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The Mallard

Issue 345 July 2020

Our village organisations are adapting as LOCKDOWN unfolds little by little.

Village Hall and Social Club

We have all missed the use of this valued
social hub. The Trustees are keeping a
close eye on the advice from government.
As you know it can change so quickly.
It will be too much of a challenge to meet all the safety regulations required under the
lockdown advice. When a gradual opening of the social club can happen there will be
announcements on posters in the shop, on the village hall noticeboard, on the Village
Website Home Page and via our Facebook Page. At the moment staff are furloughed.

The Dabbling Duck Pub A Safe Return to Tennis!

We are set to open our doors to the Club Adapts During Lockdown
public on the 4th July! Tennis was one of the first sports to
Until then, we do have our takeaway service benefit from the Government’s easing
available so please log on to the website and of lockdown restrictions and, with a run
have a look. This will be extended to every of such great weather, our members
day, once we are fully open. Orders for this were keen to return to the courts to play
must be made online through our website. singles and doubles (initially only with
We have been busy decorating and deep members from the same household).
cleaning the pub, ready for when we can see Since then,
you all again and we can’t wait to welcome the restrictions
you all back! have been
We will be operating on slightly reduced ca- lifted further
pacity and service times so do call us to to allow
check. We do advise booking lunch or dinner, players from
if you wish to eat with us. We hope to build different
the business back up slowly. households to
If you have any questions please email us at play doubles
info@thedabblingduck but staying 2
or give us a ring on 01485 520827 metres apart.
We now have someone in the office See more on
11am -5pm Monday - Saturday. page 8……..

