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Defining Culture and Society: The Perspectives of Anthropology and

Sociology, Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Aspects of Culture and Society I (Dynamic, Flexible, & Adaptive; and Shared
& Contested)

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

define society and culture,

explain the relationship of culture and society,

identify aspects of culture and society,

prove that culture is dynamic, flexible and adaptive,

prove that culture is shared and contested, and

raise questions toward a holistic appreciation of cultures and societies.

Is there something unique that only your family does?

Do you practice a certain custom or celebrate a special feast in your province?

Culture and Society

Culture and society are two different concepts. Each has its own meaning and function.

According to Edward B. Tylor, culture is "that complex whole which encompasses
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and
everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society."

Culture also encompasses social institutions like the family, church, school, and

Our culture defines who we are.

Whatever it is that we do is part of our culture.

Society can be defined as the interaction among people where a common culture can be

Society can also refer to people from a particular place that shares the same culture.

A common location may not just develop a common culture. It can also be formed by
gender, shared beliefs, values, norms, or activities
For example, people from Bicol love spicy food while people from Iloilo are known to be sweet
and caring.

Can you identify a common cultural practice in your society?

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