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Concentric Pipe (Tubular) Heat Exchanger Experiment

PROC 2082: Heat and Mass Transfer

Farihin Afini Abdul Muthalib s3526491

Shuhada Atika Idrus Saidi s3521375
Wan Lily Aisyah Mazlan s3521196

Group 8

9 September, 2015

Dr. Nicky Eshtiaghi

Demonstrator: Cameron Crombie

A heat exchanger’s role to the industrial world is vital and highly demanded but it is difficult to find the
most effective heat exchangers in transferring heat. Due to this, it becomes an obligation for young
future engineers to conduct a research on heat exchangers to gain understanding on how it works and
have insights on its potentials for improvement in transferring heat. The scope of this experiment is to
study both co-current and counter current flow in heat exchanger in order to determine the most
effective fluid motion direction in transferring heat. It is important to conduct this experiment since heat
exchangers are used by most people in everyday appliances to ensure a greater technology, good
quality of life and environment.
Heat exchanger is built to transfer heat from one medium to another. The types of fluid motion
direction inside the heat exchanger used in this experiment include co-current flow and counter current
flow. Both articles from Isaza, Warnica and Bussmann (2015) and Journal of Technology and Science
(2015) discuss the topic of most advantage fluid motion direction inside the heat exchanger which is
counter current flow. Major manufacturers publish online brochures on types of heat exchangers that
are manufactured alongside with the suggested fluid motion direction, as well as the best conditions in
which these exchangers work.
An experiment was conducted by connecting counter current, followed by co-current operations to a
Tubular Heat Exchanger with different combinations of flow rate by following a series of steps which
are setting up the heat exchanger, operation in counter current flow and lastly co-current operation.
This experiment is conducted to demonstrate the differences between same flow rates and different
flow rates for both counter current and co-current flows and the effect on heat transferred, temperature
efficiencies and temperature profiles. Also to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient and the
effect of changes in hot and cold fluid flow rate on the temperature efficiencies and overall heat
transfer coefficient. From this experiment, the co-current flow with hot and cold water flow with same
flow rate shows a higher efficiency in transferring heat as the overall heat transfer coefficient, change
in temperature, mean temperature efficiency and heat flux are the highest compared to co-current flow
with different flow rate and counter current flow in both different and same flow rates. The results from
this experiment is contradict with the theory from Isaza, Warnica and Bussmann (2015) and Journal of
Technology and Science (2015) stated that counter current flow is more efficient than co-current flow
due to several issues discussed in the results and discussion part of the report.
Lastly, a few recommendations are thought and given on how the heat exchanger or experiment
process can be designed or implemented to maximize its potentials. By allocating more time for this
experiment and also by using materials with good insulation for the pipe would help in better
performance for the heat exchanger.

1 Summary ............................................................................................................... 2
2 Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 3
3 List of Figures and Tables ...................................................................................... 4
4 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5
5 Literature Review and Theory ................................................................................ 6
6 Experimental .......................................................................................................... 8
6.1 Procedure and Methodology ....................................................................... 8
6.2 Risk Assessment ........................................................................................ 9
7 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................ 10
7.1 Countercurrent flow .................................................................................. 11
7.2 Co-current Flow / Parallel Flow ................................................................. 15
7.3 Discussion ................................................................................................ 19
8 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................... 28
9 References........................................................................................................... 29
10 Appendix .............................................................................................................. 30


Figure/Table Page

Figure 1: Co-current flow 6

Figure 2: Counter Current Flow 6
Figure 3: Countercurrent operation 8
Figure 4: Co-current operation 9
Table 1: Countercurrent flow: Same flowrate 10
Table 2: Countercurrent flow: Different flowrates 12
Table 3: Co-current flow: Same flowrates 14
Table 4: Co-current flow: Different flowrates 16
Figure 5: Temperature profile for countercurrent flow with similar flowrates 18
Figure 6: Temperature profile for countercurrent flow with different flowrates 18
Figure 7: Temperature profile for co-current flow with similar flowrate 19
Figure 8: Temperature profile for co-current flow with different flowrate 19
Table 5: Change in fluid temperature for each flowtypes and flowrates 20
Table 6: Calculation of Q for different flowrates using cold fluid variables 20
Table 7: Calculation of Q for same flowrates using cold fluid variables 20
Figure 9: Hot fluid and cold fluid temperature efficiencies in respect to flowtypes and flowrates 21
Figure 10: Mean temperature efficiencies for different flowtypes and flowrates 22
Figure 11: Heat transfer rate against mean temperature efficiency in both flow types 22
Figure 12: U against ∆𝑇𝐿𝑀 in both flow types 23
Table 8: Overall heat transfer coefficient for different flow types and flowrates 24
Table 9: Heat flux for different flow types and flowrates 24
Table 10: Q emitted from hot fluid and cold fluid and error between the two values 25
Figure 13: Basic flow of cold fluid in both flow types 25
Table 1: Calculation of U using cold water variables and the error 27

A heat exchanger is a device built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another which enter
and exit at different temperature. Three types of fluid motion direction inside the heat exchanger are
parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow. However, in this experiment the focus is only on parallel flow
and counter flow inside the concentric pipe; tubular heat exchanger.
The purposes of doing this experiment is to demonstrate the different between the co-current and
counter current flows and the effect on the heat transferred temperature efficiencies and temperature
profiles through a tubular heat exchanger. Other than that, this experiment is performed in order to
determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for the tubular heat exchanger using the logarithmic
mean temperature difference for calculations in both co-current and counter flow. Another purpose of
this experiment is to investigate the effect of changes in hot and cold fluid flow rate on the temperature
efficiencies and overall heat transfer coefficient. Thus, from the experiment, the co-current and counter
current flow may be determined and the effectiveness of both co-current and counter current flows can
be compared. Heat exchangers are used widely in everyday life such as refrigerator, air conditioning,
power plants, sewage treatment, food and beverages industry, dairy processing and others. Those
heat exchangers are designed to transfer heat and from this experiment, the basic concept of heat
exchangers’ efficiency can be established and implemented in everyday applications.
Normally, some aspect in the production of heat exchangers is a task undertaken by chemical
engineers since it deals with temperature, pressure, heat transfer, resistance, thermal conductivity,
density, viscosity, specific heat, material of construction and others.
Most heat exchangers do have problem with their effectiveness in transferring heat. The main scope
of this experiment is to study both co-current and counter current flows based on their overall heat
transfer coefficient and logarithmic mean temperature difference calculations in order to determine the
efficiency of the heat exchanger by determining the overall heat transfer coefficient. This experiment
motivates the team to analyse both co-current and counter current flows in the heat exchanger on how
their temperature profiles affect the heat transfer coefficient and logarithmic mean temperature
difference to increase the effectiveness in transferring heat. The importance of conducting this
experiment is due to its various applications outside the laboratory, as heat exchangers are used in
everyday appliances by most people. Besides, effective heat exchangers might lead to a better
technology, environment and good quality of life.
The theory behind this experiment is briefly outlined in the next section of this report. Various
methodology and procedures are adopted in conducting the experiment. Also risk assessments while
doing this experiment are being considered and from these assessment limitations and modifications
are identified.
The results from the experiment are graphically presented and analysed with a set of calculations
including some implications for the current technological society.
Finally, from further readings and brainstorming, a number of possible improvements of performance
are listed.


Heat exchanger is built to transfer heat from one medium to another and the medium can be air to air,
air to liquid, or liquid to liquid. The major role of heat exchanger is to remove heat from a hot fluid or to
add heat to the cold fluid.
For the parallel flow or also known as co-current flow, the hot and cold fluid streams both flow in the
same direction in which both fluids enter and exit the heat exchanger at the same ends.

Figure 1: Co-current Flow

Unlike counter current flow, both hot and cold fluid streams flow in the opposite direction which both
the fluids enter and exit the heat exchanger at the opposite ends.