Details of The Bus Service for

Great Massingham 49A
Includes Saturday Service
See the times and other
safety details on page 2.
Valid -15th June to end of August
Mallard News
This parish magazine is Bus Service to Run from Monday to Saturday, Inclusive.
published every month for the
residents of Great and Little See Timetable Below.
Massingham with the support of Now is your chance to get out on the bus and do some
the Great Massingham Parish shopping in Lynn or Fakenham. Also on SATURDAYS!
Council, the Parochial Church
Council and Massingham The shopkeepers will be delighted to see you!
Village Hall Trustees. Please observe the guidance as follows….. Face coverings on UK public transport
e-mail: th Please remember that from Monday 15 June UK Government guid-
Editorial Committee ance states that face coverings are required on all forms of public
transport in England, including all buses. Please remember that:
Editor: Bev. Randall.
6 Abbeyfields • the covering should be worn for your entire journey.
Great Massingham
01485 520 899
• the covering should be over your nose and mouth.
Treasurer: David Baines • masks, bandanas and scarves are acceptable.
01485 520 966 • some passengers may not be wearing masks (Some are exempt)
Website : Contact the Please note: The driving staff are not required to wear a mask as they
Editor - Details above. are working behind a protective screen. This guidance is in place as
social distancing isn't necessarily possible in enclosed spaces such as
Deadline for the buses and trains.
next issue
49A 49A
17th July
Fakenham Oak Street 09:00 11:00
In this issue
Sculthorpe Bus Shelter 09:07 11.07
• Lockdown Unlocks East Rudham Green 09:14 11:14
• New Bus Timetable
• ‘Histry’ Bits Harpley Rose & Crown 09:19 11.19 The
• Parish Council Timetables
• PC Chair’s Report Great Massingham Church 09:23 11:23 run from
• Gert & Daisy 15th June
• Lockdown Quiz Gayton opp The Crown 09:34 11:34 until 31st
• Other Events Latest Bawsey opp Caravan Site 09:41 11:41 August.
• Tennis Club Adapts
• Ducklings Pre-School QE Hospital Bus Shelter 09:45 11:45
• Nancy’s Farewell Gaywood opp Tesco 09:50 11:50
• Mallard Latest
• From Rev’d Judith Kings Lynn Bus Station 09:58 11:58
• Churchyard Care
• Church News 49A 49A 49A
• Church Services Kings Lynn Bus Station 12:00 14:00 16:45
• Biodiversity Project
Gaywood Tesco 12:06 14:06 16:51
QE Hospital Grounds 12:11 14:11 16:56
Bawsey Caravan Site 12:14 14:14 16:59
Gayton The Crown 12:22 14:22 17:07
Great Massingham opp Church 12:32 14:32 17:17
Harpley Rose & Crown 12:36 14:36 17:21
East Rudham Green 12:42 14:42 17:27
Sculthorpe Bus Shelter 12:49 14:49 17:34
Fakenham Oak Street 12:57 14:57 17:42
Mallard News
‘Histry Bits’….. A rude awakening
World War Two took a long time to get going – at least in Massingham it did….
When my father, Corporal Ken Miller, arrived in the village on his posting to 18
Squadron RAF, in September 1940, the airfield was just that – a grassy field that,
until very recently, had had cows grazing on it.
He vividly recalled that it was pitch black when his train pulled into the station,
with an incomprehensible voice shouting out MAAAASNUM as he and two com-
panions stumbled out onto the narrow platform. There was, inevitably, no one to
meet them so, shouldering their kit bags, they were forced to tackle Station Hill
before eventually arriving at the Squadron Headquarters which, of course, was
locked for the night. It was a bad start but it soon got better.
Dad was billeted at first with the late Myrtle George’s family at Kennel Farm and,
soon after that, at Heath Farm where he was welcomed with roast partridge and
apple pie, by my grandmother Dolly Morton.
It was just a few days after his arrival that the first major enemy attack on
Massingham took place. Carried out by a pair of Junkers 88s, it hit the airfield at
6pm on October 27th, just as one of our
Blenheim bombers was preparing to take
off on an operation to northern France. The
Blenheim’s navigator, ‘Topsy’ Green,
takes up the story.
“As we taxied to the end of the flare path
we were halted by the sight of several air-
craft very low and coming straight at us.
Blenheims, we thought, until they opened
up at us and we realised they were German
Ju88s. They circled again, releasing incen-
diaries as they did so. We managed to re-
turn fire before scrambling out of our
plane, and racing for cover into a nearby
air raid shelter – or what we thought was a
shelter, but turned out to be a heap of 250lb
bombs waiting to be loaded onto various
Dad, who was uncomfortably close to the
attack, recalled tumbling into a ditch and
burying his face in the stagnant water,
praying that the German gunner was a rot-
ten shot which, luckily, he turned out to be. Ken Miller
in front of
The attack lasted just a few minutes, but it Heath Farm
left five people dead, and eight others
wounded. It served as a rude awakening to
all concerned, especially my father, who made the extremely sensible decision
then and there never to volunteer for aircrew. David Miller
The meeting was once again held remotely via ‘Zoom’. Six Parish Councillors joined the
meeting as well as our Borough Councillor James Moriarty.
Following, the May Annual Parish Council meeting, Mick Wingell, handed his resignation
to the Chair, (see Mick’s report below) following time served as Parish Councillor and,
latterly, as Chairman. His contributions and active involvement will be missed by all.
However, this leaves a second vacancy. The same procedure for election, as published in
the June issue, applies. See June Mallard or the PC website for more details.
The Parish Council is proceeding, following approval from the Borough Council, with co-
option to fill the vacancy left by Vic Cross.
The annual accounts, year ending 31st March, 2020, were approved by the Parish Council.
The Internal Audit will be carried out shortly and the auditor’s report presented at the July
meeting. Also, at this point, the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
will be reviewed by the Parish Council and subsequently submitted to PKF Littlejohn LLP
for external audit.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held via ‘Zoom’ on the 13th July, at 7.30pm.
Members wishing to join the meeting should contact the Clerk for the link. You can join either by
phone, computer or android/apple device. As always, there will still be an opportunity during the
meeting for parishioners to speak.

