Grade 7's Perception On CLAYGO Campaign

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Goldie Arradaza
Aljon Mondejo
John Mark Ortega
Marfy Amilao



Garbage is one of the major problems inside the campus and all other
schools. As per observation, the cause of this problem is the irresponsibility of
the students which is the act of littering. A school will not be conducive for
learning if it is dirty so it should be always clean to maintain the cleanliness but
what really happen is that students are acting irresponsibility in the proper

Improper waste disposal is one of the problem has been going on for
years and many things have been done to solve this but wasn’t able to fully
achieve it. They say what you do reflects what you are and having a dirty school
environment tells others we don’t care for our school. The waste we throw not
only affects us but our planet too and pollution is one of the effects of this

According to the lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna (LPL) one of the

things that comes to people’s mind when they hear their school is not just the
quality education it gives to the students but also the user friendly environment it
has. This proves to be true after the Supreme Student Council (SSC), highest
governing body of all Lyceans, implemented the new clean as you go (CLAYGO)
policy for the university’s cafeteria last June 14.

The project has been putted into action to train the Lyceans into becoming
more disciplined and sensitive individuals not only to the Mother Nature but also
to the environment of the community where they belong.

The implementation of the project has been very successful since the first
day of classes and is still doing well until today. The Lyceans are taking their part
in cooperating for the new policy of the university’s cafeteria. Students can be
seen cleaning their own plates and utensils at the table after they finished eating.

Most of the people who eat at the cafeteria agreed that CLAYGO is a
good development for the university, pointing that since they were the ones using
it, they should also be the ones responsible in cleaning it.

According to Xavier de Cagayan Junior High School, Youth formation is

one of the platforms of the XUJHS student council 2016-2017. This platform
enables the students to be formed as the student leaders that uphold the school
mission through the various procedures the student council implements to
motivate the students to do more, or better known as Magis for the Ateneans.
The Magis habit is among the projects under Youth formation platform which
encourages the students to be more aware of the cleanliness of their
surroundings at school and in the environment for them to remember their
responsibilities as XUJHS students.

On assigned dates LCLC volunteers will be called to encourage students

in cleaning and segregating as they go through holding up signs and following
students to make them more conscious in doing CLAYGO and SAYGO during
lunch time, done at alternate weeks or days for the entire school year. However,
there are still students who are not implementing SAYGO-CLAYGO as their
Magis Habit. Alarmed by this problem in our school community, the researchers
have decided to conduct a study on why some students of XUJHS still don’t
manage to do the task of cleaning their wastes and segregating their trash on its
proper bins. As a result, the researches aim to students who are the eldest
among the four grade levels in the community.

Enable to solve this problem, the researchers will be going to conduct a

study about the awareness of CLAYGO (Clean as You Go) campaign to the
grade 7 students of Lumbia National High School. One of the main goals of this
research is to know if the students are aware in this campaign enable to
strengthen this and to solved the problems about waste disposal.


The study anchored on the Theory of waste Management which is a

unified body of knowledge about waste and waste management is to prevent
waste causing harm to human health and environment and the application of the
waste management that leads to conservation of resources (Pongracz, Philips
and Keiski, 2004).

Environmental protection has attained highest importance in this era

globally but the practices of basic concepts waste disposal are often neglected.
People around the globe are aware of the impact of improper waste disposal
practices, but negative attitude of implementation is arising to chaotic situations it
is evident from this study reveals disposal practices from the beginning of school

In addition to that, the theory of waste management is a unified body of

knowledge about waste and waste management, and it is founded on the
expectation that waste management is to prevent resource use optimization.

Through this, the problem of improper disposal of garbage in the campus

might be solve and this theory in our study for implementing CLAYGO policy in
the whole campus in Lumbia, National, High School


This campaign dictates the use of minimal plastic, bringing back the old
habit of using reusable bags and properly separated bio-degradable or non-
biodegradable items as per their orientation, subcategories are also imposed
such as plastics, glass, metal and many more to be able to make recycling
methods handy.

Members of our local academic community also encourage students to
help maintain cleanliness by promoting awareness and organizing campaigns
such as CLAYGO or no littering information drives. In reference to De La Salle
University, they have coordinated the rules and campaign strategies with the
University Students Government Organization and discipline office to help
motivate students to have the initiative to clear table after every meal.

In line with such environment advocacy, the Colegio de San Agustin

Makati implemented Clean As You Go program particularly in their cafeteria.
Students are urged to clean after eating segregation of leftovers was also
encouraged. The schools environmental program includes; proper waste
management, zero-waste program and plastic free CSSA. These programs are a
great help for the Colegio de San Agustin in maintaining the cleanliness of their





__ Male

__ Female



__ Amethyst  Student Factors

__Bloodstone  School Factors

 Environmental Factors








The general intent of this study is to know if the CLAYGO campaign is

effectively implemented in the school campus. This research is all about the
effectiveness of CLAYGO campaign to the grade 7 students of Lumbia National
High School. The research will be conducted at Lumbia, National High School
and limits its coverage to all Grade 7 students. This study is started last January
18, 2019 to February 2020.


