards), being th
Original, loyal, disciplined
instead concerned with the achievement of more an
Vices intellectually significant matters. By working toward wo
Perfectionist, obsessive, highly their inspirational visions, they hope to not only satisfy th
strung their desire to progress as far as possible as individuals, for
but also to leave a lasting legacy that will benefit their typ
Car eers peers and, perhaps, even future generations. as
Biologist, architect, civil engineer Some October 1 people may thus seek to aid human ha
advancement by devoting their energies to political or th
Skills & Aptitudes humanitarian pursuits; some will capitalize on their pe
Dedication, responsibility, precision and natural aptitude for the innovative pos- un
sibilities offered by the scientific or technical fields; th
Famous Births and some will be attracted to exploring and pushing co
James Whitmore (1921) forward the more subtle boundaries of artistic expres- act
Jimmy Carter (1924) sion, with which all of those born on this day have a (w
Julie Andrews (1935) strong affinity. To all these endeavors they bring their th
Zach Galifianakis (1969) dedication, tenacity and no-nonsense approach to get-
ting the job done. to
Compatible with October 1 people may find themselves elevated th
February 1–4, May 30–31,
June 1–4, June 22–25 to leadership positions, but while they will discharge su
their responsibilities to others with integrity, they may pro
nevertheless resent being distracted from their work. an
A similar duality often prevails in their personal rela- an
.......................................................... tionships, for although they draw strength from the ign
affection they receive from their loved ones, their pre- str
occupation with intellectual concerns may preclude co
.......................................................... their ability to reciprocate in kind. th
Proof 1

240 libra

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October 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D G Lovable Extroverts

T he infectiously invigorating aura of vitality and
joie de vivre of those born on October 2 attracts
others to them, and these gregarious, pleasure-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
gh loving types in turn relish the stimulation of social Saturn
mes interaction. Whatever career they choose to pursue,
ng their strong orientation toward others invariably plays Virtues
Gregarious, intelligent, determined
ore an integral part—whether it be in the nature of their
rd work (often in the service industries or sales) or in Vices
sfy the interpersonal professional relationships that they Confrontational, self-sabotaging,
als, form. In all their ventures, their favored approach is blinkered
eir typically a direct one aimed at attaining their goals
as swiftly and effectively as possible. Because they Car eers
an have a propensity for making instant decisions and Salesperson, trainer, principal
or then promoting them with determination, October 2
eir people have little patience with those who manifest Skills & Aptitudes
os- uncertainty or prevaricate, and will seek to influence Goal orientation, strength of will,
leadership skills
ds; them to adopt the course that they believe to be the
ng correct one. Their self-certainty and predilection for Famous Births
es- action thus endows them with leadership potential Mahatma Gandhi (1869)
ea (which is doubly pronounced if they were also born in Groucho Marx (1890)
eir the Chinese year of the dragon). Sting (1951)
et- Despite their genuinely well-intentioned desire Kelly Ripa (1970)
to guide others—and particularly those closest to
ed them—those born on this day may have difficulty per- Compatible with
February 2–5, May 31,
ge suading others of the veracity of their viewpoints. The June 1–5, June 22–25
ay problem frequently stems from their propensity to
rk. analyze every issue that holds their attention in black-
la- and-white terms—a tendency that may lead them to
he ignore the subtleties in between. And, since they are ..........................................................
re- straightforwardly direct and have the courage of their
de convictions, the unvarnishedly honest expression of
their beliefs may alienate the very individuals whom ..........................................................
they are trying to help.
Proof 1

libra 241

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October 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inspirational Problem-solvers D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T he streak of perfectionism that is manifested by
the majority of those born under the astrological
sign of Libra is particularly pronounced in October
Saturn 3 individuals, who are constantly striving to achieve wi
the very best—both in terms of their personal att
Virtues activities and within the more global realm of human pe
Strong-willed, focused, practical
endeavor. Blessed with incisive perspicacity, a direct th
Vices and logical intellectual approach, as well as remarkable of
Highly strung, hard to please, resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles, these are is
critical people who find it easy to identify areas that are ins
flawed or ripe for improvement and then to formulate are
Car eers imaginative and straightforward strategies to bring wi
Artist, inspirational speaker, about progress. Their natural inclinations and talents ins
research scientist equip them for professions where they can benefit to
others by initiating tangible advances, giving them the oft
Skills & Aptitudes potential to make particularly innovative scientists or ach
Logical mindset, problem-solving
engineers, inspirational and ground-breaking artists an
abilities, attention to detail
or, indeed, pioneering figures in such socially oriented ca
Famous Births realms as government. or
Chubby Checker (1941) While October 3 people are to be admired for their
Stevie Ray Vaughan (1954) energy and dedication, others may wonder why they int
Gwen Stefani (1969) are so unwilling to delegate tasks to others or to take tio
Kevin Richardson (1972) satisfaction from their own achievements. The answer ap
lies in both their active natures and their predilection tan
Compatible with
February 3–7, June 1–6, for critical evaluation, which they apply as objectively int
June 22–25 to themselves as to others. Their desire to exert a benev- typ
olent influence on the lives of those around them per- th
vades all their interpersonal relationships, although the ou
.......................................................... importance they accord their work may result in them joi
spending less quality time with their family and friends ch
than they would under ideal circumstances (especially th
.......................................................... if they are men). ye
Proof 1

242 libra

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October 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D G Balanced Protectors

N ot only do most October 4 individuals seem
remarkably at ease with themselves, but they also
have a pronounced gift for getting along harmoniously
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ve with other people. In many respects their relaxed Saturn
nal attitude to life is the product of their astutely
an perceptive way of looking at the world, which endows Virtues
Level-headed, gregarious,
ect them with a strong sense of realism as to the nature ambitious
ble of what is possible and what is simply unfeasible. This
are is not to say that they do not harbor firm opinions or Vices
are inspirational visions and, when convinced that these Easily distracted, overextended,
ate are ultimately attainable, work toward their realization disconnected
ng with clear-sighted determination, but rather that they
nts instinctively prefer not to waste their energy trying Car eers
fit to effect impossible changes. For this reason they are Lawyer, pediatrician, judge
he often drawn to professions where they can not only
or achieve tangible goals but also make a significant Skills & Aptitudes
Social skills, energy, realism
sts and positive contribution to the lives of others. Thus
ed careers are indicated as social workers, doctors, lawyers Famous Births
or judges, for example, or as engineers or scientists. Charlton Heston (1924)
eir Those born on this day manifest their genuine Anne Rice (1941)
hey interest for others within all their interpersonal rela- Susan Sarandon (1946)
ke tionships, and the subjects of their concern in turn M. Ward (1973)
wer appreciate their good-humored and tolerant accep-
on tance of human quirks and foibles and respect their Compatible with
February 4–9, June 3–7,
ely integrity. And, since October 4 people are also sensual June 22–25
ev- types who are blessed with an infectious sense of fun,
er- they have a talent for enlivening even their most seri-
he ous ventures. A similar combination of invigorating
em joie de vivre and steady and benevolent protectiveness ..........................................................
ds characterizes their more personal liaisons, especially if
lly they are men or if they were also born in the Chinese
year of the dog. ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 243

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October 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Empathetic Defenders D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T wo predominant characteristics influence those
born on this day: their highly developed sense
of justice and their sensuality. Some may thus feel
Saturn compelled to devote their professional energies to sen
reversing perceived social or moral abuses—perhaps pre
Virtues as social campaigners or judges—while others may un
Sensitive, optimistic, admirable
make successful careers within such artistic specialties int
Vices as drama or music. Yet in whatever field they choose, typ
Self-righteous, impatient, they will typically display both a marked humanitarian as
temperamental concern and a predilection for sensory indulgence, ass
thus making them not only deeply empathetic and sw
Car eers supportive to those in need, but also charming, sat
Actor, musician, activist sociable and fun-loving. Despite their independence Oc
of thought, those born on this day are natural team for
Skills & Aptitudes leaders rather than solitary operators, who are blessed th
Resourcefulness, supportiveness, with an impressive talent for motivating others in an
leadership skills
the determined pursuit of a common cause, and are th
Famous Births admired by others for these qualities.
Robert Goddard (1882) Ideally, many would prefer to explore their intellec- flo
Clive Barker (1952) tual or artistic interests without distraction, but such is is,
Neil deGrasse Tyson (1958) the importance that they attach to the just treatment act
Kate Winslet (1975) of others that, in this imperfect world, their sense of wh
ethical responsibility often propels them to assume a infl
Compatible with champion’s mantle and vigorously defend those who th
February 5–9, June 4–8,
June 22–25 they believe to be victims of injustice. In such instances a
they draw upon their courage and resourcefulness (fre- pe
quently surprising others with their vehement force- tun
fulness), but, when carried away with the urgency of de
.......................................................... their mission, they may nevertheless sabotage their a
own efforts by failing to adopt a more pragmatic en
and diplomatic approach. It goes without saying that Oc
.......................................................... October 5 people are loyal, loving and lively friends kin
and family members, and particularly gifted parents. int
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244 libra

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October 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D G Versatile Adventur ers

P erhaps the defining characteristic of those born on
October 6 is their zest for living—the urge to savor
and be stimulated by the multitude of experiences and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
to sensations that life has to offer. Their strong exploratory Saturn
ps predilection is evident in everything they encounter or
ay undertake, and whenever a novel person, situation or Virtues
Optimistic, progressive, enthusiastic
ies intellectual concept enters their personal orbit they will
se, typically waste little time in enthusiastically garnering Vices
an as much information as they can about it—their task Flighty, frenzied, unsettled
ce, assisted by their intuition, as well as their talent for
nd swift analysis and judgement. Although their need to Car eers
ng, satisfy their intellectual curiosity is a compulsive one, Architect, web designer, retail
nce October 6 people are rarely motivated by selfish urges, manager
am for their empathetic identification with others fills
ed them with the desire to benefit those around them— Skills & Aptitudes
in and even humanity as a global entity—by means of Inventiveness, commitment,
are their discoveries.
These multitalented and resourceful people will Famous Births
ec- flourish in a variety of professions—provided, that George Westinghouse (1846)
h is is, that they can retain autonomy of thought and Fannie Lou Hamer (1917)
nt action—but they are especially well suited for careers Amy Jo Johnson (1970)
of where they can satisfy their progressive urges and Ioan Gruffudd (1973)
ea influence others. Blessed with pioneering potential,
ho the engineering, building and scientific realms have Compatible with
February 6–10, June 5–9
ces a fascinating allure for those born on this day, but
re- perhaps the field that offers them the greatest oppor-
ce- tunity for experimentation and expression is art and
of design, with which these undoubted sensualists have
eir a naturally strong affinity. Interesting, positive and ..........................................................
tic enlivening companions, partners and family members,
hat October 6 individuals value the grounding bonds of
ds kinship as a counterbalance to their somewhat restless ..........................................................
s. intellectual tendencies.
Proof 1

libra 245

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October 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Assertive Go-getters D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are vigorous and strongly
opinionated, and people who come into contact
with them are impressed by their determined promo-
Saturn tion of the ideals that motivate them (whether they att
agree or disagree). Indeed, October 7 people often are
Virtues engender love and loathing in equal measure and— un
Alluring, engaging, assertive
although they are sensitive and apparently intuitively an
Vices pick up the emotions exuded by others—they seem ly
Self-righteous, combative, to accept the extremes of reactions that they provoke to
opinionated with equanimity, perhaps strengthened by their accep- an
tance that progress cannot be achieved without alien- rig
Car eers ating the more conventional upholders of the status ge
Preacher, builder, entrepreneur quo. Thus while they would prefer to win allies rather lea
than to make enemies, their strength of belief endows typ
Skills & Aptitudes them with the courage to battle when necessary for an
Focus, determination, self-belief the realization of their visions. Their profound orien- th
tation toward others and their all-encompassing curi- bo
Famous Births
Amiri Baraka (1934)
osity typically compels those born on this day to strive ing
Oliver North (1943) to effect the advances they believe are justified. sto
Yo-Yo Ma (1955) The nature of their progressive urge varies accord- su
Toni Braxton (1967) ing to the October 7 individual, and while many will pre
choose to channel their energies in the furtherance of tifi
Compatible with social or spiritual ideals, others will try to exert their
February 8–11, June 6–10,
influence on others through technical, creative or th
December 1–3
artistic pursuits. And, despite their radical messages, to
all employ their considerable personal charm, humor on
and ingenious and imaginative powers in the propaga- wi
tion of their aims. Within their personal relationships th
.......................................................... (which they often prefer to keep strictly separate from ar
their intellectual or professional work), such gentler siv
qualities come to the fore, especially with regard to mo
.......................................................... those who arouse their protective instincts—their th
closest friends, partners and children in particular.
Proof 1

246 libra

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October 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D G Whimsical Romanticists

I n many respects those born on this day are defined
by the idealism of their desire to reach beyond the
bounds of existing circumstances or knowledge and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ey attain an elevated state. The visions that inspire them Saturn
en are often so ambitious that others may regard them as
— unfeasible and their originators as eccentrics at best, Virtues
Optimistic, idealistic, clever
ely and as crackpots at worst. But even those who serious-
em ly doubt their motives or abilities will often succumb Vices
ke to sneaking feelings of admiration for their optimism Scatterbrained, unrealistic, vague
p- and enthusiasm. Despite the mockery or even down-
n- right hostility that October 8 people often seem to en- Car eers
us gender, they typically remain true to their dreams, not Careers advisor, retail manager,
her least because these are intellectually sharp and logical writer
ws types who have thought through their beliefs carefully
for and can envisage no potential bar to their progress save Skills & Aptitudes
n- the limitations of the imaginations of others. Those Enthusiasm, imagination,
ri- born on this day are multitalented individuals, whose
ive ingenuity, originality and progressive inclinations be- Famous Births
stow on them the potential to make their marks in Chevy Chase (1943)
d- such varied professional spheres as commercial entre- R.L. Stine (1943)
will preneurship, the financial world, technical and scien- Sigourney Weaver (1949)
of tific pursuits, and sporting and artistic ventures. Matt Damon (1970)
eir Despite their great charm, the combination of
or their innate perfectionism and unceasing compulsion Compatible with
February 9–41, June 7–11,
es, to attain their soaring visions may cause those born December 1–3
mor on this day to be somewhat demanding and remote
ga- with regard to their personal relationships, not only in
ps their intellectual pursuits, but also when searching for
om a romantic idyll. Their ideal soul mate may prove elu- ..........................................................
ler sive, with the result that October 8 people—and even
to more so if they are men—may find it hard to commit
eir themselves to a potential life partner. ..........................................................
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October 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Perceptive Observers D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on October 9 are observant people,
and little escapes their attention, particularly in
the realm of human behavior and social systems, with
Saturn which they are often strongly fascinated. Blessed with on
good powers of perception—both intellectual and an
Virtues intuitive—as well as a logically progressive mindset, th
Mindful, sensitive, problem-solving
these people are talented analysts who possess not only an
Vices the ability to identify the nub of problems but also itc
Critical, judgmental, dismissive the ingenuity to devise strategies for improvement. tas
Once they have determined the optimum method for or
Car eers effecting the advances they deem necessary, they will res
Psychiatrist, academic, school promote it with zeal and tenacity. Such a focused and ma
counselor determined approach augurs well for their potential in
success in whichever professional field holds their th
Skills & Aptitudes interest, but since the majority are oriented toward Ch
Observational skills, energy, enlightening those around them, many will choose tal
practical approach
to direct their energies toward helping others—per- no
Famous Births haps in mentoring roles as academics, psychiatrists, rea
Bruce Catton (1899) judges, social workers or even spiritual guides, or in th
John Lennon (1940) those spheres where they can inspire by example, for ex
Sharon Osbourne (1952) instance as athletes or artists.
Tony Shalhoub (1953) Although the independently minded individuals ord
Guillermo del Toro (1964) born on this day are natural leaders whose strength fun
of conviction enables them to push bravely forward bo
Compatible with
February 10–14, June 8–12, regardless of the opposition that their determined be
December 1–3 stance may provoke, they do not relish conflict for con- en
flict’s sake. They would far prefer to make friends rather tio
than foes (especially if they are women). Their goodwill da
.......................................................... toward others is evident within all of their interper- life
sonal relationships—particularly with regard to their kin
nearest and dearest—although their tendency to criti- are
.......................................................... cize and direct, albeit with the best of motivations, may ch
not always be taken in the spirit that it is intended.
Proof 1

248 libra

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October 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D G Methodical Organ izers

T hose born on this day are sensible individuals
who typically abhor disorder, regarding chaos
as a hindrance to the progress that they are so intent
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
th on achieving. Indeed, blessed as they are with logical Saturn
nd and perceptive intellects, they are able to identify
et, the existing flaws in any situation they encounter Virtues
Perceptive, rational, practical
nly and suggest constructive solutions. They positively
so itch to actively throw themselves into the absorbing Vices
nt. task of bringing order and harmony to unproductive Repressed, negative, workaholic
for or otherwise unsatisfactory situations. In many
will respects they take as much pleasure in instituting and Car eers
nd maintaining effectively functioning systems as they do CEO, manager, marketing
ial in reaping the rewards of their labors, a predilection executive
eir that is more pronounced if they were also born in the
ard Chinese year of the rooster. Their inclinations and Skills & Aptitudes
ose talents suit them to a wide variety of careers, and their Discipline, coordination,
organizational skills
er- no-nonsense, hands-on approach, self-discipline and
ts, realistic clarity of purpose augurs especially well for Famous Births
in their success as supervisors, team leaders and business David Lee Roth (1955)
for executives. Tanya Tucker (1958)
Many October 10 people display the same love of Brett Favre (1969)
als order within their personal lives, running smoothly Mario Lopez (1973)
gth functioning households and giving steady support—
ard both emotional and financial—to their loved ones. Yet Compatible with
February 10–14, June 9–13,
ed beneath the rational and balanced exterior they pres- December 1–3
n- ent to the wider world lies a more sensual and emo-
her tional core that not only endows those born on this
will day with a relish for indulging in the good things in
er- life but also makes them susceptible to romance of all ..........................................................
eir kinds. Thus when these two sides to their personalities
ti- are in harmony, others are drawn to them for their
may charming, as well as their reliable, qualities. ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 249

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October 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Kind-hearted Optimists D G D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are positive individuals,
who in many respects may be characterized as
social idealists, for they are fueled by their desire to
Saturn effect not only their own emotional happiness, but div
also that of others—be it those with whom they come an
Virtues into contact, wider communal groupings, or humanity be
Empathetic, intellectual, gentle
as a global entity. Indeed, these twin aims are often co
Vices inextricably linked, for such is the strong sense of in
Extreme, self-indulgent, unyielding natural justice possessed by these people, and their ma
profound empathy with those whom they believe ca
Car eers are being unfairly treated, that even if their own ye
Musician, charity worker, activist circumstances are harmonious they may nevertheless mo
feel compelled to campaign on the behalf of the less ow
Skills & Aptitudes fortunate. A similarly benevolent concern for others ish
Concern for others, diligence, defines their personal and professional relationships, ten
professionalism yet although they generally favor conciliation and ev
cooperation over aggression and confrontation, their th
Famous Births
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884)
urge to reverse perceived injustices should not be to
Elmore Leonard (1925) underestimated (although it frequently is by those tor
Joan Cusack (1962) who misjudge their easy-going approach for weakness by
Jane Krakowski (1968) of will).
Balancing their altruism and clear-sighted perspi- act
Compatible with cacity are the markedly more self-indulgent personal sel
February 11–16, June 10–14
characteristics possessed by October 11 individuals. we
Their highly developed response to emotional and ap
sensual stimuli bestows on them the tendency to pa
immerse themselves with willing abandon in the plea- rec
sures of the senses. Given such extreme inclinations, co
.......................................................... those born on this day have the potential to flourish bu
across a wide spectrum of professions—as writers, be
musicians, athletes, philanthropists or social reform- An
.......................................................... ers, for example. th
Proof 1

250 libra

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October 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G D H C Multifaceted Independents

T he influences that govern October 12 endow
those born on this day with complex characters:
on the one hand pleasure-loving and sensual, these in-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
but dividuals are also independent, intellectually curious Uranus and Mercury
me and resourceful types who demand autonomy while
ity being simultaneously oriented toward others. Such a Virtues
Inquisitive, imaginative, organized
en combination of personal characteristics may manifest
of in various ways, depending on the individual. Some Vices
eir may sublimate their self-indulgent side in their dedi- Attention-seeking, argumentative,
ve cation to serving their communities in an imaginative eccentric
wn yet traditional fashion; while others may appear to be
ess more maverick, nonconformist types, who forge their Car eers
ess own, inimitable paths through life. All, however, cher- Technician, scientific researcher,
ers ish the inherent desire—and, indeed, possess the po- academic
ps, tential—to lead or inspire others by example. What-
nd ever career those born on this day choose to pursue, Skills & Aptitudes
Selflessness, innovativeness,
eir their ultimate aim is to make a concrete contribution ambition
be to the advancement of humanity (perhaps as educa-
ose tors, or maybe as visionary researchers or academics) Famous Births
ess by instituting truly pioneering innovations. Jean Nidetch (1923)
Despite their prerequisite for independence, the Dick Gregory (1932)
pi- actions of those born on this day are fueled by their Luciano Pavarotti (1935)
Hugh Jackman (1968)
nal selfless, humanitarian concern with improving the
als. welfare of others. That is not to say that they do not Compatible with
nd appreciate the acclaim and rewards that may accom- February 11–16, June 11–15
to pany their own success—to the contrary, they long to
ea- receive the recognition of their peers, and they wel-
ns, come the security and comfort that money can buy—
sh but rather that their goals are generally of the globally ..........................................................
rs, beneficial rather than personally ambitious variety.
m- And, as long as their need for freedom is respected,
they are generous and affectionate to those closest to ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 251

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October 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Confrontational Progr essives D H C D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
T heir strength of conviction and total focus on
the attainment of their ideals inevitably arouses
strong and unambiguous responses to those born on
Uranus and Mercury this day. Indeed, October 13 people recognize that a
their clear-cut visions and uncompromisingly direct Oc
Virtues methods have a tendency to shock the generally ap- eq
Focused, courageous, resourceful
athetic out of their lethargy. In many cases, however, pa
Vices they are naturally combative types who enjoy the cut pro
Belligerent, unrealistic, demanding and thrust of confrontational debate, not least because cu
they secretly relish drawing the spotlight upon them- ad
Car eers selves. Apart from any attention-seeking motivations, th
Political activist, marketing these are intellectually progressive individuals, who mi
manager, public-relations executive possess strong feelings of social responsibility. Not rem
only are they critical types who cannot help but identi- th
Skills & Aptitudes fy perceived societal failings or injustices, but also their th
Focus, ambition, strategic planning logical turn of mind endows them with the propensity qu
to formulate practical strategies with which they can
Famous Births
Art Tatum (1910)
bring about positive advances for the benefit of others. th
Sammy Hagar (1947) Natural leaders, their strong communication skills suit lea
Jerry Rice (1962) October 13 people especially well for advertising and fig
Ashanti (1980) marketing careers, although they may equally excel as pa
ground-breaking, if controversial, politicians.
Compatible with Despite their typically well-intentioned humani- go
February 12–17, June 12–16
tarian orientation, the concern that those born on this ma
day manifest toward others often assumes an abstract wi
rather than a personal form. Thus, although their str
fierce affection, support and ambition for their nearest th
and dearest is never in doubt, their innate perfection- mo
.......................................................... ism and personal standards may cause them to make ap
near-impossible demands upon those closest to them, ba
without consideration for personal predilections or fro
.......................................................... talents, a tendency that is even more pronounced if
they were also born in the Chinese year of the rooster.
Proof 1

252 libra

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October 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D H C Inquisitive Individualists

T he personalities of many of those born on this
day typically manifest a curious combination
of a marked propensity for excessive behavior and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
hat a striving for order and harmony. While some Uranus and Mercury
ect October 14 people are able to maintain their personal
p- equilibrium—albeit with a struggle—others are not, Virtues
Receptive, imaginative, adventurous
er, particularly when such behavioral extremes are more
cut pronounced. Blessed with enormous intellectual Vices
use curiosity, which endows them with a strong sense of Unbalanced, selfish, unrealistic
m- adventure—and these individuals are keen travelers—
ns, those born on this day are undoubtedly independently Car eers
ho minded. Yet they also appreciate the importance of Schoolteacher, designer, healthcare
Not remaining grounded within the social conventions worker
ti- that bind society together, and therefore recognize
eir the need to moderate, or at least channel, their more Skills & Aptitudes
ity questing tendencies and self-indulgent cravings. Concern for others, inspirational
qualities, leadership skills
an When they are successful, October 14 people have
rs. the potential to make imaginative and inspirational Famous Births
uit leaders, perhaps most obviously as social or political Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890)
nd figureheads, but also as gifted and original teachers, e e cummings (1894)
as painters, actors or designers. Ralph Lauren (1939)
To all their endeavors they bring their enthusiasm, Usher (1978)
ni- good humor and unusual perspective on the world,
his making them attractive individuals who are popular Compatible with
February 13–18, June 13–17
act with others. In turn October 14 people often identify
eir strongly with the social group with which they have
est the strongest affinity, and they will work hard to pro-
n- mote or protect its interests. Although their preferred
ke approach is to be easy-going, tolerant and noncom- ..........................................................
m, bative, their readiness to protect those closest to them
or from any threat should not be underestimated.
if ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 253

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October 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sociable Nonconformists D H C D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
A lthough October 15 individuals possess resolute-
ly independent wills and cannot bear to be con-
strained in any way, they are also sociable types who
Uranus and Mercury are strongly connected to all those around them. Thus de
even though they are strong individualists, they are an
Virtues also socially concerned and responsible people whose Oc
Intelligent, orderly, organized
actions are often motivated by their desire to make of
Vices a significant contribution to the world, or to redress en
Jealous, headstrong, stubborn instances of injustice. Indeed, their mercurial minds for
and highly developed powers of perception and anal- ex
Car eers ysis, along with their relish of discovery and novelty, wi
Business owner, manager, event bestow upon them the potential to become pioneers in are
coordinator their specific field of interest, while their predilection co
for creating orderly and efficient systems gives them mo
Skills & Aptitudes the ability to capitalize on their innovative visions by co
Structured approach, attention to supporting them with soundly structured operational are
detail, efficiency
frameworks. Their natural talents, progressive incli- aro
Famous Births nations and positive orientation toward others equip th
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844) them admirably for a wide variety of careers, but they fra
P.G. Wodehouse (1881) need to be able to retain autonomy of thought and to
Penny Marshall (1942) action as well as interacting with others. be
Tito Jackson (1953) Despite their deep-rooted (but frequently rather
abstract) concern for other people, the relationships ula
Compatible with that those born on this day form with others may oft
February 14–18, June 14–18
sometimes be tempestuous, for although their affec- fro
tion for those closest to them is profound, their need ha
for freedom is so strong that any perceived attempts du
to tie them down or make them conform to socie- ers
.......................................................... tal norms may arouse negative feelings of resistance ca
(especially if they are men). As long as their nearest ten
and dearest understand their innate desire for inde- rar
.......................................................... pendence, however, they typically prove enlivening ag
and generous partners and friends.
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254 libra

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October 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D H C Blunt Observers

P erhaps the primary characteristics that define the
personalities of those born on this day are their
remarkable intellectual curiosity and their highly
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
us developed critical faculties. Irresistibly drawn to Uranus and Mercury
are analyzing and rationalizing everything they encounter,
ose October 16 people are especially fascinated observers Virtues
Helpful, perceptive, knowledgeable
ke of individual or societal human behavior, a mine of
ess endlessly rich variety. Because they have a talent Vices
ds for cutting incisively through layers of obfuscation, Belittling, critical, bruising
al- exposing existing failings, and presenting their findings
ty, with objective honesty, many of these natural critics Car eers
in are suited to such professional pursuits as literary Psychiatrist, literary critic, political
on commentary, social or political campaigning and analyst
em most scientific or medical specialties. In sharing their
by conclusions with a wider audience, these individuals Skills & Aptitudes
nal are motivated by their genuine desire to help those Attention to detail, articulacy,
li- around them, but such is the uncomfortable accuracy of
uip their observations, as well as their often devastatingly Famous Births
ey frank mode of expression, that those whom they wish Oscar Wilde (1854)
nd to educate may become defensive and accuse them of Angela Lansbury (1925)
being overly judgemental. Suzanne Somers (1946)
her Others admire those born on this day for their stim- John Mayer (1977)
ps ulating wit, integrity and independence of mind, but
ay often choose to do so from a distance, safely removed Compatible with
February 15–18, June 15–19
ec- from the line of fire. And unless those closest to them
ed have extra thick skins or are extremely forgiving, the
pts dual propensity of October 16 people to criticize oth-
ie- ers while reserving the right to behave as they wish
nce can make them difficult to live with. But despite their ..........................................................
est tendency to speak their minds, their intentions are
de- rarely malicious, and beneath their tough exterior lies
ng a generous and affectionate heart. ..........................................................
Proof 1

libra 255

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October 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inquisitive Thinkers D H C D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
I nherent in the characters of those born on this day is
a mixture of conflicting qualities. On the one hand,
they’re perfectionists who seek to improve upon exist-
Uranus and Mercury ing circumstances, and on the other, sensation-seekers int
who are stimulated by the lure of the new. Depending to
Virtues on their personal make-up, these essential characteris- int
Philosophical, thoughtful,
adventurous tics may be in equilibrium or may combine to produce ess
either staunch and judgmental traditionalists or intel- ur
Vices lectually and physically reckless types. Common to all, in
Judgmental, critical, unfeeling however, will be their strength of conviction and de- to
sire to influence others. Blessed with powerfully per- inc
Car eers ceptive and analytical minds, those born on this day an
Educator, journalist, playwright are rarely willing to accept the conventions of others sen
without question, but instead feel compelled to think go
Skills & Aptitudes through and reach their own conclusions. And, once mo
Influential, convincing, truth- convinced, they will defend or promote their view- Oc
points with vigorous tenacity. wh
Famous Births The combination of their social orientation and of
Arthur Miller (1915) independence of thought fuels those born on this day an
Evel Knievel (1939) with the urge to lead by example, particularly at work.
Mae C. Jemison (1956) Thus although they may derive great personal satisfac- th
Alan Jackson (1958) tion from their career pursuits, their ultimate intention au
is to further the advancement of humanity. Many are ma
Compatible with therefore suited to educational careers, while others mo
February 15–18, June 16–20
may seek to communicate their findings by means of ist
more subtle artistic expression, or by effecting scientific th
or technical innovations. Yet despite their profound ine
desire to enlighten and instruct those around them— res
.......................................................... especially those closest to them, whose affection is so ing
vital to their emotional balance—their nearest and da
dearest may either feel neglected as a result of their mo
.......................................................... more global concern with others, or become the unde- wo
serving victims of their critical pronouncements. bu
Proof 1

256 libra

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October 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D H C Versatile Ambiverts

y is
S elf-reliant and yet socially aware, October 18
individuals typically have two prerequisites
for their personal happiness: freedom to explore
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus
Third decan: Personal planets are
ers intellectual issues, and stimulation and opportunity Uranus and Mercury
ng to pursue the shared goals inherent in their
is- interpersonal activities. These are on the one hand Virtues
Affectionate, balanced, inspiring
uce essentially selfish and, on the other, more altruistic
el- urges, and their innate attraction to both may result Vices
all, in a finely balanced variety of interests or cause them Overwhelmed, vain, selfish
de- to favor one or the other. Whatever their personal
er- inclinations, however, all have analytical, progressive Car eers
ay and resourceful qualities, as well as a highly developed Caregiver, self-help author,
ers sense of responsibility for safeguarding the common emergency medical worker
nk good and promoting the happiness of others. In the
nce most serendipitous of professional circumstances, Skills & Aptitudes
w- October 18 people will flourish in those careers Resourcefulness, motivational skills,
where, while working toward advancing the welfare
nd of others, they are allowed the autonomy of thought Famous Births
day and action that is so vital to them. Chuck Berry (1926)
rk. When thus harnessed to their social orientation, Peter Boyle (1935)
ac- their intellectual versatility and imaginative talents Jean-Claude Van Damme (1960)
on augur well for their success as teachers, although many Zac Efron (1987)
are may choose to impart their messages by developing
ers more overtly creative means of expression—as art- Compatible with
February 16–18, June 17–21
of ists, writers, actors or musicians, for example. In all
fic their endeavors, however individualistic, their genu-
nd ine benevolence and obvious sincerity engenders the
— respect and affection of others, while their easy-go-
so ing, humorous wit draws people to them. There is a ..........................................................
nd danger, however, that those born on this day may give
eir more than they receive—particularly if they are also
de- women—and that they may therefore become over- ..........................................................
burdened by the demands of others.
Proof 1

libra 257

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October 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tenacious War r iors D J H C D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus and Pluto
Third decan: Personal planets are
T he influences that govern their day of birth endow
October 19 people with a complex set of personal
characteristics which they may spend their lives strug-
Uranus and Mercury gling to reconcile. Although they are sensual individ- th
Second cusp: Libra with Scorpio uals who seek to find happiness in the simpler things on
in life, such as beauty or personal relationships, they th
Virtues are also inquisitive, reluctant to accept conventional in
Free-spirited, resolute, independent truths without having first analyzed them to their own ca
satisfaction. Simultaneously peace-loving yet prepared liv
Vices to fight for the causes in which they believe, they of- ch
Outspoken, jealous, critical ten feel torn between defending the status quo and hig
battling to reverse injustices or promote their visions. pla
Car eers Perhaps the single most striking quality manifested jec
Social scientist, social commentator, by those born on this day, however, is their desire to to
mechanic benefit the social group with which they most strong- pe
ly identify by means of their independent discoveries pe
Skills & Aptitudes
or actions. Energetic and determined individuals who res
Sense of justice, willingness to
learn, determination do not shrink from taking a contrary stance if they sp
believe it to be right, they are natural leaders and in-
Famous Births novators, whose talents and inclinations equip them int
James Bevel (1936) admirably as scientists and artistic pioneers. th
John Lithgow (1945) Despite their social orientation and propensity for sel
Evander Holyfield (1962) acting on behalf of the greater good, October 19 peo- th
Ty Pennington (1964)
ple may appear to be somewhat solitary figures. This cia
Compatible with is in part a result of their jealously upheld prerequisite Po
February 17–18, June 18–21 for personal autonomy, and the inevitable product of th
their uncompromisingly direct approach, which may im
at best intimidate, and at worst incur the enmity of ca
.......................................................... those who feel themselves threatened. Yet when they na
are fortunate enough to enjoy unquestioning tolerance be
and love, their softer, profoundly protective, affection- H
.......................................................... ate and generous side emerges, particularly if they pa
were also born in the Chinese year of the ox. mo
Proof 1

258 libra

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October 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D J H C Artistic Trailblazers

T here are typically two sides to the personalities of
October 20 people: their artistry, evident in their
aesthetic appreciation, sensuality and creativity; and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus and Pluto
Third decan: Personal planets are
d- their harder, more judgmental qualities. Those born Uranus and Mercury
ngs on this day accommodate both propensities within Second cusp: Libra with Scorpio
ey their daily lives, perhaps indulging their artistic tastes
nal in relaxing pastimes and pursuing more conventional Virtues
wn careers or, if they are especially talented, earning their Expressive, creative, sensitive
ed livings as professional artists, writers, designers or ar-
of- chitects. Whatever career they choose, however, their Vices
nd highly developed visual and analytic powers generally Flighty, combative, noncommital
ns. play an important part in their success, as do their ob-
ed jective and independent turn of mind and their desire Car eers
to to make a significant contribution to humanity. Such Surveyor, business owner, digital
g- personal characteristics and inclinations equip these designer
ies people for a wide range of professions, from scientific
Skills & Aptitudes
ho research to politics and social campaigning, or from
Self-discipline, objectiveness,
ey sporting activities to business and commerce. logical approach
n- Despite their twin enthusiasms for sensory and
em intellectually stimulating exploration, those born on Famous Births
this day are rarely maverick types who give them- Bela Lugosi (1884)
for selves completely over to self-indulgent activities; on Joyce Brothers (1928)
o- the contrary, they possess remarkable discipline, espe- Mickey Mantle (1931)
Tom Petty (1953)
This cially when engaged in promoting the common good.
ite Possessed of strong convictions formed jointly by Compatible with
of their capacity for logical analysis and their progressive February 17–18, June 19–21
ay imaginations, these otherwise easy-going individuals
of can display tremendous determination—even obsti-
ey nacy—when called upon to defend or promote their ..........................................................
nce beliefs, and will resort to combative tactics if necessary.
n- However, they are interesting and invigorating com-
ey panions, who display genuine concern for, and enor- ..........................................................
mous magnanimity toward, their nearest and dearest.
Proof 1

libra 259

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Char ismatic Defenders D J H C D

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus and Pluto
Third decan: Personal planets are
O thers admire those born on this day for their
charisma, as well as their physical and intellectual
vigor, and are drawn into their personal orbit by
Uranus and Mercury their charming nature and infectious joie de vivre. att
Second cusp: Libra with Scorpio Indeed, in an ideal world October 21 people would for
like nothing more than to indulge their sensual and rea
Virtues pleasure-loving propensities, sharing their enjoyment a
Idealistic, charming, thoughtful of such entertainment with like-minded individuals. qu
But since they are perceptive and critical types who wh
Vices wish to make a contribution to society, they recognize be
Vain, self-obsessed, negative the unfeasibility of such an agreeable scenario. Because wi
they are so concerned with effecting the well-being of we
Car eers others on the one hand and have such a strong affinity of
Activist, motivational speaker, with artistic pursuits on the other, many of these people im
engineer will combine these two interests to make careers as irr
inspirational writers, artists, musicians and actors. ex
Skills & Aptitudes
Others may prefer to capitalize upon their analytical pe
Creativity, intuition, drive
skills and progressive inclinations within the realms of em
Famous Births science or commerce as long as their need for personal
Alfred Nobel (1833) autonomy of thought and action is not compromised, Oc
“Dizzy” Gillespie (1917) a prerequisite that is especially important if they were wh
Carrie Fisher (1956) also born in the Chinese year of the horse. pe
Jeremy Miller (1976) Yet despite their undoubted ability to sublimate th
their more selfish desires in favor of what they per- dr
Compatible with
June 20–21 ceive to be the common good, they remain profoundly est
emotionally oriented individuals whose desire to to
attain their romantic ideals cannot be completely th
suppressed (nor, indeed, should it be). This propensity att
.......................................................... may find an outlet in social or artistic idealism, but to
is more often directed toward their nearest and dear- fre
est—and particularly their partners—who may find it flo
.......................................................... difficult to live up to the idealized qualities that are wi
projected upon them. or
Proof 1

260 libra

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October 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C D J H C Benevolent Eccentr ics

T hose born on this day are blessed with a
charismatic presence that draws all eyes to them,
and although they are not averse to basking in the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Venus and Pluto
Third decan: Personal planets are
re. attention of others, they would prefer to be admired Uranus and Mercury
uld for their capabilities rather than for more superficial Second cusp: Libra with Scorpio
nd reasons. And, indeed, October 22 people possess
ent a veritable treasure chest of talents and positive Virtues
als. qualities, including their intelligent thoughtfulness, Imaginative, sensitive, empathetic
ho which endows them with the ability to discriminate
ze between right and wrong, and their profound empathy Vices
use with those whose circumstances are less than happy, as Demanding, strict, unforgiving
of well as their urge to defend or promote the interests
ity of those with whom they identify. Although they are Car eers
ple imaginative and independent individuals who are Judge, police officer, beautician
as irresistibly attracted to seeking out and exploring novel
rs. experiences, their ultimate aim is to combine their Skills & Aptitudes
Multitasking, focus, sense of justice
cal personal predilections with their desire to assist the
of emotional or circumstantial advancement of others. Famous Births
nal Despite their orientation toward others, however, Franz Liszt (1811)
ed, October 22 individuals remain resolute individualists Christopher Lloyd (1938)
ere who never lose sight of their emotional ideals, a pro- Deepak Chopra (1947)
pensity that may make them difficult to live with, in Jeff Goldblum (1952)
ate that they may become overly preoccupied with their
er- dreams or else make unfeasible demands of their near- Compatible with
June 20–21
dly est and dearest. Especially perfectionist when it comes
to to the regulation of their own lives, they typically set
ely their visionary sights high, and will work toward their
ity attainment with prodigious determination. Best suited
but to careers where they can pursue their innovative aims ..........................................................
ar- freely, those born on this day will therefore especially
d it flourish as artists working in a variety of specialties; or,
are with their powerful sense of justice, careers in the legal ..........................................................
or social spheres.
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h Scorpio wh
October 23 to November 21 the
Ruling planet: Pluto Element: Fixed water for
Symbol: Scorpion Polar ity: Negative (feminine) Colors: Red, maroon de
Physical cor r espondence: Genitals, bladder the
Stones: Topaz, agate, ruby, garnet, carnelian, amber an
Flowers: Heather, thistle, geranium, chrysanthemum res