My Parish Council End of Year Report for 2019 to 2020

The year 2019/20 was an unusual year. The Clerk/RFO (Responsible Finance Officer)
resigned and a new one has been recruited, the Parish Council Website became active
and the Parish Clerk/RFO now has a permanent email address.
The Vice Chair, Sue Nash and Caroline Boyden ensured that the Parish continued to op-
erate smoothly before the Clerk’s appointment. All councillors were involved in sorting
out the Council’s Barclays Bank Mandate. The Website, run by Caroline, provides useful
information for all. The three months without a Clerk/RFO, saved the P.C. over
£1,200.00 in wages and Clerk expenses!
A recruitment Panel was set up with input from all, ending with a successful candidate
accepting the job and taking post of Clerk in October.
Following the requests for people interested a Neighbourhood Plan being developed for
the Parish, it appears there are enough parishioners interested in being involved for a mo-
tion to put to the Council to start the process.
Mr Bickerton, Mr Nash, Mr Lodge, Mr Goodings and Mr Whitred have continued to
empty the Parish Council bins. Mr Nash has replaced two of the council seats on the
greens and refurbished the others. (Often fighting off the ducks in the process.)
Drains have been cleared, the greens have been cut and Parish Council land reclaimed. In
all, life continued as normal until CV19 came along. Being on holiday at the time and
‘isolating’ upon return, I was forced to be on the sidelines. It is impressive how everyone
on the Council responded. Huge thanks go to all involved and of course also to the above
mentioned and the Parish Council for their involvement over the year.
April’s meeting was cancelled due to CV19. Mr Vic Cross resigned from the Parish
Council at the end of April after over 35 years service as a Councillor, Vice Chairman
and Chairman. His knowledge and input will be greatly missed.
May’s Council Meeting was carried out via ‘Zoom’. As mentioned above, I resigned as
Chair at this meeting, the AGM, and became a spectator.
The time on holiday and isolating upon my return gave me the opportunity to consider
my future with the Parish Council. Consequently, after a review of the year as Chairman
and all that it involved, I made the decision to resign from the Parish Council and as
such I have done so. Mick Wingell.
Shop window


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Mallard News
Gert & Daisy.... .... Well, here we are agin. We hope yew are awl keepin’ OK.
We are still locked up and carnt go and dew whatever we want. Most kids aren’t back
ter schul and hev no idea when they’ll be.
We hev heard that farmers are lukking fer fruit and veg pickers. We wus thinking that
most of them older kids cud go there and earn a few bob. Even them adults what hint got
a job enymore cud go anawl like what we used ter dew in our youth. Nothin wrong with
a days strawberry picking! Gert ken remember dewing that and currant picking so she
hed sum money ter spend on the Mart when that cum ter the village.
We were sorry to hear that John Reynolds had died. We understand that he had been
poorly for some time. Our thoughts go out to all his family. Sadly we have also heard
there was a young woman died who lived in Summerwood. We didn’t know this lady
but we were still very sorry to hear about her death after a long illness. Our thoughts go
out to her family as well.
We hev heard that Mark at the shop hev now got crabs! Don’t worry, they int catching –
we mean the wuns yew eat! Gert and her mother hed wun and reckon they’re blumming
luvly. Keep up the gud work Mark.
We buth hed buthdays last month and we did mention ut but still dint get anything more.
So we hint got enywun ter thank only our kids and Sid and Bert. Daisy did get breakfast
in bed though! (Fust toime ever). Her and Sid also hed a wedding anniversary. Bit ex-
pensive fer their family!
Dunt people luk different due ter not gorn ter the hairdresser? We shall soon be sporting
a pony tail or Alice band. Gert hev found out that her natural hair colour int blonde/
brown – thas silver grey! Daisy int saying!
Who hev yew picked ter be in your bubble? We wud hev had each other but that dint fit
the rules. Thas very complicearted int ut? Daisy and Sid went shopping at Fakenham
Tescos fer the fust toime larst week. That wus awroight cos there wus only about harf a
dozen others there.
What abowt the weather anawl? One day thas enuf ter freeze yer whatsits off then thas
so hot yer carnt breathe! Mebbe the virus hev got up in the clouds and mixed everything
up there as well.
We hint got eny other news but we did read a gud poem by Pam Ayres – thas called
‘About Lockdown’ if enywun want ter read it. Thas really gud so why not google it?
Well, thas awl fer now. Remember – take care and stay safe.
Dew yew keep atroshing. Gert and Daisy.
Just a cupple of words from the Keith Skipper:-
Patience is puttin’up wi’ people yew’d rather put down.
Him what larf larst probably dint get the joke in the fust place.
The Lock Down Quiz (Contact Peter James)
The next Lockdown quiz will be 29th June with Ann Bowen as quizmaster. Then ….
Ali Ward & Sons have offered to do one for 3 rd August.
If anyone wants to join, email:
Update about Other Events…… The Village Yard Sale is cancelled for this year as it is
too risky. Peoples' lives are more important. Grassroots Malawi are keeping an eye on
the situation and might run a stall later, if the situation is right. A decision will be made
soon about The Macmillan Coffee Morning and reported back next month.
The Mobile Library is suspended for the time being. Books on loan will automatically be renewed.
Shop window

