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The travel industry is a tourism and hospitality network, which includes both the public and private
sectors, Gee, Choy and Makens (1997) define the travel industry as “ the composite of organizations,
both private and public, that are involved in the development, production, and marketing of products
and services to serve the needs of the travelers.”

The First Category, DIRECT PROVIDERS , includes businesses that are associated with travel, such as
airlines, hotels, restaurants, ground transportation, travel agencies, and retail shops. These businesses
provide services, activities, and products that are consumed and/or purchased directly by travelers. They
represent the sectors of the industry that are visible to the travelers.

The second category, SUPPORT SERVICES, lend support to direct providers. It includes specialized
services such as tour organizers, travel and trade publications, hotel management firms, and travel
research firms. It also includes basic supplies and services, such as contract laundry and contract food
services. Support services provide good and services for both the traveler and for organizations that sell
goods and services directly but not exclusively to tourist. A good example are tour wholesalers who
prepare tours and instead of selling them directly to public, they sell the tours through a travel agency.
Thus, the traveler receives the service indirectly through these support services.

The third category, TOURISM DEVELOPMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, is different from the first two, since it
includes planners, government agencies, financial institutions, real estate developers, and educational
and vocational training institutions, These organizations deal with tourism and hospitality development,
which tend to be more complex and broader in scope than production of daily travel services. The
decisions and results of tourism and hospitality development are more long-term in nature than the first
two categories which deal more with operators.


- Includes elements in an area for the use and enjoyment of visitors such as climate, landforms, terrain,
flora, fauna, bodies of water, beaches, natural beauty, and water supply for drinking, sanitation, and
similar uses;
- consists of all underground and surface developmental construction such as water supply systems,
sewage disposal systems, gas lines, electrical and communication systems, drainage systems, and other
constructed facilities such as highways, airports, railroads, roads, drives, parking lots, parks, night
lighting, marinas and dock facilities, bus and train station facilities, and similar tourist service
Sufficient quantity of pure water is essential. A typical resort requires 350 to 400 gallons of
water per room per day. An 18-hole golf course will require 600,000 to 1 MILLION galoons per
day, depending on the region on which it is located.
the important things to consider are that adequate supply of power is available to meet peak
load requirements, that continuity of service is assumed, and that the type of power supplied is
compatible with that used by the target markets of the destination.
it is necessary that the telephone and/or telegraph service is available
sewer demand is often placed at 90% of domestic water demand. Although water storage
reservoir and sewage treatment plants can be designed on the basis of maximum average
demand, transmission lines must be designed on the basis of maximum per demand.
the type of healthcare facilities provided will depend on the number of visitors expected, their
ages, the type of activities in which they will engage , and local geographical factors.
the availability of first-class roads adds greatly to the accessbility of a region. The following are
certain ways to make sure of highways more interesting to tourist:
a. provide close-up range views of local scenes;
b. change the elevation;
c. develop viewpoints and overlooks;
d. independently align dual-line highways to fit into the land countour: and
e. select thin trees to reveal views. Design a dual system of higher speed lanes flanked
by roads for low speed local traffic. Roads should be engineered for safety, taking
appropriate measures designed to safeguard the highway user.
the following are the problems in terminal facilities and ground transportatiion;
a. GENERAL- there is an almost complete lack of condition among the three modes of
air, rail, and bus. There is also noticeable lack of consistency in standards and
procedures within each mode. Directional nd informational signs are not uniform
throughout the system; public address announcements are often unintelligible.
 SECURITY. while on vacation, tourists are in an unfamiliar environment, Because of this, the
need of assurance regarding their safety is important. The image gained destination may be
distorted. In addition, the costs of medical care are so expensive that concern about health in

