Springrest:: Jersey

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Spring will load Jackson2JsonMessageConverter into its application context

automatically. Whenever you request resource as json with
accept headers=”Accept=application/json”, then Jackson2JsonMessageConverter
comes into picture and convert resource to json format.


public class CountryController {

@RequestMapping(value = "/countries", method = RequestMethod.GET,


public List getCountries()

return listofCountries;


XML format
public class HelloWorld {
    private String message;
@XmlRootElement – specifies the root tag of each HelloWorld record in xml.

@XmlElement – specifies the child element for each attribute of HelloWorld record.

@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) – specifies that fields are considered to

be serialized

How Spring controller acts as a Rest service ?

We have @ResponseBody before the return type of a method in method signature which

indicates to Spring that ,the returned value from this method will not be a view rather it has to
be read from the response body.

RestTemplate: http://javainsimpleway.com/spring-resttemplate-crud-operations-with-json/

Jersey internally uses Jackson for Json Handling, so it will be used to marshal pojo
objects to JSON
public class CountryRestService {
    @Path("{id: d+}")
public Country getCountryById(@PathParam("id") int id)
  List listOfCountries = new ArrayList();
  for (Country country: listOfCountries) {
    return country;
  return null;


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