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CSB Investigation of Chevron Richmond Refinery

Pipe Rupture and Fire

Lauren Grim, Dan Tillema, Steve Cutchen, Mark Wingard, and Amanda Johnson
Chemical Safety Board, Western Regional Office of Investigations, 1 Denver Federal Center Way, Denver, CO 80225; (for correspondence)
Published online 14 September 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.11766

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board such as steel, due to the reaction between sulfur compounds
(CSB) investigated a pipe rupture of a high temperature light and iron at temperatures ranging from 4508F (2328C) to
gas oil line at the Chevron Richmond Refinery in Richmond, 1,0008F (5388C). Sulfidation corrosion is common in crude oil
CA. The CSB found technical, regulatory, and Chevron distillation, where naturally occurring sulfur and sulfur com-
organizational factors causal to the incident. This article is a pounds found in crude oil feed, such as hydrogen sulfide, are
summary of the technical and organizational analysis pre- available to react with steel piping and equipment.
sented in the CSB final investigation report on the Chevron Sulfidation corrodes carbon steel at a much faster rate in
Richmond Refinery incident. V C 2015 American Institute of Chemi- comparison with its effect on other materials of construction,
cal Engineers Process Saf Prog 34: 355–359, 2015 such as steels with a higher chromium content. Carbon steel
Keywords: incident investigation; process safety; sulfida- can also experience significant variation in corrosion rates
tion corrosion; organizational analysis; pipe rupture; fire; due to variances in silicon content, a component used in the
inherently safer design steel manufacturing process. Carbon steel piping containing
silicon content less than 0.10 wt % can corrode at accelerated
INTRODUCTION rates, up to 16 times faster than carbon steel piping contain-
On August 6, 2012, the Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Refinery in Rich- ing higher percentages of silicon. Figure 1 shows how car-
mond, California (“the Chevron Richmond Refinery”) experi- bon steel corrosion rates can greatly vary depending on
enced a catastrophic pipe rupture in the #4 Crude Unit. The silicon content.
incident occurred from piping referred to as the “4-sidecut” Carbon steel piping is manufactured to meet certain spec-
stream, one of several process streams exiting the refinery’s ifications. Prior to the mid-1980s, multiple carbon steel speci-
Crude Unit Atmospheric Column. The pipe rupture occurred fications were commonly and independently in use for
on a 52-inch long component of the 4-sidecut 8-inch line. refinery piping, including American Society for Testing and
The ruptured pipe released flammable, high temperature Materials (ASTM) A53B [1], ASTM A106 [2], and American
light gas oil, which then partially vaporized into a large, opa- Petroleum Institute (API) 5L [3]. ASTM A53B and API 5L do
que vapor cloud that engulfed 19 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (Chev- not contain minimum silicon content requirements for car-
ron) employees. Approximately 2 min following the release, bon steel piping, while ASTM A106 requires the piping to be
the released process fluid ignited. Eighteen of the employees manufactured with a minimum silicon content of 0.10 wt %.
safely escaped from the vapor cloud just before ignition; one As a result, manufacturers have used different levels of sili-
employee, a Chevron refinery firefighter, was inside a fire con in the carbon steel pipe manufacturing process. In the
engine that was caught within the fireball when the process mid-1980s, pipe manufacturers began to comply simultane-
fluid ignited. Because he was wearing full-body fire-fighting ously with all three manufacturing specifications (ASTM
protective equipment, he was able to make his way through A53B, ASTM A106, and API 5L) when manufacturing carbon
the flames to safety. Six Chevron employees suffered minor steel piping, which resulted in piping being manufactured
injuries during the incident and subsequent emergency with at least 0.10 wt % silicon content due to the ASTM A106
response efforts. requirement. As a result, the majority of carbon steel piping
This article is a summary of the technical and organiza- purchased following this time period for refinery operations
tional analysis presented in the U.S. Chemical Safety and likely has a minimum of 0.10 wt % silicon content. However,
Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) final investigation report piping purchased and installed prior to the mid-1980s could
on the Chevron Richmond Refinery incident. still contain low silicon components susceptible to high, vari-
able sulfidation corrosion rates.
TECHNICAL FINDINGS Over 95% of the 144 refineries in operation in the United
Metallurgical testing concluded that the rupture was due to States, including the Chevron Richmond Refinery, were built
pipe wall thinning caused by sulfidation corrosion. Sulfidation before 1985, before piping manufacturers began producing
corrosion, also known as sulfidic corrosion, is a damage carbon steel in compliance with all three manufacturing
mechanism that causes thinning in iron-containing materials, specifications. Therefore, the original carbon steel piping
components in these refineries is likely to contain varying
percentages of silicon content and may experience highly
C 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V variable sulfidation corrosion rates.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) December 2015 355

