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I i Se . it de it ' ry ng Hts “TEAK www. aikidojournal. com Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan Preface to “Takemusu Aiki by Morihiro Saito Koshinage" I would like to offer a few words of introduction concerning this rare technical manual written by Morihiro Saito (1928-2002) and published by Aiki News in 1981. At the time of the publication of "Takemusu Aiki Koshinage," Saito Sensei was 50 years old and in his physical prime. His mastery of technique and ability to organize and explain aikido's vast cur- riculum are legendary. Saito Sensei's extradordinary skill and great atten- tion to detail will be readily apparent to readers of this volume This manual was part of a project I realized together with Morihiro Saito during the period of my residence in Iwama, Ibaragi Prefecture, in the late 1970s and early 1980s. With Saito Sensei's cooperation, I took several hundred black and white photos of numerous aikido techniques, both basic and advanced, inside the Iwama Dojo. Some of the technical sequences from this collection of photos were published in “Aiki News” during this time frame in bilingual format. Saito Sensei's uke in these photos is Jason Yee of California who was an uchideshi in the Iwama Dojo at that time All together, two manuals were published, this one on koshinage--aikido's hip throw techniques--containing 26 forms, and an earlier volume presenting numerous techniques from katatedori grabs. The preparation of these manuals took the form of Saito Sensei tape-recording explanations for the respec- tive techniques while viewing photo layouts. From this, a Japanese text version was created which I then translated into English. Only about 200 or 300 copies of "Takemusu Aiki: Koshinage” were printed Most of these were sold within a relatively short time. There was no second print run due to lack of funding. The booklet eventually went out of print and many years later, I found myself left with only one archival copy of the Koshinage volume. In fact, I could find not a single copy of the first volume of Katatedori techniques, much to my chagrin. As fortune would have it, Clark Bateman, compliler of the Aikido Journal Bibliography, was recently able to locate and procure a used copy of the missing booklet which will be scanned and published shortly in ebook format. High-resolution scans from my original copyfof/™akemusu Aiki: Koshinage” were made to produce this ebook. Minor layOut\chariges--mainly the alignment and centering of elements on the page--Rave been introduced using photo editing software to enhance the final\appéarance of the ebook. Publications like this in PDF format offer a numbex\of advantages over the printed medium, most notably the ability ito-Zdem in on photo details, a great aid in the study of these tdehfiigues* Even though I demive some satisfaction from having preserved many important aikido documents\ig my research over the years, the task is unending. Thus on this occasion 6f the publication of "Takemusu Aiki: Koshinage" in ebook form, Tyam\pl€ased with the knowledge that another rare document from a gregtfaikide master has been snatched from the jaws of oblivion, and made aVablabYe to-the worldwide aikido community. Stanley Pranin April 2012 x a Takemusu JN Aiki \@ = ’ ; ATRRSFEL ICE VER Morihiro Saito Sensei 8th Dan t « éd WEES KOSHINAGE Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan This is the second in a series of technical manuals published by AIKI NEWS with the kind cooperation of Morihiro Saito Sensei. Once again, Saito Sensei has given graciously of his vast expe- rience and knowledge of the Aikido taught to him by O-Sensei. We would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his generous support and assistance in helping us make this project a reality. As we