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BAIS313 Accounting Research Methods

The course is designed to equip students with

skills necessary for advanced research in
accounting areas. Topics covered will include
identification of research problems,
development of research hypotheses, research
design, data collection and processing,
statistical tests, interpretation of results, and
writing of research reports. Selected papers and
topical research issues will also be discussed.
The emphasis will be on the application of the
research methods to solving accounting-related
BAIS314 Strategic Business Analysis

BACC111 Basic Microeconomics (Eco)

The course aims to give an understanding and
appreciation of the basic theories and concepts
in economics and their application to current
national and international economic concerns.
The focus of the course is on the economic
activities of individual decision-making units in
society, specifically households and firms.
Consumer choice is examined using demand
theory and an evaluation of the economic
behavior of firms is conducted using the theory
of production and cost and how it behaves
under different market structures. A general
understanding of welfare economics caps the
course, placing all theories learned within a
simple appreciation of a general equilibrium
CBMEC1 Strategic Management
This is an integrating course, which exposes
students to the basic nature and character of top
management decision-making. Students get
involved in the formulation and analysis of
corporate strategies and policies. It provides the
opportunity to link basic concepts and
techniques learned from the various functional
areas to see how it fits from a total corporate
BACC212 Programs and Policies on Enterprise

IT201 Data Structures and Algorithms

The course covers the standard data
representation and algorithms to solve
computing problems efficiently (with respect to
space requirements and time complexity of
algorithm). This covers the following: Stacks,
Queues, Trees, Graphs, Maps, and Sets.
Thorough discussion of sorting and searching
algorithms and hashing is covered.
IT301 Advanced Database Systems
This course aims the students to examine the
different techniques of warehousing and mining
data that will support organizational decisions
and propose possibilities on how to improve a
specific algorithm as may be applied to data
warehousing and mining.
CS301 Automata Theory and Formal Language
This course covers the designing of finite-state
machines, regular expressions, context-free
grammar, push-down automata and turing
machines for modeling a given language; and
defining the classes P and NP and explain their
significance to computing applications and
applying the concept of state machines in the
design and implementation of software.
BAIS213 Income Taxation
The objective is to develop a working
knowledge of the basic principles and rules of
the income tax system as these apply to
individuals, partnerships, and corporations. It
covers an overview of the national income tax
system, and the income taxation of employees
and unincorporated businesses. It provides a
student with the knowledge of capital gains tax,
final tax on certain passive income, and the
year-end tax. Including the minimum corporate
income tax and improperly accumulated profits
tax of corporations and withholding taxes. Tax
forms are provided for specific topics
BACC211 Taxation (Income Taxation)
The objective is to develop a working
knowledge of the basic principles and rules of
the income tax system as these apply to
individuals, partnerships, and corporations. It
covers an overview of the national income tax
system, and the income taxation of employees
and unincorporated businesses. It provides a
student with the knowledge of capital gains tax,
final tax on certain passive income, and the
year-end tax. Including the minimum corporate
income tax and improperly accumulated profits
tax of corporations and withholding taxes. Tax
forms are provided for specific topics
BAHRM322 Recruitment and Selection
This course covers the fundamental
methodologies of attracting new talents needed
by the organization with emphasis on effective
sourcing of manpower, selection of prospective
employees, matching job requirements with
qualifications of applicants in the work place,
induction of newly hired employees to facilitate
their integration in the new business
environment. The students will be oriented with
the strategies and techniques to fill up vacant
positions at the right time with adequate
qualifications of new hires will help
organizations achieve its business plans and
operational objectives for a given period.

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