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Little Massingham
Contact Donna on 07793 737 312 Wednesdays-
Serving curries for lunch & dinner
Ducklings Preschool Fridays-
Our Wood Fired Pizza night
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Great Massingham Sundays coming soon….
Pre - School, 2 - 4 years 9am - 3pm THE DABBLING DUCK
07807185746 11 Abbey Rd, Great Massingham.
Reservations: 01485 520 827 01485 520 827

32 Walcups Lane, Great Massingham, PE32 2HR


Mallard News
A Safe Return to Tennis … How the Club has Adapted
The club has strict safety measures in place including a one-way
system to minimise encounters between players. The courts are now
accessed by going up the main drive and round the back of the vil-
lage hall and waiting by the club hut, until the courts are free. To
exit the courts you walk round the front of the hall to the carpark or
past the petanque court and down the steps. There is hand sanitiser
on both courts to use before and after play, but we would prefer it if
you brought your own from home, to help keep our costs down. We
are asking members to bring their own tennis balls to use as every-
thing on the courts has been removed, including the ball boxes and
benches. The court gates have been secured so they remain open at all times, thus avoid-
ing the need to touch the gates at all. There is no access to the tennis hut (unless the First
Aid kit is needed) and the toilets are out of bounds until further notice.
We all know how important it is to stay active and the positive effect exercise has on our
physical and mental health; so if you’ve never played tennis before and fancy having a
go, why not have a gentle introduction with some lessons from our club coach, Chris
Sanders. He is currently available to coach small family groups or individuals and can be
contacted on 07940428002.
Courts must be booked in advance by calling Penny Andersson, between 8-9am only, on
07796334371. We are hoping to have an online booking system up and running by the
end of the summer. If you are not a member, now is a good time to join our friendly in-
clusive club as the membership fee remains the same price as last year, with adult mem-
bership only £24 a year and family membership £50, the cheapest in Norfolk!
For further details on membership and how to join our club, please contact
Annie Lawton on 07538038001 or email her on
Current members, please return your membership forms to Annie Lawton via email or to
4 Castle Acre Road, Great Massingham and confirm when you have made an electronic
payment, the preferred method of payment. Cheques will be accepted but no cash please.

Fingers crossed
the sunshine
continues and
we look forward
to seeing you on

Mallard News
Ducklings Pre-School Latest News….
Preschool moved into Tent Town 3 weeks ago. The children
were already used to washing hands and wiping tables, so the
new routine is just more of what they did anyway, with added
dettol, non touch automatic soap dispenser, and milk in throwa-
way cups. The tent makes a great noise when it rains and the
mud kitchen has never been muddier. Having a bath in a bucket
is no problem after sliding about on the ground sheet in big puddles of red paint.
Climbing the trees in the school field is easy, getting down is an exercise in problem
solving. Having fewer resources accessible (and washable) means more creativity to
develop ideas. The children are learning by observing and discussing.
The tadpoles in the dipping
pond now have back legs that
they didn’t have three weeks
ago and the dens in the wood
area are better constructed,
after a second attempt.
This bunch of four year olds
were discussing why there were
only ladies at preschool looking
after the children. Good ques-
tion. Pip asked the children
what they thought about this
and what a carer is?
The children said, '' If we had real tractors more boys would work here''.
Pip replied, '' I like tractors too!''
There was also a comment on lock down and home working. '' When I'm big I'm going
to be a daddy and not have a job and just stay at home!''
The children are catching up with their Phonics and sight reading high frequency words.
While they were at home, the children had online learning activities to complete with
their families and record in their Learning Journal. These have included anything from
grow your own bean, produce a rainbow in a jar ( its all about how much sugar is used to
separate the colours ) and construct a garden obstacle course. Staff visited the children
during lock down and did the Big Wave through windows.
The children are developing the skills for being school ready. They want to learn, have a
go, work both together and individually, concentrate, have a discussion, have an opin-
ion, take responsibility, take turns, adapt to change and routines, be confident, under-
stand difference and sameness.
There are some sessions available in September, but if families have not
already been to meet us, please contact by email and we will arrange for visits
during the school break so that we can keep to our safe-bubble groups. Pip.