Figure 2: Counter Current Flow

The temperature of fluids varies over the entire length since one fluid is convectively transfers heat to
the tube wall where conduction occur to the opposite wall and the heat is then convectively transferred
to the second fluid. The rate of heat transfer differs along the length of the exchanger tubes since it
depends on the temperature difference between the fluids. Convection is a mode of heat transfer
involving motion of fluids either absorbs heat from the source or gives out heat to the surrounding
while conduction is a mode of heat transfer in which heat is transfer through a stationary fluid.
Mechanical, potential and kinetic energies in heat exchangers are small compared to other terms in
energy-balance equation. Also no shaft work is consumed in heat exchangers. Thus, if heat is

transferred between two objects at different temperature and constant specific heat are consumed, the
enthalpy balance for a heat exchanger becomes
𝑞 = 𝑚̇𝐶𝑝 ∆𝑇

Where q = amount of heat energy gained or loss by substance (W)

ṁ = flow rate of stream (kg/s)
𝐶𝑝 = specific heat of fluid (J/kg K)

∆T = temperature difference (K)

The overall heat transfer coefficient depends on several variables including the physical properties of
the fluids and the solid wall, the flow rates and the exchanger dimensions. This overall coefficient of
heat transfer is calculated using the log mean temperature difference based on the co-current or
counter current flow by using the formula given
Where Q = Rate of heat transfer (W)
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
A = Surface area through which heat flows (m2)
∆𝑇𝐿𝑀 = Log mean temperature difference (K)
Several references have been utilized to determine the effectiveness for both co-current and counter
current flow inside the heat exchanger.
A newspaper article from Journal of Technology and Science (2015) is used as a reference in
determining the most effective fluid motion direction inside the heat exchanger either co-current flow or
counter current flow. It is noted by the article that counter current flow heat exchanger provide thermal
and economic advantages over co-current flow. From an article by Isaza, the team gained
proper insights through brief description of heat exchanger’s fluid motion direction using analytical
expressions as a proof. Through both articles, the team acknowledge several factors in effectiveness
of heat exchanger, for instance the overall heat transfer coefficient and log mean temperature
difference. In putting the information together, several comparisons can be made with the conducted
experiment to discuss a more detailed analysis based on the results obtained.

To demonstrate the differences between countercurrent and co-current flows and the effect on the
heat transferred, temperature efficiencies and temperature profiles, an experiment was conducted by
connecting countercurrent, followed by co-current operations to a Tubular Heat Exchanger with
different combinations of flowrate.


6.1.1 Setting up heat exchanger
Firstly, the main switch of heat exchanger was switch on. All switches at the rear of the RCD
and circuit breakers at the rear of support plinth got to be checked and up if the temperature
controller did not illuminated. Then, the temperature controller was set to a point approximately
40oC above the cold water inlet temperature (T4). As the T4 was 12 oC, the controller was set
to 52oC.

6.1.2 Countercurrent operation

Figure 3: Countercurrent operation

The connection of the cold and hot water was checked. As the cold water connections was
reversed to the annulus of the heat exchanger, it allowed the heat exchanger to operate in
countercurrent operation first as the hot and cold fluid streams flowed in the opposite
directions. Firstly, the experiment was conducted with the hot and cold water have the same
flowrate.The hot water regulator was switched on. The cold water flow control valve Vcold was
opened and adjusted to give 3 litres/min. The step was repeated for the Vhot to give 3
litres/min. The temperatures was allowed to stabilized and recorded when stable. Since the
heat exchanger was connected to the software in the computer, the T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, Fhot
and Fcold would automatically recorded when the save button was clicked. The experiment was
repeated by using different combinations of hot and cold fluid flowrate by adjusting the Vcold
with constant Vhot.

After all the results was recorded, the cold water flow control valve Vcold was closed and
changed the cold and hot water connections so that the streams flowed in the same directions.

6.1.3 Co-current operation

Figure 4: Co-current operation

The last step mentioned above allowed the heat exchanger to operate in co-current operation.
Next, the hot water regulator was switched on. The flowrate of cold water was set to 3 litre/min
by adjusted the cold water control valve Vcold after the flow indicator was switched to Fcold.
Then, the hot water control valve Vhot was adjusted, after the flow indicator was switched to
Fhot, to give 3 litres/min. The temperatures was monitored using the temperature meters. The
temperatures was allowed to stabilized and recorded when stable. The T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6,
Fhot and Fcold would automatically recorded when the save button was clicked. The experiment
was repeated by using different combinations of hot and cold fluid flowrate by adjusting the
Vcold with constant Vhot.


From the risk assessment, the experiment is quite safe to be conducted as the fluid flow in the
heat exchanger was water which meant no hazardous chemical was involved that would
initiate any explosion or corrosion. However there is one aspect of safety that have to be
focused on which is electrical. The heat exchanger experiment was comprised of electrical
equipment, thus it has to be handled with care even though it has been insulated. For personal
protection, lab coat and safety goggles has to be worn all the time while in the laboratory.


In this section, tabulated result and calculations from each run is presented first before the analysis.
The first two runs are both countercurrent flow, one at which hot fluid and cold fluid have the same
flowrate, and another at which these two fluid flows at different rates. The last two runs are co-current
or parallel flow, also one at which hot fluid and cold fluid have the same flowrate, and another at which
these two fluid flows at different rates.
Technical data is as follows:
Inner tube inside diameter, ID 0.00515 m
Inner tube outside diameter, OD 0.00635 m
Heat transfer length, L (Total) 1.00800 m
Heat transfer area, A 0.01900 m A = π dm L

There are six readings for each table, and only one is selected for the calculation. This selection is
random among the the final three readings before the operation for each run is stopped. The data
selected is bolded.

Logarithmic mean diameter is calculated by the formula:

𝑑𝑚 =
ln 𝐼𝐷

0.00635 − 0.00515
= 0.005729 ≈ 0.006


Countercurrent flow is the flow when two fluids enter at different ends of the exchanger in opposite
directions through the unit.

7.1.1 Same flowrates

Table 1 shows the temperature profile for countercurrent flow with the flowrate of hot fluid and cold
fluid is at the same value, which is set to 3.00 L/min which is equal to 0.00005 m3/s.

Logarithmic Heat
HOT FLUID COLD FLUID mean transfer
diameter area
qvhot T1 T2 T3 qvcold T4 T5 T6
dm A
flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet
(m) (m2)
(m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C) (m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0.00005 52.1 54.5 47.3 0.00005 12.3 14.9 17.5 0.006 0.019

0.00005 51.8 49.6 47.4 0.00005 12.4 15.0 17.5 0.006 0.019

0.00005 51.8 49.6 47.4 0.00005 12.0 14.6 17.2 0.006 0.019
0.00005 52.2 49.8 47.4 0.00005 12.0 14.7 17.3 0.006 0.019

0.00005 52.1 49.8 47.4 0.00005 11.9 14.6 17.2 0.006 0.019

0.00005 51.8 49.5 47.2 0.00005 12.3 14.7 17.1 0.006 0.019
Table 2: Countercurrent flow: Same flowrate

Determining the specific heat of hot fluid:

From the set of data obtained, using T2 = 49.8 °C,
the Cph = 4.180 kJ/kg. °C, and ρ = 988.1 kg/m3

Mass flow rate, m:

𝑚 = 𝜌 ∗ 𝑣 = 988.1 ∗ 0.00005 = 0.0494 𝑘𝑔/𝑠

Reduction in hot fluid temperature, ∆Thot:

T1 – T3 = 52.2 – 47.4 = 4.8 °C

Increase in cold fluid temperature, ∆Tcold:

T6 – T4 = 17.3 – 12.0 = 5.3 °C

Heat power emitted from hot fluid, Qe:

𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑐𝑝ℎ ∗ ∆𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 = 0.0494 ∗ 4.180 ∗ 4.8 = 0.99116 𝑘𝑊 = 991.16 𝑊

Temperature efficiency for hot fluid, Ƞh:

𝑇1 − 𝑇3 52.2 − 47.4
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 11.94 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇4 52.2 − 12.0

Temperature efficiency for cold fluid, Ƞc:

𝑇6 − 𝑇4 17.3 − 12.0
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 13.19 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇4 52.2 − 12.0

Mean temperature efficiency, Ƞm:

Ƞℎ + Ƞ𝑐 11.94 + 13.19
= = 12.57 %
2 2

Temperature difference, ∆T1:

𝑇1 − 𝑇6 = 52.2 − 17.3 = 34.9 °C

Temperature difference, ∆T2:

𝑇3 − 𝑇4 = 47.4 − 12.0 = 35.4 °C

LMTD, ∆Tlm:

∆𝑇2 − ∆𝑇1 35.4 − 34.9

= = 35.15 °C
∆𝑇2 35.4
ln ∆𝑇1 ln

Overall heat transfer coefficient, U:

𝑄𝑡 991.16 𝑊
𝑈= = = 1484.1 2 . °C
𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑡𝑙𝑚 0.019 ∗ 35.15 𝑚

7.1.2 Different flowrates

In the second run, flowrate for hot fluid and cold fluid is set to be different. This is to observe how it
influences the temperature efficiencies and the overall heat transfer coefficient, and how it varies with
the results when both hot and cold fluid has the same flowrate. The hot fluid flowrate is set to be 3.00
L/min (0.00005 m3/s) and the cold fluid flowrate is set to be 0.90 L/min (0.000015 m3/s).

