Perspectives: Anecdotal, Historical and Critical Commentaries On Genetics

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Copyright 0 1990 by the Genetics Society of America

Anecdotal, Historical and Critical Commentarieson Genetics
Edited by James F. Crow and William F. Dove


been a first class mathematician had he “stuck to the

R A. FISHERwas born 100 years ago on February
17,1890, in London. He was one of a pair of
twin boys, the other being stillborn. What a tragedy
ropes.” Yet, FISHERnever regarded himself as a math-
ematician. The title of his biography (BOX 1978) is R.
that they did not bothsurvive! And I would wish them A. Fisher, theLqe of a Scientist, surely the way he would
to have been monozygotic. What would a replicate of have wanted it. Nevertheless, FISHER’S great mathe-
FISHER’S DNA have produced? Would he have had matical talent was predominant throughout his life.
his brother’sextreme nearsightedness? His urbane As a schoolboy, FISHERhad eyesight so bad that he
conversation and graceful prose? His witty and some- was not permitted to read by lamplight and received
times pointed sarcasm? His unpredictable temper ex- his instruction, even mathematics, aurally and without
plosions? His social idealism? Above all, his mathemat- visual aids. He developed a remarkableability to solve
ical creativity and his astonishing geometric intuition? problems inhis head and acquired the geometrical
And how would two FISHERS have gotten on? insights that were so natural to him and so baffling to
FISHERwas an outlier, both scientifically and per- others. T o what extent this was innate ability and to
sonally. His scientific work has often been reviewed, what extent a necessity brought on by poor eyesight,
and we can expect more in this centennial year. This we shall never know. FISHER’S development of signif-
account is more personal, written by an admirer who icance tests for correlationand regression coefficients,
knew him less well than some but better than most. for the t distribution, and for the analysis of variance
FISHERhadan insight into multidimensional ge- were all done geometrically.
ometry thatwas little short of occult. He could answer While still a studentat Cambridge, he wrote a paper
questions that completely baffled others.Heoften (FISHER19 12) in which he maximized the expression
arrived at an elegant answer, seemingly with no inter- that he later called likelihood. Despite a degree from
mediate steps. Somehow, he found the pearl without Cambridge and an evident talent, his next six years
opening the oyster. This meant that his papers could (19 13-1 9 19)were miserable. He was refused admis-
not be understood by most mathematicians, with the sion tothe army. He worked in an office, taught
result that they were often not trusted. Long ago I school, and in hisspare time tried subsistence farming.
saw a copy of a FISHERpaper that had belonged to a Yet, during this period he wrote two famous papers.
mathematician; in the margin he hadscratched One (1915 ) showed how to test the significance of a
“Fisher is fishy.” Ultimately, many of FISHER’S results correlation coefficient, r , and introduced thetransfor-
were demonstrated in a more orthodoxway, often by mation, z = tanh” r , in which the distribution of z is
others. nearly normal. The other (19 18)reconciled biometry
Although FISHERhad a talent for mathematics, his and Mendelism and laid the foundations for quanti-
real interest was biology. Nevertheless, he sought and tative genetics. I have written about this remarkable
won a maths scholarship at Caius College, Cambridge. paper before in this column (CROW 1988).The con-
He chose mathematics for two reasons. One was that clusions have hardly been changed in the 72 years
he had seen a mounted, disarticulated codfish skull since it was written, although they have been formu-
and envisioned an arduous and futile exercise of learn- lated and proved more precisely and rigorously by
ing all the bones. (I, too, was daunted by such a MAL~COT (see NAGYLAKI 1989).
preparation.) The other reason was that he thought Finally, in 1919, FISHERwas offered a temporary
that, for a futurebiologist, “a mathematical technique position to analyze agricultural data at Rothamsted
with biologicalinterests is a rather firmer ground than ExperimentalStation. He accepted, and he stayed.
a biological technique with mathematical interests.” There he developed the statistical proceduresand
His Cambridge tutor said later that he would have experimental designs that are now universally used.
