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Asking for Advice - Relationships

Joey: Can I ask you for some advice Tony? Actually, I want to tell
you how I honestly feel about something and then I want your
advice. Joey is falling for
Tony: Anytime Joey, that’s what friend’s are for. someone and he
needs some
Joey: Please be straight with me. Don’t worry about hurting my advice from Tony
feelings and please don’t tiptoe around the question. about what he
should do.
Tony: Go ahead. Ask away and spill your guts. I will be
completely upfront with you.

Joey: Okay. Here I go. Well… I’m … really crazy about a mutual
friend of ours. I’m really head over heals about her. I think the world of this girl, but I don’t
even think that she would give me the time of day.

Tony: Hmm. Let me guess. Are you talking about Cindy?

Joey: No. No way. She isn’t my type. I mean she’s a really nice girl and she’s really down to
earth, but I’m just not attracted to her.

Tony: Well spill the beans. Who are you talking about? I can’t read your mind.

Joey: Well I can’t stop thinking about Linda Stanton. We went out for a few drinks last
week and we sent each other a few text messages.

Tony: What? Joey, she just broke up with her boyfriend. She’s on the rebound. If I were in
your shoes, I would back off.

Joey: Yes, I guess you’re right. I should give her some space for awhile, right?

Tony: Absolutely. Linda is a great woman with a big heart, but I really think that you should
give her some time.

Joey: If you were me, how long would you wait?

Tony: To be honest, if I were you I would give it at least six months. I really don’t want to
see you get hurt. She has a big heart, but she needs time to get her head together.

©Pocket Passport 2020

Listening Comprehension Questions

1. What does Joey ask Tony for?

2. Who does Tony like?

3. Why doesn’t Joey like Cindy?

4. How has Joey been in contact with Linda Stanton?

5. Why does Tony advise Joey to wait?

6. How long does Tony advise Joey to wait?

7. Does Tony think Linda is a good person?

8. What does, “on the rebound” mean?


1. advice

2. a mutual friend of theirs

3. She isn’t his type.

4. They went out for a few drinks last week and exchanged text messages.

5. She just broke up with her boyfriend.

6. at least 6 months

7. Yes, he thinks she has a big heart.

8. Recently broken up with a partner and not able to make the right choices.

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