W ith the exception of the ancient Egyptian zodiac, which depicted a scarab presiding
over this sign, most astrological traditions have seen a scorpion’s form in this
constellation. The cultural myths associated with Scorpio are primarily concerned with
protection and aggression: for example, in Greco-Roman lore a scorpion was sent by of
Apollo to punish Orion for his vanity: the constellation of Orion sets when Scorpio rises. dir
Sacred to the god of war, Ares (Mars), the scorpion—and the characteristics it confers
on those born under its sign—was said to mirror the deity’s disposition, in particular his sio
martial, combative qualities. Scorpio’s association with destruction is further underlined gro
by the ancient Egyptians’ belief that Osiris died when the Sun was in Scorpio, while the wo
Celtic festival of Samhain (Hallowe’en) was also celebrated when this constellation was pio
dominant. Following the discovery of the planet Pluto (named after the Roman god of ers
the underworld, the counterpart of the Greek Hades) in 1930, rulership of Scorpio was an
shared by Pluto and Mars. Yet Scorpio’s connotations are not all negative: the “regenerated rat
Scorpio” is personified by the mighty eagle and heralds rebirth. fee
The personal characteristics of this sign are complex: the disciplined aggression of rel
Mars, as well as his potent sexuality, are counterbalanced by the emotional depth signified ho
by the element of water. Scorpio people have Plutonian, jealous natures and destructive to
powers. Conversely, however, they are blessed with subtlety, creative imaginations, and th
outstanding potential to attain spiritual enlightenment, transformation, and regeneration. low
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October 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

J D E Chaotic Vanguar ds

O thers frequently admire October 23 people for their

intellectual and physical energy, as well as their
ability to make quick decisions and stick by them with
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
remarkable determination. But some secretly wonder First cusp: Scorpio with Libran
why these people appear to make life so difficult for tendencies
themselves, for they seem to create a maelstrom around
them whatever they do. Part of the answer to this Rational, objective, progressive
conundrum may lie in these individuals’ inherent zest
for stimulation. Easily bored, they are naturally drawn to Vices
demanding or difficult situations in which they can test Demanding, controlling,
their courage and talents. Blessed with clarity of vision domineering
and balanced objectivity, they have the imagination and
resourcefulness to devise and implement strategies for Car eers
improvement that are ambitious, even radical. Given Corporate manager, politician, art
g such a dynamic combination, those born on this day instructor
is manifest clear innovatory and leadership potential,
Skills & Aptitudes
h propensities that are further underlined by their sense
Comfortable in leadership roles,
y of fairness and humanitarian concern with helping and self-motivated, fair-minded
s. directing others.
rs October 23 people are suited to any profes- Famous Births
is sional activity where they can make tangible—even Johnny Carson (1925)
d ground-breaking—advances, so they may be found “Weird” Al Yankovic (1959)
e working effectively as artists or athletes, or equally as Nancy Grace (1959)
Ryan Reynolds (1976)
as pioneering business entrepreneurs or social campaign-
of ers. Retaining their autonomy is important to them, Compatible with
as and they typically prefer to captain a committed team April 21–23, December 22–25
d rather than to act as independent agents. A similar
feeling of interest and connection characterizes their
of relationships with those closest to them, although, ..........................................................
d however well-meaning their intentions, their tendency
e to assume a commanding and controlling role within
d their circle may cause those who would prefer to fol- ..........................................................
n. low their own path through life to become resentful.
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October 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Disciplined Tr endsetters J D E J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
T hose born on this day possess two pronounced—
and apparently contradictory—sets of personal
characteristics: those related to their perfectionism and
First cusp: Scorpio with Libran those stemming from their adventurous, somewhat tha
tendencies radical, persona. And while it is true that some ob
October 24 people may tend toward one or other of the
Innovative, imaginative, organized these extremes, others reconcile them by backing up fai
their highly original and ambitious visions with their wh
Vices more grounded qualities: meticulous attention to vig
Unrealistic, judgmental, detail, self-discipline and strong organizational talents. int
uncompromising These are energetic types, fueled by the compul- en
sion to effect concrete and progressive advances with be
Car eers which they hope to find satisfaction and to benefit Th
Financial adviser, administrative others. Although independently minded, their strong un
assistant, mechanic/engineer
social orientation leads them to seek to enlist the sup- mo
port of others in their cause. Because their preferred or
Skills & Aptitudes
Organizational abilities, dedication approach is hands-on, they set themselves—as well the
to tasks, self-discipline as those around them—prodigiously high standards. pro
They typically lead by example, however, demonstrat- me
Famous Births ing extraordinary dedication and focus in the process. in
J.P. Richardson, The careers that attract those born on this day vary pe
“The Big Bopper” (1930) depending on the individual, but their technical and the
Bill Wyman (1936)
practical talents, as well as their desire for autonomy
Kevin Kline (1947)
Drake (1986) suit them well for both mechanical and administrative thi
pursuits. Despite the admiration that their commit- ab
Compatible with ment and imagination arouses in others, these very be
April 21–23, December 22–25 qualities—particularly when combined with their bu
judgmental and perfectionist tendencies—may make ext
.......................................................... them difficult to live with. They sometimes neglect the wi
needs of those closest to them when preoccupied with the
their work (a propensity that is doubly pronounced So
.......................................................... in October 24 men) and they may seek to direct or aff
“improve” the behavior of their loved ones. cal
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October 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E J D E Ambitious Quibblers

T hose born on this day are forceful and determined
individuals whose actions are fueled by their urge
to give expression to the visions that inspire them—
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Venus
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
hat that is, to translate their dreams into reality. Critically First cusp: Scorpio with Libran
me observant, imaginative and yet also extremely practical, tendencies
of they have a talent for incisively identifying perceived
up failings and then formulating remedial strategies, Perceptive, organized, progressive
eir which they promote with unwavering tenacity and
to vigor. And because October 25 people are vitally Vices
ts. interested in, and highly responsive to, everything that Uncompromising, perfectionist,
ul- enters their personal orbit, this driving compulsion may stubborn
th be manifested in a wide range of areas or professions.
fit Thus they may be seized by the desire to replace an Car eers
ng unsatisfactory existing social or political system with a Politician, scientist, artist
p- more fair and enlightened one; to develop a scientific
ed or technical theory or instrument; to fill a gap in Skills & Aptitudes
Critical thinkers, champions of
ell the commercial market; to make a company more
humanity, reliable
ds. productive; or to impart their messages to others by
at- means of an inspirational artistic body of work. Inherent Famous Births
ss. in all their aims and preferred methods is their innate Pablo Picasso (1881)
ary perfectionism, as well as their predilection for directing Marion Ross (1928)
nd the opinions or controlling the actions of others. Bob Knight (1940)
my It perhaps goes without saying that those born on Katy Perry (1984)
ve this day are socially responsible individuals who possess
Compatible with
it- a burning desire to set others on what they believe to April 21–23, December 22–25
ery be the right path, or otherwise make a positive contri-
eir bution to humanity. It is also clear, however, that their
ke extremely critical, judgmental tendencies endow them
he with a profound sense of self-belief that may cause ..........................................................
th them to refute the validity of alternative viewpoints.
ed So although they are reliable, protective, generous and
or affectionate friends and family members, they are typi- ..........................................................
cally intolerant of those who deviate from their wishes.
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October 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Influential Mentors J E J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
P erhaps the most prominent personal charac-
teristic manifested by October 26 people is
their compulsion to organize others. They harbor a
conviction that concerted communal endeavors are ma
Virtues more effective in achieving progress than the efforts ign
Commanding, focused, coordinated
of lone agents of change. With their ability to focus th
upon distant goals while at the same time addressing fue
Controlling, opinionated, repressive
more immediate concerns, these are gifted leaders, res
whose decisiveness and dedication arouse respect (if th
not always affection). These are people who can be dir
Car eers
Accountant, campaign coordinator, found planning local or political events and serving
senior manager on committees, always involved in community affairs em
or blogging and campaigning in support of causes. int
Skills & Aptitudes They are admirably suited to careers as national or wi
Leadership skills, dedication to civic politicians, business executives, accountants or go
work, event planning bankers. im
Their desire to mold those around them applies co
Famous Births as much to their personal relationships as to their int
Leon Trotsky (1879)
Pat Sajak (1946) professional lives, and they will typically do their res
Hillary Clinton (1947) utmost to persuade their kith and kin of the veracity of
Keith Urban (1967) of their viewpoints—a task usually undertaken with
enthusiasm and logic rather than by passionate or qu
Compatible with combative means. Because they are natural pragma- tec
December 22–25 tists they will accept the demurrals of those who do tio
not share their beliefs, but will nevertheless impress im
their disapproval upon others. When they and those or
closest to them are in agreement, their endearingly ac
affectionate and generous qualities come to the fore. inn
.......................................................... To avoid becoming isolated, it is important that rei
October 26 people remember that personal expres- th
sion is important and does not necessarily need to be it
.......................................................... suppressed for the common good. They should allow de
people around them to assert their individuality. an
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October 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E J E Whimsical Enthusiasts


is S uch is the passion with which they express their
emotions, and their active and immediate response
to anyone or anything that they encounter, that the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
are majority of October 27 people are impossible to
rts ignore. Although unquestionably attention-seekers, Virtues
Imaginative, rational, practical
us their compulsion to attract others to them is rarely
ng fueled by self-serving motivations or vanity but instead
rs, results from their almost irresistible urge to express Temperamental, impatient,
(if their feelings and opinions freely and to influence or overbearing
be direct those around them.
ng While their convictions and actions are essentially Car eers
irs emotion driven, October 27 people have considerable Reporter, professor, motivational
es. intellectual talents and practical skills at their disposal speaker
or with which to work toward the realization of their
or goals. Thus despite their tendency to react somewhat Skills & Aptitudes
impulsively to emotional stimuli—especially those Social, inspiring, resourceful
ies concerned with morality or spirituality—once their
Famous Births
eir interest has been aroused they manifest imagination, Theodore Roosevelt (1858)
eir resourcefulness and organizational powers in support Ruby Dee (1922)
ity of their ambitions. Sylvia Plath (1932)
th Those born on this day are perfectionists, but this John Cleese (1939)
or quality is usually of the idealistic rather than the Aron Ralston (1975)
ma- technical variety. Blessed with great communica-
do tion skills, they will thrive in careers where they can Compatible with
December 26–31
ess impart their visions to others, maybe as journalists
ose or teachers, but especially as writers, musicians and
gly actors—professions in which their emotions and
re. innovative dreams can simultaneously be given free
hat rein and inspire their audiences. They are admired for ..........................................................
es- their driving energy and pioneering turn of mind, but
be it is these very characteristics that can make them
ow demanding—but lively and fun—colleagues, friends ..........................................................
and family members.
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October 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inquisitive R ationalists J E J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
T heir work is of all-consuming importance to
many of those ambitious individuals born on this
day. Yet their ambition is rarely of the type to demand
personal glory or spectacular financial rewards, but co
Virtues is instead the natural product of their perfectionism. of
Ingenious, logical, creative
October 28 individuals are inquisitive types who are In
determined to use the fruits of their discoveries to tal
Workaholic, emotionally reserved,
move forward into uncharted waters. th
obsessive Fascinated with deconstruction and reconstruction, ac
the meticulous attention to detail and logical turn of say
Car eers mind give October 28 people remarkable potential to res
Research scientist, engineer, make pioneering contributions to the world. Because str
IT specialist they are extremely tenacious and focused, they are res
typically absorbed in their endeavors—indeed, when for
Skills & Aptitudes others regard them as having reached the pinnacle of ma
Sense of purpose, progressive their success, they will remain unsatisfied, believing 29
mindset, focused
that their task remains uncompleted and that progress ke
Famous Births can still be made. th
Charlie Daniels (1936) Their independent inclinations endow those born
Bill Gates (1955) on this day with the capacity to break new ground in pr
Julia Roberts (1967) any area that excites their interest, particularly in the th
Ben Harper (1969) realms of science and technology. Although they are th
Joaquin Phoenix (1974) fueled by their desire to benefit others, and are firm dr
but fair leaders, their concern is often of the more su
Compatible with
December 26–31 abstract, humanitarian variety rather than emotion- pr
ally based. Their propensity to immerse themselves in th
their intellectual or professional interests make them diff
rather solitary figures, whose love and loyalty is gen- rel
.......................................................... uine: however, those closest to them may not always to
realize this, since they are not given to expressing their as
affection openly. fie
.......................................................... ple
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October 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E J E Calculated Leaders

A lthough they possess highly independent minds
and a relish for innovation, the combination of
their pronounced sense of social responsibility and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
but compulsion to organize and synchronize the actions
m. of others makes October 29 people natural leaders. Virtues
Independent, intellectual, skillfull
are Indeed, such are their clarity of vision, logistical
to talents and resourcefulness, that in many respects
those born on this day can be described as highly Secretive, authoritarian,
on, accomplished tacticians and strategists. This is not to high-handed
of say that they lack charisma—to the contrary, others
to respond instinctively to their aura of authority and Car eers
use strength of purpose—but rather that they prefer to Politician, marketing executive,
are research their subject rather than dashing impulsively soldier
en forward with guns blazing. And just as the chess
of master appreciates the element of surprise, October Skills & Aptitudes
ng 29 individuals are somewhat secretive types, who may Strategic thinking, persuasive
powers, tenacity
ess keep even those closest to them in the dark regarding
their true intentions. Famous Births
rn Their progressive predilections, along with their Bob Ross (1942)
in pragmatic way of looking at the world, augur well for Richard Dreyfuss (1947)
he the success of these people in any professional sphere Randy Jackson (1961)
are that they choose, although many will feel themselves Winona Ryder (1971)
rm drawn to those political, military or commercial pur-
ore suits where they can harness the efforts of others to Compatible with
December 26–31
n- promote their goals. Admired by their colleagues for
in their rationality, tenacity and loyalty, a completely
em different side to their characters emerges when they
n- relax with their nearest and dearest (and they prefer
ays to keep their professional and private lives separate), ..........................................................
eir a side that includes their passionate affection, their
fierce protectiveness, and their sensuality and love of
pleasure. ..........................................................
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October 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Generous Good Samar itans J E J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
O ctober 30 people tend to immerse themselves in
projects and issues that affect their communities,
often volunteering to participate in, or organize,
school, club or fundraising activities. Because cla
Virtues these are active types who prefer to take charge of int
Forward-thinking, responsible,
situations rather than stand idly by, they typically th
throw themselves wholeheartedly into the pursuit of rel
Vices common goals, in the process enlisting the support de
Demanding, repressed, lacking of those around them and directing their cohorts tes
emotional balance with imagination and confidence. Possessing logical les
and progressive intellects, those born on this day de
Car eers understand innately that most ventures need to be
Nurse, pediatrician, caregiver supported by meticulous preparation: thus they pay th
special attention to even the most mundane issues of co
Skills & Aptitudes research and organization. They are friendly, sociable fou
Sensitivity to others, teamwork, and straightforward people who enjoy being with wi
dedication to goals
others and are rarely given to solitary pursuits. Given an
Famous Births their socially oriented inclinations and interpersonal ity
John Adams (1735) skills, October 30 people are particularly suited to dir
Ezra Pound (1885) teaching, the medical field and the service industries. sk
Henry Winkler (1945) These individuals are generally unhappy when
Nastia Liukin (1989) working as independent operators, far preferring to inc
surround themselves with a supportive team of like- wh
Compatible with minded people—a predilection that applies as much ur
December 26–31
to their personal as to their professional lives. Their an
communal commitment is total, and therefore they th
not only have a tendency to suppress what they may or,
regard as selfish desires, but also to demand the same ur
.......................................................... level of dedication from their colleagues, kith or kin, ing
regardless of their personal inclinations. They come fee
into their own as parents, devoting endless energy to Th
.......................................................... encouraging their children’s growth and interests. em
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October 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E J E Self-motivated Leaders

T he perfectionist tendencies of October 31
people are stimulated by challenging situations
of all kinds, for they are not only blessed with incisive
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Mars
use clarity of vision but also possess the courage and
of integrity necessary to stand firm when promoting Virtues
Perceptive, rational, determined
lly their strongly held beliefs. Many of those self-
of reliant individuals born on this day gravitate toward
ort demanding scenarios that offer the opportunity to Quarrelsome, single-minded,
rts test themselves, a personal predilection that stems intolerant
cal less from sensation-seeking motives, than from their
ay desire to place themselves at the service of others. Car eers
be Underpinning the actions of October 31 people Humanitarian activist, social
ay therefore are dual propensities for self-sacrifice and worker, local-government officer
of confrontation, both of which arise from their pro-
ble found concern for and interest in the welfare of those Skills & Aptitudes
th with whom they most strongly identify—their friends Leadership skills, ability to rely on
own resources, organizational skills
en and families, workmates, compatriots, or even human-
nal ity as a whole. To all their endeavors they bring their Famous Births
to direct and logical turn of mind, their organizational John Keats (1795)
s. skills, and the determination to realize their visions. Ethel Waters (1896)
en Their orientation toward others and their idealistic Dan Rather (1931)
to inclinations suit October 31 people to any profession John Candy (1950
ke- where they can work toward the common good. Nat-
ch ural pioneers and leaders, their strength of purpose Compatible with
December 26–31
eir and commitment is respected by others, although
ey those closest to them in particular may feel reluctant
ay or, indeed, unable, to meet their standards. In their
me urge to lead by example, they run the risk of alienat-
in, ing those about whom they care the most, who may ..........................................................
me feel that their individual needs are being disregarded.
to This is especially noticeable when October 31 people
embark on an Internet (blog or petition) crusade. ..........................................................
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November 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Intellectual Explor ers J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day have an absolute dread
of inactivity and intellectual boredom. Typically
“doers” rather than thinkers, their intellectual talents
Jupiter and Neptune are of the progressive rather than the quietly reflective (a
kind. Especially stimulated by pioneering—even hu
Virtues radical—concepts, November 1 individuals throw wi
Energetic, inspirational, dynamic
themselves into the exploration and development th
Vices of new ideas with single-minded enthusiasm, using an
Impulsive, restless, anxious ingenuity and resourcefulness to realize their goals. De
Because they are blessed with remarkable self- if t
Car eers assurance and fearlessness in the face of adversity or op
Entrepreneur, digital designer or opposition, these natural leaders refuse to be bound de
consultant, inventor by convention and have the capacity to perform pe
especially well in a wide range of professional areas, eli
Skills & Aptitudes particularly artistic, inventive or scientific fields or rea
Strong self-motivation, as business entrepreneurs where independence of
resourcefulness, thoughtfulness
thought is an asset. pe
Famous Births Because their urge to effect progress is so strong, tal
Lyle Lovett (1957) and their modi operandi so vigorous, those born on ca
Jenny McCarthy (1972) this day have a tendency (especially notable if they so
Tim Cook (1960) were born in the Chinese year of the dragon) to focus of
Anthony Kiedis (1962) on their aims regardless of personal consequences— infl
to themselves or those around them. This approach
Compatible with can be detrimental to maintaining stable emotional ad
January 1–5, March 4–7
relationships. Yet despite this caveat, November 1 ge
people are naturally predisposed toward grounding ur
themselves in the strong and affectionate ties of kith- ad
and kinship and make loyal and stimulating friends po
.......................................................... and relations. They will benefit from remembering to
to make time for honest introspection on a regular wo
basis, as well as avoiding unnecessary confrontations. th
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J F I Char ismatic R eformists

T he combination of their natural predilection
for taking action and their keen interest
in promoting the welfare of those around them
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
ve (a concern that often takes a more abstract, Jupiter and Neptune
en humanitarian form) endows those born on this day
ow with real leadership potential. Incisive and progressive Virtues
Logical, genuine, good-natured
nt thinkers, November 2 people can identify the faults
ng and flaws in various situations and devise solutions. Vices
als. Despite their willingness to adopt a combative stance Meddlesome, opinionated,
lf- if they believe that confrontation is the only available combative
or option—a policy that applies particularly when they
nd defend humanitarian or ideological issues—their Car eers
rm personal charm and benevolent intentions usually Politician, political campaigner,
as, elicit an affectionate, if not always acquiescent, stage actor
or reaction from others.
of Their strong and positive orientation toward other Skills & Aptitudes
Powers of persuaion, tenacity,
people, as well as their undoubted interpersonal willingness to help others
ng, talents, equip those born on this day admirably for
on careers as politicians or social campaigners, although Famous Births
ey some may be drawn to pursuing such artistic modes Marie Antoinette (1755)
us of expression as acting as a means of exerting their Warren G. Harding (1865)
— influence over a wider audience. Burt Lancaster (1913)
David Schwimmer (1966)
ch Their goodwill and desire to assist others to
nal advance is evident in all areas of their lives, and Compatible with
1 generally makes November 2 people popular fig- January 1–5, March 4–7
ng ures. Their irresistible urge to offer even unsolicited
h- advice and support and innate belief that their view-
ds points are morally correct may, however, cause them
ng to unwittingly arouse the resentment of those who ..........................................................
lar would prefer to be allowed to forge their own path
ns. through life, especially their nearest and dearest.
Proof 1

scorpiO 273

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November 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Enthusiastic Self-starters J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
P erhaps the most pronounced characteristic of
November 3 personalities is that of driving
ambition. And because they possess a straightforward
Jupiter and Neptune turn of mind and a remarkable talent for organization, th
many will have formulated their life plans as early as rip
Virtues childhood. The nature of their goals will vary from for
Purposeful, organized, resourceful
one person to another: some may be concerned co
Vices primarily with personal betterment (in terms of their co
Uncompromising, self-obsessed, social or financial status, for example); while others ke
interfering may seek to make a contribution to the world. en
Whatever their underlying motivations, Novem- th
Car eers ber 3 individuals will always reveal their progressive an
Teacher, musician, administrator instincts, as well as the mental and physical vigor, th
courage and tenacity to promote their aims regard- of
Skills & Aptitudes less of the consequences (to themselves or others). th
Self-motivation, determination to These characteristics that are especially notable in pe
succeed, independence
those born in the Chinese year of the dragon. Indeed, art
Famous Births they relish testing their skills and stamina against th
Charles Bronson (1921) demanding challenges. co
Anna Wintour (1949) Despite the overriding importance that they place res
Roseanne Barr (1952) on the attainment of their self-set goals—a prerequi- som
Dennis Miller (1953) site that may cause them to act independently of the
Dylan Moran (1971) common consensus—November 3 people generally No
prefer to elicit the support of allies rather than the fin
Compatible with
January 1–5, March 4–7 enmity of foes. They are often drawn to professions so
that provide an effective forum in which to exert ily
their influence on those around them—as educators res
or entertainers, for instance. However, their forceful int
.......................................................... and uncompromising approach may have an alienat- fer
ing effect on those around them. th
.......................................................... tic
Proof 1

274 scorpiO

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November 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J F I Charming Commun icators

T he conjunction of their logical minds and
independence of thought endows those born
on this day with perceptive and progressive intellects
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
on, that give them the ability both to pinpoint areas Jupiter and Neptune
as ripe for improvement and to formulate strategies
om for advancement. Fueled by the urge to share the Virtues
Charming, objective, clear-sighted
ed conclusions that result from their analytical and
eir conceptual skills, November 4 people are not content to Vices
ers keep their opinions to themselves. They always try to Opinionated, immoderate,
enlighten others and help them to advance. They show interfering
m- their communication skills in every area of their lives,
ve and such is their talent for putting their messages across Car eers
or, that people will rarely be left in the dark. Indeed, many Actor, poet, artist
d- of those born on this day are drawn to careers where
s). they can reach the widest possible public—as actors or Skills & Aptitudes
in performers on stage and screen; writers, journalists and Communication skills, tirelessness,
ed, artists, or as politicians or social reformers. And because
nst their typical approach is based on a mixture of strong Famous Births
convictions laced with a dash of humor, others generally Will Rogers (1879)
ace respond positively to them, even if their viewpoints are Walter Cronkite (1916)
ui- sometimes not very palatable. Laura Bush (1946)
he Indeed, such is the respect and affection that Matthew McConaughey (1969)
lly November 4 individuals engender that they may often
he find themselves elevated to positions of leadership— Compatible with
January 1–5, March 4–7
ns somewhat to their surprise (although not necessar-
ert ily their displeasure)—and because they are socially
ors responsible types they will discharge their duties with
ful integrity. Yet in many respects these people would pre-
at- fer to be left to their own devices in order to pursue ..........................................................
their intellectual interests free from the demands of
others and to enjoy the enriching pleasures of domes-
tic life and fulfilling interpersonal relationships, from ..........................................................
which they derive such support and satisfaction.
Proof 1

scorpiO 275

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November 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Well-rounded Academics J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day have two pronounced sides
to their personalities: their feeling of connection
with the people around them; and their individual
Jupiter and Neptune interests, which they like to pursue undisturbed by op
the demands of others. The influence of these two to
Virtues tendencies may cause November 5 people to feel torn ult
Intellectual, socially concerned,
analytical between their desire to help others—whether this be de
at the familial, communal, or global level—and their on
Vices more selfish urge to shut themselves away to be able are
Easily frustrated, tending to spread to concentrate on pursuits they love. Many, however, str
themselves too thin, tactless are fortunate enough to be able to reconcile these pr
predilections, often by choosing careers where they ma
Car eers can retain their autonomy while sharing their findings an
Business manager, journalist, social with a broader audience, thereby making a positive am
scientist contribution to the lives of others. The scientific and Ye
business realms, as well as such artistic specialties as en
Skills & Aptitudes writing and acting can thus be said to provide ideal pe
Influential charisma, creativity,
innovation skills
professional arenas for their inclinations and skills. co
November 5 individuals are intellectually curious
Famous Births and progressive types, who prefer to seek out knowl- wh
Vivien Leigh (1913) edge for themselves rather than to be spoon-fed with no
Ike Turner (1931) it. Drawing on their highly developed powers of per- str
Art Garfunkel (1941) ception to amass a fund of information, they have the th
Bryan Adams (1959)
capacity to identify existing failings or abuses and lea
then prepare logical and realistic proposals with which tis
Compatible with
January 1–5, March 4–7 to bring about advancement; they thus possess real ing
leadership ability. Yet although the honest expression ov
of their criticism may be inherently uncomfortable by
.......................................................... to those who wish to maintain the status quo, these ian
people’s evident goodwill and earnest desire to bring eff
about tangible advances usually make them subjects co
.......................................................... of admiration and especially valued friends, partners ev
and parents. tio
Proof 1

276 scorpiO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 276
November 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J F I Dynamic Positive Thinkers

S uch is their active, positive outlook on life that it
often seems to others that November 6 people
are blessed with limitless supplies of energy and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
by optimism. These “can-do” individuals typically refuse Jupiter and Neptune
wo to be dissuaded from pushing their interests to their
rn ultimate conclusions, brushing aside objections in their Virtues
Inventive, practical, level-headed
be determination to achieve their goals. Possessing not
eir only great perceptiveness when it comes to identifying Vices
ble areas in which action is called for, but also logical and Inflexible, insensitive,
er, straightforward minds, as well as highly developed closed-minded
ese practical and technical talents, those born on this day
ey manifest remarkable strength of conviction, self-belief Car eers
ngs and tenacity when working toward the aims that are so Marketing executive, administrator,
ve ambitious that others might brand them as unfeasible. business leader
nd Yet, despite the skepticism they engender, the engaging
as enthusiasm and galvanizing vigor of November 6 Skills & Aptitudes
Idealistic, progressive,
eal people generally arouse indulgent affection rather than
concerted opposition.
us These individuals will thrive in any profession Famous Births
wl- where their imaginative and progressive qualities are Sally Field (1946)
th not suppressed; if they are employed within corporate Glenn Frey (1948)
er- structures, for example, they will do best when given Pat Tillman (1976)
he the freedom to plan policy. Naturally inspirational Emma Stone (1988)
nd leaders, many are perhaps happiest working as scien-
Compatible with
ch tists and artists of various types, simultaneously effect- January 6–10, March 8–10
eal ing innovations and exerting their influence directly
on over their publics. And, although they are stimulated
ble by personal challenge, these are deeply humanitar-
ese ian people who wish to benefit others through their ..........................................................
ng efforts. Enlivening and generous companions, their
cts concern for the well-being of those around them is
ers evident in both their personal and professional rela- ..........................................................
tionships, particularly for the women born on this day.
Proof 1

scorpiO 277

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November 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Charismatic Movers & Shakers J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
T hose physically and mentally active individuals
born on this day are extremely responsive to
challenge, stimulated not by combative instincts
Jupiter and Neptune (although they will take a confrontational stance to by
defend their strongly held convictions) but by their mi
Virtues desire to break through the existing limits of human ot
Inquisitive, enthusiastic, positive
knowledge or experience. These are curious and rad
Vices progressive types, who relish the opportunity to test
Overly ambitious, neglectful of their skills and stamina against demanding (in the eyes an
others, demanding of others, even hopeless) challenges. Acutely perceptive, fli
rigorously logical and ingenious in their intellectual kn
Car eers approach, and endowed with highly developed po
Athlete, nonprofit coordinator, organizational and practical skills, November 7 people qu
instructor have the potential and talent to become pioneers th
in their professions. They are also blessed with the
Skills & Aptitudes magnetic charisma necessary to enlist the support and clo
Focus, practical skills, willingness
direct the actions of those around them. And although be
to take responsibility
they are personally excited by their career ambitions ero
Famous Births or private interests, their innate humanitarianism and me
Marie Curie (1867) sense of social responsibility bestows on them the ten
Albert Camus (1913) desire to work toward goals that they believe will be of ot
Billy Graham (1918) concrete benefit to the wider world. lat
Christopher Knight (1957) The nature of the careers chosen by November 7 me
people will vary. Some may seek to bring about social
Compatible with
January 6–10, March 8–10 changes, some to advance scientific knowledge, while No
others will be drawn to the artistic or sporting spheres. wh
All will lead by example, expecting a high level of com- au
mitment from others. (Those born in the Chinese year of
.......................................................... of the rooster are especially single-minded in pursuit po
of their goals.) Although they are generally magnan- cia
imous and affectionate friends and family members, to
.......................................................... those closest to them may have difficulty living up to
their expectations.
Proof 1

278 scorpiO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 278
November 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J F I Inventive Eccentr ics

N ovember 8 individuals are blessed with
extraordinary vitality—a quality manifested by
their physical vigor, but also (and perhaps especially)
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
to by their remarkably imaginative and progressive Jupiter and Neptune
eir minds. They are attracted by subjects so unusual that
an other, less receptive, people may reject them as too Virtues
Optimistic, energetic, resourceful
nd radical or threatening to the status quo.
est Yet although those born on this day have original Vices
yes and curious turns of mind, their interests are rarely Unfocused, hypersensitive, moody
ve, flighty or superficial. They support their search for
ual knowledge with meticulous attention to detail. Their Car eers
ed powers of concentration and courage pursuing their Engineer, journalist, scientist
ple quests augur well for their success (although winning
ers the recognition of their peers may take some time). Skills & Aptitudes
he A happy domestic life and the support of those Imagination, thirst for knowledge,
nd closest to them are important to grounding Novem- innovation skills
gh ber 8 people in emotional equilibrium. They are gen-
ns erous, tolerant and invigorating friends and family Famous Births
Bram Stoker (1847)
nd members, although they may at times be moody. This Margaret Mitchell (1900)
he tendency can lead to them becoming cut off from Gordon Ramsay (1966)
of others, so they should take extra care not to iso- Tara Reid (1975)
late themselves from friends and particularly family
7 members. Compatible with
ial Personally stimulated by intellectual discovery, January 6–10, March 8–10
ile November 8 people will flourish in any profession
es. where they can meet their altruistic needs and retain
m- autonomy of thought and action. Given the nature
ear of their talents and inclinations, they have marked
uit potential to become inspiring artists, writers, musi- ..........................................................
n- cians, actors, or pioneering scientists, digital innova-
rs, tors and engineers.
to ..........................................................
Proof 1

scorpiO 279

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 279
November 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R estless Groundbr eakers J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day are not the types to sit on
the sidelines of life watching the world pass them
by, which is not to say that they are not observant
Jupiter and Neptune people—to the contrary, they are extremely perceptive, un
especially with regard to human behavior—it is simply Em
Virtues that they prefer to do rather than view. Possessing a he
Enthusiastic, vibrant, socially
responsible dread of inactivity, November 9 people feel compelled int
to involve themselves fully in every area of their lives— als
Vices professional and personal, intellectual, emotional and sat
Easily bored, restless, tending to be sensual—so as to satisfy their need for growth and to an
dissatisfied contribute to the lives of those around them. Extremely th
responsive to stimuli of all kinds, they are often blazing a th
Car eers pioneering trail and directing those who follow in their va
Tour guide, computer engineer, wake. Yet while they manifest a keen, impulsive interest an
interior designer in any subject they encounter, their fascination is rarely th
superficial, for they will explore it to its fullest extent Ac
Skills & Aptitudes
and uncover hidden truths. Such is the wide variety of th
Enthusiasm, talents in several
spheres, desire to help subjects that excite their attention that they have the
potential to make significant contributions across the th
Famous Births full professional spectrum, but they are especially drawn wi
Spiro Agnew (1918) to the limitless possibilities inherent in art and design. em
Carl Sagan (1952) Although they are strong-willed and self-indulgent da
Ryan Murphy (1965 types (and even more so if they were also born in the mi
Nick Lachey (1973)
Chinese year of the horse), those born on this day are int
Compatible with profoundly oriented toward those around them. Oth-
January 6–10, March 8–10 ers enjoy their enlivening companionship, and appre- is
ciate their kindness and generosity, characteristics that ula
are particularly pronounced in their dealings with their to
.......................................................... nearest and dearest, or with those whom November 9 ing
people believe have been dealt a raw deal in life. As off
well as being natural leaders, they are also instinctive tur
.......................................................... humanitarians who will dip deep into their pockets to
help the victims of misfortune or social abuses.
Proof 1

280 scorpiO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 280
November 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J F I Gifted Cr eatives

T hose born on this day are highly creative
individuals with the imagination, skills and focus
to make a substantial contribution to the world and an
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
ve, unforgettable impression on everyone they encounter. Jupiter and Neptune
ply Empathetic and benevolent, they are concerned with
ga helping humanity as a whole to progress via spiritual, Virtues
Dedicated, meticulous, inquisitive
ed intellectual or material means. However, they are
— also introspective, and have a profound need to Vices
nd satisfy their desires to explore, assimilate, experiment Obsessive, secretive, unbalanced
to and grow. They are often perfectionists, who set
ely themselves high standards and are reluctant to share Car eers
ga their findings with others until they are sure of the Professor, historian, laboratory
eir value of their conclusions. Inquisitiveness, ingenuity technician
est and resourcefulness mark their efforts in professions
ely that call for independent research and development. Skills & Aptitudes
ent Academia, science and the arts may attract them, as Ingenuity, attention to detail,
of these fields also offer intermittent solitude.
he Although their genuine goodwill and affection for Famous Births
he their close associates is undoubtable, their absorption Martin Luther (1483)
wn with their work may limit the attention they pay to Richard Burton (1925)
n. emotional needs—a tendency that men born on this Sinbad (1956)
nt day display the most. They may even become dis- Miranda Lambert (1983)
he missive or intolerant of those who do not share their
are interests and beliefs. Compatible with
January 6–10, March 8–10
h- If they are not to become isolated and depressed, it
re- is important that November 10 individuals pay partic-
hat ular attention to sharing their thoughts and feelings
eir to those around them. While they are honest and car-
r9 ing, they can sometimes come across as intense and ..........................................................
As off-putting. They should take time to relax and nur-
ve ture social skills and relationships carefully.
to ..........................................................
Proof 1

scorpiO 281

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 281
November 11 N
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Versatile Benefactors J F I J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Second decan: Personal planets are
N ovember 11 individuals are complex personalities
who have the capacity to surprise those around
them through hidden sides of their characters. Indeed,
Jupiter and Neptune those born on this day may themselves be unsure about res
the exact nature of their convictions and what they pe
Virtues want from life. Although their multitude of interests th
Contemplative, giving, benevolent
and powerfully instinctive responses to concepts, ind
Vices situations and other people are undoubted strengths, ach
Extreme, private, compulsive they may also have a confusing effect. On the one hand go
these people are active, straightforward and progressive so
Car eers types who yearn to advance toward tangible goals, while on
Building contractor, researcher, on the other they are also profound—sometimes even an
software developer darkly pessimistic—thinkers, whose propensity for deep fee
deliberation may restrict their progress. When they are dr
Skills & Aptitudes able to reconcile these conflicting propensities they of
Eagerness to help others, focus on have the potential to do well in their careers and form are
goals, ability to lead by example
lasting relationships. The nature of their chosen careers wi
Famous Births will vary from individual to individual: some may prefer ex
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821) work in hands-on positions in building or technical
Demi Moore (1962) fields; others may have their interest fired by writing su
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922) or research—all, however, will manifest extraordinary ist
Leonardo DiCaprio (1974) determination, imagination and humanitarian concern let
in pursuit of their professional goals. th
Compatible with Their desire to serve others underlies virtually wi
January 6–10, March 8–10
everything undertaken by those born on this day. Even wo
though they are innately independent operators, they Gi
are fueled by their compulsion to assist, direct or at th
least positively inspire others by example. Their col- em
.......................................................... leagues typically respect them greatly, but many may an
feel that they do not know them fully and, indeed, to
November 11 people often prefer to keep their pro- th
.......................................................... fessional and private lives separate, cherishing the sti
domestic sphere as a haven in which they can relax on
Proof 1

and be themselves.
282 scorpiO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 282
November 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I J B Dynamic Idealists

O thers admire those born on this day for the energy,
sense of purpose and transforming touch that
they display in their professional ventures, but in many
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
out respects the self-assured image that November 12
hey people project is consciously manufactured, to conceal Virtues
Visionary, clever, organized
sts the emotional turmoil beneath. For these are complex
pts, individuals who are torn between their desire to
hs, achieve perfection (particularly in terms of their career Insecure, fearful, detached
nd goals) and their internal battle with the strong and
ive sometimes confusing emotions that beset them. While Car eers
ile on the one hand they are imaginative, straightforward Director, psychologist, musician
en and positive types, on the other they may innately
ep feel that they will never attain the soaring visions that Skills & Aptitudes
are drive them, and they sometimes give way to feelings Self-motivation, sincerity, direct
hey of frustration or even despair. And because their goals focus on others
rm are ambitious, and they themselves so demanding, they
ers will often only be reached after a great internally and Famous Births
Grace Kelly (1929)
fer externally oriented personal struggle. Neil Young (1945)
cal The natural inclinations of those born on this day Tonya Harding (1970)
ng suit them for a wide variety of careers, but their ideal- Ryan Gosling (1980
ary istic urges will often find a particularly rewarding out-
rn let in the realms of the arts or science, and although Compatible with
their audiences may venerate their achievements they January 11–14
lly will rarely be aware of the amount of hard work and
en worry—maybe even self-doubt—that underpin them.
ey Given to concealing their problems from those around
at them, November 12 people are nevertheless extremely
ol- empathetic to the unhappiness or misfortune of others
ay and will do their utmost to lend their practical support ..........................................................
ed, to those in need. Yet, despite their special concern for
o- the well-being of their nearest and dearest, they may
he still need to occasionally withdraw from their loved ..........................................................
ax ones in order to address their personal demons.
Proof 1

scorpiO 283

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 283
November 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Insightful Influencers J B J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
P erhaps the primary characteristics manifested by
November 13 people are their interest in people
and their strong wills, qualities that inform their
predilection for observing and opining the mores and pre
Virtues workings of human society. Indeed, in many respects cu
Clear-sighted, strategic,
those born on this day could be compared to chemists eff
because of their ability to absorb all manner of data, res
Vices subject it to rigorous analysis and process it before typ
Neglectful, stand-offish, hurtful transmitting it into the public arena in a converted for
or crystallized configuration. With their heightened un
Car eers powers of perception, they have the enviable capacity be
Entrepreneur, teacher, philosopher to draw upon their intuitive as well as their objective ag
talents when assessing the world or people around the
Skills & Aptitudes them, yet once they have arrived at their opinions after an
Strength of will, perceptiveness, careful deliberation they will typically adhere to them lea
ability to influence others
with remarkable tenacity, even in the face of opposition. vie
Just as their interest is aroused by virtually everything of
Famous Births
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850) they encounter, so they may be found working in a affi
Joe Mantegna (1947) variety of professions, although they may be especially wi
Whoopi Goldberg (1949) drawn to scientific or technical pursuits, as well as to ma
Jimmy Kimmel (1967) those concerned with informing or enlightening their an
peers—such as teachers, journalists, or even as spiritual wo
Compatible with or political leaders.
January 11–14
Such is their urge to exert their progressive influence th
over those around them that November 13 people will ne
often gravitate toward leadership or pioneering roles: an
in turn, they are respected by others for their strength lov
of conviction and charismatic presence. Although th
.......................................................... strongly socially oriented, they may overlook the more les
personal—though no less important—needs of their dis
nearest and dearest in their quests to assist the wider ap
.......................................................... human community to advance (a tendency that is even ne
more pronounced in the men who share this birthday). ma
Proof 1

