Final Analysis of My Writing

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Lenara Kamalova

Mr. Haponek

English 1101

15 May 2020

Final Analysis of My Writing

Coming into this course, I did not like to write, and I only did it when I needed to.

Finishing this course, that statement has not changed much. English Composition I: Dual Credit

has made it easier to write essays. However, it did not change the fact that I still do not prefer to

write. My goal at the beginning of the year was to write more effectively and improve the skills

that I had not quite gotten down. I wanted to improve my transitions, work on mechanics, and

overwriting. Throughout this course, my transitions did improve, and I was able to fix my issue

with overwriting. Although my mechanics have improved, I still have issues now and then.

During this course, I enjoyed writing the Rhetorical Analysis paper, and I did not like the

Educational History Narrative paper. English Composition I has affected my writing positively.

English Composition I has made the process of writing much easier, but it did not change

my stance on the enjoyment of writing. The lessons, readings, and having to write different types

of essays throughout the year improved my writing skills. Due to this, writing has become easier.

I know how to structure my essays and what to write about it. However, I still only write when I

need too, and for this class, I needed to in order to get a good grade.

I met the goals I put for myself at the beginning of the year. Those goals were to write

more effectively, and to work on my mechanics, transitions, and overwriting. I wrote effectively
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by following the guidelines and the rubric, which gave me the information I needed to write the

papers. This also helped my overwriting problem because I knew exactly what to write about.

My transitions improved as well because I do not use a “weenie” transition anymore. This helps

my essays flow well overall. Mechanics, specifically commas, was a problem I struggled with

the most in the beginning. However, I do not struggle as much anymore because I would ask Mr.

Haponek questions about how to fix it, and he would explain it. The explanations he gave helped

me because after a certain point I started to remember where the commas belonged and where

they did not. Although I did improve my mechanics, I still make errors. I plan to improve this by

continuing to ask questions when I do not understand something.

I enjoyed writing the Rhetorical Analysis essay. I found this essay easy because I had to

analyze a speech and then find the ethos, pathos, and logos. Analyzing is one of the things I am

good at, so I did not find this paper difficult to write. I also liked the speech I chose to write

about, which was about procrastination, so I did not find it boring to write about. However, I did

not enjoy writing the Educational History Narrative paper. I did not like it because it was about

something in my own life and it required vivid sensory details. It was more like a creative type of

paper and I am not good at using vivid sensory details or creating a story, which made this paper

more difficult to write.

English Composition I improved my writing abilities tremendously and it helped me

become a better writer myself. I believe that I have met all the goals I put for myself. I was able

to meet my goals because of the class and the structure of the classroom itself. The class was

very organized, and Mr. Haponek was always there to answer any questions that I had. I learned

many different writing techniques and styles. This class prepared me for any other assignments

and the upcoming English Composition II class.

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