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Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169 – 193

Stratigraphy and facies architecture of the fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine

Sergi Formation (Upper Jurassic), Recôncavo Basin, Brazil
Claiton M.S. Scherer a,⁎, Ernesto L.C. Lavina b , Dorval C. Dias Filho c ,
Flávio M. Oliveira d , Daniela E. Bongiolo a , Eduardo S. Aguiar b
Instituto de Geociências, UFRGS, P.O. Box 15001, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil
Programa de Pó-graduação em Geociências, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Av. Unisinos 950,
CEP 93022-000, São Leopoldo-RS, Brazil
PETROBRAS/CENPES, Av. Jequitiba, 959, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-598 Rio de Janeiro- RJ, Brazil
PETROBRAS/UN-BA/ST/CER, Av. ACM, 1113, CEP 41825-903, Salvador- BA, Brazil
Received 24 November 2005; received in revised form 2 June 2006; accepted 6 June 2006


The Sergi Formation encompasses an upper Jurassic fluvial–eolian–lacustrine succession deposited within a wide intracratonic
basin. Its sand bodies represent the largest and more important reservoirs in the Recôncavo Basin, hosting 362 million m3 of oil in
place. The main goal of this paper is to provide a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Sergi Formation based on core and outcrop data.
It was achieved through the recognition and correlation of regional surfaces that have allowed the subdivision of this unit into distinct
depositional sequences, and the reconstruction of its depositional history. The studied succession can be subdivided into three
unconformity-bounded sequences. Sequence I is composed of lacustrine mudstone at its base, which is overlain by fine- to medium-
grained sandstone related to aeolian dune and sand sheet and ephemeral fluvial stream deposits. Fluvial strata indicate northeastward-
flowing streams whereas aeolian dune deposits suggest the action of southwestward-blowing winds. The regional unconformity
bounding sequences I and II denotes both a climate change and tectonic rearrangement of the basin. This surface delineates a change in
the depositional style, from fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine (Sequence I) to entirely fluvial (Sequence II). The latter includes coarse-
grained to conglomeratic sandstone deposited within northwestward-flowing braided channel-belts. Changes in fluvial palaeocurrent,
from sequence I to II, indicate rearrangement of the drainage system related to basin tectonism. Furthermore, a change in the fluvial
discharge regime took place as a result of a change from a drier to a wetter climate. Fluvial deposition in Sequence I was related to
ephemeral streams whereas fluvial facies architecture of the Sequence II deposits indicates perennial braided streams with significant
discharge variation. Another regional unconformity, this time related to a stratigraphic base level fall and consequent widespread,
basinwide aeolian deflation, separates the braided fluvial facies of Sequence II from the fine- to medium-grained sandstones ascribed
to sheet-floods, aeolian dunes and aeolian sand sheets of Sequence III. The resumption of aeolian sedimentation indicates a return to
drier conditions in the basin. The abrupt change from fluvial–aeolian deposits to the lacustrine deposits of the overlying Itaparica
Formation suggest a rapid rise of the water table and consequent basinwide flooding.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Continental sequence stratigraphy; Reconcavo Basin; Upper Jurassic

⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +55 51 3316 7047.

E-mail address: (C.M.S. Scherer).

0037-0738/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
170 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

1. Introduction mechanisms of sedimentation using a sequence

stratigraphic approach (e.g. Dias Filho, 2002). There-
The Upper Jurassic Sergi Formation contains the fore, the main aims of this paper include (1)
largest sandstone reservoirs of the Recôncavo Basin, with characterization and interpretation of the main facies
an original volume of 362 million m3 of oil in place. This associations; (2) elaboration of a sequence stratigraphic
unit consists of fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine deposits accu- framework based on the identification and correlation
mulated in a wide intracratonic basin (Netto, 1978; of unconformities; and (3) proposition of a stratigraph-
Lanzarini and Terra, 1989). ic model for the fluvial–aeolian deposits of the Sergi
Although the Sergi Formation has been extensively Formation.
studied in last decades, few papers have focused in Log analysis, facies description and logging were
detail on its depositional architecture and controlling carried out on cores from four wells (Fig. 1). Subsurface

Fig. 1. Simplified geologic map of the studied area. Numbered black circles indicate the positions of the four logged cores presented in Fig. 2. The
location of five outcrop panels are indicated by the numbered rectangles.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 171