all know, and words on a page are not the best way to learn about something as active and dy- namic as Aikido. There is no substitute for the direct teaching of a qualified in- structor. We do, however, hope that this collection of techniques will serve as a supplement to your training. Our intention is that this manual provide a strong foun- dation for the correct per- formance of "koshinage" (hip throw) techniques. Although, we have tried to be clear in our photos and explanations, I'm sure that you will be left with a few questions. Please note that in some of the sequences we have changed the angle of the uke and nage so that you are afforded a better view of the action. (These changes are indicated in the text.) we must also leave it up tofyou and your training partner to fill in the gaps between the photos by trying the tech- niques on eachrother. If youssare able to learn and utilize the techniques we have presented here, we will have accomplished our goal. pictures COSREFSB, Bois, APL TEORR A SMBIIICE DO, R=. — APOoMRSVE Lic WRG, ARE ARBASHED FEARS NTWOBSRKUAR WOBRLARE. BM CoAUICHAS NTHEF. THEMMISICHIEOT. COMBERRT SICH LAB PRHELTC RS OKAREIC, > SBROBEMBNSE TOKE KBTH. PFAOL FIC, MRANIAL TOR RPBBLO TH, EMNTIAF So 7 CHhEAGRHEFEOICIA, BROGEE EREAEGA. ERMUICHED SOK BORA LMMTSCLEHSVELA. L PLES, Asks, RHOK SAORE ICT OBAAEDLICI OCHA 5 TL Eh 2TBVEF, COFUMIKT. CB HR) ORO TEBE CE SR SE < TEAL, RA ORALTSLCATH. COCCHI. SRLRMEDPO PT KFSLIICEBHELKA, MHOC th, ERO, DPORM MIS TETL & Do HAMAFA ICBO TH, BANLOR PI 6. BML PTUE SIC, RIP DAELEATHSLTSRHVEFOT GTRKPFEW. (4NSORB LIBANICA LTHOES. ) MRE HUKLS REDON — bh FRET NGOREP DSSTEICED, FRICKE SF 477 EMOTO. KABMO LigUsT DEtA. RBORS AA, WIEMT TCO LVI LURE, THA SADBHICIL CELIMGIL, Re LADEORRED) MT STLEMCAKLBAE LL G6 KATADORI KOSHINAGE (11 (2) grasps with his When your left right hand, strike at his face with your left hand. He should block your atemi with his left hand. [3] When he does so, his left wrist with right hand. {4][5] Step in, lean forward, draw his arm across your»back and throw him over your*hips. your opponent shoulder grasp your * is and NOTE: In any»koshinage, it essential. ‘that your body your «Opporent's be at right angles to each other, forming) Ya’ ‘cross shape when yottmaise him on your hips. 2 SEOKECARERSICKEMA, AF IC CHT ORMET 2. HFREFT 4FEZIS. @ tOhGFCHFOLFEERE. AG) AEA CRE BEL, HFORE PRICH 2 TOR, BUCA SCF ICME THE 7S. *EE* SBR EO THET Lid, BESRICMUR, HFLAR LOK PFI, BAIA CHUTE SMWLVSTECH. KATADORI KOSHINAGE (1][2] When your opponent grasps your left shoulder with his right hand, strike at his face with your left hand, He should block your atemi with his left hand. (3] When he does so, allow his left arm to come down in front of you by swinging your hips to the right and grasp his left wrist. [4] Then using the same boay movement as you would in shihonage omote, draw his arm across the front of your body. * Change of angle in photos * [5][6] Continue as you would for shihonage, drawing him across your hips and throw. 02) WEAF CARMA Ica LAL AF CHF ORMATO. MFBAF CS FERS. Gl BeaAicdiah es oHFORME ZOEEMAIMARLSUS. HFOK Fume, BD PARGRCALASITSICKD, 8 FORME AD OKOAT ITS ABS. * i RRERA x BE BARTOK cB, BOLIC MEICG ASHE THR Bo MUNADORI SHOMENUCHI KOSHINAGE (1]1[2] When your opponent grasps your lapel with his right hand and moves to strike your face with sho- menuchi, reach up and grasp his left wrist with your right hand. [3] Step across his body with your right foot and move your left foot into position slightly in front of and be- tween your opponent's feet. [4] Throw him over your hips. Nad if AE FT BERT (2) WEAF CMA O LRAT. BEL (EMT 6S Leki, BEELEC FORFE TRE. @ BRtEHFOKOMMAANED, £ LUAFOMEOMICO TD ICMHAAt @ AFABOLD SRS. KATATEDORI KOSHINAGE [1][2] When your opponent grasps your right wrist with his left hand, raise up your right arm as you