Mallard News
A Strong Farewell to Nancy
So Typical of Great Massingham
A huge thank you to all who came along to say farewell
to our dear friend Nancy as her cortège came through the
village on the 11th June.
Not only did it show how loved Nancy was by people in
our village but it also gave huge support both to those
people very close to her living locally and to her family
and friends in the USA.
Thank you also to Anna Burpitt who, on behalf of St
Mary’s Church, made the very special flower arrange-
ment (pictured right) that was placed at the roadside gates
of the church during the procession and then in the porch
for the next few days.
A beautiful arrangement made from flowers in Anna’s
garden. Thank you to all of you and for your donations
that amount to £1,052.50 for Macmillan Cancer Support
and The Hawk & Owl Trust. See Nancy’s Tribute Page -

Another month with the Mallard delivered via

The Mallard email, on the website and with a limited number of
paper copies at the village store. The Mallard is also
available on the village website on the Home page and the
Mallard page. We hope it will be possible to return to the usual delivery next issue.
Shop window
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Shop window
Keighley’s Happy Feet GUTTERING SERVICES
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Mouldy or shrunken rubber gaskets replaced.
Refurbish and upgrade your existing windows.
Tel: 01366 859349or
Gold Leaf Industrial Park, Sandall Road Rd, Wisbech

Your local
Contact Su’en Miller
Parsley Barn
Tel: 01485 520 988
Mob: 07968 246 083 Weasenham Rd Mobile: 07557790226
Gt Massingham
Or book via PE32 2EY NO JOB TOO SMALL

JJs Flowers By
Funeral Tributes,
Weddings, Bouquets
Miss Julie Morters JJs flowers
01485 609 125 or @ JJs FlowersJulieMorters
07884 238 438 Based in and around Great Massingham Call/Text: 07825 234293
The Birches, St Andrews Lane, Congham, PE32 1DY Leanne Elton

Message for Parishioners from Rev’d Judith
LLmight reasonably expect to be heading for the beach - but, sad-
ly, it is not so straightforward this year. Could we consider inhabiting a
desert island (imaginatively) instead? There is so much to provoke anxie-
ty in these strange times and we need all the help we can get to remain sane.
We may turn to music to console and uplift us. Music inhabits our brains differently
to reason and logic; instinctively we know that ‘music alone with sudden charms
can bind the wand’ring sense and calm the troubled mind.’ (William Congreve:
‘Hymn to harmony.’)
‘Desert Island Discs’ is the enduring, hugely popular Radio 4 programme where
noted people in their field are invited to share with listeners a personal playlist of
eight musical choices, usually woven into the story of their lives. They are given the
Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare and invited to choose just one other
book and a luxury item of no practical use to take with them when they are cast
away on the island. Recently, an unprecedented special programme of listeners’
choices was produced, of music that helped us all get through the lockdown. This,
of course, made me speculate: if you went on the programme which eight records,
book and luxury would you choose? It’s like a sonic snapshot of how we feel at a
given moment. I know what I would choose today – but the list is constantly evolv-
ing. Tomorrow it would be different.
So, to distract you from the chaos that surrounds us, I invite you to choose your per-
sonal Desert Island Discs – plus book and luxury. Of course, this can be kept pri-
vate - some choices may be intensely personal. But you may want to be a guest on
my virtual programme. You don’t have to reveal why you choose a particular piece
of music; however, the most compelling programmes were always when the person
shared perhaps more of themselves than had been originally intended - or deeply
moving aspects of themselves and their life experience through their choices.
If you would like to share your choices with me. I will consider putting together in
some way (anonymised if requested) a concert/playlist/booklet of our own commu-
nity’s Desert Island Discs. Now there’s something to look forward to!
With my love and continuing prayers, Reverend Judith
Please Help Keep Our Churchyard Tidy!
Plea to Residents of Great Massingham
Please note that the churchyard is not a dump-
ing ground for garden refuse or any other re-
fuse, of any kind. Whilst there is often a pile
from what is collected within the churchyard
this has not to be added to. (A huge pile of tree
cuttings appeared one week)
The churchyard is consecrated ground and it is
an offence to take or deposit any soil or other
materials in a churchyard. It is also very distressing to people with loved ones buried
there to see it being used for this purpose.
Notices in the church grounds, put up reluctantly, are asking everyone to respect the
area as a special place and not for dumping refuse. Please help with this.
Stephen Hudson, Churchwarden
Church Services
Although we cannot meet in our churches at
the present time we can still share together.
We are running a live online worship
service each Sunday at 10.30am,
also a mid week meeting which will be
at 3pm each Wednesday (See below).
SUNDAYS 10.20 for 10.30 start COMMUNION SERVICE
WEDNESDAYS 14.50 for a 15.00 start for an ALTERNATIVE SERVICE
Please refer to the calendar page on the website :
for the readings and Communion Service sheet. Mid week meetings -see below.
For further information and help, if you need it, contact
Steve Williamson: 01553 636413 or email:

