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Republic of the Philippines

Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City


Mayor Carlos F. Lopez Jr.

Municipal Mayor
Asingan, Pangasinan

Dear Sir;

Good Day!
I Ben Arthur D. Pastor, a 5th year BS Architecture student currently doing my thesis in
Urdaneta City University entitled “Street Scape of CBD in Asingan”. This research will be my
final requirement to graduate in the stated course above.

May I request for your permission, to let your office be the proponent of this study. Rest
assure that all information will be kept confidential and for academic purpose only.

It is clearly understood that proponent is not obliged to any financial compensation in

preparation of the drawings as well as the technical data of project. Your approval will be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely Yours,

Ben Arthur D. Pastor
Student No. 20133393

Noted by:

Arch. Russell Niels V. Meimban, UAP, MBA, RMP, MAAHC
Program Head, Architecture Department

Approved by:

Mayor Carlos F. Lopez Jr.
Municipal Mayor
Asingan, Pangasinan

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