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Cailin Ng, Wenyu Liang, Chee Wee Gan, Hsueh Yee Lim, and Kok Kiong Tan

Improvements to Mechatronics Design of a Medical Device*

cited as the most common reason for a child to undergo a GA
Abstract—Otitis Media with Effusion is an ear disease that [2,3]. Studies have shown that there are long term health
requires a surgery to be done under GA to place a grommet in effects from GA, including possible delay in brain
the tympanic membrane for severe cases. An automated development of children [4].
grommet insertion device, the Ventilator Tube Applicator
(VTA) enables the grommet insertion surgery to be completed in A novel “all-in-one” device, known as the Ventilation
a short time automatically and precisely by automating the Tube Applicator (VTA), allows office-based myringotomy
incision and insertion process. However, its current design limits with VT insertion for an OME patient [6]. Experimental
the usefulness of the device as it is restricted by the properties of results on mock membrane showed that the prototype is able
the eardrum, such as the angle, thickness and strength. to achieve a success rate of 98%. The VTA utilizes a highly
Therefore, a cover-cutter design with three different setups was
conceptualized, and the insertion control of the VTA was
integrated structure encompassing key components of a
improved. Experimental results on mock membrane showed motorized mechanical system, a sensing system and a motion
that the cover-cutter design has great improvement over the control system. With the sensing system in VTA that notifies
previous design in terms of success rate and insertion force. The the surgeon when the toolset touches the TM, and the
cover-cutter also proved to be less susceptible to variability in ultrasonic piezomotor that controls the actuation, the VTA
the types of mock membrane as it maintained a high success rate claims to be able to complete the surgery in a short time
for the 4 different types of mock membrane used, unlike the automatically, precisely, effectively and safely. The prototype
previous design. has since been improved slightly to reduce its bulk, weight,
operation time and cost, but the general working process and
I. INTRODUCTION toolset remains unchanged. Fig. 1 shows the working process
of the VTA, Fig. 2 shows the VTA with its control system,
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a very common ear and Fig. 3 shows the distal end of the toolset with a pediatric
disease that causes body imbalance, discomfort and may even grommet, Tiny Tytan (Medtronic pdt ID 1056101) loaded
result in irreversible damage to the middle ear structure. axially on the toolset. The method of incision is by a
When the Eustachian tube is dysfunctional, fluid will cylindrical needle-like cutter whose diameter is slightly
accumulate in the middle ear space and cause discomfort and smaller than the inner diameter of the grommet such that it is
loss of hearing. OME affects most commonly infants and able to slot through the bore of the grommet. Once an
children, although it also it may also affect people of all ages incision is made by the needle-like cutter (needle-cutter), the
worldwide. When antibiotics as a treatment for OME fails, a holder then pushes the grommet until the grommet is inserted
grommet is surgically inserted on the tympanic membrane into the incision. Although this is effective, as shown in the
(TM) so that the accumulated fluid can be drained out [1]. high success rate of insertion on mock membrane, it is
The surgery starts with myringotomy, where the surgeon somewhat limited. This is because a change in the mock
makes a small incision on the TM with a myringotomy knife. membrane material, thickness and the angle of toolset
The surgeon then performs suction to remove the middle ear approach might affect its success rate. The VTA will need to
fluid behind the TM, and then places a grommet next to the overcome these challenges before the VTA can enter the
incision before pushing it into the incision either by using the clinical trial phase.
forceps or a pick. Overall, the surgery involves a number of
steps that takes around 15 - 30 minutes to complete and The aim of this research is to introduce a novel way that
utilizes 3 to 4 main tools – myringotomy knife, suction tube, improves the design of the current automated actuation
forceps and/or pick. This surgery can be performed under system that has been developed. This paper is organized as
local anesthesia (LA) in adults if they can tolerate the follows: Section II describes the challenges of the current
discomfort. However, the usual practice for young children is design of the VTA. Section III introduces and discusses the
to use general anesthesia (GA) to keep them absolutely still new toolset design that aim to overcome the challenges.
during the procedure to prevent accidental damage to the Section IV presents the experimental results of the new
internal ear structure. Currently, the insertion of grommet is toolset on mock membrane. Section V concludes this report
one of the most common pediatric surgery performed and and Section VI describes the future work of this research.

