Innovations As A Crucial Factor of The Catch-Up Economic Growth

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УДК 330.313+330.131.52+330.

DOI: 10.18523/2519-4739.20194.1.3-8

I. Bazhal

Innovations as a Crucial Factor

of the Catch-up Economic Growth
Most developing countries, especially transitive economies, face the problem of incapability to
significantly increase the value of the national product. This article provides arguments that a fruitful
approach to elaborate its challenge is Schumpeter’s theory of innovation economic development.
Schumpeter’s little-known methodological invention is analyzed, i.e. that ‘innovations’ are an isolated
factor of the catch-up economic growth. Such an approach allows getting to better recognizing the leading
role of the strong innovation activities in the catch-up economic policy. The successful economies confirm
this invention of Schumpeter and demonstrate that innovation activities provide the desired economic
development of the emerging countries. The main findings of this article reveal a conceptual meaning of
Schumpeter’s category of ‘innovations’ as an isolated crucial factor of economic development which creates
a new added value and distinguishes the phenomenon of ‘innovation’ as a separate factor of economic
development in traditional models of economic growth. It becomes very important to recognize the crucial
role of the innovation economic policy that supports enterprises with new advanced technology and
promotes the high-tech industries development in order to reach dynamic economic growth and to overcome
the problem of the ‘middle income trap’ for the emerging market economies, including Ukraine. The
methodological possibility to use the innovation policy as a special factor of the catch-up processes in order
to enhance country competitiveness is demonstrated.

Keywords: factors of economic growth, Schumpeter’s theory of economic development, the catch-up
economics, innovations, total factor productivity.

JEL classification: O11, O25, O38, O47, O57

Introduction and Research Problem. The ‘innovations’ in modern economic development. It

distinction Schumpeter’s theory of economic can be illustrated by recognized periodical analytical
development from the majority of other known reports of powerful international think-tank
conceptions is characterized by Schumpeter’s organisations: The Organisation for Economic
category of ‘Innovation’ as a separate fraction of the Co-operation and Development [2], The World
added value creation. Such approach was developed Bank [3], The United Nations Conference on Trade
more than 100 years ago [1]. Nonetheless traditionally, and Development [4], etc. There are thousands of
in many publications, including those by scholar publications for the innovation subject on
Schumpeterian followers, ‘innovations’ are analyzed macro, micro, and mezzo levels of economic
and considered as a means of increasing the labour management and regulation. Nonetheless the
productivity or multi-­factor productivity of given neoclassical domination in modern economic theory
resources such as the Capital and Labour. The factor with the virtually absent the discourse about
‘Technology’ (‘Technological change’) in the innovations as the isolated factor of aggregate
neoclassical aggregate production function was production function does not allow to get recognizing
recognized as an indicator of Total Factor Productivity the leading role of strong innovation activities in the
(TFP). But mainstream publications do not consider catch-up economic policy.
the ideas of Schumpeter’s about the phenomenon of Reсent publications analysis. Analyzing the
‘Innovations’ as independent generator a new added popular university textbooks of economic theory it
value and corresponding resources to create this value is hard to find a broad presentation the Schumpeter’s
in quality of separate ‘input’ among the mentioned innovation theory [5]. As a rule it can be possible to
canonical aggregate production factors. meet short reference on well-known metaphor that
On the contrary, during the last decades many innovation is “creative destruction” and also that
scholars and analytical publications were focused on theory of Schumpeter supports the entrepreneurship
the investigations which disclosing the crucial role of development. The econometric models of
© I. Bazhal, 2019
4 ISSN 2519-4739 (print), ISSN 2519-4747 (online). НАУКОВІ ЗАПИСКИ НаУКМА. Економічні науки. 2019. Том 4. Випуск 1