Arithmetic Heat
HOT FLUID COLD FLUID mean transfer
diameter area
qvhot T1 T2 T3 qvcold T4 T5 T6
dm A
flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet
(m) (m2)
(m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C) (m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0.00005 53.6 52.0 50.3 0.000015 12.5 18.7 24.9 0.006 0.019

0.00005 53.7 52.1 50.4 0.000015 12.6 18.6 24.6 0.006 0.019

0.00005 53.4 51.7 50.0 0.000015 12.6 18.6 24.6 0.006 0.019

0.00005 53.8 52.0 50.2 0.000015 12.1 18.2 24.2 0.006 0.019

0.00005 53.6 52.0 50.3 0.000015 12.5 18.8 25.0 0.006 0.019

0.00005 53.8 52.0 50.2 0.000015 12.3 18.8 25.3 0.006 0.019
Table 3: Countercurrent flow: Different flowrates

Determining the specific heat of hot fluid:

From the set of data obtained, using T2 = 52.0 °C
the Cph = 4.181 kJ/kg. °C, and ρ = 987.1 kg/m3

Mass flow rate, m:

𝑚 = 𝜌 ∗ 𝑣 = 987.1 ∗ 0.00005 = 0.0494 𝑘𝑔/𝑠

Reduction in hot fluid temperature, ∆Thot:

53.6 – 50.3 = 3.3 °C

Increase in cold fluid temperature, ∆Tcold:

25.0 – 12.5 = 12.5 °C

Heat power emitted from hot fluid, Qe:

𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑐𝑝ℎ ∗ ∆𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 = 0.0494 ∗ 4.181 ∗ 3.3 = 0.68159 𝑘𝑊 = 681.59 𝑊

Temperature efficiency for hot fluid, Ƞh:

𝑇1 − 𝑇3 53.6 − 50.3
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 8.03 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇4 53.6 − 12.5

Temperature efficiency for cold fluid, Ƞc:

𝑇6 − 𝑇4 25.0 − 12.5
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 30.41 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇4 53.6 − 12.5

Mean temperature efficiency, Ƞm:

Ƞℎ + Ƞ𝑐 8.03 + 30.41
= = 19.22 %
2 2

Temperature difference, ∆T1:

𝑇1 − 𝑇6 = 53.6 − 25.0 = 28.6 °C

Temperature difference, ∆T2:

𝑇3 − 𝑇4 = 50.3 − 12.5 = 37.8 °C

LMTD, ∆Tlm:

∆𝑇2 − ∆𝑇1 37.8 − 28.6

= = 32.99 °C
∆𝑇2 37.8
ln ∆𝑇1 ln 28.6

Overall heat transfer coefficient, U:

𝑄𝑡 681.59 𝑊
𝑈= = = 1087.4 2 . °C
𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑡𝑙𝑚 0.019 ∗ 32.99 𝑚


Parallel flow or co-current flow is the flow when two fluids flow in the same direction. The two fluids
enter at the same end of an exchanger and uses the same exit on the other end of the exchanger. For
this flow type, T6 is the inlet temperature of cold fluid and T4 is the outlet temperature.

7.2.1 Same flowrates

Table 3 shows the temperature profile of the hot fluid and the cold fluid where the flowrate is equal,
which is set to 3.00 L/min (0.00005 m3/s).

Logarithmic Heat
HOT FLUID COLD FLUID mean transfer
diameter area
qvhot T1 T2 T3 qvcold T6 T5 T4 dm A
flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet (m) (m2)
(m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C) (m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0.00005 51.6 48.8 46 0.00005 12.0 14.7 17.4 0.006 0.019
0.00005 51.7 48.8 45.9 0.00005 12.1 14.6 17.4 0.006 0.019
0.00005 51.7 48.8 45.8 0.00005 12.4 14.9 17.4 0.006 0.019
0.00005 51.3 48.7 46.1 0.00005 12.3 14.9 17.4 0.006 0.019
0.00005 51.7 48.8 45.9 0.00005 12.2 14.9 17.6 0.006 0.019
0.00005 51.2 48.6 45.9 0.00005 12.4 14.9 17.3 0.006 0.019
Table 4: Co-current flow: Same flowrates

Determining the specific heat of hot fluid:

From the set of data obtained, using T2 = 48.8 °C
the Cph = 4.180 kJ/kg. °C, and ρ = 988.7 kg/m3

Calculation: Mass flow rate, m:

𝑚 = 𝜌 ∗ 𝑣 = 988.7 ∗ 0.00005 = 0.0494 𝑘𝑔/𝑠

Reduction in hot fluid temperature, ∆Thot:

T1 – T3 = 51.7 – 45.9 = 5.8 °C

Increase in cold fluid temperature, ∆Tcold:

T4 – T6 = 17.6 – 12.2 = 5.4 °C

Heat power emitted from hot fluid, Qe:

𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑐𝑝ℎ ∗ ∆𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 = 0.0494 ∗ 4.180 ∗ 5.8 = 1.19765 𝑘𝑊 = 1197.65 𝑊

Temperature efficiency for hot fluid, Ƞh:

𝑇1 − 𝑇3 51.7 − 45.9
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 17.21 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇6 45.9 − 12.2

Temperature efficiency for cold fluid, Ƞc:

𝑇4 − 𝑇6 17.6 − 12.2
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 16.02 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇6 45.9 − 12.2

Mean temperature efficiency, Ƞm:

Ƞℎ + Ƞ𝑐 17.21 + 16.02
= = 16.62 %
2 2

Temperature difference, ∆T1:

𝑇1 − 𝑇6 = 45.9 − 12.2 = 33.7 °C

Temperature difference, ∆T2:

𝑇3 − 𝑇4 = 51.7 − 17.6 = 34.1 °C

LMTD, ∆Tlm:

∆𝑇1 − ∆𝑇2 34.1 − 33.7

= = 33.90 °C
∆𝑇1 34.1
ln ∆𝑇2 ln 33.7

Overall heat transfer coefficient, U:

𝑄𝑡 1197.65 𝑊
𝑈= = = 1859.4 2 . °C
𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑡𝑙𝑚 0.019 ∗ 33.90 𝑚

7.2.2 Different flowrates

Table 4 shows the temperature profile of the hot fluid and the cold fluid where the flowrate is different,
where the hot fluid flowrate is maintained to be 3.00 L/s (0.00005 m 3/s) and the cold fluid flowrate is
adjusted to be 0.90 L/s (0.000015 m3/s).