*Research supported by Science and Engineering Research Council
within the Agency for Science, Technology and Research through the II.CHALLENGES OF VTA
Biomedical Engineering Programme under Grant 132 148 0014).
Cailin Ng is with the NUS Graduate School of Engineering and
Integrative Sciences, National University of Singapore (e-mail:
A. TM Angle Another challenge of the current VTA design is that the
Wenyu Liang and Kok Kiong Tan are with Department of Electrical and human tympanic membrane is usually at an oblique angle.
Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore.
Chee Wee Gan and Hsueh Yee Lim are with Department of Although the success rate of the VTA on a mock membrane
Otolaryngology, National University of Singapore. is very high at 98%, it may not be indicative of the actual
B. TM Variability
The human TM is a thin cone-shaped membrane that
separates the external ear from the middle ear. It is made up
of three layers of tissue: the outer cutaneous layer, the fibrous
middle layer and a mucous inner membrane. It is held in
place by a thick cartilage ring. The TM is approximately
0.08mm thick, and 10mm in diameter. However, the TM
thickness and its strength and flexibility varies between
individuals. In [16], the thickness distribution of six human
TMs is taken using a high-resolution optical coherence
success rate when performed on humans. This is because the tomography setup. It was found that the thickness varies
strongly across each membrane and a great deal of inter-
specimen variability can be seen. Hence, the VTA needs to
be able to adapt to different TM thickness. The current VTA
design inserts the Tiny Tytan grommet by incising the TM
using a 0.76mm diameter needle-cutter, and pushing a 1.5mm
diameter Tiny Tytan grommet into the incision. Since the
diameter of the incision is much smaller than that of the
 width of the grommet, a considerable force is needed to push
the grommet through the small incision for a successful
insertion. With the needle-cutter, the VTA might be able to
achieve a high success rate with the mock membrane,
however, if a thicker mock membrane is used, the success
rate drops, which is not acceptable.