284 scorpiO

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 284
November 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B J B Perceptive Progr essives

T hose born on this day are serious individuals with
a strong desire to understand those concepts,
circumstances or people who excite their interest, a
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
nd predilection that stems from not only their innate
cts curiosity but also their urge to apply their skills in the Virtues
Enlightened, humanitarian,
sts effective service of others. Indeed, their sense of social
ta, responsibility is so essential to their natures that it will
ore typically have been evident from childhood, manifested, Vices
ed for example, by their empathy with other people’s Unbalanced, moody, self-critical
ed unhappiness and their endearing attempts to “make it
ity better”. This deep-rooted wish to assist others remains Car eers
ive a guiding principle throughout their lives (especially if Nurse, therapist, pediatrician
nd they were also born in the Chinese year of the rooster),
ter and although they are stimulated as individuals by Skills & Aptitudes
em learning, honing their expertise and refining their Drawn to others, benevolent nature,
on. views, their ultimate purpose is make themselves agents gentle personality
ng of progress. November 14 people thus have a natural
Famous Births
a affinity with those professional realms that are concerned Claude Monet (1840)
lly with benevolently directing, illuminating or otherwise Prince Charles (1948)
to making a positive contribution to those around them, Condoleezza Rice (1954)
eir and have the potential to become outstanding social Josh Duhamel (1972)
ual workers, nurses, doctors and therapists.
Those born on this day place enormous value on Compatible with
January 11–14
nce the tight bonds that they form with their friends, part-
will ners and children, and draw real emotional support
es: and strength from the unquestioning affection of their
th loved ones. Despite their tolerance and generosity,
gh they frown upon any instances of selfish or thought-
ore less behavior and will not hesitate to make their ..........................................................
eir displeasure known. Inherent in their magnanimous
der approach, however, lies a danger that either they may
en neglect their own personal needs, or their goodwill ..........................................................
y). may be exploited by more unscrupulous types.
Proof 1

scorpiO 285

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November 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Convicted Conformists J B J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
I nner conflict is often an inevitable fact of life for
those people born on November 15; indeed, however
calm and competent the face that they present to the
world, underneath their typically composed façade lie th
Virtues personalities that are in turmoil. The main problem inn
Strong, charitable, progressive
these individuals have is in reconciling their desire no
to devote themselves single-mindedly to the service for
Indecisive, anxious, weak
of others (especially their colleagues or compatriots) th
with their personal integrity, individual convictions wi
Car eers or emotional needs. When these interests coincide oth
Medical researcher, research and they are able to accomplish this, they frequently
analyst, curator become highly respected pillars of strength, who lea
inspire, reassure and protect those with whom they ov
Skills & Aptitudes identify most strongly—perhaps as civic or national su
Positive nature, willing to serve politicians. Yet all too often they will initially dutifully alt
others, protectiveness espouse the party line, believing that social conformity ac
is the best way in which to serve the common interest: ab
Famous Births
Felix Frankfurter (1882)
subsequently, since they are perceptive types, they will
Georgia O’Keefe (1887) become uncomfortably aware of its inherent failings of
Marianne Moore (1887) and abuses, and incur profound feelings of doubt. for
Sam Waterson (1940) In such circumstances they may reluctantly feel it be
Lily Aldridge (1985) necessary to rebel and oppose the system in order to in
remain true to themselves. reg
Compatible with Underlying all their actions is their compulsion to po
January 11–14
make a positive contribution to those around them—
even humanity as a wider entity—and some may be
therefore chose careers within the spheres of scientific Th
or artistic research and development, in which their int
.......................................................... progressive urge can be fulfilled and expressed without of
the need to compromise their convictions. Loving and rem
generous friends and relations, they furthermore enjoy ion
.......................................................... the simple pleasures of life and thus make enlivening th
as well as supportive companions.
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November 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B J B Invested Ringleaders

T hose born on this day combine active and inquiring
minds with a profound urge to understand how
things work and the insight to promote their ideas to
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
lie the common good. As children or young adults, their
em innate sense of connection to those around them may Virtues
Charismatic, inquisitive,
ire not be immediately apparent, and as their personalities
ice form, they often challenge the status quo. But once
ts) they reach conclusions that satisfy their minds, they Vices
ns will not only remain true to them, but seek to convince Biased, close-minded, intolerant
de others of their worth.
tly Those born on this day are especially suited for Car eers
ho leadership roles in which they can exert influence Teacher, life coach, college
ey over others. They will frequently gravitate toward professor
nal such professions as politics, activism and teaching,
lly although they may also be drawn to more artistic Skills & Aptitudes
ity activities, in which they may find that they can inspire Connection with others, originality
of perspective, leadership skills
st: a broader audience.
will Those around them generally respect their strength Famous Births
ngs of purpose (even when they do not agree with their Tiberius (42 BC)
bt. forthright opinions or methods) and, in fact, Novem- George S. Kaufman (1889)
it ber 16 individuals should try to use tact and tolerance Diana Krall (1964)
to in enlisting support for their aims—especially with Maggie Gyllenhaal (1977)
regard to their nearest associates, whose love and sup-
to port is important to their emotional well-being. Compatible with
January 11–14
— It is important that November 16 people remem-
ay ber to keep a sense of proportion and perspective.
fic They should not get so carried away with their own
eir interests and projects that they forget to take account
out of the needs of those around them. They should also ..........................................................
nd remember that others are entitled to their own opin-
oy ions, and those opinions might be as valid, or more so,
ng than their own. ..........................................................
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November 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Liberated Fr eethinkers J B J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
T heir perspicacity, sense of justice and orientation
to the social group with which they identify
most strongly endow those born on this day with the
potential to make a real contribution to the world. Yet sti
Virtues despite their benevolent urge to help others, November the
Keen, rational, fair-minded
17 people are autonomous: their independence of ch
mind often causes them to stand apart even from co
Authoritarian, intimidating,
those whose welfare they have at heart. Gifted are
critical social commentators, they use their observations to oth
expose wrong-doings or failings and work toward em
Car eers correcting them. They deliver their messages with ten
Web designer, marketing executive, unerring accuracy and a sense of humor that fosters ult
software engineer co-operation rather than alienation. ach
Those born on this day are admirably equipped to oth
Skills & Aptitudes excel in any profession in which they can retain their are
Expressive communication skills, prerequisite for freedom of thought and expression ma
magnetic personality, autonomous
while simultaneously working toward a concrete goal, for
and high-tech pursuits like web or app design, com- the
Famous Births puter game coding and virtual reality are particularly
Rock Hudson (1925) well starred. ye
Martin Scorsese (1942) Others admire their personal magnetism, ready wit go
Danny DeVito (1944) and enviable ability to elicit the cooperation of those of
Rachel McAdams (1978) around them, but may nevertheless feel that they do ers
not know the essence of November 17 individuals’ av
Compatible with
January 15–19 personalities. And, indeed, these people guard their W
privacy jealously (a propensity that is even more pro- wh
nounced in the men born on this day) and will only wi
open up fully to those whom they trust implicitly. mo
.......................................................... Their relationships with their nearest and dearest are va
thus of vital importance to them as emotional havens lov
of unquestioning affection and security. th
.......................................................... th
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November 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B J B Beloved Mer rymakers

O thers enjoy the company of people born on this
day, who enliven any gathering with their vitality,
humor and goodwill. November 18 people are in turn
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Pluto
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
Yet stimulated by those around them—not least because
ber they enjoy being the center of attention. Beneath the Virtues
Intuitive, dependable, considerate
of cheerful face that they present to the world, however,
om confusion and self-doubt abound. These intuitive people
ed are receptive to any unhappy “vibes” that emanate from Easily overwhelmed, indecisive,
to others, and susceptible to the unsettling influence of their prone to depression
ard emotional responses. Thus they may feel directionless, a
th tendency that is pernicious to active individuals whose Car eers
ers ultimate fulfillment is bound up with their desire to Musician, counselor, spiritual guide
achieve progress (on behalf of themselves, as well as
to others). This is why, in their search for fulfllment, they Skills & Aptitudes
eir are so strongly oriented to others, and also why they Empathy with others, progressive
on make empathetic friends, colleagues and companions, tendencies, sociability
al, for in sublimating their own needs to those of others
Famous Births
m- they are often able to clarify their thoughts and feelings. Al Shepard (1923)
rly The conjunction of their sensitivity with their Susan Sullivan (1943)
yearning to effect their own individual growth and life Kevin Nealon (1953)
wit goals augurs particularly well for the potential success Owen Wilson (1968)
ose of November 18 people as artists, musicians and writ-
do ers—even as spiritual guides—as well as innovators in Compatible with
January 15–19
als’ a variety of fields, including science and technology.
eir While they assume positive and charismatic personae
o- when engaged in their professional endeavors, it is
nly within their personal liaisons that their insecurity is
tly. most apparent, and they therefore place enormous
are value on receiving the support and affection of their ..........................................................
ns loved ones (and even more so if they were also born in
the Chinese year of the goat), who know and accept
them as they are and thus bolster their self-esteem. ..........................................................
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November 19 N
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Human itar ian Enthusiasts J F B J

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
T hose born on this day are vigorous individuals
who are naturally enthusiastic participants
in life; rarely content to assume a passive role, they
Second cusp: Scorpio with Sagittarian instead itch to play a vital part in every activity th
tendencies that excites their interest and they hope to make a fam
significant contribution to the world. Both perceptive th
Socially oriented, confident, and intuitive, November 19 people are stimulated ex
dynamic by addressing the various issues inherent in human pro
society, be it within their immediate circle, their
Vices local communities, or even on a humanitarian level. sh
Undisciplined, controlling, Whatever profession they choose to pursue—and th
authoritative their progressive intellects and the technical expertise ha
suit them to many, including scientific and creative of
Car eers pursuits—their ultimate purpose is to direct the Ch
Public speaker, teacher, engineer actions of those around them to ways of benefiting ap
the common good. In any event natural leaders, many th
Skills & Aptitudes
will be drawn to pursuing high-flying careers. ch
Strong intellect, likable nature,
interest in others Those born on this day are self-assured people, wh
whose confidence stems from their strength of purpose
Famous Births in promoting the convictions in which they believe. As mo
Tommy Dorsey (1905) a result they attract admirers and detractors in equal pu
Larry King (1933) measure but, such is their belief in the veracity of their ron
Meg Ryan (1961) viewpoints and their corresponding urge to implement ed
Jodie Foster (1962)
them that they accept both reactions with equanimity rel
Compatible with (as long as they can proceed unhindered). As commit-
January 15–19 ted to involving themselves as fully as possible in the me
lives of their nearest and dearest as they are dedicated hig
to their professional interests, November 19 people ab
.......................................................... are generally concerned and affectionate friends and if
relations, but nevertheless have a tendency—which is or
especially marked in the women born on this day—to sp
.......................................................... seek to regulate the actions of those closest to them, a of
propensity that may not always be welcome.
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November 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B J F B Influential Game-changers

A mong the primary personal characteristics of those
born on this day are their active and progressive
minds, plus a deep desire to promote the interests of
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
ity those to whom they feel most strongly connected— Second cusp: Scorpio with Sagittarian
a families, friends or the human community. Quick- tendencies
ve thinking and intuitive, they readily identify faults in
ed existing concepts, systems or behavioral patterns, and Perceptive, influential, intuitive
an produce clear-cut remedial strategies.
eir November 20 people often have a tendency to Vices
el. show marked impatience with those who impede Impatient, short-tempered,
nd their progress, dismissing expressions of dissent with aggressive
ise harsh words or, if provoked, even spectacular displays
ve of temper (especially those who were born in the Car eers
he Chinese year of the dragon). However, their usual Politician, environmental planner,
ng approach is to be self-controlled and disciplined, and charity worker
ny they would rather use their (considerable) powers of
Skills & Aptitudes
charm and persuasion than coerce others into doing
Disciplined nature, intelligence,
le, what they want. problem-solving ability
ose The careers to which those born on this day are
As most attracted include politics, scientific and technical Famous Births
ual pursuits, commercial ventures, city planning and envi- Edwin Hubble (1889)
eir ronmental issues. All throw themselves wholeheart- Robert F. Kennedy (1925)
nt edly into these ventures while nurturing their personal Veronica Hamel (1943)
Dominique Dawes (1976)
ity relationships as well.
it- Their tendency to be on a short fuse, however, Compatible with
he means that November 20 people sometimes aim January 15–19
ed higher than is good for them. It’s not a question of
ple ability: they possess plenty of talents. It is more that
nd if they get too wrapped up in their goals, problems ..........................................................
is or ambitions, they can simply lose their sense of per-
—to spective and either fly off the handle or lose control
,a of the entire situation. Balance is the key. ..........................................................
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November 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cheer ful Helpers J F B

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Pluto and Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Moon
G ood-natured, with an infectious sense of fun,
eager to please others, November 21 individuals
are usually regarded with affection—not only by those
Second cusp: Scorpio with Sagittarian closest to them, but by their colleagues and casual
tendencies acquaintances. Beneath the sunny exterior that they
present to the world, however, lie hidden depths. Their
Generous, energetic, supportive emotional responses to the people around them are
at least as influential as their intellectual concerns.
Vices And it is partly because they are highly attuned to
Easily frustrated, lacking in unhappiness that they make such empathetic and
perspective, obsessive generous companions. Their concern for others does
not preclude the pursuit of their personal interests
Car eers and visions, but most November 21 people will
Sculptor, art curator, writer choose careers where they can combine their internal
and external orientations by generating concepts or
Skills & Aptitudes products (particularly within the realm of artistry) that
Caring personality, hard-working
they envisage will help society progress: inspirational
dedication, creativity
oeuvres of literary, artistic, musical or dramatic work,
Famous Births for example, or maybe pioneering technical advances.
Voltaire (1694) Such is the importance that many of those born on
Harold Ramis (1944) this day place on their emotional happiness (which is
Goldie Hawn (1945) inextricably bound up with that of those around them)
Michael Strahan (1971) that even when they fulfill their professional potential
and are applauded for their work they will rarely be
Compatible with
January 15–19 genuinely happy unless they can share their success
with a close-knit circle of family and friends. For not
only do they value the strong bonds that they form
with their nearest and dearest for the strengthening
.......................................................... love and support that they receive while working for
the benefit of others, but their personal relationships
are perhaps the only part of their lives in which they
.......................................................... feel they can relax, be themselves and share their wor-
ries and visions with those who understand them best.
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November 22 to December 21

Ruling planet: Jupiter Element: Mutable fire

Symbol: Centaur/archer Polar ity: Positive (masculine)
Physical cor r espondence: Liver, hips and thighs
Stones: Garnet, turquoise, amethyst, citrine, topaz Colors: Blue and purple
Flowers: Wallflower, dandelion, narcissus, lime flower, carnation

T he name “Sagittarius” is derived from the Latin word sagitta, “arrow”, and the
archer is traditionally associated with this sign. Although the hybrid centaur—half
man and half horse—is often portrayed as this zodiacal archer, some scholars believe
instead that they represent scorpion-men. The majority of astrological traditions have
identified this constellation with an archer, the ancient Greeks, for example, calling
it Toxotes (“the archer”), and Hindu astrologers, Dhanus (“the bow”). The myth that
specifically explains the origins of the constellation of Sagittarius tells of the centaur
Chiron of Magnesia, mentor of Achilles, Pholus and Jason. After his accidental
wounding by Herakle’s (Hercules’) poisoned arrow he was said to have bestowed his
immortality upon Prometheus, and in recognition of his noble gesture was raised to the
heavens by Zeus ( Jupiter).
Paralleling the hybrid nature of the centaur, Sagittarians are said to possess the impet-
uous animal power of the horse and the intellectual capacity of humanity, along with
the aspirational qualities signified by the arrow. Under the influence of the element of
fire, Sagittarians often display restlessness and emotional warmth, while the sign’s ruling
planet, Jupiter, bestows joviality, versatility and a sense of honor. There is risk, however,
that material concerns may prevail over intellectual wisdom, and that passion, impulsive
enthusiasm and impatience may hinder a focused approach.
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November 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Conceptual Innovators F J F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
B lessed with both physical and intellectual vigor,
those born on this day seek to combine their goals
in life with the general good. Their desire to move ever
First cusp: Sagittarius with Scorpio onward and upward is influenced less by the craving so
tendencies for personal aggrandizement than by their desire to ine
implement idealistic programs. Astute, inquisitive and Ye
Intelligent, strong-willed, energetic perceptive, they work to replace existing systems with co
more effective alternatives, or to pioneer new concepts. or
Vices And because they tend to be perfectionists, they set Th
Combative, interfering, themselves (and others) high standards. Energetic, pa
uncompromising determined and given to directing others along what pe
they perceive to be the best path, November 22 people na
Car eers lead by example and are not afraid to adopt combative ad
Team manager, head teacher, methods if they believe these to be necessary. They are
festival director are thus sometimes seen as interfering or downright we
bossy, though they rarely bear grudges and usually win str
Skills & Aptitudes
the affection of their colleagues and friends. ev
Commitment, self-belief, persuasive
powers Their inclinations and talents equip those born on ma
this day admirably for a wide range of careers, with the th
Famous Births proviso that they can retain the autonomy of thought
George Eliot (1819) and deed that is so vital to them while simultaneously th
Rodney Dangerfield (1921) exerting their powerful influence on their coworkers, pe
Jamie Lee Curtis (1958) audiences or publics (prerequisites that are especially wo
Mark Ruffalo (1967)
Scarlett Johansson (1984)
pertinent if they were also born in the Chinese year of of
the dragon). They may thus be found working in man- ob
Compatible with agement or supervisory positions. In all their actions sp
March 17–21 and ventures their essential humanitarianism and con- ati
cern for those whose welfare they have most strongly th
.......................................................... at heart—particularly their nearest and dearest— ter
shines through. As strong-willed as they are energetic, th
their urge to direct everyone around them may, how- de
.......................................................... ever, arouse the resentment of those who value their tio
individuality as much as they themselves do.
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November 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

J F J Virtuous Upholders

T here are often two distinct sides to the November
23 personality: one that is inspired by original
visions that can make a significant contribution to
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
ng society; and another, more pugnacious, side that seems First cusp: Sagittarius with Scorpio
to inevitably to involve them in confrontational situations. tendencies
nd Yet those born on this day do not enjoy conflict for
th conflict’s sake, but are prepared to challenge views Independent, courageous, clever
ts. or methods that they regard as wrong or ineffectual.
set These are essentially fair-minded individuals, whose Vices
ic, passions are especially aroused by any instances of Argumentative, pushy, aggressive
hat perceived societal abuses, and who are consequently
ple naturally inclined toward designing and actively Car eers
ve advancing pioneering remedial solutions. Because they Lawyer, coder, sports coach
ey are also blessed with rational intellectual powers, as
ht well as considerable practical expertise, their proposed Skills & Aptitudes
win strategies are typically carefully thought through from Articulacy, intelligence, strength of
every angle; even so, the upholders of the status quo
on may regard them as being unfeasibly radical, and it is Famous Births
he thus that feelings of mutual antagonism arise. Billy the Kid (1859)
ht November 23 people have the potential to make Boris Karloff (1887)
sly their mark within many professional pursuits, but will Harpo Marx (1888)
rs, perhaps be happiest—and most successful—when Miley Cyrus (1992)
lly working within those spheres where the realization
of of their soaring fantasies is not constrained by the Compatible with
March 18–23
n- objections of less imaginative individuals: the many
ns specialties encompassed by new technology and cre-
n- ative ventures are thus especially well starred. Because
gly their professional relationships are so often charac-
— terized by argument, these individuals deeply value ..........................................................
ic, the unquestioning love and belief of their nearest and
w- dearest, and return their support with profound affec-
eir tion, loyalty and generosity. ..........................................................
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November 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gifted Car egivers F J F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
T hose born on this day are deeply interested
in, and orientated toward, the people around
them. They try to improve conditions for them,
First cusp: Sagittarius with Scorpio whether family members, neighbors, or the wider of
tendencies society. They may find satisfaction in working as th
politicians, humanitarians, parents, or members of pe
Creative, artistic, tolerant the caring professions. When their independent and sti
sensual traits predominate, their career goals often to
Vices center on creativity, leading them to become artists, wi
Critical, impatient, disconnected writers, musicians or actors. Inspiring, enlightening th
and bringing pleasure to others is appealing, but are
Car eers they are also stimulated by the chance to expand rig
Social worker, dramatist, local their emotional and intellectual horizons through as
politician these artistic media. The approbation this brings is th
welcome, but not essential to their innate sense of fee
Skills & Aptitudes self-worth. su
Inclusivity, supportiveness,
November 24 people surprise those who do not we
intellectual curiosity
know them well by their strength of conviction in du
Famous Births promoting the causes they espouse. Underlying their ex
Percy Sutton (1920) tolerant approach toward others is an emotional core pe
Billy Connolly (1942) that causes them to react strongly to social abuses and ser
Nia Vardalos (1962) faults. Although their potential to make loving, sup-
Katherine Heigl (1978) portive and protective friends, partners and parents is na
second to none, they will criticize thoughtlessness or to
Compatible with
March 19–24 wrongdoing sharply. Those who value their fine quali- int
ties will make allowances for their occasional displays pre
of impatience, which are not intended to wound. tem
Deeply affectionate and supportive friends and as
.......................................................... relations who are vitally concerned with, and protec- ica
tive of, those closest to them, they sometimes seek to up
suppress any behavior that deviates from the societal th
.......................................................... norm, believing that they are acting in their loved th
ones’ ultimate best interests. dis
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November 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

J F J Conservative R eformers

T he focused actions of those born on this day
are fueled by their desire to realize their visions
as effectively as possible. And although the nature
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Pluto
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
der of their ambitions inevitably varies according to First cusp: Sagittarius with Scorpio
as their personal makeup, all manifest their somewhat tendencies
of perfectionist urges in their pursuit, and, despite the
nd stimulation that they personally derive from facing up Efficient, public-spirited,
en to demanding challenges, all are ultimately concerned progressive
ts, with inspiring, enlightening, or otherwise acting for
ng the benefit of society as a whole. For although these Vices
but are independently minded people who cherish their Intolerant, overdemanding,
nd right to personal autonomy, they nevertheless manifest suppressive
gh a strong sense of social responsibility with regard to
is the wider human community, and they will rarely Car eers
of feel completely satisfied in the event of their personal Teacher, community leader,
scientific researcher
success unless they have also helped to advance the
not well-being of others. Indeed, many will combine their
Skills & Aptitudes
in dual prerequisites for personal fulfillment with their Self-discipline, practicality,
eir externally oriented concerns within their professions, supportiveness
ore perhaps working as teachers or scientists, or even
nd serving as political, moral or spiritual leaders. Famous Births
p- November 25 people are blessed with astute, ratio- Andrew Carnegie (1835)
is nal and perceptive minds, and are naturally attracted John F. Kennedy, Jr. (1960)
Ben Stein (1944)
or to the exploration of novel concepts. Yet despite their Christina Applegate (1971)
li- intellectual appreciation of the new and original, they
ays prefer to build upon or reform existing beliefs or sys- Compatible with
tems, exploring, assessing and then amending them March 22–25
nd as they believe necessary rather than espousing rad-
ec- ically innovative causes. To some extent they are thus ..........................................................
to upholders of tradition and continuity (a propensity
tal that is especially pronounced in the women who share
ed this birthday) and may regard those who appear to ..........................................................
disrupt the status quo with disapproval.
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November 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Prodigious Daydr eamers F F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
N ovember 26 people are determined and free-
thinking individualists, who are absorbed by
discovery and experimentation and feel compelled to set
examples to others. They are prodigiously organized and au
Virtues practical types, who manifest great technical expertise to
Focused, determined, visionary
when engaged in their work, yet are also blessed with ab
extremely active imaginations. They may thus become car
Commitment-phobic, workaholic,
fixated on realizing visions that are so unusual or sh
obsessive ambitious that those around them sometimes question Th
whether they are actually achievable. These individuals, wi
Car eers however, are rarely troubled by feelings of doubt when in ad
Academic researcher, musician, thrall to a fascinating challenge, for since they are astute ass
technician assessors of both their own abilities and the potential aro
chances of success, they envisage no obstacles to their ins
Skills & Aptitudes progress beyond those imposed by the closed minds of mo
Experimentation, innovation, others. Perfectionist, tenacious and determined, they are
concentrate on their aims to the exclusion of all else. pu
Famous Births These people will thrive in any career where they the
Charles Schulz (1922) can pursue their quests for knowledge and innovation liv
Tina Turner (1939) unhindered by outside constraints. Naturally drawn to art
Peter Facinelli (1973) the possibilities for advancement offered by academic
Rita Ora (1990) research of all kinds, as well as science and the arts, son
those born on this day have the potential to make truly ize
Compatible with outstanding contributions to humanity. Others admire he
March 23–26
their originality and independent minds, but these de
very strengths may prohibit November 26 people from an
maintaining enduring life partnerships in particular, the
for they often secretly fear that by committing them- lov
.......................................................... selves to another person their freedom of thought and ac
action may be restricted (a propensity that is even more mo
pronounced in the men born on this day). Despite this yea
.......................................................... caveat, however, they typically make enlivening, loyal sup
and affectionate friends and family members. pa
Proof 1


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November 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F F Strong-willed Nurtur ers

T hose born on this day are complex people who
are fiercely individualistic. On the one hand they
react negatively to any perceived attempts to limit their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
nd autonomy, and on the other, they are positively oriented
ise to those around them. Some November 27 people are Virtues
Community-spirited, independent,
ith able to successfully reconcile these two sides within their
me careers, for example by working independently and then
or sharing the fruits of their labors with a wider audience. Vices
on These are mentally active and technically minded people Rebellious, overly forceful,
als, with the potential to research, develop and then pioneer judgmental
in advances that could enlighten, inspire or otherwise
ute assist others. In many respects their concern for those Car eers
ial around them is the result of their sense of justice and Scientific researcher, community
eir instinctive dislike of authoritarianism, as well as their leader, systems analyst
of more emotional response to the plight of those who
hey are unhappy or suffering. Although stimulated by the Skills & Aptitudes
Independent mindset, social
pursuit of their interests, the motivations underlying
orientation, technical skills
hey their work often stem from their desire to lighten the
on lives of others. They may become politicians, carers, Famous Births
to artists or scientists. Bruce Lee (1940)
mic Their relationships—both professional and per- Jimi Hendrix (1942)
rts, sonal—with those around them are typically character- Bill Nye (1955)
uly ized by mutual respect and goodwill; but they will not Jaleel White (1976)
ire hesitate to make their feelings forcefully known if they
Compatible with
ese detect any transgressions. Predisposed toward forming March 24–27,
om and maintaining open and relaxed relationships with
ar, their nearest and dearest—provided, that is, that their
m- loved ones understand and accommodate their need for
nd a certain level of freedom, a prerequisite that is all the ..........................................................
ore more important if they were also born in the Chinese
his year of the tiger—November 27 people make deeply
yal supportive, generous and enlivening partners and com- ..........................................................
panions, and especially gifted parents.
Proof 1


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November 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Observant R ealists F 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
T hose born on this day are astute and critical
observers, not only of others, but of group
dynamics as a whole. Blessed with sensitive powers
of intuition, they test their conclusions analytically sp
Virtues before sharing them with a wider audience. Their rea
Intuitive, fair-minded, astute
independence of mind fosters skepticism in the mo
face of prejudice and convention. Because they have go
Outspoken, critical, intimidating
an innate sense of fairness, November 28 people wh
are natural debunkers, but their intentions are not inn
Car eers destructive. They rarely offer criticisms without wh
Journalist, social campaigner, proposing viable alternatives attuned to the needs of un
market analyst those around them. Th
Their interest in the workings of society and in ma
Skills & Aptitudes human behavior suit November 28 individuals espe- slo
Analytical skills, interest in human cially well for careers as social reformers, politicians,
behavior, social awareness psychologists, careers advisors and journalists. Pro- ca
fessions in the artistic or scientific spheres may also siv
Famous Births
Berry Gordy (1929)
attract them, especially as venues for personal and th
Randy Newman (1943) social enlightenment. of
Jon Stewart (1962) Given their critical propensity, the people with po
Karen Gillan (1987) whom they live and work tend to admire and respect ita
them but inevitably feel uncomfortable lest they we
Compatible with become the next target of their censure. This is an rel
March 26–27
unfortunate (if understandable) reaction, since th
November 28 people are ultimately motivated by the ten
most well-meaning of intentions and, furthermore, alw
crave the affection and security that result from pro-
found bonds of friend- and kinship. Because Novem- ers
.......................................................... ber 28 people can be uncompromisingly frank, th
despising as they do all expressions of hypocrisy, they wi
can run the risk of alienating others, including those tud
.......................................................... to whom they are close. co
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 300
November 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F 12F R esourceful R ationalists

T hose born on this day are dynamic individuals,
stimulated by challenge. Even during periods
of relaxation they remain busy, perhaps pursuing
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
lly sporting activities or adding to their knowledge by
eir reading and observation. Imbued with the desire to Virtues
Positive, independent, ambitious
he move forward in terms of personal growth, career
ve goals, or the common good, they are “can-do” types,
ple who can assess a given situation and formulate Domineering, impatient,
not innovative strategies. They are also pragmatic realists, intolerant
out who will rarely focus their energies on a venture
of unless they believe it stands a good chance of success. Car eers
They also expect others to fall in with their views and Athlete, architect, surveyor,
in may become impatient if the beliefs they espouse are social campaigner
pe- slow to gain acceptance.
ns, November 29 individuals are usually drawn to Skills & Aptitudes
o- careers that can satisfy their pioneering and progres- Progressive impulses, social
responsibility, energizing abilities
so sive urges and make a contribution to others. Despite
nd their independence of mind, they have a strong sense Famous Births
of social responsibility and may gravitate toward Louisa May Alcott (1832)
th political or scientific ventures, teaching, or human- C.S. Lewis (1898)
ect itarian causes. A similarly profound concern for the Joel Coen (1954)
ey well-being of their loved ones defines their personal Howie Mandel (1955)
an relationships, and they in turn are deeply valued for
ce their enlivening influence and loyalty. However, their Compatible with
March 26–28
he tendency to direct those closest to them may not
re, always be taken in the spirit in which it was intended.
o- In the interests of retaining the goodwill of oth-
m- ers and protecting themselves from disappointment,
nk, these individuals should recognize that not everyone ..........................................................
ey will share their enthusiasms. A more tolerant atti-
ose tude to expressions of dissent will help them to enlist
cooperation and to form lasting friendships. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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November 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Strategic Defenders F 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Jupiter
T he typically mild-mannered and good-humored
face that those born on this day present to the
world often masks an incisive mind that is hard at
work analyzing people and circumstances. These astute oth
Virtues individuals often harbor a plan for life whose ambition mi
Congenial, astute, determined
would surprise those who take their rather laid-back ide
image at face value. This is not to say that these people ach
Secretive, abrupt, bossy
are not genuinely charming and benevolent, but they an
understand the importance of reserve until they are foc
Car eers ready to act. Perfectionist by nature, they use their th
Project director, politician, resources to maximize their potential for success. For op
journalist some November 30 people, disapproval or dissent on pa
the part of others frequently has the effect of spurring th
Skills & Aptitudes them on along their chosen path with renewed vigor
Analytical mindset, single-minded and determination. All are self-motivated, in any case, th
focus, organizational skills and will prove themselves tireless. po
Organizational skills, boldness, determination era
Famous Births
Mark Twain (1835)
and a talent for communication make those born on fro
Winston Churchill (1874) November 30 natural leaders. Often concerned with for
Ridley Scott (1937) helping others to advance, they may defend or pro-
Chrissy Teigen (1985) mote political, social or national interests. Or, on a sio
more pragmatic level, they may make a good office or
Compatible with manager, foreman, project manager or team leader in tea
March 27–30
almost any setting. fol
The preparation, self-control, and fixity of purpose po
of many November 30 people usually elicits the admi- tai
ration of others, but may become detrimental in their Ot
personal lives. This is especially likely if those closest an
.......................................................... to them resent their propensity for taking charge, or ex
friends see them as unfeeling. aro
.......................................................... for
Proof 1


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0 December 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F 12F E Good-natur ed Fr ee Spir its

T hose born on December 1 are extremely energetic
individuals fueled by a driving ambition, yet such
is their charm and their astute use of humor that
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
ute others are seduced into applauding actions that they
on might otherwise consider ruthless. Some have a clear Virtues
Charismatic, sociable, freethinking
ck idea as to what they are aiming for in life: perhaps the
ple achievement of excellence, the acclaim of their peers
ey and concomitant financial rewards; others may be less Eccentric, rebellious, extreme
are focused, but nevertheless feel the urge to manifest
eir their individuality unfettered by the constraints of Car eers
For opinion. All express themselves freely and will react Standup performer, actor, athlete
on particularly badly to any perceived attempts to restrict
ng their autonomy of thought and action. Skills & Aptitudes
gor While December 1 people will defend or promote Expressiveness, energizing qualities,
se, the freedom they cherish so greatly, sometimes to the trailblazing potential
point of defiance, these are not individuals who gen-
on erally employ combative strategies for the sake of con- Famous Births
Lou Rawls (1936)
on frontation: they prefer to win others over by the sheer Richard Pryor (1940)
th force of their personalities. Bette Midler (1945)
o- December 1 people will flourish in any profes- Sarah Silverman (1970)
a sion where they can act independently and make an
ffice original contribution. They can work well as part of a Compatible with
in team, but they are better suited to being leaders than March 25–30, October 7–10
followers. Given their predilections, they have the
ose potential to make outstanding performers and enter-
mi- tainers, particularly in the sporting or artistic fields.
eir Others admire their driving energy and good humor,
est and those born on this day revel in the attention they
or excite, yet also take real pleasure in pleasing those ..........................................................
around them. Indeed, they are also genuinely con-
cerned and affectionate friends and relations, valued
for their enlivening company and optimistic, “can-do” ..........................................................
Proof 1


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December 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Prolific Visionar ies F E12z 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
M any of those born on this day feel torn between
their desire to forge their own path through life
and their profound sense of responsibility for others—
be they their families, friends, colleagues, or even the th
Virtues fellowship of humanity. Blessed with imaginative, ide
Socially responsible, empathetic,
innovative and curious minds, on the one hand these De
vigorous people feel compelled to pursue the interests typ
Vices they love, while on the other their fair-mindedness vis
Short-tempered, overcommitted, and empathy with those whom they perceive to pre
unbalanced be victims of injustice urges them to champion the co
oppressed. When these tendencies are imbalanced, rar
Car eers December 2 people may experience frustration. They th
Artist, scientific researcher, lawyer have quick tempers when crossed, particularly if they so
were also born in the Chinese year of the dragon. If as
Skills & Aptitudes they can reconcile their need for independence with ins
Social responsibility, their concern for promoting the welfare of others, sh
resourcefulness, independence
they have the potential not only to attain personal wh
Famous Births satisfaction, but to make contributions to society, an
Gianni Versace (1946) perhaps as pioneering scientists or inspirational artists. pe
Stone Phillips (1954) Those around them respect the strength of charac- mo
Lucy Liu (1968) ter of December 2 people and may often elevate them
Britney Spears (1981) to positions of leadership—a responsibility that those th
born on this day may view ambivalently. Although they inv
Compatible with have an enviable gift for organization and motivation im
March 30–31, October 7–10
and would far rather command than obey, they may feel iti
that their leadership duties preclude them from pursu- to
ing their own ambitions. A similarly ambiguous atti- cea
tude characterizes their relationships with their nearest be
.......................................................... and dearest (which is even more pronounced in the int
women who share this birthdate), for while they man- by
ifest deep affection and protectiveness for their loved res
.......................................................... ones, they may sometimes feel stifled by their (often ev
self-imposed) duties of caretaking. pr
Proof 1


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December 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12F E Inquisitive Investigators


I ntricate systems and abstract concepts exert
tremendous fascination upon December 3 people.
Blessed with investigative and progressive minds,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
he their attention is irresistibly drawn to complex issues,
ve, identifying flaws and then formulating solutions. Virtues
Progressive, clear-sighted, precise
ese Despite the unusual—even radical—ideas they
sts typically espouse, and the ambitious nature of their
ess visions, these are rational and meticulous types who Emotionally detached, obsessive,
to prefer not to make their theories public until they are undemonstrative
he convinced of their feasibility; their proposals can thus
ed, rarely be likened to castles built on shifting sand, as Car eers
ey the have the most stable of foundations. Add to this Scientific researcher, lawyer,
ey solid basis their organizational and technical skills, sports coach
If as well as their tenacity, and the result is an effective
th instrument of progress. Indeed, December 3 people Skills & Aptitudes
rs, show pioneering promise, and will excel in those fields Meticulousness, determination,
practical skills
nal where they can combine their innovative inclinations
ty, and practical expertise and thus lead by example— Famous Births
ts. perhaps as scientists or engineers, or else within the Ozzy Osbourne (1948)
ac- more fluid realms of artistry and athletics. Julianne Moore (1960)
em While others respect their vigor, focus and drive, Brendan Fraser (1968)
ose they may feel that these individuals have thrown up an Amanda Seyfried (1985)
hey invisible shield around them, making it difficult (if not
on impossible) to penetrate to the core of their personal- Compatible with
March 25–31, April 1,
eel ities. And it is true that those born on this day prefer October 7–10
u- to keep their emotions private—sometimes even con-
ti- cealing them from their nearest and dearest—perhaps
est believing that their expression would distract from
he intellectual pursuits. Many of their visions are driven ..........................................................
n- by the desire to assist society, and they make caring,
ed responsible and generous friends and family members,
en even when their professional interests take a higher ..........................................................
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 305
December 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Well-intentioned R ebels F E12z 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
I t is a curious dichotomy of December 4 people’s char-
acters that although they cherish their individuality,
they feel compelled to impose their own convictions
upon those around them. Often lacking self-aware- ph
Virtues ness, they see no contradiction in seeking to control the sti
Freethinking, courageous,
thoughts and actions of others while at the same time pro
reserving their own right to autonomy. But their push- ca
Vices iness usually stems from the best of intentions. Those in
Domineering, easily frustrated, rash born on this day are thoughtful and socially responsi- res
ble, their guiding visions generally concerned with ad- by
Car eers vancing the greater good rather than any more selfish are
Politician, entrepreneur, social ambitions. Their sense of natural justice and balanced ap
campaigner objectivity in particular propel them toward activities 5p
that are intended to bring about a more enlightened or an
Skills & Aptitudes better regulated society, and they may hence often be to
Inclusivity, supportiveness, found promoting a clear-cut set of ideological or politi- res
intellectual curiosity
cal beliefs, either as politicians or social campaigners, or th
Famous Births else through the more subtle, but no less effective media Th
Dennis Wilson (1944) encompassed by the artistic disciplines. th
Jeff Bridges (1949) December 4 people back their strongly held opin- th
Jay-Z (1969) ions and ambitions with resourcefulness, energy and co
Tyra Banks (1973) vigor, and—since they are additionally practical and
organized types—with carefully devised and impecca- ce
Compatible with bly executed plans of action. Stimulated by challenge, wi
March 26–31, April 1–2,
September 4–6 they relish taking risks and facing obstacles square- co
ly—a strategy that often has remarkable results but be
which may equally cause them to explode with frus- me
tration when they find their progress blocked. Others res
.......................................................... regard their determined and confrontational approach Th
with awe, but sometimes prefer to give them a wide rem
berth lest they find themselves in the firing line. Those gre
.......................................................... closest to them see the gentler, more affectionate side an
to their characters.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 306
December 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12F E Pur poseful Academics