CLAYGO. The abbreviation refers to “Clean As You Go”

Habit. This refers to a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one the
hard to give up.

Reusable. This refers to able to be used again or more than once.

Littering. This refers to the unlawful deposit of any type of waste material that is
less than 200 liters in volume and penalties apply.

Advocacy. This refers to a process of supporting and enabling people to:

Express their views and concerns. Access information and services. Defend and
promote their rights and responsibilities.

Program. This refers to a plan of action aimed at accomplishing a clear

objective, with details on what work is to be done, by whom, and what.

Policy. This refers to a set of ideas or plans or that is used as a basis for making
decisions, especially in politics, economics or business.

Segregation. This refers to a system that kept different groups separate from
each other, either through physical dividers or using social pressures and laws

Conservation. This refers to prevention of wasteful use of resources the
government must take action

Resources. This refers to a stock or supply of money, materials, staff and other
assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function

Health. This refers to the state of being free from illness or injury

Awareness. This refers to the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact

Practice. this refers to the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method
as opposed to theories relating to it

Theory. This refers to a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain

something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing
to be explained

Biodegradable. This refers to capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other

living organisms

Non-Biodegradable. This refers to cannot be changed to a harmless natural

state by the action of bacteria, and may therefore damage the environment

Garbage. This refers to a wasted or spoiled food and other refine, as form a
kitchen or household

Disposal. This refers to the action or process of throwing away or getting rid of

Waste. This refers to the use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no


School. This refers to and institution for educating children

Environment. This refers to the surrounding or conditions on which a person,

animal, or plant lives or operates

Pollution. This refers to the presence or in introduction into the environment of a
substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects

Community. This refers to a group of people living in the same place or having a
particular characteristic in common

Waste Management. This refers to the precise name for collection,

transportation, disposal, or recycling and monitoring of waste

Waste disposal. This refers to removing and destroying damaged, used or other
unwanted domestic, agricultural or industrial products and substance



This chapter presents a review of related literature both foreign and local.
This also presents the different variables relative to the study.


Waste generation is the most important aspect to look at in order to have

effective solid waste management system. The generation of waste varies
considerably between countries based on culture, public awareness and
management (Harry and Goel, 2009; Wagner and Arnold, 2006)

Developed countries are experiencing high waste generation while

developing countries always have problems with the implementation of the
management system (Harra and Goel, 2009). This includes weak enforcement
back of technology and ineffective policy implementers (Agamathu el al, 2009). In
detail these countries experience low and irregular collection of waste,
uncontrolled of air and water pollution in open dumping area, and the
mismanagement of scavenging activities (Latifa el at, 2009)

The study of Cascadia Consulting Group provided a record on the highest

rate of Waste Generated in the year 2006 concerning commercial
establishments. Food stores have the highest rate of waste generated with an
average of 71%. Followed by retail big box stores, with an estimated 64%
generated rate. The group with the third highest rate is material and garden
stores and is large hotels which generated approximately 23%. Solid waste and
disposal section 7.16.050 states that is shall be the duty and responsibility of
every person in possession, charge, or control any establishments where
garbage or refuse is created or accumulated to at all times keep or cause to be

kept adequate portable storage containers of approved size, deposit or cause to
be deposited all garbage, rubbish and waste in said storage containers.

Agricultural development is usually accompanied by wastes from the

irrational application of intensive farming methods and the abuse of chemicals
used in cultivation, remarkably affecting rural environments in 17 particular and
the global environmental in general. The waste generated is dependent on the
types of agricultural activities carried out (J. N. Nwakaire, 2015).

According to Health and Safety Executive (2015) claimed that waste

processing depends on the nature of the source material, there are a plethora of
sorting and processing activities utilized that range from labor intensive hand
picking operations through to highly mechanized or technically complex
processes. The chosen method of sorting will depend on many factors such as
the nature of the waste, the ease of segregation and the yield and quality of the
resultant recycles.


According to Bernardo (2008), in a Barangay in Manila, household

commonly generated type of wastes are food/kitchen wastes, papers, PET
bottles, metals, cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles, plastics and other wastes
(mixed wastes). She said that they didn't perform composting and burning of
wastes. The household rely on garbage collection by the government. Household
waste is stated as the garbage and rubbish created or caused to be created in
day to day living of a residential drilling unit, excluding white goods, bulky items
such as furniture and large rugs and household hazardous waste.

