Study Curriculum The Analysis of News "Kurikulum 2013 Membuat Guru Menganggur"

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Name : Ni Nengah Hardiyanti

NIM : 1612021038

Class : 3B

Study Curriculum

The Analysis of News “Kurikulum 2013 Membuat Guru Menganggur”

Based on the news, there are several problems that exist in the
implementation of kurikulum 2013 (k13), one of them is the assumption
that the teachers become passive in teaching and learning activities. On
Jimmy Paat opinion as an educational observer, he mentioned that the
teacher like unemployed. They do not do much during the learning process
but still get salary. It is because the vision of this new curriculum expected
the students become more active in learning process than the teacher. But
Jimmy said, this curriculum should make teachers more active in the
learning process. He gave an example in a class that implements the 2013
Curriculum students will be asked to make presentations related to a
material. The teacher rule is as a listener or facilitator and ask more
students to talk and discuss. Based on his opinion, it is not quite right. A
similar statement is also expressed by the Secretary General of the
Indonesian Teachers' Union Forum Retno Listyarti. She sees teachers seem
more unemployed. Moreover, there are some teachers who are not ready to
implement this system.

Curriculum 2013 is indeed different when compared with the

previous curriculum. Some of the differences include the number of hours
of study and subjects. For example, this curriculum makes Information and
Communication Technology a learning medium, not a subject.
In this case, the parties from the news is teacher. The main problem from
the news above is an assumption about the teachers that they become
passive along the learning process. As we know, teachers are a key factor
in learning process. In k13 implementation, the teachers may be seen that
they become passive. In fact, the teachers have a lot of works such as they
should prepare materials, the teaching method that will use in classroom
management, and many more. When the teacher ask the students to

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