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Virtual General Assembly 2020

8 July 2020
(which should have been in the beautiful town of Porto, Portugal)

Main contacts

Uwe Kies / Radmila Ustych, InnovaWood / +32 472626043
InnovaWood Virtual General Assembly, 8 July 2020

Virtual General Assembly

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Webmeeting via Zoom

Please note that this meeting will be video recorded!

10.00 – 10.10 Opening

Words of by Mark Irle, President of InnovaWood
10.10 – 11.00 General Assembly Part I – Report on Activities and Finances
• Minutes of the previous General Assembly

• Activity Report 2019 & Outlook 2020

• InnovaWood Tribe and Module Bank

11:00 – 11.40 New members presentations

• RWTH Institute for Man-Machine-Interaction, Aachen, Germany

• Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague

• Holzcluster Steiermark, Graz/Austria

• CluBE Cluster for Bioenergy and Environment of West

Macedonia, Greece (tbc)
11.40 – 12.00 General Assembly Part II – Plenary
• New board members election and Resolutions

12.00 – 13.00 Break

13:00 – 13.30 Wood science and technology innovation
• Perspectives of hardwoods research: innovation for novel uses
and markets. Frédéric Pichelin & Ingo Mayer, Bern University of
Applied Sciences, Switzerland
13.30 – 14.10 InnovaWood’s R&D projects
• WoodCircus – Circular economy in the wood sector
• Basajaun – Sustainable wood construction chains
• Rosewood4.0 – Forest mobilisiation goes digital
• Eqwood – Innovation advisor for the furniture industry
14:10 – 14.30 Outlook on joint initiatives
(0:20) • Main activities, Discussion
14.30– 14.40 Closure of General Assembly
Mark Irle, Uwe Kies

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