Figure 1. Graph of sulfidation corrosion rates with respect
to silicon content in carbon steel. This graph shows how cor-
rosion rates increase in carbon steel containing decreasing
percentages of silicon. This information can be found in
Annex C of API RP 939-C. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

The Chevron Richmond Refinery 4-sidecut piping circuit

containing the 52-inch component that failed was constructed
of ASTM A53B carbon steel, which had no minimum specifi-
cation for silicon content. The 52-inch pipe component that
ruptured on the day of the incident had a silicon content of
only 0.01 wt %. Illustrating the inherent variability in ASTM
A53B carbon steel sulfidation corrosion rates, the elbow com- Figure 2. A 4-sidecut piping sample showing the relative
ponent directly upstream of the 52-inch component that failed thickness of low silicon piping on the left and the high sili-
had a silicon concentration of 0.16 wt % and showed consid- con piping on the right. The ruptured 52-inch pipe compo-
erably less thinning (Figure 2). nent (left) contained 0.01 wt % silicon, and the upstream
elbow component (right) contained 0.16 wt % silicon. The
Silicon Characterization Techniques initial nominal thickness of this piping was 0.322-inch. [Color
Determining silicon content in existing carbon steel pip- figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available
ing and equipment in the field is a difficult undertaking. To at]
characterize the silicon content in each component of a pip-
ing circuit properly, every component must be inspected.
This is known as 100% component inspection. Two techni- require identification of each piping component, typically by
ques are used to identify low-silicon content and resulting removing insulation (so every weld seam can be located).
variable corrosion rates in existing carbon steel piping cir- Unlike silicon concentration, the chromium concentration
cuits with unknown chemical composition: (1) performing of steel can easily be verified in the field using portable PMI
chemical analysis; or (2) performing pipe wall thickness instruments. As shown in the Modified McConomy Curves
measurements of every carbon steel component.* from API RP 939-C (Figure 3), higher chromium steels are also
Many field-portable instruments used for Positive Material a better safeguard than carbon steel because sulfidation corro-
Identification (PMI) cannot adequately identify silicon con- sion rates are greatly reduced. Carbon steel corrodes approxi-
tent. If original manufacturing quality assurance data are not mately 9 times faster than 9-Chrome steel, which contains 9%
available, as is generally the case with older plants, then chromium, and carbon steel corrodes approximately 120 times
chemical verification requires destructive testing. Metal shav- faster than stainless steel, which contains 18% chromium.†
ings must be taken from each carbon steel piping compo-
nent for chemical analysis in a laboratory. Inherently Safer Design
Carbon steel components containing low concentrations Efforts to improve chemical process safety require the
of silicon can also be identified by performing one-time identification of process hazards, followed by the elimina-
thickness measurements of every component within a carbon tion, mitigation, or control of process hazards to reduce the
steel circuit. This practice is only useful as a means to ascer- overall risk of a process. A hazard can be defined as a
tain silicon content if the piping circuit has been exposed to “situation with the potential for harm.” Risk is then defined
sulfidation corrosion for a long enough time period so that as a function of both the consequence (hazard) and likeli-
variances in corrosion rate caused by differences in silicon hood (frequency) [4].
content may be detected. Both characterization techniques Risk reduction can be achieved using, in order of robust-
ness, inherently safer design, passive safeguards, active safe-
*Pipe wall thickness measurement is difficult because of the high oper- guards, and procedural safeguards [4]. This can be thought
ating temperatures of piping subject to sulfidation corrosion. These
measurements are commonly made only when the piping is out of serv-

ice and cool, for example, during a unit maintenance activity. These values were calculated using the McConomy Curves at 6308F.