Lyceum of the Philippines Batangas was awarded for obtaining an

effective waste management. According to research most schools public and
private in the city of Batangas generates different kinds of wastes mostly papers.
Some of which are plastics, food wastes and even sanitary pads caused by the

disobedience of the students (Abigail Manzano, 2014). Waste generation and
storage in Agricultural sources mainly consists of spoiled food grains and
vegetables, agricultural remains, litter, etc., generated from fields, farms and

In the Philippines, several laws and ordinances were passed to address

the issue of Solid Waste Management. Republic Act No. 9003 or as Ecological
Solid Waste Management was signed by Former President Gloria Arroyo on
2001. (ECOSWAM) (Corinthia & Tucsan, 2008). Ordered by RA 9003, Cebu City
formed the City Solid Waste Management Board (CMSWMB) that shall organize,
present and execute projects for an ensured and clean management of solid
wastes in areas under its command.

The current status of SWM in Cebu City are as follows: collects not lower
350 tons of garbage every day, implementation of “No Segregation, No
Collection” Policy but lack of enforcement in segregating in most barangays
(DOST, 2006). Moreover, there is an inefficient coordination and linkage between
the city and the barangays. Poor maintenance of equipment’s, garbage trucks
that are not suitable for segregating wastes into different compartments
according to their kind, and wastes collectors that are not diligently following
collection schedule are present.

Commercial/Institutional Wastes comes from hotels, offices, schools

and other institutions (Hoomweg et al., 1999). According to World Bank, 2001
wastes can be identified into three sources; first are the Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) which includes wastes from residences, commercial and business
establishments and institutions, and Non- Hazardous industrial process and
agricultural wastes, and sewage waste. Second are the Industrial waste which is
a mixture of different components from an industrial operation and lastly the
Hazardous waste which poses as great harm to the environment and human



This chapter views the methodology of the study and contains the detailed
discussion of the following parts; The research design, research locale, sampling
design, respondents of the study, research instrument and data gathering


Descriptive method of research will be used in this study. In descriptive

method of research, information is collected without changing the environment. It
involves a one-time interaction with groups of people, gathering, analyzing,
classifying and tabulating data on relationships and making interpretation of such
data. The researchers will collect data through the administration of survey
questionnaires to the learners of Grade 7-Amethyst to Grade 7-Jasper of Lumbia
National High School as the main instrument in determining the learners’
perception on their teacher’s teaching practices and learners about CLAYGO


The researchers will be going to study 5 respondents per section from Grade
7-Amethyst to Grade 7-Jasper at Lumbia National High School. There are 543
students as the total population of Grade 7 in LNHS. The researchers deemed
the retrieval of survey questionnaires and conduct of interview manageable
within a week and will consider only 50 students as the respondents of the study.

Table 1. List of Grade sections and its population
Section Name Number of No. of
Population Respondents
7 – Amethyst 54 5
7 – Bloodstone 56 5
7 – Carnelian 56 5
7 – Diamond 58 5
7 – Emerald 56 5
7 – Feldspar 54 5
7 – Garnet 50 5
7 – Hiddenite 53 5
7 – Indicolite 54 5
7 – Jasper 52 5
543 50


The respondents of this study is comprised of 5 students in each section of

grade-7 students of Lumbia National High School in which it composes of 10
sections and will total to 50 respondents.


A structured questionnaire will be adopted on the use of quantitative survey

for this study. The researchers will use the closed form questionnaire as it calls
for short restricted responses as it requires answer only “yes” or “no”. The

questionnaire consists of 15 questions relevant to the topic. It was distributed
among the selected students.


The researcher will use a survey to get all the data for this research. The
questionnaires used are related to the problems stated. This survey type is a
checklist type wherein the respondents put a check on the survey questionnaire.


After the collection of data, survey questionnaires will be checked,

collected and numbered. To facilitate data processing, techniques like
percentages, charts, tables, figures, Microsoft Excel were used to analyze the


The following statistical tools will be implied in this study:

1) The profile of the respondents was determined the descriptive statistical value of
its mean, percentages, and standard deviations was employed in order to
describe the variables in this study.
2) The learner’s perceptions of the effectiveness of CLAYGO Campaign were
determined through the standard deviation. A percentage calculation was used to
determine the significant difference on learners’ perception on CLAYGO
Campaign when conducting a research. The researchers divided the whole
population in every section of Grade 7 to determine the exact percentage of the
respondents that doing proper wasted disposal.



There are 543 students as the total population of Grade-7 from Amethyst
to Jasper of Lumbia National High School and out of the total population, the
researchers only selected 50 respondents through random sampling.


