Physical and Health Education 25mks: Answer All The Questions Each Carries Two Marks 20mks

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Physical and Health Education 25mks

Section A
Answer all the questions each carries two marks 20mks
1. How do you treat common cold?
2. What is diarrhea? How to prevent and what is the treatment given?
3. Explain balanced diet.
4. What are the different components of healthy balanced diet?
5. What are the points that describe the need of health education?
6. What is immunization?
7. What is infant mortalilty? What are the factors effecting infant mortalilty?
8. What are the direct and indirect causes of maternal mortality?
9. Explain briefly the importance of health education.
10.What is the definition of health given by WHO?

Section B
Answer the question below carries 5 marks. 5mks
11. What is the importance of health for Pre-primary children and mention few
guidelines to promote preschool child’s health.

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