5-Leave Rules-Hb

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Employees are entitled to the following kinds of leave:


a. 12 days in a calendar year.

b. N.E. States – 15 days in a calendar year.
c. Employees belonging to North East and posted outside North East – 15 days CL
d. Employees posted in N.E. States, but belonging to other areas are entitled to 5
days Special Casual Leave. Employees belonging to North East and posted in
other areas are also eligible for 5 days Special Casual leave
e. Employees who serve NE for more than six months in any calendar year will be
entitled for all the three incremental CL (i.e. difference of 15 CL admissible in NE
states and 12 CL admissible in other areas) during that year. Employees who
serve in NE states for six months or lesser period in any calendar year will be
entitled for 2 incremental CL only during that year
f. Employees other than those belonging to NE states having centralized seniority
and transferred/ posted to NE state will be entitled for 5 days CL, if they serve in
NE states for more than six months during that year or will be entitled for 3 day
special casual leave, if they serve in NE states for six months or lesser period
during that year.

1. Sundays, Holidays and any other weekly off days falling before, after and within
the period of casual leave shall not be counted as part of casual leave.
2. Combination of Leave:
(a) All types of leave (other than casual leave) may be combined with one
(b) Casual leave may be combined only with special casual leave;
(c) Special casual leave may be combined either with casual leave or with
other types of leaves, but not with both.


No.18(5)/94-ON-OFF Shift/EP dt.17.01.07

Employees working on on/off pattern in Offshore/ Onshore areas, who are unable to avail
Casual Leave, are granted ‘On-off Duty Leave” in lieu of the Casual Leave

The employees may avail/encash ODL at par with Earned Leave at their option. However,
ODL together with EL in their account should not exceed 300 days.



Executives working in round the clock shifts (8 hrs. or 12 hrs. duty) and not in general
For performing extra duty in continuous shift or on a rest day.

To be availed with prior permission
To avail within one month and if accumulated upto 4 C.offs in a month can avail within 3
C.off can be prefixed/suffixed with earned leave, half pay leave or casual leave with prior
permission of the controlling officer

EXCEPTION:This scheme is not applicable to non-field personnel, field parties or executives

on tour etc.

a) Non-executives working on weekly rest day may be granted compensatory off in lieu
of Overtime Allowance, in terms of the provisions of relevant Act.
b) Non-executives may also opt for availing compensatory off in lieu of work performed
on Saturday/ Sunday/ Closed holiday, subject to the provisions of the relevant Act.


After putting in ONE year service, an employee is entitled to Special Casual Leave:
a. Up to 30 days for civil disturbances, Curfew or transport strike.
b. Up to 30 days for National/international sports events.
c. Up to 10 days for inter-departmental/district sports.
d. Up to 1 day for donation of blood.
e. 6/7/14 days for family planning.
f. 4/10 days for persons with Disabilities
No. 17(12)/15-LR Amend/CP dt. 02.09.2015)

a. 30 days in a calendar year @ 2.5 days a month.
b. 15 days credited at the commencement of each half calendar year on 1st Jan & 1st
c. Leave can be accumulated upto 300 days.
d. Leave can be granted upto 180 days on one occasion.
e. EL is transferable from one public sector to another in case employee moves to other
PSU with the consent of both PSUs.
f. When an employee joins or separates from the company EL is credited @ 2.5 days
for every completed calendar month of service rendered.

5.1 Earned Leave Encashment

a. An employee can encash 75% EL to his credit subject to a maximum of 90 days,
once in a calendar year.
b. Cash equivalent to the salary of EL upto maximum of 300 days on the date of
retirement or death is payable.
c. Leave encashment is admissible, even while under suspension.
d. Deputationists, who have opted to ONGC pay scales, will not be entitled to leave

5.2 E.L. Encashment on Separation

Separation on account of Maximum allowable quantum
Retirement/ Death 300 days
Termination other than CDA 300 days
Resignation 50% of leave at credit Max.150 days


a. 20 days in a year
b. As in EL, an advance credit in 2(two) installments of 10 days each on 1st day of
January and July of every calendar year.
c. HPL is transferable from one PSU to another as in EL.
d. An employee shall be entitled to leave salary equivalent to half of the pay and DA
and PDA during HPL.

6.1 Commuted Leave

a. An employee can convert half pay leave into commuted leave on medical grounds
duly supported by Medical Certificate.
b. Twice the amount of commuted leave granted is debited to HPL account of the
c. Maximum of 180 days commuted leave can be granted during entire service for
approved course of study in an University/Institute of repute.
d. During the commuted leave, employee gets the same pay as he gets on availing EL.

6.2 Good Health Reward

17(12)/08-GHR/CP dt. 19.11.08

At the time of retirement/ separation of an employee from the service of the Company, the
entire quantum of leave on half pay available to the Employee’s credit will be commuted to
leave on full pay and such commuted leave on full pay will be allowed to be encashed by the

In case of death of an employee while in service, the entire quantum of leave on half pay
commuted on full pay will be permissible for encashment.


a. Leave can be sanctioned, though it is not due. This is called LEAVE NOT DUE.
b. Minimum 3 years service required for grant of leave not due.
c. Maximum 90 days leave-not-due can be granted on one occasion, but 180 days on
Medical ground.
d. Leave not due is adjusted against the HPL to be earned in future.


