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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuanpendidikan : SMAN 1 Sarmi
Kelas : X (Sepuluh )
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu :

Untuk soal obyektif berilah tanda silang (X) pada lembar jawab yang tersedia (bobot soal
obyektif 1)

Read the tex bellow and answer the question careful. This text for question nomber 1-4

1. What is her surename?

a. Berta C. Triso De Molina E. Castallana
b. Rodiriquez D. Smith
2. Postal code where she lives?
a. 11/6/97 c. 3491 e. 28059
b. C/castallena 27, 4 B Madrid d. 27,4B
3. When was the data of form checked by registar /Principal?
a. 11/06/97 c. 24/07/014 e. 26/07/14
b. 24/07/14 d. 11/06/1997
4. Mr. Renol has three sons and three daughter, all in all six.....................
a. Child d.childs
b. Kid e. Children
c. Childes
5. I don’t have ......................problems in filling in the form
a. Some d. Alot of
b. A e. Enough
c. Any
6. Sarah and alex have got ....................friends from I ndonesia
a. Any c. Little e. A few
b. Much d. Most
7. How money do you have in your wallet?
a. Much d. Several
b. Many e. Little
c. Any
8. You.....a noise . My sister is sick
a. Should not make
b. Should make
c. Shoulld have made
d. Should not has made
e. Should makes
9. Ranti home rather than cryng because of her torn shoes
a. Should have slepted
b. Should sleeped
c. Should been sleeping
d. Should be sleep
e. Should slept
10. Rini ............ water because she has thr hiccups
a. Should drunk
b. Should be drinking
c. Should have drunked
d. Should drink
e. Should been drinking
11. ...............her my book even though she is a liar?
a. Should i lend
b. Should i have lend
c. Should i been lending
d. Should i be lent
e. Should i lended
12. They because they has tootache

a. Should not see

b. Should see
c. Should have seen
d. Should seen
e. Should be seing
Read a scedule bellow and answer the question careful. This scedule for question
nomber 13-16!

13. Where is diana going to buy novel?

a. At the Airport
b. At the cellphone store
c. At the yohaa bookstore
d. At sisters house
e. At chicky restoran
14. When is Diana going to accompany her sister to her friends weeding party??
a. On Wednesday
b. On Monday
c. On Tuesday
d. On thrustday
e. On Monday-Saturday
15. What is diana going to do on monday morning?
a. Cook fried rice for lunch
b. Have a phone ceel with friend
c. Buy a novel
d. Accompany sister to friends birth day party
e. Pick up sister at the airport
16. What is diana going to do on Sunday evening?
a. Read new novel
b. Read a book
c. Call a friend
d. Go to the weding party
e. All is correct
17. Both ..............and sheep have four legs
a. Duck
b. Cow
c. Snake
d. Hen
e. Ant
18. Both rana and rara................beautiful
a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. Was
e. Where
19. Both rana and chika .......................birthday gift at the same date because they are
a. Getting
b. Is
c. Gets
d. Get
e. Are
20. Neither this novel ....................thats novel isinteresting
a. And
b. Or
c. Nor
d. But
e. Of
21. Either chicken soup .................ginger tea is good for cough
a. And
b. Or
c. Nor
d. But
e. Of
22. Ether chicken porrige or good for diarrhea
a. Pudding
b. Fried chicken
c. Omelette
d. Boiled potato
e. Fried tofu
23. Neither likes the movie
a. And
b. Or
c. Nor
d. But
e. Of
24. Either my brother or my friend ......................soyabean cake
a. Like
b. Liked
c. Likes
d. Is
e. Are
25. Wina is not only deligen but also......................
a. Greeedy
b. Sleepy
c. Smart
d. Shy
e. Anggry
26. Not only my brother but alsomy sister school by riding bicyce
a. Gone
b. Went
c. Goes
d. Go
e. Going
27. Not only my father but also my friends.............listening the old song
a. Like
b. Liked
c. Likes
d. Be liked
e. Be likes
28. Shinta .................making ginger cookies while her husband is driving here
a. Will
b. Will have
c. Will be
d. Will been
e. Won’t be
29. Dion the english novel in short time
a. Will
b. Will have
c. Will be
d. Will been
e. Won’t be
30. Why ...................move to another
a. Will you be
b. Will you has
c. Will you
d. Will you been
e. Won’t you been
31. Why will you...........the dentist? Do you have a tootache?
a. See
b. Saw
c. Seen
d. Sees
e. Seeing
32. Will you have...............this house after you become an actress?
a. Visiing
b. Visits
c. Visitor
d. Visited
e. Visit
33. How you will have .............the sadness in the future if you always remember it and
a. Forget
b. Forgot
c. Forgetting
d. Forgeted
e. Forgotten

Read a text bellow, and answer the question!this text for question nomber 34-35

34. What does the paragraph one tell us about?

a. Who Gustave eiffel is
b. Gustaves child hood
c. Gustavas scholling
d. Gustava sturggles
e. Opinion of author about gustave
35. What did he do before his death?
a. He studied meteorogical subject
b. He bulid a fridge
c. He studied contrtuction
d. He worked in the garabit vuaduct
e. He left paris
II. Essay

36. Make some sentences using some word bellow in to positive, negative, and
interogative sentences in simple present tense way
a. Go
37. Make some sentences using some word bellow in to positive, negative, and
intergative sentences in past tense way
a. Study

Read text bellow and answer the question careful!this text for question for nomber 38-40!

38. When did she recorded her first english language album?
39. When celine dion was born?
40. When celine dion’s husband passed away?

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