would in kokkyu-ho and grasp his left wrist with your right hand at the same time striking at his face with your left hand. (31[4] As you step in under his arm, position your left foot between his legs and move your right foot in line with your left. Extend your right arm fully, and throw him over your hips. FIO BS OD WEAF CHEM HMA ICS Hh @, EF CRFORMENTS, Aik OF BRC CHE 1 EH LETS. BA HFOROTIKH4ERt FOR ROMICHE, ALtAICBHS 3. A ERAN LI LBFER S, KATATEDORI KOSHINAGE WPI BER ye {1][2] When your opponent 2 HFMHF CAPS SMASH grasps your left wrist with & DHRU OKRA CHE CHIEAN his right hand, move your left hand across in front of you as you would in shihonage : and strike at your opponent's * ALR ESH * face with your right hand. I * Change of angle in photos * a BU OGECHEOEFEMS. [3] Grasp his right wrist Pe with your right hand and WE BREAS < i, BR OIRsiIC continue as you would in A%e shihonage. [4][5] Lean in, draw his arm across your back and throw him over your hips. RYOTEDORI KOSHINAGE [1][2] When your opponent grasps both of your wrists with both of his hands, enter by turning your body to the right and using your right hand as in kokkyu-ho, swing up your opponent's left hand and grasp his left wrist. At the same time, step in with your left foot, positioning it between his legs. Use your left hand and arm to guard against a kick by sur- Pressing your opponent's left leg. (3][4] Draw him across your hips and throw. Wj FIR) BEBE 2 WEAF CHEERS ick eH By KEGICOND EF CHREICED, AFtRRLOFREMS. ARICERE AFOMLOMICHA, AFFORD EBCKBIMATHES OA WFeROLPoRVS. RYOTEDORI KOSHINAGE (1) [2] grasps with your body lift your kokkyu-ho right hand. 3] When both both your opponent of your wrists of his hands, turn to the left and right arm as in while covering his wrist with your left Step across his body with your right foot and position your left foot between your opponent's feet while ex- tending his arms fully and grasping both of his wrists. * Slight angle change in photos * [4] Throw him over your hips. Wh FB 0 WBE BES 2) AFSmE CHES EMA TS B. KERKURVEFTHFORFEE MACH SOBREFREOCE RO LT Bo @ AREBFORORMMAAICHL. Hi FED DEORE ICHNE L AR*CMPOMBOMICH<. + HERBS x A BobkpomFtins. RYOTEDORI KOSHINAGE {11[2] When your opponent grasps both of your wrists with both of his hands, turn your body to the left and lift your right arm and grasp his left wrist with your right hand from underneath. At the same time, grasp his right wrist with your left hana. [3] Then, extending your arms fully and grasping both of his wrists firmly, step across his body with your right foot and position your left foot slightly in front of and between his feet. [4] Throw him over your hips. Wi FA WEB 2 MEF CHP SERS SRE &. KERR VEE LI TOFCR D>OMFORFA EME. MICH FOR FRtEFE CH. @ Om, Bese IChs LAF ORMF BEL 20D EE EHFOKOMDIC Ht. KESBFORMEOMICNS ¢ tts. @ BObLPoOMF ERTS. =10= MOROTEDORI KOSHINAGE (11(2] (3) grasps your right both of his hands, When your opponent wrist with raise your right hand as if you were raising a sword above your head, drop your hips and move your left leg in a circle to the left. [4] Step to your right with your right foot, draw your right arm across in front of you and grasp his right wrist with your right hand. At the same time, deliver an atemi. [5] Step between his feet with your left foot, draw his arms over your head and reach down with your left arm to guard against a kick. [6] Throw him over your hips. ne i FIO BEBE OG WEE CAFATRSICeK BA, GPRM DSB £5 ICHOL iio CHS, REBEL LAREN EHC LIKANBHTS. @ GREGASML, AbPERIAICS|& St, HECHFORFREME. FIC. 4SEAND. HFOMEOMIKAREAN, HFO ROA bIC5| AB ABUT BLD POF BEBICREMATH (0 BO LD OHMFERTS. MOROTEDORI KOSHINAGE (11[2][3] When your opponent grasps your right wrist with both of his hands, raise your right hand, drop your hips and move your left leg ina circle to the left. [4] Step to your right with