Schumpeter’s theory mostly tried to put the factor of long-term economic growth is dependent on scale of
‘innovations’ into existing neoclassical models with creating new production structures of economy with
the aggregate production factors [6–8], etc. But as using prospective innovation technology. The
isolated factor the category ‘Schumpeter’s innova- existing technological structure of economy supports
tion’ in many recognized fundamental books in statically processes of general equilibrium, but rank
economic theory has not been used. of development has caused by innovation activities.
The thought that innovations affect the economic Research goal and questions. The variables of
development either through increasing labour capital, labour and their productivity as ‘Total factor
productivity or through increased volume and productivity’ (TFP) are still the main factors in the
productivity of capital is dominating in the conceptual analysis of economic development. It could also be
economic literature [9–11]. mentioned that in these models TFP is impossible
The Neo-Schumpeterian approach of innovation without the productivity indices for existing labour
development [12; 13] tries to develop predictable and capital because this variable represents the
future economic circumstances which are the existing changes in productivity of these factors. This
today but will determine the future economic approach is also applied in the endogenous theories
development. Thus today it is very important to of economic growth where innovation factors are
provide policy in which the main priorities of the identified as individual endogenous variables, though
strategy of economic development concern to they are still linked to traditional resource variables
formation and effective using the knowledge of the production function.
resources for producing innovations. In this sense the Today the practical disadvantage of this approach
Neo-Schumpeterian conception of technological is reflected in the inability of the neoclassical theorists
paradigms is very fruitful and is proved by practice. to explain such acute issues as “the productivity
Our more detailed analysis has shown that the paradox” [15; 16] and “the middle income trap”
weak attention to the category of ‘Schumpeter’s [17–21]. The gap between the productivity levels of
innovations’ in the main macroeconomic theories can emerging and developed countries has significantly
be understandable with recognizing situation that such escalated over recent decades during which the gap
theories are not considering category of ‘innovations’ widened in many cases instead of narrowing as it was
in the sense of an isolated specific factor influencing suggested by the neoclassical theory. The following
the dynamic economic growth [14]. theoretical and practical question became crucial
Unsolved parts of the problem. The Schumpe­ again: how can low- and middle-income countries
terian invention has caused in the economic theory substantially increase the value of their national
the emergence of two contradictory methodological product with a growth rate making it possible to
approaches in order to explain the nature of economic narrow the gap in per-capita GDP?
growth and business cycles  – Neoclassical and Main findings. It may seem that the answer is
Schumpeterian. The first approach, so called known, but if we look in the modern textbooks on
‘mainstream’, recognizes as main aggregate economic theory, we will find out that they only deal
production factors the traditional variables of growth with the problem of correct calculation of the existing
models: Capital, Labour, and the Productivity of GDP Indices. The aggregate production functions
these factors, including increasing such productivity statistically estimate the shares of the national product
from ‘innovations’. The implicit faith in the connected with the previously mentioned production
effectiveness of market driven forces has led to factors. But these functions are obtained from the
ignoring the importance of structural policy to take existing production structure and that is why in the
into consideration the contemporary technological neoclassical interpretation the traditional exogenous
development and challenges. variables lead to a decline in productivity in the long
Theory of economic development of Schumpeter run period. The basic theories do not explain the
had considered technological innovations as the main paradox that productivity growth of the resource
driving force of economic growth. Such logic has led factors at a micro-level lowers the production cost,
to the recognising of the crucial role of structural and in the context of the saturated traditional markets
economic policy and distinguishing the leading with weaker effect of the economy of scale it means
innovation industries and traditional ones in order to that the total cost of production can decrease.
reach dynamic economic growth. This attitude In our opinion it is possible to explain the
denotes necessity of dynamic structural changes in problems of “the productivity paradox” and “the
economy. In first issues of Schumpeter’s fundamental middle income trap” within the framework of
doctrine he called ‘innovation’ as a ‘new combination’ Schumpeter’s theory of economic development.
that are not predictable. According to this theory the This approach demonstrates evidently that
I. Bazhal. Innovations as a Crucial Factor of the Catch-up Economic Growth  5