experiment setup in the laboratory utilized an imperfect TM
model [15]. The TM3.model
Figure is formed
VTA and its controlby slightly stretching a
system A. Toolset Design
mock membrane over the opening of an 8mm diameter Our objective was to redesign the VTA such that it can be
cylinder. The cylinder is shaped regularly, hence the mock used on a bigger range of TM angles and to increase its
membraneforms a vertical plane. During the experiments, success rate on different type and thickness of mock
the VTA approaches the mock
Figure 1. Working process membrane
of the VTA horizontally, membrane. Since the fundamental problem is that the incision
forming a near 90o approach with the mock membrane. In made by the needle-cutter is too small and the grommet slides
reality, the angular placement of the TM within the ear canal away from the incision if the TM is oblique, the idea of
ranges between 45o to 60o for adults [13], and an extremely cover-cutter was conceptualized. The needle-cutter is
oblique position for neonate and infants [14]. An experiment designed such that the needle-like cutter is contained within
was done to measure the success rate of VTA with needle- the hollow of the holder and passes through the bore of the
cutter on mock membrane at different angle. The results, as grommet when protruded, hence the diameter of the cutter is
shown in Fig. 4, are not satisfactory. The success rate of VTA limited to the diameter of the inner bore of the grommet,
with needle-cutter falls to 40% with 50 o mock membrane and which is 0.76mm. To overcome this limitation, the cover-
it is unable
Figure 6. toSuccess
theofgrommet if themembrane
VTA on different angle isangles
lower than cutter is designed such that it is on the exterior of the holder
50o. This is because of a few reasons: and positioned so that its cutting blade is on the same side of
Figure 7.
 Geometrical shape of the grommet not suited for 0 o z- the sliding motion. The cover-cutter is a cylinder that
direction insertion for very oblique TM, sheathes the holder, as shown in Fig 5a, and is used to make
an incision in the TM. The front portion of the cover-cutter is
 Grommet sliding away from the incised hole because a partial cylinder with a sharp blade tip, which measures
of the angle of the oblique surface, and 1.6mm arc length. As shown in Fig 5c, the incision made by
 High speed insertion causing the grommet to tilt the cover-cutter is a crescent-shaped slit that follows the
excessively on the oblique surface, hence it is not in contour of the round inner flange of the Tiny Tytan grommet.
the correct position for insertion. To support the grommet such that the grommet lies axially,
an inner holder with a conical tip as shown in Fig 5b
TM angle is an important factor as statistics have shown substitutes the needle-cutter. The holder acts as pusher to
that OME is more prevalent in toddlers aged 3 and below [4], insert the grommet into the incision. The conical tip allows
and for this age group, their TM is likely to be very oblique. the grommet to tilt and weave into the incision in any
To make VTA useful as a treatment tool for OME, it has to direction.
overcome the oblique TM issue.
As opposed to the z-direction insertion by the needle-
cutter method, the cover-cutter method makes use of the
oblique angle of the TM as well as the inner holder with a
conical tip to assist in the sliding of the grommet for Thus, a control system that can adjust the insertion depth
insertion. When an object is pushed against an oblique accordingly is needed to improve success rate and safety.
surface, it naturally slides in the direction of the slope. Since
To do this, we make use of the onboard force sensor in
the human eardrum is typically inclined at an angle of around
the VTA to get the force reading during insertion, and noticed
30o - 60o, the cover-cutter method makes use of this slope to
that there is a sharp drop in the force reading when the
create a sliding action to weave the grommet into the
grommet has been pushed into the incision, as shown in Fig.
incision. We apply a topical anesthetic gel (Lidocaine 2%) on
7. Therefore, it is possible to control the insertion process
the grommet to ease the pain as well as to aid the sliding and
such that once there is a sharp drop in the force reading
weaving-in motion of the grommet from the lubricating effect
indicating that the grommet has been successfully inserted,
of the anesthetic gel. Coupled with a crescent-shaped slit that
the VTA stops immediately and retracts. Hence, an adaptive
follows the contour of the flange of the grommet, it will be
insertion control algorithm is designed and implemented so
able to weave into the slit easily with minimal effort. The
cover-cutter method created three degree of freedom (DOF) that it can adapt to the different TM angles as shown in (1). δ
motion, even though the motor only had 1 DOF in the z- is set as 0.9 for a fast response. Since the tympanic cavity has
direction. With a wider cutting blade and a 3-directional a transverse diameter of 3-5mm [9], for safety purpose, the
motion of the grommet, the success rate of the procedure is maximum insertion depth, d max is set to 2.5mm for less
increased. TM angles, which was previously impossible with oblique and normal angle TM, and 3.5mm for very oblique
the needle-cutter, is now achievable with the cover-cutter. TM.
The working process of the VTA with cover-cutter design v=¿ (8)
is very similar to that of the needle-cutter and involves the
following five steps as illustrated in Fig 6. f max ( k ) =max ⁡(f ( k ) , f max ( k−1 ) ) (9)
 Initialization: surgeon starts up the VTA program to where v = velocity of motor; vinsert = insertion velocity;
initialize VTA and controller. Surgeon then inserts the
distal end of the toolset into the ear canal of patient
0< δ ≤1; f = force and f max = max force;
and slowly approaches the TM until it is close but not C. Different cover-cutter setups according to TM angle
yet touching.
 Touch detection: surgeon steps on the foot pedal to
start the VTA operation. The device’s motor will
actuate the toolset move forward slowly until the
force sensor detects a touch.
 Myringotomy: an actuator punches out the cover-
cutter to make an incision on the TM. After an
incision is made, the cover-cutter is retracted.
 Grommet insertion: the motor will move the toolset
forward for insertion. Because the TM is oblique, and
the inner holder has a slanted tip, the grommet tilts
slightly in the direction of the TM’s slope and slides
into the incision previously made by the cover-cutter.
 Grommet release: upon sensing a successful
insertion by the force sensor, the motor will withdraw
the toolset. A buzzer will sound, signaling the end of
the procedure. The surgeon can then pull the toolset
out of the ear canal.