your right foot, draw your right arm across in front of you, grasp his left wrist and deliver an atemi with your left hand. * Change of angle in photos * [5] Step across his body with your left foot, extend your left arm under his arms and position your right foot be- tween his feet. [6] Throw him over your hips. ODS WPF CAF EMA IC HH Ay BEBE UTHRERICN EK KS (CRF TITS 0 @ AREAL, Abe HIA ICS et, MFORFAtMA CEE CURE Ando * LRESH * GB) WFOMMIANARZHL. AE FORO Ficthd UTHER SAFO, FE OAHITIE So 6) BOLD OMPeETS. =12- MOROTEDORI KOSHINAGE (1) [2] grasps your (3] When your right wrist his hands, raise right hand, drop your and move your left leg circle to the left. [4] Step to your your right foot, right arm across you, extend your right blade against his wrist, step in with foot under your opponent's arms. * slight angle change photos * {5] Drop tion your his feet. [6] Throw both of right draw your right foot him over your hips. opponent with your hips ina with your in front of hand right your left and extend your left arm in hips and posi- between a OOS AFSMFECHFHAMSICS te SA, BFELO BEBE UCERENE Hi SK SICEENFE 2 THT <0 @ GREGG, WT ICaeSE SUF OGFAtHFA CWA 5. EE SHEUNF ORO Fr ome iT. * HERES * @ Bese l, HFOMROMICERE iR OMFS. EFT WET WFSHFCEMEITSEAATREM Ay EFMMHE LBFOMT Ses. + AERESH Q ARt#HLUERAAFOMEOMIC <. @ BObLPomFes. SHOMENUCHI KOSHINAGE {1][2] In this initiate the right shomenuchi. opponent counters with his right hand, step off to the left with your left foot and deliver an atemi to his right side with your left hand. {3] Bring his right hand down and grasp it as you would in sankyo. [4] Raise technique you attack with When your his arm and step in with your right foot while delivering an atemi to his face with your right hand. {5] Draw his right arm over your head, swing your left foot to the outside while guarding against a kick. [6] Throw him over your hips. == EET SBE 12 CoORCeO CARAFE BCRELEF. HEBHFCMAITOT Ki, BRU -SERA ICED, AF THEOADE MICHA EAN S. B WFOAFE FANTSHSAL, SK ko TEOFHES. @ WFOMABCAF CEMICHSEA NBS ARELED 5. G MFOARMERLICEI, BY ee BBOREE MMIC S BO LP>oOMFARIS. Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan YOKOMENUCHI KOSHINAGE {1][2] When your opponent comes with a right strike to the side of your head, reach up with your left hand and grasp his right wrist. {3] Step through with your right foot and position your left foot between his legs while extending your right arm under his right arm. [4] Drawing his right arm downward, throw him over your hips. BEET 5 EBL OD mF cH cTCLIE SOWA, EPA LBFORFR EE tte @ AReHICHEORD AMEMFOR MOPICRAMH LENS, ARRHFOR SLOMINCIR< » @ WFOLME THIS e, BOL POMPE 3. eos YOKOMENUCHI KOSHINAGE [1] When your opponent comes with a right yokomen strike, using a Circular motion, meet his right wrist with the hand-blade of your left hand and at the same time use your right hand to deliver an atemi to his face. (2] Bring his right and grasp his right with your right hand. (3] Swing his arm across arm down wrist the front of your body as in shihonage and deliver another atemi to his right side with your left hand. * Change of angle in photos * (41[5] Continue as in shiho- nage, draw his arm over your head and throw him across your hips, =20- BETTS BE O BEF CHAT oC RA, Eh < £5 LCHFOGFAIAFA ede, MGICHFECEHICMAEAR Bo Q WEOAMAHSEEL, AF CHE OfF EERE. @ AFORAH OTA AAR ORR CH THUS, EF CHUMFORD A IC4HEANS. + HERES * AE) ARO RICL CHF ORE LE (HB, EO LITT REIMER 3. TACHISHIME KOSHINAGE [1][2] When your opponent attempts to choke you by crossing his hands at your collar with his left hand below his right, step in with your right foot and, in an upper-cut fashion, strike his chin with your right hand. [3] Continuing along the line of the atemi, step farther in with your right foot and po- sition your left foot between his legs. At the same time, extend fully with your right arm. [4] Draw your right arm down across his right elbow and throw him over your hips. VED Halt BERET 2 WEASF*PICAFS Lichact AV EMARERD OTK I ELAHAY " ARLEDAFTHECO PRGGEANS. B@ 4StAncekaLeEAS < Alice OPFOMROMICLE EE < PlRFIC, ARMERAICRE MTS @ AMETAN SSH. BFOGHE DDAIAA THO Li SIRF 5. 