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Practice 1.

Types Of Transportation Used By University Students To Return Home At The End Of Each Semester
And The Reasons That Influenced Their Choices From 2012 To 2015.

Figure 1 shows that types of transportation used by university students to return home from 2012 to
2015 while Table 1 portrays the reasons for choosing different types of transportations.

Generally, the reasons for choosing different types of transportation among university students had
influenced the types of transportation used to return home.

Buses has the highest percentage of university students used to return home at 75% in 2012, 65% in
2013, 55% in 2014 and 50% in 2015 compared to the other transportation which are train, plane and taxi.

Buses were recorded as the highest percentage of university students used to return home due to
affordable fare, easy access, flexible travel time and destination. On the other hand, Taxi had the lowest
percentage of university students used to return home due to travel duration only.

Overall, buses were the most popular choice of transportation used by university students from 2012 to
Practice 3.

Consumer’s Choices For Grocery Shopping In 2000 And 2019 And The Visual On The
Characteristics Of Shopping In 2000 And 2019.

Figure 1 shows consumer’s choices for grocery shopping in 2000 and 2019 while Table 1 portrays
characteristics of shopping venues in 2019.

Generally, the characteristics of shopping venues in 2019 had influenced consumer’s choices for
grocery shopping in 2000 and 2019.

Grocery Stores had the highest number of consumer’s choices at 40 for grocery shopping in 2000 but
declined to 10 in 2010 . Nevertheless, Convenient Stores had the lowest number of consumer’s choices for
grocery shopping at 2 in 2002 and increased to 10 in 2010 .

In 2019, supermarkets were recorded of having involved in the highest number of consumer’s choice
for grocery shopping at 75 due to promotions, accessible location, customer service, variety and quality of
goods. On the other hand, farmer’s house has the lowest number of consumer’s choice at 2 due to cheaper price

In conclusion, the place where consumers buy their groceries were influenced by the characteristics of
shopping venues in 2019.
Practice 5.

Age Group Of Professionals And Their Main Goals For The Years Ahead.
Table 1 shows profile of professional while Table 2 portrays main goals for the year ahead according
to the group.

Generally, main goals for the years ahead according to the group were influenced by the profile of

The average work experience of profile of professionals for age group 46-55 years old is 15 years
while the age group 18-22 years old is 3 years. 5% of the 18-22 years old age group are married whereas 90% of
the 46-55 years old age group are married.

At the age of 46-55 years old, senior manager has the highest of ranking goals for improve physical
health at 1 and financial stability at 2 respectively. On the other hand, the age group of 18-22 has the lowest of
ranking goals for marriage and family harmony at 7 and financial stability at 6 respectively.

In conclusion, the main goals for the years ahead were influenced by the age group of professionals.

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