data were complemented by information from six 3. Stratigraphic framework

exposures (Fig. 1), which were described in graphic
logs and/or lateral profiles elaborated from photo- 3.1. Conceptual discussion
mosaics, in which facies associations and bounding
surfaces were delineated, and palaeocurrent data One of the main stratigraphic concerns of the last
plotted. The integration of outcrop and core data decades entailed the identification and mapping of
allows for a detailed sedimentological and strati- genetically related units bounded at their top and base by
graphic analysis of the Sergi Formation. While core unconformities. Following this trend of analyzing the
information facilitates the definition of the strati- geological record, a large step forward was reached
graphic framework and the regional correlation of through the development of the sequence stratigraphic
depositional sequences, outcrop data allow character- method, which has been most widely applied to coastal
ization of the geometry and lateral extent of facies and shelf deposits (Wingus et al., 1988; Van Wagoner et
associations. Fluvial and aeolian bounding-surface al., 1990; Posamentier and Weimer, 1993). Within these
hierarchy followed the schemes of Miall (1988) and depositional settings, sequence accumulation and pres-
Kocurek (1996), respectively. Paleocurrent readings ervation are controlled by relative sea-level changes.
were corrected for the average present-day structural Deposition and accumulation on the shelf occurs during
dip of 25° (Collinson and Thompson, 1989; Tucker, periods of relative sea-level rise or stability whereas
1996). erosion or non-deposition on the shelf reflects intervals
of relative sea-level fall.
2. Geological setting Similarly to the marine realm, changes on the rates of
accommodation space constitute the main control on the
The Sergi Formation consists of fine-grained to preservation of sediments within continental settings
conglomeratic sandstones deposited within Upper (Shanley and McCabe, 1994). Accommodation space is
Jurassic fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine systems (Bruhn herein understood as the available space for potential
and De Ros, 1987; Lanzarini and Terra, 1989; sediment accumulation (Jervey, 1988). However, accom-
Carrasco et al., 1996; Lanzarini, 1996). This unit modation space within continental settings is not
interfingers at its base with lacustrine mudstones of the associated with relative sea level, since the fluvial
Aliança Formation (Capianga Member) and is abruptly equilibrium profile and the phreatic water table level are
overlain by lacustrine mudstones of the Itaparica the main controls on sediment accumulation and preser-
Formation. vation. Although the mechanisms that control accommo-
Although the Sergi Formation is restricted to the dation space within marine and non-marine environments
Recôncavo Basin, contemporaneous deposits original- are distinct, their effect on the stacking pattern and strata
ly occupied a much wider area, as indicated by several geometry is similar and can be predictable. This approach
correlative units in Northeast Brazil and Africa (Garcia comprises the basis of a correlation technique that is an
et al., 1998). This large basin named the Afro- alternative to the traditional lithostratigraphic approach,
Brazilian Depression, formed a N–S elongate basin and is, founded on the concept of base level oscillations
developed at the beginning of the extensional phase and consequent generation or destruction of accommoda-
(pre-rift phase) that culminated with the complete tion space through time (e.g. Crabaugh and Kocurek,
rupture of Gondwana in the Cretaceous and opening 1993; Kocurek and Havholm, 1993; Havholm and
of the South Atlantic Ocean. This large feature was Kocurek, 1994; Frederiksen et al., 1998; Mountney et
interpreted as a peripheral depression adjacent to an al., 1999; Sweet, 1999; Mountney and Howell, 2000;
area of crustal uplifting, the embryo of the future rift Scherer, 2002; Scherer and Lavina, 2005). In this context,
(Estrella, 1972). The original extent of the Jurassic sediment accumulation takes place during episodes of
deposits and their tectonic setting remain uncertain. stratigraphic base level (SBL) rise, while unconformities
The Sergi Formation occurs throughout the entire are developed during SBL fall.
Recôncavo Basin, but only crops out along the The identification of systems tracts within alluvial
northern and western borders of the basin (Fig. 1). systems is based on several criteria, including geometry
At a regional scale this unit, up to 450 m thick, and stacking pattern of fluvial channels, channel to
dips to the east (Milani, 1987). Isopach maps overbank deposit ratios and paleosol types. Often,
indicate thickness increases to the south and intervals of multi-storey and multi-lateral, amalgamated,
decreases to the north-northeast of the basin (Santos sheet sandstone bodies, with rare overbank deposits are
et al., 1990). interpreted to record low rates of accommodation space
172 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