foreign countries may generate additional fears. Insecurities about food, water, or police
protection may prevent visitors from visiting. It is necessary that the basic need for security and
safety be considered and assumed to make potential tourist feel secure before and during the
a. AIR. long walks are required in many terminals.
b. RAIL. parking is inconvenient and inadequate near larger terminals; use of facilities by
local transients and inadequate cleaning procedures lead to crowded and unsanitary
waiting rooms and restrooms; security to prevent thefts is lacking; information and
directional maps are not provided in most rail terminals; special transportations to and
from rail terminals is not provided; and urban transit and taxi service are often
c. BUS, Terminals are dirty and crowded due to use by an unauthorized people to
inadequate cleaning procedures; boarding gates lack system of orderly procedures
resulting in crowding when passengers are boarding; and inadequate protection is
afforded to passengers against traffic.
- is the above ground facility services such as airport, buildings, passenger traffic terminals, hotels,
motels, resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, places of entertainment, museums, stores, and similar
- include items such as ships, airplanes, trains, buses, limousines, taxis, automobiles, cog railways, aerial
tramway, and similar passenger transportation facilities; and
- include the cultural wealth of an area which makes possible the successful hosting of tourist.
• Full information about facilities, terminal location, and local transportation at destination should
be made available to all originating passengers;
• A security system should prevent theft and misleading of checked baggage at terminals;
• The information system should provide data on connecting or alternative rail and bus service,
including information on fares and schedules;
• A system of standard signs and symbols should be developed and installed in all air terminals;
• Rapid updated arrival and departure information should be available on posted information
boards, through public address announcements and to telephone callers;
• Personnel should always be available to assist passengers especially the aged, handicapped, and
non-English speakers; and
• Complete information should be provided on the locations, fares, schedules, and routes of local
transportation services; and
• City maps should be made available to tourist.
Hospitality Resources
refer to the general feeling of being welcomed that the visitors receive while visiting a destination are. It
is the way that tourist services are delivered by service providers, as well as the general feeling of
warmth from the local population.
Hospitality Training
aims to motivate service providers to be hospitable in dealing with tourists. It assumed that providing
more hospitable services will result to a more satisfied tourist who will be inclined to return and
advertise to other potential tourists through word of mouth
Attitude towards Self

Attitude Toward Others

positive behavior towards fellow employees and tourist.
Attitude toward the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Signifance of Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Community Awareness Programs
Benefits of Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Tourists need easy access to various forms of transportation,such as road,rail,air,and water. It is
important to have convenient access and quality service. The cost of reaching the destination and
staying there must also be considered .
Land Travel
1. Taxi and Limousine Service
Adequate taxi and limousine service is important in a tourist area.Taxis should have removable and
washable seat covers so that they will present a clean appearance to the passenger.The taxi driver
should be trained in foreign language ability,hotels can cooperate by providing written directions for the
tourist to give to the taxi driver regarding his destination and other written direction for the tourist to
give to the taxi driver to return to the hotel at the end of the trip.
2. Bus Service
Tour buses should have large windows, comfortable seats, air-conditioning unit,and restroom
facilities.Multilingual services or multilingual tape recording facilities with earphones for each
passengers are desirable for touring areas where an interpretation of the points of interest is necessary.
3. Rail Services
The majority of seasoned travelers prefer to travel by train because of its safety record and the
convenience and satisfaction of viewing the scenery from a comfortable air-conditioned car.The appeal
of rail travel has been further enhanced by the recent introduction of high-speed trains. Adequate taxi,
limousine,or bus services from the railroad station to the hotels is very important.These services must
be frequent enough to avoid fear on the part of the traveler that he will not reach his hotel at once.
Porter services is important at air terminalss. The porters helpful behavior and attitude are essential and
their training and supervision should be adequate.
Sea Travel
is a major factor in tourism and hospitality. Cruise ships have developed into “Floating resorts” or
• Tourist needs to eat and sleep with right quality should be provided for the needs.
• In marketing, the facilities should at least equal those provided by the competition for the same
• Tourist who are unable unwilling to pay for expensive accommodation should have cheap
facilities available.
• In planning, should consider: nature of environment, destination, expected/target markets,
mode of transporation, type of activities engaged in at the destination, and other related
1. Hotels
-provide accommodations,meals, And refreshments for those who may reserve their accommodations
but need not do so.In broad terms,they provide facilities that meet the needs of modern travelers.They
portray an image of efficiency and service;