216 Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan USHIRO RYOTEDORI KOSHINAGE [1][2] When your opponent grasps both of your wrists with both of his hands from behind, draw your hips back while raising up your arms. [3] Turn your hips to the right and bring his left arm over your head to your right side. {4] Drawing your arms down- ward, throw him over your hips. BEA tiki FH 0 WEB 2 BFA oF CHER ERA RSA, MERITS SH LIS ORE RAREMWT. @ BtéHicvnd, HEOLR*ED DROGLICLS. @ REP AICSs, BEEROLDS IS. -22- USHIRO RYOTEDORI KOSHINAGE {1][2] when grasps both with both of his hands behind, draw your and raise your arms. {3] While turning your to the right, grasp his left hand with your right hand as you would in sankyo. [4] Raise his left arm over your head, extending it fully and making sure that your left foot is positioned be- tween his legs. [5] Throw him over your hips. your of your opponent hands from hips back hips =252 WEBS 2 BEM F CkSD CMF REA RG, BLRAICRS WLMFELTS. @ Btapicvnv rs, HFCHK OB CHFOLF AML. QD PFOA Licteo see iclld L MS, ERGMFOREOMICE < BO bron tz s. USHIRO KATATEDORI KUBIOSAE KOSHINAGE [1][2] When your opponent grasps your left wrist with his left hand and attempts to choke you with his right arm from behind, draw back on your left foot and raise your left arm. [3] In a large motion, draw your left arm circularly over your head, thrust your hips out to the right and extend your right arm under your opponent's arms. [4] Draw your arms downward and throw him over your hips. BAW FIMO PH ABET 02 FARA OLF CAFES BFE RA CHD DIES ELE & Eta, ARELTS. @ Bbicks < ASS £5 ice L. BEhRArREMS. GH FO BOP OWT. @ GRATHTSAeHFt BOLD BRUWTS. oa4 USHIRO KATATEDORI KUBIOSAE KOSHINAGE {1][2] When your opponent grasps your left wrist with his left hand and attempts to choke you with his right arm from behind, draw back on your left foot, raise your left arm and grasp his left hand with your right hand as you would in sankyo. [3] Bring his left arm over your head, thrust your hips out to the right and position your feet. [4] Throw him over your hips. RAW FIMO FS A BE 2 FMA ORF CRP ATMA, BF CHEMA THO IG TEMA, E BELG GSARELTERORECH FCHFOEF ML, @ BO LICHFORBIAH THe, B SHEAICREWL, MREMYCLTS “BS @ WFEBOLD ORS. =25= KOSHINAGE KAESHIWAZA (11[2][3] When you attack your opponent with a left Shomen strike, he counters and moves in to throw you using iriminage. [4] As he attempts to throw you, reach across and grasp his left hand with your right hand as you would in sankyo. [5] Draw his left arm over your head and extend it fully. [6] Throw him over your hips. =36= WEE IPI L BK OOH jcckseF CEMA ORME (LEAUCHMAFT a TAY FRUIT ORBIZA bet. @ ME LILT o, AF CHF DEFELRCHE. OB RkcHFOLMERS Lee Ich fd © BobPomrewys. Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan KOSHINAGE KAESHIWAZA [1][2] When you attack your opponent with a right thrust, he counters by moving to your right and grasping your right hand. (3][4] When he attempts to throw you using kotegaeshi, extend your arm powerfully as you pivot on your right foot and position your left foot between his legs. [5] Draw your arm downward and throw him across your hips. WEBS TIE LK 2 ACKPMFEHECR BA, A FUSEKOLAICBY LEFE RSET. OD BFO)PELHRTLS EF SiH, GREML LTE DY ISAS AMES SHL, HFOMRBOMICEREE <. BD MEPAGSHUMICME THIS, aoe Kho sach v6 thuat phi loi nhuan INDEX Katadori cecsccsessecccceseeees 3 Munadori . Katatedori ..... ecccccccecccces 6 iiencebistl Godogendsdéoannbosdee Morovedoriunnant seine cece sell Ryokatadorlmcstsciasser

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