creation (Legarreta and Uliana, 1991; Shanley and The studied interval was herein analyzed using a
McCabe, 1993, 1994; Van Wagoner, 1995; Aitken and sequence stratigraphic approach to define depositional
Flint, 1995; Olsen et al., 1995; Richards, 1996; Miall, sequences, which are defined as “stratigraphic units
1996). On the other hand, intervals characterized by composed of a relatively conformable succession of
single-storey, ribbon or sheet fluvial channels sand genetically related strata bounded by unconformities or
bodies encased within fine-grained overbank deposits their correlative conformities” (Mitchum et al., 1977).
that include poorly developed and hydromorphic soils Emphasis is placed on the recognition and interpretation
are often interpreted to record periods of higher rates of of correlative surfaces of regional extent, which not only
accommodation space creation (Shanley and McCabe, allow subdivision of the fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine
1991, 1993; Wright and Marriot, 1993; Shanley and succession into different sequences, but also aid in the
McCabe, 1994; Van Wagoner, 1995; Aitken and Flint, reconstruction of depositional history. Based on core,
1995; Olsen et al., 1995; Richards, 1996). log and outcrop analyses it was possible to define and
Sequence stratigraphy has been successfully applied correlate three unconformity-bounded, regional-scale
to aeolian successions. Recent papers show that depositional sequences (Fig. 2). The criteria used to
aeolian accumulation within a sedimentary basin is identify unconformities in both outcrops and cores
an episodic process characterized by short depositional include: (1) abrupt facies shift through regionally
intervals alternating with long periods of either erosion correlated surfaces (outcrops and cores); (2) grain size
or aeolian non-deposition (e.g. Loope, 1985; Talbot, changes across the unconformity (outcrops and cores);
1985; Kocurek, 1988; Kocurek and Havholm, 1993). and (3) change in paleocurrent trend (outcrops).
Therefore, several successions previously thought to
represent a single erg have, in recent years, been 3.2. Sequence I
subdivided into several units representing distinct
accumulation episodes (e.g. Permian Currie Sand- Sequence I was recognized in all studied wells and its
stones — Clemmensen and Hegner, 1991; Middle minimum thickness ranges from 100 to 160 m. The
Jurassic Page Sandstone — Kocurek et al., 1991; lower boundary cannot be precisely delineated as it
Havholm et al., 1993; Blakey et al., 1996; Middle interfingers with the underlying Capianga Member
Jurassic Entrada Sandstone — Crabaugh and Kocurek, (Aliança Formation). Its upper boundary consists of a
1993). A basic requirement for the stratigraphic regional-scale erosional surface. Four facies associa-
subdivision of aeolian successions is the identification tions were discriminated within Sequence I from core
of supersurfaces, which represent regional-scale and outcrop description: (1) Aeolian Sand Sheets, (2)
boundaries delineating the end of an aeolian accumu- Aeolian Dunes, (3) Ephemeral Fluvial Channels, and (4)
lation event (Kocurek, 1988, 1996), and which bound Fluvial–Lacustrine facies associations.
distinct genetic units.
A sequence stratigraphic approach has also been 3.2.1. Aeolian Sand Sheets Facies Association
applied to fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine successions. For
instance, the Permian sandstones of the Rotliegend Description. These deposits consist of white,
Group, which includes fluvial, aeolian, sabkha and well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained sandstones ar-
lacustrine strata accumulated in rift basins, have been ranged in tabular bodies up to 8 m thick and hundreds of
extensively studied, mainly in the southern portion of metres wide (Fig. 3). Internally, these units are
the North Sea (Yang and Nio, 1993; Howell and characterized by 0.3 to 2 m thick sets of horizontal to
Mountney, 1997). This unit presents a well-defined low-angle cross-stratification (< 5°) composed by in-
palaeogeography characterized by fluvial deposits along versely graded, up to 10 mm thick, wind-ripple laminae
the basin margins, which are gradually replaced towards (Figs. 4A,B; 5). Well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained
the basin centre by aeolian, sabkha and lacustrine facies sandstone organized into isolated, 0.2 to 2 m thick and
(Glennie, 1986). However, these facies belts are known less than 30 m wide, sets of tangential cross-bedding,
to have changed their position in the basin due to climate entirely formed by wind-ripple lamination, occur inter-
oscillations, producing retrogradational or prograda- layered with the low-angle strata (Figs. 3, 4). Lateral
tional trends based on the recognition of distinct contacts between low-angle and cross-bedded strata can
depositional sequences and associated system tracts. be either gradual or abrupt and erosional.
The vertical facies succession within the Rotliegend
Group varies laterally according to location within the Interpretation. The horizontal to low-angle
basin. cross-bedded sandstones are interpreted as aeolian sand
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 173

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic cross-section based on log correlation, displaying the depositional sequences, their bounding surfaces and facies association
(datum: regional flooding surface at the base of the Itaparica Formation).
174 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193
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Fig. 4. (A) Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log for the aeolian sand sheet facies association. (B) Core photograph of low-angle wind-ripple
lamination. See Fig. 2 for location.

sheet deposits formed by the migration and subcritical cross-strata and basal bounding surfaces forms trough
climb of aeolian ripples over a dry depositional surface (50 to 200 m wide) outlines (Fig. 3). In plan view, the
(Hunter, 1977). Interlayered cross-strata are interpreted foresets are curved and display a dip directional spread
as residual deposits of aeolian dunes. Foresets com- ranging from 050° to 110° in a single set. Internally, sets
posed exclusively of aeolian ripple lamination indicate are composed of 1 to 4 cm thick, massive to inversely-
bedforms either lacking well-developed slipfaces or graded grainflow strata on the steeper portions (∼ 30°)
severely truncated. The restricted lateral extent of the of the foresets. Downdip, grainflow strata pinch out,
sets suggests isolated dunes separated by extensive areas intertonguing with tangential wind-ripple toesets. Cross-
of aeolian sand sheets (Trewin, 1993; Mountney et al., strata define a mean dip towards the southwest (Fig. 7).
1999). Locally, convolute or massive beds are interbedded with
cross-bedded sandstones.
3.2.2. Aeolian Dune Facies Association In some exposures composite cross-strata are present
that, from a view parallel to paleoflow, can be Description. This association occurs as 3 to subdivided into several sets bounded by inclined (5°
20 m thick (4 m average) and hundreds of m wide to 10°) surfaces that dip in the same direction as the
tabular bodies composed of well-sorted, fine- to foresets.
medium-grained sandstones arranged in 0.5 to 3 m
thick cross-sets (Figs. 3, 5, 6). From a view parallel to Interpretation. The presence of well-sorted
paleoflow, cross-strata are tangential to their basal and well-rounded, fine- to medium-grained sand,
bounding surfaces, which are planar and dip gently organized into large-scale sets of cross-strata composed
(< 2°) in a direction opposite to cross-bedding (Fig. 3). of wind-ripples and grain flow strata, suggests an
From sections transverse to paleoflow direction, both interpretation for this facies association as residual

Fig. 3. Interpreted outcrop panel showing the relationship between facies associations of the sequence I. Note that the boundaries between
aeolian dune, aeolian sand sheet and ephemeral stream facies associations are marked by planar to erosional, sharp surfaces. See Fig. 1 for
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193
Fig. 5. (A) Interpreted outcrop panel showing the relationship between facies associations in sequence I. Aeolian and fluvial units are laterally and vertically interfingered. The aeolian units can be
completely eroded by fluvial sand bodies. (B) Logged section in different positions of the outcrop. See Fig. 1 for location.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 177

Fig. 6. (A) Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log for the aeolian dune facies association. (B) Core photograph of aeolian cross-bedding,
characterized by wind-ripple low-angle lamination at the base grading upward to high-angle (25–30°) grainflow strata. See Fig. 2 for location.