B eing actively engaged in a potentially rewarding
endeavor is a prerequisite for the happiness
of those born on this day. Both intellectually and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
re- physically energetic, with a deep-rooted need to
he stimulate their minds and bodies in the pursuit of Virtues
Imaginative, positive, resourceful
me progress and knowledge, their attention is quickly
h- captured by the pioneering possibilities inherent
ose in challenging concepts or situations. Indeed, they Emotionally disconnected,
si- respond to ideas and visions that would be dismissed inflexible, dismissive
d- by more conservative and cautious individuals. Yet such
sh are their powers of imagination, and their optimistic Car eers
ed approach to the most daunting tasks, that December Entrepreneur, digital designer,
ies 5 people rarely allow themselves to be dissuaded from musician
or an exciting new venture. This sometimes leads them
be to make serious errors of judgment, but may equally Skills & Aptitudes
ti- result in remarkable innovations—and those around Innovative mindset, dogged
determination, positive focus
or them admire their indomitable spirit and enthusiasm.
dia They are regarded with affection and tolerance by Famous Births
their coworkers, friends and relations (feelings that Martin Van Buren (1782)
n- they reciprocate), but in many respects their primary Walt Disney (1901)
nd concern is with their intellectual ambitions. Little Richard (1935)
nd The majority of those born on this day are con- Margaret Cho (1968)
ca- cerned with making a real contribution to those
ge, with whom they identify, whether their families, Compatible with
March 28–31, April 1–3,
re- compatriots or even humanity as a whole, and may September 5–6
but be drawn to political or social pursuits. They supple-
us- ment their clarity of purpose by drawing upon their
ers resourcefulness, technical and organizational skills.
ch They will thrive in any career where their interest ..........................................................
de remains actively engaged, but perhaps will derive the
ose greatest satisfaction as artists, writers, digital coders
de and designers, musicians or movie-makers. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 307
December 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Connoisseurs of R eason F E12z 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
P erhaps the primary characteristics manifested by
those born on this day are their perceptive and
rational ways of looking at the world. In many re-
spects they may be compared to scientists (which, in- ine
Virtues deed, many may decide to become), for they assume en
Perceptive, meticulous, committed
a clinical approach to collecting data, assessing it ob- Th
jectively, and identifying areas in need of improve- be
Critical, bossy, stubborn
ment or change before formulating plans. This talent th
for impartial evaluation is not only applicable to the inf
Car eers scientific sphere, but may also be employed to great ob
Market analyst, project manager, effect in many other professions, including those re-
movie director lated to commerce, as well as to political, sporting and os
even artistic ventures, in which imaginative reinter- ne
Skills & Aptitudes pretations of existing conventions can have startlingly th
Analytical mindset, organizational successful results. we
skills, leadership qualities Because they are themselves convinced of the verac- sti
ity of their convictions, having submitted them to we
Famous Births
Ira Gershwin (1896)
exhaustive examination before reaching their conclu- pe
Steven Wright (1955) sions, December 6 individuals typically seek to enlist
Judd Apatow (1967) the support of those around them in their promotion, cro
Noel Clarke (1975) and, as gifted organizers, have the potential to spear- for
head highly motivated and smoothly operating teams. th
Compatible with Others regard their solid commitment to their often pr
March 29–31, April 1–5,
unusual—even radical—causes with awed admiration. qu
July 19–22, September 5–6
Yet since the ultimate goal of those born on this day is th
to achieve concrete results, and because they are some- hu
times coercive (particularly so for the men born on inh
this day), they may not always inspire affection—even iss
.......................................................... if their aims are good. Their preoccupation with their are
own interests, along with their habit of pointing out fri
failings on the part of others, may lead them to stand th
.......................................................... apart from those around them, a tendency that may
not always augur well for domestic harmony.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 308
December 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12F E Un ique Visionar ies

D ecember 7 people are especially notable for
daring to be different, a propensity that is
due not to attention-seeking (although this usually
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
n- inevitably follows) but to their great originality and
me enjoyment of adventurous forays into the unknown. Virtues
Individualistic, freethinking,
b- These individuals seek knowledge and experience
ve- beyond society’s conventional norms, a predisposition
nt that is influenced by their ability to absorb and assess Vices
he information and to uncover truths that are as yet Restless, nonconformist, isolated
eat obscure.
re- With the Sagittarian qualities of intellectual curi- Car eers
nd osity and an original turn of mind, they possess pio- Scientific researcher, academic,
er- neering—even leadership—potential. Maintaining experimental artist
gly their freedom of thought and action is vital to their
well-being: they feel intellectually and emotionally Skills & Aptitudes
ac- stifled if forced to conform to others’ mores. They are Originality of thought, questing
curiosity, independent instincts
to well suited to professions in which they can act inde-
u- pendently, including science and the arts. Famous Births
ist Despite their tendency to stand apart from the Noam Chomsky (1928)
on, crowd, those born on this day are not true loners, Ellen Burstyn (1932)
ar- for they feel a strong sense of responsibility for, Larry Bird (1956)
ms. those around them, a propensity that is even more Sara Bareilles (1979)
en pronounced in the women born on this day. Their
on. questing outlook on the world instills tolerance, but Compatible with
March 30–31, April 1–7,
y is they will stand up for their strongest convictions— July 19–22, September 6
me- humanitarian principles, for instance. While their
on inherent restlessness leads them to investigate new
en issues, people and places with great enthusiasm, they
eir are reliable and loyal people and are devoted to their ..........................................................
out friends, partners and families, who in turn cherish
nd them for their benevolent and affectionate qualities.
ay ..........................................................
Proof 1


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December 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Delicate Romantics F E12z 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
D ecember 8 individuals are passionate people,
driven by their compulsion to live life to the
full. Extraordinarily active in every respect, they
often show intense emotional and sensual responses, vis
Virtues throwing themselves wholeheartedly into any new ma
Idealistic, enthusiastic, inspirational
venture or relationship that promises stimulation. th
Indeed, these individuals may be characterized as mi
Dissatisfied, demotivated,
true idealists, engaged in a constant quest to realize em
unfocused their visions of perfection—intellectual, spiritual or ab
emotional. In their search for their personal Utopia, rat
Car eers they manifest boundless enthusiasm, determination sys
Musician, nonprofit worker, and vigor, often inspiring others with their drive and pio
community activist infectious optimism.
The motives of December 8 individuals are rarely sig
Skills & Aptitudes selfish, however. These people have a deep-rooted an
Total dedication, infectious desire to bring happiness to others, and many will in
enthusiasm, positive focus
capitalize upon their artistic affinities to become pro- tan
Famous Births fessional writers, musicians, artists and performers. po
Eli Whitney (1765) Perhaps inevitably, given their high expectations, dr
Jim Morrison (1943) December 8 people may never feel that they have tec
Teri Hatcher (1964) attained their elusive goals, even when others applaud pu
Sinead O’Connor (1966) them. They may spur themselves on to even greater ad
efforts (especially if they were born in the Chinese oth
Compatible with year of the horse), or else sink into deep depression, dr
March 31, April 1–9,
July 19–22 when disappointed with themselves or the results
of their efforts. It is important that their confidence so
be bolstered by understanding friends and relations, co
whose support helps to safeguard their emotional th
.......................................................... well-being. They should try to retain a realistic per- ca
spective on their chances for success, and, while not ap
giving up on their dreams, remember that some goals oth
.......................................................... are unlikely to be achievable.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 310
December 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12F E Enlightened Motivators

W hether or not they present a physically dashing
figure to the world, those born on this day
are gripped by the most original and ambitious of
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
es, visions—dreams in which they envisage themselves
ew making a substantial and inspirational contribution to Virtues
Socially concerned, imaginative,
on. the greater good. Blessed with soaringly imaginative
as minds (which are as much influenced by their
ze emotional orientation to others as by their more Vices
or abstract, intellectual propensities), as well as the more Fault-finding, controlling,
ia, rational capacity to identify faults or failings in existing intolerant
on systems or concepts, December 9 people possess true
nd pioneering potential. Car eers
Utilizing both their intuition and their clear- Social worker, local politician,
ely sighted perspicacity, those born on December 9 have teacher
ed an innate ability to identify what is lacking or wrong
will in the lives of those around them, and a concomi- Skills & Aptitudes
Leadership skills, self-confidence,
o- tant urge to remedy the situation, if it is within their
progressive proclivities
power to help. And in pursuing their ambitions they
ns, draw upon their prodigious vigor, organizational and Famous Births
ve technical skills, along with their unwavering fixity of John Milton (1608)
ud purpose. The nature of their aims varies: some will Judi Dench (1934)
ter advance within the political or scientific spheres, while Beau Bridges (1941)
ese others choose such artistic media as music, literature, Simon Helberg (1980)
on, drama, fashion or interior design.
Compatible with
lts Active concern also characterizes the interper- April 1–10, July 19–22,
ce sonal relationships of December 9 individuals, with
ns, colleagues, family and the larger community. They do
nal their utmost to safeguard the emotional and physi-
er- cal well-being of others. Inherent in such an involved ..........................................................
not approach, however, is the tendency to control, and
als others may reject or resent their advice.
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December 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Soft-spoken Savants F E12z 12F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
T he quiet and generally controlled demeanor
that characterizes those born on this day
often masks their steadily burning determination
to realize their ideals. Deep thinkers, December 10 by
Virtues individuals tend to be concerned with furthering pro
Progressive, selfless, idealistic
human knowledge—exploring abstract, academic life
or spiritual concepts, instituting scientific or artistic of
Overly demanding, insensitive,
advances, or reforming social systems. Blessed with De
emotionally closed objective and balanced intellects, they are able to pu
make informed and soundly reasoned assessments an
Car eers when approaching major decisions and formulate aro
Social worker, artistic director, local effective plans. Indeed, their organizational skills are reg
politician second to none, and they may seek careers as event of
managers, in politics or in other forms of community or
Skills & Aptitudes service. Others are attracted to the opportunities int
Self-discipline, unwavering focus, inherent in the academic world. em
leadership potential
Since their endeavors are intended to result in ben-
Famous Births efits for the greater good, rather than simply to sat- ind
Emily Dickinson (1830) isfy selfish ambitions, and because of their initiative to
Kenneth Branagh (1960) and focus, those born on this day make gifted lead- hig
Bobby Flay (1964) ers. They may well be demanding, but never expect as
Raven Symone (1985) more from others than they themselves give, a pro- era
pensity that is redoubled if they were also born in the ma
Compatible with Chinese year of the rat. Sometimes accused of insen- fir
April 2–11, July 19–22
sitivity, they are actively concerned with the welfare ing
of their friends, families and coworkers, but do not pro
often express themselves. Others generally admire th
and respect their selfless motivations and drive, but pla
.......................................................... even their nearest associates may feel excluded from po
sharing their inner worlds of emotions and dreams, act
which they tend to keep hidden (particularly if they ple
.......................................................... are men) beneath their disciplined exterior. th
Proof 1


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December 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

E12z 12F E Conflicted Quibblers

T hose born on this day often feel torn between
their strong sense of social responsibility and
their equally profound desire to attain happiness
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Second decan: Personal planet is Mars
10 by indulging in their personal interests. These dual
ng propensities can create conflict in the realm of family Virtues
Committed, progressive,
mic life. While they derive pleasure from the company
tic of their loved ones, they are apt to be controlling.
th December 11 people are often drawn to professional Vices
to pursuits that challenge their intellectual qualities Controlling, overly intense,
nts and are concerned with improving the lives of those demanding
ate around them. Many are interested in systems of social
are regulation and feel inclined to act as the champions Car eers
nt of the downtrodden, perhaps as humanitarian activists Social activist, scientific researcher,
ity or politicians. Others seek to make scientific advances paramedic
ies intended to help humanity, or to work in medical or
emergency services or as mechanics or engineers. Skills & Aptitudes
Social orientation, indefatigable
n- Whatever professions they pursue, all December 11
focus, drive
at- individuals are notable for their energy and dedication
ve to their causes. Innate perfectionists, they demand as Famous Births
d- high a level of commitment from those around them Brenda Lee (1944)
ect as they themselves demonstrate, and do not easily tol- Nikki Sixx (1958)
o- erate errors or poor judgment. This level of intensity Mo’Nique (1967)
he may produce remarkable results but may also back- Jermaine Jackson (1954)
n- fire or have an intellectually and physically exhaust-
Compatible with
are ing effect on everyone involved. And, despite their April 3–13, July 19–22
not profound affection and concern for the well-being of
ire those closest to them (as well as the value they in turn
but place on receiving their unquestioning emotional sup-
om port), their elevated standards and sometimes overly ..........................................................
ms, active promotion of the behavioral and ethical princi-
ey ples that they espouse may arouse the resentment of
those whose interests they have most strongly at heart. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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December 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Social Commun icators F A F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
P erhaps the most obvious trait of December 12
people is their tendency to express their emotions
and convictions in the public arena. Generally, they
are not seeking notice for its own sake, but in the ba
Virtues belief that they have an important message to impart uti
Fair-minded, determined,
to the world—one that will help people to progress. to
Highly perceptive in terms of both intellect and vig
Vices intuition, their profound sense of justice causes them see
Attention-seeking, reckless, to react strongly to social abuses. Their attempts to pin
outrageous redress these are pursued with vigor and unwavering
determination—even (or especially) in the face of co
Car eers opposition. me
Teacher, advertising executive, stage December 12 people make effective and popular pro
performer teachers and are often successful in the fields of mar- ca
keting and sales, especially when they are promoting en
Skills & Aptitudes novel or technological products. Their outgoing per- acc
Communication skills, risk-taking
sonalities help them in people-centered jobs. law
tendencies, self-confidence
Although the causes that inspire December 12
Famous Births people vary, all feel compelled to share them with an
Gustave Flaubert (1821) the world through their talent for communication, th
Frank Sinatra (1915) which is even more pronounced if they were born in tiv
Bob Barker (1923) the Chinese year of the horse. Whether they employ sh
Mayim Bialik (1975) verbal, literary, visual or musical media, their ability ch
to hold the attention of their audiences—either by an
Compatible with
April 4–14 shocking or delighting—augurs well for their suc- da
cess. Many are aware that by opening such conduits op
for discussion they will excite negative as well as pos- ca
itive reactions, but believe that the potential benefits tio
.......................................................... outweigh the risks, or sometimes simply cannot keep th
silent. The real danger, however, is that they may for- by
feit their privacy—and that of others whose love and co
.......................................................... support is vital to their emotional well-being.
Proof 1


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December 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A F A Grounded Delegates

S imultaneously curious and perfectionistic, those
born on this day have the potential to initiate
advances notable not only for their originality, but
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
he based upon solid foundations. Their innovations
art utilize their highly developed powers of perception Virtues
Tenacious, astute, reliable
ss. to identify gaps in knowledge and endeavor. Innately
nd vigorous and capable of deep concentration, they
em seek to fill these gaps, or rectify faults that they have Interfering, unemotional,
to pinpointed. overinvolved
ng To all their ventures, December 13 people bring
of confidence, resourcefulness and tenacity, along with Car eers
meticulous attention to detail. They will thrive in any Accountant, forensic lawyer,
lar profession where their exploratory and active needs scientific researcher
ar- can be fulfilled, but many require a structured working
ng environment and are especially drawn to the fields of Skills & Aptitudes
er- accountancy, engineering, actuarial work, science, the Social responsibility, appetite for
problem-solving, focus on detail
law, police work or civil service.
12 December 13 people are instinctive humanitari- Famous Births
th ans, whose natural sense of justice and empathy for Dick van Dyke (1925)
on, those in unfortunate circumstances arouse protec- Ted Nugent (1948)
in tive responses in them. Their interpersonal relation- Jamie Foxx (1967)
oy ships—whether with coworkers, friends, partners or Taylor Swift (1989)
ity children—are also characterized by genuine interest
by and concern, especially in the women born on this Compatible with
April 5–18
uc- day, although they do not tend to show their feelings
its openly. Dependable individuals, they usually offer
os- carefully considered advice based on astute observa-
fits tions, but their desire for involvement is such that
ep their benevolent intentions may be misinterpreted ..........................................................
or- by independent loved ones as attempts to mold or
nd control them.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 315
December 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ear nest R evolutionar ies F A F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
O thers cannot help but admire the aura of energy,
capability and efficiency exuded by those born
on this day, December 14 people are active types who
cannot bear to stand idle when there are things to do th
Virtues and progress to be made. Blessed with rational and yet co
Self-reliant, dedicated, imaginative
imaginative intellects, mental and physical vigor, and wi
strong organizational skills, they approach all their pin
Overcommitted, frustrated,
endeavors with enthusiasm and determination. Their log
unfocused decisiveness makes them natural leaders, and they have act
a talent for directing others with a firm but benevolent iso
Car eers hand, frequently balancing their high expectations with to
Pharmacist, scientific researcher, a dash of humor. They will thrive in any profession mi
chef where they are allowed the freedom of action to work he
toward their objectives unhindered by others’ constraints att
Skills & Aptitudes (which is not to say that are not rigorously disciplined— inv
Organizational skills, goal- to the contrary) and they are therefore especially suited no
orientation, self-discipline
to careers where research and development play an
Famous Births integral part—within the academic, manufacturing or de
Nostradamus (1503) pharmaceutical spheres, for example. inc
Charlie Rich (1932) Although they are sociable people who display ma
Chelsea Noble (1964) enormous goodwill toward those around them, in th
Vanessa Hudgens (1988) many respects those born on this day are self-contained en
and self-reliant types whose potential for fulfillment pu
Compatible with lies in their individual quests for discovery and prog- th
April 6–19
ress. Thus although others frequently turn to them for les
advice and support—and are never turned away—they at
may feel torn between their sense of social responsibil- be
ity and their profound desire to pursue their personal rel
.......................................................... interests undisturbed by the demands of those around act
them. It is important therefore that their friends and su
relations respect their need for privacy and space, and th
.......................................................... that they in turn try to find a happy medium between pe
their internal and external orientations.
Proof 1


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December 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A F A Persuasive Char ismatics

T hose born on this day are complex personalities:
on the one hand optimistic, vital and filled with
benevolent feelings for those around them, and on
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
do the other possessing somewhat uncompromising,
yet controlling and dictatorial tendencies. Blessed both Virtues
Clear-thinking, progressive,
nd with intellectual clarity—which enables them to
eir pinpoint perceived faults and failings—and extremely
eir logical minds, they devise straightforward plans of Vices
ave action. Mentally and physically active, they do not Controlling, uncompromising,
ent isolate themselves in a personal vacuum, but prefer impatient
ith to lead from the front, enlisting the support of like-
on minded individuals and motivating them with the Car eers
ork help of their great personal charm. Indeed, others are IT worker, teacher, social
nts attracted to these natural leaders on account of their campaigner
— invigorating enthusiasm, “can-do” attitude and no-
ed nonsense approach. Skills & Aptitudes
Motivational skills, practical
an Many of those born on this day have the ability to
outlook, analytical instincts
or develop real expertise in the fields that interest them,
including business, new technology and corporate Famous Births
ay management. Whatever career they choose, however, Gustave Eiffel (1832)
in their ultimate objective is concerned with enlight- Tim Conway (1933)
ed ening, educating or making their mark on a broader Adam Brody (1979)
ent public. Their intentions toward others are thus of Michelle Dockery (1981)
g- the most positive variety, but they should neverthe-
Compatible with
for less beware of seeking to control those around them April 8–20
ey at any cost, however justified they feel themselves to
il- be. This is particularly pertinent within their personal
nal relationships, for by trying to direct the thoughts and
nd actions of their loved ones they may inadvertently be ..........................................................
nd suppressing their need for individual autonomy, and
nd they may lose their receptiveness to other ideas and
en perspectives. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 317
December 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fanciful Innovators F A F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
B lessed with original imaginations and the desire
to explore concepts that less visionary types
would condemn as unfeasible, December 16 people
are profound thinkers with the potential to make rat
Virtues significant contributions. They are also articulate and are
Tenacious, imaginative, objective
persuasive and tend to make strong first impressions th
on others. Their logical and objective approach to new qu
Isolated, radical, obsessive
issues precludes any tendency to succumb to flights of sit
fancy. While open-minded enough to consider a wide wi
Car eers variety of opinions and possibilities, they subject the an
Academic, scientific researcher, ideas that attract their interest to rigorous examination. he
writer Once convinced of the validity of their theses, ch
December 16 people tend to pursue their goals with an
Skills & Aptitudes vigor, concentration and tenacity, rarely deflected by int
Unconventional thought processes, the opposition they might encounter. In many respects Al
persuasiveness they therefore present somewhat solitary figures, for th
although they possess the courage of their convictions, co
Famous Births
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770)
they may find themselves isolated from others by their an
Jane Austen (1775) need to pursue their own agenda. are
Margaret Mead (1901) Those born on this day will flourish when uncon- alw
Billy Gibbons (1949) strained by society’s norms and conventions, and will to
almost certainly feel stifled within corporate structures. ap
Compatible with They are better suited for careers as academic or scien- alt
April 11–20
tific researchers and innovators in such problem-solv-
ing fields as software development or production man- De
agement. They thrive in jobs where they can express len
their own ideas, whether designing software, building th
plumbing systems, or writing copy. Their ultimate pur- rea
.......................................................... pose is usually unselfish and they often have a social are
concern that may not be immediately apparent. Their wi
deep affection for those closest to them sometimes ma
.......................................................... appears compromised by their drive to achieve, but bu
they are capable of forming loyal partnerships. th
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 318
December 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A F A Unwaver ing Protectors

T heir desire to effect results marks out December
17 people, who are go-getters and have little
patience with those who prefer to ponder interminably
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
ke rather than make a decision. This is not to say that they
nd are unthinking or impulsive—on the contrary—rather Virtues
Decisive, practical, charismatic
ns that those born on this day are blessed with the ability
ew quickly to sum up and assess the components of a
of situation and then to devise straightforward strategies Impatient, dominating, intolerant
de with which to move forward. Vigorous, practical
he and progressive types, they undertake nothing half- Car eers
on. heartedly. This uncompromisingly direct attitude Business analyst, human-resources
es, characterizes their approach to all their endeavors, manager, sports coach
th and also defines their preferred stance within their
by interpersonal relationships, often with mixed success. Skills & Aptitudes
cts Although these natural leaders have a gift for firing Straightforward approach,
for the enthusiasm of, directing and organizing, their leadership skills, analytical abilities
ns, colleagues, their attempts to marshal their nearest
Famous Births
eir and dearest along the lines that they are convinced John Greenleaf Whittier (1807)
are the best (especially if they are men) may not Pope Francis (1936)
n- always be appreciated. They may also find it difficult Kerry Packer (1937)
will to embark on new relationships, as they can often Sarah Paulson (1974)
es. appear unapproachable and are rarely demonstrative,
n- although they are sociable, cheerful and ebullient. Compatible with
April 12–20
lv- Despite their somewhat abrupt manner, however,
n- December 17 individuals feel a strong and benevo-
ess lent sense of connection with, and responsibility for
ng their families, friends, coworkers and others. They will
ur- readily spring to the defense of their loved ones and
ial are dependable allies. Their capacity to pinpoint faults ..........................................................
eir within situations and remedy them suits them well for
mes management careers; they may also be attracted to the
but business sphere or other fields in which they can make ..........................................................
their mark on the wider world.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 319
December 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Level-headed Planners F A F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
B lessed with soaring imaginations, December
18 people are fascinated by concepts that those
of a less original turn of mind might dismiss, but
are also determined to translate their dreams into th
Virtues reality. Even from childhood those born on this day att
Ambitious, charismatic, visionary
may often have formulated a game plan for life that eq
revolves around the specific interests that absorb their lac
Emotionally detached, workaholic,
attention. They remain resolutely focused, regardless no
obsessive of the vicissitudes they may experience, the tempting be
diversions that may present themselves, or even the ev
Car eers doubts of those to whom they have confided their th
Conceptual artist, sports person, aspirations. Always keeping their ultimate objectives in
musician firmly in mind, they work meticulously toward their dr
achievement, displaying resourcefulness, ingenuity, ste
Skills & Aptitudes and practical and organizational talents in the process. pro
Single-minded focus, appetite for These qualities inspire the admiration of those around Am
hard work, leadership skills
them, and their effectiveness in terms of results cannot an
Famous Births but win over even the most hardened of skeptics. rat
Christopher Fry (1907) Those born on this day will flourish in any profes- aim
Keith Richards (1943) sion where they can retain their autonomy and are co
Steven Spielberg (1947) therefore better suited to careers that allow for such th
Brad Pitt (1964) independence, perhaps those encompassed by science
and technology, the arts or the sporting arena. Innately ing
Compatible with resistant to toeing the corporate line, December 18 om
April 14–20, June 4–6
people are nevertheless charismatic leaders, a gift pio
that, when combined with their ability to maintain ma
a broader view, equips them admirably as politicians. lov
Despite the respect they inspire, and their goodwill im
.......................................................... to those around them, those who seek more intimate th
relationships with December 18 people (men espe- me
cially) may find it hard to access the emotional side of os
.......................................................... their characters.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 320
December 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A F G AK Straightforwar d Debaters

U ncompromisingly individualistic personalities,
December 19 people are natural nonconformists
who refuse to be bound by what they may regard as
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
nto the petty conventions of society. They have a strong Second cusp: Sagittarius with
ay attraction for what is profound and original and an Capricorn tendencies
hat equally deep dislike—even contempt—for passivity,
eir lack of curiosity, or stodginess. Dismissive of societal Visionary, passionate, independent
ess norms that do not accord with their own visionary
ng beliefs, they are not afraid to express themselves freely, Vices
he even relishing the controversy they may provoke with Rebellious, outspoken,
eir their outspokenness—a propensity that is heightened uncompromising
ves in those who were born in the Chinese year of the
eir dragon. However, their purpose is not negative, but Car eers
ty, stems from their desire for stimulating debate. They Entrepreneur, contemporary artist,
ss. promote their views with passion and commitment. performing artist
nd Among their intellectual strengths are clarity of vision
Skills & Aptitudes
not and a strong sense of justice. And because they are
Independence of thought,
rational and clear-sighted individuals, the elevated unconventional methods, articulacy
es- aims that inspire them are usually realistic, although
are concentration and sheer hard work will be required for Famous Births
ch their eventual success. Edith Piaf (1915)
nce December 19 people are clearly unsuited to becom- Criss Angel (1967)
ely ing cogs in corporate wheels. Their need for auton- Alyssa Milano (1973)
Jake Gyllenhaal (1980)
18 omy and exploration bodes well for their success as
ift pioneering artists, scientists or entrepreneurs. Because Compatible with
ain many will prefer to work alone, the unconditional April 18–20, June 4–6
ns. love and support of those closest to them is especially
will important. Strong bonds of affection characterize
ate their relationships with friends, partners and family ..........................................................
pe- members, who in turn cherish them for their gener-
of osity and loyalty.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 321
December 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Well-grounded Guides F G AK F

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
T hose born on this day are vigorous individuals
who are often concerned with helping society to
progress by implementing changes that will materially
Second cusp: Sagittarius with assist or inform a broad public. These socially co
Capricorn tendencies responsible people feel a profound sense of connection or
with those around them and are therefore determined pro
Positive, progressive, practical to do their utmost to remedy any perceived failings or see
abuses or to implement alternative systems of political mo
Vices or intellectual belief, technical innovations, or in some wi
Controlling, dismissive, intolerant way positively to inspire others to follow the path Th
that they believe to be the optimum one. December to
Car eers 20 individuals are astute and realistic assessors of any th
Teacher, politician, charity worker situation, and because they are predisposed to initiating to
responsive action as speedily and efficaciously as th
Skills & Aptitudes possible, are gifted problem-solvers and decision- ov
Social orientation, leadership talent, makers. They supplement their capacity for incisive ind
motivational skills
and direct thought with prodigiously practical skills, an
Famous Births and also have a marked talent for motivating and
Bob Hayes (1942) organizing others. Clearly natural leaders, their ability an
Dick Wolf (1946) and strength of conviction always shine through. co
Billy Bragg (1957) Their propensity for leading by example, mastery of bu
Jonah Hill (1983) technical and conceptual issues, and their social orien- Th
tation suits those born on this day for careers where tio
Compatible with they can play a coaching role, and they may thus be foc
April 19–20, June 4–6
found excelling in professional fields as varied as on
teaching, politics, the arts or sciences. Yet it is precisely aw
because they believe so strongly in the importance and th
veracity of the messages that they communicate to pu
.......................................................... their pupils, compatriots, or even humanity as a global of
entity, that those who hold alternative viewpoints may iso
come to regard them as overly controlling, a danger mo
.......................................................... that may present especial problems for their children th
if they are parents, or for their spouses.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 322
December 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

AK F G AK Passionate Idealists

T hose determined individuals born on December
21 are susceptible to extremes in that they are
intent on having their way, no matter how high the
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Jupiter and Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is Sun
lly cost in emotional repercussions—for themselves, Second cusp: Sagittarius with
on or those who stand in their way. They can therefore Capricorn tendencies
ed project an intimidating aura, and are sometimes
or seen as dogmatic, authoritarian and selfish. Yet their Dedicated, honorable, resourceful
cal motivation is often based upon ideological convictions
me with the potential for wide-ranging benefits to others. Vices
th Their rational intellects and perspicacity enable them Intimidating, forceful, autocratic
ber to identify systems in need of improvement, which
ny they strive to remedy. They may use confrontation Car eers
ng to combat opposition, but usually prefer to rely on Social activist, athlete, business
as their force of will and magnetic charm to win others innovator
n- over. Once people get to know these strong-willed
ve individuals, they will admire their generosity, honor Skills & Aptitudes
Leadership skills, unswerving
lls, and integrity.
drive, uncompromising vision
nd December 21 people may be found working in—
ity and potentially dominating—fields as disparate as Famous Births
commerce, science, sports, construction and the arts, Jane Fonda (1937)
of but they are well suited for political or social reform. Frank Zappa (1940)
n- Their personalities often inspire respect and admira- Samuel L. Jackson (1948)
ere tion in those around them, but their single-minded Kiefer Sutherland (1967)
be focus may alienate others. The friends and relations
Compatible with
as on whom they rely deeply (whether or not they are April 20, June 7
ely aware of it) for love and support, may come to resent
nd their autocratic tendencies. By giving no quarter in the
to pursuit of their ambitions, they risk losing the support
bal of loved ones and becoming emotionally and socially ..........................................................
ay isolated, so it is imperative that they remember that a
ger more conciliatory approach than comes naturally to
en them is often the best way forward. ..........................................................
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j Capricorn on
December 22 to January 19 see
Ruling planet: Saturn Element: Cardinal earth Symbol: Goat-fish au
Polar ity: Negative (feminine) Colors: Indigo, gray, dark green as
Physical cor r espondence: Bones, joints, teeth, knees rea
Stones: Onyx, beryl, white sapphire, black diamond, jet, amethyst be
Flowers: Coltsfoot, black poppy, pansy th

T he name of the zodiacal sign of Capricorn is derived from the Roman capricornus
(caper “goat,” and cornu, “horn”). While the image of a horned goat is encapsulated
within this constellation, its nether parts represent a fish’s tail. This hybrid corpus derives
from a Mesopotamian deity, whom the Sumerians equated with the god Enki, and the
Babylonians with Ea or Oannes, the ruler of the waters. Other astrological traditions also ing
adopted the goat-fish imagery, including the Persians, the ancient Greeks, and the Hindus. tor
Some scholars believe that the duality inherent in the goat-fish represents the juxtaposition str
of water—a symbolic metaphor for the unconscious mind—with the mountainous habitat th
of the ibex, symbolizing intellectual aspiration. Capricorn encompasses the Northern th
winter solstice (indeed, its sigil is sometimes used to represent the solstice itself ). For this tio
reason, the sign was also know in classical times as the “gateway to the gods,” Janua coeli, A
or the “gate of death.” Its association with death stems from winter’s cold, and Capricorn’s esp
planetary ruler, Saturn, equates to the Greek god Kronos (also the Greek word for time), th
whose sickle popularity identifies him with “father time” or the “grim reaper.” ma
The characteristics endowed by Capricorn include a desire for material security, man- th
ifested by focused ambition, tenacity and steady reliability, as well as strong loyalty and sh
practical skills—gifts of the element of earth. More negative qualities include pessimism res
(reflecting the influence of Capricorn’s saturnine ruler), and valuing on career achieve- po
ments over personal relationships. no
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December 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1G F Long-term Planners

T hose born on this day are tenacious and ambitious

people; they may act according to a long-term
plan formulated as early as childhood. Financial
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
security is important to them, but they are more intent First cusp: Capricorn with Sagittarius
on attaining the high standards they set for themselves, tendencies
or on implementing ideological concepts that they
see as beneficial to society. December 22 people will Meticulous, patient, determined
flourish in professional activities that allow them total
autonomy and promise tangible results—for example, Vices
as freelancers or self-starting entrepreneurs. Pragmatic Aloof, controlling, narrow-minded
realists, they recognize that enduring progress cannot
be achieved overnight or without cooperation. Thus Car eers
they understand the need for meticulous preparation Entrepreneur, business executive,
(especially if they were born in the Chinese year of construction worker
us the ox) and have the patience to bide their time,
d working steadily behind the scenes until they see the Skills & Aptitudes
Single-minded focus, attention to
es opportunity to put their plans into action.
detail, long-term planning
e Their ability to focus on visionary goals while pay-
o ing attention to detail makes them effective direc- Famous Births
s. tors of their coworkers, who generally respect their Giacomo Puccini (1858)
n strength of purpose and capability. Yet those born on Claudia Alta “Lady Bird” Johnson
at this day are generally more preoccupied with realizing (1912)
n their aims than with fostering congenial working rela- Diane Sawyer (1945)
Ralph Fiennes (1962)
is tionships and may appear to stand apart from others.
i, A similar attitude defines their family relationships, Compatible with
’s especially with their children, of whom they have June 7–8, October 23–26
), the highest expectations. Their controlling tendency
may stem from the desire to safeguard the welfare of
- their loved ones, but it often creates resentment. They ..........................................................
d should bear in mind the negative effects that may
m result from their focus on achievement, especially its
- potential to alienate those closest to them, who may ..........................................................
not share their ideals.
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December 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Commun ity Organ izers G F 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T he fulfillment of many December 23 individuals
is bound up with the welfare of the social group
with which they identify most strongly—whether
First cusp: Capricorn with Sagittarius family and friends, members of their local community, up
tendencies compatriots or the larger fellowship of humankind. de
Some feel a real emotional connection; others may be
Public-spirited, committed, be prompted by the recognition that group endeavors bu
resourceful can often effect more than individual ventures. wo
However, all are fueled by their drive to lead others ha
Vices along what they believe to be the optimum path to (pe
Abrupt, controlling, insensitive communal success. Their clarity of perception enables no
them to identify areas in need of improvement, and asp
Car eers they can formulate original, yet practical, solutions. pli
Community worker, civil servant, Gifted organizers, December 23 people are in many ph
business executive respects suited to positions of leadership in the realms
of politics, law enforcement, or commerce, although are
Skills & Aptitudes
the more individualistic may be attracted by the M
Leadership qualities, focus on
results, organizational skills opportunities to exert their influence in scientific, po
artistic or spiritual pursuits. th
Famous Births Others respect their strength of conviction and th
Chet Baker (1929) determination, but do not always view them with affec- th
Susan Lucci (1949) tion, sensing the tendency to disregard their emotions rel
Eddie Vedder (1964) and aspirations, and focus on their usefulness. Such an
Corey Haim (1971)
negative perceptions are usually inaccurate, resulting by
Compatible with from the urgency with which those born on this day th
June 7–8, October 23–26 (especially men) bring to their tasks. In fact, they can th
be extremely impatient with those who do conform to of
their beliefs, especially family members and friends, eff
.......................................................... but they form deep and loyal relationships. Listening th
to, and, where possible, adopting the viewpoints of inc
others, as well as respecting their right to think and int
.......................................................... act autonomously, will help them to thrive.
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December 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F 1G F Dedicated Innovators

T he single-minded focus with which those born
on this day pursue the visions that inspire them
is awesome in its intensity. Their fulfillment is bound
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
ty, up with the achievement of their goals. Some are First cusp: Capricorn with Sagittarius
nd. determined to better themselves personally; others may tendencies
ay be more concerned with benefiting society at large—
ors but all show remarkable vigor and determination in Dedicated, progressive, resourceful
es. working toward the realization of their aims. Many
ers have identified their goals and principles early in life Vices
to (perhaps as early as childhood). However, they are Workaholic, obsessive, intolerant
les not coldly rational individuals—on the contrary, their
nd aspirations usually reflect intuitive responses to the Car eers
ns. plight of those who are suffering from emotional or Business executive, teacher,
ny physical deprivation. software developer
ms The careers to which December 24 individuals
gh are drawn offer opportunities for initiating progress. Skills & Aptitudes
Unwavering focus, goal orientation,
he Many will choose to work as commercial, technical,
practical approach
fic, political or educational innovators, or as pioneers in
the artistic realm. Coworkers may feel unable to match Famous Births
nd their dedication, and they often appear isolated within King John of England (1167)
ec- the professional sphere. However, they are positive, Howard Hughes (1905)
ns reliable people who make devoted friends, partners Ava Gardner (1922)
ch and especially parents, whose affection is reciprocated Ricky Martin (1971)
ng by their loved ones. Those born on this day draw upon
Compatible with
ay their astute and rational intellectual talents in all that September 14–17, October 23–26
an they do. Sometimes, however, they are so convinced
to of the veracity of their beliefs and so determined to
ds, effect their aims that they have a tendency to focus on
ng their causes and ambitions to the exclusion of all else, ..........................................................
of including their own needs for physical relaxation and
nd intellectual diversification. Variety is the spice of life!
Proof 1


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December 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gifted Compromisers G F G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Jupiter
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T hose born into Christian families on this day
will inevitably have felt themselves marked out
as special from an early age, yet they will also have
First cusp: Capricorn with Sagittarius learned to compromise: today’s celebrations are not th
tendencies focused exclusively on them. In fact, they receive wi
less attention on their birthdays than their siblings em
Resourceful, idealistic, objective and friends, and may feel that they are missing out. of
These dual feelings often persist throughout the lives su
Vices of December 25 people, who are notable for their co
Impatient, demanding, determination to achieve ambitious aspirations and, th
unsympathetic usually, their success in life. pe
Although they are pragmatic and objective, the sys
Car eers concepts that fire them reflect an imaginative and cre
Community leader, scientific progressive outlook. Whether they are drawn to the to
researcher, architect potential inherent in science, business, politics or the go
arts, they show a real ability to combine practical skills wo
Skills & Aptitudes
with intellectual insight. They often make especially ser
Practical approach, organizational
skills, commitment effective researchers because of this combination of de
skills and their aptitude for organization and dedica- for
Famous Births tion to their personal goals. ho
Jesus Christ (c.4 bc) Individualistic as they are, December 25 people also be
Sir Isaac Newton (1642) have a sense of social responsibility (especially when ex
Humphrey Bogart (1899) they were born in the Chinese year of the snake). This
Jimmy Buffett (1946)
leads them to enlist the support of others for causes th
Compatible with they believe will illuminate or otherwise benefit the wh
September 14–17, October 23–26 lives of those around them, or humanity as a whole. wh
Originality, resourcefulness and charisma contribute th
to their leadership qualities and their easy popularity. tra
.......................................................... However, their ambition, strength of conviction and mi
high standards may place a heavy burden of expecta- ou
tion upon those whose interest they have most deeply bro
.......................................................... at heart. They should remember to show their loved me
ones how much they care for them. see
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December 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F G New-r eality-builders