B. Adaptive Insertion Control Algorithm

Previously, the VTA used a position-based insertion
method where the incision is made by punching out the
needle-cutter by a fixed distance, and the insertion is
performed by pushing the grommet at a fixed distance. These
fixed distances are optimized for a 90o mock membrane, and
perhaps can be optimized and altered for different TM angles.
However, it is virtually impossible for the surgeon to estimate
with accuracy his patient’s TM angle just by using an
otoscope. Although it is possible to measure the TM angle if
a CT scan of the patient’s head is taken, but this is costly.
Figure 8.

Figure 7. Force diagrams comparing (a) with motion control, and (b) without motion
Figure 6. Working process of VTA with cover-cutter control

With the cover-cutter toolset, the insertion is facilitated by From the table, it is clear that S1 setup has an advantage
the weaving-in slide of the grommet into the incision with an in terms of lower insertion force for less oblique angles and
oblique TM. However, the anatomy of TM is different S2 offers higher success rate for more oblique angle.
between individuals. Hence, it is possible for a patient whose However, the boundaries of when the surgeon should switch
TM falls outside of the normal TM range of angles (30 o – from S1 to normal or from normal to S2 is not clear, as there
60o). For a TM which is less oblique and forms a near 90 o isn’t a single point where both objectives of maximizing
with respect to the central axis of the ear canal, there will be success rate and minimizing insertion force is met. One
very little sliding action; and for TM which is very oblique possible way to solve this is to use multi-objective
such that the angle is less than 45o, the grommet will tilt too optimization. As there are two objectives here, the most
much until the sliding becomes unstable and the grommet common employed method, the weighted sum approach will
misses the incision hole. A possible solution is to have a be used, as shown below:
different toolset for three different cases: less oblique TM, k
normal TM and very oblique TM. The distal end of the
U =∑ wi F i(x ) (3)
holder where the grommet is placed is made to be angled at i=1
30o such that when the grommet is positioned on the holder, it
is tilted. Depending on the angle of the TM, the holder can be where F i is the objective function, w i is a weighting factor
rotated such that the angle that grommet makes with the TM for the i th objective function. This approach requires the
is always around the optimal angle, as shown in Fig 5c. To
further investigate the range of angles for the different setups, selection of the weights,w i, which are general gauges of the
mock membrane holders with degrees from 90 o to 30o were importance for each objective function, and it is up to the
printed using a 3D printer and fixed to a platform stage decision-maker’s preference. In this case, the success rate is
equipped with a force sensor. Similar to [6] and for the same viewed to be more important than the insertion force, hence
reasons, a membrane made of PE material was chosen for the the weight of the success rate, w s is set at 0.6, while the
mock membrane. For each angle, experiments were weight of the insertion force, w if is set at 0.4. Since the aim
performed on all three setups, normal holder (normal setup); is to maximize success rate and minimize insertion force, the
slanted holder at an opposite angle to the membrane (S1 cost function is obtained as shown below:
setup); slanted holder at the same angle as the membrane (S2
setup). The success rate and the median insertion force as Maximize U n ( θ )=w s ,n F s , n ( θ )−w f , n F f , n (θ) (4)
measured by the force sensor on the stage are shown in Table
1. where F s is a function of success rate and F f is a function of
insertion force. The insertion force is normalized for each
angle and the cost function is then applied to the three IV. RESULTS
different setups. After utilizing a curve fitting toolbox from
The comparison between the success rate and force on the
Matlab, it was found that the rational function fits the cost
membrane between needle-cutter and cover-cutter is
function with the lowest root mean square error. Hence, the
performed. The same experimental setup and the same
cost function of the three setups are as below.
working process with the motion control for both needle-
0.78 θ−31.05 cutter and cover-cutter was used so that only the merits of the
U s1 ( θ )= (5) mechanical design of the toolset is considered. Different
membrane materials were also sourced for this experiment as
−0.0044 θ 2+1.03 θ−32.34 one of the challenge of VTA is TM variability. As explained
U N ( θ )= (6) earlier, the TM thickness and its strength and flexibility
θ−33.49 varies between individuals. Therefore, it is necessary to test
24.42 θ−573.3 the performance of the needle-cutter and cover-cutter on
U s2 ( θ )= 2 (7) mock membrane of different thickness and materials of
θ −64.22θ+2103 different tensile strength. Besides the mock membrane made