deposits of aeolian dunes (Hunter, 1977; Kocurek and by trough interdune surfaces suggests out-of-phase (by
Dott, 1981). The occurrence of grain-flow strata nearly 180°) aeolian dunes (Rubin, 1987; Fig. 3). The
indicates bedforms with well-developed slipfaces. The inclined, downwind-dipping bounding surfaces that
maximum 30° dip of the cross-strata, below the 34° divide the cosets of compound cross-strata are interpreted
angle of repose, is probably a result of post-depositional as superimposition surfaces (terminology of Kocurek,
compaction (Walker and Harms, 1972). 1996) formed by migration of secondary dunes on the
Unimodal, SW-dipping cross bedding suggests cres- frontal face of large-scale bedforms lacking well-
centic aeolian dunes migrating mostly southwestward. developed slipfaces (draas). Convolute and massive
Horizontal to upwind-dipping surfaces bounding simple beds are interpreted as the result of post-depositional
and composite cross strata (view parallel to paleoflow) are fluidization due to interstitial fluid escape.
interpreted as interdune surfaces (terminology of
Kocurek, 1996) resulting from the successive climbing 3.2.3. Ephemeral Fluvial Channel Facies Association
of aeolian dunes. The trough geometry of the interdune
surfaces from a view transverse to paleoflow indicates Description. This facies association is made
high sinuosity of the principal bedform crestlines. up of several, 1 to 4 m thick sandstone bodies, that show
Wavelengths of crestlines (50 to 200 m) were inferred a sheet geometry in cross-section (width/thickness
from the extent of trough cross-sets bounded by interdune ratio > 30). The basal bounding surfaces of sandstone
surfaces. Superimposition of several cross-sets bounded bodies are flat to concave-up and are marked by < 10 cm
178 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

Fig. 7. Regional map of the Recôncavo Basin displaying palaeocurrent data for Sequence I. (A) Ephemeral fluvial channel facies association. Rose
diagrams show dip azimuths of the trough and planar cross-bedded sandstones. (B) Aeolian dune facies association. Rose diagrams show dip
azimuths of the large-scale trough cross-bedded sandstones.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 179

thick lags of intraformational (caliche and/or mudstone) Interpretation. This facies association is
clasts (Figs. 5, 8). These basal lags are overlain by interpreted as fluvial channel deposits. The basal erosion
different facies, making up distinct facies successions surfaces, overlain by intraformational conglomerates,
that can be arranged into two main types. The first can be ascribed to 5th order surfaces (terminology of
comprises fine- to medium-grained sandstones, massive Miall, 1988). They represent basal channel boundaries.
or with horizontal to low-angle cross-bedding. The The sandstone bodies composed of massive and parallel
second type is composed of very-fine to medium- to low-angle cross-bedded sandstones, are interpreted to
grained sandstones containing planar and trough cross- represent poorly confined sheet flood deposits (Picard
bedding (0.2 to 0.5 m thick sets) and less commonly and High, 1973; Miall, 1985; Olsen, 1987; George and
ripple cross-lamination. Both types show abrupt facies Berry, 1993; North and Taylor, 1996). The common
shifts and can either form fining-upward cycles or be occurrence of both parallel-bedding (upper flow regime)
consistent in grain-size. Palaeocurrent data from planar and massive sandstone (hyperconcentrated flows)
and trough cross-bedding indicate northeastward sedi- indicate fast and intermittent, high capacity streams.
ment transport (Fig. 7). The scarcity of bedforms may be a result of the high

Fig. 8. (A) Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log of the ephemeral fluvial channel facies association (sequence I). Core photograph of
intraformational conglomerate with caliche and mudstone intraclasts (B), trough cross-strata (C), ripple-cross lamination (D), and massive sandstone
(E). See Fig. 2 for location.
180 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

concentration of suspended sand, which causes turbu- lowlands during flash floods. The absence of in situ
lence suppression, hence precluding flow separation and carbonate suggests recurrent channel shifting, hence
dune development (Allen and Leeder, 1980). erosion of formerly accumulated overbank deposits.
The sand bodies composed of planar and trough cross
bedding and ripple cross-lamination are interpreted as 3.2.4. Lacustrine Facies Association
low-sinuosity channel fill deposits. The dominance of
dune-scale cross-bedding and the lack of macroforms Description. This facies association can be
indicate shallow fluvial channels. These channel divided into two main vertical facies: (i) 1 to 4 m thick
deposits probably represent fields or trains of individual packages composed entirely of reddish, massive or flat
bedforms that accumulated predominantly by vertical laminated mudstones with ostracodes (Caixeta et al.,
aggradation. This type of architecture is similar to sand- 1994) and plant debris; (ii) 1 to 4 m thick, coarsening-
bed rivers developed on distal braidplains, mostly in arid upward successions, composed of either massive or
regions where ephemeral streams form a network of laminated mudstones at their base, locally displaying
shallow channels (distal, sheet flood, sand-bed rivers mudcracks, overlain by fine-grained sandstones with
sensu Miall, 1996). Ancient examples of this fluvial ripple cross-lamination, and fine- to medium-grained
style have been described by Rust and Nanson (1989), sandstones at the top, massive and/or with trough cross-
Ekes (1993), and Talbot et al., 1994), among others. bedding (Fig. 9).
Intraformational conglomerates at the base of the
fluvial sandstone packages represent reworking of Interpretation. Massive and laminated mud-
overbank deposits. Carbonate intraclasts record the stone is interpreted to represent settling of suspended
development of ephemeral lakes in nearby channel sediment from water bodies. The ostracode fauna in a