S uch is the vigorous nature of the people born on
this day that they are not content simply to dream
of their visionary aspirations but seek to transform
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
not them into reality. December 26 people are blessed
ve with incisive perspicacity, supplemented by profound Virtues
Empathetic, community-spirited,
ngs empathy with those whom they perceive as victims
ut. of society’s failings or abuses. When they identify
ves such faults, they invariably take remedial action. This Vices
eir combination of characteristics attracts them to fields Unreceptive, intolerant,
nd, that are concerned with effecting human progress, unapproachable
perhaps by instituting more enlightened political
he systems, technical innovations, social service work or Car eers
nd creative use of the media. They relish the opportunity Social worker, local politician,
he to rise to a demanding challenge, but their ultimate marketing executive
he goal is to further the common good through their
lls work. While they project themselves as intense, Skills & Aptitudes
Progressive instincts, single-minded
lly serious people, those born on December 26 are
focus, resourcefulness
of dependable, loyal friends who are admired and loved
ca- for their supportive, committed presence. They may, Famous Births
however, be very slow to form their deep relationships, Harry S. Turman (1884)
so because their ideals sometimes generate unrealistic Jack Benny (1894)
en expectations of others. Phil Spector (1940)
This Their sense of social concern does not preclude Jared Leto (1971)
ses their insistence on freedom of thought and action,
Compatible with
he which may lead them to adopt a combative stance September 14–17, October 27–31
le. when they believe their right to personal autonomy is
ute threatened, or when others behave in a manner con-
ty. trary to their convictions. And although their deter-
nd mination and ability to lead by example marks them ..........................................................
ta- out as dynamic team leaders, their unwillingness to
ply brook ideological dissent in coworkers, or even family
ed members and friends, may disrupt the harmony they ..........................................................
seek in promoting the common purpose.
Proof 1


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December 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Dual-sided Personalities G G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T he majority of December 27 people have two
distinct sides to their personalities: not only
do they have a strong feeling of social responsibility
and present a positive and dependable persona to the ten
Virtues wider world, they are also deep thinkers who need for
Altruistic, dependable, thoughtful
time and space to pursue their own interests. Inherent do
in this duality is the danger that those born on this de
Unapproachable, isolated, resentful
day may feel torn between what they perceive as their son
duty to others and their own personal prerequisites for in
Car eers fulfillment. Any sense of imbalance between these may tra
Community worker, civil servant, lead them to become frazzled and frustrated. Because tal
lab technician their goodwill makes it difficult for them to refuse ma
requests for help, they may become overburdened are
Skills & Aptitudes with problems not of their own making—especially ser
Perceptiveness, reliability, problem- the women born on this day. ori
solving focus When they can reconcile their desire to help oth- dy
ers with their own interests, their potential is truly
Famous Births
Johannes Kepler (1571)
remarkable. Provided they center themselves emo- pr
Louis Pasteur (1822) tionally and spiritually, they will attract friends readily th
Marlene Dietrich (1901) for their steady, reliable, supportive qualities, but they fur
Gerard Depardieu (1948) can appear unapproachable when immersed in their ma
careers or favorite forms of recreation. de
Compatible with Intellectual and intuitive perception, logical minds tic
January 20, October 27–31
and tenacity draw those born on this day to profes- cal
sions wherein they can make contributions to as is
science, engineering, commerce, sporting or artistic ma
ventures. Despite their concern with the well-being th
of others, their intellectual focus may isolate them th
.......................................................... professionally. Typically, they seek an outlet for their vit
emotional needs in their personal relationships and ne
value the comfort and support offered by their nearest tio
.......................................................... and dearest, reciprocating with affection and loyalty. aff
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December 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G G Pillars of Support

T he image that December 28 people present to the
world is one of confidence, dependability and ca-
pability. They are socially responsible, but their compe-
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
he tent exterior overlies a constant and profound search
ed for inner understanding and knowledge in realms that Virtues
Dependable, supportive, thoughtful
ent do not necessarily coincide with the more immediate
his demands that others may make of them. Thus their per-
eir sonal magnetism may be both a gift and a drawback, Unfocused, unassertive, frustrated
for in that although December 28 individuals may derive
ay transitory satisfaction from lending their energies and Car eers
use talents to the resolution of the problems of others, they Academic, teacher, nonprofit
use may thereby neglect the exploration of interests that organizer
ed are essential to their personal fulfillment. Yet when a
lly serendipitous conjunction of their external and internal Skills & Aptitudes
orientations occurs—perhaps within their careers—the Practical approach, team
h- dynamic synergy produced can have excellent results. orientation, research skills
uly Their natural inclinations, combined with their
Famous Births
o- practical and technical expertise, admirably equip Woodrow Wilson (1856)
ily those born on this day for professions in which by Maggie Smith (1934)
ey furthering their own interests and insights, they Denzel Washington (1954)
eir may simultaneously help, guide, inform, enlighten or John Legend (1978)
delight a wider audience. Such pursuits include poli-
ds tics, spiritual studies, communications and art. Typi- Compatible with
January 20–21, October 27–31
es- cally admired for their abilities and self-reliance, there
as is a risk that these individuals may be regarded pri-
tic marily as competent providers of support—an image
ng that they themselves may unwittingly foster—and
em their own emotional needs will be disregarded. It is
eir vital that they and those around them (especially their ..........................................................
nd nearest and dearest) realize that they, too, are emo-
est tionally vulnerable and require the mutual support and
y. affection that is inherent in strong emotional bonds. ..........................................................
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December 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Straightforwar d leaders G G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T he positive, capable approach of December 29
people inspires admiration and respect: thus they
are often seen in leadership positions. Although their
strong sense of responsibility leads them to discharge to
Virtues their duties with diligence, those born on this day would ind
Perceptive, responsible, socially
often prefer to pursue their own interests unburdened by in
the demands of others. Harmonizing their external and an
Vices internal orientations is essential to realizing their own org
Stressed, frustrated, exploitable potential for fulfillment, and many—consciously or un- to
consciously—pursue careers that absorb their personal an
Car eers interests while providing real benefits for the greater wo
Self-help author, newspaper good. Along with a penchant for logical and straight- an
columnist, financial adviser forward thought, December 29 people are blessed with lea
keenly perceptive and progressive minds, a combination ma
Skills & Aptitudes of qualities that makes them alert to flawed social sys- Th
Resourcefulness, leadership tems. Because they are vigorous and resourceful, they mi
potential, diligence
seek new ways of moving forward, drawing upon their pe
Famous Births highly developed organizational skills. ap
Charles Goodyear (1800) Those born on this day will thrive in any career that
Mary Tyler Moore (1937) offers challenging opportunities to assist or enlighten. dr
Jon Voight (1938) They are especially suited to those realms where they me
Jude Law (1972) can provide ideological guidance to others (as parents, th
politicians or writers, for example), or make innova- th
Compatible with tions that advance knowledge and prosperity (per- en
January 20–22, October 27–31
haps as scientists or engineers). Others respond to co
the benevolent aura that December 29 people ema- th
nate, but in many respects this personal magnetism an
can cause unwanted complications in their lives. In are
.......................................................... essence, they are private individuals who are happiest ch
when working toward their personal goals, bolstered im
by the love and support of those closest to them, who cei
.......................................................... contribute profoundly to their emotional well-being.
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December 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G G Proponents of Progr ess

T he thoughts and actions of those born on this
day are profoundly influenced by their need to
bring order to confused situations and concepts—
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
ge to effect dynamic progress in place of stasis. These
uld individuals are not only skilled at identifying areas Virtues
Public-spirited, practical,
by in need of improvement, but also have the vision
nd and imagination to make effective changes. Strong
wn organizational talents and resourcefulness help them Vices
n- to promote the common welfare, whether of family Pessimistic, uncommunicative,
nal and friends, co-workers, fellow citizens or even the arrogant
ter world community. Their ability to channel the energy
ht- and talents of those around them makes them natural Car eers
ith leaders, successful not only in material terms, but in Business executive, nonprofit
on making significant contributions to the wider world. worker, local politician
ys- Their occasionally taciturn demeanor can sometimes
hey mislead others; though prone to pessimism, these are Skills & Aptitudes
Organizational instincts, leadership
eir people who prefer a straightforward approach and
skills, progressive focus
appreciate humor and the lighter side of life.
hat The professions to which December 30 people are Famous Births
en. drawn offer opportunities for innovation and advance- Rudyard Kipling (1865)
ey ment within set—although flexible—parameters (for Albert Einstein (1879)
ts, they prefer to build upon existing foundations rather Bo Didley (1928)
va- than branch off in radically new directions). Their tal- Davy Jones (1945)
er- ents and inclinations suit them well to business and
Compatible with
to commercial ventures (especially if they were born in January 20–23, October 27–31
ma- the Chinese year of the snake). Politics, diplomacy
sm and positions that require forceful negotiating skills
In are other possibilities. Their decisive tendency to take
est charge of people whom they wish to help can have ..........................................................
ed impressive results, but their associates may resent per-
ho ceived attempts to limit their personal freedom.
g. ..........................................................
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December 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Encouraging Managers G G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is Saturn
T hose born on December 31 are both idealists and
pragmatists. With their progressive objectives,
they aim toward perfection, but they possess the insight
to recognize personal and practical limitations. As a of
Virtues rule, they are reformers rather than revolutionaries, an
Dedicated, resourceful, pragmatic
with good leadership abilities and independent minds. les
Their talent for devising original strategies to solve is
Impatient, narrow-minded,
problems is joined with tenacity of purpose. Leaders th
self-righteous by example, they set high standards for others to to
follow, but never demand more than they themselves no
Car eers are prepared to give. Reasonable and fair, they are qu
Political strategist, business respected and admired by friends and colleagues. co
executive, community leader December 31 individuals are well suited to careers los
in which they can not only satisfy their need to cre- for
Skills & Aptitudes ate harmony and excel, but direct coworkers in efforts org
Team orientation, organizational that will benefit all concerned. Politics, the military are
skills, problem-solving instincts
or commercial ventures may attract them, and they po
Famous Births make skilled and effective team-builders, bringing out tea
Henri Matisse (1869) the best in others. They are most effective when they
Anthony Hopkins (1937) temper their own somewhat controlling behavior and Jan
Ben Kingsley (1943) encourage others’ efforts. be
Patti Smith (1946) Others admire the dedication of December 31 peo- ers
ple, but do not always concur with their convictions th
Compatible with and methods. Although their personal relationships th
January 21–24, October 27–31
are characterized by love and concern for their nearest ula
and dearest, they must beware of imposing their ele- wh
vated standards and expectations on them. If they are ing
not to become somewhat narrow-minded and intoler- let
.......................................................... ant of the individuality of others, those born on this fro
day should temper their occasionally self-righteous fut
tendency to stick rigidly to principles, encouraging an
.......................................................... those around them to express their opinions, however of
much they may differ. ste
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January 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

G G D Past and Futur e Thinkers

T hose born on January 1 are blessed with the
characteristics that caused Janus, the Roman god
of doorways, to be named patron of the first month
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
sa of the year: balance, a willingness to look forward Venus
es, and embrace change, and the ability to recall the
ds. lessons learned from past experiences. This duality Virtues
Objective, congenial, thoughtful
ve is an integral part of these people’s natures. While
ers they are prized for their affable characters and ability Vices
to to think rationally and clearly, for example—and Unbalanced, gullible,
ves nowhere more so than in the workplace, where such temperamental
are qualities usually make them respected and appreciated
coworkers—under certain circumstances they may Car eers
ers lose their equilibrium. These people are renowned Financial analyst, educator,
re- for their determination, capacity for hard work, paralegal
rts organizational abilities and strong willpower. They
ary are suited for any career in which their intellectual Skills & Aptitudes
Drive, goal orientation, analytical
ey powers can be stretched, but are especially effective as
out teachers, lawyers and financial analysts.
ey Their ability to think coolly and incisively makes Famous Births
nd January 1 people sought after for advice, all the more Paul Revere (1735)
because their natural kindness and empathy with oth- Betsy Ross (1752)
o- ers make them loyal friends. Trusted and valued by J. Edgar Hoover (1895)
ns their peers, they do, however, have a tendency to think J.D. Salinger (1919)
ps the best of people, a quality which makes them pop-
Compatible with
est ular, but which can lead them to be deceived by those January 30–31, November 1–5
le- who harbor an ulterior agenda. While their trust-
are ing natures may thus set them up to be profoundly
er- let down, January 1 people are wise enough to learn
his from such experiences and to be more cautious in the ..........................................................
us future. They also have a pronounced intuitive streak
ng and, if this inner voice is heeded, will achieve a balance
ver of “head” and “heart” which will stand them in good ..........................................................
stead in their personal and professional relationships.
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January 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sensitive Observers G D G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
J anuary 2 people are closely attuned to their
senses, drinking in the finer details of their
surroundings that are invisible to less observant
Venus people. This sensitivity to their environment makes On
them outstanding artists. This quality of perception go
Virtues also applies to their interpersonal relationships, with com
Sensitive, perceptive, objective
the result that January 2 people are blessed with an fab
Vices almost uncanny ability to tune in to the nature or ch
Critical, demanding, isolated moods of others. Strongly committed to their personal can
ambitions and goals, they also have a critical streak ha
Car eers which, when imposed on their work, often produces in
Artist, musician, actor wonderful results. Less positively, there is a danger bo
that they will demand the impossible of themselves, na
Skills & Aptitudes or that they will set such stringent parameters on their im
Industriousness, self-motivation, personal relationships that they will be left isolated. he
creative mindset These people are extremely motivated and diligent, the
requiring the most of themselves and others, qualities of
Famous Births
Isaac Asimov (1920)
which make them valuable employees and exacting sw
Cuba Gooding, Jr. (1968) bosses. Having intuitively absorbed information, they exa
Taye Diggs(1972) will then determine their goal and work single-mind- ses
Kate Bosworth (1983) edly toward its achievement. Curiously, although they cou
are driven by their desire for perfection, January 2 peo-
Compatible with ple often manifest a marked reluctance to have their ua
January 31, November 1–5
high ideals disappointed. They are sometimes averse do
to making irrevocable decisions, preferring to hedge is,
their bets rather than make a commitment about the
whose outcome they are uncertain. This indecision ple
can be particularly pronounced in January 2 men with me
.......................................................... regard to their personal relationships. If they throw req
their natural caution to the wind, however, and apply en
their undoubted qualities of intuition and self-disci- de
.......................................................... pline to the relationship or task as it develops, they fer
will often be successful. is n
Proof 1


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January 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D G D Unwaver ing Idealists

T he magnetic aura and charm exuded by January 3
people mask the fact that at their core lies a sin-
gle-minded commitment to the pursuit of their ideals.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
kes Once a venture captures their imagination, they will Venus
on go to almost any lengths to see it through, refusing to
th compromise or be deflected from their chosen path. Af- Virtues
Committed, charming, idealistic
an fable, humorous and quirky, their highly individualistic
or characters draw others to them, and January 3 people Vices
nal can be quick to take advantage of the effect that they Obsessive, manipulative,
ak have on other people in order to gain their participation unscrupulous
ces in a pet project; this tendency is reinforced if they were
ger born in the Chinese year of the dragon. Such a combi- Car eers
es, nation of idealism and manipulative skills makes them Community leader, business
eir imaginative and gifted team leaders, and they will not executive, movie director
. hesitate to use a whole armory of tactics to ensure that
nt, their coworkers achieve a common goal. The quality Skills & Aptitudes
Team orientation, single-minded
ies of wholehearted commitment may be a double-edged
focus, reliability
ng sword, however, for it can simultaneously inspire and
ey exasperate others. January 3 people can become ob- Famous Births
d- sessive, so convinced of the rightness of their chosen Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 bc)
ey course that they will ignore alternative viewpoints. J.R.R. Tolkien (1892)
o- Loyalty is a key component in the make-up of Jan- Mel Gibson (1956)
eir uary 3 people, and this applies just as much to their Eli Manning (1981)
rse domestic as to their professional lives—provided, that
Compatible with
ge is, that their friends and loved ones fall into line with August 20–22, November 1–5
out them. Other related features displayed by these peo-
on ple are trustworthiness and reliability, qualities which
th mean that they will not only deliver anything that is
ow required of them, but will furthermore provide a stable ..........................................................
ply environment for their families. Although others can
ci- depend upon their support, January 3 people will suf-
ey fer disappointment and disillusionment if this loyalty ..........................................................
is not reciprocated.
Proof 1


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January 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inventive Problem-solvers G D G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
P eople born on this day combine an impressive
capacity for organization in their working and
domestic habits with independence of thought, with
Venus the result that they often come up with ideas of str
startling originality, and then implement them with an
Virtues meticulous thoroughness. Their perceptive and incisive th
Original, organized, empathetic
minds cut straight to the heart of a problem and, once wh
Vices they have identified their preferred solution, they will ins
Intolerant, uncompromising, be unswerving in its pursuit. They will sometimes log
narrow-minded manifest a deep and genuine concern for the well- Th
being of humanity and may act on their convictions th
Car eers by becoming involved in political activism. On an an
Entrepreneur, nonprofit organizer, individual level, this means that they are sensitive, po
educator empathetic and supportive friends and partners, while ch
on a more global scale their desire to improve the lot of art
Skills & Aptitudes those who are less fortunate, as well as their capacity for in
Analytical skills, goal orientation,
inventiveness, frequently makes them gifted teachers, po
practical approach
charity workers or social pioneers. These people may
Famous Births also prove successful in business ventures, because of int
Jakob Grimm (1785) their ability to back up their innovative ideas effectively tio
Louis Braille (1809) with solid and efficient organizational practices. sit
George Washington Carver (1861) Although they enjoy the good things of life and an
Floyd Patterson (1935) tend to indulge in hedonistic pleasures, especially when ne
young, January 4 people will not be diverted by the les
Compatible with
August 20–22, November 1–5 trivial for very long, preferring to exert their consider- sup
able energies on tasks and projects that will give them the
a deeper sense of fulfillment. If taken too far, however, set
such behavior could cut them off from many new expe- ing
.......................................................... riences and potential friendships. They should also tho
recognize that, while others may not share their goals en
or methodology, this does not invalidate the worth of Th
.......................................................... alternative opinions, and that there is much to be gained the
from embracing diversity, whatever form this takes. fro
Proof 1


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January 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D G D Pragmatic Pioneers

I ndividuals born on this day are natural adventurers,
with a fascination for the unknown. Yet they are not
flighty types: mixed in with this independent streak is a
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
of strong tendency toward employing practical methods Venus
ith and finding pragmatic solutions to any obstacles that
ive they may encounter on their journeys of discovery.Thus, Virtues
Innovative, empathetic,
nce while they believe in following their highly developed self-disciplined
will instincts, they will pursue their ideological aims with
mes logical thoroughness and rigorous self-discipline. Vices
ll- Their tendency toward optimism furthermore gives Impatient, insular, intolerant
ns them an impressive capacity to withstand or dismiss
an any setbacks. Such personal characteristics signal the Car eers
ve, potential for great success in whichever career they Sculptor, actor, politician
ile choose, but since they often manifest outstanding
of artistic talents, January 5 people will especially excel Skills & Aptitudes
for in the creative or performing arts, as well as in the Practical skills, realistic outlook,
leadership instincts
ers, political or scientific spheres.
may In common with many who rely strongly upon their Famous Births
of intuition when it comes to decision-making and ques- Robert Duvall (1931)
ely tions of judgement, January 5 people are unusually sen- Charlie Rose (1942)
sitive in tuning in to those around them. Empathetic Diane Keaton (1946)
nd and understanding, they are valued as friends, but are Bradley Cooper (1975)
en nevertheless not prepared to give of themselves limit-
he lessly, and may grow impatient if those who seek their Compatible with
August 20–22, November 1–5
er- support and advice are reluctant to accept the benefit of
em their wisdom. Having arrived at a carefully considered
ver, set of convictions, and having developed a correspond-
pe- ing modus operandi, there is an inevitable tendency for
lso those born on this day to stick rigidly to these prefer- ..........................................................
als ences and close their minds to alternative approaches.
of Their self-belief is more often than not justified, but
ed they should remember that there is much to be gained ..........................................................
from personal interaction and constant re-evaluation.
Proof 1


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January 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Moral Commun icators G D G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
U nderpinning many of the beliefs and actions
of people born on January 6 is a profoundly
mystical sense of union with the unseen forces that
Venus govern the earth. This empathy may take the form are
of ecological crusades, or else may find its spiritual of
Virtues expression in religion. Either way, these people form an
Idealistic, fair-minded, determined
firm moral judgements and are determined enough gif
Vices to overcome their natural tendency to gentleness a t
Obsessive, unbalanced, intolerant both to defend their convictions and spread their em
message to others. Such propagation is greatly aided fel
Car eers by their ability to connect with others, and thus Su
Ecological campaigner, yoga effectively to impart their vision to the world. This wo
teacher, actor potent combination of intellectual conviction and co
communication skills makes people born on this day can
Skills & Aptitudes talented teachers, politicians and artists, but they will ho
Communication skills, self- flourish in any area in which they can provide focused of
discipline, inspirational potential
leadership. Depending as they do so deeply on their de
Famous Births instincts, there is a danger that these people will rely as
Carl Sandburg (1878) on these exclusively, politely rejecting alternative res
Khalil Gibran (1883) viewpoints. Parents of January 6 children should
Loretta Young (1912) therefore encourage them to appreciate the value of tan
Eddie Redmayne (1982) both personal experience and the wisdom of others. ses
Because they are inherently self-disciplined, service as
Compatible with oriented, and driven by their ideals, these people man- wh
June 14–16, November 6–11
ifest an unusual degree of both tenacity and determi- It
nation to see a task through, in order that humanity bu
can enjoy the fruits of their visions. Such drive is com- pla
mendable, but these people should remember that not ad
.......................................................... only is perfection rarely achievable, but that it also he
exacts a considerable personal toll. They should there- wi
fore take care not to neglect their private lives, and act
.......................................................... should accept the fact that their friends and families tow
appreciate them for what they already are.
Proof 1


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January 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D G D Empathetic Enablers

J anuary 7 people have little difficulty in attracting
others to them: cheerful, affectionate, loyal and
generous in their personal lives, these qualities, which
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
rm are reinforced if they were born in the Chinese year Venus
ual of the dog, are cherished by friends, family members
rm and coworkers alike. These people have the instinctive Virtues
Empathetic, imaginative, congenial
gh gift of being able to sense the moods of other people,
ess a talent which, when combined with their genuine Vices
eir empathy and desire to smooth the way for their Insecure, needy, unassertive
ed fellows, makes their company much sought after.
hus Such qualities make them ideally suited to social Car eers
This work and medicine, or similar activities where their Social worker, scientific researcher,
nd considerable interpersonal and communicative skills healthcare worker
day can best be employed. It would amaze many to realize,
will however, that despite their reputation as being pillars Skills & Aptitudes
ed of strength, these sensitive people frequently harbor a Team orientation, unconventional
mindset, reliability
eir deep lack of self-confidence and therefore seek to gain
ely a sense of validation and worth from the affection and Famous Births
ive respect of others. Zora Neale Hurston (1901)
uld Personal connection is therefore of great impor- Katie Couric (1957)
of tance to people born on this day, but they also pos- Nicolas Cage (1964)
. sess a real sense of integration with the natural world, Jeremy Renner (1971)
ice as well as a pronounced otherworldly, mystical side,
n- which fuels an extraordinarily imaginative capacity. Compatible with
June 14–16, November 6–11
mi- It is thus not hard for these people not only to accept,
ity but also to manifest, a marked fascination with unex-
m- plained phenomena. Although they would be well
not advised to pursue their instincts, many do not, appre-
lso hensive of being branded cranks. When backed up ..........................................................
re- with the methodical and disciplined approach char-
nd acteristic of January 7 people, however, this tendency
ies toward original thought can find satisfying fruition. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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January 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Motivated Str ivers G D G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
E xceptionally single-minded and highly motivated,
those born on this day possess the potential to
achieve outstanding success in whatever field they
Venus choose, be it in the creative arts, where their artistic th
imaginations can be given full rein; in scientific pursuits, de
Virtues where they can best employ their considerable aptitude th
Imaginative, ambitious, diligent
for analysis; or in philanthropic work, where their ne
Vices empathetic instincts can be satisfied. These qualities cra
Anxious, aloof, disillusioned are seen in the achievements of Stephen Hawking for da
his exceptional, visionary contribution to science and ch
Car eers were manifested in the outstanding artistry of Elvis co
Musician, scientific researcher, Presley and David Bowie. January 8 people often it
business analyst harbor burning personal ambition but, being pragmatic pe
and somewhat saturnine personalities, realize that the fre
Skills & Aptitudes recognition they desire will have to be assiduously th
Analytical mindset, drive, single- worked for. Yet although they possess the necessary org
minded focus
radical vision, determination and drive to realize their th
Famous Births dreams, they may find that their achievements are
Elvis Presley (1935) somewhat empty if they have sacrificed their personal th
Shirley Bassey (1937) relationships in pursuit of their cherished goals. po
Stephen Hawking (1942) The irony is that while these people may appear oft
David Bowie (1947) almost intimidatingly poised and self-possessed, me
underneath lies a very real sense of anxiety and inse- bly
Compatible with curity which is masked by an outward façade of cool en
June 14–16, November 6–11
reserve. Perhaps January 8 people believe that it is only de
by spectacular success that they will gain the affection is
of others, but this is far from the case, and they run the th
risk of loneliness and disillusionment if they persist lim
.......................................................... in this conviction. They should therefore ensure that th
they actively seek out and nurture honest and relaxed a
relationships with others, for it is ultimately from such pro
.......................................................... loving and supportive bonds that they will find the key bu
to personal happiness and fulfillment.
Proof 1


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January 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D G D Family-focused Per fection ists

B lessed with sharp, analytical intellects, keen
powers of perception, and great reserves of
energy, January 9 people demand high standards from
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
tic themselves as well as others, and will not easily accept Venus
ts, defeat. They are sometimes intensely ambitious, but
de their desire is fueled more by perfectionism—by the Virtues
Perceptive, committed, determined
eir need to see a task done as well as possible—than by a
ies craving for plaudits or adulation. People born on this Vices
for day are therefore valued employees, for when given Demanding, workaholic,
nd charge of any project they will quickly identify the best unbalanced
vis course of action, and then set about accomplishing
en it with characteristic focus and drive. Yet January 9 Car eers
tic people are not really corporate animals, cherishing Project manager, financial adviser,
he freedom of thought, expression and movement over journalist
sly the restrictions that are usually imposed by large
ary organizations, and they generally thrive better when Skills & Aptitudes
Analytical mindset, problem-
eir they are self-employed.
solving skills, drive
are Family is extremely important to people born on
nal this day. Deeply committed to providing the best Famous Births
possible opportunities for their children, they will Richard Nixon (1913)
ear often work long hours to gain the necessary financial Bob Denver (1935)
ed, means to achieve them, but in doing so they inevita- Jimmy Page (1944)
se- bly sacrifice time spent together. They may also make Kate Middleton (1982)
ool enormous demands of their children in terms of aca-
Compatible with
nly demic attainments, albeit with the highest motives. It June 19–21, November 6–11
on is therefore important that these people do not push
he their children too hard, but accept their true selves and
ist limitations, love them for who they are, and support
hat them uncritically. They will also gain personally from ..........................................................
ed a more relaxed approach to family life, which will
ch provide a valuable safety valve to release the pressures
ey built up by their professional commitments. ..........................................................
Proof 1


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January 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Thr iving Social Butter flies G D 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Second decan: Personal planet is
E nergetic, realistic and forthright to the point of
bluntness, the qualities manifested by people
born on January 10 inspire respect and not a little
Venus awe in others. The force that drives them is usually for
their unceasing quest for knowledge, their deep- pe
Virtues rooted need to understand, judge the situation and typ
Self-confident, optimistic, original
then bring about improvement, never fearing to fac
Vices manipulate others to further their cause. Indeed, such or
Outspoken, intimidating, is the boldness of their approach that they will often the
manipulative confidently propose an outrageously radical solution tal
to a problem, and then watch it either fail or succeed cla
Car eers spectacularly. Such self-confidence, originality and to
Stockbroker, hedge-fund manager, uncompromising certainty makes these people ideally in
entrepreneur suited to the speculative end of the financial sector, ref
where their appetite for risk-taking can be amply em
Skills & Aptitudes satisfied, and they can gain the recognition that they pe
Risk-taking inclinations, positive
feel their talents merit. They will rarely find fulfillment an
focus, motivational powers
as a small cog in a large wheel, and will only thrive in sho
Famous Births those situations where their individuality and need to for
Jim Croce (1943) take control can be given full expression. sha
Rod Stewart (1945) Blessed with considerable personal charm and an
George Foreman (1949) infectious aura of optimism, January 10 people often ple
Pat Benatar (1953) find themselves the center of attention, but run the risk tio
of hurting others’ feelings by their honest observations. the
Compatible with
June 19–21, November 6–11 They should therefore be aware of the fact that judicious pa
use of tact will often help them achieve their objectives tow
more effectively, and will help to win them the lasting tho
loyalty of their friends. Despite the robust face that they wa
.......................................................... present to the world, these people are also highly sen- the
sitive, and perform best when they are bolstered by the ers
affection and esteem of those around them. By actively the
.......................................................... working on maintaining their friendships, they stand to ma
gain as much as they invest. ric
Proof 1


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January 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D 1G C R eputable Devotees

T hose born on January 11 are blessed with unusually
sharp powers of perception, which, when combined
with their keen intellects, result in a formidable talent
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is
lly for evaluation and decision-making. Little escapes these Mercury
p- people, and when there is a problem to be solved they
nd typically display an impressive ability to marshal the Virtues
Objective, efficient, astute
to facts available to them, impartially weigh up the merits
ch or disadvantages inherent in alternative approaches, and Vices
en then come to an intelligent, closely argued strategy. This Arrogant, obstinate, judgmental
on talent for objectivity, logical thought and intellectual
ed clarity makes January 11 people especially well suited Car eers
nd to careers in academic research, or else in business, areas Academic, lawyer, business analyst
lly in which these qualities—as well as their characteristic
or, refusal to allow their judgement to become clouded by Skills & Aptitudes
ply emotional concerns—are greatly prized. Because these Analytical skills, decisiveness,
ey people possess such highly developed critical faculties, dependability
ent and are furthermore articulate and quick-witted, they
Famous Births
in should beware of pronouncing their opinions too Alexander Hamilton (1757)
to forcefully and thereby offending those who may not William James (1842)
share their point of view or sense of certainty. Haruki Murakami (1949)
an January 11 people are intensely loyal to those peo- Mary J. Blige (1971)
en ple and things that they consider merit their devo-
isk tion. Though they may seem unapproachable at first, Compatible with
November 12–16
ns. they have the potential to make excellent friends and
ous parents. They should, however, beware of a tendency
ves toward stubbornness and becoming impatient with
ng those who do not quickly fall into line with their own
hey way of thinking, especially as parents. By ensuring that
n- they keep a check on their propensity to judge oth- ..........................................................
he ers against their own exacting standards, and relaxing
ely their inclination to maintain a certain structured for-
to mality in their relationships, they will benefit from a ..........................................................
richer personal life.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 345
January 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Popular Crowd-pleasers 1G C 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is
C hallenging, entertaining, sharp and self-assured,
these people tread a fine line between introversion
and extroversion. While their incisive intelligence and
Mercury tendency toward nit-picking criticism may signal or
an unusual level of self-reliance, they also enjoy the the
Virtues attention that their outspokenness brings them, and to
Self-confident, original,
emotionally robust frequently relish playing to the crowd. January 12 int
people do not do things by half-measures, and once en
Vices they find a topic that intrigues them, they pursue un
Critical, arrogant, attention-seeking their interests with near-obsessive intensity. They are or
unafraid of promoting their opinions, and, indeed, wo
Car eers welcome a challenging argument in which they will ob
Advertising executive, actor, attempt to their utmost to convince others of the W
journalist veracity of their point of view. Somewhat maverick the
in their approach, these people flourish best either in co
Skills & Aptitudes those organizations that allow them complete freedom ha
Independent instincts, bold
of thought and action, or when working on their the
approach, communicativeness
own account. They will find the greatest satisfaction pe
Famous Births engaged in any business activity—such as sales and giv
Jack London (1876) marketing—within which they can perhaps bend the
Kirstie Alley (1955) rules to promote their own beliefs and aims. cle
Christiane Amanpour (1958) In their personal lives, January 12 people often for
Rob Zombie (1965) manifest the need to be at the center of attention, and wo
absolutely hate being ignored. They will frequently is l
Compatible with
November 12–16 manufacture confrontational scenarios for the sheer are
enjoyment of provoking a reaction, and enjoy nothing con
more than playing devil’s advocate. This occasionally wh
pugnacious approach carries its risks, however, and tat
.......................................................... these people should ensure that they do not get car- pe
ried away with themselves and thus hurt the feelings con
of those who are less emotionally robust—particularly he
.......................................................... their family members, whom they may inadvertently ple
discourage by their cynicism. the
Proof 1


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January 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 1G C Modest Good Samar itans

J anuary 13 people are highly motivated—even
driven—by the desire to effect improvement, be it in
the personal, material sense by “bettering” themselves,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is
nal or by instituting a global, philanthropic scheme to help Mercury
he the lot of humanity. Nor are such ambitions doomed
nd to remain pipe dreams, for these people have sufficient Virtues
Focused, progressive, determined
12 intellectual capability, directness of approach, and
nce energy to see them realized. When faced with an Vices
ue unsatisfactory position, be it in these people’s careers Obsessive, uncaring, unbalanced
are or in society, they will identify a solution and doggedly
ed, work toward its implementation, cutting through Car eers
will obstructions and pushing on toward their objective. Social campaigner, politician,
he Whatever it is that inspires them, they will give it nonprofit project manager
ck their all, but in doing so will inevitably encounter
in confrontation and resistance, which they will typically Skills & Aptitudes
om handle with perfunctory disdain. Social reform is Problem-solving skills, goal
orientation, drive
eir therefore a natural area of interest for January 13
on people, but their imagination and single-mindedness Famous Births
nd give them the potential to succeed in many arenas. Julia-Louis Dreyfus (1961)
he Although such all-consuming clarity of focus and Patrick Dempsey (1966)
clear-cut goals are admirable, they may leave little room Orlando Bloom (1977)
en for human relationships, and those born on this day Liam Hemsworth (1990)
nd would do well to remember that, while saving the world
tly is laudable, they may simultaneously neglect those who Compatible with
November 12–16
eer are close to them, with often far-reaching, destructive
ng consequences. This caveat applies particularly to men,
lly whose partners or children may suffer from a devas-
nd tating loss of self-esteem if they perceive that their
ar- personal needs and concerns are being dismissed or are ..........................................................
ngs considered of secondary importance. They should take
rly heed of their own need for relaxation and the simpler
tly pleasures of life, and ensure that they do not sacrifice ..........................................................
their physical or emotional health to their aspirations.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 347
January 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Righteous Moralists 1G C 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day incorporate an intriguing
mixture of iron wills and self-indulgence—
frequently manifested by their tendency to abandon
Mercury themselves totally to the pleasures of the senses, to fre
the exquisite. Indeed, their instinctive appreciation by
Virtues of art and music, which is reinforced if they were an
Determined, charismatic,
principled born in the Chinese year of the snake, as well as to
their charming and magnetic personalities, mask or
Vices their very real concern with social injustice and their Fr
Self-indulgent, commitment- pronounced determination to change the world for sur
phobic, judgmental the better. Another apparently paradoxical quirk of ten
their personalities is the juxtaposition of their strongly thi
Car eers held ethical beliefs and concomitant desire to impose sh
Interior designer, social campaigner, collective improvements on human society, while at ne
musician the same time operating on a fiercely individualistic
basis. Yet these people, who are governed by a very real ing
Skills & Aptitudes
sense of right and wrong and are skilled at evaluating an
Esthetic instincts, progressive
mindset, social focus the cause of any perceived injustice, will take a fierce ab
personal stance on those issues they hold dear, from mu
Famous Births which they will refuse to be deflected. att
Albert Schweitzer (1875) Curiously, for people who are driven by their be
Andy Rooney (1919) humanitarian convictions, January 14 people often sup
L.L. Cool J. (1968) harbor a deep aversion to making commitments in str
Dave Grohl (1969)
their personal lives. This may stem from a reluctance shi
Compatible with to divert their energies from their intellectual ambi- sui
November 12–16 tions, but may also result from their fear of making the em
wrong decision. In order to avoid future isolation and Th
loneliness, they should therefore ensure that they do bri
.......................................................... not apply their own ideal moral standards to poten- cee
tial friends and partners, and should learn to appre- de
ciate and respect people as they are, compromising son
.......................................................... accordingly. bu
Proof 1


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January 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 1G C Nurtur ing Car etakers


J anuary 15 people aspire to perfection, but this desire
is generally not fueled by the need to be top dog and
reach the pinnacle of their profession (although they
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Saturn
Third decan: Personal planet is
to frequently do so). Rather than being driven primarily Mercury
on by personal ambition, they are motivated by idealistic
ere and ethical concerns, and demonstrate a strong urge Virtues
Idealistic, public-spirited,
as to lead a moral and useful life, thereby often secretly empathetic
ask or openly hoping to inspire others by their example.
eir From a very early age these people may manifest a Vices
for sure, almost intuitive, sense of right and wrong. This Judgmental, stubborn, inflexible
of tendency may, however, result in a propensity to see
gly things in black and white, and to dismiss the various Car eers
ose shades of gray in between without according them the Social worker, paramedic, artist
at necessary sympathetic and thorough consideration.
tic These people are especially sensitive to the suffer- Skills & Aptitudes
eal ing of others, and because they are blessed with strong Analytical skills, team orientation,
leadership instincts
ng analytical and rational intellectual powers, they are also
rce able to channel their emotional responses into the for- Famous Births
om mulation of a carefully considered plan of action in an Molière (1622)
attempt to alleviate injustice or distress. They perform Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929)
eir best within a team framework that offers the mutual Charo (1951)
en support and encouragement of others, and where their Chad Lowe (1968)
in strong convictions will provide inspiration and leader-
nce ship. For this reason January 15 people are particularly Compatible with
November 17–21
bi- suited to careers in the caring professions, or in the
he emergency services, but some are also talented artists.
nd They are devoted to their family and friends, desiring to
do bring about their happiness rather than see them suc-
n- ceed at all costs. They should take care to draw a clear ..........................................................
re- demarcation line between their professional and per-
ng sonal concerns so that they do not impose the crushing
burden of living up to their own lofty idealistic expec- ..........................................................
tations on those closest to them.
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 349
January 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Considerate Souls 1G H C 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on January 16 somehow combine
an unusual level of sensitivity with razor-
sharp, analytical minds. These are often the people
Mercury who instinctively absorb the indefinable, sublimely dis
Second cusp: Capricorn with Aquarian elevating qualities of an artistic masterpiece at rea
the same time as consciously deconstructing and un
Virtues evaluating the technicalities of its composition. These pe
Sensitive, perceptive, multifaceted qualities (an affinity with the finer things asi
communicative in life as well as rigorous intellectual analysis) make co
them perfectly suited for careers in arts administration th
Vices or teaching, and doubly so when their gift for ass
Critical, anxious, negative communication is taken into consideration. With ha
such a talent for perceiving and integrating both the th
Car eers mystical and rational, little passes them by, and their co
Arts administrator, management abilities are such that they are often much sought after wo
consultant, educator
for their opinions and advice. In the business sphere, an
they make successful management consultants or co
Skills & Aptitudes
Esthetic inclination, analytical troubleshooters, where their diplomatic skills are also wi
mindset, diplomatic skills greatly appreciated. as
Valued as these people are by others, their sensi- ca
Famous Births tive dispositions, when coupled with their tendency org
Susan Sontag (1933) toward intellectual criticism, can result in a feeling of
Ronnie Milsap (1943) internal crisis or angst. Together, their farsightedness lie
Kate Moss (1974)
Aaliyah (1979)
and emotional receptiveness may cause January 16 los
people to become unnecessarily anxious about their th
Compatible with future direction, or to believe that they can never live int
November 17–21 up to their own expectations. The respect and support th
of their family and friends is therefore of the greatest ing
.......................................................... importance in providing a loving and stable frame- am
work in which those born on this day will thrive, ob
particularly when they are young. In turn, January 16 me
.......................................................... people should remember that little is more important be
than nurturing personal bonds. up
Proof 1


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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 350
January 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 1G H C Discer n ing Facilitators

