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Billy W.

Assessment Analysis
Professor Rippard
July 20, 2020

I. The Class’ Performance as a Whole

a. The class as a whole did not succeed with addition, subtraction, and division.
Both the class average and median were D’s, so the class as a whole needs
improvement on these topics. With that being said, the average of the scores for
addition and subtraction were significantly higher than division, suggesting that
the class struggled the most with division. Another major concern is that there
were more students who received a D or failing grade as there were those who
received As, Bs, and Cs. This suggests that these topics need to be reviewed as a
whole class in order to increase the chances that the students have of being
successful in these topics. The class struggled the most with division, so this is an
area that will need to be a focus going forward.
II. Individuals that are Succeeding
a. Juan
i. During this assessment, Juan was the only student to receive a perfect
score. He did well in addition, subtraction, and division. Looking at the
data, Juan’s score appears to be an outlier, suggesting that he is either an
incredibly gifted student, or that he dedicated more time than other
students. Considering his performance on this assessment, in the future it
will be important to provide Juan with more challenging problems and
differentiate my instruction to allow Juan an opportunity to grow,
b. Cody
i. Cody was the only other student to receive an A on this assessment.
What makes his score interesting is that the one question that he missed
was in addition, the topic that the class as a whole performed the best
on. Perhaps he missed this question because he was moving too fast, or
he made a simple mistake. This was the addition question that most of
the class struggled with, so maybe it was a little bit harder than the other
ones. Either way, he did well on all the other addition questions, and
incredibly well on the subtraction and division questions, so he is ready to
move to the next topic. Much like Juan, it will be important to provide
him with more challenging instruction and work in order to ensure his
c. Jamal
i. Jamal scored right where we want our students to be and received a B.
On this assessment, Jamal received full credit for all of the subtraction
problems, missed the same addition problem as Cody, and missed two
division questions. The first addition question must have been difficult, so
I will need to look at it to see if it was worded incorrectly, or if the class
struggled with it for another reason. Jamal scored right where we want
students to be, and it seems that he has mastered many of the topics on
this assessment. Going forward, it will be important to monitor his
success in division problems to see if there is any improvement.
III. Individuals with Opportunities
a. Luke
i. On this assessment, Luke received the lowest score. He did better in
subtraction than he did in either addition or division, but he got less than
half of the questions correct. Luke will need attention going forward to
help get him to the standard set for the class. Compared to the rest of
the class, Luke got questions 14 and 15 correct, which were two division
questions that the rest of the class seemed to struggle with. This is
interesting because he either knew the ways to solve the problems, or he
was just guessing and got lucky. I will need to closely monitor his success
and progress going forward.
b. Nathan
i. Like Luke, Nathan received he lowest score on this assessment. Nathan
got the first addition problem correct! This was the addition question
that the class struggled with the most, so this is promising that he was
able to figure it out! Nathan got all the subtraction questions wrong
except for one, so his biggest area for improvement is in subtraction. He
got three of the addition and three of the division questions correct, so
he just needs a little more support there, and a lot more support with
c. Molly
i. Molly got just over half of the questions correct. Her best topic was
addition; she got all of the questions correct except for the first one. This
was also the one that was most frequently missed. I will definitely need
to reevaluate this question. Molly struggled the most with subtraction. It
seems that those who did not do well on this assessment struggled with
subtraction the most, so I will need to revisit this topic with them in the
future. Also, Molly got the majority of the division questions correct, and
did better than the class average on division. Molly needs support the
most in subtraction, and a little but more attention in division.

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