In Company Interviews: Units 1-3: Before You Watch

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In company interviews: Units 1–3

Before you watch
1 Look at the different ways of networking. Which ones do you like? Which ones do you
not like? Why?
a going to an organized networking event
b making a one-to-one connection
c being introduced by a colleague or client
d talking together in small groups
e connecting online through a networking site

2 Watch the introduction and complete the sentences about Mo Choy. Then change the
sentences to make them true for you.
a My name Mo Choy.
b I for Mo Choy Design and I a graphic designer.
c We for print and interactive media. We animation and
illustration as well.
d My name .
e I for and I
f We .
We as well.

While you watch: Introductions

3 Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
clients   ​connections   ​frightening   ​introductions   ​
one-to-one   ​organized   ​relationships   ​ softer

a I think ‘networking’ is quite a word. I think work are

more important.
b Networking suggests very events or actions, which relate to making
c Personally, I prefer a approach. I’m quite shy, so I prefer smaller groups
or connections.
d via previous have always been my mainstay of work.

4 Which ways of networking in 1 do you think Mo prefers?

While you watch: Work–life balance

5 Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
a Mo’s work partner her husband. (be)
b Mo and her husband together and together. (work, live)
c Sometimes Mo and her husband for coffee. (go out)
d The phrase ‘work–life balance’ suggests that when you you are .
(work, not live)

6 Look at your answers in 5.

• Which sentences describe a stable situation?
• Which describe a current activity or situation?

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 INTERVIEWS 1–3 1


7 Read Mo’s comment below. What does she mean? Choose the best explanation.
I would say my work-life balance is not too bad, but other people may not agree.
a My work–life balance is very bad, but other people think it’s okay.
b My work–life balance is okay, but other people think it’s bad.
c My work–life balance is good, but other people think it’s bad.

While you watch: Telephone talk

8 Watch the video. Match the sentence beginnings (a–d) with the endings (1–4).
a The phone is a really important 1 prefer to use email.
b In the past I communicated 2 a way of communicating that suits your client.
c A lot of clients 3 tool for communication.
d It’s important to find 4 by phone all the time.

9 Are the sentences in 8 true for your working life?

After you watch

10 Think about Mo’s work–life balance in the video and in 7. Answer the questions.
a How would you describe your work–life balance?

b Would other people agree with your answer?

c How would you describe the typical work–life balance in your industry?

d Is it common for people to work with their husband/wife or family in your country?

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 INTERVIEWS 1–3 2

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