HivzJ4qfEeianAr0yIdmDg - Energy and Utilities Industry Rubric PDF

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Grading Rubric: Roadmap to Success in the Energy and Utilities Industry

Criteria Not sufficient (0) Emerging (1) Adept (2) Exemplary (3) Rating
Weaknesses, No elements of the SWOT
A few elements of the SWOT Most elements of the SWOT All elements of the SWOT are
are clear nor can they be
Opportunities, interpreted toward the
are clear and aligned with the are clear and aligned with the clear and aligned with the
project objectives. project objectives. project objectives.
Threats project objectives.

No headings nor supportive Some headings and Most headings and All headings and supportive
text is clearly stated or supportive text are clearly supportive text are clearly text are clearly stated and
Self-Marketing related. Written in different stated and related. Written stated and related. Written related. Written in present
tenses. in different tenses. in present tense. tense.

Expand Your
Under 50 Contacts. 50-74 Contacts. 75-99 Contacts. Over 99 contacts.
(Give each of the
three rows a score
from 0 to 3. Add
the three scores
together and
divide by 3 to No community or
One community or One community or
determine the --- professional organization.
professional organization - professional organization -
not related to the goal. aligns with the goal.
"Expand Your
Network" rating.)
(Round to the lower
whole number.) No endorsement One endorsement Two endorsements Three endorsements

Includes fewer than three

Includes three elements of Includes four elements of an Includes the five elements of
Elevator Pitch elements of an elevator
an elevator pitch. elevator pitch. an elevator pitch.

No project charter elements Some project charter Most project charter All project charter elements
are clear nor complete, nor elements are clear, elements are clear, are clear, complete, and
Project Charter illustrate the ability to complete, and illustrate the complete, and illustrate the illustrate the ability to
execute the plan. ability to execute the plan. ability to execute the plan. execute the plan.

All artifacts are clearly and

The artifacts do not relate to Some artifacts are related to Most artifacts are related to
Artifacts the purpose of the project. the purpose of the project. the purpose of the project.
directly related to the
purpose of the project.

There are a significant

There are many grammatical There are few grammatical
Writing amount of grammatical There are no grammatical
errors that require editing errors that require minor
Conventions errors that require editing errors in any of the artifacts.
and revision. editing and revision.
and revision.

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