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Crysvenne P.

BSED 2 – Ed10 EBD Ms. Goergia T. Cordero

Education 4.0 in the Philippines

A new generation of learners has emerged in the 21 st century replacing

the millennials, which is named as the Generation Z or the Internet
Generation. They are the learners who are technologically dependent which
they consider internet as essential to living. Because of this, there emerges
now the need to have a national conversation contextualizing Education 4.0
Education 4.0 is the new upgrade of education wherein it is mutually
partnered with Industrial Revolution 4.0 which puts learning in mobile.
Education 4.0 deals with the advancement of technology as applied in
education and used to introduce new teaching strategies for the 21 st century
learners, upgrades of the curriculum in line with the industry, and as an
effective tool for the learners to upgrade their knowledge in order to adapt and
adopt the latest features of technology by integration of technology on
As I venture with articles about Education 4.0 I realized that this
upgrade can cause a major changes in the traditional way of teaching the
Filipino teachers already has, making it a little bit hard for us to adjust in terms
of utilities, resources, technological advancements, and competency level of
education by technology in the sense that our country is by far behind in
technology by almost 10 years. The improvements given by Education 4.0 is
actually a promising way to an advancement of teaching and learning but
there are factors that must be consider so that it would be implemented
smoothly and securely. As of today, technology has been integrated in
teaching and learning here in our schools and has been proven effective and
sufficient enough giving convenience to the school and to the learners itself.
The integration of technology by creating diverse and newly discovered
teaching strategies is one of the most effective ways that I can incorporate
education 4.0. To upgrade my teaching styles in line with the demands of the
industry makes education 4.0 suitable upgrade for the benefit of 21 st century
learners so that the level of competency grows.

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