Fig. 9. (A) Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log of fluvio-lacustrine facies association (sequence I). (B) Core photograph of fluvio-lacustrine
facies succession composed of laminated mudstone at their base, overlain by trough cross-bedded fine sandstone, culminating with ripple cross-
laminated, fine-grained sandstone. See Fig. 2 for location.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 181

continental setting (Caixeta et al., 1994) suggests a tion). Palaeocurrent data indicate northeastward fluvial
lacustrine environment. The presence of mudcracks sediment transport, in agreement with data from isopach
indicates ephemeral shallow lakes. The absence of maps, which show a northeastward increase in the
evaporites indicates low-salinity lakes. The coarsening- thickness of the lacustrine deposits, while the fluvial–
upwards cycles are interpreted to represent lake aeolian deposits thicken to the southwest (Fig. 10).
marginal deposits formed due to the deceleration of Aeolian strata indicate an opposite sense of sediment
streams as they entered water bodies (delta-front transport relative to the fluvial deposits (Fig. 7). While
deposits). Their modest thickness (< 4 m) reinforces fluvial flow was to NE, aeolian dune cross-bedding
the interpretation of a shallow-lake environment. shows a consistent southwestward trend, indicating
aeolian transport towards the southern border of the
3.2.5. Sequence I depositional architecture basin.
Sequence I displays a progradational facies succes- From the outcrop analysis it was possible to define
sion. Its base is dominated by fine-grained lacustrine more accurately the geometrical relationships between
deposits (Capianga Member of the Aliança Formation) the ephemeral fluvial channel facies association and the
that are overlain by fluvial–aeolian strata with scarce, aeolian dune and sand sheet facies associations. Aeolian
interlayered lacustrine beds (base of the Sergi Forma- and fluvial deposits are laterally and vertically adjacent,

Fig. 10. Isolith maps of fine-grained lacustrine deposits and fine- to medium-grained sandstone, fluvial–aeolian deposits. Modified from Netto et al.
182 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

producing a complex depositional architecture. Aeolian Interpretation. The fining-upward sandstone
strata consist of 0.5 to 15 m thick and 0.1 to > 1 km long bodies bounded by upward concave erosional surfaces
(maximum outcrop size) packages, showing abrupt (5th order bounding surfaces of Miall, 1988, 1996)
lower and upper boundaries with fluvial facies (Figs. 3 can be interpreted as fluvial channel deposits.
and 5). The basal bounding surfaces of the aeolian Compound cross-strata are interpreted as in-channel
successions are flat, thus indicating deflation before macroforms that grew through the accretion of smaller
aeolian accumulation. This kind of erosional surface bedforms on their lee sides (Miall, 1996; Chakraborty,
resembles the sand drift surfaces of Clemmensen and 1999). Low-angle, down-current dipping surfaces
Tirsgaard (1990). The upper boundaries are fluvial scour suggest the presence of large-scale, down-current
surfaces with < 3 m of erosional relief into the aeolian accreting macroforms (DA-macroform of Miall,
deposits (Fig. 5). Wherever fluvial erosion was 1988). The sheet geometry of the sand bodies
substantial, aeolian deposits were severely to completely (width / thickness > 30), the prevailing coarse-grained
truncated (Fig. 5). This kind of surface can be classified nature of the deposits, the dominance of mid-channel
as a supersurface, marking the end of an aeolian bar deposits and the low palaeocurrent dispersion
accumulation event (Kocurek, 1988). suggest that this facies association consist of braided
fluvial channel belt deposits.
3.3. Sequence II However, philosophically, it is worth discussing the
meaning of the word “channel” within the context of
Sequence II ranges from 0 to 80 m in thickness. The braided rivers. At low discharge, braided rivers form a
lower boundary of Sequence II comprises a regional- network of interconnected channels separated by
scale unconformity that can be identified in cores sandy or gravelly bars (Coleman, 1969; Bristow,
(Fig. 2) and outcrops (Fig. 11). Its upper boundary is 1987). To avoid confusion, most authors adopt the
also defined by an erosional surface that can be term channel-belt to designate the entire river, which
correlated throughout the basin (Fig. 2). Two facies is internally subdivided into bars and enclosing
associations were distinguished within this sequence, channels (Coleman, 1969; Bristow, 1987; Bridge,
representing (1) Braided Fluvial Channel Belts and (2) 1993; Collinson, 1996). Herein, sandstone bodies
Overbank Environments. bounded by erosional 5th order bounding surfaces
(sensu Miall, 1988, 1996) are interpreted as braided
3.3.1. Braided Fluvial Channel Belt Facies Association channel belts, and are filled with bar and channel floor
deposits packages of which are bounded by 4th order Description. This facies association is com- surfaces (sensu Miall, 1988, 1996). Channel-belt
posed of sheet-like sandstone bodies, 2 to 10 m thick, discrimination in core analysis can be performed
that extend laterally for more than 500 m (maximum through facies succession identification. Major, signif-
outcrop extent) (Figs. 11, 12). The sandstone bodies are icantly widespread fining-upwards cycles that are in
bounded by a flat to concave-up erosional surface and places overlain by fine-grained, floodplain deposits
show internally an upward-fining in grain-size (Fig. would represent the filling of fluvial channel-belts
13), with basal massive to horizontal laminated (Godin, 1991). Smaller fining-upward cycles represent
conglomerate grading upward into coarse to medium- the lateral and vertical juxtaposition of bars and
grained sandstones with trough and planar cross- channels within the channel-belt (Godin, 1991).
bedding (10 to 20 cm sets). Locally, fine-grained
sandstone, massive or with ripple cross-lamination, 3.3.2. Overbank Facies Association
occurs at the top of units. These relatively large-scale
cycles can comprise several smaller-scale (1 to 3 m Description. This facies association consists
thick, mean thickness of 2 m), fining-upwards sub- of thin packages (0.05 to 1 m thick) of mudstone,
cycles (Fig. 13). massive, fine-grained sandstone and locally, thin beds of
Locally, compound cross-strata are evident from out- ripple cross-laminated siltstone, with lateral extent of
crops, formed by trough and planar cross-sets (Fig. 12). few hundred meters to 1 km (stratigraphic correlation).
Sets have a mean thickness of 20 cm and are bounded
by flat surfaces dipping at low angles (5 to 15°) in the Interpretation. These fine-grained deposits
same direction as the cross-bedding. Cross-bedding dip are interpreted as overbank facies accumulated through
azimuths show a unimodal distribution with a mean gravitational settling of the suspended load within
towards the NW (Fig. 14). flooded areas surrounding braided channel belts
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193
Fig. 11. (A) Interpreted outcrop panel showing the unconformity between sequence I and II. The unconformity is marked by an abrupt shift of facies. Sequence II is characterized by coarse-grained
sandstone bodies, interpreted as braided fluvial channel belts, whereas Sequence III is composed of fine to medium-grained sandstones, deposited by ephemeral fluvial channels, aeolian dunes and
aeolian sand sheets. (B) Logged section of the outcrop. See Fig. 1 for location.

