Market Depth by RobertW

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Above is a layout of Schwab’s StreetSmart edge platform showing Block Trade Indicator and Schwab’s level 1, level 2 and

level 3 which they call Market Depth. Their Market Depth Indicator has the top section (level two) with its own scroll bars for
both the bid and the ask. The size of level 2 and level 3 can be user adjusted. Level 3 is below level 2. Beside level 2 & 3 is the
time and sales window (level 1). In the Market Depth and the Time and Sales windows the Font size can be adjusted, the default
size was 11, I have reset that to 13 on my platform for easer viewing.

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Notice that not only is the
text larger but it also has
commas in the share size.
This is possible only
because many things are
user adjustable.

An example of this user

adjustable option is that
the refresh rate is
adjustable, the default
rate on Schwab’s platform
is ten times per second.
This is much faster than
the DOS rate and made
the Schwab platform seem
jumpy and hard to read
when the trades are
coming in fast. I think that
the DOS rate is about
three times per second
making it easer to read.

How ever I was able to

adjust the Schwab’s
refresh rate all the way
down to one time per
second. This made this
platform seem more
stable than DOS and easier
to read.

Between the adjustable

font size and refresh rate
as well as the comma in
the share size, this makes
it easier in my opinion to
see and read.

We have complete ARCA

and NSDQ books with
National Best Bid & Offer
on all the other books.

The real question is it

showing the information
that we need to see? Is it
accurate and complete?
Please compare DAS and
Page 2
I look forward to the room trying it out to see if it is as accurate and complete as DOS. If it is as accurate and complete
than I for one will be glad to get it for FREE with my Schwab account.
I would like to get everyone to try it out and let me know what they think.
See setup instructions below.
By putting your cursor in the middle of level 3 and right clicking you get the below Menu.
The picture below shows my settings.

Also check the “Apply to All Instances” before clicking the OK button.

Page 3
See the FILE, SETTINGS, SCHWAB.COM, HELP options in the picture on page one. See the top left corner of the
picture on page 1.

On your StreetSmart edge platform Left click on the settings option and then settings in the menu to see the below
In the Global Tab, General Settings see the top right corner for “Refresh Rate”
Slide the pointer to the left to adjust the Refresh Rate lower.
I advise a setting of 1 to 3. The default rate is ten and I preferred one.

It you adjust the width of the columns too narrow on your platform, then the platform will drop the left most significant digit,
leaving you with a lot of zeros in a lot of order share sizes.

Good luck and let me know what you think.

THANKS, RobertW Page 4

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