Logarithmic Heat
HOT FLUID COLD FLUID mean transfer
diameter area
qvhot T1 T2 T3 qvcold T6 T5 T4 dm A
flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet flowrate Inlet Mid Outlet (m) (m2)
(m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C) (m3/s) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0.00005 53.7 51.7 49.7 0.000015 13.2 19.8 26.3 0.006 0.019
0.00005 53.5 51.6 49.7 0.000015 13.4 20.0 26.5 0.006 0.019
0.00005 53.4 51.6 49.8 0.000015 13.1 19.6 26.0 0.006 0.019
0.00005 53.9 51.9 49.9 0.000015 13.0 19.3 25.5 0.006 0.019
0.00005 53.9 51.7 49.5 0.000015 13.1 19.6 26.1 0.006 0.019
0.00005 54.0 51.8 49.5 0.000015 13.1 19.7 26.3 0.006 0.019

Table 5: Co-current flow: Different flowrates

Determining the specific heat of hot fluid:

From the set of data obtained, using T2 = 51.7 °C
the Cph = 4.181 kJ/kg. °C, and ρ = 987.3 kg/m3

Calculation: Mass flow rate, m:

𝑚 = 𝜌 ∗ 𝑣 = 987.3 ∗ 0.00005 = 0.0494 𝑘𝑔/𝑠

Reduction in hot fluid temperature, ∆Thot:

T1 – T3 = 53.9 – 49.5 = 4.4 °C

Increase in cold fluid temperature, ∆Tcold:

T4 – T6 = 26.1 – 13.1 = 13.0 °C

Heat power emitted from hot fluid, Qe:

𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑐𝑝ℎ ∗ ∆𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 = 0.0494 ∗ 4.181 ∗ 4.4 = 0.90878 𝑘𝑊 = 908.78 𝑊

Temperature efficiency for hot fluid, Ƞh:

𝑇1 − 𝑇3 53.9 − 49.5
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 10.78 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇6 53.9 − 13.1

Temperature efficiency for cold fluid, Ƞc:

𝑇4 − 𝑇6 26.1 − 13.1
∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 31.86 %
𝑇1 − 𝑇6 53.9 − 13.1

Mean temperature efficiency, Ƞm:

Ƞℎ + Ƞ𝑐 10.78 + 31.86
= = 21.32 %
2 2

Temperature difference, ∆T1:

𝑇1 − 𝑇6 = 53.9 − 13.1 = 40.8 °C

Temperature difference, ∆T2:

𝑇3 − 𝑇4 = 49.5 − 26.1 = 23.4 °C

LMTD, ∆Tlm:

∆𝑇1 − ∆𝑇2 40.8 − 23.4

= = 31.29 °C
∆𝑇1 40.8
ln ∆𝑇2 ln 23.4

Overall heat transfer coefficient, U:

𝑄𝑡 908.78 𝑊
𝑈= = = 1528.6 2 . °C
𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑡𝑙𝑚 0.019 ∗ 31.29 𝑚

7.3.1 Temperature Profile Graphs


Cold fluid Hot fluid

60 47.4
outlet 49.8 52.2
50 inlet


12 14.7
20 inlet 17.3

Figure 5: Temperature profile for countercurrent flow with similar flowrates

Cold fluid Hot fluid

60 50.3
outlet 52 53.6
50 inlet


12.5 18.8 25.0
20 inlet outlet


Figure 6: Temperature profile for countercurrent flow with different flowrates

The temperature profiles in Figure 5 and Figure 6 satisfies the temperature-length curve of
countercurrent flow as proposed in principles of heat flow in fluids. The hot fluid experience a drop in
temperature and the cold fluid experience a rise in temperature. The direction of flow for hot fluid is
from the right side to the left side (hence the label ‘inlet’ and ‘outlet’) and the direction of flow for cold
fluid is from the left side to the right side.


Cold fluid Hot fluid
50 45.9

20 14.9 17.6

Figure 7: Temperature profile for cocurrent flow with similar flowrate


Cold fluid Hot fluid
60 inlet 51.7


30 26.1
13.1 19.6
20 inlet


Figure 8: Temperature profile for cocurrent flow with different flowrate

The temperature profiles in Figure 7 and Figure 8 satisfies the temperature-length curve of co-current
flow as proposed in principles of heat flow in fluids. The hot fluid experience a drop in temperature and
the cold fluid experience a rise in temperature. The direction of flow for both fluids are from the left
side of the graph to the right side of the graph.

7.3.2 ∆Thot and ∆Tcold to flow types

Flow type ∆Thot (°C) ∆Tcold (°C)

Same flowrate 4.8 5.3
Different flowrate 3.3 12.5
Same flowrate 5.8 5.4
Different flowrate 19.5 13.2
Table 6: Change in fluid temperature for each flowtypes and flowrates

From this table, it is observed that the change in fluid temperature for both hot fluid and cold fluid is
greater in co-current flow compared to countercurrent flow. Another observation is that the change in
fluid temperature is greater when the flowrates are different. In this experiment, the hot fluid flowrate is
kept constant at 3.00 L/s. In theory, Q = mc∆T proposes that heat transfer, Q, increases when mass
flow rate increases. Since Q is approximately the same value when calculated with the variables of hot
fluid and cold fluid, it is expected that when the mass of flow rate of the cold fluid decreases, the
change in temperature increases to balance out and thus obtain the approximately similar value of Q.
This is also the reason why ∆T for the same flowrates are approximately similar.
To put things clearly, a table is generated. Mass flow rate is calculated with m = ρv, with v = 0.000015

Heat Q emitted Q emitted

Density, Mass flow ∆Tcold
Flow type capacity, from cold from hot
(kg/m3) rate (kg/s) (°C)
(kJ/kg) fluid (W) fluid (W)
Countercurrent 4.182 998.5 0.015 12.5 784.13 681.59
Co-current 4.182 998.5 0.015 13.2 828.04 908.78
Table 7: Calculation of Q for different flowrates using cold fluid variables

Table shows that Q values for cold fluid are approximately ±100 to Q values for hot fluid. It is expected
that this behavior is also to be seen in both flow types where the fluids have same flowrates. Table 7
shows that this is indeed the case.

Heat Q emitted Q emitted

Density, Mass flow ∆Tcold
Flow type capacity, from cold from hot
(kg/m3) rate (kg/s) (°C)
(kJ/kg) fluid (W) fluid (W)
Countercurrent 4.182 998.5 0.0494 5.3 1094.93 991.16
Co-current 4.182 998.5 0.0494 5.4 1115.59 1197.65
Table 8:Calculation of Q for same flowrates using cold fluid variables

7.3.3 Hot and cold fluid temperature efficiencies

Temperature efficiency is defined in words as:
∆𝑇 𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑
𝑥 100
∆𝑇 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠
This is to calculate how much ∆T for hot and cold fluid has been achiveved in ratio to the maximum
∆T, which is the ∆T at inlets. This is a useful measure of the heat exchanger performance. The higher
the temperature efficiency, the higher the heat transfer rate achieved by the heat exchanger.



Temperature efficiency (%)

Countercurrent Cocurrent Countercurrent Cocurrent

20 35 31.86
17.21 30.41
Temperature efficiency (%)

15 25
20 16.02
10 8.03 13.19

5 10
0 0
Same flowrate Different flowrate Same flowrate Different flowrate

Figure 9: Hot fluid and cold fluid temperature efficiencies in respect to flowtypes and flowrates

Temperature efficiencies in countercurrent is lower than temperature efficiencies in co-current,

observed in both flowrates. This complies with the experimental result where Q for countercurrent flow
is indeed lower than the Q for co-current flow. This suggests that the heat transfer is more efficient or
faster in co-current flow.

Other than individual stream temperature efficiencies, mean temperature efficiency is also calculated.
Mean temperature efficiency is simply the average between the temperature efficiency for hot fluid and
temperature efficiency for cold fluid.

Mean temperature efficiencies (%)

Countercurrent Cocurrent

25 21.3
20 16.62
15 12.57


Same flowrate Different flowrate

Figure 10: Mean temperature efficiencies for different flow types and flowrates

The relationship between mean temperature efficiency and heat transfer rate is demonstrated as


1500 1000
991.16 800 681.59
1000 600
Q (W)
Q (W)

0 0
12.57 16.62 19.22 21.32

Figure 11: Heat transfer rate against mean temperature efficiency in both flow types

From Figure 11, it is shown that the higher the mean temperature efficiency, the higher the heat
transfer rate.

7.3.4 Overall heat transfer coefficient, U against Log mean temperature difference, ∆TLM




2000 2000

1484.1 1528.6
1500 1500 1087.4
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
33.9 35.15 31.29 32.99

Figure 12: U against ∆TLM in same and different flowrates

By the formula:
𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑡𝑙𝑚
U is inversely proportional to ∆TLM. The higher the log mean temperature difference, the smaller the
value of U and vice versa. The graph shows this behavior as expected. The log mean temperature
difference in countercurrent flow is higher than in co-current flow. It is proposed that a higher value of
U is to be seen in countercurrent flow, however, the experiment conducted did not show this result.
Heat transfer coefficient is instead higher in co-current flow.
According to McCabe, et al. (2004), parallel flow is desirable in situations requiring a rapid
temperature change. Although having a rapid temperature change is not the objective of this
experiment, it is possible to assume that the heat transfer was rapid and therefore is the cause of U
bearing a higher value in co-current flow.