184 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

Fig. 12. Interpreted outcrop panel showing braided channel-belt sandstone bodies separated by 5th. order bounding surfaces. Internally, the sandstone
bodies are composed of different storeys bounded by 4th order bounding surfaces. Note the presence of compound cross-strata characterized by
trough cross-sets bounded by down-current dipping surfaces. See Fig. 1 for location.

(Miall, 1996). The minor presence of tractional 3.4. Sequence III

sedimentary structures suggests some overbank flows.
Sequence III ranges from 0 to 30 m thick and is
3.3.3. Sequence II depositional architecture bounded, at its base, by a flat erosional surface that
Sequence II is uniform in terms of fluvial facies truncates the braided channel fluvial strata of Sequence
architecture throughout the entire basin, precluding the II (Figs. 2, 15). The upper boundary of Sequence III
recognition of distinct internal stratigraphic intervals. cannot be identified within the studied interval. Three
This sequence represents a northwestward-flowing facies associations were differentiated within Sequence
braided fluvial system developed on a widespread III from core and outcrop analysis: (1) Sheetflood Facies
alluvial plain. Its geological record is characterized by Association, (2) Aeolian Sand Sheet and Dune Facies
a succession of sandstone bodies (braided channel belt Association and (3) Lacustrine Facies Association.
deposits) partially separated by thin and discontinuous
fine-grained, floodplain deposits. Therefore, Sequence II 3.4.1. Sheet Flood Facies Association
consists of vertical and lateral juxtaposition of several
sandstone bodies produced by successive avulsion Description. This facies association consists
episodes, similar to the fluvial accumulation models of 1 to 3 m thick, fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted
described elsewhere for braided fluvial systems (Miall, sandstone units, which can be massive, display horizon-
1996; Jones and Schumm, 1999). The minor quantity of tal lamination (Fig. 16) or rarely trough cross-bedding,
flood plain deposits indicates that overbank sedimenta- with mudstone intraclasts dispersed or concentrated
tion was either restricted or the resultant deposits were along bedding planes. Some sandstone bodies are
reworked by fluvial channels. The scarcity of mudstone overlain by massive or laminated mudstone, forming
intraclasts at the base of the sandstone bodies support fining-upwards successions. These sandstones are asso-
the former hypothesis, i.e. floodplains were poorly ciated with aeolian sand sheet deposits, and their
developed. identification is restricted to the subsurface.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 185

Fig. 13. (A) Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log of the braided fluvial channel-belt facies association (sequence II). Core photograph of trough
cross-strata (B) and massive sandstone (C). See Fig. 2 for location. Interpretation. The aforementioned sedimen- thick, wind-rippled strata (Figs. 15, 16). Fine- to
tary features suggest a link between this facies medium-grained sandstone organized as isolated or
association and ephemeral shallow streams (Tunbridge, grouped trough cross-sets, are also present (Fig. 16).
1981; Miall, 1996). Fining-upwards cycles represent Foreset dips average 20° and foresets are predominantly
complete waning flood events. Horizontally stratified composed of wind-ripple laminae. Grain flow and
sandstones represent the upper plane-bed stability field, grainfall strata are rare and restricted to the upper part
at the transition from subcritical to supercritical flow of the foresets. In the studied area, the cross-bedded
(Miall, 1996), whereas the massive or fluidized sandstones are more abundant and thicker in outcrops
sandstones are associated with denser turbulent flows than in cores. In the studied outcrops, the cross-bedded
(hyperconcentrated flows), indicating fast and intermit- sandstones represent 50% of the deposits and are 1 to
tent, high capacity streams. Trough cross bedded 4 m thick, while in cores they represent 20% of the
sandstones represent residual deposits of 3D dunes deposits and are 0,2 to 1 m thick.
formed on the erosional portions of channels, where
flow expansion and consequent formation of lower flow Interpretation. Low-angle strata are inter-
regime bedforms took place (Bromley, 1991). preted as subcritical climbing translatent strata associ-
ated with aeolian ripple migration under high
3.4.2. Aeolian Sand Sheet and Dune Facies Association sedimentation rate (Hunter, 1977). The low-angle nature
of the cross-bedding and their origin related to aeolian Description. This facies association, up to ripples suggest bedforms lacking well-developed slip-
30 m thick, comprises well-sorted, very fine- to faces. These deposits are considered to represent vertical
medium-grained sandstone exhibiting low-angle cross- aggradation of aeolian sandsheets formed by climbing
lamination composed of inversely graded, 5 to 10 mm aeolian ripples. Trough cross bedding composed of
186 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