economy with traditional production structure, or category of innovations on the economy in the
“Statics” economy, will inevitably approach a context with increasing productivity of already
financial and economic crisis, because there is no existing manufacturing resources. That is why the
real development in this case. Schumpeter’s theory mainstream theories did not link the increase in the
proves that the economy based on conservation of wealth of a country with ‘Schumpeter’s innovations’
traditional production structures is unable to obtain which were the specific separated production factors
substantial increase in national wealth. Economic existing along with the traditional production factors,
policy focusing on modernization of production on labour and capital, whose productivity had been
the traditional competitive market restrains measured through the post-hoc data analysis for
creation of new added value. According to the construction of the aggregated production functions.
concept of innovation economic development, The history of economic thought shows that in
sustained growth of the national economy (added methodological constructions without ‘Schumpeter’s
value) can only be achieved with a permanent innovations’ there was always a crisis of economic
innovative growth. Schumpeter calls this type of theory itself. That happened because while the
economy as “Dynamics” that based on other ‘Schumpeter’s innovations’ (appearance of new
methodological framework than the type “Statics” resources, products and corresponding production
economy. This methodological approach is not functions) were ignored as an individual factor, the
represented practically in modern economic dominant mainstream concepts one after another
literature but it must play a crucial role in quickly became explanatory impotent in the context
identification of the current economic problems in of reality and lost their practical value.
emerging countries. Many branches of economic theory methodo-
Schumpeter’s theory allows explaining the logically “overlooked” the fact that technological
“middle income trap” in which many transitive innovations always saved the economy of different
economies got caught. This “trap” lies in the fact countries during recessions and that this factor
that economic policy is focusing on production ensured continuous progress of human civilization. If
increase in traditional industries even through we look at it in the historical context, we can see that
labour productivity growth. Such a policy does not the global economy was constantly developing in
provide powerful resources for dynamic long-run spite of regular crises and pessimistic prognoses, and
development. Schumpeter’s theory gives a new global wealth never stopped increasing. However,
insight into underlying factors which are necessary individual countries had different historical fates in
to undertake effective economic reforms in the that positive civilization trend. Different states
middle-income countries in order to narrow the showed diverse dynamics of economic development;
wealth gap between them and the developed some countries became rich while the others got
countries. It is crucial to consider economic reforms poorer. That diversity of results also gives rise to
not as repair or modernization of the historically serious questions and claims against the dominant
formed economic structure of production but as economic theories because their methodological
progressive and innovative technological changes framework is unable to explain the diversity in the
leading to progress in the future. development of the countries with the same policy
The ‘Schumpeter’s innovations’ must be prescriptions based upon the conclusions of those
considered as a special factor for economic growth theories.
that generates the increasing the aggregated added The numerous empirical studies demonstrate the
value of a country separately from the processes economy which focuses on recovery and development
related to productivity growth of the existing of traditional production structure (pattern of
traditional manufacturing resources. In this sense “Statics”), i.e. on distribution of available resources,
such a factor becomes the main determinant of the cannot significantly increase its wealth and social
successful catch-up processes. The Schumpeter’s wellbeing in the long run because the development of
methodological approach allows substantiating the traditional competitive markets eventually restricts
possibility of accelerated economic development the formation of new added value. Microeconomic
of a country without historically formed resource theory confirms this conclusion, with regard to certain
limitations. Such scenario can be implemented product markets  – marginal profit in such markets
only with innovation-driven growth. Experience should tend toward zero. Therefore, sustainable
of the successful dynamic countries confirms this growth of the national (gross) added value can only
conclusion. ensure innovative development which, actually, shall
In the historical context, the principal economic determine the type of economic development called
doctrines mainly focused on the impact of the “Dynamics” by Schumpeter.
6 ISSN 2519-4739 (print), ISSN 2519-4747 (online). НАУКОВІ ЗАПИСКИ НаУКМА. Економічні науки. 2019. Том 4. Випуск 1

