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Madeline Fletcher

English Composition II

Heather Johnson-Taylor



This paper started our rough for me, but I feel as though I did a good job on it. I found the

topic extremely interesting, as I have a love for listening to music. I enjoyed how we were given

the opportunity to pick the songs that we wanted to compare, instead of being given them. The

main issue I had was with time management.

I had a very busy week so I should have started on the assignment earlier than I did.

Instead, I found myself staying up late trying to finish the rough draft. In the future, I should plan

accordingly when it comes to assignments and try to get them done earlier. I felt as if I took very

good notes on the different music videos, and it also helped that I watched them each multiple


I pride myself in the ability to have organization in my papers, as I make sure everything

will flow together. I think my paper met my thesis statement and it was clear and specific. I

usually struggle with grammar and punctuation on my papers, but I spent a great amount of time

trying to edit and revise. Next time, I would also like to get a third opinion, just in case the

second person missed something as well. When comparing the final paper I will submit to my

draft, there is not much difference except the correction of punctuational and grammar issues.

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