J anuary 17 people rarely fail to impress others with
their forceful sense of purpose and drive. Possessing
the enviable ability to evaluate a situation and swiftly
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is
ely discard the chaff from the wheat, these people quickly Mercury
at reach a firm opinion which they then promote with Second cusp: Capricorn with Aquarian
nd unwavering certainty. Tenacious and strong-willed,
ese people born on this day have the confidence to brush Virtues
ngs aside their detractors and proceed on their chosen Decisive, confident, tenacious
ke course undeterred. This direct approach is the mark of
on the leader, a role which January 17 people are happy to Vices
for assume—not out of a sense of ambition, but because, Short-tempered, unbalanced,
ith having applied their considerable judgemental skills to domineering
he the formation of their convictions, they are genuinely
eir convinced of the correctness of their actions. They also Car eers
ter work well as part of a team, being naturally gregarious Law-enforcement officer, sports
person, business leader
re, and appreciative of other people’s input, provided, of
or course, that they share the same motivations. They
Skills & Aptitudes
lso will find the greatest fulfillment in any career, such Leadership, team orientation, drive
as within the military or police force, in which they
si- can combine their strategic talents with their flair for Famous Births
ncy organizational implementation. Benjamin Franklin (1706)
of The danger of having such a strong sense of self-be- Al Capone (1899)
ess lief is that if ever these people are thwarted they can Betty White (1922)
Muhammad Ali (1942)
16 lose their tempers in spectacular fashion. They must Michelle Obama (1964)
eir therefore try to apply their undoubted capacity for
ive intellectual discipline to their emotions, ensuring that Compatible with
ort they maintain a sense of equilibrium in their deal- August 2–4, November 17–21
est ings with others, and trying not to become temper-
me- amentally unsettled when they encounter inevitable ..........................................................
ve, obstacles. Furthermore, they should allow their family
16 members freedom of expression and should not try to
ant be all-controlling or to impose unnecessary demands ..........................................................
upon them.
Proof 1


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January 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Boundless Questers 1G H C 1G

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is
T heir innate sense of fun and imaginative powers
make these people fascinating to others and their
company a pleasure. With lively minds, perceptive
Mercury powers and a desire to explore the world, these people th
Second cusp: Capricorn with Aquarian embrace the unusual with enthusiasm, and since they so
generally find it easy to communicate their ideas to —
Virtues others, will often have a rapt audience. Once they have ob
Imaginative, fun-loving, found a subject that absorbs them, they will pursue pr
enthusiastic it with determination, in doing so demonstrating an de
impressive level of tenacity and unflagging interest. an
Vices Although highly self-disciplined, January 18 people wi
Impatient, frustrated, subversive chafe under the rules and regulations of others, of
particularly if they do not appreciate their underlying an
Car eers purpose, and unless they are truly convinced of the ob
Actor, novelist, artist merits of a task will not thrive as part of a strictly co
regulated organization or team. Indeed, given the pe
Skills & Aptitudes
value that they place on independent thought and fre
Communication skills,
resourcefulness, original mindset their highly developed sense of fantasy, people born fie
on this day have a natural inclination toward such ap
Famous Births creative activities as writing, acting or painting.
Daniel Webster (1782) It may take these people some time to find the th
Cary Grant (1904) métier that ideally suits their talents and inclinations, na
Kevin Costner (1955) however, and the impatience that may be engendered th
Jason Segel (1980)
by adverse circumstances may cause them either to pr
give in to childish displays of willfulness, or to take gr
Compatible with refuge in their own private world. In children, these an
August 2–4, November 17–21 strong-willed tendencies may give their parents cause iso
for concern, but such is the resourcefulness of these ten
.......................................................... people that they will eventually find a fulfilling out- fo
let for their intellectual and emotional requirements. on
They will be happiest if those around them respect rel
.......................................................... their need for freedom, while at the same time provid- op
ing them with stability and support. th
Proof 1


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January 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 1G H C Focused Investigators

L atent in January 19 people is a tendency toward
intensity that can all too easily develop into
extremism. Although possessed of inquisitive minds,
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is
ple they will pursue whatever most excites their interest— Mercury
ey sometimes mystical and somewhat nebulous concepts Second cusp: Capricorn with Aquarian
to —with a single-minded determination that can be
ve obsessive in its attention to detail. Yet if the vision Virtues
ue proves short-lived or easily exhausted, such is their Determined, curious, visionary
an desire for intellectual stimulation and knowledge that
st. another subject will soon be found and investigated Vices
ple with equal dedication. This is the day of true originality, Obsessive, obstinate, unbalanced
rs, of those whose idiosyncrasies may be misunderstood
ng and dismissed by the more conventional, but whose Car eers
he obstinacy will not brook dissuasion from their chosen Scientific researcher, artist, musician
tly course. Consequently, people born on this day usually
he perform their best work in solitary conditions. They Skills & Aptitudes
Dynamism, unconventional
nd frequently receive acclaim in the scientific or artistic
approach, single-minded focus
rn fields, and it may well take some time before others
ch appreciate and acknowledge their undoubted talents. Famous Births
In their personal lives, the restless dynamism of Robert E. Lee (1807)
he these people will attract baffled admiration, but their Edgar Allan Poe (1809)
ns, natural unconventionality may frighten and alienate Janis Joplin (1943)
ed those who are not brave or farsighted enough to stand Dolly Parton (1946)
to prolonged exposure to them. Indeed, without the
Compatible with
ke grounding support of sympathetic, easy-going friends August 2–4, November 17–21
ese and relatives, January 19 people may find themselves
use isolated and, without meaningful personal contact,
ese tend to become prone to depression. They must there-
ut- fore strive to balance their lives, to ensure that they not ..........................................................
ts. only spread their energies equally between work and
ect relaxation, but that they pay genuine attention to the
d- opinions and emotional requirements of those around ..........................................................
them; mutually supportive relationships are crucial.
Proof 1


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k Aquarius un
January 20 to February 18
Ruling planet: Uranus (traditionally Saturn) Element: Fixed air ind
Symbol: Water-carrier Polar ity: Positive (masculine) Colors: Violet and blue so
Physical cor r espondence: Blood vessels, calves, ankles, heels
Stones: Sapphire, onyx, amethyst, black pearl, hematite dis
Flowers: Myrtle, rosemary, dandelion, orchid, goldenrod ma

A quarius is known as the water carrier, personified as a human figure with a pot of tan
water. This corresponds to the ancient Egyptian tales of the god Hapi, who filled the th
sacred River Nile with water, and to the Greek myth of Ganymede, the youth whom the for
enamored Zeus ( Jupiter), in the form of an eagle, transported into the heavens to act as jec
his cup-bearer. Other astrological traditions depersonalized Aquarius and identified it as int
a vessel containing water: in Hindu astrology it is called Khumba; and in Mesopotamian giv
belief it was Dul, both names that signify a water-pot. Yet the Babylonians equated this
sign with the goddess Gula, the deity who regulated childbirth and possessed the gift so
of healing. Until the planet Uranus was discovered in 1781, Aquarius was believed to be th
governed by Saturn (the Greek Kronos, an agricultural deity), but since the Greek god th
Ouranos was a sky god, whose domain was the element of air that influences this sign— ur
and who was additionally the consort of the mother goddess Gaia (associated with the dip
fecund powers of water)—in many respects the more recent pairing is appropriate. in
The defining characteristics of Aquarians are independence, manifested in their intel- res
lectual originality and progressiveness (with which Uranus is also credited), and the water ma
that Aquarius represents is symbolically equated with knowledge. Yet since this is a sign
that is governed by the element of air—which not only signifies a desire for freedom of th
thought and action, but may also imply a lack of staying power—those born under this a
sign may tend toward aloofness and impulsiveness, while their personal relationships are th
Proof 1

often relegated to second place, behind exploring abstract ideas.

354 aquarius

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January 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H12z .,G Popular Per formers

T hese exuberant individuals relish the attention

that their manifold interests, outgoing
personalities and love of life attract. Their kindness
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is
and sense of fun make them popular companions, but Uranus
unless these people keep their feet on the ground and First cusp: Aquarius with Capricorn
develop a more pragmatic attitude their heads may be
turned by the admiration that they inspire. In their Virtues
efforts to entertain others (and humor is strongly Energetic, self-confident, charming
indicated by this day) they have a tendency to become
somewhat out of control. Vices
This is not to say that people born on this day lack Arrogant, egotistical,
discipline (far from it), but if bored or frustrated they condescending
may either withdraw completely, succumb to temper
tantrums or play the fool in an attempt to enliven Car eers
things. Indeed, this need for stimulation is paramount Actor, politician, entertainer
e for January 20 people, and when they find a sub-
Skills & Aptitudes
as ject that truly interests them they display unusually
Impressive capacity for hard work,
as intense powers of concentration and tenacity, rarely analytical minds, ability to tune
n giving up on a task until it is completed. into the moods of others
s Running parallel with these people’s capacity for
ft solid, intellectual pursuits is a marked sensitivity for Famous Births
the feelings of others, as well as a desire to please George Burns (1896)
their audience. These qualities mark them out as nat- Joy Adamson (1910)
d Frederico Fellini (1920)
— ural performers and also indicate a latent talent for Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin (1930)
e diplomacy and politics—particularly if they were born
in the Chinese year of snake—areas in which their Compatible with
- resilience, self-belief and aptitude for problem-solving September 23–25, December 27–30
er may find their full expression.
n In their personal relationships, people born on ..........................................................
of this day should cultivate patience and try to develop
s a more relaxed and accepting attitude toward both
e themselves and others. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 355

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 355
January 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fr eedom-finders H12z .,G H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is
C rucial to January 21 people is their profound
thirst both for unfettered freedom of expression
and for an emotional haven to which they can retreat
Uranus for the privacy that is so essential to them. These dis
First cusp: Aquarius with Capricorn people will never find fulfillment if they are forced to th
submit unquestioningly to the rules of others, for their an
Virtues urge to explore and follow their natural inclinations is up
Free-spirited, sensitive, idealistic as vital to them as the air that is their element. Indeed, res
in order to understand what exactly it is that makes
Vices these libertarian people tick, one must appreciate their ary
Unpredictable, indecisive, escapist need to be allowed to act upon their instincts. The th
important thing is that even if they end up following int
Car eers the wrong course, the decision to do so was their own ab
Public relations, social worker, and, indeed, they will be quick to learn from their pa
activist experiences. These twin qualities of sensitivity and
waywardness, as well as a marked sensuality, bestow th
Skills & Aptitudes
upon people born on this day the especial potential to som
Sensitivity to emotions and
instincts, originality succeed in the world of the arts. de
Inevitably somewhat unpredictable, their idio- bu
Famous Births syncratic behavior may ultimately exasperate those
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (1824) around them who prefer a more logical approach. Any ple
Christian Dior (1905) attempt to place impositions upon January 21 people am
Wolfman Jack (1938) is, however, doomed to disaster; they must be accepted for
Geena Davis (1957)
Emma Bunton (1976)
as they are. Related to their individuality is their occa- oft
sional craving for solitude, the time for reflection and th
Compatible with to be themselves, and this too should be respected. Yet ide
September 23–26, December 28–31 while people born on this day are stubbornly resistant en
to coercion, their inherent respect for personal liberty
.......................................................... means that they will never consciously attempt to bo
dominate others, despite their talent for persuasion. de
Since they are consumed by a strong desire for the sh
.......................................................... happiness of other people, their ideals will often lead res
them into humanitarian activities and pursuits.
Proof 1

356 aquarius

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 356
January 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

.,G H12z .,G Astute Environmentalists

P eople born on this day have a craving for
stimulation, a need that endows them with the
potential to be polymaths, provided that they are
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is
ese disciplined enough to develop their interests beyond Uranus
to the superficial level. Because they are quick-witted First cusp: Aquarius with Capricorn
eir and instinctual, they are gifted at speedily summing
is up a situation, but may then persist with their initial Virtues
ed, response and fail to explore it deeper. Versatile, enthusiastic, multifaceted
kes Tedium is among the greatest enemies of Janu-
eir ary 22 people, and if forced to carry on with a task Vices
The that bores them, their impatience may lead them Fickle, impatient, temperamental
ng into performing hastily or carelessly, or, indeed, to
wn abandon the project altogether in favor of the lure of Car eers
eir pastures new. Artist, writer, environmentalist
nd Whichever profession they choose, whether it be in
ow the arts or not, people born on this day tend to blos- Skills & Aptitudes
Wide-ranging interests, restless
to som when allowed to express their creativity unhin-
vigor, connection to nature and
dered, and when not stultified by petty procedures or humanity
o- bureaucratic rules and restrictions.
ose In common with most Aquarians, January 22 peo- Famous Births
ny ple are not generally motivated primarily by personal Francis Bacon (1561)
ple ambition or monetary aims, but rather by the desire Beatrice Potter Webb (1858)
ed for personal and collective human improvement. They Sam Cooke (1931)
John Hurt (1940)
ca- often also feel strong empathy and appreciation for
nd the natural world and environmental issues, and their Compatible with
Yet ideals and inclinations may lead them to become September 23–27, December 29–31
ant environmentalists.
rty In order to enjoy fulfilling personal lives, people
to born on this day must control their inherent ten- ..........................................................
on. dency to behave impetuously and inconsiderately, and
he should seek to ground themselves in stable, mutually
ad respectful relationships. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 357

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 357
January 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Un intentional Role Models H12z .,G H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Saturn
First decan: Personal planet is
T o their enthusiasts, their deep convictions, original
thinking, manifest integrity and natural sense of
style make those born on this day inspirational figures.
Uranus Yet January 23 people are unintentional and reluctant In
First cusp: Aquarius with Capricorn role models, and often feel uneasy at being regarded ecc
as such. While they might well occasionally seek to an
Virtues influence others, they are motivated by the wish to an
Unconventional, magnetic, achieve impersonal ideals, and not by the desire to wh
grounded become the subjects of admiration. Yet it is precisely me
this refreshing disregard for human vanity that, along su
Vices with their individualistic approach, other people find em
Single-minded, withdrawn, aloof so magnetic. The intellectual qualities of people born
on this day (curiosity, objectivity, inventiveness and a be
Car eers dash of adventurousness) signal a distinct aptitude for era
Researcher, scientist, artist science, as well as for those artistic spheres in which th
they can combine their natural sensitivity with their th
Skills & Aptitudes
independent approach. Naturally open to outside ple
Highly original, natural sense of
style, disregard for convention influences, and enthusiastic travelers, these people will lyi
drink in new experiences and then reinterpret them in mi
Famous Births their inimitably unique fashion.
John Hancock (1737) Because January 23 people are easily absorbed by to
Humphrey Bogart (1899) intellectual pursuits and are highly self-reliant (espe- wo
Chita Rivera (1933) cially if they were also born in the Chinese year of em
Princess Caroline of Monaco (1957)
the tiger), their friends and relatives may feel some- ing
Compatible with what excluded. Although they are usually considerate th
September 24–27, December 30–31 and generous partners who tend to think the best of ing
others (and thus also make extremely good parents), or
there are times when their fascination with ideas will ne
.......................................................... cause them to withdraw into their own world and to po
neglect those close to them. They benefit by remem- th
bering that, in their desire to advance the greater good
.......................................................... of humanity, they must not sacrifice the individual.
Proof 1

358 aquarius

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 358
January 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

.,G H12z R eluctant Eccentr ics

T hose born on this day are imaginative to the point
of feyness, and are fascinated by topics that less
free-thinking people might dismiss as being oddball.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
nt Indeed, so accustomed are they to being branded Uranus
ed eccentric when they moot their wildly original ideas
to and theories, that to avoid experiencing the hurt of Virtues
Empathetic, unique, imaginative
to a negative reaction, they frequently keep quiet about
to what it is that really excites them. This defensive Vices
ely mechanism may be effective in the short term, but Oversensitive, hesitant, aloof
ng such suppression of the true self will ultimately cause
nd emotional damage. Car eers
rn The paradox governing their personalities and Veterinarian, zookeeper, non-profit
da behavior is that although January 24 people are gen- organizer
for erally greatly admired for their original qualities,
ch they are reluctant to believe that the people around Skills & Aptitudes
eir them appreciate them just as they are. They may com- Effortlessly draw others to them,
attraction to all that is different,
de pletely reject such esteem, either suspecting under-
outstanding intellectual abilities
will lying motives or feeling that their essence has been
in misunderstood. Famous Births
Their sensitivity, love of nature, and genuine desire Edith Wharton (1862)
by to work for good propels many January 24 people into Neil Diamond (1941)
pe- working with animals, with whom they feel a deep John Belushi (1949)
of empathy and trust that they sometimes feel are lack- Mary Lou Retton (1968)
me- ing in their relationships with their human peers. They
Compatible with
ate thrive best in those small-scale, more personal, work- September 24–28, December 31
of ing environments in which they do not feel inhibited
s), or under pressure to perform artificially. Similarly, they
will need to be constantly reassured by the love and sup-
to port of their friends and family if they are to achieve ..........................................................
m- their true potential.
Proof 1

aquarius 359

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 359
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Extr eme En igmas H12z H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
T o the less sensitive, those born on January 25
present something of an enigma. Such is the
complexity of their characters that they may at one
Uranus moment entertain others with their humor, wit de
and charisma, and at the next retreat into a shell of sty
Virtues introversion and solitude. Indeed, these people are th
Thoughtful, dynamic, multitalented
drawn to extremes, a reflection of their inherent an
Vices curiosity, craving for stimulation and thirst to explore on
Vulnerable, irrational, farsighted and satisfy the many facets of their personalities. an
Their behavior, pursuits and moods may sometimes de
Car eers appear erratic, but underlying them is an overwhelm- ten
Teacher, nurse, counselor ing interest in all aspects of life, which may often be tal
manifested in an enthusiasm for travel and a willing- pe
Skills & Aptitudes ness to experience new things. if
Questing minds, profound Those born on January 25 are extremely sensitive th
thinking, humanitarian vision and are highly receptive to the feelings of others. This th
gift, combined with their powers of perception and inv
Famous Births
Robert Boyle (1627)
genuine interest in the welfare of others, suits them bo
Robert Burns (1759) especially to the caring professions, in which they mo
Virginia Woolf (1882) often make outstanding contributions.
Dean Jones (1935) There will be times, however, when people born on of
this day will feel almost overwhelmed by the strength th
of their empathy, which may be intensified by the Al
Compatible with strong sense of fatalism to which they are prone. On tio
January 28–31, September 24–27
such occasions they must actively strive to be positive up
and not to succumb to feelings of helplessness and blu
despair. The unqualified love and support of those to
close to them is crucial to these people’s emotional be
.......................................................... well-being, and will in turn be amply and loyally ing
rewarded. th
.......................................................... mo
Proof 1

360 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 360 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 360
January 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H12z H12z Bold Risk-takers

T heir energy, drive and boldly expressed
convictions make many January 26 people
larger-than-life figures who follow their hunches and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
wit deeply held convictions in characteristically individual Uranus
of style. There is a dual side to these personalities: on
are the one hand they are physically vibrant, combative Virtues
Strong-willed, quick-witted,
nt and confident in their sensitivity and intellects, while confident
ore on the other they are prone to follow their instincts
and beliefs with steely determination, thereby also Vices
mes demonstrating their capacity for organization and Blunt, intimidating, short-sighted
m- tenacity. The combination of their highly developed
be talents of intuition, ambitious vision and intellectual Car eers
g- perceptiveness, as well as their willingness to take risks Accountant, banker, marketer
if they feel these justify the potential rewards, mark
ve these people out as potentially successful players of Skills & Aptitudes
This the financial markets, where they often have a gift for Resounding impact on others,
outstanding intellectual gifts, bold
nd investment. Yet despite this commercial bent, people
and vibrant personalities
em born on this day also have a propensity to spend their
ey money as though it were water. Famous Births
In their personal lives, these people must beware Paul Newman (1925)
on of using the same tactic of determined confrontation Eddie Van Halen (1955)
th that frequently serves them so well in their careers. Ellen DeGeneres (1958)
he Although they may have a deep and genuine affec- Wayne Gretzky (1961)
On tion for their loved ones, they may inadvertently cause
Compatible with
ve upset if they give their well-meant words of advice too January 28–31, September 25–28
nd bluntly, or try to make others follow a course of action
ose to which they are not suited. These people therefore
nal benefit by becoming less controlling and more accept-
lly ing of the limitations and viewpoints of others; when ..........................................................
they apply this strategy to their own lives, they will
also discover that there is much to be gained from a
more relaxed attitude and willingness to compromise. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 361

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 361 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 361
January 27 J
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Courageous Challengers H12z H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
P erhaps the strongest characteristic of January 27
people is their inherent need to be challenged and
stimulated, and this is often manifested by a ceaseless
Uranus questing to experience and master all that life has to de
offer. Running parallel to their strong sense of purpose of
Virtues and deep desire to succeed is a pronounced streak of do
Determined, benevolent,
relaxed courage, which enables them doggedly, and sometimes ag
apparently recklessly, to tread new paths without tol
Vices being deflected from their purpose. Yet although they of
Frustrated, self-indulgent, restless are daring, those born on this day will generally not bu
take chances without first having weighed up the pr
Car eers risks and having carefully examined potential pitfalls. th
Business owner, designer, Although they are personally ambitious, these people th
consultant are rarely motivated by a desire for financial reward, ca
instead being driven by a desire to test and prove rej
Skills & Aptitudes themselves. Their intellectual talents, including those ca
Pioneering spirits, respond
of perceptiveness and objectivity, suit them for most art
instinctively to challenge, accept
others as they are professions, that is, as long as their attention is held su
and they are allowed to be creative. an
Famous Births Away from work, these people greatly enjoy the ac
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756) good things of life and as appreciative gourmets
Lewis Carroll (or Charles are ever willing to sample new sensual experiences. tar
Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832) Unusually, for such active people, their propensity for rel
William Randolph Hearst (1863)
Bridget Fonda (1964)
self-indulgence and love of luxury can seduce them pin
into idleness, especially if they were born in the Chi- Th
Compatible with nese year of the snake. Generous to a fault, they are fro
January 28–31, September 25–29 deeply attached to their family and friends, desiring tiv
their happiness above all. In turn—perhaps as a result co
.......................................................... of their intellectual restlessness—they need a stable co
and secure personal life, and to receive the constant th
reassurance and encouragement of those closest to an
.......................................................... them, as well as the occasional firm hand.
Proof 1

362 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 362 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 362
January 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H12z H12z Tolerant Judges

A lthough these people have extremely strong
views regarding what is right and what is wrong,
and relish the stimulating cut and thrust of intellectual
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
to debate, these qualities are motivated more by a sense Uranus
ose of justice than by a need to impose their convictions by
of dominating others. Indeed, while they may not always Virtues
Compassionate, objective,
mes agree with them, January 28 people are remarkably persuasive
out tolerant in their appreciation of inevitable differences
ey of opinion, respecting what other people have to say Vices
not but not allowing their integrity to be swayed in the Hypersensitive, avoiding,
he process. These qualities are often best employed in vulnerable
lls. the judicial, diplomatic or political sphere, in which
ple they can objectively seek to advance the humanitarian Car eers
rd, causes that are dear to them without dismissively Judge, lawyer, humanitarian
ve rejecting alternative convictions. Their natural charm,
ose capacity for penetrative thought and compelling Skills & Aptitudes
Tolerance toward others, powers of
ost articulateness will also stand them in good stead in
persuasion, sense of justice
eld such pursuits. January 28 people are also intuitive,
and if they nurture their creative impulses, they can Famous Births
he achieve memorable artistic success. Jackson Pollock (1912)
ets Just as they are frequently motivated by humani- Alan Alda (1936)
es. tarian aims in their professional lives, in their personal Mikhail Baryshnikov (1948)
or relationships people born on this day place the hap- Elijah Wood (1981)
em piness and well-being of their families above all else.
Compatible with
hi- They greatly value the sense of security that they gain January 25–27, September 25–30
are from strong, supportive relationships. Highly sensi-
ng tive, they have an instinctive distaste for emotional
ult conflict and will do their utmost to avoid unpleasant
ble confrontation with members of their family, whom ..........................................................
nt they may often infuriate by appearing to duck issues
to and retreating into their own world.
Proof 1

aquarius 363

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 363 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 363
January 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Assertive Campaigners H12z H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
T he forceful personalities and profound convictions
of January 29 people frequently evoke extremes
of emotion in others, to whom they may be either the
Uranus subject of deep esteem or dismissive derision. Either Al
way, they consistently refuse to be ignored, a quality me
Virtues for which they are sneakingly admired even by their the
Bright, ardent, inspiring
loudest detractors. jus
Vices Inherently empathetic to the plight of others, and Th
Oversensitive, petulant, prone to blessed with quick-witted minds, those born on this thr
fatigue day are, invariably drawn to social causes, impelled by op
their natural sense of justice to fight for those whom ga
Car eers they feel have been wronged. pu
Political campaigner, social activist, When inspired by their principles, January 29 W
lobbyist, charity worker people make formidably determined campaigners, im
despite—or perhaps because of—the fact that they na
Skills & aptitudes usually prefer to achieve their ends through reasoned Th
Possessed of a burning desire to
argument rather than direct confrontation. Such qual- in
right perceived wrongs, ardent
espousal of ideals, potential to ities indicate that these people are predisposed to be som
inspire others politicians or social campaigners. They may often be to
found volunteering for charities and causes even if
Famous births they have jobs in a completely different field. sel
Thomas Paine (1737) The downside of their innate sensitivity is that when by
Tom Selleck (1945) they provoke negative responses January 29 people cen
Oprah Winfrey (1954)
Greg Louganis (1960)
may feel deeply hurt by this rejection. This makes it all the
the more important that they are supported by stable pic
Compatible with personal relationships so that they are buoyed up by suc
January 25–27, September 26–30 the love and understanding of those who appreciate pro
their qualities. A happy personal life will also put a tru
.......................................................... brake on these people’s martyr and obsessive tenden- de
cies, and will help to provide them with a sense of the
perspective. dis
.......................................................... ma
Proof 1

364 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 364 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 364
January 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H12z H12z Instinctual Individuals

T hese dynamic people have a burning desire to
impose their own stamp on all that they undertake,
confident as they are in the truth of their convictions.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
her Although they will have arrived at their judgments by Uranus
ity means of reasoned thought, January 30 people rely on
eir their instincts to guide them, and often retrospectively Virtues
Empathetic, intuitive, persuasive
justify their initial responses with rational arguments.
nd This remarkable ability to channel their sensitivity Vices
his through their intellects and then transmit their Vain, impatient, dismissive
by opinions lucidly and convincingly is a rare one, and will
om gain them acclaim, especially when employed in artistic Car eers
pursuits, but also in politics or the military forces. Soldier, artist, politician
29 Whichever professional path they follow, however, it is
rs, important that these people be allowed to follow their Skills & Aptitudes
ey natural urge to lead others and to act independently. Strength of character, ability to
ed They do not function well in subordinate roles, either transform empathy into action,
talent for persuasion
al- in the professional or personal realm, and can be
be somewhat passive-aggressive toward anyone who tries Famous Births
be to dominate them. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882)
if There is a distinct danger that such a high level of Roy Eldridge (1911)
self-belief, particularly when it is apparently confirmed Gene Hackman (1930)
en by others, can result in excessive egotism or compla- Phil Collins (1951)
ple cency. These people furthermore crave the approval of
all their peers and may play to their audience, instinctively Compatible with
January 1, January 25–27,
ble picking up on the prevailing mood and mirroring it. On September 26–30
by such occasions they should step back and calm their
ate propensity to respond impulsively and instead remain
ta true to themselves and their own convictions. They may
n- demand (and receive) the unquestioning support of ..........................................................
of their family and friends, but should remember that any
dissension is not a personal betrayal, but rather a healthy
manifestation of the rich benefits that are gained from ..........................................................
diverse opinions and approaches.
Proof 1

aquarius 365

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 365 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 365
January 31
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R ecogn ition-seekers H12z H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
First decan: Personal planet is
J anuary 31 people have an all-consuming need to
be taken seriously, to gain the regard of their peers
for those qualities that they value most in themselves:
Uranus their originality, compassion, sensitivity and vision. th
And indeed these people are admired by others th
Virtues yet, despite their best efforts, it may be for entirely as
Idealistic, magnetic, visionary
different, and perhaps more superficial, reasons—such an
Vices as for their personal charm, physical appearance or the a
Oversensitive, wayward, prone to entertainment that they give others. sen
melancholia Perhaps these people have a tendency to send Th
mixed messages in their attempts to gain the undi- po
Car eers vided attention of others, but it is frequently the case car
Writer, actor, philosopher that they undervalue the particular talents that attract co
others to them. They have a tendency often to place W
Skills & Aptitudes greater worth on their more profound characteristics. str
Attractive personality, sensitivity to Their extreme sensitivity, fascination with mystical ow
others, ability to inspire
concepts and innate appreciation of beauty will often cau
Famous Births find fulfilling expression in the artistic world, but their ob
Jackie Robinson (1919) considerable intellectual powers will also bring them
Carol Channing and success if they’re willing to work for ir. do
Norman Mailer (1923) To console and reinforce them in the throes of On
Johnny Rotten (1956) their personal struggles to be accepted on their own tie
Portia de Rossi (1973) terms, it is vital that January 31 people receive fre- ary
quent demonstrations of the unconditional support giv
Compatible with
January 1–2, January 25–27, of those closest to them, whose encouragement they th
September 27–30 will reward many times over. Yet, as in all other areas ma
of their lives, people born on this day must beware dr
of making unreasonable demands on the good will th
.......................................................... of others. Developing a more relaxed, pragmatic and vid
less intense approach will benefit them in all areas of im
their lives. lec
Proof 1

366 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 366 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 366
February 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H12z H12z C Jacks of All Trades

F ebruary 1 people are blessed with so many talents
that they often have difficulty in deciding which
to concentrate on, a tendency that is complicated by
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
on. the conflict between their heads and hearts. Indeed, Mercury
ers these people have powerful perceptive qualities, as well
ely as the enviable ability to evaluate a situation quickly Virtues
Multitalented, tenacious,
ch and formulate an appropriate course of action—often charismatic
he a humanitarian course motivated by their natural
sense of justice and desire to effect improvement. Vices
nd Their gifts and disposition suit them for careers in Stubborn, self-indulgent,
di- politics or education, as well as the medical and other blunt
ase caring professions, but since they are sensitive and
act communicative, they may also find success in the arts. Car eers
ace Whichever area they decide to favor, however, these Educator, doctor, diplomat
cs. strong-willed people must be allowed to follow their
cal own course, for if frustrated or forced to espouse a Skills & Aptitudes
Outstanding powers of
en cause in which they do not believe, they will become
communication, boldness,
eir obdurate and uncooperative. compassionate nature
em Their grounded and sensible intellectual approach
does not mean that these people are dull and plodding. Famous Births
of On the contrary, their empathetic and intuitive quali- Clark Gable (1901)
wn ties can result in startlingly impulsive behavior. Febru- Langston Hughes (1902)
re- ary 1 people are often extremely sensual and sociable, Sherman Hemsley (1938)
Lisa Marie Presley (1968)
ort giving themselves over to the enjoyment of the good
ey things of life with enthusiasm. These characteristics Compatible with
eas make them popular and attractive to others, who are September 28–30, October 1
are drawn to their company for the fun and excitement
will that they generate. Children and less disciplined indi-
nd viduals may become carried away by their wayward ..........................................................
of impulses and propensity for self-indulgence, a predi-
lection toward the extreme that should be curbed.
Proof 1

aquarius 367

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 367 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 367
February 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Analytical Commanders H12z C H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
C ontrol is vitally important to February 2 people,
who need to feel in command of a given situation,
of their emotions, as well as of their image and how
Mercury others perceive them. There are many possible reasons ap
for this fundamental necessity, including a wish to hide th
Virtues perceived weakness, a yearning to attain perfection, or, pe
Driven, strategic, disciplined
perhaps, a genuine desire for domination. fee
Vices The uncompromising people born on February 2
Cold, impersonal, restrained will frequently cultivate a suave exterior or a coldly da
logical approach—whatever the personal implica- do
Car eers tions of such a stance—and may terrify others by the fri
Corporate sales, athlete, CEO apparently unattainable level of their demands. Yet it say
must be remembered that, despite their tough image, uin
Skills & Aptitudes these people aspire to the approval and admiration of sac
Intellectual capacity to cut straight their peers for their outstanding qualities, which are, Th
to the heart of the issue, masters of indeed, considerable. 3m
detail, enviable faculty of seeing the
People born on this day possess the talent to ana- th
larger picture
lyze a problem with crystal clarity, weigh alterna- sh
Famous Births tive courses of action dispassionately, and strive to pe
James Joyce (1882) achieve their objectives with single-minded determi-
Stan Getz (1927) nation. They revel in competition: when not climb- bu
Farrah Fawcett (1947) ing their way to the top of the corporate tree—and sto
Christie Brinkley (1953) they usually excel in the business sphere, especially ce
in sales—they will often be winners in the sporting ut
Compatible with
September 29–30, October 1–2 field, or in politics. an
Unfortunately, particularly if they are male, their Th
preferred tactics may be less welcome in more inti- ap
mate relationships, where, in spite of their willingness art
.......................................................... to offer instant and practical advice, their reluctance cio
to appear vulnerable may be seen as a hurtful lack of ne
interest. ou
Proof 1

368 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 368 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 368
February 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C H12z C Fr ee-spir ited Partners

E asy-going, affable and kind to those whom
they perceive as vulnerable, February 3 people
are popular individuals, whose apparently relaxed
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ns approach to relationships draws others to them. While Mercury
de they generally enjoy their powers of attraction, their
or, personal magnetism can also create the unwelcome Virtues
Charming, adventurous, original
feeling of being trapped by the attention of others.
2 The greatest fear of many of those born on this Vices
dly day is of having their wings clipped and their free- Fickle, unreliable, stifled
a- dom curtailed by the stifling demands of partners or
he friends for wholehearted commitment. This is not to Car eers
it say that these people do not experience deep and gen- IT specialist, musician, geneticist
ge, uine emotions, but that they need to feel they have not
of sacrificed the personal liberty that is so dear to them. Skills & Aptitudes
re, This tendency is particularly pronounced in February Open-mindedness, bold
3 men, and in those also born in the Chinese year of individualism, quick intellect
a- the horse: partners who desire an enduring relation-
Famous Births
a- ship with them should accept the fact that February 3 Gertrude Stein (1874)
to people simply cannot tolerate being “suffocated.” Norman Rockwell (1894)
mi- However, these people are not usually intellectual Glen Tetley (1926)
b- butterflies who flit from subject to subject without Morgan Fairchild (1950)
nd stopping long enough to delve deeper. When a con-
lly cept truly stimulates them, they will probe every min- Compatible with
September 30, October 1–3
ng ute aspect of it, driven by their insatiable curiosity
and determination to master attendant challenges.
eir Their inherent sensitivity, originality and technical
ti- aptitude is an ideal combination for success in the
ess arts—a career in music may be particularly auspi-
ce cious—or in the scientific field, where their willing- ..........................................................
of ness to strike out boldly may lead them along previ-
ously untrodden paths.
Proof 1

aquarius 369

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 369 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 369
February 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Energetic Discover ers H12z C H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
S uch is their originality, their speed of thought
and their prodigious energy that people born
on this day sometimes exhaust their less mercurial
Mercury companions. The whirlwind of activity that they Ye
create around them is driven by their darting for
Virtues curiosity and compulsion to act—characteristics an
Inquisitive, positive, innovative
that, if focused, may lead them into uncharted diffi
Vices realms. Lacking such focus, their relish for discovery wo
Impulsive, distracted, flighty and variety may cause them to bounce from one ho
enthusiasm to the next, often spending vast quantities th
Car eers of money in the process. Indeed, if bored, they tend oth
Political activist, journalist, artist to lack staying power, dismissing an unstimulating hu
project or relationship as unworthy of their attention. ide
Skills & Aptitudes They should make an effort to curb this impatience, dr
Quick-thinking personalities, especially in their personal lives in which, because of int
remarkable originality, their flighty behavior, they may be seen as superficial
unconstrained and exuberant
and unable to reciprocate profound emotions. ary
imaginative powers
Yet despite their sometimes inconsistent image, of
Famous Births February 4 people do harbor great emotional depths: far
Charles Lindbergh (1902) the level of their empathy with others, or the strength tio
Betty Friedan (1921) of their humanitarian vision, will often manifest ish
Alice Cooper (1948) itself in a stubbornly brave refusal to be deflected th
Lawrence Taylor (1959) from their position. po
When February 4 people are truly fired up by a ma
Compatible with
October 1–4 cause they will pursue it with fierce intensity and th
such a tenacious sense of purpose that others may to
label them eccentric. They will fare especially well th
in the artistic field, where their idiosyncratic blend ma
.......................................................... of sensitivity and originality will be accepted and tia
appreciated, but their potential may generate success tifi
in any professional area they choose, as long as they tea
.......................................................... remember the importance of self-discipline. th
Proof 1

370 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 370 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 370
February 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C H12z C Per fection-seekers

F ebruary 5 people are often much admired by others
for their fluently competent manner and apparent
capacity to undertake any task with effortless ease.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ey Yet life is no easier for people born on this day than Mercury
ng for others—it is just that they have cultivated a calm
ics and efficient external manner to mask their internal Virtues
Self-disciplined, sensitive,
ed difficulties. The smooth façade that they present to the organized
ery world may conceal a deep-rooted sense of insecurity,
ne however, which—particularly if they are women— Vices
ies they strive to resolve by seeking the admiration of Tendencies to overidealize and
nd other people. Perfection, however, is not a natural mislead, arrogant
ng human condition, and not only will they find this
on. ideal impossible to achieve, but they run the risk of Car eers
ce, driving others away by their unrealistic demands or Manager, administrator, professor
of intimidatingly lofty manner.
ial Their hypersensitivity is perhaps the key to Febru- Skills & Aptitudes
Clarity of vision, highly controlled
ary 5 people, who respond instinctively to the moods
competence, extraordinary
ge, of others. Their twin qualities of intuition and mental potential for achievement
hs: farsightedness may, however, cause them great emo-
th tional anxiety, which they will suppress with a pol- Famous Births
est ished veneer that falsely indicates control. Indeed, William Seward Burroughs (1914)
ed the combination of their desire to be seen in the best Red Buttons (1919)
possible light and their perceptive intellectual powers Hank Aaron (1934)
Bob Marley (1945)
ya may sometimes lead them to offer practical help over
nd the emotional support that is perhaps more valuable Compatible with
ay to others and which, moreover, they also crave for October 2–5
ell themselves. Their unusually diverse personal talents
nd make them naturally well-rounded, with the poten-
nd tial to excel in either the arts or in academic or scien- ..........................................................
ess tific pursuits. They generally work better as part of a
ey team or cause, where they can simultaneously satisfy
their need for human contact and utilize their flair for ..........................................................
administration and management.
Proof 1

aquarius 371

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 371 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 371
February 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unr estr icted R esearchers H12z C H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
I n common with most Aquarians, February 6 people
have a profound need for liberty, not necessarily
in the physical sense—although these people may
Mercury be restless and have a love of travel and sporting res
pursuits—but more crucially in their intellectual so
Virtues pursuits and dealings with others. They hate feeling pr
Stimulating, knowledgeable,
ever-curious constrained by the demands of others and will rarely en
thrive in tightly run organizations or in relationships th
Vices in which they feel that too great a level of commitment th
Bored, skittish, inconstant is being required of them. That having been said, they
will often display remarkable focus when they find qu
Car eers a topic or person that intrigues them, and will be po
Researcher, publisher, band driven by the almost irresistible urge to investigate sk
director further. For this reason they show a special aptitude en
for scientific research, into which their willingness to ind
Skills & Aptitudes anticipate the unexpected and explore new avenues wi
Exceptionally responsive to sensory
will be profitably channeled. More artistically inclined ca
and intellectual stimuli, powers of
intuition and curiosity, intelligent February 6 people may find similar satisfaction in the th
and original reactions to challenges realms of music and literature. ca
Ironically, given their fiercely independent outlook,
Famous Births people born on this day prize the approval of others. ins
Babe Ruth (1895) This desire for popularity is generally not motivated lac
Ronald Reagan (1911) by the desire to have their talents recognized, but un
Zsa Zsa Gabor (1915)
Tom Brokaw (1940)
rather by a more emotional craving to be cocooned if
by the love and admiration of those around them. as
Compatible with Since they are intuitive beings, they will absorb the th
October 3–6 prevailing mood of the company within which they an
find themselves, and are prone to reflect it—a policy pe
.......................................................... which may endear them to others in the short term, cri
but which may ultimately gain them a reputation for ind
inconstancy. Even so, others frequently feel affinity ay
.......................................................... and enthusiasm for these people, and may elevate dic
them to positions of leadership.
Proof 1

372 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 372 14/7/16 5:38 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 372
February 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C H12z C Progr essive Problem-solvers