Fig. 14. Regional map of the Recôncavo Basin displaying palaeocurrent for fluvial channel-belt facies association. Rose diagrams show dip azimuths
of the large-scale trough cross-bedded sandstones.
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193
Fig. 15. (A) Interpreted outcrop panel showing the unconformity between sequence II and III. Note the remarkable paleoenvironmental change that takes place across this surface. Sequence II is
characterized by braided channel-belt deposits, whereas Sequence III is composed of aeolian sand sheet deposits. (B) Logged section of the outcrop. See Fig. 1 for location.

188 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

Fig. 16. Typical vertical profile and gamma-ray log for the facies associations of the sequence III. Core photography showing the intercalation
between aeolian sand sheet and flash flood deposits. See Fig. 2 for location.

wind-ripples and grainflow/grainfall strata are inter- 3.4.4. Sequence III depositional architecture
preted as residual deposits of aeolian dunes. The At its base, Sequence III is composed of aeolian
dominance of horizontal to low angle wind-ripple lami- sand sheets and sheet flood deposits. These deposits
nation, associated with limited cross-stratification, represent a wide sandy plain extensive over a large
suggests that aeolian dunes were spatially isolated and area. The extensive preservation of aeolian dune cross-
migrated across extensive aeolian sandsheet plains. bedding throughout the outcrop area and its limited
occurrence in wells suggests paleogeographical
3.4.3. Lacustrine Facies Association changes the distribution of sedimentary deposits
within Sequence III. Aeolian dunes are developed Description. This association is composed of mainly in the west of the Recôncavo Basin and
thinly bedded, greenish gray to gray mudstone. The apparently co-existed with regions dominated by
beds range in thickness from < 1 to a few cm. The beds aeolian sand sheets and fluvial streams. West-south-
are composed of laminated mudstone with streaks and westward migrating aeolian dunes indicate east-
thin cross-laminated lenses of siltstone or very-fine northeasterly winds. The lack of fluvial deposits in
grained sandstone, containing plant detritus and the outcrops precluded the determination of their
ostracodes. palaeocurrent trend.
The lacustrine facies association (Itaparica Formation) Interpretation. These deposits are thought to overlies the fluvial–aeolian deposits (Fig. 2). The contact
have accumulated in offshore parts of lake environ- is defined by a sharp, flat to slightly wavy surface. In
ments, and their sedimentary characteristics indicate places, the fluvial–aeolian deposits immediately under the
suspension fallout combined with weak, transient surface are massive or contain soft-deformation structures
traction currents. such as dish and contorted bedding structures. This
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 189

surface constitutes a basinwide-flooding surface, hence an boundary). A synthesis of the stratigraphy studied herein
appropriate datum for stratigraphic sections (Fig. 2). is shown in Fig. 17.
At its base, Sequence I includes lacustrine deposits
4. Stratigraphic evolution: discussion (Capianga Member of the Aliança Formation) that
interfinger with fluvial–aeolian deposits (Sergi Forma-
The studied interval can be subdivided into three tion) indicating large-scale, northeastward progradation,
unconformity-bounded sequences. Each sequence is as attested by fluvial palaeocurrents (Fig. 7) and isolith
composed by different facies associations and represents maps (Fig. 10). Therefore, the northern portion of the
distinct depositional episodes in the basin. Sequence studied area was characterized by widespread, shallow
definition from sedimentological data, paleocurrent lakes replaced towards the SW by fluvial and aeolian
analysis and regional correlation of bounding surfaces depositional systems. This progradational trend indi-
brings to light important information in terms of the cates a progressive decrease of the A/S ratio, from
stratigraphic evolution of the studied interval. Taking values greater than 1 at the base (lacustrine deposits) to
into account that sedimentation was connected to values between 0 and 1 at the top (fluvial–aeolian
fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine deposits, system tract termi- strata). However, progradation was not a steady process
nology proposed for paralic and marine sections was as high frequency changes in A/S ratio produced lake
considered inappropriate here. Depositional sequences expansion and contraction. These high frequency
and the development of bounding surfaces are analyzed oscillations of the water table can be associated to
in terms of the balance between accommodation (A) and absolute (climate-related) or relative (tectonically-in-
sediment supply (S), similar to Martinsen et al.'s (1999) duced) causes (Howell and Mountney, 1997).
proposition for fluvial successions. Therefore, settings Several papers claim that high-frequency fluvial and
with an A/S ratio above 1 are characterized by lacustrine aeolian interaction was controlled by orbitally-induced
flooding, since sediment supply is not sufficient to climate changes. Climate changes control the water table
entirely fill the available accommodation space. If the A/ position, sediment supply, dry sand availability, paleosol
S ratio is between 1 and 0, sediment supply fills the development and plant colonization. Their impact in the
available space and some sediment even bypasses into geological record would be the development of drying- or
the inner portions of the basin. Finally, when the A/S wetting-upward cycles or the formation of aeolian
ratio is negative, erosion and bypassing of sediments packages bounded by supersurfaces marked by paleosoils
take place, leading to regional-scale erosion (sequence with root marks (e.g. Loope, 1985; Clemmensen et al.,

