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Copyright © 2019 Limitless Factor Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Jonathan Soma

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Individual results may vary



In this report, we examine the data behind why cellular phones should be used
with more than a little caution.

Cell phones are a valuable and useful tool necessary for work, school, and
communicating with others. We love our devices dearly. They’ve changed the
way we live. And for most people, it’s almost impossible to live without them.

But although we enjoy the convenience of connectivity, not all those changes
have been positive, especially when it comes to health and getting a good night’s
sleep. That’s why we’re giving you some easy-to-implement ideas to mitigate the


The electro-magnetic spectrum exists from very high energy or frequency to very
low. Electrical devices, power lines, and particularly cell phones are sources of
ELF (extremely low frequency radiation).

What does this mean?

ELFs have the capacity to move atoms and make them vibrate, but unlike other
forms of radiation which act together to form an electromagnetic field, the
electric and magnetic fields in ELFs exist and act independently.


The electric fields act on charged particles like electrons and protons in atoms,
causing them to move. The magnetic field is then created when these charged
particles are in motion.

Exposure to ELFs is extremely common because we’re always generating,

transmitting, distributing, and using electricity. But the highest exposure occurs
when you’re very close to the source. So the way we use cell phones—the
proximity—is the main reason they’re so dangerous.

Some of the very real health effects of over-exposure to
EMFs include:
• Attention deficit
• Memory loss
• Infertility
• Weakened blood-brain barrier; brain cancer among
frequent heavy users
• Immune system effects
• Abnormal cell growth
• Sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, and depression

And on top of all that, new cell phone technology is increasing these threats.



The exposure you receive is based on the strength of the ELF coming from a
source, how close you are to it, and how long you spend in that particular field.
You already know that a commonly used source—your cell phone—is the most
likely culprit.

• Limit your talk time to no more than 30 minutes a day if you hold the
phone up to your ear.

• Use the speaker so you can keep the phone at arm’s length or more away
from your body.

• Get a SAFE air tube headset.

• For children, get an inexpensive tiny ferrite bead that clips onto your
hands-free mobile phone headset.

• Turn your phone off at night or remove it to at least 4 feet away from
your bed.

• EMFs can cause retinal phosphenes. This means you will see light when
there is no light actually entering the eye, and this can have an effect on
brain function. To eliminate retinal phosphenes, use the adaptive
brightness, blue light filter, and/or night mode features on your phone.

• Restrict text lengths to reduce the amount of time your eyes are exposed
to the phone’s screen.

• Get a land-line phone


Arming yourself with this knowledge will protect you from the increasing effects of
extremely low frequency radiation so you can still enjoy the good side of this
amazing technology without the dramatic risks.

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