A mere increase in scopes of output of traditional successful countries. The economic strategy of the
productions, even in the mode of increase in labour European Union is a vivid example. Ten-year
productivity, shall not provide a strong long-term strategies  – the Lisbon strategy (2000–2010) and
resource for dynamic development of the country or next the “Europe 2020” strategy – actually represent
its regions. It is difficult to percept Schumpeter’s the Schumpeterian and Neo-Schumpeterian concept,
ideas mostly due to a belief in neoclassical canon, in where new knowledge and innovations are recognized
which attainment of an equilibrium state of Pareto- as the main driving force of economic development
efficiency is the ultimate aim and the objective [23; 20]. These strategies make an emphasis on the
function of a successful economy. However, the fact that along with implementation of traditional
format of analysis of economic “Statics”, i.e. goals of macroeconomic policy  – attainment of
economic development on the basis of traditional macroeconomic stability, improving the efficiency of
production structure, reflected in empirically found available resources and support of employment  –
production functions (i.e. functions found according today the leading role is assigned to those challenges
to data of previous periods), still remains a associated with facilitating an accelerated transition
methodologically weak spot of neoclassical theories to an innovative knowledge economy.
of economic growth. Such methodology of analysis In order to assess the competitiveness of national
of economic processes cannot predict (and explain) economies and innovation activity we used multi-
the state of the economy occurring on the basis of the criteria ranking methods. In fact, such methods
innovation technologies that change the production represent a completely different analytical approach
function itself. than in neoclassical methods of strategic forecast. It
An increase in productivity of the given labour and is not a search of functional dependency between
capital resources (TFP) is the central production factor certain economic indicators in order to have a
representing innovation activity in these models. In possibility of extrapolation of variables of certain
endogenous theories, such an increase in productivity statistical function for future periods, but the search
shall be specified as factors of human capital, patent and assessment of key characteristics for the social
activity, financing of research and development etc. and economic system that will provide an advantage
However, the growth in productivity of traditional for one country (region) over the others in the future.
resources shall be determined with regard to The ranking approach has a weak point associated
comparative products (pre-existing products). with a big list of indicators used in assessment. This
Therefore, this refers to economic “Statics” again. stipulated the demand to form an integral index of
That is why modern Neo-Schumpeterian conceptual many parameters. The question of the existence and
approaches assume that such an economy shall identification of a major competitiveness factor is
definitely come to a crisis of relative overproduction very important to identifying systemic economic
and start to degrade, and its rescue and development problems and finding solutions to them. Historical
would be ensured only by the evolutionary innovation analysis shows that, despite the enormous variety of
leaps in the form of technological revolutions [22]. forms of socio-economic processes, only a few
Innovative technological changes shall alter the characteristics are used to define the main directions
production function itself and, therefore, Neo- of a country’s economic policy.
Schumpeterian theories shall justify the importance of From Francis Bacon’s mono-recommendation
holding innovative restructuring of the economy as a to train a strong army for external conquests – he
central direction of the country’s economic policy. In classified economic science as a “Science of State
view of the above, the state management of processes Expansion”, and all the way to the “Washington
of structural changes related to different types of Consensus” that includes 10 prescriptions for
technologies, particularly, with an emphasis on building a market economy, when we talk about
developing high technologies, is deemed extremely overcoming a crisis and future growth, three or
important. four priority policy directions are in the main
As the events of the last quarter of the 20th century provided. Financial stability and the attraction of
demonstrated, Neo-Schumpeterian theories can foreign investment are frequently named among
adequately explain the nature and driving forces of such priorities.
modern post-industrial economic development. In The above-mentioned methodological approach
this regard, attention can be paid to the fact that this is is heuristically applied, since, in our opinion, experts,
paradoxical enough: Schumpeterian conceptual intentionally or otherwise, have come to correctly
approach is rarely studied in University programs, believe that economies, just like living organisms,
but de-facto it lays at the heart of economic strategies must have so-called “stem cells” which contain, by
and current policies of developed and dynamic analogy, biological codes and mechanisms for the
I. Bazhal. Innovations as a Crucial Factor of the Catch-up Economic Growth  7