Fig. 17. Sequence stratigraphic model of the Sergi Formation. This unit can be subdivided into three unconformity-bounded, regional-scale depositional
sequences. Sediment accumulation takes place during episodes of positive A/S ratio, while unconformities are developed during negative A/S ratio.
190 C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193

1989; Clemmensen et al., 1994; George and Berry, 1993; A regional unconformity separates Sequences II and
Yang and Nio, 1993; Howell and Mountney, 1997). III. Its flat character at the outcrop scale suggests an
However, Sequence I does not contain either well- origin related to a aeolian deflation associated with a
defined, regional-scale facies cycles or well-developed stratigraphic base level fall (negative A/S ratio). A
paleosols. Our data from cores and outcrops suggest that change in the depositional style, from braided channel-
climate in the study area was arid throughout sequence I belt fluvial sandbodies to sheet-flood, dune and aeolian
deposition. It is possible that climate changes might have sand sheet deposits, indicates a significant climate shift,
influenced the basin periphery, therefore modifying from wetter (Sequence II) to drier (Sequence III)
fluvial discharge through the increase or decrease of the conditions. Amalgamation of dune, aeolian sand sheet
rainfall rate, whereas climate was kept constantly dry in and sheet flood deposits points to low rates of
the study area (basin center). Increased precipitation in the accommodation space creation, with an A/S ratio
highland areas would have promoted an increase in fluvial positive but close to zero. The abrupt change from
activity within the basin, whereas drier periods would fluvial–aeolian deposits to lacustrine deposits (Itaparica
have caused aeolian dune fields to expand, causing Formation) suggests a situation with an A/S ratio greater
deflation of the underlying fluvial deposits. than 1, associated with a fast rise of the water table
Sequences I and II are bounded by a basinwide (stratigraphic base level) and consequent basinwide
unconformity related to a negative A/S ratio. This flooding. The rise of the water table might have been
surface delineates a change in depositional style, from a absolute, due to a climate change, or relative, produced
lacustrine–fluvial–aeolian system (Sequence I) to by tectonism (Kocurek and Havholm, 1993).
entirely fluvial sedimentation (Sequence II). This
change goes along with a grain-size increase and a 5. Conclusion
change in fluvial palaeocurrent direction (northeastward
in Sequence I and northwestward in Sequence II) that The deposits of the Sergi Formation can be subdivided
can be attributed to rearrangement of the drainage into three third-order depositional sequences, limited by
system related to tectonic activity. In addition, a change regional unconformities. The accumulation of the depo-
in fluvial discharge regime probably took place owing to sitional sequences and the development of unconformities
wetter climatic conditions. Fluvial deposition in Se- were controlled by changes in the A/S ratio. Unconfor-
quence I was associated with ephemeral systems mities are related to negative A/S ratios, whereas sediment
whereas fluvial deposition of Sequence II (presence of accumulation is associated with positive A/S ratios.
macroforms and dominance of lower flow regime Sequence I is composed of lacustrine mudstones at its
structures) indicates a perennial braided fluvial system, base, which is overlain by fine- to medium-grained
but with major discharge fluctuations. sandstones deposited by aeolian dunes, aeolian sand
Sequence II accumulation was associated with a rise in sheets and ephemeral fluvial streams, indicating a
the stratigraphic base level. This unit was deposited within progressive upward decrease in the A/S ratio. Sequence
a wide alluvial plain characterized by braided channel II comprises braided channel belt deposits that show no
belts with a regional transport direction towards the changes in terms of depositional architecture, suggesting a
northwest. Sequence II shows no changes in terms of low and uniform A/S ratio throughout this stratigraphic
depositional architecture, suggesting a uniform A/S ratio interval. Sequence III is composed of fine- to medium-
throughout this stratigraphic interval (Miall, 1996). The grained sandstones ascribed to sheet-floods, aeolian dunes
dominance of fluvial channel belt sandstones relative to and aeolian sand sheets at the base, overlain by lacustrine
fine-grained, overbank deposits indicates low rates of deposits. This depositional trend suggests an upward
accommodation space creation, with an A/S ratio positive increase in the A/S ratio.
but close to zero. According to several authors (e.g. The changes in depositional systems observed from
Shanley and McCabe, 1993, 1994; Van Wagoner, 1995; one sequence to another was probably caused by
Richards, 1996; Miall, 1996), a low rate of accommoda- tectonic and climate factors. The different palaeocurrent
tion space creation inhibits flood plain deposit accumu- trends in sequences I and II may be attributed to a
lation, producing thin, fine-grained packages easily rearrangement of the drainage system in response to
reworked by the lateral migration of the channel-belts. tectonic activity. The change from aeolian and ephem-
This dynamic regime produces a depositional architecture eral stream deposits in Sequence I to braided fluvial
characterized by multi-storey and multi-lateral, amalgam- channel belt deposits in Sequence II suggests a climate
ated, sheet sandstone bodies with rare preservation of shift from relatively arid to more humid conditions.
fine-grained, overbank deposits. Sequence III is characterized by a return to drier
C.M.S. Scherer et al. / Sedimentary Geology 194 (2007) 169–193 191

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