7.3.5 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Heat Flux: Comparison & Analysis

The table below presents the calculated overall heat transfer coefficient, U for each flow type and

Flowrate (L/s)* Overall heat transfer

Flow type coefficient, U
Hot fluid Cold fluid
3.00 3.00 1484.1
3.00 0.90 1087.4
3.00 3.00 1859.4
Co-current / Parallel
3.00 0.90 1528.6
Table 9: Overall heat transfer coefficient for different flow types and flowrates

*The flowrate is written in the unit L/s for convenient reading.

The result shows that for both countercurrent and co-current flow, the overall heat transfer coefficient
is higher when the hot fluid and cold fluid is operated at the same flowrate compared to the overall
heat transfer coefficient when the hot fluid and cold fluid is operated in different flowrate.
The table below presents the calculated heat flux, Q for each flow type and flowrate.

Flowrate (L/s)*
Flow type Heat flux, Q (W)
Hot fluid Cold fluid
3.00 3.00 991.16
3.00 0.90 681.59
3.00 3.00 1197.65
Co-current / Parallel
3.00 0.90 908.78
Table 10: Heat flux for different flow types and flowrates

Since Q is proportional to U, it is logical that the heat flux calculated for each flow type and flowrate
shares the same observation with the overall heat transfer coefficient. The rate of heat transfer, Q, in
co-current flow is higher than the rate of heat transfer in countercurrent flow.
Thanhtrung et. al. (2010) in their report concludes that with similar inlet temperature of the hot fluid,
“the heat flux, Q, obtained from the counter-flow arrangement is always higher than that obtained from
the parallel-flow one”.
In attempt to prove this statement with available data, another calculation for heat flux based on Table
1, countercurrent flow (same flowrate) with
Th, inlet = 51.8 °C and Th, outlet = 47.2 °C
is done to compare the Q based on the inlet temperature from Table 3, co-current flow (same flowrate)
with approximately similar temperature,
Th, inlet = 51.7 °C.
After computations, Qcounter is calculated to be 949.86 W, which is still lower than Qco-current = 1197.65
From this, it is observed that even with approximately equal inlet temperature of the hot fluid in both
flow types, the heat flux in co-current flow is still higher than the heat flux in countercurrent flow. This
is in contrast with the heat exchanger theory that heat flux in countercurrent flow is higher than co-
current flow. Demedeiros, et al. (2009) conducted an experiment investigating on how cold water
flowrate affects the heat flux, and later observed that there is “no noticeable difference in the heat
transfer rate between parallel flow and counter current flow” despite the principle that countercurrent
flow should show a higher rate of heat transfer.
As discussed in the previous section, it is assumed that U is higher in co-current flow due to fast heat
transfer between the cold and hot fluid.

7.3.6 Experimental error

Theoretically, heat loss by hot fluid is gained by the cold fluid (McCabe, et al., 2004). Therefore, Q
emitted from cold fluid should bear the same value to Q emitted from hot fluid. Table 10 shows the
difference between these two values as well as the error calculated, taking Qhot as reference.

Flow type Qhot (W) Qcold (W) Error (%)

Same flowrate 991.16 1094.93 10.47
Different flowrate 686.59 784.13 14.92
Same flowrate 1197.65 1115.59 6.85
Different flowrate 908.78 828.04 8.88
Table 11: Q emitted from hot fluid and cold fluid and error between the two values

For the stream in the annular space between the pipe, heat can be gained or lost via heat transfer with
the ambient air, given that if the fluid is colder or hotter than the ambient temperature (McCabe, et al.,
2004). Since cold fluid absorbs heat to increase temperature, Qcold value in Table 10 shows that more
heat is gained by the cold fluid in countercurrent flow than the heat loss by hot fluid. For co-current
flow, more heat is loss by the hot fluid than the heat gained by cold fluid.

The cold fluid is the fluid occupying the annular space of the pipe. Between the cold fluid stream and
the pipe is ambient air, which can influence heat loss or gained by the cold fluid. Looking at the type of
flow, the basic flow of the cold stream can be drawn simply as follows:


Cold fluid Hot fluid

12.4 60

12.2 40
11.8 20
11.6 0
Inlet Contact Inlet,
with hot contact with
fluid hot fluid

Figure 13: Basic flow of cold fluid in both flow types

However, taking account of ambient air, the flow profile of cold stream may not be as accurate as
shown in Figure 13.
In countercurrent flow, the cold fluid enters its stream in opposite direction of the hot fluid. Between the
time of inlet and contact with hot fluid, the cold fluid possibly gains heat from the higher ambient
temperature, given that the pipe has low thermal insulation. Therefore, in countercurrent flow, it is
possible for Qcold to have a higher value than Qhot which implies that more heat is gained by the cold
fluid due to the initial conditions of the stream.
In co-current flow, the cold fluid enters the stream at the same time side of the hot fluid’s entrance.
Heat is gained by cold fluid immediately at the initial contact. After some time, the cold fluid
temperature will reach a temperature higher than the ambient temperature and therefore starts losing
heat to the ambient air. Therefore, in co-current flow, it is possible for Qcold to be lower (in small
magnitude, since temperature of cold fluid will then return to approximately equal to T ambient and further
fluctuates) compared to Qhot due to this reason.

By the formula:
𝑄 = 𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ ∆𝑇𝐿𝑀
U is related proportionally to Q. Therefore, similar behavior in U values when calculated with cold
water variables is expected. Table below shows U calculated by using Qcold.

Flow type Uhot (W) Ucold (W) Error (%)

Same flowrate 1484.1 1639.48 10.47
Different flowrate 1087.4 1250.99 15.04
Same flowrate 1859.4 1732.01 6.85
Different flowrate 1528.6 1392.81 8.88
Table 12: Calculation of U using cold water variables and the error

Table shows similar results. Ucold in countercurrent flow is calculated to be higher than Uhot and in co-
current flow, is lower than Uhot. As a conclusion, the experimental error is most likely due to fairly low
pipe insulation.


Based on this experiment, the process of exchanging heat between hot and cold water by using
Tubular Heat Exchanger is more efficient when it was conducted in co-current operation with hot and
cold water flow with the same flowrate. It has been proven from the discussion above. The change in
temperature, mean temperature efficiency, total heat transfer coefficient, and heat flux are the highest
when heat exchanger was conducted in co-current operation with hot and cold water flow with the
same flowrate. Plus, the percentage error for this operation is the lowest which meant there was not
much difference between Q emitted from cold fluid and Q emitted from hot fluid. However, based on
the theory, it would be more efficient if it was conducted in countercurrent but would need a longer
time to get the best result which are higher in total heat transfer coeficcient and heat flux than in co-
current operation based on the temperature profile of hot and cold water. Thus, it can be concluded
that it is more efficient to exchange heat when same flowrate of hot and cold water connected in co-
current operation when only short time time was allocated.
To have a better operation of exchanging heat in the future, firstly, it is recommended to use a heat
exchanger with better materials for the pipe in term of thermal insulation. Materials with good thermal
insulation is called thermal insulators. Thermal insulators can reduce the flow of heat by limiting
conduction, convection or both. This is because reduction in the heat received by the cold water from
the surrounding would be favorable. The temperature of the cold water could affect the temperature
difference in hot water, thus affecting the heat flux Q. Next, the experiment should be conducted in a
longer time for each operations and flowrates to get more accurate results. By allocating more time,
the results could be closer to the theoretical result.

Dang, T., Teng, J.-t. & Chu, J.-c., 2010. Effect of Flow Arrangement on the Heat Transfer Behaviors of
a Microchannel Heat Exchanger. Hong Kong, IMECS.
Demedeiros, A., Ferguson, R. & Powers, B., 2009. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Boston:
Wentworth Institute of Technology.
Isaza, P. A., Warnica, W. D. & Bussmann, M., 2015. Counter-current parallel-plate moving bed heat
exchanger: An analytical solution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 87(11), p. 625.
McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C. & Harriott, P., 2004. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering. 7 ed.
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Rolle, K., 2015. Heat and Mass Transfer, SI. 2 ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.
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Heat Transfer Research Described (Counter-current parallel-plate moving bed heat exchanger: An
Analytical Solution). 26 July, p. 276.