formation of other cells and organs. Biologists have representations: neoclassical attitudes describe the
proven that embryonic stem cells can turn into all the economic processes and policy regarding pre-existing
other cells of a mature organism under the influence markets and phenomena, while the Schumpeterian
of certain biological signals and programs. theory of innovation development tries to develop
Adhering to J. Schumpeter’s theory of economic visions and tools to manage processes and phenomena
development and developing it further, we saw that which do not exist today, but will emerge tomorrow
‘Schumpeter’s innovations’ might be such a “stem and will determine the future economic development
cell” of economic growth. This methodological at both macro and micro levels. Thus it is very
approach derives from the historical tradition of the important to provide policy in which main priorities
development of political economy, when the main of the strategy of economic development concern to
theories were formed on the genetic matrix of a formation and effective using the knowledge
certain key factor ensuring the country’s wealth. The resources for producing innovations.
practical significance of this conclusion is that there It is important to recognize of objective character
can be no other socio-economic policy in the modern of Schumpeterian theory in order to build effectiveness
conditions of the new technological revolution and the catch-up policy. The progress of the advanced
globalization of markets than the accelerated countries is primarily ensured by the development of
formation and implementation of an innovative innovative production structures that belong to
model of economic growth. The formation and current and future technological paradigms. In a
practical application of incentives for the development broader sense, the history of human civilization
of Schumpeterian innovations as the “stem cells” of shows that those countries which tried to maintain
the country’s economy will ensure the formation of a their competitiveness only due to expansion and
competitive state, which will develop dynamically improvement of the existing production structures,
and overcome the current crisis and future crises. even if they were highly competitive at a particular
Conclusions and further research proposals. time, became outsiders of the world economic
The ‘Schumpeter’s innovations’ must be considered system. In contrast to this, the focusing policy actions
as a special factor for economic growth that on generating and mastering of innovation
generates the increasing the aggregated added technologies, which create conditions to produce
value of a country separately from the processes new commodities and services, allowed ensure the
related to productivity growth of the existing dynamic economic development.
traditional manufacturing resources. In this sense It is necessary to strengthen the development
such factor becomes the main determinant of the strategy for new industries of economy and
successful catch-up processes. The Schumpeter’s perspective production structures. Major attention in
methodological approach allows substantiating the this strategy shall be paid to the formation of resource
possibility of accelerated economic development potential for generation of innovations that cause the
of a country without historically formed resource formation of new companies, create new jobs in the
limitations. Such a scenario can be implemented regions and new markets in the international context,
only with innovation-driven growth. Experience of rather than to recover traditional production
the successful dynamic countries confirms this structures. For this purpose the first role shall be
conclusion. assigned to measures aimed at developing innovation
A distinctive feature of the innovation economy is potential, strengthening of education and science,
the production of new products and services that had formation of infrastructure for transferring innovative
not been produced earlier. Schumpeter’s theory of technologies, support of innovative activity in all the
economic development and the Neo-Schumpeterian areas as well as its wide international integration in
concepts as well as actual economic practice of the education, research and innovative areas.
last decades proves that a dynamic economic The above the catch-up processes may be effective
development of the country is possible only in an if supported by creation of favourable institutional
innovation model of economic growth. Preservation environment for the growing number of cooperative
and conservation of traditional production structure, relationships between companies, universities and
i.e. reproduction and development only of pre- research institutions of the region, country and the
existing enterprises, even of the very successful ones, world. In this process the role of incentive instruments,
may have only a short-term positive effect. In the which may be offered by the state, increases by far.
long run, such policy shall lead to economic crisis Tax benefits must create incentives for not a mere
and stagnation. company, but a whole production system.
Analyzed features of innovation economy can be
also generalized in theoretical terms as the following
8 ISSN 2519-4739 (print), ISSN 2519-4747 (online). НАУКОВІ ЗАПИСКИ НаУКМА. Економічні науки. 2019. Том 4. Випуск 1

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Бажал Ю. М.

інновації як вирішальний ФАКТОР

наздоганяЛЬНого економічного зростання
Метою дослідження є розробка проблеми нездатності багатьох висхідних країн, включно з Україною,
подолати розрив ВВП на душу населення з розвинутими країнами. Методом дослідження стало застосу-
вання теорії економічного розвитку Й. Шумпетера, зокрема її маловідомого концептуального положення
про «інновації» як ізольований чинник економічного зростання. Такий підхід дає змогу запропонувати
нову методологію вивчення економічної природи вирішальних факторів наздоганяльного економічного
зростання, серед яких головну роль відіграє активна державна інноваційна політика.
Основні результати проведеного дослідження пов’язані з обґрунтуванням концептуального значення
категорії «інновацій Шумпетера» як ізольованого чинника економічного розвитку, який створює нову
додану вартість. Показано, що в традиційних моделях економічного зростання, які належать до неокла-
сичного напряму економічної теорії, феномен інновацій не розглядається як відокремлена від традицій-
них агрегованих факторів економічного зростання рушійна сила економічного розвитку.
Практичним наслідком такої методологічної позиції стає недооцінка важливості інноваційної політи-
ки як головного пріоритету наздоганяльної економіки. Традиційний пакет рекомендацій для таких країн
не містить рецептів щодо створення потенціалу для розвитку інноваційної економіки, а пов’язаний тіль-
ки з підвищенням ефективності вже наявних ресурсів. У статті обґрунтовано висновок про важливість
визнання і теоретиками, і політиками висхідних країн вирішальної ролі інноваційної економічної політи-
ки у разі запровадження моделі наздоганяльного розвитку та розв’язання проблеми «пастки середнього
доходу», а також підтримки та стимулювання підприємств з інноваційними технологіями.

Ключові слова: фактори економічного зростання, теорія економічного розвитку Шумпетера,

економіка наздоганяння, інновації, загальний фактор продуктивності.

Матеріал надійшов 30.04.2019

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