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Membrane Preparation Techniques The SEM micrograph of a stainless steel sintered

membrane is shown in Table 1 (a). Sintered mem-
Franco Tasselli branes are particularly suitable for applications in
ITM, CNR, Rende, CS, Italy harsh conditions owing to the great resistance of
the based materials in chemically aggressive
environment or at high temperature. Polytetra-
Membrane technology is nowadays more and fluoroethylene (PTFE), further to these outstand-
more employed in many separation processes ing properties, also exhibits high flexibility which
such as water desalting and blood purification, makes it particularly suitable as membrane
to mention two of the most known. Synthetic material.
membranes can be prepared according to several Stretching technique is used to prepare
techniques which allow to forge a material so as porous membranes starting from extruded dense
to give it the desired characteristics, the most films of semicrystalline polymers such as PE, PP,
important of which is the morphology (Mulder and PTFE. Pore formation is obtained by
1996; Baker 2004). In order to prepare mem- stretching the film perpendicularly to the direc-
branes for a given separation, two aspects must tion of extrusion until small ruptures occur in the
be considered: the nature of the used material structure of the dense film (SEM image (b) in
(organic or inorganic) and the morphology Table 1). Pore size of membranes prepared by
(dense or porous) of the membrane. In the table this technique (0.1–3 mm) makes them suitable
below, the most important techniques are for microfiltration applications. The porosity of
reported together with salient features. the stretched membranes, given by the ratio of the
Sintering is a technique which allows to pre- void volume and the total volume of the mem-
pare membranes from powders of polymeric brane, may also reach 90 %.
materials such as polyethylene (PE) and polypro- Differently from all the others, membranes
pylene (PP) or of inorganic materials such as prepared by track-etching technique present uni-
stainless steel, metal oxides, graphite, or glass. form pores with cylindrical geometry (SEM
This technique is based on the compression of the image (c) in Table 1). The principle of the tech-
particles of the selected material and heating to a nique is the irradiation of a dense film of polymer,
temperature below the melting point so as to usually polyester or polycarbonate. The radiation
induce a sticking of the particles. Between the crosses the film perpendicularly to the surface
stuck particles, pores are formed the size of and damages polymer chains encountered along
which strictly depends on the particle size: the the path. A subsequent chemical treatment, typi-
smaller the particle size, the smaller the pore size. cally with NaOH, removes the damaged material
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
E. Droli, L. Giorno (eds.), Encyclopedia of Membranes,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-40872-4_1825-1
2 Membrane Preparation Techniques

Membrane Preparation Techniques, Table 1 Membrane preparation techniques. SEM images (b), (c) and (d)
reprinted from “Membrane Technology and Applications” 2nd edn. by Richard W. Baker with permission from John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Field of Morphology (SEM
Techniques Materials Pore size (mm) applications image)
Sintering Powders of polymers, 0.1–10 Microfiltration
metals, ceramics, graphite

Stretching Semicrystalline polymers 0.1–3 Microfiltration

Track- Thermoplastic polymers 0.02–10 Ultrafiltration,
etching microfiltration

Phase Polymer solutions From dense to few All fields
inversion microns

Solution Polymer solutions Dense Nanofiltration/gas
coatings separation

Membrane Preparation Techniques 3

creating straight cylindrical pores. The number of which is desirable when the separation to be
pores and their size is determined by the exposure accomplished is controlled by the diffusion rather
time to the radiation and to the etching treatment, than by the size of the species to be separated.
respectively. A drawback of this technique is the Membranes prepared with this technique are
rather low porosity of the membranes, ranging formed by two different materials the first of
from 5 % to 10 %. which is a thin dense film made of a selective
Phase inversion. This is the most versatile polymer deposited on top of the second one
technique which allows the preparation of all which merely acts as a porous support. The
kinds of membranes. Only polymeric membranes SEM image (e) in Table 1 shows the cross section
can be prepared, provided that the polymer is of a composite membrane. Such a conformation
soluble in a solvent. According to this technique, increases the transport rate through the mem-
a polymer dissolved in a solvent passes from the brane thanks to the thinness of the dense layer,
fluid state to the solid state under controlled con- while the porous support ensures mechanical sta-
ditions to give rise to the formation of mem- bility. Dip coating, spray coating, spin coating,
branes. The control of the operating conditions and plasma polymerization are some of the pro-
is crucial in order to prepare membranes with the cedures for preparing composite membranes.
desired morphology. The rate of removal of the
solvent and the velocity of the phase separation
are the most important steps which mainly deter-
mine the morphology of the membranes. With
this technique it is possible to prepare membranes Baker RW (2004) Membrane technology and applica-
both in flat and in tubular conformation with tions, 2nd edn. Wiley, Chichester
morphology ranging from dense to microporous Mulder M (1996) Basic principles of membrane technol-
(SEM image (d) in Table 1). ogy. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht
Solution coatings. This technique allows the
preparation of composite membranes, the use of

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