2. Condominium
-is an apartment or individual dwelling unit owned by an individual but the management and services,
such as maintenance and security,are handled by an independent company.The company often
contracts to rent the condominium when it is not being used by the owner.Each owner can sell his or
her unit independently of the other owner;
3. Motels or motor hotels
-provide bedrooms,bath,and parking for the motorists;rooms are usually accessible from the parking
lot.They are usually near the highways;
4. Inns
-are lodging establishments catering to transients which do not meet the minimum requirement of an
economy hotel;
5. Apartments
-are hotels(apartelles),buildings, or edifices containing several independent and furnished or semi-
furnished apartments that are regularly least to tourist and travelers for dwelling,on a more or less long-
term basis and offering basic services to it's tenants similar to hotels;
6. Paradores
-are old convents,monasteries, castles,or fortresses converted into hotels by the government and
operated by a national tourism office.First-class paradores are found in spain and ireland.They are
generally priced reasonably with full-meal plans.They appeal to tourists who would like to experience
the romances and ambiances of the past in the fifteenth-century Augustinian monastery or a
nineteenth-century mansion;
7. Pensions
-are private and family-operated tourist accommodationas similar to boarding houses and guest
houses.They offer food and lodging to tourists and are well-known for their informal family atmosphere;
8. Bed-and-Breakfast Accommodations
-provide room,bath,and a hearty breakfast to tourists and/or travelers.They are known as B&Bs and are
popular in Britain,Ireland,and in the United States;
9. Hostels
-provide minimal amenities such as a bunk bed and a commonly shared toilet and and bathroom.the
traveler provides his or her own bedding.They appeal mostly to young travelers;
10. Campgrounds
-appeal mostly to families who travel in recreational vehicles (RVs);
11. Health Spas
-are hostels and resorts which cater to individuals who go to spas or mineral springs for weight
reduction or medical treatment;
12. Private homes
-provide lodging to tourists when accommodations are not available during peak periods.
 Hotel Classifications
There are different ways of classifying hotels.One way is by location,such as city
center,suburban,airport,highway,and resorts.Another way is by type of guest such as
commercial,convention,and resort.
 Food and Beverage
More of the tourist dollar is spent on food and beverage than on any other service.Countries which
is highest in per capita eating place and sales are also top tourist countries.Type of food service
provided will be related to the needs of the tourists.Many Destination areas have successfully
developed menus which indigenous to the area to promote local economy food.

 Restaurants
Besides hotels,motels,and other types of accommodations, restaurant are also classified as
superstructure. Restaurants are establishments offering refreshments and/or meals to the public.
Some of the basic standard requirements for restaurants are the following:
1. The facades and architectural features of the building should be appropriately designed.It should
be provided with a proper entrance and exit.There shall be an adequate and secured parking space
provided free to costumers. A receptionist shall be available to usher in the guests.A waiting lounge
shall also be provided;
2.The dining room shall be adequate in size,with sufficient and well-maintained furniture;
3.There shall be cuisine of good quality and presentation and served with distinction.There shall be a
menu book or card which shall be presentable,clean,and easy to read with the menu items listed in
logical sequence. All tables shall be clean table cloth and cloth napkins of good quality.No piece of
crockery,cutlery,and tableware in use shall be chipped,cracked,or gazed.The silverware shall be kept
polished and clean at all times;MP
4. Adequate number of well-trained,experienced, efficient,and courteous staff shall be
employed.The bar shall be well stocked at all times.The kitchen,pantry and cold storage shall be in
good operating condition at all times and shall be of good quality fixtures and fitting and provided
with running water.Tissue paper,soap,paper towels and/or hand drier shall be provided.All main
dining or function rooms shall be fully air-conditioned and/or well-ventilated

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