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Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using
each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as a teacher in a
school: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had
better - would.


• They must be respected by students, parents and other staff of the
• They must be heard by the students, by their parents and representatives
and by the staff of the institution.
• You can make autonomous disciplinary and / or academic decisions in
accordance with the Coexistence Manual.
• You should receive comments based on the performance evaluation
processes to develop your improvement plan.
• I could participate in the academic update programs offered or promoted by
the College.
• They must enforce the rules of the Coexistence Manual, both inside and
outside the Institution.
• They need to engage with students in their comprehensive training. Take
care and protect the welfare of students.
• Better not to participate in activities that go against the principles and values
promoted by the institution.
• Maintain consistency between professional practice and the school's
pedagogical project.
• You have the right to be in permanent professional update.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), you must write 10
things you were doing a few hours ago using when and while:

• While Sandra played the guitar, her mother washed the dishes.
• When it started to rain, my dog wanted to enter
• When Karen went to a language course at the institute, I visited her.
• While I was having lunch, my phone rang.
• While doing my homework, I was watching TV
• When I arrived at the supermarket, it was closed.
• While my girlfriend drank a soda, I swam in the pool.
• While watching television, someone knocked on the door.
• When he got home I was sleeping.
• While washing clothes, it rained

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine the movies will be in twenty years. Use
some pictures related to your text. You should write four paragraphs:

The cinema in 20 years

Thinking about the future is a wonderful thing if we refer to cinema and at the same
time it is exciting. By 2039, we would all like a cinematic concept with many more
dimensions where the viewer is totally immersed in the cinema, the screens of all
cinemas will have at least a minimum quality like 8K, we will all be happy with this
The cinema would be more fluent if we used facial hacking: the future of special
effects applied to characterization. With high-precision projectors, they managed to
change the face of two characters in real time with a multitude of variants and with
incredible precision. of adaptation of the effect to the face.
The possibilities of this technique applied to the world of cinema can be
vertiginous, special effects, masks, all that the audiovisual creator can imagine is
how to enter the screen; and could be applicable to both the world of cinema and
video games. We will visit cinemas where Another of the most probable
technologies is the VR Cinema, a virtual reality glasses system for cinemas and 3D
cinema without glasses for all the spectators in the room.
I would love to see on the big screen a biographical production of Walt Disney, an
influential character in world animation, founder of the brand that bears his name
and that today in 2019 directs the business of film entertainment.

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