Original experimental data is attached.
Hot Cold Specific
Specific Density Density
Water Water Temp Temp Temp Temp Heat
Sample Flow Heat Hot Cold
Flow Flow T1 T2 T3 T4 Cold
Number Orientation Hot Fluid Fluid Fluid
rate rate Fluid
Fhot Fcold [°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] Cpc
[kJ/kg K] [kg/m³] [kg/m³]
[l/min] [l/min] [kJ/kg K]
1 0.01 2.95 21.7 27.5 12.4 12.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
2 0.01 2.97 21.7 27.6 12.4 12.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
3 0.01 2.95 21.6 27.7 12.2 12.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
4 3.00 2.96 31.4 25.3 12.5 13.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
5 3.00 2.95 41.9 37.5 12.4 14.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
6 3.00 2.94 45.5 40.5 12.1 15.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
7 3.00 2.96 46.5 42.2 12.4 16.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
8 3.00 2.96 45.9 42.5 12.0 16.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
9 3.00 2.95 45.9 42.1 12.5 16.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
10 3.00 2.96 45.4 41.7 12.2 16.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
11 3.00 2.95 44.9 41.2 12.6 16.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
12 3.00 2.95 44.9 41.2 12.3 16.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
13 3.00 2.94 45.1 41.3 12.5 16.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
14 3.00 2.95 45.5 41.7 12.2 16.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
15 3.00 2.94 45.8 41.5 12.4 16.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
16 3.00 2.95 45.8 41.6 12.3 16.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
17 3.00 2.96 46.5 42.4 12.5 16.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
18 3.00 2.96 47.0 42.9 12.4 16.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
19 3.00 2.96 46.9 43.2 12.5 16.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
20 3.00 2.98 47.5 42.9 12.6 16.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
21 3.00 2.97 47.9 43.6 12.5 16.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
22 3.00 2.95 47.8 43.9 12.6 16.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
23 3.00 2.96 48.1 43.8 12.5 16.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
24 3.00 2.97 48.8 44.4 12.3 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
25 3.00 2.96 48.8 44.5 12.3 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
26 3.00 2.95 49.1 44.8 12.6 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
27 3.00 2.96 49.2 44.6 12.2 16.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
28 3.00 2.96 49.5 45.1 12.3 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
29 3.00 2.97 49.4 45.0 12.4 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
30 3.00 2.97 49.6 45.3 12.4 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
31 3.00 2.97 50.0 44.9 12.7 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
32 3.00 2.96 49.9 45.3 12.5 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
33 3.00 2.96 49.9 45.7 12.3 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
34 3.00 2.95 50.0 45.7 12.4 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
35 3.00 2.97 50.6 46.1 12.2 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
36 3.00 2.98 50.8 45.8 12.6 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
37 3.00 2.97 50.5 45.7 12.4 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
38 3.00 2.94 51.1 46.3 12.5 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
39 3.00 2.94 50.9 46.0 12.4 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
40 3.00 2.95 50.7 46.5 12.5 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
41 3.00 2.95 50.6 46.5 12.3 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
42 3.00 2.96 51.2 46.5 12.0 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
43 3.00 2.95 50.9 46.7 12.5 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
44 3.00 2.96 51.4 46.6 12.6 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
45 3.00 2.95 51.6 46.4 12.2 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
46 3.00 2.94 51.5 46.8 12.6 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
47 3.00 2.95 51.5 46.9 12.6 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
48 3.00 2.95 51.3 46.8 12.5 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
49 3.00 2.94 51.2 46.5 12.2 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
50 3.00 2.94 51.7 47.1 12.5 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
51 3.00 2.95 51.6 47.0 12.5 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
52 3.00 2.96 51.8 47.0 12.5 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
53 3.00 2.95 51.9 46.9 12.5 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
54 3.00 2.96 51.8 47.1 12.6 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
55 3.00 2.95 52.0 47.0 12.3 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
56 3.00 2.95 52.0 47.2 12.0 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
57 3.00 2.97 51.9 47.3 12.2 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
58 3.00 2.97 52.0 47.4 12.5 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
59 3.00 2.97 52.1 47.2 12.5 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
60 3.00 2.97 51.5 47.1 12.5 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
61 3.00 2.96 51.6 47.3 12.3 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
62 3.00 2.94 52.1 47.1 12.2 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
63 3.00 2.96 51.5 46.9 12.2 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
64 3.00 2.97 51.8 47.5 12.3 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
65 3.00 2.97 52.1 47.3 12.0 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
66 3.00 2.97 52.1 47.3 12.2 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
67 3.00 2.96 52.1 47.4 12.2 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
68 3.00 2.97 51.6 47.3 12.2 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
69 3.00 2.96 52.1 47.3 12.3 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
70 3.00 2.95 52.2 47.4 12.4 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
71 3.00 2.96 51.5 46.9 12.5 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
72 3.00 2.95 51.7 47.0 12.6 17.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
73 3.00 2.96 52.0 47.4 12.4 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
74 3.00 2.98 51.7 47.3 12.1 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
75 3.00 2.97 51.9 46.8 12.1 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
76 3.00 2.97 51.7 47.3 12.4 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
77 3.00 2.97 52.1 47.3 12.5 17.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
78 3.00 2.96 51.9 47.6 12.2 17.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
79 3.00 2.97 52.2 47.0 12.4 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
80 3.00 2.97 52.2 47.6 12.6 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
81 3.00 2.96 51.8 47.4 12.1 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
82 3.00 2.97 51.9 47.4 12.3 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
83 3.00 2.96 51.9 47.4 12.2 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
84 3.00 2.95 52.1 47.3 12.4 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
85 3.00 2.97 52.2 47.5 12.4 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
86 3.00 2.98 52.0 47.2 12.2 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
87 3.00 2.98 52.1 46.8 12.1 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
88 3.00 2.97 52.2 47.4 12.5 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
89 3.00 2.97 51.9 47.1 12.3 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
90 3.00 2.97 52.0 47.1 12.4 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
91 3.00 2.98 52.1 47.3 12.3 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
92 3.00 2.97 52.2 46.9 12.4 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
93 3.00 2.97 51.9 47.0 12.3 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
94 3.00 2.99 51.9 47.6 12.3 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
95 3.00 2.96 51.9 47.5 12.0 17.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
96 3.00 2.96 52.1 47.5 12.2 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
97 3.00 2.99 52.1 47.2 12.1 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
98 3.00 2.96 51.8 47.3 12.4 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
99 3.00 2.99 51.8 47.1 12.1 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
100 3.00 3.00 52.0 46.9 12.2 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
101 3.00 2.98 52.3 47.2 12.3 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
102 3.00 2.99 52.4 47.6 12.4 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
103 3.00 2.99 51.8 47.1 12.4 17.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
104 3.00 2.98 51.9 47.5 12.0 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
105 3.00 2.99 52.1 47.5 12.5 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
106 3.00 2.97 52.3 47.4 12.2 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
107 3.00 2.97 52.1 47.0 12.2 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
108 3.00 2.98 52.2 47.5 12.0 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
109 3.00 2.97 52.2 47.3 12.2 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
110 3.00 2.99 52.0 47.5 12.2 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
111 3.00 2.98 51.7 47.1 12.3 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
112 3.00 2.98 52.2 47.1 12.2 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
113 3.00 2.96 52.3 47.0 12.3 17.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
114 3.00 2.99 52.1 47.6 12.1 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
115 3.00 3.00 52.1 47.3 12.3 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
116 3.00 3.00 51.8 47.4 12.4 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
117 3.00 3.00 51.8 47.4 12.0 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
118 3.00 3.00 52.2 47.4 12.0 17.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
119 3.00 2.98 51.8 47.4 12.0 17.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
120 3.00 3.00 52.1 47.4 11.9 17.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
121 3.00 3.00 51.8 47.2 12.3 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
122 3.00 3.00 52.2 47.5 11.8 17.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
123 3.00 3.00 51.7 47.4 12.4 17.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
124 0.01 0.97 26.6 39.2 12.3 12.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
125 0.01 0.96 26.6 39.2 12.4 12.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
126 0.15 0.98 26.3 38.9 12.5 12.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
127 3.00 0.97 44.9 38.7 12.0 13.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
128 3.00 0.96 48.8 44.2 12.4 16.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
129 3.00 0.97 49.8 46.4 12.0 19.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
130 3.00 0.98 49.8 46.8 12.4 20.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
131 3.00 0.97 49.9 47.0 12.1 21.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
132 3.00 0.97 49.7 46.8 12.5 21.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
133 3.00 0.98 49.6 46.7 12.5 22.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
134 3.00 0.97 49.6 46.4 12.4 22.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
135 3.00 0.97 49.9 46.8 12.0 22.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
136 3.00 0.97 50.0 46.5 12.5 22.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
137 3.00 0.97 50.3 47.1 12.5 22.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
138 3.00 0.98 50.8 47.4 12.4 22.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
139 3.00 0.98 50.9 47.8 12.2 23.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
140 3.00 0.97 51.5 47.9 12.4 23.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
141 3.00 0.98 51.7 47.9 12.4 23.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
142 3.00 0.98 51.7 48.3 12.3 23.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
143 3.00 0.97 52.0 48.5 12.5 23.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
144 3.00 0.97 52.1 48.9 12.1 23.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
145 3.00 0.97 52.2 49.0 12.5 24.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
146 3.00 0.97 51.8 48.8 12.3 23.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
147 3.00 0.97 52.1 49.0 12.3 23.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
148 3.00 0.98 52.1 49.2 12.0 23.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
149 3.00 0.98 52.6 49.4 12.3 24.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
150 3.00 0.97 52.5 49.1 12.5 23.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
151 3.00 0.96 52.7 49.3 12.0 23.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
152 3.00 0.97 52.6 49.4 12.5 23.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