1 setup ormal setup 2 setup
De Succes Succes Succes
Force Force Force
g. s s s
0.182 0.273 0.383
90 95% 95% 95%
0.132 0.189 0.252
80 100% 100% 100%
0.187 0.131 0.195 Figure 8. Optimal pareto front obtained from multi-objective optimization
70 95% 95% 100%

Figure 9. Success rate comparison for the TABLE

four types of membranes

Membrane Thickness Material

1 Thin PVC
2 Regular PE
3 Thick PE
4 2 Layers PE and latex adhesive

Figure 10. Peak force comparison for the four types of membranes

Fig. 8 shows the cost function of the three setups. Since of PE material that was used earlier, another three different
the aim is to maximize the cost function, the pareto front is materials were used, as shown in Table II. Mock membrane 1
chosen as the solution that maximizes U (θ), as shown in the is made of soft PVC material and is very thin. Mock
green highlighted line. Therefore, the Pareto optimal solution membrane 2 is made of PE material with normal thickness.
is to use S1 setup for 90 ° ≤θ<78 ° , normal setup for Mock membrane 3 is also made of PE material but is stronger
than Mock membrane 2. Mock membrane 4 is significantly
78 ° ≤ θ< 42° and S2 setup for 42 ° ≤θ< 30° . thicker than the others as it is made up of 2 layers, with the
first layer made of PE and the second layer made of latex the neonatal TM angle is near horizontal, but the cover-
adhesive. This wrap is made to be self-adhesive that is cutter’s success rate drops drastically for angle less than 40 o.
activated by compression, hence the second layer consist of a More work needs to be done to facilitate an even larger range
series of protrusions in a regular pattern. Mock membrane 4 of TM angles. Secondly, the cover-cutter design requires
was chosen although it is much thicker than the rest as the some knowledge of the TM angle. Hence, a device that is
human TM has an array of collagen fibers in the radial and able to capture and create a 3D image of the desired grommet
circumferential direction, and the protrusions on mock insertion site will be helpful to minimize judgement errors
membrane 4 bear a slight resemblance to it. The experiments that might result in lower success rate. The current 3D
were repeated for membrane angles 90o to 30o, and for the modeling techniques are quite advanced, but to be able to
four different membrane materials. capture a 3D image of an 8mm by 8mm TM might be
challenging. To add to the difficulty, the device has to go
The results as shown in Fig. 9 and 10 exhibit a vast
through a narrow and tortuous ear canal before it can be near
improvement in the success rate for oblique membrane angles
enough to the TM to get a good image, hence it has to be very
and across all different types of membrane. Angles that was
previously unsuccessful with the needle-cutter, is now
possible using the cover-cutter. The success rate of the As with all handheld devices, the surgeon must feel
needle-cutter is also greatly affected by the thickness and comfortable to hold the device while performing the
material of the mock membrane, whereas it is less so for the procedure. Although the automated system offers some
cover-cutter. This might be because the needle-cutter requires advantages over the manual system, the introduction of
a larger force to push the grommet into a small incision. The sensing and motorized actuation elements in the automated
insertion depth required may also have exceeded the system is both costly and increases the weight and bulkiness
maximum insertion depth for safety purpose. The insertion of the hand-held device. Hence, device miniaturization is a
force of cover-cutter is lower across the board, with up to challenge that must be overcome.
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