Mid Week Meetings We Are Here for You

1st July A prayer meeting Even if you are unable to go to
8th July A Celtic Service Church, the Church is still here for
15th July A short Bible study you. Contact either
22nd July Reflections Rev’d Jane 01553 636227 or
29th July The New Normal Rev’d Judith 10485 610251

Cards for Christian Aid

Angela Clarke, one of the King’s Lynn
Christian Aid Group, undertook a sponsored
painting session during Christian Aid Week.
Her painting, featuring a rainbow, was in-
spired by both the pandemic and Christian
Aid. (see right)
Cards, approximately a quarter A4 in size
and blank in the centre for your message,
have been printed from the painting and are
for sale in support of Christian Aid.
Packs of five cards with envelopes are available for £3 per five cards.
If you or your church would like to purchase these cards, please contact
Heather Berry on 01553 764098 or by email:
Most of Christian Aid’s income from donations is normally received in Christian
Aid Week but, because this year it had to be a virtual Christian Aid Week, much,
much more money is needed. At the same time the needs of people, already poor
and vulnerable before the pandemic, are even greater as they struggle, for exam-
ple, to social distance and to obtain water to wash their hands. Any help you give
is really important and will be greatly appreciated.
Shop window
Golden Years Norfolk
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Enhanced DBS & references to view. Affordable rates. 01485 601141
Call Paul 07741 568 023 07765 786709

FIRING Heath Farm Shop

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Comprehensive stock to view at our Open 9-5 Monday to Friday
showroom on 9-1 Saturday
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Membership applications can be obtained CALL TODAY
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Useful Numbers
Organisation Contact Phone No.
Allotment Association Gill Goold 0750 824 2223
Biodiversity Project Tim Baldwin 520 813
Borough Council James (Jim) Moriarty 07879 492400
Bell Ringing Dale Gagen 520 024
Bowls Club Martin Matthews 520 707
Church Contacts Revd Judith Pollard 01485 601 251
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Dabbling Duck Pub Mark Dobby 520 827
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Night Arthur Allen 520 628
Fishing Warden Paul Smith and Ken Perry Sue Nash 07802 670 711
Guide Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae 520 259
Massingham Historical Society Peter James 521 706
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Clare Parker 520 469
Parish Council Sue Nash (Chair) & Sarah Harvey (Clerk) Clerk 01328 823391
Pre-School Pip Armitage 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Ann Beardall 520 362
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Vic Cross 520 588/520 387
Village Stores and Deli Mark and Kerry Eldridge 520 272

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Biodiversity Project News
Although the Project site has had to look after itself more than usual
this year, volunteers have helped to keep the paths clear and to con-
trol some areas where particular plants would quickly dominate if
left to their own devices. The meadow is beginning to put on a good
show now. The dominant species are the white corn chamomile and
yellow corn marigold but some more poppies and cornflowers have
been added this year to boost the range of colour. Please do visit and
enjoy this display whilst it’s at its best!
In contrast, the woodland is looking darker now as the tree canopy
becomes full and the white cow parsley gives way to more nettles
and goosegrass. These changing light levels Water Figwort
explain why so many of the woodland flow-
ers appear early in the year when more sunlight can penetrate and
insect pollinators can access them more easily.
In the wet meadow the dominant plant is great willowherb but
look carefully around the edges and you will find the curious wa-
ter figwort, tufted vetch and perhaps
ragged robin, which looks rather like a
small version of red campion with
shredded petals. At the pondside,
clumps of yellow flag iris are now giv-
ing way to the tall spires of purple
Comfrey loosestrife and the area near the bridge
has a good display of comfrey and
meadowsweet with fleabane to follow.
The rough meadow between the pond and green is looking very Thick Legged
good now with a particularly wide range of plants. This diversi- Flower Beetle
ty of flowering plants attracts many insect pollinators, not lim-
ited to bees and butterflies but also flower and soldier beetles, hoverflies, a host of differ-
ent fly species and moths by night. If you take a leisurely walk and examine the flower-
heads you will quickly build up a large tally of species – there is no need to identify them
all to appreciate just what a variety is to be found. This epitomises what the site is all
about of course – enjoy! Tim Baldwin

Meadow Rough Meadow


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