Genetics 124: 207-21 1 (February, 1990)
208 J. F. Crow
The early farm-crop influence is reflected in the re- tour deforce, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection,
tention of such words as plots and blocks in analysis arguablythedeepest and most influential book on
of variance and of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash evolution since DARWIN. Each rereading of this classic
in textbook explanations of factorial design. The enor- brings something new. The book starts out by con-
mous increases in crop yields in the past half century trasting blending and particulate inheritance and em-
owes a great deal to reliable field testing that used phasizing the remarkable variance-conserving prop-
these methods. Fisherian practices spread widely at erties of the latter, never beforeso clearly articulated.
about thesame time that hybrid corn was introduced. FISHERintroduced what he called the “Malthusian
Perhaps the inbreeding and hybridization technique parameter” as a measure of population increase. This
should share some of the credit it enjoys with the was not new, but what was new was an extension, his
efficient design of field trials. “reproductive value.” This is a weight to be assigned
FISHER’S contributions to statistics are legion, and to each age group in proportion to the contribution
so well known thatI shall mentionthem onlyin of that group to the future population after age sta-
passing.Small-sample statistics, analysisof variance bility has been achieved, and thus it has an evolution-
and covariance, experimental design, and statistical ary as well as demographic significance. The idea has
estimation are subjects that he founded. He straight- become popular with demographers (e.g., KEYFITZ
ened out the number of degrees of freedom for PEAR- 1968). In FISHER’Sbook thecentral idea was his
SON’S x’ test, he recognized the importance of “Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection,” that
STUDENT’S’ t test and demonstrated its correctness, the rate of increase of fitness attributable to gene-
and he pointed out the useful properties of the maxi- frequency changes under selection is given by the
mum likelihood method. His book Statistical Methods additive componentof the genetic variance. Although
for Research Workers, despite being uniformly panned a cottage industryhas grown up devoted to criticisms,
by reviewers, went through 14 editions and was trans- exegeses and proofs, this succinct statement seems to
lated into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish me to capture the essence of the way selection works
and Russian. He was surely the greatest statistician of and toencapsulate agreat deal of evolutionary insight
his time, if not of all time. in a simple formula.
Somethingthat isless fully appreciated is that FISHER not only asked important questions; he
FISHERwas the first to employ nonparametric tests found answers. Some of his mathematical tricks were
involving permutations of the observations. I think it astonishing. He developed an ingenious method for
is clear that he regarded randomization as primary, finding the probability of survival of a mutant gene
and tests based on normality assumptions as labor- for aspecified number of generations. He worked out
saving approximations. This view is clearly set forth the partial differential equation for gene-frequency
in, of all places, an expository paper on craniometry. change using atrigonometrictransformationthat
Here he described how measurements on two groups made the variance independent of the allele fre-
of 100 individuals could bewritten on cards,then quency. He generalized HALDANE’S formula, P = 2s,
shuffled and divided randomly into two sets of 100 for theprobability of ultimate fixation of a genewhose
each. One could then ask what fraction of such ran- heterozygous selective advantage is s; it was further
dom divisions would lead to a difference between the generalized by M A L ~ C O T(1952) and by KIMURA
sets as large as or larger than the observed difference ( 1 964). He gave the first coherent quantitative theory
between the two measuredgroups. If this fraction of sexual selection, mimicry, polymorphism, evolution
were small, the groups could be regardedas differing of recombination rates,and supergenes. He explained
significantly. Then FISHER(1936) wrote: “Actually, why the sex ratio is nearly 1: 1 , even in polygamous
the statistician does not carryout this very simple and species-one of the best illustrations that natural selec-
very tedious process, but his conclusions have no tion does not necessarily maximize fitness. In doing
justification beyond the fact that they agree with those this he introduced the concept of parental expendi-
which could have been arrived at by this elementary ture, thereby precipitating a landslide of ecological
method.” One other relevant consideration:FISHER’S literature. Rarely have so many new, and often deep,
methods were all devised with a view to minimizing ideas been put into asingle book. Curiously, although
complex computations. I believe that if high speed FISHERled the way to a quantitative theoryof random
computershadbeen available, FISHERwould have genetic drift, he never regarded it as having much
relied much less on normal distribution theory and evolutionary significance. The evolutionary possibili-
much more on robust permutation tests. ties of random drift were advocated, with quite dif-
This year is the 60thanniversary of another FISHER ferent emphases, by WRIGHT(1988 and earlier) and
KIMURA( 1 983).