153 3.00 0.98 52.9 49.7 12.6 23.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
154 3.00 0.97 53.1 49.7 12.2 24.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
155 3.00 0.97 53.2 49.3 12.5 23.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
156 3.00 0.98 52.9 49.6 12.4 24.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
157 3.00 0.97 53.4 49.4 12.2 24.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
158 3.00 0.96 52.8 49.9 12.2 24.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
159 3.00 0.96 53.4 50.0 12.2 24.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
160 3.00 0.96 53.4 49.5 12.2 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
161 3.00 0.98 53.5 50.0 12.0 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
162 3.00 0.96 53.7 50.1 12.3 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
163 3.00 0.97 53.2 49.5 12.5 24.1 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
164 3.00 0.98 53.2 50.0 12.5 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
165 3.00 0.98 53.6 50.2 12.1 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
166 3.00 0.97 53.7 49.8 12.1 24.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
167 3.00 0.96 53.6 49.9 12.1 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
168 3.00 0.97 53.1 50.0 12.2 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
169 3.00 0.97 53.8 49.8 12.6 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
170 3.00 0.97 53.4 50.3 12.5 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
171 3.00 0.96 53.8 50.1 12.1 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
172 3.00 0.98 53.8 49.9 12.3 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
173 3.00 0.96 53.4 49.9 12.1 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
174 3.00 0.97 53.5 50.2 12.0 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
175 3.00 0.96 54.0 50.5 12.5 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
176 3.00 0.95 53.7 49.9 12.2 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
177 3.00 0.97 53.6 50.3 12.3 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
178 3.00 0.96 53.9 50.4 12.6 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
179 3.00 0.96 53.4 50.5 12.4 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
180 3.00 0.96 53.8 50.0 12.5 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
181 3.00 0.95 53.8 50.0 12.0 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
182 3.00 0.97 53.8 50.3 12.3 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
183 3.00 0.96 54.0 50.5 12.5 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
184 3.00 0.97 53.9 50.4 12.5 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
185 3.00 0.97 54.1 50.3 12.0 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
186 3.00 0.97 53.8 49.9 12.4 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
187 3.00 0.97 53.8 50.0 12.5 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
188 3.00 0.97 54.2 50.2 12.4 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
189 3.00 0.96 53.7 50.3 12.5 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
190 3.00 0.96 53.7 50.3 12.5 25.4 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
191 3.00 0.96 53.9 50.1 12.5 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
192 3.00 0.97 53.7 50.3 12.5 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
193 3.00 0.96 53.3 50.1 12.4 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
194 3.00 0.95 53.7 50.2 12.5 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
195 3.00 0.95 53.6 50.4 12.6 25.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
196 3.00 0.97 53.6 50.3 12.4 25.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
197 3.00 0.97 53.9 50.4 12.5 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
198 3.00 0.95 53.3 50.2 12.5 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
199 3.00 0.96 53.3 50.0 12.5 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
200 3.00 0.95 54.0 50.4 12.4 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
201 3.00 0.97 53.9 50.5 12.4 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
202 3.00 0.95 53.5 50.2 12.5 24.5 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
203 3.00 0.97 53.5 50.0 12.5 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
204 3.00 0.96 53.8 50.4 12.5 24.8 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
205 3.00 0.97 53.4 50.0 12.6 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
206 3.00 0.97 53.8 50.0 12.6 24.7 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
207 3.00 0.96 53.6 50.0 12.5 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
208 3.00 0.96 53.4 49.9 12.7 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
209 3.00 0.97 53.4 50.3 12.2 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
210 3.00 0.94 53.4 50.4 12.7 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
211 3.00 0.97 53.6 50.3 12.5 24.9 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
212 3.00 0.97 53.7 50.4 12.6 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
213 3.00 0.96 53.4 50.0 12.6 24.6 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
214 3.00 0.96 53.8 50.2 12.1 24.2 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
215 3.00 0.96 53.6 50.3 12.5 25.0 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
216 3.00 0.97 53.8 50.2 12.3 25.3 Countercurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
217 0.00 0.92 28.6 32.6 13.0 13.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
218 1.54 0.91 27.7 32.4 13.0 12.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
219 3.00 0.90 26.4 26.3 13.1 13.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
220 3.00 0.90 26.0 31.5 13.1 14.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
221 3.00 0.90 35.4 40.5 12.8 15.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
222 3.00 0.91 41.0 45.0 13.2 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
223 3.00 0.89 42.8 46.2 13.1 19.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
224 3.00 0.91 43.3 46.6 13.0 20.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
225 3.00 0.91 43.0 46.3 13.2 22.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
226 3.00 0.89 42.8 46.0 13.1 22.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
227 3.00 0.90 43.0 46.5 13.1 22.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
228 3.00 0.90 42.6 46.3 13.2 23.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
229 3.00 0.92 42.9 46.6 13.1 22.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
230 3.00 0.89 43.4 46.6 13.1 23.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
231 3.00 0.90 43.4 47.2 13.1 22.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
232 3.00 0.91 44.1 47.4 12.9 23.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
233 3.00 0.90 44.5 47.9 12.9 23.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
234 3.00 0.90 44.5 48.4 13.0 23.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
235 3.00 0.90 45.3 48.9 13.2 23.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
236 3.00 0.90 45.6 48.8 13.3 24.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
237 3.00 0.91 45.8 49.6 13.1 23.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
238 3.00 0.91 46.1 49.7 12.7 24.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
239 3.00 0.90 46.2 49.6 12.7 24.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
240 3.00 0.89 46.2 50.2 12.6 24.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
241 3.00 0.91 46.6 50.2 13.2 24.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
242 3.00 0.91 46.4 50.7 12.7 24.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
243 3.00 0.90 46.7 51.0 13.1 24.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
244 3.00 0.90 47.2 51.0 12.7 24.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
245 3.00 0.90 47.3 51.4 13.1 24.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
246 3.00 0.89 47.3 51.2 13.2 24.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
247 3.00 0.89 47.9 51.0 13.3 24.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
248 3.00 0.91 47.9 51.1 13.0 24.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
249 3.00 0.89 47.9 51.8 13.0 25.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
250 3.00 0.91 48.0 51.6 12.7 24.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
251 3.00 0.91 47.8 52.0 12.8 25.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
252 3.00 0.90 48.0 52.1 12.7 25.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
253 3.00 0.90 48.4 52.5 12.8 25.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
254 3.00 0.90 48.5 52.2 12.8 25.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
255 3.00 0.90 48.7 52.3 13.1 25.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
256 3.00 0.91 48.3 52.9 13.2 25.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
257 3.00 0.90 48.8 52.7 13.2 25.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
258 3.00 0.90 48.7 53.0 12.9 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
259 3.00 0.90 48.9 52.7 12.9 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
260 3.00 0.89 48.8 52.5 12.7 25.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
261 3.00 0.90 49.1 53.1 13.0 25.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
262 3.00 0.91 49.2 53.1 13.2 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
263 3.00 0.89 49.1 53.0 13.2 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
264 3.00 0.88 49.0 53.0 13.1 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
265 3.00 0.91 49.0 53.3 12.7 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
266 3.00 0.89 48.8 53.0 13.1 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
267 3.00 0.91 49.4 53.3 12.8 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
268 3.00 0.90 49.5 53.5 13.2 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
269 3.00 0.89 49.2 53.2 12.8 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
270 3.00 0.90 49.5 53.1 13.0 25.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
271 3.00 0.91 49.7 53.3 12.9 25.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
272 3.00 0.89 49.2 53.6 13.2 25.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
273 3.00 0.89 49.8 53.3 13.4 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
274 3.00 0.91 49.1 53.2 12.9 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
275 3.00 0.90 49.3 53.3 12.8 25.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
276 3.00 0.89 49.8 53.4 12.7 25.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
277 3.00 0.89 49.6 53.1 13.2 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
278 3.00 0.90 49.7 53.7 13.2 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
279 3.00 0.89 49.5 53.6 12.8 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
280 3.00 0.89 49.4 53.7 13.3 25.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
281 3.00 0.88 49.9 54.0 13.1 26.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
282 3.00 0.90 49.7 53.5 13.4 26.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
283 3.00 0.89 49.5 53.9 13.2 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
284 3.00 0.89 49.5 53.8 13.2 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
285 3.00 0.89 49.7 53.7 13.1 26.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
286 3.00 0.90 49.8 53.4 13.1 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
287 3.00 0.90 49.9 53.9 13.0 25.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
288 3.00 0.89 49.4 54.0 12.9 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
289 3.00 0.90 49.9 54.0 13.3 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
290 3.00 0.90 50.0 53.8 13.2 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
291 3.00 0.90 49.5 53.9 13.2 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
292 3.00 0.89 49.8 53.4 13.1 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
293 3.00 0.89 49.8 53.8 12.9 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
294 3.00 0.89 49.4 53.9 12.9 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
295 3.00 0.91 49.9 53.7 12.7 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
296 3.00 0.90 49.5 53.9 13.1 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
297 3.00 0.90 49.5 54.0 13.1 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
298 3.00 0.89 49.4 53.8 13.4 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
299 3.00 0.90 49.7 53.8 12.9 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
300 3.00 0.89 50.0 53.9 13.1 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
301 3.00 0.89 49.9 53.8 13.4 26.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
302 3.00 0.90 50.0 53.7 13.4 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
303 3.00 0.89 49.7 53.7 12.8 26.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
304 3.00 0.90 49.6 53.7 13.2 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
305 3.00 0.89 49.5 54.0 13.1 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
306 3.00 0.90 49.5 53.6 12.8 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
307 3.00 0.89 50.0 53.5 12.9 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