356 December 2015 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)
In the 10 years prior to the incident, a small number of
Chevron personnel with knowledge and understanding of
sulfidation corrosion made recommendations to increase
inspections or upgrade the material of construction in the 4-
sidecut piping. Their recommendations were not effectively
implemented. The process to implement important, safety-
critical projects within the Chevron Richmond Refinery was
not fully effective. As discussed below and depicted in Fig-
ure 4, a combination of (1) reliance on a turnaround man-
agement program that depended on only a fraction of
necessary data to make important process safety decisions,
(2) an unsuccessful bottom-up approach—with no manage-
ment oversight or accountability—for implementing a crucial
safety program, and (3) no formal method to track to com-
pletion the Chevron expert group’s findings and recommen-
Figure 3. Modified McConomy Curves from API RP 939-C. dations ultimately caused these recommendations to not be

Recommendations from Chevron Technical Expert

of as a tiered or hierarchical approach to risk management,
commonly referred to as a “hierarchy of controls.” The fur- Group Not Implemented
ther up the hierarchy, the more effective the risk reduction Within Chevron is a separate business unit called the Chev-
achieved. Inherently safer design‡ reduces risk by perma- ron Energy Technology Company (ETC). This unit provides
nently reducing or eliminating a defined hazard itself, while technology solutions and technical expertise for Chevron
safeguards defined as passive (design features), active (detec- operations worldwide. Chevron ETC technical staff has con-
tion and automatic response), and procedural (policies, pro- siderable knowledge and expertise regarding sulfidation cor-
cedures, training, inspection, use of personal protective rosion, specifically with respect to corrosion rate variations
equipment) reduce risk by reducing the ultimate conse- caused by differing silicon concentration in carbon steel pip-
quence or likelihood of the hazard [4]. ing. Chevron ETC employees have authored industry papers
Thus, the use of a higher chromium steel alloy, such as 9- on sulfidation corrosion and had significant influence in the
Chrome, is an inherently safer design strategy that could development of the industry sulfidation corrosion recom-
have prevented the Chevron Richmond Refinery pipe rup- mended practice, API RP 939-C [8]. Metallurgists within ETC
ture. Installation of 9-Chrome piping during turnaround had shared their knowledge on sulfidation corrosion via many
opportunities prior to the August 6, 2012, incident to replace outlets over the years to employees at Chevron refineries,
the 4-sidecut carbon steel would have both eliminated the including through a Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative
hazard of silicon-based variable corrosion rates within the which was developed in 2009. The Sulfidation Failure Preven-
components of the 4-sidecut piping circuit and at the same tion Initiative report was circulated to reliability managers and
time also greatly reduced the underlying inherent rate of sul- metallurgists at the individual refineries, as well as to the cor-
fidation corrosion. The use of 9-Chrome steel also simplifies porate reliability expert. The authors of the report chose to
the procedural inspection safeguards required, as 100% com- send the report to these individuals specifically because they
ponent inspection would not be required to monitor corro- seemed to be the right people to perform and advocate for
sion rates in steels containing at least 9% chromium; the the necessary inspection and replacement work. However, the
typical inspection strategy of monitoring corrosion rates CSB discovered that the Reliability Department at the Chevron
using a minimal amount of Condition Monitoring Locations Richmond Refinery believed that the 100% component inspec-
(CMLs) would be sufficient. tion initiative recommended by the ETC sulfidation failure pre-
It is important to remember that inherently safer design vention guidance, while important safety work, was an
strategies are relative; a specific design can only be ambitious, unfunded, and unsupported initiative which could
described as inherently safer when compared with a differ- not be effectively performed solely within the normal budget
ent design with regard to a specific hazard or risk [5]. A and headcount resources of the Reliability group. Also, the
design may be inherently safer by eliminating one hazard, Reliability group made attempts to simply implement the ETC
but can inadvertently introduce or aggravate another hazard alternative sulfidation mitigation strategy by recommending
[6]. For this reason, performing a comprehensive, docu- replacement of the 8-inch 4-sidecut piping with higher chro-
mented hazard analysis is vital for identifying the individual mium steel. However, these recommendations were denied
hazards and the likelihood of those hazards occurring, fol- on multiple occasions during the Chevron turnaround plan-
lowed by identifying how they can be effectively controlled ning process. In practical terms, because Chevron ETC was a
to minimize overall risk. The review should include risks of separate business entity within the Chevron corporation and
personal injury, environmental harm, and lost production, had no direct authority over the reliability management within
as well as evaluating economic feasibility [7]. An inherently the Chevron refineries, Chevron ETC sulfidation corrosion
safer systems review incorporated as an integral part of this experts had limited influence on what actually occurred
hazard analysis generates an optimized list of hazard con- within refineries in their areas of expertise. At the time of the
trol choices, offering various degrees of inherently safer incident, Chevron did not measure the implementation status
design strategies. of ETC recommendations and new industry guidance deter-
mined by Chevron technical experts to be critical in ensuring
continued safe operations at Chevron refineries.