’ “STUDENT”was a pseudonym of W. S. COSSET,whose employers, the FISHERis never easy reading. The book is far from
Guinness Breweries of Dublin, did not permit him to publish under his own
name. Another employee, E. M . SOMERFIELD, published as “ALUMNUS.” the explicit formulation and clear exposition that is
Perspectives 209

the ideal of contemporarypopulation genetics. He this experimental work was minor, certainly nothing
was partly poet. He was as much a master of elegant comparable to what came out of his head. Yet, I think
English as of elegant mathematics. But elegance and FISHER’Sconstant touch with experiments and field
clarity are not thesame. Fisher hardly ever madeclear observations guided his statistical and evolutionary
what his assumptions were, when and how he was work along practical lines. His most lasting contribu-
approximating, and how to get from one equation to tions to experimental genetics are methodological. He
the next. I can empathize with GOSSET, who once showed how to measure linkage when simple back-
wrote: “When I come to ‘evidently’ I know that means crosses were impractical. His last paper (1962), light-
two hours hard work at least before I can see why” weight by his standards, was on this subject. He ex-
(Box 1978, p. 115). haustively classified the gametic output of tetraploids,
The last five chapters of The Genetical Theory are hexaploids and octoploids and showed how to allow
devoted to human society. From his student days for double reduction. He recognized ascertainment
FISHERhad been anardent eugenicist, full of idealism bias in human studies and examined the efficiency of
and belief that mankind could be persuadedto repro- various procedures designed to overcome it. He
duce so that the hereditary components of health, worked out computation-saving methods of detecting
intelligence, character, and social conscience would and measuring linkage in human pedigrees. Although
increase. A much discussed topic of the time was the his procedures have recently been superseded by com-
rise and fall of civilizations, about which FISHERread puterized methods,his likelihood approach is the basis
a great deal.His idea was that promotion of the gifted of most of them.
and industrious into a higher social class, where they T o FISHER, genetics was transmission genetics,
would reproduce less, was a major factor in the decay
strange as this seems today with the current emphasis
of civilizations, and he discussed social and economic
on molecular approaches to gene action and devel-
incentives that might forestall this. He advocated vol-
opment. Intermediate mechanisms were of secondary
untary sterilization of the genetically impaired and
interest to him. Meiosis, for example, was a black box.
family incentive payments proportional to income. As
In 1947 JOSHUA LEDERBERG and I sat together at the
far as I can tell, his eugenic writings have had no
founding meetingof the Biometrics Society at Woods
lasting influence on either biologists or historians. In
Hole. FISHERwas elected president and gave a major
his later life Fisher did not write about thesesubjects,
nor did he talk about them (to me at least). I don’t address. He presented a model of recombination and
think he had changed his mind, but simply tired of interferencethat,amongotherthings,permitted
trying to get people to take his proposals seriously. At more than50% recombination (forwhich he hadsome
the same time, he was increasingly honored for his supporting mouse data). We were both taken aback
statistical and evolutionary work. by his not taking accountof the four-strand nature of
FISHERwas part of the great trinity that included crossing over and exchanged whispered expressions
SEWALLWRIGHTand J. B. S. HALDANE. Together of incredulity. Later, in response to LEDERBERG’S
they founded and almost completely dominated the question as to why he used a two-strand model, FISHER
field of population genetics for its first quarter cen- said: “Young man, it is not a two-strand model, it is a
tury. Each made important contributions, but in one one-strand model.” This epitomized FISHER’Sview of
way FISHERstands apart. HALDANE and WRIGHTfor- genetics. He developed the point more fullyin the
mulated a problemand thendoggedly ground out the published paper and discussion (FISHER1948). T h e
results, come what might. FISHER was more likely to geneticist’s job, he said, is to develop a theory for
invent anew, neater approach. His work had elegance predictingthefrequencies of differentgenotypes
and grace, and flashes of insight and creativity, along from multiply heterozygous parents.
