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Mata Kuliah : Grammar 4 Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 23 April 2020
Fak/Prodi : Sastra / Sastra Inggris Waktu : 90 menit
Semester : 04 Shift : Reguler A/B
Dosen : Tito Dimas Atmawijaya, M.Hum. Sifat Ujian : Close Book

1. Each type can only be done by maximum 20 students
2. You should analyze mistakes from each type and revise them.
3. Submit your answer and payment evidence (bukti bayar dari SIA) combined in one paper
in a pdf format sent to your e-learning (assignment) no later by 25 th April 2020, 11.59
P.M (23.59 WIB),
4. Late submissions will reduce your scores.

Type 1
Analyse these 15 grammatical mistakes and correct them

What is commonly calling pepper in reality coming from two very different family of plants.
Black and white pepper both come from the fruit of the Piper nigrum, a vine with fruits called
peppercorns. The peppercorns turning from green to red as they ripe and finally blacken as they drying
out. The dried-out peppercorns is ground to obtain black pepper. White pepper, which have a more
subtle flavors than black pepper, coming from the same peppercorns as black pepper; to obtain white
pepper, the outer hull of the peppercorn, the pericarp, are removed before the peppercorn are ground.
Red and green peppers, on the other hand, come from a completely different family from black
and white pepper. Red and green peppers is from the genus Capsicum. Plants of this type generally
has tiny white flowers and fruit which can be any one of a number of colors, shapes, and sizes. These
peppers ranges in flavor from very mild and sweet to the most incredibly burns taste imaginable.
Bell peppers are the most mild, while habaneros is the most burning.

Type 2
Analyse these 15 grammatical mistakes and correct them

Christopher Columbus were responsible for the present-day confusion over what a pepper were.
The Piper nigrum variety of pepper is highly valued for centuries, and high demands for pepper by
Europeans are a major cause of the fifteenth-century push to locating ocean route to the spice-
growing regions of Asia. When Columbus arriving in the New World in 1492, he is particularly
interested in finding black pepper because of the high price that it will command in Europe.
Columbus came across plants from the Capsicum family in use among the people of the New World,
and he incorrectly identifies them as relatives of black pepper. Columbus introducing the spicy
Capsicum chili pepper to Europeans on his return from the 1492 voyage, and traders later spreads
them to Asia and Africa. These Capsicum peppers has continued to be calling peppers in spite of the
fact that they are not related to the black and white pepper of the Piper nigrum family.

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