1. Do you take care of the school 49 98% 1 2%
2. Does the cleanliness in school 47 94% 3 6%
have impact to the students
3. After eating in the canteen, do 45 90% 5 10%
you dispose your garbage?
4. Do all students take part in the 22 44% 28 56%
5. Do you know about CLAYGO 21 42% 29 58%
6. Is CLAYGO campaign 38 76% 12 24%
implemented in school?
7. Is CLAYGO campaign effective in 9 18% 41 82%
the school?
8. Does your school have an 45 90% 5 10%
environmental group/club?
9. Does these organizations take 38 76% 12 24%
part of the CLAYGO campaign?
10. Does your school have waste 47 94% 3 6%
reduction program already in
11. Do all students know how to 6 12% 44 88%
dispose waste properly?
12. Are this causes on environmental 43 86% 7 14%
taught at your school?
13. Does your school have reuse 48 96% 2 4%
program already in place?
14. Do you know about segregation 47 94% 3 6%
of waste?
15. Waste segregation is beneficial 46 92% 4 8%

to my school?
TOTAL 36.7 73.5% 13.2 26.5%

98% of the respondents answered yes to the question “Do you take care
of the school cleanliness?”. This proves that the respondents know themselves
that they are taking part of the school cleanliness however 82% of the
respondents answered that CLAYGO is not really effective in the school. This
means that a lot of Grade 7 students of Lumbia National High School didn’t know
about CLAYGO.

Table 2. Data of the survey



This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the
conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this


This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effectiveness
of CLAYGO Campaign to the Grade-7 students of Lumbia National High School.
The descriptive method is used of research was utilized and the nominative
survey technique was used for gathering data. The survey questionnaire served
as an instrument for collecting data. 19 percent of the total number of population
were representative students of the Grade-7 level as the respondents. This study
was conducted during the school year 2019-2020.


After gathering all the data from the survey and computed it, the researchers
conclude that:

 56% students of grade-7 were not taking part of the school cleanliness;
 CLAYGO was implemented yet it was not really effective and the students
also were not participating on it;

 Only the environmental organizations in the school does taking part of
 Students were taught by the teachers and organizations about waste
segregation and its effect yet the students are not applying it because the
information’s taught weren’t enough for the students to practice it.


 For this problem to be solve, there should be a proper disposal bin called
CLAYGO trash bin. In this trash bin, plastic/paper cups have their own bin
wherein the plastic/paper cups will be just being stack on the bin. The
biodegradable, non-biodegradable and special waste would also be
separated in one bin;
 The organizations must strengthen the effectiveness of CLAYGO by
putting placards and CLAYGO trash bins in every building. Also, they
should conduct a symposium wherein it discusses the different types of
waste and its proper segregation that enables the students to have
knowledge again about this topic. This will help to lessen the garbage and
dispose it properly.


Harra, & Goel. (2009). Waste generation and waste in Kolkata, India. Retrieved


February 20, 2019

Wagner, & Arnold. (2006). public awareness and management. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Agamathu et al. (2009). weak enforcement, lack of technology and ineffective

implementers. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Latifa el al. (2009). Waste Generation and Storage. Retrieved from


February 20,2019

Cascadia Consulting Group. (2006). Waste Generation and Storage of Waste in

Residential Areas. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Nwakaire, J. N. (2015). Waste Generation and Storage in Institutional/Industrial.

Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Health and Safety Executive. (2015). Waste Processing and Resources

Recovery. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Bernardo. (2008). Waste Generation and Storage of Waste in Residential

Areas. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Manzano, A. (2014). Waste Generation and Storage in

Institutional/Industrial. Retrieved from


February 20, 2019

Hoomweg et al. (1999). Village-level solid waste management in Lahug, Cebu

City, Philippines. Retrieved from


LevelSoildWasteManageinLahugCebuCityPhilippines.pdf, February 20, 2019



This study investigates the effectiveness of Clean As You Go

Campaign (CLAYGO) to the grade 7 students of Lumbia National High School.
Specifically, this study ought to answer the following questions

1. Do you take care of the school cleanliness
2. Does the cleanliness in school have impact to the
students health?
3. After eating in the canteen, do you dispose your
4. Do all students take part in the cleanliness?
5. Do you know about CLAYGO campaign?
6. Is CLAYGO campaign implemented in school?
7. Is CLAYGO campaign effective in the school?
8. Does your school have an environmental
9. Does these organizations take part of the
CLAYGO campaign?
10. Does your school have waste reduction program
already in place?
11. Do all students know how to dispose waste
12. Are this causes on environmental taught at your

13. Does your school have reuse program already in
14. Do you know about segregation of waste?
15. Waste segregation is beneficial to my school?

NAME (OPTIONAL): Graph 1. Data of table 2








 98% or 49 of the total respondents in the Q1 answered yes so this means
that the students are taking care of the schools’ cleanliness however they
really don’t know how to segregate and dispose it properly which leads to
88% or 44 of the total respondents who answered no to the Q11.
 In the Q7, 41 of the total respondents says that CLAYGO campaign is not
effective in the school which results to 82%. This means that CLAYGO is
not really effective in this grade level.


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