The concept of “inherently safer design” was first established by Trevor Turnaround Planning Group Denied Recommendations
Kletz in 1977 in response to the 1974 Flixborough explosion in England.
He presented a lecture titled “What You Don’t Have, Can’t Leak” at the The turnaround work approval process is guided by what
Jubilee Lecture for the Society of Chemical Industry. Chevron calls a “Framing Document.” A “Core Team” are the

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs December 2015 357
Figure 4. Organizational decision-making schematic showing attempts to have carbon steel 4-sidecut piping 100% component
inspected or replaced with a higher chromium steel alloy. Attempts failed due to lack of accountability and lack of authority to
ensure recommendation implementation, and a rigid turnaround planning process that could not approve the 4-sidecut piping
replacement recommendations. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.

main decision makers regarding what potential work items the 4-sidecut line, but Chevron reliability and metallurgical
meet the requirements of the Framing Document and, thus, staff never attempted it. These individuals had not previously
have the potential to be automatically included in the turn- been in the position of having to convince management of
around. Recommendations were made for two turnarounds the importance of their turnaround work recommendations,
prior to the incident to upgrade the 4-sidecut pipe to a so advocating the Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative and
higher chromium material of construction. Inspection data persuading upper management to implement the ETC recom-
for the 4-sidecut piping, where measurements were histori- mendations would be a foreign work area for them. In addi-
cally taken on high-silicon fittings, indicated the 4-sidecut tion, no high-level manager was assigned responsibility to
piping could safely operate through 2016. Therefore, recom- ensure that the ETC Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative or
mendations to replace the 8-inch 4-sidecut piping during the other ETC sulfidation recommendations were included in the
2007 and 2011 turnarounds were denied by the Core Team turnaround scope. As a result, lower level employees who
in accordance with the Framing Document criteria. did not have decision-making or funding authority were bur-
Chevron’s data-driven turnaround management framework dened with convincing Chevron Richmond Refinery manage-
led to unintended negative consequences. The current Chev- ment to implement new industry guidance and the ETC
ron Richmond Refinery turnaround planning framework recommendations.
denies potential, discretionary turnaround work that does not
yet have hard data gathered from refinery equipment to sup-
port it, even if the work request is based on guidance issued Chevron Corporate Equipment Reliability Group
by the industry trade association, American Petroleum Insti- Unsuccessful
tute. This rejection is true even if, as in the case of 100% com- Chevron uses a corporate-wide equipment reliability
ponent inspection for sulfidation damage, the purpose of the expert group, called the Fixed Equipment Reliability Business
work request is to actually generate the hard data. The only Improvement Network (FER BIN), to monitor ongoing reli-
way a Chevron employee can have a work request approved ability efforts at each Chevron refinery. It is intended to be a
based solely on industry guidance is to appeal to management “best practice” network that brings up to date changes in
for the work as an exception to the turnaround framing docu- industry standards into Chevron. It is headed by a technically
ment criteria. The CSB cannot conclusively state whether even qualified subject-matter expert, the FER BIN Leader, who
this method would have resulted in the approval to replace advocates for the implementation of new industry best

