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Animal Abuse


For years, Animal Cruelty has been an issue in other

countries, showing it as an act of violence towards animals.
Base of our research, there are many cases about animal
these may be torturing, confining, killing, mistreatment,
and fighting animals for gambling. For others it can be the
causing of harm or suffering for specific achievement, such
as killing animals for food, for their fur or even their
tusks. Animal Cruelty laws differ by state, and violations
may constitute a transgression, depending on the
jurisdiction. Many animal cruelty laws specifically exclude
accepted animal husbandry practices involving farm animals,
animals used in research, and lawful hunting and trapping of
wildlife. Some states have training and reporting programs
for social workers who suspect animal abuse during the
course of their work in domestic violence and child abuse
and some states provide immunity to veterinarians who report
suspected abuse. Animal Abuse and Neglect is an issue that
not everyone looks at or pays attention to. This is due to
people not being informed of the kind of abuse that pets,
farm animals and wild life animals go through. People need
to learn the connection between animal abuse and domestic
violence and also violence crimes. They also need to know
the effects of animal abuse on the animals in general and on
society. If a human abuses animals of any kind in any way
then the person it’s likely to commit crimes against humans
too, crimes like murders and battery.
Numerous people who witness or hear about cruelty are not
aware that legal action can be taken to help reduce the
problem. Animal companions are primarily subject to state
cruelty laws that vary, from state to state and county to
county. Animal welfare organizations around the country work
daily to educate people about proper animal care and how to
prevent animal cruelty. Examples of intentional cruelty
include, among others, overt abuse, when an individual
purposely imposes physical harm or injury on an animal, dog
fighting and cock fighting.

In specific, animal cruelty can be separated into two

categories: neglect and intentional cruelty.

Animal Neglect

 Animal Neglect is the failure to provide the basic care

needed for an animal to thrive. At first glance, such
cases may seem less trivial than a single, brutal act
of violent abuse, but intense neglect can mean an
extended period of intense suffering that results in
permanent injury or death. A single large-scale case of
neglect can affect hundreds of animals, such as in
cases of hoarding, puppy mills and neglect of farmed
 Neglect can be due to ignorance on the part of the
animal owner and is usually handled by requiring the
owner to correct the situation. If the problem is not
corrected, the animal may be removed from the negligent
person by the law enforcement authorities.
 Participants at the meeting noted that officials would
learn to identify indicators of crime or criminal
neglect. In addition to abnormal behaviors - such as
aggression or embarrassment - and obvious signs of
trauma, these indicators include lack of food, water,
or hygiene. If the animal is tied or tied so tight that
it cannot stand, especially if the chains or locks are
embedded in its skin, or are left in an abandoned
possession, the animal is neglected or abused. Having
too many dogs on the property can be a sign of a
Animal Intentional Cruelty

 Anyone would be cruel to animals especially the people

who feels powerless and it can be many reasons. This is
one the causes that will copy acts they have seen or
that have been done to them because sometimes people
who are cruel to animals. Others see harming an animal
as a safe way to get revenge against—or threaten—
someone who cares about that animal.
 Someone who is violent towards animals may be violent
towards family members or others.
 Intentional Cruelty is when an individual purposely
physically harm or injury on an animal.
 The actual meaning of intentional cruelty is when an
individual intentionally inflicts physical injury or
injury to an animal. When this intentional abuse is
committed, an animal organization such as the ASPCA is
allowed to arrest individuals. If you see or hear about
dog abuse you need to go up and tell someone, tell your
local human society or call the police. If you do not
report it, you are now guilty of abuse. Often people
who abuse dogs are involved in domestic violence, gang
violence, or abused themselves. Studies have shown that
dogs who are often abused are next to their owner. 85%
of domestic abuse cases are caused by men, 65% of
American homeowners have pets, often abusing women who
watch the animal which is leading the abuser to
intentionally harm the animal for the sole purpose of
harming the victim of domestic abuse. Laying a hand on
a dog who is said to be your best friend will never
make any sense to me. Wagging, tongue, and a person
will find them abusing the desirable ball of happiness.


Zoosadism is considered as a form of animal abuse.

According to

1.Mark Griffiths, “The Psychology of Animal Torture,” In Excess [blog], Nov 23,
2016, Psychology Today,

2.What Constitutes Animal Cruelty? | Petfinder. Retrieved October 19, 2019,

3. Animal cruelty and neglect FAQ | The Humane Society of the United,
Retrieved October 19, 2019, from
4. How are you human | Intentional abuse and torture, Retrived October 19 ,
2020. From
PAWS has been actively lobbying for the Republic Act
8485 or the Animal Welfare Act of the Philippines. However,
the government was not ready for it by that time.

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