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Introduction (Drop down)

This instructional materials CD is intended as a perfect accompanying teaching material to the

Senior High School worktext published by Rex Book Store, Inc. It contains a set of PowerPoint
presentations aimed at equipping teachers with appropriate enhancement tools to help them
effectively deliver the lessons in the worktext.

Each presentation includes lesson objectives and discussion points, and may also have examples,
solutions to examples, and exercises.

Through effective use, this CD hopes to boost teachers’ creativity and resourcefulness―key
components in training 21st-century learners.

Table of Contents and Learning Competencies (Drop down)

Presentation No. Title Learning Objective/s

 To improve their knowledge on how ICT
affects their everyday lives and the state
of our nation;
Introduction to
 To compare and contrast the differences
Information and
between online platforms, sites, and
1 Technologies
 To understand the features of Web 2.0
(To be clicked to
open PPT)  To understand the future of the World
Wide Web through Web 3.0; and
 To learn the different trends in ICT and
use them to their advantage
 To consider one’s and others’ safety
when sharing information using the
 To consider one’s and others’ reputation
Rules of Netiquette when using the Internet;
(To be clicked to  To determine and avoid the dangers of
open PPT) the Internet
 To be responsible in the use of social
networking sites
 To browse the Internet efficiently and
properly through proper referencing
Advanced Word  To use some advanced capabilities of
3 Processing Skills Microsoft Word commonly used to
(To be clicked to increase productivity and efficiency;
 To effectively use these features to help
improve the productivity of an
organization through maximizing the
potential of MS Word
 To create form letters or documents for
open PPT)
distribution to various recipients
 To create labels and envelops for
 To create media-rich documents for
printing or publishing
 To familiarize the most commonly used
functions in Microsoft Excel
 To use several conditional functions
Spreadsheet Skills
available in Microsoft Excel
4 (To be clicked to
open PPT)  To use Microsoft Excel as a viable tool
in market research and product
 To use hyperlinks to improve their
Advanced PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation Skills  To embed files and data to their
5 (To be clicked to PowerPoint Presentation
open PPT)  To maximize PowerPoint Presentation as
an effective visual aid tool
 To understand the basic principles of
graphics and layout
 To create a simple infographic using web
Imaging and Design
for Online
 To understand and use several file
6 Environment
formats used on the web
(To be clicked to
open PPT)  To easily manipulate images using a
simple image editor
 To upload and share images using
 To differentiate the platforms available
Online Platforms for developing web content
for ICT Content  To understand the purpose of these
7 Development platforms and know the basics of using
(To be clicked to them
open PPT)  To enhance one’s knowledge in the
world of cloud computing
8 Basic Web Page  To create a web page using Microsoft
Creation Word
(To be clicked to  To create your own website using a free
open PPT) host
 To design a website using an online
WYSIWYG platform
 To edit and insert elements for their
 To use an online collaborative tool to
Collaborative ICT effectively monitor group tasks
Development  To understand the advantages of using
(To be clicked to online collaborative tools
open PPT)  To create a project that requires team
member cooperation
 To improve the interactivity of your
 To embed multimedia content from
10 YouTube
(To be clicked to
open PPT)  To create a viewer or customer friendly
experience for those who visit their
website through multimedia content
 To understand the importance of ICT as
ICT as Platform for a platform for social change
Change  To understand the events that ICT helped
(To be clicked to realize
open PPT)  To use prior ICT knowledge in planning
a campaign using online resources
ICT Project for  To plan and conceptualize an ICT project
Social Change for social change
(To be clicked to  To identify the platforms that will help in
open PPT) the success of the campaign
 To upload the necessary files for their
ICT Project
 To understand the key factors that will
13 and Statistics
make their website a success
(To be clicked to
open PPT)  To monitor the website’s traffic and use
it to their advantage
 To evaluate the effectiveness of their
ICT Project online campaign through user feedback
Maintenance  To improve the online campaign using
(To be clicked to various tools
open PPT)  To check the impact of their online
 To understand the several problems ICT
The Disadvantages
has created in their generation
of ICT
15  To write a reflective essay on how ICT
(To be clicked to
can change the world for better or for
open PPT)

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