with a touch of genius that can be fully appreciated FISHERplaced great emphasis on linkage analysis
only by those with mathematical insights deeper than and chromosome mapping, and much of his mouse
mine. work was directed to this end. As soon as he had a
During all of his active life-at Rothamsted, at Uni- formal position in genetics, he extended this interest
versity College London, and at Cambridge-FISHER to human genetics. He played an active role in gath-
always had genetic experiments going, often in collab- ering information on the rapidly increasing number
oration with friends. He studied dogs, poultry,locusts, of genetic markers, especially blood groups, with a
butterflies,sorrels,primroses, and especially mice. view to mapping the human genome.Out of this grew
Many of the animals were kept in his home and he his novel three-locus hypothesis for inheritance of the
and his family took care of them. The presence of Rhesus factor (FISHER1947), which at least notation-
rooms full of mouse cages in the Professor’s lodging ally was a great advance.FISHERloved formal genetics;
is said to have been a deterring factor in the selection what a time hewould have with human linkage analy-
of his successor at Cambridge. What came out of all sis were he still alive, and how he would delight in the
210 J. F. Crow

powerful computers and the plethora of reliable neu- of mutant cells in an exponentially growing culture.
tral markers! He leaned backinhis chair, thought for perhaps a
FISHERenjoyed conversation and could be utterly minute, took a scrapof paper, and wrote a generating
charming. He could also be petty, quarrelsome, stub- function. I took the paper and, not understanding it,
born and outspoken. He fitted the classical definition put it aside to work on later-and then managed to
of a gentleman:he never insulted anyone unintention- lose it. The solution was published two years later by
ally. He was constantly involved in one or another LEAand COULSON (1 949).Unless that scrap of paper
controversy,often with other distinguished statisti- turns up, we’ll never know whether FISHERwas the
cians and geneticists, e.g.,JERZY NEYMAN and SEWALL first to solve this problem.
WRIGHT.His sarcastic barbs could be amusing, except FISHER died in 1962.Hehadwritten several
to their targets.FISHERwas particularly bitter toward hundred reviews, comments, and letters. His major
KARL PEARSON,who hadmisunderstood his early papers-294 of them-are included infive volumes
work and had treated him with arrogance. He was at edited by BENNETT (1 97- 1
1974), oftenwith introduc-
has acerbic best (or worst) with PEARSON who, a dec- tory comments and amendments by FISHERhimself.
ade after his death, elicited this: “If peevish intoler- T h e first volume also includes a biography, written
ance of free opinion in others is a sign of senility, it is by F. YATESand K. MATHER.Those interested in his
one which he had developed at an early age” (FISHER personal life will enjoy the biography by JOAN FISHER
1950, p. 29.302a). BOX (1978). Writtenby a loving and admiring daugh-
In his later years FISHER visited the University of ter, the book is touching as it brings out FISHER’S
Wisconsin several times, mainly because a daughter blemishes along with his greatness. It is also scholarly,
lived in Madison. He always visited the Genetics Lab- for BOX took the trouble to understand and explain
oratory; we looked forwardto hisvisits and saved the difficult conceptual points, especially in statistics.
problems for him. But it was necessary to engineerhis A large number of people have read an earlier draft ofthis
coming and going so that he would not encounter article and I am grateful for their comments. My greatest debt is to
SEWALL WRIGHTin the hallway. Their relationship JOAN FISHER Box and THOMAS NAGYLAKI, who provided numerous
had deteriorated to the point that neither wanted to improvements in both content and style.
see the other. JAMES F. CROW
I shall finish this essay with two personal anecdotes. Genetics Department
The first concerns my first meeting FISHER.It was University of Wisconsin
during a statistics course atNorth CarolinaState Madison, Wisconsin 53706
College in the summer of 1946. He gave an evening
lecture to a large audience, composed almost entirely BIBLIOGRAPHY
of statisticians, on his three-locus theory of Rh inher-
Books by and about FISHER:
itance. This was new to me, and I was entranced. In
BENNETT,J. H.(Editor), 1971-1974 CollectedPapersofR.A Fisher.
the question period he was first asked how he did the
University of Adelaide, Australia.
x’ test, to which he gave a curt answer. Clearly it was BENNETT, J. H. (Editor), 1983 Natural Selection, Heredity,and
the genetics that interested him so I asked some ge- Eugenics:Including Selected Correspondence of R. A. Fisher with
netic questions, which pleased him and which we Leonard Darwin and Others. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
continued informally after the session was closed. He Box, J. F., 1978 R. A. Fisher, the Lge of a Scientist. John Wiley &
Sons, New York.
suggested a glass of beer at a bar across the street. (I FISHER,R. A., 1925-1970 Statistical Methods f o r Research Workers.
then realized for thefirst time thatin poor light Fisher Oliverand Boyd, Edinburgh. 14th ed. (1971, 1973) Hafner, New
was nearly blind.) This was a time of postwar short- York.
ages, and the bar had run outof both beer and wine. FISHER,R. A , , 1930 TheGenetical Theory of Natural Selection.