EOL, without pay, may be sanctioned i) when no other kind of leave is available ii) when
individual applies in writing for EOL even he possess leave at his credit, for the following
purposes and periods:

a. Ordinary matters, 3 months;

b. Medical grounds, upto 6 months.
c. If suffering from T.B., Leprosy, Cancer, Mental illness, upto 18 months.
d. For study purposes, upto 2 years. EOL for study purposes should be applied 60 days
in advance together with all documents. Employees requesting for EOL for study
purposes/Study leave shall have to submit their applications atleast 60 days in
advance alongwith all requisite documents for processing such requests.
e. The Competent Authority may, at its discretion convert a period of absence from duty
without leave into EOL.
f. One day EL will be debited for each 10 days EOL availed by individual.

Employees are eligible to STUDY LEAVE for pursuing a course of study:
a. Study leave upto 2 years during the entire period of service can be granted. Study
leave may be combined with any type of leave other than EOL which shall not
exceed 36 months on the following conditions:
 All Govt. sponsored courses.
 Who have put in 5 years service.
 Whose age is less than 50 years.
 Courses which are relevant to ONGC work.
 ACR grading for last 3 years should be above average.
b. During leave, an employee gets salary as on HPL.
c. The employee has to execute a bond to serve ONGC for the period of minimum three
years failing which he shall be liable to pay to ONGC double the amount of leave
salary and other allowances paid during the period of study leave.
d. If an employee is not able to complete the studies successfully and resumes duty
before or after expiry of study leave, the period of such leave/absence shall not be
reckoned as service for calculating the years of service for eligibility for promotion.
e. No employee is authorized to proceed on EOL for study/ foreign assignment without
furnishing the surety cum personal bond


a. A female employee may be granted maternity leave on full pay for a period of 180
b. Maternity leave, not exceeding six weeks may also be granted in case of mis-
carriage, including abortion, on the recommendation of medical officer.
c. Can be combined with any kind of leave upto a maximum of 60 days without
production of medical certificate.
d. Maternity Leave can be combined with any other kind of leave, in case of illness to
newly born baby subject to production of medical certificate.
e. A female employee on adoption of a child, may be granted adoption leave on full pay
for a period upto 60 days from the date of adoption or till such time the child is two
years old.


No.17(12)/09-LR/CP dt. 22.09.09

Female employees having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave for a maximum
period of 730 days during their entire service for taking care of upto two eldest surviving
children whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc.
CCL shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older.

During the period of such leave, the female employees shall be paid leave salary equal to
the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. It may be availed of in more than
one spell. CCL may also be allowed for the third year as leave not due (without production of
medical certificate). It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible. CCL
cannot be demanded as a matter of right.


No.17(12)/09-LR/CP dt. 22.09.09

A male employee with less than two surviving children may be granted Paternity Leave on
full pay for a period of 15 days during the confinement of his wife based on documentary
evidence. Confinement means 15 days prior to delivery or upto 180 days from the date of


a. It is granted due to infectious disease in the family.
b. Granted on recommendation of public Health officer/medical officer upto

 21 days in General Cases

 30 days in exceptional cases.

c. Quarantine Leave is not admissible if employee himself is suffering from infectious

d. An employee on Quarantine leave is not treated as absent from duty.
e. Such leave can be combined with any type leave except CL &Spl. CL.


a. Accident & Disability leave is granted if an employee meets with an accident while on
b. Accident is to be reported immediately by the employee/concerned officer.
c. Can be combined with any other type of leave other than CL or Spl. CL.
d. Sanctioned on the recommendation of Medical Officer.
e. Can be granted more than once; if accident occurs.
f. Leave salary admissible during the period of Accident disability leave shall be as
admissible during earned leave.
g. The total cumulative period of ADL during which an employee receives leave salary
for any one accident or disability shall not exceed 180 days at a time.
h. More than 180 days to be approved by Director (HR)


14.1 Recall from leave:

L-1 authority has the discretion to recall an employee to duty before the expiry of his
leave, if exigencies of service of the company so require. The Employee shall be
treated as on duty from the date on which he starts the journey to report for duty (if
he is out of station on authorized leave) and TA is admissible for such journey as
TADA rules.

14.2 . Carry forward of leave:

In case where an employee of the company moves to any other PSU with the
consent of the company and of the other undertaking concerned, he shall be entitled
to carry forward the Earned Leave/ HPL standing to his credit on the date of his
relieving from the company under the rules applicable to him.

14.3 Unauthorised Absence:

Rule 14 (5) provides that where an employee fails to resume duty on the expiry of the
period of EOL if the leave granted to him is the maximum that can be granted or
where an employee is granted a less amount of EOL than the maximum admissible,
remains absent from duty for any period which together with EOL so granted
exceeds the limit upto which he could have been granted EOL, he shall be deemed
to have resigned his appointment and shall accordingly cease to be in the
employment of the company unless the company may determine otherwise in view of
the exceptional circumstances of the case.

All cases of deemed resignation, where employee remains unauthorisedly absent

from duty, may be given effect only after expiry of maximum EOL that can be granted
under Rule 14 of the Leave Rules.

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