358 December 2015 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)
practices or new reliability initiatives, such as the ETC Sulfi- designed integrated system, rigorous programs, and strong
dation Failure Prevention Initiative. leadership for these programs.
The FER BIN 2012 business plan included a task item to The critical flaw in Chevron’s safety programs is their reli-
develop and implement “shaping plans” at Chevron refin- ance largely on individual personnel assertions and initiatives
eries to inspect for high temperature sulfidation. The FER to implement new important safety programs—a bottom-up
BIN Leader was charged with tracking progress of the shap- approach. While this can occasionally be a successful
ing plans at each refinery. However, the CSB found that the method, it is not a reliable way to implement safety-critical
FER BIN Leader had minimal authority to enforce implemen- programs.
tation of the ETC Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative at Chevron can ensure the effectiveness of implementing
the Chevron Richmond Refinery. new safety-critical programs at the refinery level, such as the
In March 2012, 5 months prior to the incident, the FER ETC Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative, by developing a
BIN Leader visited the Chevron Richmond refinery and iden- formalized system that identifies one individual or group
tified that inspection of all carbon steel components suscepti- with decision-making authority within each refinery to be
ble to sulfidation corrosion was not being performed as responsible and accountable for program implementation.
recommended by the ETC Sulfidation Failure Prevention Ini- The implementation efforts can then be tracked as a leading
tiative. The FER BIN Leader identified that Richmond refinery indicator in Chevron’s indicators tracking program.
leadership needed to review and implement the 2009 Chev-
ron ETC Sulfidation Failure Prevention Initiative report and ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
recommendations. As a result of this investigation, the CSB made recommen-
When the FER BIN Leader visited refineries, he met solely dations to the American Petroleum Institute, the American
with inspection managers and inspectors to track progress. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chevron, Contra Costa
He did not meet with higher management within the Rich- County, the City of Richmond, the California State Legisla-
mond refinery to give updates on whether the inspection ture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and several
group was meeting corporate expectations. His assumption
California agencies. The full report can be found at www.
was that the individual refinery lead inspectors would use [9].
the knowledge he provided to shepherd new safety pro-
grams outlined in the refinery FER shaping plan. However,
that implementation strategy did not work at the Richmond
1. ASTM Standard A53/A53M-12, Standard Specification for
No Leak Response Guidance Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded
On the day of the incident, 2.5 h passed between leak and Seamless, ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
discovery and pipe rupture, during which personnel PA, 2012.
attempted to identify the leak location, determine its cause, 2. ASTM Standard A106/A206M-11, Standard Specification
and determine mitigation strategies. Chevron had no leak for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
response guidance or formal protocol for operations person- Service, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,
nel, refinery management, emergency responders, or the 2011.
Incident Commander to refer to when determining how to 3. API Specification 5L, Specification for Line Pipe, 45th ed.,
handle a process leak. Without a protocol, Chevron had no American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, 2012.
formal system to ensure the right people were gathering all 4. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Inherently
important information before deciding on leak mitigation Safer Chemical Processes – A Life Cycle Approach, 2nd
strategies. Such an evaluation could have led to the conclu- Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, Section
sion that the cause of the leak was general thinning due to 2.1, 2009.
sulfidation corrosion, and clamping the pipe—a mitigation 5. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Guidelines
strategy being considered—was not a viable solution for Engineering Design for Process Safety, 2nd Edition,
because the pipe likely did not have the structural integrity American Institute of Chemical Engineers: New York, NY,
to support a clamp. This realization likely would have Section 5.2, 2012.
resulted in deciding to immediately shut down the unit. Fol- 6. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Inherently
lowing this incident, Chevron improved its internal policies Safer Chemical Processes – A Life Cycle Approach, 2nd
by developing and implementing a leak response protocol Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, Section
for determining how to assess and mitigate leaks within the 3.6, 2009.
refinery. The new leak response protocol would require unit 7. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Inherently
shutdown if a similar leak were to occur in a Chevron refin- Safer Chemical Processes – A Life Cycle Approach, 2nd
ery. The CSB made a recommendation to API to require Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, Section
facilities to develop a process fluid leak response protocol. 8.6.4.
8. API Recommended Practice 939-C, Guidelines for Avoid-
Organizational Conclusions ing Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refin-
The CSB found that Chevron management, engineers, eries, 1st ed., American Petroleum Institute, Washington,
inspectors, and operators all see the importance of having DC 2009.
good process safety systems and the value of ensuring that 9. U.S. Chemical Safety Board, Final Investigation Report -
work processes are safe and equipment is reliable. Despite Chevron Richmond Refinery Pipe Rupture and Fire,
this mindset and the existing programs, the Chevron Rich- August 6, 2012, Report No. 2012-03-I-CA, 2015, Available
mond Refinery was unsuccessful in preventing the 4-sidecut at:
pipe from rupturing. A desire to be safe is not enough; to tigation_Report_2015-01-28.pdf. Accessed on August 20,
ensure process safety, organizations must have a well- 2015.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs December 2015 359

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