T hose born on February 7 often tend to view the
world around them in a somewhat naive way,
in that they have an inherent sense of justice and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
ng respond on a deeply emotional level to any perceived Mercury
ual social abuse. They are quick to identify solutions to
ng problems, which they will then pursue with idealistic Virtues
Forward-thinking, energetic,
ely enthusiasm, but in their zeal they are unlikely to have analytical
ps thought their plans through sufficiently, and thus
nt they’re often seen as somewhat gullible. Vices
ey The majority of February 7 people, who are Tendencies toward disappointment
nd quick-witted and original thinkers, are furthermore and disillusionment, cynical
be possessed with great communicative and persuasive
ate skills, which they will characteristically employ to Car eers
de enlist the support of others. Such interpersonal talents Reporter, salesperson, social worker
to indicate potentially successful salespeople, but they
ues will often also thrive in social work. For those who Skills & Aptitudes
Endearing sense of optimism,
ed can rein in their more idealistic propensities and offset
problem-solving abilities, capacity
he them with practical and rational considerations, they for original thought
can make gifted journalists and technicians, too.
ok, A vital characteristic of these people is their Famous Births
rs. instinctive aversion to authority. It is not that they Charles Dickens (1812)
ed lack discipline—far from it—just that they chafe Frederick Douglass (1817)
but under regulations with which they do not agree and, Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867)
Garth Brooks (1962)
ed if constricted, they will typically resort to subversion
m. as a manifestation of their independence. Self-starters, Compatible with
he they will always perform best when given autonomy October 3–6, January 8
ey and freedom of action; this applies as much to their
cy personal as to their professional lives. If this crucial
m, criterion is satisfied, they make empathetic and even ..........................................................
or indulgent partners, and—since they always maintain
ity a youthful outlook and tend to persuade rather than
ate dictate—are often particularly good parents. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 373

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 373 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 373
February 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Inter pr etive Artisans H12z C H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
I nherent in February 8 people is a curious mixture
of extreme intuition and technical flair which, if
balanced, can make them extraordinarily successful
Mercury in the world of the arts—especially if they were also op
born in the Chinese year of the tiger. Of further wh
Virtues benefit to them in their musical, artistic, dramatic or ap
Personable, creative, accomplished
literary pursuits are their strong imaginative powers, ap
Vices which, in combination with their instinctive ability to
Anxious, concealing, vulnerable to assess a situation and their gift of interpretation, it
will delight their audiences with their originality. ac
Car eers Although intellectual freedom is as vital to these it
Theater worker, poet, musician people as the air that is their element, they do not limit un
this requirement to themselves alone and are always
Skills & Aptitudes ready to respect and consider other people’s opinions. all
Vision, respect for colleagues, Furthermore, they shrink from confrontation, and 9
skilled at establishing consensus therefore generally seek to smooth over conflict by ati
finding a compromise. tio
Famous Births
Jules Verne (1828)
It is their profound—occasionally almost psy- of
Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev chic—sensitivity that drives these people to try to
(1834) create peace and harmony around them. They delight bo
James Dean (1931) others with their unique sense of humor and refresh- tiv
John Williams (1932) ing company, although they remain reserved and avoid im
personal topics of conversation. Their ability to effort- ma
Compatible with lessly attune themselves to the moods of other peo- (es
October 4–7, January 8–9
ple, as well as their limitless imaginations, leads them wh
not only to identify themselves with others’ situations, to
but also to envisage possibly negative future scenarios. me
Thus the easy-going façade that they generally adopt wi
.......................................................... may mask a deep sense of distress and emotional tur- ro
moil. Their friends and partners should therefore give fri
them unquestioning support and understanding in bil
.......................................................... order to create the stable, loving background which is th
so important to them.
Proof 1

374 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 374 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 374
February 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C H12z C Encouraging Counselors


if F or many who are close to them, February 9
people appear to possess two diametrically
opposed characteristics: whereas they are unfailingly
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Second decan: Personal planet is
so optimistic while addressing other people’s problems, Mercury
her when it comes to their own situation, they often
or appear unduly negative. This apparent inability to Virtues
Benevolent, devoted, insightful
rs, apply their considerable gift for encouraging others
ity to themselves has many possible causes—perhaps Vices
on, it results from a feeling of fatalism founded on the Exploitable, overburdened,
ty. accumulation of previously unhappy experiences, or self-doubting
ese it may be the manifestation of an unjustified sense of
mit unworthiness. Car eers
ays Such is their natural vigor and appetite for tasting Counselor, pyschiatrist, child-
ns. all that life has to offer that people born on February development worker
nd 9 will indeed be exposed to a wide variety of situ-
by ations—with both positive and negative ramifica- Skills & Aptitudes
tions—in their lives, and will draw upon their wealth Strongly motivated by
humanitarian concerns, devotion to
sy- of experience to assist those who seek their advice. worthy causes, sympathetic natures
to The complex personal qualities displayed by those
ht born on this day are the products of their great sensi- Famous Births
h- tivity and highly developed powers of perception and Carole King (1942)
oid imagination. Practical as well as empathetic, they Joe Pesci (1943)
rt- make gifted counselors, as well as excellent parents Alice Walker (1944)
Mia Farrow (1945)
o- (especially in the case of February 9 women). Yet
em when they apply their talent for penetrating insight
Compatible with
ns, to their own personalities, they have a tendency to January 9–10, October 5–8
os. measure themselves against an impossible ideal and
opt will inevitably consider themselves lacking. By recip-
ur- rocating the love and support of these people, their ..........................................................
ive friends and family members will give them the sta-
in bility and sense of self-affirmation that they need if
is they are to thrive. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 375

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 375 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 375
February 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Achievement-hunters H12z D H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
T hose people born on February 10 are centered on
achievement. It is vitally important to them to
win the respect and recognition of others—possibly
as a result of a sneaking sense of insecurity—and it sti
Virtues is generally to this end that they concentrate their so
Original, ambitious, determined
considerable talents. Blessed with great determination, ch
imagination and a confident belief in their own an
Obsessive, insecure, isolated
potential, they will strive to make their mark on the be
world, secretly hoping to have their sense of self th
Car eers validated by the approval of others. Yet however ha
Professional athlete, delegator, great their ambition, these are not people who als
human-resources personnel trample roughshod over others on their upward path; de
intuitive and kind, their aspiration is to achieve their ve
Skills & Aptitudes goals and not to harm others in the process. Indeed, sch
Clear-sighted with regard to when channeled toward problem-solving, their gift to
aspirations, multiple talents, of empathy and genuine desire for progress makes th
single-minded focus
them notable peacemakers. Inevitably, however, these on
Famous Births people will experience competition, particularly since or
Boris Pasternak (1890) many are drawn to active sports. wa
Jimmy “Schnozzle” Durante (1893) Because they are so oriented toward realizing their
Peter Allen (1944) goals, these people may not pay adequate heed to their ma
Mark Spitz (1950) undoubted gift of empathy, and may inadvertently irr
neglect those close to them, becoming emotionally tur
Compatible with isolated. They have a tendency to externalize their ur
January 11, October 6–10
sensitivity, picking up the mood of others and in turn me
projecting it back again to gain approval—a propen- th
sity that suits many February 10 people to careers in th
the performing arts. Ironically, given that much of ity
.......................................................... their energies are ultimately directed toward gaining th
the esteem and affirmation of others—whether or not em
they are consciously aware of it—they may find them- sh
.......................................................... selves admired from afar but lacking intimate friends les
to rejoice and share in their success. cia
Proof 1

376 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 376 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 376
February 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D H12z D K Household Inventors

T he urge to implement progress is a vital
component of February 11 people’s personal
makeup. With their complementary need for mental
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
it stimulation and natural capacity for problem-
eir solving, they are constantly casting around for a Virtues
Creative, enthusiastic, helpful
on, challenge against which they can apply their talents
wn and, because they are usually rather domesticated
he beings, will often find it close to home. Indeed, Self-absorbed, forgetful, eccentric
elf these cheerfully original and multitalented people
ver have something of a knack for invention and, when Car eers
ho also technically minded, enjoy nothing more than Inventor, scholar, non-profit
th; designing and constructing their own, improved organizer
eir version of a household appliance, or devising a
ed, scheme to make everyday life easier. Yet their wish Skills & Aptitudes
ift to bring about improvement is not merely limited to Originality of thought, desire
kes their immediate sphere of influence, and people born to see dreams realized, ability to
invent and/or innovate
ese on this day may, for example, become charity workers
ce or dedicated volunteers, actively pioneering practical Famous Births
ways in which to help others. Thomas Alva Edison (1847)
eir Their originality and optimism frequently exert a Leslie Nielson (1926)
eir magnetic influence on other people, who are drawn Sheryl Crow (1963)
tly irresistibly to their affability and sense of fun. In Jennifer Aniston (1969)
lly turn, February 11 people, who are in any case nat-
eir urally gregarious, relish the cut-and-thrust excite- Compatible with
October 7–12
rn ment of intellectual sparring. Extremely hospitable,
n- they are welcoming and solicitous in their care of
in their guests. The combination of their great sociabil-
of ity and intellectual enthusiasms, however, can mean
ng that they may not devote enough attention to the ..........................................................
not emotional needs of their family and friends, and they
m- should therefore ensure that they do not neglect the
ds less tangible needs of their nearest and dearest, espe- ..........................................................
cially as parents.
Proof 1

aquarius 377

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 377 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 377
February 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Enlightened Leaders H12z D H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
A dmired by others for their inspirational qualities
and concern for social justice, these people often
find themselves in leadership positions. And while
they are indeed sympathetic to the plight of others, un
Virtues February 12 people are motivated less by feelings of rel
Assured, objective, progressive
empathy than by a burning desire to right perceived im
wrongs and to set the world moving along a more ou
Polarizing, opinionated,
enlightened course. When faced with a situation that a
uncompromising requires resolution, they have an enviable facility to pe
marshal the facts available to them, evaluate them wi
Car eers impartially, and then determine an effective plan of are
Military command, legal aid, state action. br
representative Such is their faith in the veracity of their moral
judgments that people born on February 12 will rarely ru
Skills & Aptitudes be deflected from their chosen path, and will work sel
Great powers of perception and toward their goal with confidence and single-minded th
original thought, progressive
tenacity. Such qualities may make them ideally de
instincts, strong beliefs
equipped for senior positions in military or political
Famous Births careers, especially if they were also born in the Chi- lov
Charles Darwin and nese year of the dragon. ine
Abraham Lincoln (1809) Yet although they are driven, these people are de
Franco Zeffirelli (1923) not all earnestness and ambitious zeal—far from it. co
Judy Blume (1938) They are also highly sensual beings, who have a real lar
and instinctive appreciation for the good things in un
Compatible with
October 8–13 life, including the arts, fine cuisine and stimulating fic
company. Indeed, most recognize that indulging th
their hedonistic side is a necessary release from the
pressures of their intellectual or professional pur- mo
.......................................................... suits. They also typically make loving and concerned wi
partners and parents, although they should beware by
of being overly paternalistic and should allow their ple
.......................................................... children in particular to follow their own course.
Proof 1

378 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 378 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 378
February 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D H12z D K Spotlit Tr endsetters

F ebruary 13 people are often natural extroverts.
Brimming with energy, sensation-seeking, and
open and unaffected in just about everything they
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
rs, undertake, they are always difficult to ignore and
of relish being the center of attention. Their strong Virtues
Exuberant, outgoing, quick-witted
ed imaginative powers and irresistible urge to seek
ore out new paths, combined with their boldness and
hat a tendency toward exhibitionism, mean that these Unruly, erratic, boisterous
to people are often regarded as trend-setters, especially
em within the realm of the arts. Indeed, these people Car eers
of are oriented toward interpersonal contact, and shine Fashion designer, actor, performer
brightest when playing to an audience.
ral Whichever career they choose, it is likely that Feb- Skills & Aptitudes
ely ruary 13 individuals will not flourish if they feel them- Original and daring nature,
ork selves constricted by petty rules and regulations, and propensity to make waves,
ed they rarely find satisfaction in solitary pursuits that inexhaustible vigor
lly deprive them of acclaim.
Famous Births
cal Despite their need for intellectual stimulation and Rosa Parks (1913)
hi- love of novelty, these good-hearted people are genu- Kim Novak (1933)
inely and deeply attached to their family and friends, George Segal (1934)
are desiring nothing more than their happiness and Peter Gabriel (1950)
it. comfort. In turn, they require profound love and a
eal large amount of emotional support, and may thereby Compatible with
October 8–14
in unwittingly demand that those dear to them sacri-
ng fice a certain amount of independence of action and
ng thought.
he While they appreciate the material things that
ur- money can buy, and aspire to surround themselves
ed with luxurious objects, this yearning is motivated less ..........................................................
are by a wish to flaunt wealth than by the sheer sensory
eir pleasure derived from beauty and opulence.
Proof 1

aquarius 379

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 379 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 379
February 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Lofty Appr eciators H12z D H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Uranus
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
F ebruary 14 people think quickly and analytically,
express themselves succinctly and often wittily,
and are progressive—both in their ceaseless
personal need to move onward and upward, and in are
Virtues their desire to set the world to rights. While the an
Incisive, articulate, sensual
purposeful and clear-thinking manner in which they co
direct their considerable energies frequently garners mo
Impatient, demanding, frustrated
them admiration, their impatience with those who ex
think and act less quickly may well intimidate de
Car eers others, usually with the effect of driving them away. ot
Chef, business owner, consultant Furthermore, their biting sense of humor, when kin
combined with their great articulateness can, if not
Skills & Aptitudes checked, be a deeply wounding weapon. th
Strong intellect, highly developed February 14 people must remember to respect the th
communication skills, impeccable sensibilities of other people—especially those closest dip
taste to them—and anticipate the consequence of impul- ua
sive words, however satisfying their impact may be in an
Famous Births
Jack Benny (1894)
the short term. Should they fail to keep this in mind, wh
Florence Henderson (1934) they may end up isolated. ne
Carl Bernstein (1944) Yet these people are not solely governed by their th
Gregory Hines (1946) intellectual qualities. They are extremely receptive to
their instincts, and respond on a profound level to th
Compatible with such sensual stimuli as a wonderful painting, a haunt- fie
October 9–15
ing piece of music, a gourmet dish or a fine vintage ing
wine. Such is the varied nature of their talents that are
they have the potential to be equally successful in
the artistic or scientific fields, but their compulsion co
for action gives them an especial aptitude for such pr
.......................................................... business spheres as manufacturing. They enjoy mak- of
ing money, but mainly so that they have the financial ind
means to be able to surround themselves with beau- th
.......................................................... tiful objects. Ch
Proof 1

380 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 380 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 380
February 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D H12z I D Happy Explor ers

P erhaps the overriding characteristics inherent in
February 15 people are their need for stimulation
and their related enthusiasm for exploring new
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Neptune
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
in areas of interest, both in their intellectual pursuits, Second cusp: Aquarius with Piscean
he and—since these energetic people often feel a strong tendencies
ey connection with the natural world—also in the
ers more physical sense. They furthermore rely to a large Charming, enthusiastic, kind
ho extent upon their highly developed instincts in their
ate dealings with other people, attuning themselves to Vices
ay. others’ moods and most of the time responding with Overexcited, undisciplined,
en kindness and courtesy. frustrated
not Motivated by their desire to bring happiness to
those closest to them, as well as to the wider world, Car eers
he they will employ their skills of communication and Communications worker, park
est diplomacy to smooth over potentially explosive sit- ranger, management
ul- uations. They are thus greatly valued by their friends
Skills & Aptitudes
in and family, who may, however, become irritated by
Genuine desire to help others,
nd, what is sometimes perceived as a certain wayward- originality, connection to nature
ness and aversion to being hemmed in by parameters
eir that have been dictated by others. Famous Births
to Because they are multitalented, people born on Galileo Galilei (1564)
to this day will find professional success in a variety of Susan B. Anthony (1820)
nt- fields—science, the creative arts, outdoor and sport- Cesar Romero (1907)
Chris Farley (1964)
ge ing pursuits, as well as business—just as long as they
hat are allowed to follow their own, idiosyncratic course. Compatible with
in If they feel themselves to be stifled by external March 11, October 11–17
on constrictions, February 15 people have a marked
ch propensity to escape into the more congenial world
k- of the senses, compensating for their frustration by ..........................................................
ial indulging their love for entertainment, company and
u- the good life, especially if they were also born in the
Chinese year of the rabbit. ..........................................................
Proof 1

aquarius 381

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 381 14/7/16 5:38 PM

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 381
February 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The Wor ld's Car egivers H12z I D H

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Neptune
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
F ebruary 16 people respect life in all its forms, and are
troubled by manifestations of social injustice, since
they feel an instinctive empathy and a burning desire to
Second cusp: Aquarius with Piscean effect improvement. Yet although these people may be of
tendencies guided by their intuition and compassion, they rarely th
act impulsively, preferring instead to apply their highly we
Insightful, selfless, analytical developed powers of intellectual analysis and foresight oft
to a problem before deciding upon their preferred pe
Vices course of action. Furthermore—perhaps because they hu
Pessimistic, self-doubting, are so perceptive—they have an impressive capacity th
indecisive to be realistic, both in their assessment of others and su
in their personal goals. Such qualities, along with be
Car eers their originality and energy, give them the potential be
Business consultant, entertainer, to perform particularly well in business, especially if ma
life coach they are able to take charge. Since these people are bu
profoundly receptive to the intuitive, life-enhancing im
Skills & Aptitudes
quality inherent in the arts, they may also find success pa
Intellectually discerning,
empathetic toward others, desire to as entertainers and performers.
improve the human condition Many February 16 people consciously control to
their propensity toward extreme sensitivity, apply- im
Famous Births ing a rational system of checks and balances to their on
Patty Andrews (1920) emotional responses in what may be a self-defensive th
Sonny Bono (1935) mechanism. Indeed, such is their concern for others ica
LeVar Burton (1957)
Ice-T (1958)
that they may believe they will be overwhelmed with na
sadness and anxiety unless they maintain a level of ter
Compatible with emotional detachment. They have a tendency, however, fir
March 11–12, October 12–18 to internalize their deepest feelings, and may therefore sp
become beset with feelings of inadequacy, while their reg
.......................................................... quality of vivid foresight may cause them to resist, or po
even avoid, emotional commitment. Their partners eit
should therefore be patient, considerate and encour- en
.......................................................... aging in their treatment of these sensitive people.
Proof 1

382 aquarius

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 382 14/7/16 5:38 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 382
February 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D H12z I DK Crusading Motivators

T hese people are often extraordinarily sensitive
individuals, who never miss a detail, nuance
or undertone of a situation. Their inherent powers
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Neptune
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
be of perception, combined with their soft hearts and Second cusp: Aquarius with Piscean
ely their profoundly empathetic identification with the tendencies
hly weak and defenseless, are rare qualities, but may
ht often cause emotional complications for February 17 Sensitive, trusting, determined
ed people. Indeed, as children they will often be deeply
ey hurt by the careless words or actions of others, and Vices
ity their parents should recognize this propensity and Susceptible, emotional, inflexible
nd support them with consistently kind and considerate
th behavior and reinforcement. As they mature, they will Car eers
ial be forced to develop self-protective strategies and will Motivational speaker, IT specialist,
if mask their vulnerability with a veneer of toughness, human-rights activist
are but although they may often thus present a hardened
ng image, their sensitivity will always remain an integral Skills & Aptitudes
Empathy for the downtrodden,
ess part of their natures.
instinctual responses, crusading
Building a better world is of vital importance energy
rol to those born on this day, and this desire to effect
ly- improvement may take a variety of forms, depending Famous Births
eir on the particular talents of the individual. Although Yasser Arafat (1929)
ive they are not especially organized types, they will typ- Rene Russo (1954)
ers ically devote their passions toward implementing Lou Diamond Phillips (1962)
Michael Jordan (1963)
th national, social, physical or technical ideals in a charac-
of teristically determined manner. Because they are such Compatible with
er, firm believers in individual freedom, and, being free March 12–13, October 13–20
ore spirits, chafe at being subjected to the unimaginative
eir regimes of others’ making, they will be unhappy (and
or possibly insecure) unless they are allowed to operate ..........................................................
ers either independently or within an unstructured and
ur- enlightened framework.
Proof 1

aquarius 383

9781577151319_int 354-384_11513.indd 383 14/7/16 5:38 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 383
February 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sincer e Heralds H12z I DK

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Uranus and Neptune
Third decan: Personal planet is Venus
T heir strong convictions—which are often shaped
by their hearts rather than their heads—may give
February 18 people an idiosyncratic and optimistic
Second cusp: Aquarius with Piscean view of the world which, although altruistic, may not
tendencies be entirely realistic. These sensitive, spiritual people
are quick to perceive those areas in which humanity’s
Fasighted, tenacious, incisive lot could be improved and, being idealistic and
determined types, will energetically marshal their
Vices talents to the cause. Since they are inspired by the
Exclusive, unrealistic, alienating desire to realize their sometimes grandiose utopian
visions, and impatiently refuse to allow themselves to
Car eers be distracted by petty details in the urgent promotion of
Leadership trainer, investment their aims, those born on this day have the potential to
analyst, negotiator achieve remarkable success. Although they care deeply
for those closest to them, and, indeed, have a profound
Skills & Aptitudes need to receive their support and encouragement, they
Guided by the heart, single-
may inadvertently neglect their loved ones in favor of
minded in approach, positive
personality their cherished cause, particularly if they are men.
Despite their propensity to pursue their ambitions
Famous Births with apparently boundless vigor and tenacity, these
Toni Morrison (1931) people are not solely given over to their instinctual
Yoko Ono (1933) responses. They have a tendency to rationalize their
John Travolta (1954) predilections, and will evolve a sense of certainty
Molly Ringwald (1968)
from knowing that they have verified their instincts
Compatible with by means of their talents for analysis and perception.
March 13–14, October 14–22 Moreover, they will listen to other people’s points of
view and, if convinced of their veracity, will adopt cer-
tain tenets. Because they are charismatic and inspiring
.......................................................... figures, others are drawn to them for leadership, and
these multitalented individuals will therefore flourish
in any professional discipline, provided they can fol-
.......................................................... low their own path.
Proof 1

384 aquarius

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 384
l Pisces
February 19 to March 20

Ruling planet: Neptune (traditionally Jupiter) Element: Mutable water

Symbol: Two fishes Polar ity: Negative (feminine) Colors: White, mauve, red
Physical cor r espondence: Feet
Stones: Coral, jasper, bloodstone, white opal, pearl, amethyst, moonstone
Flowers: Poppy, water lily, pink, thyme

M any astrological traditions have identified this constellation with a marine creature.
The ancient Greeks and Persians envisaged Pisces as a single fish, as did Hindu
astrologers, who linked it to Vishnu’s avatar as a fish, Matsya. It was the Babylonians who
first conceived of the constellation as a pair of fishes. An ancient Greco-Roman myth tells
of how the ogre Typhon pursued the goddess Aphrodite/Venus and her son Eros/Cupid
until they escaped him by transforming themselves into fishes. Because Aphrodite/Venus
was born from the sea, and since the sign is ruled by the sea god Neptune (who supplanted
Jupiter following the planet’s discovery in 1846), it is appropriate that the element of
water governs this sign. It’s also associated with the Moon, whose ability to regulate the
oceanic tides links it unequivocally with water. The twin curves of Pisces’ sigil mimic the
crescents that represent the waxing and waning of the Moon. This duality is mirrored
within the annual cycle, for since Pisces’ realm of influence is the last month of winter, it
simultaneously looks back over the past agricultural year and forward to the next.
Pisces represents duality, often taken to denote the spiritual and worldly realms. The
Piscean personality may be symbolically linked to a fish swimming through the water
seeking enlightenment, but the potential for undirected restlessness and emotional insta-
bility is also indicated. Many iconic representations of Pisces show the two fishes bound
together by the Nodus, or silver cord, which represents the link to the spirit world, sug-
gesting Pisceans’ dreamy natures.
Proof 1

pisces 385

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February 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Individualistic Human itar ians I H F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Neptune and Uranus
First decan: Personal planets are
F ebruary 19 people value independence of thought
and action and many exhibit a near-compulsive
need to impose the stamp of their individuality on
Neptune and Jupiter everything that they undertake. Although they are wh
First cusp: Pisces with Aquarian undoubtedly sensitive to the needs of other people, a g
they usually direct their concern more toward acc
Virtues humanity as a collective entity rather than toward br
Problem-solving, energetic, individuals. Like the rather global quality of their th
global-thinking empathy, their powers of perception are conditioned Th
by their predilection to rational thought, and they to
Vices therefore cultivate a rather lofty air of impartiality. Yet th
Addictive, suppressing, impersonal despite the impersonal projection of their empathetic
insights, February 19 people nurture deep aspirations era
Car eers to affect progress and contribute to the greater good. co
Carer, social worker, entertainer For this reason they often make outstanding social and th
care workers who do not allow themselves to become am
Skills & Aptitudes
ineffective through overidentification with their su
Perceptiveness, practical problem-
solving, thirst for challenges clients, as well as gifted environmental campaigners. po
The more artistically inclined among them—and fes
Famous Births many have a mystical side—possess the enviable th
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473) potential to delight and inspire others with the power tur
Smokey Robinson (1940) and focus of their performances. de
Cass Elliot (1943) Because they are able to balance empathy and
Jeff Daniels (1955)
rational idealism, these people typically exude a sense th
Compatible with of stability. They make responsible and supportive rie
February 19–22, March 12–14 parents—particularly if they are women—whose nat- pe
ural sense of authority, combined with their respect wo
for individual opinions, draws others to them. On ad
.......................................................... the other hand, their quest for knowledge and need tac
to be challenged can lead them to take increasingly ca
hair-raising risks, bolstered as they are by their esp
.......................................................... self-confidence and faith in their own abilities. me
Proof 1

386 pisces

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 386
February 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I H F Secr et Attention-seekers

I t is ironic that although those born on this day are
thoughtful and highly oriented toward pleasing
other people, they may sometimes cause hurt to those
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Neptune and Uranus
First decan: Personal planets are
are who are drawn to them. For while they usually feel Neptune and Jupiter
le, a global concern for the welfare of others, it is the First cusp: Pisces with Aquarian
rd acclaim and validation of their contemporaries that
ard brings them security, and in seeking this recognition Virtues
eir they may disregard the sensibilities of individuals. Charismatic, sympathetic,
ed These people are intuitively perceptive, and find it easy perceptive
ey to attune themselves to the moods of those around
Yet them, adjusting their responses accordingly. Vices
tic February 20 people are possessed with consid- Restless, needy, hypersensitive
ns erable personal charm, which they may sometimes
od. consciously exploit in order to manipulate others in Car eers
nd the furtherance of their ambitions—although those Nurse, daycare worker, art teacher
me ambitions are often related to helping others. Given
Skills & Aptitudes
eir such driving personal qualities, these people have the
Emotional intelligence, originality,
rs. potential to achieve great success in the caring pro- energy
nd fessions, but especially in the artistic sphere, where
ble they can employ their sensitivity and energy and in Famous Births
wer turn receive the attention and applause that they so Sidney Poitier (1924)
deeply desire. Kelsey Grammer (1955)
nd Coupled with this yearning to be appreciated for Cindy Crawford (1966)
Kurt Cobain (1967)
nse their achievements is a need to be stimulated, to expe-
ve rience novel sensations and excitement. February 20 Compatible with
at- people have an urge to travel, and will often choose to February 19–23, March 12–14
ect work in tourism, where they can satisfy their sense of
On adventure while also retaining the interpersonal con-
ed tact that is so important to them. This restlessness may ..........................................................
gly cause them difficulties in their personal lives, however,
eir especially since they have a fear of emotional commit-
ment in the first place. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 387

9781577151319_int 385-416_11513.indd 387 14/7/16 5:37 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 387
February 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Soft-center ed Souls I H F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Neptune and Uranus
First decan: Personal planets are
T heir profound sensitivity is the defining
characteristic of February 21 people, although
this may not be immediately apparent to those who
Neptune and Jupiter do not know them well, for they may have developed a co
First cusp: Pisces with Aquarian tough outer shell in order to protect themselves from en
experiencing pain. These inherently guileless and em
Virtues trusting people instinctively think the best of others, de
Caring, self-perceptive, trusting an endearing characteristic which, unfortunately, we
means that unscrupulous individuals are liable to it
Vices abuse their confidence and take advantage of them.
Steely, suppressed, guarded Having suffered as a result of such disappointments, ins
those born on this day will therefore consciously fro
Car eers harden themselves, building a protective wall around rat
Research scientist, builder, artist their soft centers. They must, however, ensure that tic
they do not take this strategy too far and become ca
Skills & Aptitudes overly cynical—especially if they are men—for their res
Intuition, high standards, faith in
emotions are at the core of their being. ne
colleagues and team members
When they have achieved the perfect balance als
Famous Births between their intuitive and emotional urges and
Cardinal John Newman (1801) their rational consciousness, these highly original are
W.H. Auden (1907) people have the potential to make outstanding art- ad
Rue McClanahan (1936) ists and craftsmen in particular, although their intel- Be
Jennifer Love Hewitt (1979) lectual inquisitiveness, predilection toward careful de
consideration and natural spirit of adventurousness ma
Compatible with
February 19–24, March 13–14 also indicate possible success in the fields of science, wi
business and research. They should, however, ensure sel
that their inherent restlessness, as well as their fear of ge
being hurt if they commit themselves to one individ- so
.......................................................... ual totally, does not prevent them from finding the dis
fulfillment in their closest personal relationships that fee
is so vital to them. th
.......................................................... lea
Proof 1

388 pisces

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 388
February 22
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I H F R ational Altruists

S trong-willed and determined, February 22
people are inspired by high humanitarian ideals,
toward the achievement of which they direct their
Planetary Influences
Ruling planets: Neptune and Uranus
First decan: Personal planets are
da considerable powers of mental clarity and great Neptune and Jupiter
om energy. These are sensitive individuals, whose First cusp: Pisces with Aquarian
nd empathy with the less fortunate and concurrent
rs, desire to improve their lot drives them to formulate a Virtues
ely, well-thought-out plan of action and then implement Focused, compassionate, principled
to it with characteristic tenacity.
m. Although those born on this day respond to their Vices
ts, instincts, they rarely allow themselves to be deflected Overburdened, autonomous,
sly from pursuing the realization of their aims by strictly disappointed
nd rational means. This combination of qualities is a par-
hat ticularly powerful one, and suits them to a variety of Car eers
me careers, including those within the realm of scientific Military recruiter, research scientist,
eir research—especially if they were also born in the Chi-
nese year of the rooster—the military and politics, but
Skills & Aptitudes
ce also within the performing arts. Rationality, integrity, drive
nd These are steady and responsible people, who
nal are relied upon by their families and friends for the Famous Births
rt- advice and support that they rarely fail to provide. George Washington (1732)
el- Because they are also generally self-reliant types and Eric Gill (1872)
ful desire to protect their loved ones from anxiety, they Julie Walters (1950)
Drew Barrymore (1975)
ess may, however, fail to share their personal worries Rajon Rondo (1986)
ce, with those closest to them, thereby denying them-
ure selves emotional comfort and release. A further dan- Compatible with
of ger that results from their lofty ideals and high per- February 19–25, March 14
d- sonal standards is that they will inevitably experience
he disappointment when others fail to live up to them, a ..........................................................
hat feeling that they find hard to conceal. In some cases,
this could lead to depression, so it’s important they
learn to relax. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 389

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) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 389
February 23
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Thoughtful Go-getters I F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
A lthough other people are drawn to them for their
cheerful, “can-do” approach to life, underneath
their confident exterior February 23 people are in
Neptune and Jupiter reality less optimistic and certain than their projected th
image suggests. Those born on this day are blessed co
Virtues with both great analytical skills and tenacity, and on
Perceptive, determined, practical
gain much satisfaction from worrying away at an th
Vices issue, examining every angle and thinking through be
Sulky, resentful, overthinking all the possible permutations and consequences of a th
proposed solution. Their self-confidence is born of a oth
Car eers recognition of their talents, and also of an awareness de
Poet, performer, business leader or of the respect and affection that they engender in be
manager others. These characteristics make them particularly th
well equipped to attain success in business, where so
Skills & Aptitudes their positive approach and natural gregariousness will ex
Pragmatism, empathy, imagination further endear them to their coworkers. Since their sac
intellectual talents are complemented by profound
Famous Births
George Frederic Handel (1685)
sensitivity, they also have the potential to make their fin
Victor Fleming (1883) marks as artists, writers or actors. tar
Peter Fonda (1939) Geared as they are toward smoothing the path for pr
Emily Blunt (1983) other people, unless they feel as though they are sup- do
ported by the uncritical love and encouragement of ac
Compatible with their loved ones, however, the sensitivity of those born of
February 20–25, August 29–31
on this day may be manifested in negative feelings. If typ
they feel that their efforts are not being appreciated an
by others, they will feel exploited and may therefore im
become resentful. Another disadvantage of being tua
simultaneously mentally perceptive, imaginative and de
.......................................................... responsive to their intuitive side is that not only do ing
they have the propensity to envisage a variety of sce- are
narios, but they also have a natural predilection to th
.......................................................... focusing on the less positive ones. im
Proof 1

390 pisces

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 390
February 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I F Human ity's Helpers

O thers turn to February 24 people when they are
in need of a helping hand—be it practical aid
or emotional support—knowing that not only will
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
ed they not be turned away, but that they will receive Neptune and Jupiter
ed committed and sympathetic assistance. Those born
nd on this day generally have a real desire to engage Virtues
Vigorous, empathic, practical
an their energies on behalf of their fellow human
gh beings. Their motivations may vary. It may be that Vices
fa they have experienced unhappiness at the hands of Forgetful, polarizing, neglectful
fa others—especially during their childhoods—and are
ess determined to save others from a similar plight; many Car eers
in believe in the power of karma and the notion that Police officer, doctor, nurse
rly they will benefit spiritually from their unselfishness;
ere some have a real humanitarian vision; while others Skills & Aptitudes
will experience the superiority of martyrdom from self- Single-minded focus, philanthropic
eir sacrifice. attitude, interest in others
nd Whatever it is that fuels them, these people will
Famous Births
eir find satisfaction in such public services as the mili- Wilhelm Grimm (1786)
tary or police force, or else in the caring and medical Barry Bostwick (1945)
for professions, where they can feel that they are actively Edward James Olmos (1947)
p- doing good. The empathy that informs many of their Alain Prost (1955)
of actions is a manifestation of the extreme sensitivity
rn of these people, but these are not vague and dreamy Compatible with
February 21–26, August 29–31
If types—on the contrary, they are resolutely practical
ed and will harness their intuitive tendencies to their
ore impressive capacity for self-discipline and intellec-
ng tual clarity. There are twin dangers inherent in this
nd devotion to others, however: that the no less press-
do ing needs of those closest to February 24 people ..........................................................
ce- are neglected in favor of the greater good, or that
to they suppress their own, less “worthy”—but no less
important—urges. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 391

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) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 391
February 25
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Social-justice Advocates I F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
F ebruary 25 people nurture passionately held
convictions and ideals, world views that are
dictated by their emotional response to perceived
Neptune and Jupiter social injustices and abuses of power. They are in
profoundly empathetic to the vulnerable—and their th
Virtues pity is often directed toward animals—who arouse faç
Spirited, compassionate, selfless
in them a fiercely protective instinct and a single- In
Vices minded desire to reverse their situation. Although ce
Impulsive, radical, erratic they are tenacious, perceptive and visionary, they are de
guided more by their emotions than by dispassionate,
Car eers intellectual considerations, and will therefore often int
Research analyst, scientist, professor act impulsively and thereby sabotage their efforts sta
through their overhasty and rash enthusiasm. eg
Skills & Aptitudes Moreover, since they are convinced that theirs is its
Intellectual ability, energy, the right course of action, they may contemptuously to
commitment to principles dismiss those who express their reservations, not all
believing it worth the effort to recruit a potential wi
Famous Births
Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841)
convert by patient and reasoned argument; this th
Zeppo Marx (1901) dismissive attitude is particularly pronounced during tle
Anthony Burgess (1917) adolescence. aro
George Harrison (1943) Other people admire them for their energy and
ardent commitment, but may regard them as being co
Compatible with radical to the point of eccentricity and erratic when th
February 22–27, August 29–31
disappointment causes them to move on to a new ma
crusade. Friends and family members should be ple
tolerant of, and patient with, these people, always th
keeping in mind the truly noble motivations that cri
fuel them. When these people accept that there are fac
.......................................................... limitations to everything, and become more realistic are
and self-disciplined, they will often fulfill their enor- be
mous potential in such intellectual fields as scientific ap
.......................................................... research, but also within the artistic world. of
Proof 1

392 pisces

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 392
February 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I F Masked Strategists

T he authoritative, somewhat detached, persona
that these people often adopt masks a profoundly
sensitive and caring nature. Thus while others stand
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
are in awe of the rather impersonal and abrupt image Neptune and Jupiter
eir that those born on this day project, underneath the
use façade lies an intuitive and compassionate being. Virtues
Compassionate, thoughtful,
le- Indeed, their natural powers of perception and moral independent
gh certainty arouse in February 26 people a determined
are desire to improve the world around them. Vices
te, Rather than impulsively launching themselves Rigid, isolated, opinionated
en into their mission, February 26 people prefer to
rts stand back, rationally consider the merits of a strat- Car eers
m. egy, and then work quietly but tenaciously toward Court clerk, attorney, judge
is its implementation. Personal independence is vital
sly to those born on this day, and they demand to be Skills & Aptitudes
not allowed to follow their consciences. They are not Sensitivity, serious-mindedness,
natural empathy
ial willing to compromise their beliefs, but as a result,
his they often have a tendency to take themselves a lit- Famous Births
ng tle too seriously—which can be annoying for those Victor Hugo (1802)
around them. “Buffalo Bill” Cody (1846)
nd The natural empathy that informs these people’s “Fats” Domino (1928)
ng conscious actions remains a guiding principle, and Johnny Cash (1932)
en the combination of humanitarianism, shrewd prag- Corinne Bailey Rae (1979)
ew matism and originality that is inherent in these peo-
Compatible with
be ple suits them for careers in the judiciary, as well as in February 24–28
ays the arts, where they will typically put forward their
hat critical message in a misleadingly palatable—but in
are fact subversive—form. In their personal lives, they
tic are steady and caring, but they do have a tendency to ..........................................................
or- be authoritarian or caustic when those close to them
fic appear to deviate from the straight and narrow path
of which they approve. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 393

9781577151319_int 385-416_11513.indd 393 14/7/16 5:37 PM

) Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 393
February 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Passionate Businesspeople I F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
A s these pragmatic and charismatic people
stride confidently through their professional
lives, others admire them for their apparent sense of
Neptune and Jupiter certainty and purpose, but may secretly wonder why Th
it is that they often have such tumultuous personal ins
Virtues lives. The answer to this apparent contradiction is as
Independent, observant,
inspirational that those born on this day are highly responsive to th
their often explosive emotions, and while they may we
Vices successful conquer their impulse to listen exclusively sen
Distracted, impulsive, irrational to their hearts in impersonal situations, they find of
this strategy virtually impossible in their dealings mo
Car eers with those closest to them—in those relationships for
Entrepreneur, entertainer, that are, after all, founded on passionate emotions. wi
marketing executive Another exacerbating factor is that while these people 28
demand the right of freedom of action and thought esp
Skills & Aptitudes for themselves, they expect total commitment and aro
Confidence, passion, charisma
support from others. Those who wish to build a stable ma
Famous Births relationship with February 27 people should therefore rel
John Steinbeck (1902) recognize this inconsistency and avoid head-on
Elizabeth Taylor (1932) confrontations in favor of more subtle approaches. lea
Ralph Nader (1934) While they may be prone to extremely impulsive wi
Chelsea Clinton (1980) behavior when “off duty,” these people tend to show str
greater focus when it comes to their careers. Hand-in- ary
Compatible with hand with their sensitivity go highly developed pow- of
February 25–29, March 1
ers of perception, and those born on this day find it eff
easy to absorb all the various elements of a situation th
and then decide on the appropriate course of action. ch
They perform particularly well in business ventures, am
.......................................................... where their empathy for others will also stand them in pit
good stead when working as part of a team, but they all
will probably find greatest fulfillment in the artistic an
.......................................................... sphere, where they can project their intuition outward th
to inform or entertain other people. th
Proof 1

394 pisces

9781577151319_int 385-416_11513.indd 394 14/7/16 5:37 PM

Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 394
February 28
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I F Hyperactive Adventur ers