Clarendon Press, Oxford. 2nd ed. (1958) Dover, New York.
There was champagne, however, and we got a bottle,
FISHER,R. A,, 1935-1966 The D e s z p of Experiments. Oliver and
only to be told that North Carolina law prohibited Boyd, Edinburgh. 8th ed. (1971, 1973) Hafner, New York.
drinking it on the premises. So we repaired to my FISHER,R. A , , 1949, 1965 TheTheory of Inbreeding. Oliver and
dormitory room and began, over a shared bottle of Boyd, Edinburgh.
champagne, a friendship that lasted through the re- FISHER,R. A., 1950 Contributions to MathematicalStatistics. John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
mainder of his life. FISHER,R. A., 1956, 1959 Statistical Method and Scientzjic Infer-
The second anecdote concerns thefamous paper of ence. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. 13th ed. (1 973) Hafner, New
LURIA and DELBRUCK (1943). I found its argument York.
for the preadaptivenature of evolution of virus resist- FISHER,R. A., and F.YATES, 1938-1963 StatisticalTables f o r
Biological,AgriculturalandMedicalResearch. Oliver and Boyd,
ance in bacteria fully convincing, but thought that the
mathematical treatment was shoddy and confusing.
Taking advantage of my newly formed acquaintance Cited articles:
with FISHER,I asked him how to find the distribution Many of FISHER’S
papers were published in obscure journals. The
Perspectives 21 1
best source is the five-volume set, comprising 294 papers, edited bination values using double heterozygotes. J. Theor. Biol. 3:
by J. H. BENNETTand listed above. 509-5 13.
CROW,J. F., 1988 Fifty years ago: the beginningsof population KEYFITZ,N., 1968 Introduction to the Mathematics of Population.
genetics. Genetics 119: 473-476. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
FISHER,R. A,, 1912 On an absolute criterion for fitting frequency KIMURA,M., 1964 Diffusion models in population genetics. J.
curves. Messeng. Math. 41: 155-160. Appl. Prob. 1: 177-232.
FISHER,R . A,, 191 5 Frequency distribution of the values of the KIMURA,M., 1983 The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. Cam-
correlation coefficients in samples froman indefinitely large bridge University Press, Cambridge.
population. Bionletrika 10: 507-52 1 . LEA, D. E., and C. A. COULSON,1949 The distribution of the
numbers of mutants in bacterial populations. J Genet. 49: 64-
FISHER,R. A,, 1918 T h e correlation betweenrelatives on the
supposition of Mendelian inheritance. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 59:
LURIA,S. E., and M. DELBRUCK, 1943 Mutations of bacteria from
399-433. virus sensitivity to virus resistance. Genetics 28: 49 1-5 1 1 .
FISHER,R. A , , 1936 "The coefficient of racial likeness" and the MAL~COT, G., 1952 Les processus stochastiques et la mithode des
future of craniometry. J. R. Anthropol. Inst. 6 6 47-63. fonctions giniratrices ou caractiristiques. Publ. Inst. Stat. Univ.
FISHER,R. A , , 1947 T h e Rhesus factor: a study in scientific Paris 1: Fasc. 3, 1-16.
method. Am. Sci. 35: 95-102, 113. NAGYLAKI, T., 1989 Gustave Malicotandthe transition from
FISHER,R . A , , 1948 A quantitative theory of genetic recombina- classical to modern population genetics. Genetics 122: 253-268.
tion and chiasma formation. Biometrics 4: 1-1 3. WRIGHT,S., 1988 Surfaces of selective value revisited. Am. Nat.
FISHER,R. A , , 1962 The detection of sex differences in recom- 131: 115-123.

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