Answer : Find Missing Element in List of Array

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1.which one to choose : static or singleton pattern.

2. need to overload any method . will it not create confusion with the names.
3. what is cyclic dependency.Impact of cyclic dependency on applcation.
how to get rid of it?
4.describe any design pattern .why chose that pattern and its advantages
5.what is is-a and has-has a relationship
6.write code for singleton pattern.  Answer… 
1. Could you describe your recent project. (Architecture, role), What was most difficult
during development.
2. If we have static method in class, is it thread safe?
3. How can you assess your java knowledge? from 1 to 10
4. Java memory management
5. write method that will reverse string
6. We have a in-bound and out-bound queue and between is a multithreaded logic that
threads take a messages from in-bound queue and write to outbound queue. Propose
solution that messages from outbound queue will be available in he same order as data in in-
bound queue
Multithread concepts, ThreadPool, Asserting, JDBC, Hibernate advantages and mapping

Find missing element in list of array

SQL Query optimization

array sorting, finding duplicates

 Explain OOPS Concept ?

 What is Constructor overriding/overloading ?
 What is Abstraction in Detail and Explain Inheritence ?
 Explain Collection and its types ?
 Difference between LinkedList and ArrayList ?
 Difference between Map and ConcurentMap ?
 Explain how multithreading works ?
 What is difference between Procedure and Function in SQL ?
 Write a Query to return Top 5th Record of an Employee based on Salary
given all required Columns are present in same Table ?
 Difference between varchar and varchar2 ?
 Types of Index in SQL ?
 What is Classloader ?
 What is Caching and how can you implement your Cache ?
 How Hibernate Implements it's Caching ?
 Given a Class with same Package and Defination in 2 Separate war/ear, will
those Classes Collide on deploying on same Container(Tomcat) ?
 If I load the same Class by ClassLoader, which class is going to be loaded ?
 How to Identify and Solve ThreadStuck Issue/Exceptions. ?
 How is your Experience in Debugging ?
 Java generics
 16. Database connection setup
Exception handling rules

 Abstraction percentage of abstract class and interface

 Multi Threading - Usage of synchronized in transaction methods like amount
 Usage of synchronized .
 Difference between service and product based enterprise applications
 Difference between web and application server
 Java EE containers (Web Container for JSP/Servlet, EJB container for
running EJB)
 Difference between Java Bean and EJB
 Usage of Servlet vs. JSP (Servlet for web controller or image streaming and
JSP for page view)
How to use externalization in java

Union vs union all

@Before vs @Beforeclass

JVM shutdown hook in java

Why String is immutable

How to careate immutable class

Can we create immutable classes without creating final keyword

Is Integer is immutable

Concurrent hashmap internal working

Hashset vs Treeset

Sorting in Treeset both for natural and user defined objects

Big O Notation

Binary Searh

Can abstract class have Constructor in Java?

Types of Constraints in SQL/ORACLE?

Types of Garbage Collectors

Finalize vs finally

Unix command to find out version?

Treemap internal implementation

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