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Name : Ayu Suhesti

NPM : A1B017021

Class : 6A

Subject : Pragmatics

1. How would the knowledge of pragmatics help you communicate with

native speaker of English?
The knowledge of pragmatics is very important in learning a language
because Pragmatics includes politeness/impoliteness, speech acts (greetings,
thanks, requests, compliments, apologies, complaints, etc.), conversational
style, humor, sarcasm, teasing, cursing, discourse markers, conversational
implicature, and deixis. We must know many pragmatic elements such those in
order to avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings during communication. In
pragmatic class we learn the ability to use language to respond appropriately in
daily life situations of native speaker. If we want to say something to someone
especially native speaker, we need to determine the situationally-appropriate
utterances: What can be said, to whom, where, when, and how. It is not enough
just to know the vocabulary and the grammar but also pragmatics.
2. In what way has your understanding of spoken interaction changed after
studying pragmatics?
After studying pragmatics, I can determine the situationally-appropriate
utterances: What can be said, to whom, where, when, and how. I can respond
when people (native speaker) ask by using pragmatic language (implied
meaning). Pragmatic help me minimize misunderstanding during
communication. I can communicate in English more polite depend on context
or to whom. Besides that, after studying pragmatic I can understand and
sometime use humor or sarcasm to my friend. When we communicate with
native speaker we more confident.

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