308 3.00 0.90 49.6 54.0 12.8 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
309 3.00 0.89 49.4 53.7 13.3 26.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
310 3.00 0.88 49.8 53.6 13.1 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
311 3.00 0.90 49.9 54.0 12.7 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
312 3.00 0.91 49.8 53.9 13.1 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
313 3.00 0.89 49.9 53.7 13.2 25.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
314 3.00 0.89 49.9 53.7 12.9 26.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
315 3.00 0.91 49.8 53.9 12.9 26.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
316 3.00 0.89 49.5 53.8 12.8 25.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
317 0.01 3.00 32.0 49.5 12.9 13.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
318 0.01 3.00 31.7 49.3 12.7 13.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
319 3.00 3.00 36.9 50.1 12.8 13.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
320 3.00 3.00 45.4 52.5 12.9 16.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
321 3.00 3.00 46.8 53.2 13.0 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
322 3.00 3.00 46.8 53.3 12.5 18.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
323 3.00 3.00 47.1 52.9 12.9 18.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
324 3.00 3.00 46.6 52.5 13.0 18.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
325 3.00 3.00 46.5 51.9 12.5 18.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
326 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.8 12.5 18.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
327 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.4 12.8 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
328 3.00 3.00 46.2 51.6 12.7 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
329 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.8 18.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
330 3.00 3.00 46.3 51.4 12.7 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
331 3.00 3.00 46.3 51.5 12.7 18.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
332 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.3 12.6 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
333 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.5 12.3 17.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
334 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.3 12.6 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
335 3.00 3.00 46.2 51.5 12.6 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
336 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.1 12.8 17.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
337 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.7 12.5 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
338 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.8 12.4 18.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
339 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.7 12.2 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
340 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.5 12.6 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
341 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.4 12.2 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
342 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.2 12.1 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
343 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.4 12.1 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
344 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.7 12.2 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
345 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.2 12.2 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
346 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.5 12.5 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
347 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.6 12.5 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
348 3.00 3.00 45.4 51.6 12.5 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
349 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.1 12.6 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
350 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.4 12.2 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
351 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.3 12.6 17.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
352 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.5 12.3 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
353 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.5 12.5 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
354 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.6 12.5 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
355 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.5 12.5 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
356 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.7 12.6 17.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
357 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.2 12.6 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
358 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.2 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
359 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.5 12.2 17.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
360 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.3 12.4 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
361 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.3 12.1 17.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
362 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.0 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
363 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.4 12.2 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
364 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.5 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
365 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.5 12.2 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
366 3.00 3.00 46.2 51.5 12.4 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
367 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.7 12.6 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
368 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.5 12.4 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
369 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.4 12.1 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
370 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.7 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
371 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.6 12.2 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
372 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.5 12.4 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
373 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.5 12.3 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
374 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.8 12.1 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
375 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.0 12.5 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
376 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.1 12.3 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
377 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.1 12.2 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
378 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.6 12.5 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
379 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.2 12.5 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
380 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.6 12.3 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
381 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.6 12.2 17.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
382 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.5 12.2 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
383 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.6 12.6 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
384 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.5 12.6 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
385 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.5 12.5 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
386 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.2 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
387 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.4 12.1 17.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
388 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.8 12.5 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
389 3.00 3.00 46.2 52.0 12.6 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
390 3.00 3.00 46.2 51.3 12.2 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
391 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.5 12.5 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
392 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.6 12.4 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
393 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.7 12.3 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
394 3.00 3.00 46.2 51.2 12.2 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
395 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.7 12.1 17.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
396 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.6 12.6 17.8 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
397 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.2 12.1 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
398 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.3 12.4 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
399 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.3 12.2 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
400 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.5 12.4 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
401 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.6 12.1 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
402 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.5 12.1 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
403 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.5 12.4 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
404 3.00 3.00 45.8 50.9 12.3 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
405 3.00 3.00 45.6 51.3 12.5 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
406 3.00 3.00 45.4 51.4 12.1 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
407 3.00 3.00 45.9 50.9 12.4 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
408 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.4 12.3 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
409 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.4 12.2 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
410 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.7 12.4 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
411 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.2 12.4 17.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
412 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.2 12.3 17.2 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
413 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.5 12.3 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
414 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.4 12.4 16.9 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
415 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.4 12.1 17.7 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
416 3.00 3.00 45.5 51.5 12.0 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
417 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.4 12.5 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
418 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.6 12.2 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
419 3.00 3.00 45.7 51.2 12.4 17.1 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
420 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.5 12.5 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
421 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.9 12.3 17.0 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
422 3.00 3.00 46.0 51.6 12.0 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
423 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.7 12.1 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
424 3.00 3.00 45.8 51.7 12.4 17.4 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
425 3.00 3.00 46.1 51.3 12.3 17.5 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
426 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.7 12.2 17.6 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8
427 3.00 3.00 45.9 51.2 12.4 17.3 Cocurrent 4.217 4.217 999.8 999.8

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