F ebruary 28 people are adventurers on the sea of life,
following wherever their impulses lead them in
their search for the gratification of sensual excitement.
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
hy These highly intuitive people will always their Neptune and Jupiter
nal instincts, and, since they tend to be hyperactive as well
is as hypersensitive, will bounce from one enthusiasm to Virtues
Charismatic, energetic, pioneering
to the next with breathtaking speed, particularly if they
ay were also born in the Chinese year of the horse. This Vices
ely sensation-seeking behavior is compounded by a horror Erratic, undisciplined, lacking in
nd of standing still and of the risk of boredom. Although self-control
ngs more steady people are drawn to those born on this day
ps for the hedonistic excitement that they generate, they Car eers
ns. will rarely be able to stand the erratic pace. February Tour guide, sports trainer,
ple 28 people are regarded with deep affection by others, photographer
ht especially since they wish to please and entertain those
nd around them, and harbor no ulterior motives. They Skills & Aptitudes
Charm, enthusiasm, creativity
ble may find it difficult to stay committed in their personal
ore relationships, however. Famous Births
on It is vitally important that these endearing people Zero Mostel (1915)
learn to develop greater self-control, otherwise they Tommy Tune (1939)
ve will find themselves spiraling on a path to self-de- Mario Andretti (1940)
ow struction at breakneck speed, and parents of Febru- Bernadette Peters (1948)
n- ary 28 people should do their utmost to instill a sense
w- of realism—as well as an understanding of cause and Compatible with
February 26–29, March 1–2
it effect—in their children when young. Those born on
on this day will thrive in professions in which they can
on. channel their vigor and natural inquisitiveness along
es, a more focused course; tourism is a particularly pro-
in pitious field for them, while the arts and sport will ..........................................................
ey allow them to fulfill their twin needs for sensuality
tic and action. Financial careers should be avoided, since
rd these people have a tendency to be as extravagant with ..........................................................
their money as they are with their emotions.
Proof 1

pisces 395

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 395
February 29
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Eter nal Youths I F I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
First decan: Personal planets are
F rom their earliest years, these people will have felt
different from those around them, and, indeed,
so they are, since they can only celebrate their true
Neptune and Jupiter birthdate every four years. As a further result of this cau
quirk of the calendar, they will have had to learn the ins
Virtues value of pragmatism and of entering into the spirit rev
Original, pragmatic, optimistic
of compromise by choosing an alternative date upon dis
Vices which to mark the passing of the years. A positive side urg
Immature, aggressive, excessive effect of their unusual birthday, however, is that in by
chronological terms these people are technically still the
Car eers children when they reach middle age, and adolescents ne
Investment banker, arts in old age. Their characteristic youthful vibrancy, sense no
entrepreneur, actor of optimism and risk-taking, and determination to pro
experience all that life has to offer moreover seems to by
Skills & Aptitudes confirm their youthfulness in years. the
Self-reliance, confidence, Their natural tendency to indulge their senses in str
willingness to embrace risk
hedonistic pursuits is therefore tempered by a more the
Famous Births grounded intellectual attitude to life, although Febru-
Gioacchino Rossini (1792) ary 29 people still retain their restlessness and inquis- de
Jimmy Dorsey (1904) itive qualities, which are augmented by a streak of pe
Dennis Farina (1944) daring. tie
Tony Robbins (1960) Those born on this particular date have a strong the
Ja Rule (1976) sense that they are special individuals, a belief that an
manifests in their self-confidence, as well as in a ne
Compatible with
February 27–29, March 1–2 compulsion to make others appreciate their unique the
qualities. They will therefore flourish in any compet- or
itive profession—especially if they are men—where can
they can harness their instincts, realism and need to exp
.......................................................... prove their worth. In their personal lives, they should, the
however, try to temper any aggressive tendencies and ed
recognize that others already accept them as they suc
.......................................................... are. Failure to work on these tendencies will result in po
alienating those around them. ach
Proof 1

396 pisces

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Job: 11513 Title: Complete Book of Birthdays 9781577151319 (RacePoint)
PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 396
March 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F I B. Laid-back Artists

B eneath the charming and easy-going manner of
March 1 people lies a real concern for other people’s
well-being, and with social issues and humanitarian
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
his causes. These people are sensitive in the extreme, but Moon
he instinctively recognize that acting impulsively, or
rit revealing their often tumultuous emotions, may result in Virtues
Imaginative, sensitive, thoughtful
on disastrous consequences. By controlling the more erratic
de urges that may lead them into irreversible situations, and Vices
in by cultivating a calm and nonconfrontational approach, Overwhelmed, anxious, detached
till they therefore not only provide themselves with a safety
nts net, but inspire confidence in others, although they may Car eers
nse not feel this confidence themselves. Indeed, when their Artist, small-business owner,
to problems appear insurmountable, the rising panic felt freelancer
to by those born on this day may cause them to abandon
the situation altogether and resort to a comforting Skills & Aptitudes
in strategy of cutting themselves off from the cause of Independence, sound instincts,
ore their emotional distress by ignoring it or moving on.
u- Despite the propensity toward self-doubt and Famous Births
is- depression that is engendered by their sensitivity, these Frédéric Chopin (1810)
of people are blessed with remarkably positive quali- David Niven (1910)
ties. As well as possessing great personal magnetism, Harry Belafonte (1927)
ng they have a highly original intellectual approach and Ron Howard (1954)
hat an optimism that is inspired by their fascination with
a new and stimulating ideas. In their professional lives Compatible with
February 27–29, March 1–3
ue they will generally find personal satisfaction as artists,
et- or when they run their own enterprises, in which they
ere can operate independently of alienating regulations and
to exploit their imaginative concepts profitably. And when
ld, they achieve the financial rewards that they unasham- ..........................................................
nd edly relish, they will generously share the fruits of their
ey success with those whose unstinting emotional sup-
in port and affection has played such a crucial part in its ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 397

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 397
March 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Deep Dr eamers I B I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
S till rivers run deep, as the saying goes, and this
maxim certainly applies to those born on March
2. These people are deeply intuitive beings, who
Moon generally would rather explore their own inner world sen
of thoughts and dreams than launch themselves at pe
Virtues the challenges of the real world. Indeed, although no
Compassionate, visionary, loyal
they are often passionate about social issues, these vu
Vices gentle people detest the emotional upset that direct In
Subjective, intense, evasive confrontation causes them, and will do their utmost tow
to promote a peaceful resolution to problems—if int
Car eers they have not previously managed to avoid them
Healthcare provider or care altogether. It therefore goes without saying that su
assistant, writer, social worker March 2 people will be unhappy in competitive is a
business situations, and are better suited to the as
Skills & Aptitudes artistic world. However, they are also suited to those th
Sensitivity, commitment to careers, such as politics or the caring professions, in co
principles, intuition
which they feel that their services can make a real of
Famous Births contribution to the welfare of others. gre
Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) (1904) Despite—or perhaps because of—their rather th
Desi Arnaz (1917) introverted personalities, these people crave the
Karen Carpenter (1950) security that results from happy and stable personal an
Jon Bon Jovi (1962) relationships. They have a deep need to receive the rig
unconditional love of those closest to them, which or
Compatible with they will reciprocate loyally. The unstinting devo- no
February 28–29, March 1–3
tion—and even uncritical adoration—that they have to
a propensity to direct toward their partners, chil- rea
dren or individuals that inspire them, creates the em
risk of stifling the objects of their affection, however. mo
.......................................................... These people should therefore try to develop a more wi
detached approach within their personal liaisons. co
Indeed, a less dependent attitude to others will ben- sh
.......................................................... efit them in all areas of their lives. dis
Proof 1

398 pisces

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March 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B I B Balanced Partners

I t may surprise those who do not know them
intimately that beneath the confident and direct
manner of people born on March 3 lie deeply
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
rld sensitive and reflective beings. Indeed, some of these Moon
at people may consciously have cultivated a brisk,
gh no-nonsense approach to shield their emotional Virtues
Gentle, incisive, tenacious
ese vulnerability and their unfounded sense of insecurity.
ect In general, however, they are naturally inclined Vices
ost toward combining their considerable powers of Dismissive, resistant, insecure
—if intellectual clarity with their instincts.
em The inherent ability of March 3 people to unite Car eers
hat such qualities of compassion and rational perspicuity Caseworker, charity advocate,
ve is a rare gift, and augurs well for success in such careers fundraiser
he as charity or social work, in which they can promote
ose their desire for human progress by means of a carefully Skills & Aptitudes
in considered and logical plan of action. This conjunction Self-discipline, competence,
caring attitude
eal of sensitivity, rationality and discipline also bestows
great potential for artistic pursuits or innovation upon Famous Births
her those born on this day. Alexander Graham Bell (1847)
he These empathetic and caring people make loyal Jean Harlow (1911)
nal and affectionate partners and parents, supplying the John Irving (1942)
he right balance of emotional support and domestic Jackie Joyner-Kersee (1962)
ch organization. It is essential, however, that they do Jessica Biel (1982)
o- not allow their propensity for intellectual criticism
Compatible with
ve to become overdeveloped. Because—whether they February 9, March 1–5
il- realize it or not—these people are motivated by their
he emotional responses, they have a tendency to pro-
er. mote the beliefs that are supported by their intuition
ore with convincing justifications, and then to discredit ..........................................................
ns. counterarguments by picking holes in them. They
n- should beware of allowing themselves to become
dismissive of others. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 399

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March 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Explor ers of Inter nal Wor lds I B I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
M arch 4 people are typically self-contained
individuals, whose rich imagination and
profound sensitivity do not require the trigger of
Moon external stimuli. Those born on this day are fascinated sp
by abstract concepts, and their compulsion to explore flo
Virtues these further will be expressed with remarkable str
Sensitive, imaginative, inquisitive
tenacity—indeed, sometimes to the exclusion of res
Vices all else. Yet despite their twin intellectual talents to
Neglectful, self-indulgent, of great concentration and inquisitiveness, these be
cowardly intuitive and humanitarian people are governed by bo
their hearts rather than their heads and not only sym
Car eers respond to their emotional impulses, but experience to
Teacher, musician, artist deeply empathetic feelings with regard to the is
problems of others. Therefore, although they may of
Skills & Aptitudes isolate themselves from the world when exploring an sq
Empathy, originality, idea that absorbs their full attention, they are never wh
completely unaware of the parallel world of reality. th
Famous Births These are gentle people, who abhor confrontation clo
Henry Raeburn (1756) and will withdraw smartly within themselves at the po
Miriam Makeba (1931) first sign of discord. This tendency, combined with
Paula Prentiss (1939) their other personal characteristics, means that they po
Chaz Bono (1969) will be unhappy in competitive professional situa- de
tions, but will flourish when they can move within pe
Compatible with parameters set by themselves. Careers as artists, th
March 2–6, November 1–5
musicians and writers are especially well starred, but vo
they may also make gifted teachers, whose infectious ass
enthusiasm for their subject will inspire their pupils. ple
Receiving the emotional support of friends and fam- to
.......................................................... ily members is vital to these people’s holistic well-be- in
ing, but they may involuntarily neglect the needs of Th
those closest to them when their minds are in thrall are
.......................................................... to an impersonal interest. ach
Proof 1

400 pisces

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March 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B I B Emotional Wave-sur fers

L ike the water that is the ruling element of March
5, people born on this day can at one moment
appear calm and tranquil, and at the next be making
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
ed spectacular waves. The emotional undercurrent that Moon
ore flows beneath these people’s attractive exterior is a
ble strong one and, since they are sensitive types who Virtues
Charming, sympathetic, caring
of respond to their instincts, they may feel powerless
nts to resist the shifting directions to which they are Vices
ese being drawn. When they feel happy and secure, those Irrational, temperamental, fragile
by born on this day are capable of being charming and
nly sympathetic companions who will do their utmost Car eers
ce to put others at their ease; when their equilibrium Nonprofit or charitable work,
he is unbalanced, however, the passionate expression social advocacy, artist
ay of their frustration can be manifested in a veritable
an squall of temper. Given the emotional extremes to Skills & Aptitudes
ver which they are prone, these people need to receive Sympathy for others, imagination,
humanitarian beliefs
y. the unconditional understanding and support of those
on closest to them, who in many ways may be equated to Famous Births
he ports in a storm. James Madison (1751)
th The empathy which gives them such a strong rap- Rex Harrison (1908)
ey port with others frequently manifests itself in a fervent Dean Stockwell (1936)
ua- desire to work toward the good of humanity, and these Andy Gibb (1958)
hin people will find satisfaction in careers which allow Aarthi Agarwal (1984)
ts, them to pursue this aim—in such areas as social or
Compatible with
but volunteer work, for example. But underneath the often March 3–7, November 1–5
us assured and gregarious façade presented by these peo-
ils. ple lies a more pensive soul, which needs occasionally
m- to retreat from the demands of the world to indulge
e- in quiet and solitary reflection—a mark of the artist. ..........................................................
of Their intellectual powers of perception and analysis
all are great and, when harnessed to their empathy, can
achieve remarkable results. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 401

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March 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Aesthetic Idealists I B I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
T hose born on this day are idealists, but their
quest for perfection is not motivated by austerely
intellectual objectives, but rather by a desire to
Moon experience the pleasure and satisfaction that are ap
engendered by true excellence. The orientation of wh
Virtues this overriding ambition may vary according to the th
Motivated, sensitive, tenacious
personal interests of March 6 individuals, but since wi
Vices all are profoundly sensitive and thus inherently ex
Easily disillusioned, demanding, appreciative of the arts, this sphere of life is particularly th
unrealistic important to them. an
Whether or not they actively direct their highly th
Car eers imaginative talents toward the creation of sublime ab
Fine artist, graphic designer, pieces of music, paintings, sculptures or poems,
nurse those born on this day are stimulated and uplifted sin
by aesthetic beauty above all else. Some of these peo- kin
Skills & Aptitudes ple passionately wish to create an ideal political or sp
Drive for perfection, willingness to
social regime. Whatever their career choice, be it in ran
work hard, creativity
business, the arts or in the caring professions, these ult
Famous Births people will typically invest their considerable gifts th
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475) of energy and perception in the attainment of their or
Lou Costello (1908) high ideals. de
Valentina Nikolayeva-Tereshkova The disadvantage of this high regard for excel- am
(1937) lence, however—and this is especially true for March
Shaquille O’Neal (1972)
Nicole Fox (1991)
6 men—is that others will inevitably fail to match im
their lofty standards. In their personal lives espe- ma
Compatible with cially, the disappointment that these people feel rea
March 4–9, November 1–5 when the object of their affection turns out to have ne
feet of clay can be shattering, and they may therefore for
.......................................................... have difficulty in making and maintaining emotional de
commitments. They must therefore try to develop a ing
more realistic and less demanding attitude to those for
.......................................................... closest to them. wi
Proof 1

402 pisces

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 402
March 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B I B R eceptive Visionar ies

A lthough they can be immensely practical and,
as a result of their sensitivity, empathetic
toward other people, those born on March 7 have
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
are a propensity to direct their interest and attention to Moon
of what really fascinates them—the ideas and ideals
he that are products of their vivid imaginations. People Virtues
Visionary, idealistic, intellectual
nce with March 7 birthdays often possess the gift of
tly extraordinary vision. They will perceptively survey Vices
rly their surroundings, analyze the situation’s faults Blinkered, neglectful, unwilling to
and merits and formulate an ideal scenario, which compromise
hly they will then strive to achieve, to the best of their
me abilities. Car eers
ms, Although they may be gripped by one specific aim, Politician, lawyer, artist
ed since March 7 people are extremely receptive to all
o- kinds of emotional and intellectual stimuli, this per- Skills & Aptitudes
or spicuity and urge to act may be manifested in a wide Intuition, determination,
in range of enthusiasms. Within whichever area they
ese ultimately choose to make their profession—be it in Famous Births
fts the arts, for which they have such a natural affinity, John Herschel (1792)
eir or in politics or sport—they will generally mount a Luther Burbank (1849)
determined and organized campaign to attain their Piet Mondrian (1872)
el- ambitions. Willard Scott (1934)
ch There is a danger, however, given their focus on John Heard (1947)
Rachel Weisz (1970)
ch impersonal concepts, that those born on this day
pe- may allow their focus to be diverted from the very Compatible with
eel real needs of their family and friends, who will not March 5–10, November 1–5
ve necessarily understand these people’s frequent desire
ore for periods of solitary reflection or their enthusiastic
nal devotion to a cause that may seem remote. Cultivat- ..........................................................
pa ing a spirit of compromise and give and take is there-
ose fore vital in giving March 7 people the balance that
will result in self-fulfillment. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 403

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March 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unconventional Trailblazers I B I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
M arch 8 people harbor a fiercely independent
spirit beneath their outward veneer of
endearing affability, so while they may give the
Moon impression of conforming to the norm, to some kn
extent they are often actually working to undermine th
Virtues accepted conventions. This somewhat subversive of
Perceptive, independent,
persevering approach is not prompted by a need to be perverse im
for defiance’s sake—although the free-spirited av
Vices individuals born on this day are naturally resistant to ob
Disconnected, obstinate, submitting to hidebound rules and regulations—but fas
undermining rather because they find it easy to identify the flaws
and contradictions of a previously unchallenged als
Car eers approach and to formulate a better solution. th
Motivational speaker, social Indeed, people born on March 8 are often blessed an
reformer, writer with highly developed intellectual qualities of inquiry th
and lateral thinking, as well as being inherently sen- ple
Skills & Aptitudes
sitive and empathetic toward others. Such character- ref
Intellectual curiosity, originality of
thought, principled istics mark them out as potentially great reformers or est
inspirational trailblazers, especially in the academic, or
Famous Births scientific, artistic, literary and social spheres. me
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714) As children, March 8 people will have to accept co
Kenneth Grahame (1859) the hard lesson that society demands adherence to its
Cyd Charisse (1923) mores, but if their parents respect their individuality ne
Aidan Quinn (1959)
Jeffrey Eugenides (1960)
and give them understanding and a sufficient degree bo
of sympathetic guidance, they will benefit from the wi
Compatible with opportunity to learn to channel their talents posi- an
March 6–11, November 6–11 tively. Otherwise there is a danger that the compul- fou
sion experienced by these people will find negative th
.......................................................... outlets, or that they will cut themselves off from ibl
others altogether. This is not to say that they should th
suppress their independence of thought, but simply are
.......................................................... to remember the value of compromise.
Proof 1

404 pisces

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 404
March 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B I B Truth-seekers

T hose born on this day are uncompromisingly
individualistic in every aspect of their lives. Their
energy is fueled by a burning compulsion to gather
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
me knowledge and seek out the truth of a situation for Moon
ne themselves rather than accepting the interpretation
ve of others. And, because they are extraordinarily Virtues
Original, supportive, enthusiastic
rse imaginative, their curiosity will lead them to explore
ed a variety of avenues, then to evaluate their findings Vices
to objectively before expressing them in their unique Easily confused or distracted,
but fashion. impulsive, self-obsessed
ws March 9 people have high nonmaterialistic ide-
ed als—a result both of their visionary qualities and of Car eers
their sensitivity. Because they desire harmony in life, Humanitarian, social campaigner,
ed and because their empathy with others bestows on reformer
iry them a profound sense of natural justice, these peo-
n- ple will often make gifted social campaigners and Skills & Aptitudes
Charisma, innovativeness,
er- reformers. Indeed, into whatever career their inter-
or ests lead them—be it in the artistic realm, politics
ic, or sport—these people will never allow the excite- Famous Births
ment of discovery to obliterate their humanitarian Samuel Barber (1910)
pt concerns. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (1934)
its Because they retain their inherent feeling of con- Bobby Fischer (1943)
ity nection with other people, especially if they were also Micky Dolenz (1945)
Bobby Sands (1954)
ee born in the Chinese year of the horse, March 9 people
he will rarely forsake the real world for the isolation of Compatible with
si- an ivory tower. Yet this does not mean that these pro- March 6–12, November 6–11
ul- found thinkers will not withdraw temporarily from
ve the society of others in order to ponder an irresist-
om ibly absorbing concept. Those closest to them should ..........................................................
uld therefore respect that occasional periods of solitude
ply are crucial to these normally gregarious people.
Proof 1

pisces 405

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March 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Servers of the Common Good I B I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Second decan: Personal planet is
A lthough they are blessed with the intellectual
gifts of objectivity and discernment, as well as
with practical, organizational skills, it is their inner
it i
Moon world of visions and ideals that primarily defines ten
and occupies March 10 people. These are profoundly an
Virtues sensitive and thoughtful people, whose deeply 11
Empathetic, devoted, altruistic
felt compassion with those who are less fortunate pa
Vices arouses in them the ardent ambition to bring about gif
Gloomy, withdrawn, insecure improvement. hig
Because they are inclined to think both innova- th
Car eers tively and seriously, people born on March 10 will are
Clinical assistant, pediatrician, often come up with a visionary, but also pragmatic, th
entrepreneur plan of action. Most will find greatest fulfillment tir
when serving the common good, and they are there- lad
Skills & Aptitudes fore especially well suited to such caring professions its
Humanitarian instincts, capacity as social work or medicine, or in fields in which they pe
for innovation, diplomacy skills
can devote their considerable talents to bringing in
Famous Births happiness to others in less tangible ways, such as in wh
Bix Beiderbecke (1903) entertainment, the arts or digital technology. co
Chuck Norris (1942) Despite their humanitarian concerns, and the bo
Katharine Houghton (1945) value that they place on the intimacy of family life,
Sharon Stone (1958) these people are relatively solitary beings who need pe
Biz Stone (1974) to retreat within themselves every so often for peri- fro
ods of reflection. Their sensitivity furthermore instills an
Compatible with
March 7–13, November 6–11 in them an inherent dislike of conflict, and when they pa
feel upset or under pressure they will go within rather are
than confront an unpleasant situation; this tendency sio
is particularly pronounced in March 10 males. They est
.......................................................... therefore need to receive frequent manifestations of ma
the unconditional love and support of their friends loy
and family if they are to thrive. ten
.......................................................... de
Proof 1

406 pisces

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March 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

B I E KJ Clear-sighted CEOs

P eople born on this day share the intuition that
characterizes their Piscean fellows, but in their case
it is less static and contemplative in quality, since they
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
nes tend to use it more as a tool for gathering information Mars and Pluto
dly and, if necessary, manipulating others. Indeed, March
ply 11 people are shrewd judges of character, a talent Virtues
Personable, imaginative, ambitious
ate partly informed by their instincts and partly by their
out gifts of observation. Similarly, although they nurture Vices
high ambitions, these are generally personal rather Manipulative, easily frustrated,
va- than global, and are realistically pitched. These people temperamental
will are geared toward making progress, especially in
ic, their professional lives, within which they will work Car eers
nt tirelessly, not only to reach the top of the corporate Business management, marketing,
re- ladder, but also to make their organization the best of human resources
ns its type. Because they are also imaginative and positive
ey people who are willing to put aside personal differences Skills & Aptitudes
Leadership skills, team-building,
ng in favor of building team spirit, they usually fare well clear-sightedness
in when directing commercial enterprises and managing
complex projects, particularly when they were also Famous Births
he born in the Chinese years of the monkey or snake. Lawrence Welk (1903)
fe, Domestic harmony is also important to March 11 Ralph Abernathy (1926)
ed people, who regard their personal sphere as a retreat Rupert Murdoch (1931)
ri- from the hurly-burly of work in which they can relax Douglas Adams (1952)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (1965)
lls and be themselves. They make indulgent parents,
ey partners and friends, although—especially if they Compatible with
her are men—they may occasionally adopt their profes- February 15–16, March 8–14
cy sional persona in their relationships with those clos-
ey est to them and behave in a somewhat high-handed
of manner. They furthermore expect the unquestioning ..........................................................
ds loyalty and support of their loved ones, and have a
tendency to lose their tempers spectacularly if they
detect dissent. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 407

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March 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Life-exper iencers I E KJ I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
A crucial component of the characters of those born
on this day is the need to explore as many aspects
of life as they can, in order to gain knowledge, to
Mars and Pluto expose themselves to new experiences, and often also les
to test themselves against demanding challenges. In or
Virtues view of their adventurous spirits, it is hardly surprising wo
Inquisitive, intuitive, competitive
that March 12 people are also energetic and daring po
Vices individuals, who carry the less imaginative along on to
Restless, extreme, addictive the tide of their enthusiasm, although few would dare th
to travel as impulsively or, indeed, as far. Some regard lim
Car eers these individuals as reckless—and they unquestionably an
Stockbroker, accountant, political sometimes are—but since they have the gift of clarity th
analyst of vision they will generally have considered any risks
and will have evaluated the odds. These people have ing
Skills & Aptitudes the potential to succeed as stockbrokers, or in any ref
Enthusiasm, ability to inspire, field in which they can take gambles. Yet it is not only th
deep and/or lateral thinking
external stimuli that invigorate those born on this Th
Famous Births day: they possess an originality and vision—as well fol
Jack Kerouac (1922) as a fascination with the metaphysical—that borders wi
Liza Minnelli (1946) on the radical, and augurs well for personal success in to
James Taylor (1948) such diverse realms as politics or the arts. rou
Daryl Strawberry (1962) Although they relish competition—against them- in
Dave Eggers (1970) selves rather more than against others—March 12 wh
individuals are not motivated by the need to score
Compatible with
February 16, 19–20, March 9–18 victories over other people. They are empathetic and of
compassionate beings who have no real desire to suc- de
ceed at another’s expense, and who moreover also th
need to be rooted in the secure bonds of an emotion- or
.......................................................... ally stable and happy personal life. They sometimes to
find it hard to reciprocate the quiet and unconditional th
support that they crave from their friends and family, on
.......................................................... however, a difficulty that is caused by their inherent ste
mental restlessness. lib
Proof 1

408 pisces

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 408
March 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

KJ I E KJ Otherwor ldly Investigators

W ith their marked interest in metaphysical and
even paranormal concepts, March 13 people
are instinctively fascinated by ideas and ideals that
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
so less imaginative types would brand as being fanciful Mars and Pluto
In or naive at best, and outrageously implausible at
ng worst. Such is their acceptance of otherworldly Virtues
Imaginative, enthusiastic,
ng possibilities, as well as their consequent tendency courageous
on to challenge conventional “truths,” that as children
are these people will have taxed their parents to the Vices
rd limit with their endless questioning as to the hows Hypersensitive, vulnerable,
bly and whys of life. And they may well have immersed insecure
ity themselves for hours on end browsing the Internet.
ks If properly channeled, the curiosity and free-rang- Car eers
ve ing intellects of March 13 people, coupled with their Academic, digital innovator, actor
ny refusal to be dissuaded from pursuing the interests
nly that excite them, can have remarkable consequences. Skills & Aptitudes
Originality, independence,
his Those born on this day will not find fulfillment by
ell following a structured career path, and will be stifled
ers within large organizations. If their many talents are Famous Births
in to flourish, they must be allowed to follow their own Percival Lowell (1855)
route, and they are therefore best suited to working L. Ron Hubbard (1911)
m- in the academic, artistic, digital or sporting sphere, in William Casey (1913)
12 which they will be relatively unconstrained. Neil Sedaka (1939)
Noel Fisher (1984)
ore There is a danger that other people’s denigration
nd of their world views and opinions may wound these Compatible with
uc- deeply sensitive individuals, causing them to conceal February 18–21, March 10–19
so their true natures in an attempt to conform to a less
n- original norm. Alternatively, they may feel tempted
mes to opt out of conventional society altogether. It is ..........................................................
nal therefore important that those closest to them not
ily, only bolster their self-belief, but that they gently
nt steer them on to a straighter course when their equi- ..........................................................
librium threatens to become unbalanced.
Proof 1

pisces 409

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PMS 539 PMS 582 WSL Page: 409
March 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Viewpoint Visualizers I E KJ I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on March 14 frequently exasperate
others by their apparent inability to make a
decision and stick by it. Yet this indecisive tendency is
Mars and Pluto not the result of a lack of perception or conviction—on sci
the contrary, these sensitive individuals are extremely th
Virtues astute, and furthermore possess strong principles. It pro
Open-minded, nonjudgmental,
perceptive is just that because they have the ability to evaluate ex
a situation and then visualize many possible future inh
Vices scenarios, they find it hard to decide on a single course
Confused, indecisive, uncommitted of action when the alternatives seem equally viable or ne
fraught with problems. era
Car eers Since March 14 people are furthermore intellectu- are
Writer, movie or theater director, ally open to a variety of viewpoints, as well as being int
humanitarian profoundly intuitive when it comes to the emotions co
of those around them, they shrink from bigotry and vid
Skills & Aptitudes intolerance and from accepting other people’s certain- tic
Imagination, concern for others,
ties. It is precisely their combination of open-mind- ap
strong people skills
edness, empathy and abhorrence of injustice that wi
Famous Births informs their deeply humanitarian concern, and their
Albert Einstein (1879) refusal to rush to judgement. ac
Frank Borman (1928) Human company is important to these sociable peo- str
Michael Caine (1933) ple, and others are drawn to them on account of their ne
Billy Crystal (1947) cheerful kindness, sympathy and infectious originality. gre
Colby O’Donis (1989)
Wonderful friends, they also have potential to make em
Compatible with exceptionally good, nonjudgemental parents, but— wi
February 18–22, March 11–20 as in all things—may initially find it hard to commit ing
themselves to a single partner. Professionally, they will as
thrive when working within small teams, although they th
.......................................................... instinctively rebel against the rigidity of large corpo- ple
rations. The artistic sphere is especially auspicious for to
March 14 people, in which their powers of imagination an
.......................................................... and sensuality can be given the opportunity to flower.
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410 pisces

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March 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

KJ I E KJ Vivacious Ventur ers

T he adventurousness of March 15 people may
take many forms: they may be intrepid travelers,
fearless athletes, dynamic business people, visionary
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
on scientists or inspirational artists. In whatever area Mars and Pluto
ely these people choose to make their careers, their
It progress will be rapid, driven by their compulsion for Virtues
Independent, bold, decisive
ate exploration of the world—real and virtual­—and their
ure inherent courage when it comes to taking risks. Vices
rse Yet despite their ceaseless quest to be stimulated by Restless, dismissive, impatient
or new experiences, those born on this day will not gen-
erally set off blindly on a voyage of discovery, for they Car eers
u- are furthermore blessed with keen and perceptive Feature journalist, business leader,
ng intellectual powers, as well as the capacity for great actor/director
ns concentration in the pursuit of their aims. These indi-
nd viduals will inform themselves of the facts of a par- Skills & Aptitudes
n- ticular situation and impartially evaluate alternative Out-of-the-box thinking, good
research skills, self-confidence
d- approaches before throwing themselves at a challenge
hat with their typical enthusiasm and energy. Famous Births
eir Their need for independence of thought and Andrew Jackson (1767)
action defines those born on this day, and their Judd Hirsch (1935)
o- strength of purpose—as well as their natural mag- Sylvester Stone (1944)
eir netism—make them charismatic figures who have Sananda Maitreya (formerly
ity. great leadership potential. Despite their undoubted Terence Trent D’Arby) (1962)
Eva Longoria (1975)
ke empathy, they have a tendency to become impatient
— with those who do not share their visions and will- Compatible with
mit ingness to take chances, dismissing such individuals March 11–20
will as being dull or obstinate. It is therefore important
ey that they do not isolate themselves from other peo-
o- ple—particularly their family and friends—by failing ..........................................................
for to acknowledge the merits of less intrepid viewpoints
on and approaches.
r. ..........................................................
Proof 1

pisces 411

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March 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Balanced Leaders I E KJ I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on March 16 generally appear to others
to be exceptionally well-balanced characters,
who somehow manage to reconcile their imaginative
Mars and Pluto and fun-loving qualities with a steady and practical int
approach. These people are blessed with incisive ob
Virtues powers of perception, logic and penetrating vision, ch
Multitalented, visionary, realistic
all of which they utilize in formulating effective plans ca
Vices with which to attain their goals. de
Sulky, dismissive, self-indulgent March 16 people may often be personally ambi- ind
tious, and enjoy the trappings that material suc- lac
Car eers cess can bring as an affirmation of their status, but sta
Lecturer, CEO, manager because of their sensitive nature, they are more anx-
ious to gain respect and friendship. They will flourish na
Skills & Aptitudes in those professional situations in which they can str
Intellectual focus, logical analysis, lead and inspire a team, and are therefore especially co
leadership suited to careers in teaching or business. They may in
also devote a great deal of personal time blogging, Th
Famous Births
James Madison (1751)
engaging with current controversies or expressing cra
Jerry Lewis (1926) their opinions on social media. oth
Bernardo Bertolucci (1940) Such is their originality of thought that these be
Erik Estrada (1949) people will remain unsatisfied if they cannot impress
Alice Hoffman (1952) their personal stamp on everything that they do, an
Isabelle Huppert (1953) especially if they were also born in the Chinese year ple
of the dragon. In their personal lives, they are active th
Compatible with
March 12–20 types who will competently organize a vibrant social tio
event or recreational expedition, but have a tendency da
to sulk if others fail to fall into line with their current th
enthusiasm. Similarly, although they make generous wh
.......................................................... and gregarious friends and family members, they Th
may have a propensity to become overly authoritar- ca
ian, particularly with regard to their children. im
Proof 1

412 pisces

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March 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

KJ I E KJ Fluid Cr eators

T he natures of March 17 people can be compared
to that of their watery element, for they
have a propensity to drift fluidly from interest to
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
cal interest, and, rather than be impeded by a difficult Mars and Pluto
ve obstacle, simply to sidetrack and flow around it. This Second cusp: Pisces with Arian
on, characteristic behavioral pattern has many possible
ns causes, including these people’s inquisitiveness and Virtues
desire for progress, their dislike of confrontation, or, Creative, instinctive, optimistic
bi- indeed, often a fundamental sense of insecurity and
uc- lack of self-esteem which discourages them from Vices
but standing their ground. Evasive, insecure, unreliable
x- Whatever the reason for their restless and elusive
sh nature, those born on this day are unsuited to strictly Car eers
an structured careers in which they are subject to external Interior designer, artist, artisanal
lly controls and the rule of others, and must be indulged or craft businessperson
ay in their need for independence of action and thought.
Skills & Aptitudes
ng, Their talents will often find their best expression in
Imagination, creativity, practical
ng crafts, design and the arts, in which they can delight skills
others with their sensitive interpretations of the
ese beauty that inspires them. Famous Births
ess Although they are fired by humanitarian concern Patrick Brontë (1777)
do, and hate witnessing others’ unhappiness, these peo- Nat “King” Cole (1919)
ear ple may inadvertently hurt those closest to them by Kurt Russell (1951)
Rob Lowe (1964)
ve their inherent aversion to commitment in close rela- Alexander McQueen (1969)
ial tionships (especially if they are men) and to the mun-
cy dane constraints imposed by domestic life. They may Compatible with
nt therefore initially find it difficult to settle down, and, March 12–20, November 22
us when they do, have a propensity to shirk responsibility.
ey Their partners will thus need to be tolerant types, who ..........................................................
ar- can respect March 17 people’s need for freedom and
imaginatively work around their fear of entrapment.
Proof 1

pisces 413

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March 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Progr essive Peacekeepers I E KJ I

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
I ndividuals born on March 18 are fueled by a
constant quest to make progress, to move a step
further on in life, and while this compulsion may be
Mars and Pluto manifested in personal ambition, these compassionate ten
Second cusp: Pisces with Arian people are typically motivated by a more global ch
concern to improve the lot of humanity. Indeed, an
Virtues these visionary people have the gift of seeing the pe
Sensitive, empathetic, positive wider picture—of how things are and how they th
ought to be—a talent that results primarily from their foc
Vices perceptiveness and also from their profound sense
Weak, deceptive, unable to of natural justice. While this ability, combined with a
withstand pressure their trademark enthusiasm, gives them the potential be
to achieve real success, it also can influence them to ing
Car eers ignore the seemingly minor, yet often crucial, details H
Caregiver, artist, nanny of a situation. a
This tendency to run away from situations of poten- en
Skills & Aptitudes
tial conflict is particularly true if the details involve co
Broad vision, sense of justice,
diplomacy skills unpleasant or controversial issues, which those born or
on this day would prefer not to confront. Their aver-
Famous Births sion to conflict can result in these people employing ha
Stephen Grover Cleveland (1837) their considerable skills of diplomacy in the pursuit of are
John Updike (1932) a solution, but may equally cause them to make inad- pa
Vanessa Williams (1963) visable concessions or to prevaricate. po
Queen Latifah (1970)
March 18 people are particularly suited to careers an
Compatible with as sympathetic caregivers, or in the arts, in which they
March 12–21, November 22–23 will not be forced to compromise their principles, and th
in which they can use their talents to inspire a larger tio
audience. Similarly, in their personal liaisons, they will un
.......................................................... thrive best if they are not pushed into following a life- so
style or complying with emotional demands that are wh
alien to their natures. th
Proof 1

414 pisces

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March 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

KJ I E KJ Or iginal Thinkers

I nherent in the characters of March 19 people is
a curious mixture of imaginative qualities that
tend toward the fanciful and a blunt directness and
Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
ate tenacity that will seldom be swayed. If properly Mars and Pluto
bal channeled, this combination of visionary idealism Second cusp: Pisces with Arian
ed, and single-minded determination can give these
he people the potential to be startlingly successful in Virtues
ey the pursuit of their aims, that is, as long as they have Sensitive, fair, forward-thinking
eir focused on a realistically achievable target.
nse While people born on March 19 are fueled by Vices
th a righteous desire to effect social improvements, Radical, obsessive, single-minded
ial because they are highly original thinkers, their seem-
to ingly radical solutions may cause others to balk. Car eers
ils However, once those born on this day have identified Armed-forces personnel, scientist,
a worthy task to which to devote their prodigious artist
n- energies, they will work unswervingly toward its
Skills & Aptitudes
ve completion, employing their considerable powers of
Self-motivation, focus,
rn organization and persistence in the process. organizational skills
er- As a result of these qualities, March 19 people are
ng happiest working in fields in which they feel that they Famous Births
of are actively doing good, a requirement that encom- David Livingstone (1813)
d- passes a diversity of professional interests, including Ornette Coleman (1930)
politics, science, the military, the caring professions Glenn Close (1947)
Bruce Willis (1955)
ers and, of course, the arts, particularly drama. Rachel Blanchard (1976)
ey Because they frequently encounter opposition to
nd their ideas, it is important to these people’s emo- Compatible with
ger tional well-being that they receive the consistent and March 13–22, November 23–24
will unjudgemental support of their nearest and dearest,
fe- so that their homes become havens of security in ..........................................................
are which they can retire from the battle and simply be
Proof 1

pisces 415

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March 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sensitive Optimists I E KJ

Planetary Influences
Ruling planet: Neptune
Third decan: Personal planets are
T hose born on this day possess such a wealth of
attributes that it is difficult to identify a specific
quality as a defining characteristic. But underlying
Mars and Pluto their perceptiveness, tenacity, imagination and
Second cusp: Pisces with Arian idealism is their great sensitivity, a gift that can have
both negative and positive consequences for March
Virtues 20 people. Although their inherent ability to relate to
Multitalented, positive, others with kindness and empathy makes them valued
compassionate colleagues and friends, these people may sometimes
feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their feelings
Vices of compassion, and therefore have a propensity to
Hypersensitive, vulnerable, become depressed in the face of human suffering,
indecisive particularly if they are women.
Yet March 20 individuals are natural optimists and,
Car eers when buoyed up by their enthusiastic determination
Artist, humanitarian, caregiver
to make the world a better place, and in the absence of
excessive criticism, they will intuitively follow a clear-
Skills & Aptitudes
Idealism, vision, imagination sighted and logically considered plan of action.
A further characteristic that results from March 20
Famous Births people’s humanitarianism is their endearing propen-
Ovid (43 BC) sity to think the best of others; sadly, this may make
Fred Rogers (1928) them vulnerable to being taken advantage of by less
Pat Riley (1945) scrupulous types, and such abuses of trust will wound
Spike Lee (1957)
Touré Neblett (1971)
them deeply. A stable and supportive domestic back-
ground is vital in maintaining these people’s emotional
Compatible with equilibrium, since they need to be assured of the love
March 14–23, November 23–24 of those closest to them and will reciprocate it unflag-
gingly. Professionally, the best—and potentially least
.......................................................... damaging—outlet for the sensitivity of those born on
this day lies in the realm of the arts, especially if they
were also born in the Chinese year of the rat, or in the
.......................................................... service industries.
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